Fri. May 18, 2018 – once more into the breach

By on May 18th, 2018 in Random Stuff

Hey, another week gone by, in an eye blink….

Already 78F and 83%RH this am. Boy oh boy, summer is here.

Didn’t get much done on my list yesterday. Too bloody hot. Did computer work inside instead. Did go grocery shopping, and to the Lowes.

Other than work on getting some heat management stuff in place, I didn’t do much prepping this week.

Ebay is still S L O W… I converted to an ebay “store” yesterday in the hopes that it will help my placement in search results. They are pushing for the conversion, and the deal finally made sense. As far as I can tell, it should save me a couple of bucks in listing fees, and allow me to put a ‘vacation hold’ on my sales instead of ending them all and restarting them later.

Garden is growing. Sweet banana pepper number two is ready, as are a couple more stunted tomatoes. Super sweet and delicious, but tiny! Grape vine still has fruit, so I saved at least one from the caterpillars. Peas, beans, and zukes are all still alive.

And now, I’ve got to do some of the stuff I missed yesterday.


57 Comments and discussion on "Fri. May 18, 2018 – once more into the breach"

  1. Nick Flandrey says:

    Ah, comment spam…

    Some real gems!

    “Nicely, wһat dߋes God lіke?? Lee added. I mean, we like co᧐kіes and cartоons and toys, however what sоrt of issues аre enjoyable for God??
    It was a question that for a minute Mommy and Daddy needed to suppose about.”

    –yes, an interesting question indeed.

    “Y᧐u hɑve touched some fastidious things here.”

    — ew, don’t touch THAT!

    “I suppose it’s adequate to use а few of your ideas!!”

    — that’s what I aspire to, adequacy

    “Fine together with your permission allow me to snatch your feed to stay
    updated with drawing close post.”

    — snatch away….

    Google referrals are interesting, but NSFW. NO idea why we’d get a hit on some of that, and I couldn’t fine anything in the linked in comments… strange.

  2. Greg Norton says:

    Ebay is still S L O W… I converted to an ebay “store” yesterday in the hopes that it will help my placement in search results. They are pushing for the conversion, and the deal finally made sense. As far as I can tell, it should save me a couple of bucks in listing fees, and allow me to put a ‘vacation hold’ on my sales instead of ending them all and restarting them later.

    EBay has tilted the balance of power back towards sellers for now. I just lost a dispute with a large seller, and, turning down my appeal, even though the other party was wrong, EBay’s overseas labor fresher nitpicked the dispute category I chose.

    Fortunately, the dollar amount was small.

    And, to update, simply, the T440 saga drags on. I’m not saying any more because I swear someone from the vendor lurks here, possibly a legacy of Bob’s homebrew PC books. Bad things happened after the last time I posted an update that named names.

  3. JimL says:

    55º and sunny today. Rode to work, and will ride home.

    I occasionally see ads for Sarcastic Tees. Today reminds me of one – “People. Not a Big Fan”. I’m questioning the reason I got into this gig in the first place. Get shot down often enough over stupid things and you don’t want to keep doing them.

    I was asked about the wifi we’re using – a temporary measure 3 years ago until we could get the ubiquitous wifi project completed. Temporary because I know they’re not secure, and they won’t handle a large number of users. 3 years. The project has been postponed 4 times. The last time – in January – I told them that I would gladly await their direction on installing.

    Today I’m grilled because our Wifi isn’t secure.

  4. Nick Flandrey says:

    In the immortal words of Harry Dean Stanton in the classic movie Repo Man, “Ordinary f#cking people, I hate ’em.”

    Many days where I’ve felt the same.


  5. Nick Flandrey says:

    Chalk one up to the good guys…

    One has to wonder HOW the authorities determined that they pair was watching training videos…


  6. Greg Norton says:

    I was asked about the wifi we’re using – a temporary measure 3 years ago until we could get the ubiquitous wifi project completed. Temporary because I know they’re not secure, and they won’t handle a large number of users. 3 years. The project has been postponed 4 times. The last time – in January – I told them that I would gladly await their direction on installing.

    When I left Death Star Telephone *eight years ago*, Uverse DVR app development relied on an WRT54GL hot spot I set up with DD-WRT as a stop gap measure until corporate could supply something better, a hotspot capable of providing the throughput we needed. I think the hot spot is still there in the development lab — nothing better came along.

  7. ITguy1998 says:

    I’ve generally had good results with purchasing on ebay. Have sold a few things over the years with overall good results too. I’ve only had two issue that come to mind.

    The first was years ago. I was trading in a car (95 Civic Coupe) and had a trailer hitch on it (for a bike carrier.) I removed the hitch so I could sell it. Put it on ebay and it sold. Note, I put in the description that it came off of a 1995 Civic EX coupe. So, I get payment and ship that sucker off. About a week later, the buyer states it won’t fit his car. a 1995 sedan…..I basically said sorry, can’t help. He didn’t try to dispute the sale.

    The other issue happened recently. I purchased a replacement leather cover for our Camry’s armest. There were three colors available, and as part of the ordering process, you put in the comments section which color you want. Well, after a couple months (literally on the slow boat from China), the cover arrived. Of course, it was the wrong color. I contacted the seller requesting return information. They replied back that they wanted a picture of the wrong item and of the UPC code. No problem, sent the requested pictures. Got a reply back a couple days later stating they didn’t get the pictures. Yeah, enough of that. I opened a dispute with ebay. The next day, the seller refunded my money.

    Another interesting note. This is the second car I’ve ordered a replacement armrest cover for. Both times off of ebay (different sellers.) Both times, it took forever to get them. And both times, I actually got rid of the cars between the time of ordering the cover and actually receiving it.

  8. Chad says:

    I converted to an ebay “store” yesterday in the hopes that it will help my placement in search results. They are pushing for the conversion, and the deal finally made sense.

    That does seem to be the trend on eBay now. I joked with my wife a few weeks ago, when cruising eBay for the first time in forever, that eBay isn’t an auction site anymore. It’s becoming another Amazon Marketplace or Etsy.

  9. brad says:

    “T440 saga drags on. I’m not saying any more because I swear someone from the vendor lurks here, possibly a legacy of Bob’s homebrew PC books. Bad things happened after the last time I posted an update that named names.”

    Bad things? Now you’ve got us all curious…

  10. JimL says:

    It never pays to call people out in public. My philosophy is: Never say anything in public you don’t want the whole world to hear. Never say anything to anyone that you don’t want someone else to hear.

    To keep something secret, you must keep the secret to yourself. Every time you add a person to the secret list, you double the probability that it will spread to someone that you don’t want the secret kept from.

  11. Nick Flandrey says:

    I’d say square the probability, but I don’t have the math skilz to prove it…


  12. Greg Norton says:

    “T440 saga drags on. I’m not saying any more because I swear someone from the vendor lurks here, possibly a legacy of Bob’s homebrew PC books. Bad things happened after the last time I posted an update that named names.”

    Bad things? Now you’ve got us all curious…

    The last time I posted on the subject, before the end of the business day, the vendor suddenly responded to the chargeback with some iffy paperwork justifying their stand and a claim that I refused their emails/phone calls. The case had been open with the credit card company for several weeks at that point, ignored by the vendor.

    The really bad part is that Amex stuck the charge back on my bill within 24 hours and only sent me the paperwork *after* I called to inquire about the cancelled chargeback. Overseas fresher labor strikes again.

  13. Greg Norton says:

    Continuing coverage is not good.

    Wasn’t it Mayor Angelina Ballerina -er- Rahm Emanuel who said “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

    (Watch an episode of the PBS series, look at pictures of Emanuel, and keep in mind that he was a professional ballet dancer. Who said people who work for PBS lack a sense of humor.)

  14. lynn says:

    The Kenny Chesney concert last night was awesome as usual. We and and 10,000 new friends really enjoyed him and his huge band. He had seven guitars on stage plus a drummer and a keyboardist at one point. I must admit that country rock is cool even though I am back to listening to 60s and 70s music at the moment.

    This is the third time we have gone to see him. The second time, my wife had two surgery drains in her lower abdomen and armpit and was determined to go no matter what. He played for around two hours in the heat. It was 95 F when he started at 8:50pm and 86 F when we got back to the truck. BTW, the parking in the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion is free if you do not mind walking a half mile. They use the surface parking at all of the nearby office buildings. Nice !

    I got my Swiss Army knife back from CW Pavilion people. They put it in a plastic baggie with an id number and gave me a receipt. Nice but totally unnecessary in my view. Of course, I did not get stabbed by another knife carrier at the concert so there is that. We did have to go through metal detectors. They also have strict rules about purse sizes and anything above a certain size must be clear.

    The Swiss Army knife is the good old Spartan model. That and the Tinker models are my favorites. I’ve been carrying them for almost 50 years and have three at the moment as I lose or break one a year or so. Yes, using a Swiss Army Knife as a pry bar is detrimental to the blade and structure.

  15. Chad says:

    as I lose or break one a year or so

    Ditto. That’s why I stopped buying anything in camo. Camouflage on a Mag Lite or Swiss Army Knife seems cool until you drop it in the woods and don’t realize it for several minutes. Learned that lesson as a Boy Scout. We all wanted everything camo or black because, for whatever reason, that was “cool” at the time. Lose enough shit and suddenly that bright red color becomes a lot more appealing.

  16. lynn says:

    “SANTA FE, Texas — As many as 10 people were killed in a shooting Friday morning at a high school south of Houston, law enforcement sources confirmed to CBS News. School district Police Chief Walter Braun said that explosive devices were found in Santa Fe High School and the surrounding area.”

    This is freaking crazy.

    Why did they already name the suspect ? That sounds weird, especially since he is 17.

    And if they know for sure who it is, why didn’t the cops go ahead and shoot him on site ? Yes, I am being over the top but this nonsense must stop.

    Is it time to start burying our guns and knives ? The gun grabbers will be out in force later today.

  17. Greg Norton says:

    The Swiss Army knife is the good old Spartan model. That and the Tinker models are my favorites. I’ve been carrying them for almost 50 years and have three at the moment as I lose or break one a year or so. Yes, using a Swiss Army Knife as a pry bar is detrimental to the blade and structure.

    Leatherman Supertool.

    I’ve forgotten to take the tool out of my laptop bag before flights several times and never had it confiscated by security. I try to remember, but, one day, my luck will run out.

    When I interviewed with Amazon in January 2000, everyone had a Supertool on their belts, even the girl geeks. Cult of Bezos — at the time Amazon HQ was in the old veterans’ hospital in Seattle, and the boss carried a Leatherman at all times out of fear that the ancient elevators would break down between floors.

    I’ll never forget that weekend. I had been out of the loop for two days on a quick trip up and back on red eyes, trying to keep my employer from finding out what I was up to, and I landed in Dallas to the news that David Letterman had emergency heart surgery the night before and Jimmy Johnson was retiring from the Dolphins that morning. The 90s were over, regardless of what the calendar nitpickers said.

  18. lynn says:

    Ok, I am having to re-enter my name and email address each time that I post. And I just noticed a new checkbox above the post comment button “Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.”. Is this new or am I losing my mind ?

    Is there some way to keep FireFox from deleting the website cookies when I do the clear all thing ?

  19. lynn says:

    Leatherman Supertool.

    Which model, there are about a million ?

  20. Greg Norton says:

    ” Leatherman Supertool”

    Which model, there are about a million ?

    Mine is so old, the model name is just “Supertool”. I gotta be more careful with airport security, it is probably an antique.

    I lived right across the Columbia River from the Leatherman outlet for four years, but I never went into the store.

  21. Harold says:

    The gun grabbers will be out in force later today.

    How true. Police say the kid used a 12 ga shotgun and a .38 revolver belonging to his father. Expect attacks on the military grade, fully automatic revolvers and shotguns designed only to kill thousands with a single shot.
    In other words, expect a LOT of nonsense from clueless bobbleheads.

    The one thing I keep hearing from EVERYONE is “We MUST make sure this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN”. That’s complete nonsense. There is no real way to eliminate all threats.

  22. CowboySlim says:

    How to buy from Ebay:

    Do not use Paypal.

    Use a typical bank credit card. Dispute 1st with Ebay. If not validated, dispute credit card. If not validated, do not pay cc. I mean, do not pay any of your account. Let them cancel you out.

  23. MrAtoz says:

    This is why you never throw shit at a cop or stand next to someone throwing shit at a cop:

    Police officer in California raises his gun and aims it at a cameraman who shouts ‘What’s your name and your number, tyrant!’

    I can’t believe the cop actually aimed his weapon at this guy. I guess he feared for his life over a GoPro camera. The cop should be fired and prosecuted. That will never happen on the Union’s watch, though.  Every cop should receive training that they can be filmed in public.  Any cop disputing that should be fired immediately.  Where is the city oversight of cops.

  24. Chad says:

    The one thing I keep hearing from EVERYONE is “We MUST make sure this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN”. That’s complete nonsense. There is no real way to eliminate all threats.

    The MSM keeps sensationalizing it and giving it non-stop 24 hour “above the fold” coverage when it happens that all the whackos sitting at home realize it’s the best way for them to get the attention their sick minds demand.

  25. Greg Norton says:

    How to buy from Ebay:

    Do not use Paypal.

    Use a typical bank credit card. Dispute 1st with Ebay. If not validated, dispute credit card. If not validated, do not pay cc. I mean, do not pay any of your account. Let them cancel you out.

    Before EBay bought PayPal, the terms of service prohibited opening disputes with the credit card companies since EBay provides a guarantee mechanism. Dunno if they reverted to that policy since divesting PayPal.

    EBay cycles between protecting either sellers or buyers. Until the wind changes direction again, I’ll be a lot more aggressive with negative ratings if I get stuck on the bad end of a deal.

    Until recently, I never left as much as a neutral seller rating as long as someone provided a refund. I’d simply leave a feedback message indicating that a refund was necessary and the reason.

    Also, PayPal does provide their own level of protection, but finding it requires effort since they keep that fact semi-hidden, referring buyers to EBay at first glance.

  26. lynn says:

    I can’t believe the cop actually aimed his weapon at this guy. I guess he feared for his life over a GoPro camera.

    What if the GoPro camera had a gun inside of the camera case instead of a camera ? If I was a cop and somebody started pointing things at me, I would be nervous too. You will never get me to convict a cop who is afraid of somebody pointing something at them.

  27. Nick Flandrey says:

    OK, I know it’s a tabloid, and I know they hate guns and think americans are all gun crazed killers anyway but COME ON

    “Cold-eyed ‘killer’ is pictured after surrendering ”

    and “Dead Eyes of Evil”

    are too f#cking much.


  28. paul says:

    89F, down from 91F. Sunny most of the day but now with a bit of hazy clouds. I’ve been hearing thunder in the far distance all afternoon. There’s nothing on the radar.

    So maybe I’m nuts. Missy is hiding behind the sofa. Maybe she’s nuts, too.

  29. Rick Hellewell says:

    @lynn (and others) .. about that new checkbox on comments….

    It is new because of WP 4.9.6, which has built-in GDRP compliance/features. The checkbox will only appear if you do not agree to allow WP to save cookies on your local computer. If you are deleting cookies when you exit FF (or other browsers), then you have to enter your name/email and check the box again.

    WP 4.9.6 includes new admin features that will allow the admin to send a zip file of all your personal info that is stored as a result of you using the site. You can then request deletion of all that info. All of that because of GDPR requirements that are built into WP….when you comment, your personal info (name/email/IP address) is stored as part of the comment.

    If you don’t delete the cookies for this site, and enter your name/email when commenting (which is required), then you will not see the name/email/checkbox when the comment box is displayed.

    I think there is a way to tell FF to keep cookies for all but specific sites; I think it is in the Options, Security section somewhere. But local storage of cookies is not something I worry about for any site.

  30. lynn says:

    How true. Police say the kid used a 12 ga shotgun and a .38 revolver belonging to his father. Expect attacks on the military grade, fully automatic revolvers and shotguns designed only to kill thousands with a single shot.
    In other words, expect a LOT of nonsense from clueless bobbleheads.

    What I don’t understand about these “kids” is that they often want to off themselves. But it seems like some of them must take their fellow students out first.

    I am serious that these kids should be executed and executed soon. None of this 20 years of trials and such. Just a simple trial and then a firing squad. No appeals.

  31. SteveF says:

    There is no real way to eliminate all threats.

    Wrong. There will be no people committing atrocities if there are no people. Why do you think I’m trying to become an extinction event? It’s because I’m a humanitarian. If I succeed and prevent any further human deaths, I will have become the greatest humanitarian the world has ever seen.

    You will never get me to convict a cop who is afraid of somebody pointing something at them.

    Then you should be disqualified from jury duty. Cowards have no business being behind a badge.

    Less harshly, allowing “I feared for my life” is a slippery slope and bad precedent. As we have seen, police may now commit what would be charged as premeditated murder if committed by anyone else, but they’re excused with those magic words.

    [eBay is] becoming another Amazon Marketplace or Etsy.

    That’s a good thing. Monopolies are to be distrusted.

    As an author, I could make more money by selling exclusively through Amazon. I refuse to do that because I distrust Amazon’s pay rates if they manage to drive Smashwords and B&NOnline and the other indy-friendly sites out of business. In my case it’s not a difficult decision to make because I’m not reliant on royalty income; it’s more a hobby that pays.

  32. paul says:

    Ok, I am having to re-enter my name and email address each time that I post. And I just noticed a new checkbox above the post comment button “Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.”. Is this new or am I losing my mind ?

    Mind lost. Sorry about that.

    Is there some way to keep FireFox from deleting the website cookies when I do the clear all thing ?

    Yes. Options / Privacy and Security / click Exceptions. Add

    I have a couple more in there. I let Firefox delete cookies when I close it. I also block 3rd party cookies.

  33. lynn says:

    Yes. Options / Privacy and Security / click Exceptions. Add

    Sorry, did not work. Each time I start FireFox, I have to:
    1. click yes that I can have stuff stored
    2. add my name for posting comments
    3. add my email address for posting comments
    4. click on the checkbox saying “Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.”

    This is getting tiresome.

  34. lynn says:

    You will never get me to convict a cop who is afraid of somebody pointing something at them.

    Then you should be disqualified from jury duty. Cowards have no business being behind a badge.

    Less harshly, allowing “I feared for my life” is a slippery slope and bad precedent. As we have seen, police may now commit what would be charged as premeditated murder if committed by anyone else, but they’re excused with those magic words.

    Please note that I did not say anything about shooting the idiot pointing something at the cop. That goes over the top.

    BTW, cops have the right to go home to their families also. Anybody pointing anything at a man with a gun is an idiot.

    BTW2, if you can get me out of serving jury duty ever again, please do so. It is always stupid people doing something stupid. The civil cases are the worst.

  35. lynn says:

    “Another arrest shows why no one can hide from the genetic detectives”

    I was wondering when the DNA technology and databases were going to get widespread. Looks like we are there now.

    Hat tip to:

  36. paul says:

    Ok. In the Privacy and Security options:

    Check boxes….
    Forms & Passwords: “Remember logins and passwords for websites”
    Autofill addresses: Checked.

    Firefox will “use custom settings for history”
    “Remember your browsing and download history” checked.
    “Remember form and search history” checked.

    Cookies and Site Data:
    Accept cookies and site data from websites (recommended).
    Keep until “I close Firefox”
    Accept third-party cookies and site data “Never”

    I put this site in the Exceptions.

    The rest of the options are up to you.

    When I delete the cookie for here, it still autofills my name, etc., I just have to type the first letter and click on the drop down list.

  37. SteveF says:

    BTW2, if you can get me out of serving jury duty ever again, please do so.

    Order a few of these from the Fully Informed Jury Association and hand them out at the courthouse. Be prepared to be hassled and then thrown out.

  38. CowboySlim says:

    Before EBay bought PayPal, the terms of service prohibited opening disputes with the credit card companies since EBay provides a guarantee mechanism. Dunno if they reverted to that policy since divesting PayPal.

    I dunno either, I have never lost a credit card dispute and I don’t worry about them taking me to court nor do I worry about bill collectors.

  39. TG says:

    Sergie Skripal, one of the three people poisoned with Novichok, has recovered enough to leave hospital.

    You may have noticed that there is a little wedding happening in the UK tomorrow. The Left are obsessed with Meghan’s skin colour

    Prepping advice: have more than one bank account.
    The UK TSB bank migrated data from the systems run by the bank’s former owner, Lloyds Bank, to a new platform created by the banks new Spanish owner. Things didn’t work out as planned with users seeing Null Pointer Exceptions and Spring Bean errors. One month on and customers are still having problems seeing their accounts and paying bills and now the fraudsters are gaining access to their accounts.

  40. MrAtoz says:

    What if the GoPro camera had a gun inside of the camera case instead of a camera ? If I was a cop and somebody started pointing things at me, I would be nervous too. You will never get me to convict a cop who is afraid of somebody pointing something at them.

    My problem is the cop pointed his weapon at Mr. NumbNuts. Accidents happen. “My finger is my safety” doesn’t always work. I’m surprised the cop didn’t blast him from orbit, just to be sure. Ever see one of those big vape devices. They look like a brick with a “tube” sticking out.

    Smoker: Hey Mr. Cop, wanna drag?
    Cop: Blam! That could be a gun. I feared for my life.

    On the other hand:

    I am serious that these kids should be executed and executed soon. None of this 20 years of trials and such. Just a simple trial and then a firing squad. No appeals.

    Yes, please!

  41. lynn says:

    My problem is the cop pointed his weapon at Mr. NumbNuts. Accidents happen. “My finger is my safety” doesn’t always work. I’m surprised the cop didn’t blast him from orbit, just to be sure. Ever see one of those big vape devices. They look like a brick with a “tube” sticking out.

    Yes, I have put at least two rounds over the berm using “my finger is my safety”. But, I am not a cop. BTW, that is called “Barney Fifing”. For more info, see the awesome movie “The Accountant”.

    I frequently carry a two cell AA flashlight while walking at night. I am very careful not to point it at one of our police cars XXXX Tahoes going by slowly. To do so would be stupid.

    I got myself in trouble the other day in the Helena, MT airport with TSA. I was talking with my son about flying the rev zero Curtis ??? biplane model with no cockpit and an exposed v8 rear propeller by pointing at it. The 8 ft wide biplane model was right above the TSA officer waiting for us (5am). He yelled, “Are you pointing at me?”. I yelled back, “No, the biplane model above you.”. Him, “Oh yeah, that is cool.”.

  42. JimL says:

    Order a few of these from the Fully Informed Jury Association and hand them out at the courthouse. Be prepared to be hassled and then thrown out.

    I snicker every time a judge tells the potential jurors that he is the final arbiter of the law and the only expert on the law the jurors should listen to. Juries exist so that blatantly unfair laws can be nullified.

    Jury Nullification. It’s a thing. There are a few laws that are unconstitutional on their face. I’ll leave it as an exercise to figure what I would do on a jury sitting on such a case.

  43. SteveF says:

    re taxes (brought forward from previous days’ discussions), if taxes are necessary (not a stipulation I am prepared to make at this time) then I want them as in-your-face and painful as possible. A sales tax is preferred to a VAT because the customer sees every cent of what’s being taken. (And for many other reasons.) The year’s income taxes are to be paid by cash or check on the due date, with jail time for those not prudent enough to save during the year. I don’t particularly want to punish the deadbeats. I want to make Congress terrified of inciting a mob of millions to lynch them.

    But beyond all that, I want a head tax. If you live in the US, citizen or not, legal or not, you pay a non-trivial fee. The same fee for everyone. Those who earn almost nothing or buy almost nothing get the same nominal benefit of rule of law, border protection, and the other alleged benefits of government, so they pay the same.

  44. lynn says:

    But beyond all that, I want a head tax. If you live in the US, citizen or not, legal or not, you pay a non-trivial fee. The same fee for everyone. Those who earn almost nothing or buy almost nothing get the same nominal benefit of rule of law, border protection, and the other alleged benefits of government, so they pay the same.

    Only you and I will pay it. And I’m not too sure about you.

    I’m betting that the Supremes would call this some sort of poll tax and ban it.

    ADD: However, my 10% income tax on every dollar earned and unearned minus legit business expenses would meet your head tax. And be legal.

  45. SteveF says:

    Some years ago I handed out fully-informed jury fliers* outside the courthouse. Got hassled by the stupid pigs. As it happens, there was a crew nearby filming something unrelated, so the stupid pigs eventually left without attempting violence** or issuing a bogus citation.

    * Of my own design, based mainly on stuff I’d researched in law school. The internet existed at the time, but was nowhere near what we’re used to today. I don’t recall if FIJA existed at the time; they probably did, but probably didn’t have a website.

    ** This was in Schenectady, NY, home of the police department so bad that after a few years of multiple 6- and 7-digit settlements or awards per year for police brutality and other misconduct the city could no longer get insurance.

  46. Greg Norton says:

    You may have noticed that there is a little wedding happening in the UK tomorrow. The Left are obsessed with Meghan’s skin colour

    The less inbreeding in that line the better. One more generation of pinheads on the throne and the genetics start to look more normal.

    I often wonder if the Queen is trying to outlive Charles, concerned he will make Camilla his Queen if he ascends to the throne. It is a pity that Monty Python retired without their own line of succession.

  47. SteveF says:

    A character in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court suggested replacing the royal family with cats. They’d provide just as much entertainment for the masses, would cost less, and would be less likely to drag the commoners into a war.

    One of my mother’s objectionable traits is a life-long fascination with the British royals. I have no idea where she gets that, unless it can be explained by brain damage in infancy. Me, I’m an American in the old mold. I don’t need kings, nobles, senators, or bosses of any kind telling me what to do.

  48. lynn says:

    Ok. In the Privacy and Security options:

    Check boxes….
    Forms & Passwords: “Remember logins and passwords for websites”
    Autofill addresses: Checked.

    Firefox will “use custom settings for history”
    “Remember your browsing and download history” checked.
    “Remember form and search history” checked.

    Cookies and Site Data:
    Accept cookies and site data from websites (recommended).
    Keep until “I close Firefox”
    Accept third-party cookies and site data “Never”

    I put this site in the Exceptions.

    The rest of the options are up to you.

    When I delete the cookie for here, it still autofills my name, etc., I just have to type the first letter and click on the drop down list.

    I am just not smart enough to get this to work today.

    BTW, there are SIX cookies on my pc that get deleted when I close FireFox.

    ADD: Make that ten cookies now.

  49. MrAtoz says:

    lol! I’m reading USA Today’s spin on the Santa Fe shooting: Two details set the Santa Fe shooting apart from other recent deadly attacks: explosives and the use of less-lethal weapons. No evil looking AR-15 to blame, so let’s call a “sawed off shotgun” less lethal to push the assault weapon narrative (I guess it only partially kills people). Also, FUK THE NRA!

  50. Nick Flandrey says:

    Long day. Long day tomorrow of kid and social obligations. I’m off to bed.

    See you all in the morning.


  51. RickH says:

    @lynn … and anyone else who wonders about cookies here…

    These are the cookies that are stored; actual count may be different for others.

    – there are two ‘comment_author_*’ cookies for the author name and email stored for comments. That’s what allows you to not have to fill in the name/email on each comment.
    – there are several ‘WPAjaxEditComment*’ cookies related to allowing you to edit a comment after you have submitted it. The actual number of those will depend on how many comments that are still in the 60-minute-edit-available process.
    – there is a ‘cookieconsent_status’ that is new; related to the ‘ok’ checkbox you will see on the comment form. This is new with WP 5.9.6.
    – There are a couple ‘wordpress*’ cookies related to WP itself.
    – There is a “GA_user_ID” related to the tracking ID for Google Analytics. This is set up server-side to track visitors, even those that have ad-blockers. Ad-blockers will block the JavaScript used by Google Analytics, which is why the GA tracking is done server-side – it gives more accurate visitor analytics. (It’s also part of my GDPR plugin.)

    If you want to see your cookies, you can (usually) press F12, then look at the “Storage” tab. A list of all your cookies are there.

    If you have logged out (or cleared your cookies) on this site, your browser’s autofill will usually auto-fill the name/email of the comment form.

    And all of that is more than most people really want to know. I was just bored, so I decided to tell you. As I have said before, I don’t have problems with sites tracking me via cookies. (Your mileage may vary. All aspirin is alike. Professional driver on closed course.)

  52. lynn says:

    – there are two ‘comment_author_*’ cookies for the author name and email stored for comments. That’s what allows you to not have to fill in the name/email on each comment.

    I just wish that I could figure out how to save the cookies of just while clearing away everything else when I shutdown FireFox.

  53. lynn says:

    “James Clapper: “Good Thing” FBI Was Spying On Trump Campaign”

    “It looks to me like it was a really bad thing for the FBI to be spying on the Trump campaign with bogus information from a political opponent.”

    I see no difference between this behavior and Watergate. Somebody, several somebodies, in the FBI need to go to jail and lose their federal pensions. I nominate James Clapper and James Comey to start. I suspect that there are several others just as guilty. The FBI Inspector General will have something to say on this soon.

    Rush says that several FBI people are leaking to the “journalists” hoping to mitigate their involvement in this national nightmare. They should have thought about that when they were lying to the FISA court.

    And by the way, since when did we get Star Chambers in the USA ? These FISA courts need the light of day in order to keep them honest.

  54. SteveF says:

    And by the way, since when did we get Star Chambers in the USA ? These FISA courts need the light of day in order to keep them honest.


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