Never one to over do it. Fortunately I don’t care for corned beef.
What’s an Irish seven course dinner?
A six pack of beer and a boiled potato.
Now to offend everyone…
Two Irishmen were sitting at a pub having beer and watching the brothel across the street.
They saw a Baptist minister walk into the brothel, and one of them said, “Aye, ’tis a shame to see a man of the cloth goin’ bad.”
Then they saw a rabbi enter the brothel, and the other Irishman said, “Aye, ’tis a shame to see that the Jews are fallin’ victim to temptation as well.”
Then they see a catholic priest enter the brothel, and one of the Irishmen said, “What a terrible pity…one of the girls must be dying.
He said he had it set for 0941, but had no idea the time zone. Might it have been PST? Anyway, thanks @Jenny for giving it swift kick. We all need that from time to time.
The guns were quiet last night but some traffic accidents last night netted the KPD (Kennewick Police Department) several scofflaws and wanteds. Too bad for the innocent people who got injured and their cars ruined, they will have a hard time with insurance. Why is it that “No Fault Insurance” really isn’t “no fault”?
Happy Saint Pat’s Day, Dad is about 10% Irish which means I am in constant internal conflict with my Scotch, British, French, and Norse genes.
Corned Beast is in the crock pot, cabbage goes into the InstaPot, potatoes will be seasoned and roasted in the oven, and there is plenty of Guinness in the beerferator.
“Anonymous is one of our favorite contributors. Here is his/her latest trivia:
Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
Peanuts are an ingredient of dynamite.
The longest one-syllable word in the English language is “screeched”.
“Dreamt” is the only English word ending in “mt”.”
And … I’m home. Long day at the Hamfest, but well attended and I emptied at least 8 and possibly 10 flip top tubs of stuff. I was selling a lot of $1 and $5 items so I’ll have to do the count, but the main thing is less stuff in the garage.
speaking of garage, the rats beat a path around the tubs and over the tubs toward my food so at least 2 major routes toward my food… clever rats. What a mess along the paths though. Ughh.
Thanks to Jenny for kicking the post loose… I was so busy from the moment I pulled up to the ‘fest that I never checked the page.
I got swarmed with guys opening the bins that were still in the truck. I told them if they opened a bin to at least carry it to a table for me. This is in pre-dawn darkness too. Felt like I needed a cigarette after that first half hour.
Now to clean the garage, move the bins, and hopefully get some stuff off the patio as well.
I cannot remember, has anyone tried these people to exit a timeshare ? My wife has decided it is time to kill off my father-in-laws four timeshares. She just paid about $3,000 in annual fees.
If this costs $4,000 per time share, wow ! She does not want to inherit these nightmares and neither do I.
I’ve never tried to exit a time share, but I know that in Florida it was possible to file to reject the bequeathal if you inherited a contract from someone. The window is very short however, 30 days after the will reading IIRC.
My guess is that you already have a family law attorney involved. Talk to them about the timeshare. Yeah, you don’t want to inherit the nightmare.
If you haven’t seen it already, find “The Queen of Versailles” on Neflix. Now that the time share industry has recovered, the “Queen” is finishing her house outside Orlando.
A man stumbles up to the only other patron in a bar and asks if he could buy him a drink.
“Why of course”, comes the reply.
The first man then asks: “Where are you from?”
“I’m from Ireland”, replies the second man.
The first man responds: “You don’t say, I’m from Ireland too! Let’s have another round to Ireland.”
“Of Course”, replies the second man.
Curious, the first man then asks: “Where in Ireland are you from?”
“Dublin”, comes the reply.
“I can’t believe it”, says the first man. “I’m from Dublin too! Let’s have another drink to Dublin.”
“Of course”, replies the second man.
Curiousity again strikes and the first man asks: “What school did you goto?”
“Saint Mary’s”, replies the second man. “I graduated in ’62.”
“This is unbelievable!”, the first man says. “I went to Saint Mary’s and I graduated in ’62, too!”
About that time in comes one of the regulars and sits down at the bar.
“What’s been going on?”, he asks the bartender.
“Nothing much,” replies the bartender. “The O’Malley twins are drunk again.”
Yes. In the best of times we were on watch for 6 hours, then 12 off to do PMs (preventive maintenance), “recreate”, and sleep. If something broke there was no time off until it was fixed. If were on silent running you were either on watch or in your rack. All racks were the same size, officer or enlisted, but you got more personal storage space as you advanced in rank. The vast majority of the enlisted crew was in a big main berthing area. First Class (E6) had a smaller berthing area which made it a bit quieter. Your storage space is a “pan” under your rack. Racks were usually 3 high, a few 2 high, and a few 4 high (nose bleed). The Chiefs were in what is called the Goat Locker, a berthing area with a “lounge” area (table and benches). Officers were 2 to a State Room, each had a fold-down desk, chair, and a locker to hang their uniforms. The Captain had his own cabin and the XO (Executive Officer) and Engineering Office (top Nuke Officer) had a joint stateroom the same size as the Captain’s.
If you do not respect a person’s space you do not last on a submarine.
My folks sold their florida timeshares. They were on Sanibel Island, so pretty nice. Not a good deal, I don’t think, but they enjoyed them for a while.
I get offers in the mail to sell my timeshares… but I don’t have any. I am on a “prospects list” (thanks mom), and have the same name as my father, so I think that is what generates the solicitations.
Like a lot of things, there might be a case somewhere where they are a good deal, but the industry is certainly sleazy.
I cannot remember, has anyone tried these people to exit a timeshare ?
I tried using a company to get rid of my timeshare. Paid them money and they didn’t do shirt(-r). TS company threatened me with collections for unpaid maintenance fees that the TS selling company said to not pay.
Eventually I had a title transfer drawn up and transferred the TS back to the TS company. Registered the transfer in the county courthouse where the TS company was located. I got paid zero but no longer legally owned the TS thus I could not be held responsible for any fees.
I don’t regret the TS as we used the exchange multiple times. Even stayed there multiple times. The real hassle is getting rid of them. Mine was low end, $400 in maintenance fees, owned by the owners who could elect their own board, property well maintained, only paid $4,500 about 25 years ago.
I wanted out as the exchanges were no longer based on weeks but points. That limited my exchange options. To convert to points was going to cost $12,000.00. I refused to pay again for my own week. RCI, the exchange company, exchange fees and membership fees were getting high. If you joined for one year to exchange for that year RCI required you be a member for two years thus doubling the membership fees. And RCI had limited exchanges for weekly owners with the majority being points. My resort and week was only good for about two days of points exchange and a minimum of three days of exchange. The change to points sucked.
Contact the TS company directly. Skip those lousy sell your timeshare companies. You may be able to just give it back to the company or they may sell it for you. You will not get much, if anything, anything for the sale but at least you are done with maintenance fees.
@jenny, saw exactly 2 young girls (~8 to 10) out with dads at the hamfest. One older tween with dad who was a ham, had a vest with patches and at least one radio on. Was price checking me on stuff with her phone….
For comparison, saw NOT ONE boy younger than 18 and the ~18yo was there with dad and college brother.
Neither of my girls is currently interested in any STEM subjects.
Contact the TS company directly. Skip those lousy sell your timeshare companies. You may be able to just give it back to the company or they may sell it for you. You will not get much, if anything, anything for the sale but at least you are done with maintenance fees.
Hey, how do I tell if there is a IPv6 firewall in my AT&T uverse modem ?
Or is my home network just live on the IPv6 intertubes ?
You don’t have a router in between the modem and your home network? The good ones now have IPv6 firewalls with a decent set of rules as default.
IPv6 was supposed to expose your home network to the interwebs in order to facilitate the “Internet of Things”. Don’t you want your refrigerator ordering milk from Amazon Fresh on your behalf?
I wouldn’t trust the Death Star to do much beyond the minimum. Does your neighborhood still have the a**-ugly curb-side box Uverse architecture?
I tried to traceroute to my home pc IPv6 address from my web server in Pittsburg. It cannot find my IPv6 address. This may be a good thing.
They may block unsolicited incoming traffic since you are a home user and not a business account.
I was involved in the initial pass at the Uverse DVR scheduling app on the iPhone so I have a love-hate relationship (mostly hate) with Uverse. I won’t have it in my house, and I’m on an extra special “Do Not Call” list at the Death Star since we moved into one of their service areas.
I gave up on introducing the older neighbor girl to the thrill of a sci fi fair entry. Not my monkey. Not my circus.
“Tricked” my Kindergartener into doing a simple chromatography experiment. Dangled a brand new box of color markers in front of her, had her make colored spots on white tea filters. Bribed her with a shiny new 8 x 8 notebook with 8 blank pages. Had her write one color at the top of each page.
Had her write her guess as to what colors comprised each individual color.
About halfway through she smelled one of Nick’s rats and declared accusingly:
“This is science, isn’t it!”
Candy bribes to finish. Lots of pics along the way.she liked that she got to use an eye dropper to apply water to each sample. She liked the crazy voices I made and the group participation from papa.
Last step was writing down, for each sample,
“I see:…”
followed by the observed colors.
She was mollified and proud when she saw the end result.
I learned from my science teaching failures yesterday, swallowed my interfering ways, and shut down my inner bossy adult.
Got the online entry completed. Scanned the lab notebook for printing, bought an inexpensive display made of cardboard.
Last step is to assemble it all and ge5 through judging on Saturday.
I’m calling _that_ my prep for the week – committing serious time to getting a child to think and do.
Nick’s post for today was ‘stuck’ so I gave it a swift kick to encourage it.
Never one to over do it. Fortunately I don’t care for corned beef.
What’s an Irish seven course dinner?
A six pack of beer and a boiled potato.
Now to offend everyone…
Two Irishmen were sitting at a pub having beer and watching the brothel across the street.
They saw a Baptist minister walk into the brothel, and one of them said, “Aye, ’tis a shame to see a man of the cloth goin’ bad.”
Then they saw a rabbi enter the brothel, and the other Irishman said, “Aye, ’tis a shame to see that the Jews are fallin’ victim to temptation as well.”
Then they see a catholic priest enter the brothel, and one of the Irishmen said, “What a terrible pity…one of the girls must be dying.
He said he had it set for 0941, but had no idea the time zone. Might it have been PST? Anyway, thanks @Jenny for giving it swift kick. We all need that from time to time.
The guns were quiet last night but some traffic accidents last night netted the KPD (Kennewick Police Department) several scofflaws and wanteds. Too bad for the innocent people who got injured and their cars ruined, they will have a hard time with insurance. Why is it that “No Fault Insurance” really isn’t “no fault”?
Happy Saint Pat’s Day, Dad is about 10% Irish which means I am in constant internal conflict with my Scotch, British, French, and Norse genes.
Corned Beast is in the crock pot, cabbage goes into the InstaPot, potatoes will be seasoned and roasted in the oven, and there is plenty of Guinness in the beerferator.
The time zone for this site is EDT/EST. So the ‘scheduled’ time for any future post is based on EDT/EST.
In today’s Fort Bend Star from BH:
“Anonymous is one of our favorite contributors. Here is his/her latest trivia:
Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
Peanuts are an ingredient of dynamite.
The longest one-syllable word in the English language is “screeched”.
“Dreamt” is the only English word ending in “mt”.”
“Sessions fires McCabe before he can retire”
“Trump had repeatedly attacked the veteran FBI official”
When you try to play big boy games, be sure that you have a stable foundation. Mr. McCabe may find himself the focus of a new special prosecutor soon.
Hat tip to:
And … I’m home. Long day at the Hamfest, but well attended and I emptied at least 8 and possibly 10 flip top tubs of stuff. I was selling a lot of $1 and $5 items so I’ll have to do the count, but the main thing is less stuff in the garage.
speaking of garage, the rats beat a path around the tubs and over the tubs toward my food so at least 2 major routes toward my food… clever rats. What a mess along the paths though. Ughh.
Thanks to Jenny for kicking the post loose… I was so busy from the moment I pulled up to the ‘fest that I never checked the page.
I got swarmed with guys opening the bins that were still in the truck. I told them if they opened a bin to at least carry it to a table for me. This is in pre-dawn darkness too. Felt like I needed a cigarette after that first half hour.
Now to clean the garage, move the bins, and hopefully get some stuff off the patio as well.
The only two irish jokes I know…
Two paddies walk into a bar…
— of course they do, they’re irish.
Definition of oral sex in ireland–
— two paddies on opposite street corners yelling at each other —
Badump bump!
Folks, I’ll be here all week, don’t forget to tip your waitress……
(just over $850 at the hamfest, worth the sunburn)
Oh my gosh.
Totally failed attempt to keep two little girls interested in the science fair.
Initial interest was high. Rapidly faded as I worked through a water displacement activity with them.
Internally I’m screaming “just make the damn boat!!!!”
I suck at teaching children. I’m taking flowers to the teacher tomorrow. And maybe a bottle of wine.
There will be drinking tonight.
Timeshare Exit Team
I cannot remember, has anyone tried these people to exit a timeshare ? My wife has decided it is time to kill off my father-in-laws four timeshares. She just paid about $3,000 in annual fees.
I did find this somewhat nasty article, “Getting out of an unwanted timeshare deal”:
If this costs $4,000 per time share, wow ! She does not want to inherit these nightmares and neither do I.
What is a seven course meal to an Irishman ?
A six pack and a potato.
Bring back memories DadCooks?
Wizard of Id, There is still a bit of green !
If this costs $4,000 per time share, wow ! She does not want to inherit these nightmares and neither do I.
I’ve never tried to exit a time share, but I know that in Florida it was possible to file to reject the bequeathal if you inherited a contract from someone. The window is very short however, 30 days after the will reading IIRC.
My guess is that you already have a family law attorney involved. Talk to them about the timeshare. Yeah, you don’t want to inherit the nightmare.
If you haven’t seen it already, find “The Queen of Versailles” on Neflix. Now that the time share industry has recovered, the “Queen” is finishing her house outside Orlando.
Drinking an O’Bud (only because I have no Guinness on hand)
On the central California coast. Maybe a trip down to McMozzi’s
Okay one more…
A man stumbles up to the only other patron in a bar and asks if he could buy him a drink.
“Why of course”, comes the reply.
The first man then asks: “Where are you from?”
“I’m from Ireland”, replies the second man.
The first man responds: “You don’t say, I’m from Ireland too! Let’s have another round to Ireland.”
“Of Course”, replies the second man.
Curious, the first man then asks: “Where in Ireland are you from?”
“Dublin”, comes the reply.
“I can’t believe it”, says the first man. “I’m from Dublin too! Let’s have another drink to Dublin.”
“Of course”, replies the second man.
Curiousity again strikes and the first man asks: “What school did you goto?”
“Saint Mary’s”, replies the second man. “I graduated in ’62.”
“This is unbelievable!”, the first man says. “I went to Saint Mary’s and I graduated in ’62, too!”
About that time in comes one of the regulars and sits down at the bar.
“What’s been going on?”, he asks the bartender.
“Nothing much,” replies the bartender. “The O’Malley twins are drunk again.”
@Miles_Teg said:
“Bring back memories DadCooks?”
Yes. In the best of times we were on watch for 6 hours, then 12 off to do PMs (preventive maintenance), “recreate”, and sleep. If something broke there was no time off until it was fixed. If were on silent running you were either on watch or in your rack. All racks were the same size, officer or enlisted, but you got more personal storage space as you advanced in rank. The vast majority of the enlisted crew was in a big main berthing area. First Class (E6) had a smaller berthing area which made it a bit quieter. Your storage space is a “pan” under your rack. Racks were usually 3 high, a few 2 high, and a few 4 high (nose bleed). The Chiefs were in what is called the Goat Locker, a berthing area with a “lounge” area (table and benches). Officers were 2 to a State Room, each had a fold-down desk, chair, and a locker to hang their uniforms. The Captain had his own cabin and the XO (Executive Officer) and Engineering Office (top Nuke Officer) had a joint stateroom the same size as the Captain’s.
If you do not respect a person’s space you do not last on a submarine.
My folks sold their florida timeshares. They were on Sanibel Island, so pretty nice. Not a good deal, I don’t think, but they enjoyed them for a while.
I get offers in the mail to sell my timeshares… but I don’t have any. I am on a “prospects list” (thanks mom), and have the same name as my father, so I think that is what generates the solicitations.
Like a lot of things, there might be a case somewhere where they are a good deal, but the industry is certainly sleazy.
I cannot remember, has anyone tried these people to exit a timeshare ?
I tried using a company to get rid of my timeshare. Paid them money and they didn’t do shirt(-r). TS company threatened me with collections for unpaid maintenance fees that the TS selling company said to not pay.
Eventually I had a title transfer drawn up and transferred the TS back to the TS company. Registered the transfer in the county courthouse where the TS company was located. I got paid zero but no longer legally owned the TS thus I could not be held responsible for any fees.
I don’t regret the TS as we used the exchange multiple times. Even stayed there multiple times. The real hassle is getting rid of them. Mine was low end, $400 in maintenance fees, owned by the owners who could elect their own board, property well maintained, only paid $4,500 about 25 years ago.
I wanted out as the exchanges were no longer based on weeks but points. That limited my exchange options. To convert to points was going to cost $12,000.00. I refused to pay again for my own week. RCI, the exchange company, exchange fees and membership fees were getting high. If you joined for one year to exchange for that year RCI required you be a member for two years thus doubling the membership fees. And RCI had limited exchanges for weekly owners with the majority being points. My resort and week was only good for about two days of points exchange and a minimum of three days of exchange. The change to points sucked.
Contact the TS company directly. Skip those lousy sell your timeshare companies. You may be able to just give it back to the company or they may sell it for you. You will not get much, if anything, anything for the sale but at least you are done with maintenance fees.
@jenny, saw exactly 2 young girls (~8 to 10) out with dads at the hamfest. One older tween with dad who was a ham, had a vest with patches and at least one radio on. Was price checking me on stuff with her phone….
For comparison, saw NOT ONE boy younger than 18 and the ~18yo was there with dad and college brother.
Neither of my girls is currently interested in any STEM subjects.
My guess is that you already have a family law attorney involved. Talk to them about the timeshare. Yeah, you don’t want to inherit the nightmare.
The father-in-law is still alive. Doesn’t kick very much though.
And it is four timeshares, four nightmares.
Contact the TS company directly. Skip those lousy sell your timeshare companies. You may be able to just give it back to the company or they may sell it for you. You will not get much, if anything, anything for the sale but at least you are done with maintenance fees.
Thanks !
Hey, how do I tell if there is a IPv6 firewall in my AT&T uverse modem ?
Or is my home network just live on the IPv6 intertubes ?
1. Why did God make whiskey? To keep Ireland from becoming a superpower!
2. Why did God give peat to the Celts? Only an Irishman would ever be so drunk as to try to burn mud!
What’s green and sits around the pool?
Paddy O’Furniture.
Hey, how do I tell if there is a IPv6 firewall in my AT&T uverse modem ?
Or is my home network just live on the IPv6 intertubes ?
You don’t have a router in between the modem and your home network? The good ones now have IPv6 firewalls with a decent set of rules as default.
IPv6 was supposed to expose your home network to the interwebs in order to facilitate the “Internet of Things”. Don’t you want your refrigerator ordering milk from Amazon Fresh on your behalf?
I wouldn’t trust the Death Star to do much beyond the minimum. Does your neighborhood still have the a**-ugly curb-side box Uverse architecture?
You don’t have a router in between the modem and your home network? The good ones now have IPv6 firewalls with a decent set of rules as default.
Nope. I have the AT&T Uverse DSL modem with builtin wifi. The IPv4 addresses are behind a NAT protocol. The IPv6 addresses, who knows ?
I wouldn’t trust the Death Star to do much beyond the minimum. Does your neighborhood still have the a**-ugly curb-side box Uverse architecture?
Shoot yeah, we’ve got two of the ugly monsters. One is Uverse, one is POTS. My copper line was moved from the POTS box to Uverse box years ago.
I tried to traceroute to my home pc IPv6 address from my web server in Pittsburg. It cannot find my IPv6 address. This may be a good thing.
I tried to traceroute to my home pc IPv6 address from my web server in Pittsburg. It cannot find my IPv6 address. This may be a good thing.
They may block unsolicited incoming traffic since you are a home user and not a business account.
I was involved in the initial pass at the Uverse DVR scheduling app on the iPhone so I have a love-hate relationship (mostly hate) with Uverse. I won’t have it in my house, and I’m on an extra special “Do Not Call” list at the Death Star since we moved into one of their service areas.
Dang, that’s disappointing.
I gave up on introducing the older neighbor girl to the thrill of a sci fi fair entry. Not my monkey. Not my circus.
“Tricked” my Kindergartener into doing a simple chromatography experiment. Dangled a brand new box of color markers in front of her, had her make colored spots on white tea filters. Bribed her with a shiny new 8 x 8 notebook with 8 blank pages. Had her write one color at the top of each page.
Had her write her guess as to what colors comprised each individual color.
About halfway through she smelled one of Nick’s rats and declared accusingly:
“This is science, isn’t it!”
Candy bribes to finish. Lots of pics along the way.she liked that she got to use an eye dropper to apply water to each sample. She liked the crazy voices I made and the group participation from papa.
Last step was writing down, for each sample,
“I see:…”
followed by the observed colors.
She was mollified and proud when she saw the end result.
I learned from my science teaching failures yesterday, swallowed my interfering ways, and shut down my inner bossy adult.
Got the online entry completed. Scanned the lab notebook for printing, bought an inexpensive display made of cardboard.
Last step is to assemble it all and ge5 through judging on Saturday.
I’m calling _that_ my prep for the week – committing serious time to getting a child to think and do.