50 degrees Fahrenheit low humidity partly cloudy generally a beautiful day here in Houston.
In Utah however we have a teenage high school student claiming allegiance with Isis and setting backpack bombs, oh joy.
50 degrees Fahrenheit low humidity partly cloudy generally a beautiful day here in Houston.
In Utah however we have a teenage high school student claiming allegiance with Isis and setting backpack bombs, oh joy.
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Clear and 38f here in Memphis this morning. Going to be another beautiful day. No weather forecast till Saturday. Then storms and heavy rain for our drive to Oklahoma – bummer.
I’m gonna make a prediction about the demographics of the bomber in Utah. I’m gonna bet we don’t hear much more about it UNLESS he’s a white middle class kid.
35º and snowing here. The weekend promises to be good for skiing. Eldest daughter is interested in going. The other two are bummed because the skiing program changed hours & they can’t go, so…
And of course the drivers today forgot how to drive in this stuff since we had a week of spring already. So it goes. I have fun driving around in 4×2, knowing exactly where the edge is because I’m riding it.
The week is starting out quietly (not).
Two more locals have died of the flu (the flu is not “easing off” here CDC) so the total is now 18, 3-times more than highest ever. In a Darwin moment, one of the people who died had the flu went to a “clinic” and got a flu shot and promptly got seriously ill and died. Folks, you do not get any sort of immunization if you are sick and running a fever.
In our local schools the bomb threats and shooting threats continue on a daily basis (usually a girl is the excuse, most of our kids are still “straight”). The “kids” have found a new way to get out of school. Law enforcement and the school administrations are “talking” about being more proactive, but little to no action in that direction. And a group has formed demanding our schools remain gun free zones and teachers/administrators and even school “resource” officers (police) not be allowed to carry. It is sure easy to spot a liberal.
And not to be outdone, Cougars (Mountain Lions for those of you in Rio Linda) and Coyotes have been sighted within a 1/2-mile of our house. Actually not too unusual at this time of the year.
Wow, exciting times for the DadCooks household.
In the interest of getting ready for the family’s Spring Break trip, I’ve fired up my samsung wifi only tablet to see how that works for me. I wanted to see if Ican manage. I really don’t like swype on the tablet. So I dug out a Logitek blutooth keyboard. This one I picked up for 6$ at a thrift store, and it has a 3 way switch on it. You can pair it with 3 different devices, any os.
Got it connected and am using it to type. Works well, but the chicklet keys are a bit sticky and I keep activating the ‘alternate’ characters with my palm.
Since comcast is switching us all out to fiber this week, our neighborhood is currently offline. Has been for an hour. So, again in the spirit of trying new things, I’ve configured my Samsung S7 on ATT as a mobile hotspot. This comes free now with most plans. ATT has also gone to reasonable contracts and no subsidized phones here in TX. Improvements.
Seems to be working fine.
If my post or comment is a wall of text or very short but has little to no punctuation or capitalization, then I’ve probably used the speech input mode. If it has random autocorrect or word prediction errors, I’ve used swype.
If it makes no sense at all, then I’ve used a keyboard to commit crimes against readers, situation normal
Hey, Mr. DadCooks! I hope that cougar isn’t one of the 200 pounders hanging out around Mr. Lynn.
Looks like Texas is not going Blue. No matter how the Lame Stream Media spins it. Fake news from start to end. Cruz has more votes than “Beto” lol! By 800,000 or so.
MrAtoz said:
“Hey, Mr. DadCooks! I hope that cougar isn’t one of the 200 pounders hanging out around Mr. Lynn.”
No mention of size so must have just been in the normal 140 to 180 pound range.
A little information regarding cougars and coyotes in WA State:
Coyotes in my neighborhood, can hear them howling at night at home. They are in the nearby Bolsa Chica Wetlands, http://bolsachica.org/, N33° 42.5873′, W118° 2.2913′.
See them walking my dog in the wetlands, I carry a compressed air horn which discourages them from following us.
Looks like Texas is not going Blue. No matter how the Lame Stream Media spins it. Fake news from start to end. Cruz has more votes than “Beto” lol! By 800,000 or so.
“And in raw vote totals, Cruz earned over 1.3 million votes while O’Rourke got just over 640,000.”
Yup, they suckered me in. Looks like Ted Cruz is going to cruise into a win in November. Unless …
Hey, Mr. DadCooks! I hope that cougar isn’t one of the 200 pounders hanging out around Mr. Lynn.
That 200 lb mountain lion was around Laredo, about 300 miles away from here. Ours is probably not as big.
As usual, the comments are the best:
“Obviously they need to put up signs saying, “Bomb Free Zone””.
Coyotes in my neighborhood, can hear them howling at night at home. They are in the nearby Bolsa Chica Wetlands, http://bolsachica.org/, N33° 42.5873′, W118° 2.2913′.
See them walking my dog in the wetlands, I carry a compressed air horn which discourages them from following us.
Our former governor, Rick Perry, carried a Ruger .380 pistol and shot at least one coyote in the hills around Austin while jogging with his dog. Ruger actually made a coyote special version of the pistol for a while.
Ray Thompson- I should have posted this weeks ago, but thank you for your work with Tau Beta Pi. I am a member – it is one of the few organizations I am proud to be a member of. ASHRAE is also on the list.. And this blog (of course)
Yup, they suckered me in. Looks like Ted Cruz is going to cruise into a win in November. Unless …
Less than an 800,000 vote margin will still be concerning.
The Dems were smart enough to keep the Castro brother out of the race. He would have been beat like the proverbial drum.
I mentioned previously that it seemed like assassinations were on the rise, like the 70’s..
“Nerve agent WAS used to poison Russian spy and his daughter: Anti-terror chief reveals pair who were ‘targeted’ and a policeman who was first on the scene are ALL in comas fighting for their lives”
” Police have confirmed a nerve agent was used against Sergei and Yulia Skripal”
I’ve been dismissive of the idea that Trump would be assassinated in office, but I’m starting to feel like it’s not so farfetched…
Got a ton of work done today.
Got the bathroom/closet drywall sanded. One more coat and then paint on the closet half…
Got the fence rebuilt where my antenna mounts. Old post was rotten at ground level. Had to replace 4 feet of fence.
Cleaned up, did some other stuff, and the day passed by like it was flying…
“There Was a Red Wave in Texas”
“New York Times: “I suspect this won’t prove to be the night they were imagining. None of their top candidates are posting great numbers. And this doesn’t look like the vote of a ‘blue’ Texas.” And then there’s this blog post: “Texas Primaries Boast Record Turnout but Democrats Fall Short — The 1.5 million Republican voters who turned out for the Texas primaries exceeds the previous record of 1.4 million in 2010.” Wait a minute! I thought the Republicans were dejected; the Republicans were depressed!”
“We haven’t lost any enthusiasm for stopping you, and the more insane you get — the more ludicrous, the more hate-filled, the more reactions like you had to the shooting in Florida, the more filth you produce in Hollywood, the more rotgut you demand we accept — the more energized we all get. You’re not depressing us. You are ticking us off. And if you think Republicans and Trump supporters are gonna sit home because you have us depressed and thinking Trump’s gone and that Trump’s an idiot, you still don’t know what hit you in 2016.”
You know, elections over the next six years are going to be absolutely crazy. Just wait until the fall elections, I think that we will see marches of the crazies everywhere.
When Trump leaves office after his two terms, I wonder who the reguglicans will get to run then ? And the democrazies ?
Add this to “Things to maybe worry about” – the Chinese satellite that it going to fall out of the sky:
Take a look at the map near the end of the story. Are you in the ‘green zone’?
If I travel down to that green area this month, I think I’ll start wearing my hard hat….
I guess the Flaming Meteor of Death missed us, since we’re still here….
I meant to post this as just another example of media bias.
When the AR is used in a crime, it’s a deadly death dealing killing machine, assault weapon. When there’s a chance to make the military look bad though, “The soldiers were reportedly ill-equipped in lightly armored pick-up trucks and an SUV, mainly carrying M4 carbines,…” it’s a wimpy little gun without enough ammo…
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5464953/Video-deaths-soldiers-Niger-ambush-raises-questions.html
I meant to post this as just another example of media bias.
Or ignorance.
“The Original Louisville Slugger® Baseball Bat Walking Cane”
Something is wrong here but I cannot figure it out.
“Buying a Sword”
“No, I’m not saying we’re headed for a civil war, though I’ll admit that I was once more sure this time would pass without physical violence. I still think physical violence will be regionalized, temporary, and not the norm. This is a very large country. Yes, violence will happen (has already happened) in pockets, but given the lack of clearly divided territories to go with the cold civil war, it can’t go hot in the conventional way. It will go hot in spots, as the cold war did, and nasty in spots, too.”
Sarah’s article is right on point. Stay away from where the crazies are at. And buy a sword.
More than 3 months after his death Charles Manson continues to chill out in Bakersfield.
And this
Can’t wait to see how that bunch perverts the story.