Day: November 6, 2019

Wed. Nov. 6, 2019 – ham lunch, more running around

Cool, humid.

Yesterday ended up warmer than it started, but still nice. My auction pickup was on the other side of town, and I had some other errands to run, so that ate my afternoon. I did sell and ship one ebay lot. Yea me! I got a few more listings done, and a couple more items up on Craigslist. Still nothing from my other listings though.

Just as a PSA, my gun store buddy thinks prices will be rising dramatically as the election gets nearer. Might want to take advantage of prices as they are right now. Especially if you believe CWII is on the horizon.

With that cheery thought, you might want to look into body armor and some threaded barrels… because you def won’t want to attract attention if you do need to get kinetic.

Whoever let loose last night woke up half our neighborhood. Constables couldn’t find anything, but looking at FB group reports, it must have been in or near the open power line right of way that cuts through our neighborhood. There are a couple of nuisance properties in that area too. One neighbor on my street got an audio recording from his doorbell cam. You can hear at least 2 other shots. So it was an exchange of gunfire.

I might step up my moving plan a notch. I love this house, but too much stuff is starting to happen around us. There seems to be an increase in vibrance lately too. I am not amused.


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