Supposed to be clear and nice today and tomorrow. I’ll update that before I leave the house. [59F and not quite saturated]
I’ve got a pickup in San Marcos, so I’ll probably swing by Austin as well and hit the surplus store. Depends on the time and how long everything takes. Minimum, I’m on the road for 5 hours, with an hour or so between cities at the far end. That means I won’t be here.
Some hard core prepper links (that I haven’t read yet) to keep you occupied. From one of my EMgmt newsletters.
Preppers and doomers always talk about how quickly our Just In Time based world will fall apart and how fragile it is. Here are a couple of links that address that very thing.
“Aligning Public and Private Supply Chains Following Disasters
PrepTalks GraphicDr. Jarrod Goentzel’s PrepTalk, “Aligning Public and Private Supply Chains for Disaster Response”, demonstrates how the private sector has far more capacity to respond than the public sector, explains the role of emergency managers in supporting private sector supply chain restoration, and shows how analysis of supply chains can help with strategic and tactical preparedness and operational collaboration during a crisis.”
“Private Sector Resilience: It is All in the Supply Chain
PrepTalks GraphicDr. Yossi Sheffi’s PrepTalk, “Private Sector Resilience: It is All in the Supply Chain”, explains the modes of failure in supply chain networks, explores new ways to think about disruptions, and showcases a General Motors case study on the complexities of supply chain management.”
So what can you do before disaster strikes???
These taxpayer funded FEMA resources exist to answer that question. And might provide the basis for some PA novel, if you were inclined that way…
Strategic and Operational Planning
The purpose of this page is to provide information on strategic and operational planning. The National Incident Management System is intended to be used by the whole community. The intended audience for this page is individuals, families, communities, the private and nonprofit sectors, faith-based organizations, and Federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments.
And for the really detail oriented…
“CPG 101, Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans, Version 2
How to Use This Guide CPG 101 is designed to help both novice and experienced planners navigate the planning process. Used in its entirety, this Guide provides information and instruction on the fundamentals of planning and their application. Chapters 1 and 2 lay the foundation for planning efforts by providing information on the basics of planning (Chapter 1) and the environment within which planners function (Chapter 2). With an understanding of these fundamentals, the Guide then transitions from theory to practice by discussing the different plan formats and functions (Chapter 3) and moving into an explanation of the planning process (Chapter 4). A detailed checklist, building upon Chapters 3 and 4, is provided in Appendix C. Because Appendix C provides a set of detailed questions to consider throughout the planning process, users are encouraged to copy or remove this checklist and employ it as they work through the planning process in Chapter 4.”
There are a BUNCH of interesting looking PREPtalks in the left hand sidebar on the pages linked above. This is going to be a time suck soon…
Until then, I’m on the road and will only be checking in periodically.
Tell me what you did this week to plan, or prep.
ok, can anyone deny these are the end days for the empire given this?
What about their protected religious practices now? Animal sacrifice? Black Mass? Human sacrifice? All cultures are equally valid after all.
This is how a civilization ends.
No terror charges. Which probably means there was nothing there but a headline in the first place.
Jeez, the guy read the wrongthink thing, and had only ten boxes of ammo in total for all 15 of his guns. Less than a box or two per gun, and the pants sh!tting hysteria begins. Ignorant pansies would explode in their shoes if they came to Texas.
That is a good start.
Soon to morphed into high powered assault rifles with a storehouse full of ammunition.
I have a friend in San Antonio that has probably a hundred guns in a locked and secured room. He even has a .50 cal on display. For ammunition he probably has 20,000 rounds. Carries a gun all the time. My friend would make Hasson look like an amateur. Only difference is my friend does not advertise himself.
My prep today is to see Avengers: End Game with The Twins. In Cinemark XD (EXTREME DIGITAL!!!!). That way I’ll remember how the World was before the Barackalypse.
My son and his friends are going to see Avengers on Sunday. The wife and I are going early Tuesday afternoon. There is no way she and I can put up with opening weekend crowds.
I will probably go see Avengers on Tuesday, matinee if possible, 3D of course. Or I may just order it on iTunes for $20.00 and wait for the release in a few months. Will be cheaper and I can take a bathroom break.
Will be cheaper and I can take a bathroom break.
This. Exactly this. The last theater movie I went to was Avatar. That will be my next one as well. I don’t enjoy the experience as much as many seem to. I like to turn it up or down based on how I feel. I want to pause to go to the restroom – or even to stand up. Eat my own food.
My wife & kids DO like going to the theater. I encourage this. 2+ hours of peace for me is to be savored.
“Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday” in Texas
“You can purchase certain emergency preparation supplies tax free during the 2019 Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday. There is no limit on the number of qualifying items you can purchase, and you do not need to issue an exemption certificate to claim the exemption.”
“This year’s holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. on Saturday, April 27, and ends at midnight on Monday, April 29.”
Yes, FLASHLIGHTS are covered !
ok, can anyone deny these are the end days for the empire given this?
‘Satanism is here to stay!’ IRS grants Satanic Temple tax-exempt status as federal government officially recognizes the group as a CHURCH
Satanic Temple announced on Wednesday that IRS deemed it tax-exempt
Group is first satanist organization to be recognized in the US as a church
New 501(c) status allows donations to the Satanic Temple to be tax deductible
Satanic Temple has 16 U.S. chapters and thousands of followers
What about their protected religious practices now? Animal sacrifice? Black Mass? Human sacrifice? All cultures are equally valid after all.
This is how a civilization ends.
This nonsense started when they gave religious status to Scientology in 1993. Scientology is not a religion, it is a cult.
From yesterday:
I would not be surprised to see us paying more state and federal gas / diesel taxes soon. Or maybe even an annual mileage tax to cover the electrics and lng / cng / hydrogen.
If Portland’s experiment with tolling the freeways is successful, I expect that every major metro and cash-strapped state will want a piece of that action.
Are there any un-cash-strapped states?
Nope. The normal free spending ways of every state are being compounded by rampant illegal immigration causing “free” schooling and “free” medicaid costs to soar rapidly. There is no minimization of a free good and these people have figured that out. Hat tip to Jerry Pournelle.
“Tesla lost $702 million last quarter after drop in Model 3 deliveries”
“It also says it doesn’t expect another profit until the third quarter of this year”
Wow, that is a huge loss considering they probably booked their Fiat “hundreds of millions of euros” sales of co2 emissions credits. Not good.
“Prosecutors said he had a ‘hit-list’ that included prominent Democrats, including Nanci Pelosi, Alexandra Ocasia Cortez and Elizabeth Warren.”
That is a good start.
No. You don’t want Ocasio-Cortez becoming a martyr.
After the bartender melts down, I want her living to a ripe old age with her shame and failure … like Gary Hart.
Wow, that is a huge loss considering they probably booked their Fiat “hundreds of millions of euros” sales of co2 emissions credits. Not good.
Note Fiat made the payment *after* Sergio died.
Maybe Musk hired Moshe and the commandos after Steve Jobs passing. “Make sure it looks like Sergio’s hard living caught up with him.”
(Find the Fake Steve Jobs blog archives if you want to understand the joke.)
No. You don’t want Ocasio-Cortez becoming a martyr.
After the bartender melts down, I want her living to a ripe old age with her shame and failure … like Gary Hart.
Wow Dude, that is harsh. “snicker”.
“Windows 10 Version 1903 Requires at Least 32 GB of Storage”
“Microsoft has for the first time raised the minimum storage requirement for Windows 10, in version 1903, to 32 GB for both 32-bit and 64-bit PCs.”
In my experience, the storage requirement for Winders rises 5 to 10 GB each year as it scatters files into every nook and cranny of the file system.
“Paul Thurrott’s Short Takes: Microsoft Earnings Special Edition”
“LinkedIn. It’s like for jobs”
“LinkedIn is a strange business. Nadella said that it “again exceeded expectations across all lines of business,” and I’m sure that’s true unless you count profits, I guess, since there are none. But LinkedIn does have some positive numbers associated with it, too: There are 630 million members now, and “with record levels of engagement.” It’s huge in Japan. (See below.) And revenues jumped 27 percent in the most recent quarter. Not bad for what is essentially a glorified dating app.”
I don’t want any martyrs. I want them to go away & be ignored. Don’t feed the sickness.
Like Bush 43 did when 44 was elected. Just disappear. Not forgotten. Not gone. But no longer a subject of reporting. That’s what I want from them.
I don’t get LinkedIn. I have a profile. I update it once/year. But I don’t do ANYTHING there. There’s nothing there to do.
“After the bartender melts down, I want her living to a ripe old age with her shame and failure … like Gary Hart.”
Wow Dude, that is harsh. “snicker”.
You don’t want any politician becoming a martyr, but especially a young Latina. Selena 2.0.
George Moscone was the typical sleazy politician with well-documented ties to Jim Jones People’s Temple (remember them?). He was martyred, a revenge killing by another politician, and the city of San Francisco named a convention center in his honor.
God only knows what will have the Ocasio-Cortez name plastered on it if she’s killed by some right-wing nut.
Yeah, I have a long memory. Harvey Milk and George Moscone were both hip deep in People’s Temple in the 70s. You young’n’s may want to go Google that — Arguably the most notorious cult religious organization in history, People’s Temple was *not* right wing.
You don’t want any politician becoming a martyr, but especially a young Latina. Selena 2.0.
True Dat. They would have monthly vigils for her in DC for years.
“2019 Ford Transit 150 w/Explorer Conversion Review”
Hey, the Love Machine is back ! If the van is a rocking, don’t be knocking !
Wait, “MSRP: Total with options & conversion Package: $75,008.” Ain’t no teens gonna be driving this.
George Moscone was the typical sleazy politician with well-documented ties to Jim Jones People’s Temple (remember them?).
I was flipping channels the other day and ran across a Jim Jones documentary. It was in the San Francisco days and they were talking about beating people who spoke out. Man, it was chilling. I got depressed and moved on.
R-134 cans for automobile freon now has a valve. I’m sure that is just as good for shelf like as the old cans that your recharge hose had to puncture. Just as I’m sure pull tab cans of food last as long as a can needing an opener.
You can still use your “old” hose that punctures…. but… it’s slow. If you open your valve all the way the can seals. So, about 1 and 3/4 turns open.
There’s an adapter. WalMart has it for about $5. Other places for less. I see a trip to NAPA happening tomorrow.
The truck is low enough that the cold lines going into the firewall ice. By the lack of cool in the cab and reduced air flow, I assume the do-hicky radiator thing in the dash is also icing. The evaporator do-hicky.
“Biden raises $6.3M in first 24 hours after campaign launch”
Wow, all he needs is another $994 million to make it all the way. Crank it up Joe !
The truck is low enough that the cold lines going into the firewall ice. By the lack of cool in the cab and reduced air flow, I assume the do-hicky radiator thing in the dash is also icing. The evaporator do-hicky.
I had to get my evaporator in my 2005 Expedition replaced last summer. It was all plugged up. The new evaporator ($1,700 total including pulling the dash) works great. I have 204,600+ miles on it now. The re-manufactured transmission is also working great. The 5.4L V8 engine does use about a quart of 5W-20 oil every 1,500 to 2,000 miles though.
The 5.4L V8 engine does use about a quart of 5W-20 oil every 1,500 to 2,000 miles though.
Compared to the cost of having the engine replaced, not a problem.
Why 5W-20 oil? In Houston? I run 10W-30 or straight 30W in the Summer.
Wait, “MSRP: Total with options & conversion Package: $75,008.” Ain’t no teens gonna be driving this.
Even with an 84 month loan, that isn’t remotely affordable unless you plan to live in it. I guess Ford is hoping to cash in on the WorkCamping trend.
Ford gave the “American Pickers” guys a van to replace the Sprinter they had used on the show. Brilliant product placement.
The collisision center didn’t total my 18 year-old Solara, and I’m due $500 for repairs to the bumper. We may just take the money and fix the front bearings since we are going to give the car to my son … eventually … when he’s motivated sufficiently to get his license.
Why 5W-20 oil? In Houston? I run 10W-30 or straight 30W in the Summer.
That 5.4L V8 has notes all over it to only use 5W-20. It has (or used to have) very tight tolerances. It is a fairly funky overhead cam engine. It has two intake valves per cylinder and one exhaust valve per cyclinder. One of the intake valves is electric which drives my dad nuts due to the ticking sound. He has been telling me to get a valve job for 14 years now.
I plan to take it to 250,000 miles as Ford gave me an unlimited mileage three year warranty on the transmission. I usually put 15,000 miles a year on it. Then who knows what.
Here is my son replacing one of the metal halide light fixtures on the warehouse canopy with the LED light fixture. That is my 2005 Ford Expedition pulling the manlift. The light fixture is 14 ft off the ground.
Here I am trying to figure out how to drive the manlift. The controls are backwards from how I think. And that is my Expy rear window below me. And that is my office building behind me in the distance.
Here I am replacing one of the warehouse corner light fixtures that is 17 ft off the ground. I need a third arm and then some.
@lynn, most lifts drive like a boat or a forklift….
Think of the pickle as an outboard motor control….
Where is your safety harness? And safety glasses? And gloves?
And emergency FLASHLIGHT?
OSHA gonna get you …
Did Sleepy Joe sleep all eight years?
@lynn, most lifts drive like a boat or a forklift….
Think of the pickle as an outboard motor control….
Oh yeah, it just took me a while to figure the boom extension out. And it was fun to operate. In fact, that manlift may be the best tool that I have ever operated.
Avengers: End Game rocked!
You’ll never guess what happens to . . .
Hi Mr. Lynn.
Where is your safety harness? And safety glasses? And gloves?
And emergency FLASHLIGHT?
OSHA gonna get you …
Oops. BTW, the platform has a four ft tall bar around it, quite safe. I never felt like I needed a harness. You are right, OSHA may want one though. When I was walking ten inch I-beams 175 ft above the ground 36+ years ago, I definitely needed a harness. And a net. And a surround bar. And …
You forgot the hardhat. I’ve got 2 or 3 three of them. Somewhere in the closet or garage.
I cannot thread a nut onto a bolt to save my life wearing gloves. Unless they are those automotive work gloves that are very thin.
And I have two flashlights in the truck !
“A.F. Branco Cartoon – Recyclable”
“Joe Biden is enjoying good poll numbers right after launching his candidacy for President, possibly the same polls Hillary used in 2016. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019.”
@lynn, I’m a trained boom lift operator (and operator trainer). In all seriousness, you need the harness. It keeps you from being ejected from the basket if there is a sudden movement. When that boom is extended, ANY movement in the base whips up thru the boom and gets VERY exaggerated. For example, dropping one wheel into a hole, or running over a drain that collapses.
I’m not a safety notsee, but you need a harness in the lift. I’ll drop one by if you don’t have one. (It’ll be almost unused, but out of date.)
Did Sleepy Joe sleep all eight years?
Biden is the consummate politician. If he hadn’t plagiarized himself out of the race 30 years ago, who knows where he may have ended up.
For a while, in the early 90s, he acted as if he had nothing to lose so he gave Anita Hill cr*p and helped draft the crime bill that BJ Klinton signed.
Biden’s last reasonable shot was 2008.
Well, made my pickup this afternoon. Did have some adventures. Had a 45 – 60 minute delay and detour because of a hazmat incident that wasn’t cleared after 5 or 6 hours. Then blew a tire just short of my destination. I’ll be getting 4 new tires for my Ranger on Monday. Tire was an off brand. Don’t do it. Not worth it. By one of the big brands. This thing was in two pieces when they took it off the rim. It happened just after I turned onto a bigger road, with wide shoulders. I had been on 2 lane county roads, with ditches and no shoulders. Took about 15 minutes to change. It was not my first time…
Now wrapping presents for the big 8yo to open tomorrow. She’s got quite a pile going.
I figure that the rest of the dumbos will form a circular firing squad and get rid of BiteMe fairly soon. Otherwise he will suck up all the airtime and money.
Now wrapping presents for the big 8yo to open tomorrow. She’s got quite a pile going.
The best present that you can give her is a mom and dad who love each other and you have already done that. The next best present is a stable home.
I left home for TAMU when I was 17. It was a totally eye opening experience. I had no idea how traumatic most people’s lives are growing up. My son has said the same thing about the USMC. He estimated 90% of his fellow soldiers were from broken homes.
Wow, that is sad.
The pile is big, but the dollar value is low.
I’m not a safety notsee, but you need a harness in the lift. I’ll drop one by if you don’t have one. (It’ll be almost unused, but out of date.)
What does the safety harness look like ?
BTW, you cannot move the manlift base while you are in it. The outriggers must be extended and the wheels off the ground in order for any of the controls to work. Now those scissor lifts that a person can drive around, those can be dangerous.
I went and visited Mom tonight in the skilled nursing center in Methodist hospital. She moved her left toes today !!! And her toes are pink again. Good, good, good.
Movie theaters – I can definitely do without them. The sound level is often painfully high, the adverts at the beginning are endless, there are all these other people around, and…what’s the actual benefit? Surround sound, ok, that’s nice, but we have a better screen at home and I don’t have to put up with glowing cellphones, chattering kids, and overpriced snacks. I don’t understand why anyone still goes to theaters…
LinkedIn – I find it useful to discover information about people, or to find contact information for people whom I only know by name and company. My profile is on there, for exactly that reason. What I don’t use, or frankly see any use for, are the connections, or the other “networking” stuff. I just looked – I have 19 pending invitations to connect. How will my life be different if I accept them? If I reject them? If I see someone with a gazillion connections, all that means is that they clicked “yes” a lot. I don’t see how it gains them anything.
I hadn’t been to a movie in a theater in probably ten years. Went awhile back to see Bohemian Rhapsody. Of course it was loud, as it should be. Better than expected and really enjoyed it.
I hadn’t been to a movie in a theater in probably ten years. Went awhile back to see Bohemian Rhapsody. Of course it was loud, as it should be. Better than expected and really enjoyed it.
The “Waynes World” “in” joke makes the movie. Nobody does slow burn comedy anymore, and that was a gag with a 25+ year gestation.
My only gripe about “Bohemian Rhapsody” probably had to do with licensing. IIRC, Queen had to follow Sting and Dire Straits becoming rock gods on stage at Live Aid with “Money For Nothing”, and that compounded the pressure Mercury probably felt to deliver that performance. Nothing short of perfection would have sufficed at that moment.
I figure that the rest of the dumbos will form a circular firing squad and get rid of BiteMe fairly soon. Otherwise he will suck up all the airtime and money.
If the Dems don’t present an age contrast to Trump, they won’t win in 2020. I still believe Newsom 2020, especially since it was his money people behind MJ Hegar here in Round Rock.
Biden would take Trump apart in debates where Cankles failed. Consummate politician. But it really wouldn’t matter since not many people will watch debates next year.
No one has watched Presidential debates since Fox counter-programmed the “Dark Angel” premiere against one debate in 2000.