71F and wet this morning. This has been a very wet year in Houston.
Yesterday we learned of the passing of a friend of the blog, Dave Hardy, known here also as OFD (O being ‘Old” and D being ‘Dave’, you can choose the middle.) Although no one here ever met Dave in person, we all knew that part of himself that he shared, and we DID think of him as “Friend.”
This is the amazing thing that the internet has enabled. Communities of the mind and spirit, that could not have existed before. Oh, there were correspondences, and if you were in the same area you could meet at a coffee house, or a university or college, but where and when else could an ex-soldier, someone who fought through substance abuse problems, who lived in a small rural town, be celebrated and valued for his esoteric knowledge and his thoughts?
It’s a marvelous thing to find peers, companions on the journey, and it’s a tragedy to lose them.
Rest in peace Dave, you’ve more than earned it.