71F and 90%RH so far this am. According to my weather station, we got to 100F in my driveway yesterday. Low humidity helped tremendously in the shade. I’m thinking that today will be similar.
Picked my first sweet banana pepper yesterday. Blueberry bushes have fruit on them. Grape vines were covered with dead tiny caterpillars, so the bio stuff must be working. Sprayed them again. Hope the vines make it. Acorn squash sprouted and is about 2 inches high. Pole beans are about 6, they doubled in height. Picked up a 1 gallon ziplok full of seed packets for $3 at the thrift store. Name brand seeds, about a dozen varieties of green bean, 44 packets. That’s $60 in seeds for $3, I can afford a slightly lower germination rate….
and I can try a bunch of varieties. Maybe some will do better than the standard blue lake bushes that fail to thrive.
I think I may have finally made a break through on OFD’s computer. I finally got the right USB extension cable, and a wall wart USB charger with enough amps to get the eye tracker to light up properly. The express card USB 3 port didn’t have enough power to drive the thing consistently. Windows d/l’ed a huge update, 20 plus minutes of disk thrashing, and the lappy wouldn’t do ANYTHING else while that was running, including CTRL-ALT-DEL. I left it running and went to bed. More later. (some of my issues are from my droopy right eyelid, the tracker lost my eye and got very inaccurate when I was tired or my vision was poor (squinting)).
I’ve got a bunch of stuff to do today, but we’ll see how much I get done while taking breaks from the heat.
So the iranians are burning the flag and swearing death to America… again and still.
And we should trust them to honor an agreement, even one as lopsided as the obamma nonsense? Why again??
The Iranians tweeted that since Trump backed out of the deal, they are going to be enriching more uranium than ever in just a few weeks time. The last brilliant person on twitter pointed out, that if the Iran deal has been in effect for years and it only takes a few weeks to spin up to pre-deal enrichment levels, Iran just admitted the deal was a farce.
The eruption along Kīlauea Volcano’s lower East Rift Zone within the Leilani Estates
paused Tuesday morning; lava emission or additional fissure outbreaks could resume at
any time. Hazardous gas emissions from the 14 existing fissures continue. Overall
seismicity in the area remains elevated.
• Evacuations: 2,000 (+350) residents of Leilani Estates & Lanipuna Gardens (875
homes) under mandatory evacuation; Leilani Estates residents allowed limited reentry
• Shelters: 2 shelters / 215 (+68) occupants (Region IX Update May 8)
• Damage: 37 structures (27 homes) destroyed; no major damage to CIKR
• Pahoa-Pahoiki road closed from Highway 132 to Highway 137
• Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) Power Plant shut down; local power fluctuations
• Water feed line broken – water restrictions in effect
State / Local Response
• HI EOC at Partial Activation
• The Governor declared a State of Emergency & activated HI National Guard
• A temporary bypass waterline being established to restore water service to areas near
the fissures; a water truck is in place for public use
FEMA Response
• FEMA Region IX RWC & Pacific Area Watch at Steady State; continue to monitor
• Four FEMA Region IX LNOs deployed to HI EOC & Hawai‘i County Civil Defense
• N-IMAT East 1 deployed to HI-EMA (O’ahu)
• FEMA NWC is monitoring
Hey, Nick, not to be a pain, but today’s header says it’s Tuesday, not Wednesday. The date is right, though.
And the Progturds are crying now that the NORKS *did* release US prisoners. All the crowing about killing the Iran deal would stop that didn’t pan out for them. Gee it’s almost like the Progturds want the FUSA to fail.
From a local view and probably elsewhere in the USA
Thanks Roger, that was me thinking it was in fact Tuesday. I look at the date on my pc before posting, since I’ve screwed that up before. No way does this feel like Wednesday already.
The progressives hate the things that have made the USA what it is. they believe that now we can become something else, moving on from our rough and vulgar past…..
You know, now that we’re fat and comfortable, we can finally be perfected (through suffering and sacrifice on the part of the ‘little people’, I’m sure). I’m sure OFD would have something to say about the historical reality of that.
now we can become something else, moving on from our rough and vulgar past….
Because the world is now a calm and peacefull place and humanity has foresaken it’s contentious ways abandoning greed, lust, and envy. Right?
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!
74º and sunny in the city. Probably cooler in the mountains and at the beach. But a good day to get out.
And I won’t get to enjoy it today as I have a delivery to make at lunchtime. It’s all about customer service. If they need something that involves just a little out of the way, I just give it. No nickel & dime stuff. I couldn’t bill more than $10 for the time anyway. But they appreciate the attention & I get great word-of-mouth that way.
Now that things are warming up, I’m catching up on all the little things I let slide through the winter. SAD? Probably, but not diagnosed as such. I just get a LOT more productive when the days get longer and I can get outside with bare skin.
Trump bothers me. I would wish for someone less bombastic and confrontational. Given my druthers, he’s not on the list at all. But the alternative was even worse (from my point of view) and really, Trump is effective. If all you’re looking for is results, Trump’s going to give them to you.
Years ago my boss (at the time) lectured me on how Clinton wasn’t such a bad president. Unemployment was down, the economy was good, and people were generally happy. My argument was “Yeah, but the man’s a pig. I’d rather not have such an embarrassment in office.” Mind you
Is Trump better? I dunno.
Ohhh! I hope so. As a legacy from my great-great grandfather, I have a tiny portion of an oil well in Bakersfield. I love bragging about it because it reminds me of _Sunset Boulevard_ : “I have oil wells in Bakersfield pumping and pumping away”. It’s always fun to see what each month’s check will bring in. Used to pay for car insurance, but not any more…
As for commas and spacing, I usually use a single-space but have lately begun to use an indent for paragraph breaks. On my old Loyal Royal I’d use the tab button, which is five spaces, but my fingers have gotten too old to push that many times. So three is now the norm.
Makes for easier reading, don’t you think?
Not that this WordPress thing recognizes them!

Okay, thanks for the name play. I’m usually more offensive than offended.
Single & double spaces mean nothing on the web. HTML formatting completely ignores standard whitespace, so one space or 5 spaces amount to the same thing. (You don’t see the multiple spaces I put in the prior sentence because
Roadkillhtml.)That said, I don’t use tabs, I use a single space after commas, I use a double space after periods, and I use the Oxford comma.
I think I may have finally made a break through on OFD’s computer.
That’s cool. I’m still in limbo on the T440 since Amex issued a charge back until they complete their investigation into Newegg’s business practices in my case, and, in effect, I have stolen the laptop as far as Newegg is concerned.
The T440 is in the box in my closet, ready to go … somewhere.
I bit the bullet and bought myself a stripped T470 new. Build quality isn’t the same as earlier T series, but it is a heckuva lot lighter. My wife is envious of the keyboard — she has the latest, much hated Apple laptop keyboard, and Lenovo has decided not to push things that far.
Lol, I’ll never get it right, so I remember your name as best I can with the Alzheimer’s. No offense intended, but if I knew the origin I’ll probably get it.
Speaking of offensive, I coined a little epigram a while back, here in the land of a thousand chips on its shoulders, Seattle. “One can not give offense, only take it”.
Worth thinking about.
Glad to hear of the progress. If for some some reason, you can’t work around the droopy right eyelid thing, I would be happy to take over. Assuming that someone else more qualified doesn’t volunteer first.
I have a Lenovo W510 laptop that I bought on E-Bay. I love the machine, but the purchase experience was disappointing. The seller shipped me another W510 than the one I bought. It wound up being close enough to what I wanted, so I kept what I got rather than returning it for a refund.
needwant to replace the hard drive with an SSD, but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.Update: The seller shipped me a machine with more memory than the one I ordered, but had installed the 32 bit version of WIndows 10. So I had to either download the 64 bit version of Windows from Microsoft or install my favorite Linux distro. So I did both.
It happens to all of us European Americans (see how PC I am) eventually. As we age, our eyes end up looking like those of Asians. Well for me at least, it is both upper eyelids drooping.
(Where did all my spaces after periods (or are they now called dots?) go?)
fwiw, the theme here strips out a lot of formatting and white space. It also does stuff I wish it didn’t, like converting the ” into open and close quotes, ala MS Word (mainly I don’t like it because Word did it, and I didn’t ask it to.) It will also turn a series of — dashes into either the emdash or a line across (rule) which is cool.
Probably best to focus on content, not presentation, but there you have it.
wearing my cheater reading glasses prevents the drooping eyelid and the tracker does a pretty good job thru the glasses.
More testing needed.
I read the WHO is reporting a new outbreak of Ebola in Afreaka. Cue the libturd call for more immigrants. Maybe Iran can test it’s nukes there.
Why the Lyme disease vaccine went away.
The droopy eyelid syndrome, at least in medical terms, is called ptosis.
In decrepit old age it’s called the droopy eyelid syndrome…
Brits tend to have it bad, as well as those clannish Scots (no names here!)
I’ve seen a couple plastic surgeons who say fixing it is no problem, but when I discuss ‘draping’ the lid so I don’t end up looking like Mary Tyler Moore, they go blank. Yet another reason I dislike the doctors so much…
There are criteria for getting it fixed as a medical procedure, otherwise it’s considered cosmetic surgery.
Patrick Stewart had his done, I think, and it was an excellent job: not too much, not too little, but just right.
I appreciate the type around!
My Drobo 5D went dark on Monday. The power brick LED was flashing Green. Googles and the Drobo forums mostly said the power brick failed. It can’t deliver enough oompf to power the drives. Drobo wants to sell you a new system, but I went with a 3rd party power brick off of Amazon. I’m happy to say the Drobo is fully functional today. A win for Googles and forums.
No True Scotsman would have eyelid plastic surgery.
Speaking of Scotsmen:
Is this a JOKE?’ Scottish man to be sentenced for possessing THIS ‘offensive weapon’
The only thing better is if he was Irish.
It’s more a function of that eye learning to close off the blurry image. I don’t notice, and wasn’t aware, until I watched the diagnostic telltales on the eye tracker software.
I got LASIK before it was an approved procedure, and they would either not do it or do it differently now than what I had done. I loved the result, and have no regrets, but in one eye, in low light, my pupil dilates to outside the corrected area and my vision goes blurry. This is exacerbated by tension in my shoulder and neck on that side, and by a corneal ulcer that refuses to heal completely.
It seems I’ve learned to shut that eye without even realizing it when using the pc in lower light conditions, or late in the day. When I turn my head that direction, that lid droops unless I’m conscious of it. I’m a bit “heavy lidded” anyway. Funny that this coping mechanism developed and that I only noticed because of the eye tracker.
Most ophthalmologists do eyelid lifts (probably second only to cataracts) and insurance covers it if the claim is vision improvement.
Lol, I’ll never get it right, so I remember your name as best I can with the Alzheimer’s. No offense intended, but if I knew the origin I’ll probably get it.
It’s just d for Dave (one of the many here) and the first syllable of my last name – not very common but a a few hundred of us in the USA. Many more in Germany – old Prussian name. dkreck on many sites for many years. Preceded the use of compuDave
that I now use most often.
Besides your names are funny. I often see it as dreck myself.
Mr. Atoz – Got to love those acronyms, every time I see something like “I read the WHO is reporting …” I have to do a contextual internal translation from the band to the actual reference.
More fun with typing style,
Notepad gets a major upgrade, now does Unix line endings
Line endings…discuss.
Re: Nibbled to death by potato peeler,
Monty Python – Self-Defense Against Fruit – YouTube
Surface laptop is giving blue screens of death. Something about a critical process died. Also got a message about being unable to access the C: drive. Still under warranty. Reinstalled W10X64 from scratch, still having problems. I am also uninstalling some software such as Malwarebytes and Acronis True Image. It may be one of this is causing problems. It started after installing the latest update for W10, 1804. May be an incompatibility issue as 1804 has not been out long. Annoying as all get out.
I think I may have been a very early adopter of UltraEdit.
Paid for, because I believe in intellectual property rights.
Anyway Ian and UEdit got so damn fancy over the years I wrote and asked if I could have version 6 back. They happily complied and emailed it to me, so I have versions 6 and 9 on various computers. Looking at the site now, I see they’re on ver 25! WTF?
@Slim, Awww, had I known I’d have sent you a
spoorantartan scarf or something when I was in Edinburgh a couple years ago. D farquhar got a kick out of the ones I sent him.@dwreck — Unless you spell the origin, or give me another clue, you’ll just have to suffer!
@dwreck — Unless you spell the origin, or give me another clue, you’ll just have to suffer!
I’ve been married 47 years. I can take being called anything (and worse).
More on the laptop crashing issues. I removed Malwarebytes. Since removing the laptop has not had any issues. Has stayed alive much longer than it had in the past. As I indicated the problems started after the update to version 1804 of Windows 10. I suspect that Malwarebytes has an issue with something in the Surface Laptop that is causing the crash.
Shame because I spend $9.99 in 2012 for a lifetime license for the premium version. So for now Malwarebytes is banned from the Surface. Will see if the problems reappear in the next couple of days.
I really don’t need Malwarebytes anymore anyway. I have Norton security installed and Windows defender. Should be more than good enough.
Reminds me, several decades back when still wearing ties to work, I went into a local Scottish store for one to go with a new, lavender shirt that I had bought from Lands’ End. Lady inquired as to my name and then took me to McLeod. Truthfully, I told her that I already a tie of that tartan, but wanted one to go with the shirt that I was wearing. She heartily approved of how my selection matched up the shirt, Royal Canadian Air Force tartan.
WRT to internet handles: CowboySlim (BMI: 140)
A Haven for the Homeless
‘”Basically a homeless shelter with books,” said one library user. “It’s hard to concentrate because there’s always someone snoring loudly with their filthy feet up on the furniture.”‘
“The homeless crisis is also generating some progressive, outside-the-box ideas. Last month, Los Angeles County held an awards ceremony and exhibition featuring the winners of a design competition for pop-up housing units that would allow homeless people to move onto others’ property.” (emphasis added.)
No doubt it’ll all work out juuuust fine!
I am so glad we don’t make homeless people go to homeless shelters. Edith Keeler was a monster! We should never have homeless people sleeping in homeless shelters, that is wrong! We should not build inpatient psychiatric facilities. People who are too mentally ill to function in society should be sleeping in the streets and in prisons, not in inpatient psychiatric care facilities or homeless shelters.
@mratoz Speaking of Scotsmen
Any logician will tell you that a slippery slope argument is a fallacy. But arresting a man for carrying a potato peeler seems to be the end of a very real greasy incline.
I have a multitool on my belt everyday (Gerber Suspension). Insanely useful, and according to the UK a WMD. Does Gerber or Leatherman even sell in the UK or Europe?
When I was in high school, I carried a small pair of very pointy scissors. They made a great punch dagger, and fit in my wallet. Never used them except as scissors…
When knives are banned, the punters just break a beer mug in your face, google “glassing”.
Or throw battery acid on you (acid attacks on rise in UK says the headline).
Or hit you with a sucker punch (see ‘knock out game’)
or carry a hammer on a belt holster (like a former boss, who ended up murdering an employee by beating him to death with a hammer).
When will the progs learn it is not the object but the man holding it? fukers.
More on the laptop crashing issues. I removed Malwarebytes. Since removing the laptop has not had any issues. Has stayed alive much longer than it had in the past. As I indicated the problems started after the update to version 1804 of Windows 10. I suspect that Malwarebytes has an issue with something in the Surface Laptop that is causing the crash.
One of the biggest knuckleheads from my group at Death Star Telephone now works at Malwarebytes.
Also, I never trust software from a company with a Downtown Clearwater, FL mailing address. Google is your friend.
May Xenu be merciful with OFD.
Oh, I think I know that one (RCA). Ours is so damn ugly you’d need to be a corpse or have a name like dwreck to wear it. Or be as old as Edith Keeler… lol, wonder where Joan would be if it hadn’t been for that role.
I had a tiny half inch penknife on my keychain which got confiscated at some airport or another. Handy little thing, from a gumball machine, I suspect. Of course, when was the kast time you saw one of those?
I am so glad we don’t make homeless people go to homeless shelters. Edith Keeler was a monster! We should never have homeless people sleeping in homeless shelters, that is wrong! We should not build inpatient psychiatric facilities. People who are too mentally ill to function in society should be sleeping in the streets and in prisons, not in inpatient psychiatric care facilities or homeless shelters.
I hope that was sarcasm ….
My rational self suspects that aiding the homeless merely delays their inevitable demise; my compassionate self has no idea what to do with/about/for them but strongly feels that inflicting them on the productive members of society is most definitely not a solution.
It seems the battery in the mower is ok. It came from the side by side and seemed weak. Perhaps from lack of using the side by side. I put the 1 amp charger on it yesterday. Put the 6 amp charger on it today and the meter went right to almost zero. Checked the oil and tires, turned the gas on, pulled the choke, half throttle, and hit the key. At most three turns and it started.
I’ll know more tomorrow. I have more to mow. Three hours today was enough.
I believe Mr. mediumwave wins the Internet this week.
I am flying on Delta to Montana tomorrow from IAH. I am pissed that I cannot carry my Swiss Army Knife in my pocket. At least they LET me carry it in my checked luggage.
As JEP used to say, “But we were born free !”.
“A.F. Branco Cartoon – One Liberal’s Treasure…”
I would need a bio suit to drag that load of crap to the curb.
Don’t be surprised if it does not arrive. They LET your put the item in your luggage so it can be stolen.
Luggage thieves are abundant in the gallows of the airports. I have had several luggage bags rifled through as the stuff was rearranged. A couple of times items turned up missing. Airport and TSA response was the items were never in the luggage as all their workers are vetted and do not steal.
Many are homeless because they want to be homeless. The only people that we should provide shelter are homeless females with children. The rest can suffer, die, rot, or otherwise cease to exist. Many chose that existence, let them enjoy the spoils of their choice. Not my problem unless the bum is in my front yard. Then he becomes mower fodder.
The only people that we should provide shelter are homeless females with children.
I second that. I’d also make an exception for the mentally ill who are either a danger to others or who are in danger of becoming victims themselves–although, AIUI, it literally almost takes an Act of Congress to get someone committed nowadays.
The alkies, junkies, and bums are on their own.
That said, I don’t use tabs, I use a single space after commas, I use a double space after periods, and I use the Oxford comma.
+1. (See my previous comma, er, comment!
Nits make lice. It’s rough on the kids, but if their mothers have such poor judgment or self control or other problems that they can’t manage to scrounge a place to live, the kids are likely to be defective themselves and we’re better off without them. Keeping them alive merely delays the problem and makes it worse.
In the same vein, I encourage teenage suicide. For the most part, suicidal teens kill only themselves.* If the disturbed teens are protected from themselves and they grow up and are still disturbed, they’re much more likely to kill others along with themselves, or even to kill others but not themselves. No, better to let them off themselves while young and relatively harmless.
* The phenomenon of the white, male teen getting a rifle and shooting until he’s stopped is relatively new and still very rare; don’t be fooled by the gun grabbers’ endless recitation of the few cases. Furthermore, I believe a careful and honest study will show that almost all of the shooters were on psychoactive drugs prescribed to control their deviant and potentially suicidal behavior. If they’d been left alone, they’d have killed themselves or gotten themselves killed before killing others. Nice going, well-meaning meddlers.
Luggage thieves are abundant in the gallows of the airports. I have had several luggage bags rifled through as the stuff was rearranged. A couple of times items turned up missing. Airport and TSA response was the items were never in the luggage as all their workers are vetted and do not steal.
Tampa International has a special out building where the TSA screens luggage, out of sight of the public and the airport’s police force. I never fly in and out of that place with anything valuable in the suitcase. My wife’s even had clothing disappear.
Yes, I was being sarcastic. A friend of a friend makes mats out of plastic grocery bags for homeless people to sleep on. At some level that seems like a nice thing to do, but I have to wonder if we should be addressing the underlying problem, and not just slapping a band aid on it.
I realize that the days when we institutionalized people for being mentally ill, that system was not perfect. It seems better than having them sleep in the streets or locking them up in prison instead.
I had read an article on how some cities are spending perfectly good money to make benches you can’t sleep on or making it so you can’t sleep under a bridge. If someone is an alcoholic and homeless, I think we should address that problem, not spend money making it harder for them to sleep outside. Where by “we” I mean private charitable organizations, not the government.
The airport thing makes me wonder…
What if someone were to place a concealed camera in a piece of luggage. A camera that continuously records & uploads said video. When the camera is then found & destroyed, the evidence is already uploaded & distributed.
Of course, that probably violates some regulation pertaining to airport security. (NOT a law, mind, but a regulation.) Better not try it.
One option espoused on the web, is to get a cheap starter pistol (which qualifies as a firearm) and declare it in your bag every time you fly. In theory, those bags get special handling. And if it does go missing anyway, you just lose a starter pistol.
I’m not gonna tempt fate, but in 3/4 million air miles of travel, I have not had an issue.
And the couple of times my bag got lost, it was quickly found and returned to me.