Day: October 7, 2018

Sun. Oct. 7, 2018 – ok, a little extra rest….

77F and the sun is peeking out from the rain clouds.

Woke at my normal time to the sound of rain. Went back to bed.

Woke this time to the thought that I’d missed my antibiotic pill taking time. That will cascade through the day.

The march to war continues, both domestically and internationally. As soon as we’re sufficiently distracted at home, expect to see someone grab something we traditionally think of as “ours” or watch one of “our” assets leave or switch sides. The response to that will set the tone. You heard it here first. Hope I’m wrong.

Got another baby rat in a glue trap this weekend. Smell one somewhere else. Maybe the poison is working?

I better get some breakfast going. The spawn are grumpy when they don’t eat (in this they take after daddy….)


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