59F and still wet. I think we got about one half inch of rain overnight.
Realized this morning that I’ve been using my cell phone as an alarm clock for about 9 years. Before that I still used a bedside alarm (clock radio). Wife has been using her phone exclusively for years, but not as long. My daughters have asked for clock radios as alarms to help them get up in the morning, which is what got me thinking about it in the first place.
The cell phone is a MUCH better alarm. Choose your tune, set multiples, use a tune that starts low and eases you awake, D/L your own choice of musical ring tone, etc. Given how cheap electronics are when you make them in the hundred million quantities, why has no one upgraded the alarm clock?
As a prepping thing, do you have any clocks that don’t require electricity? Wind up “kitchen” clocks are cheap. Ships clocks are a bit more. Wind up travel alarms are very cheap used. Battery operated clocks are widely available and cheap (but don’t keep great time.)
There are many reasons you might want to keep time, even if SHTF, changing watch cycles, meeting others, communicating at particular times, are all good reasons. Like other preps, having a variety of devices, fueled in different ways, is probably prudent.
And they are cheap and small, so why not?
(a good watch is another subject)