Woke up to low 50sF. Currently 56F and 47%RH which makes it cold and clear. Partly cloudy blue sky is nice…
Kids start swim team practice today. Good thing it’s “dry land” practice.
No idea what our taxes are gonna be like this year. Haven’t even looked at it.
Got this summary from FEMA today, I guess a bunch of people are going to be running a really slow race in Boston tomorrow in the rain.
I note the massive involvement of federal assets. Like the SuperBowl and a couple other events, the war on terror has brought the Feds into local life in a way no one could possibly imagine. I’ll bet the organizing body for the Boston Marathon isn’t paying one dime in taxpayer reimbursement either.
This is food for thought….
Tax day is Tuesday this year. Monday is emancipation day in DC or something like that.
@Lynn said:
More like constipation day. Oh wait, that is every day in D.C.
D.C. = District of Constipation
Ex Lax brownies anyone?
When it comes time to sign the inch high stack of paper that makes up my tax forms, I want to emancipate myself from those parasites in DC with a freaking flame thrower….
One of the biggest storms of the season is still here. Lots of wind and probably close to a foot of snow. We had plenty of rain on Friday. Glad that stayed as rain or we would really be digging out.
I am leaving it alone – we can stay in today and I will use 4×4 to back out of the drive and head to work in the morning. Like a friend of mine says: “God put it here – he can take it away”. Particularly this late in the year.
FWIW, taxes were better for me this year.
Just because they’re full of shit doesn’t mean they’are constipated.
When it comes time to sign the inch high stack of paper that makes up my tax forms, I want to emancipate myself from those parasites in DC with a freaking flame thrower….
Just drive in from the VA side of DC. Maryland law prohibits private ownership/possession of a flame thrower.
One of many reasons we went with private school was the intrusion of the feds on school and eating.
Not just the school lunch offered to students.
The staff that have been instructed to change the lunch you provide to what they deem compliant.
The 2% milk (associated with early puberty) pushed at every opportunity.
From cradle to grave, groomed to rely on government.
It’s my responsibility to feed my child, I know best what she needs. Get the heck out of lunchbox. And every where else for that matter.
Filed my taxes in mid February with Turbo Tax. Owed federal and got back from Alabama. Received the State refund at the first of the month. Scheduled to have the federal drafted on the 10th of this month. Don’t want to give them their money too early, but didn’t want to wait until the last day, just in case something went wrong.
Cold today. Spent some of the day in the heated garage changing the oil in one of the cars. Other than that, I’ve been watching more episodes of E.R. On Hulu. I’m on season 11 and I have never seen any of these episodes. I realize now I stopped watching about the time they killed of Dr. Greene.
Emancipation Day, indeed. I wondered why the apt building was so vacant today! Usually you can never do laundry on a Sunday…
I *never* keep track of holidays. I wonder what they’re calling it now?
Have you noticed every time they change a street name it’s not after some white guy, like say McArthur? Army Street? Hell no! It’s Cesar Chavez Street now. Pretty soon Cape Canaveral will go from the Kennedy Space Center to the Obama Space Center.
Nick, before RBT, before JEP, you posted a really good long “how to” on eBay selling. To this day, I don’t know how to search this site, so could you find it and repost, and TAG it (however that’s done) under eBay?
@jim – re searching for a Nick Flandrey diatribe (er, screed) on selling on ebay, try this search with your googles/equivalent:
142 results, might find the results you are looking for…
‘Full Metal Jacket’ actor R. Lee Ermey dies at age 74
Another good man gone.
Added: A lighter side of R. Lee
I’ll look, probably tomorrow. And tag it with guest post. You can try that if it was an actual post and not comment….
@jim~ – is this the one you were looking for?
Has comments from RBT and OFD….
I can now die. A guy from Louisanna brought in about 4 gallons of super fresh pork boudin to his hospitality suite. I had three 3 inch pieces. It took the rest of my beer to put out the fire to a smouldering happy mass in my stomach.
@jim~ – is this the one you were looking for?
I’m not Jim, but thanks for the link, Nick! I’ve got a back room half-full of “stuff” that surely someone would pay decent money for.
Has comments from RBT and OFD….
Slightly eerie, especially as those comments were made less than a year ago….
Dadgumit ! I made a rookie error, I only brought 50 business cards for the conference. I gave out 30 of those tonight. I forgot to replenish my truck after I stole several for my brochure assembly. Dadgumit !
I am planning on OFD coming back …
I am planning on OFD coming back …
As are we all. Seeing those comments reminded me just how major a presence OFD was on this blog until slightly more than two months ago. His absence is sorely felt, and his return eagerly awaited.
YES! Thanks, Nick. Very cogent and useful info.
Eerie, too. 🙁
I hope you tagged it. I don’t know how to do that.
Yes, I could do a site search, site:ttgnet.com, but it’s a hassle.