78F and 93%RH this morning, with the sun poking out.
Didn’t sleep well. Bad dreams continued into this morning, and started me off on the wrong foot.
The news hasn’t made it any better.
3rd world pissants have made and used deadly drone aircraft…
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-05/drone-strike-pro-haftar-forces-public-assembly-kills-over-40-libya and yet no one much seems to be talking about what this means for the world.
The whole world is in turmoil, and things are not going to end well. I know, doom and gloom for at least the last several years… but look at the changes in those last years.
The geo-political landscape really is changing. The world is rearranging itself and we are caught up in it.
Like the list of crime in my previous post, start listing the big changes in the last two years, and it gets surprising quickly how big and how fundamental some of those changes were.
Stay frosty my friends.