It was 25 degrees, cloudy, and calm when I took Colin out at 7:30.
I stopped in to see Bob yesterday morning on the way to my 8:30 appointment. He was in a less critical area of CICU and had been off the ventilator and on his breathing collar since 5am.
Late yesterday afternoon, just as I had arrived back home, I had a call from Bob’s case worker. He had been moved to the second floor ICU. The summation of the conversation is they are trying to determine which type of rehab he needs to be moved to based on his needs with the vent collar, etc. I will probably know more today.
That sure sounds like good news!
Elsewhere in the world,
“Hackers shut down critical infrastructure plant with ‘Triton’ malware in watershed cyber attack
The victim, industry or location of the attack have not been revealed
System widely used in energy industry, including at nuclear, oil and gas plants
Believed malware was used to infiltrate the critical systems
Read more:”
“”Stabbing rampage in the Netherlands: Two dead and several injured in two knife attacks in the city of Maastricht
Police say it was two stabbing incidents within few hundred yards of each other
It happened in a residential neighbourhood in northern Maastricht, Netherlands
Residents startled by screams and one said: ‘It went through marrow and bone’
Two people have been killed and several others injured in a stabbing attack in the southern Dutch city of Maastricht.
Read more:”
“That sure sounds like good news!”
Hell yeah.
The day gets better. Good news indeed.
A step in the right direction. Glad to hear it.
Follow up from Charlottesville.
I still believe you could make a case that it was simple panic when his vehicle was attacked based on the video I watched.
“Dramatic moment armed police shoot knifeman who had been threatening people at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport before the building was evacuated
Footage shows Dutch police moving in on a suspected knifeman at an airport
Shots can be heard as officers swooped in Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport
Came amid reports a man was threatening people with a knife in the terminal”
Read more:
Sporty. Avoid crowds. Carry. Carry trauma pack. Stay alert.
So says the guy flying with family this afternoon. Posting may be light as I’ll be away until next week. No theme parks though there might be some other public events….
So says the guy flying with family this afternoon. Posting may be light as I’ll be away until next week. No theme parks though there might be some other public events….
I’ve mentioned this before, but it merits repeating — don’t put any valuables into the suitcases when leaving Tampa this holiday season. The TSA has sticky fingers, and the luggage is “inspected” in an out building, away from the view of everyone else, including airport police.
Suggestion for either Nick or Barbara, or anyone else who can create posts: Write a stub post for each day of the next week or so, each timed to be published early on the appropriate day.
Huh.Learn something new every day.
Stubbed tomorrow and Sunday, just in case. Go live at ~7:40am EST
_Breakers (Book 1)_ by Edward W. Robertson
Book number one of an eight book apocalyptic alien invasion series. I read the excellent POD (print on demand) trade paperback. I will order and read the second book in the series. Possibly the third book also since the second book is a different entry point scenario.
First, a massive flu outbreak swept the world. After a week of symptoms, the flu victims started dying by blood hemorrhaging. After a month, the survivors were less than one of out of a 100 people. Then, the survivors started seeing the crablike aliens carrying laser weapons.
David Gerrold, Jerry Pournelle, and Larry Niven would probably love this book. Maybe even Robert Heinlein.
The author has a website at:
My rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars
Amazon rating: 4.1 out of 5 stars (1,038 reviews)
Score! Breakers is “free” on the Kindle right now. I just bought it (for free) to read next. I was wondering what would be next.
The Pournelle, Niven, and Heinlein references mean a lot. Thanks, Lynn.
Did the search function disappear from this website or am I just blind?
Did the search function disappear from this website or am I just blind?
IIRC, RBT killed it when google starting indexing the site again.
I’m full of useful information!
And fart jokes.
Mostly fart jokes, to be honest.
And farts. At least temporarily.
In line for boarding. Joy.
I think Google always indexed the posts, but they stopped indexing comments in blogs because comment spam was so rampant. Looks like they’ve started again. Good.
Yep, that’s it.
“Top gun rights priority prospects dim, even in GOP-controlled Washington”
““The gun rights community does not appreciate the fact that reciprocity languished for so long, and then following two tragic shootings, it seems the first initial response from some in the GOP was, ‘We need additional gun control,’ aka the NICS fix,” said Erich Pratt, executive director of the gun rights group Gun Owners of America.”
Yup, does not look like reciprocity is going to happen. But gay marriage is respected across the land. Something is inconsistent here.
I see that Wikipedia is looking for donations again and was reminded of a RBT post from a few years back…
I think people forget how much they reference Wikipedia (even its detractors use it more than they’d be willing to admit) and that it survives off of donations. If you can’t spare the cash then perhaps spare some time and edit some Wikipedia entries in subjects that are your forte.
I think people forget how much they reference Wikipedia (even its detractors use it more than they’d be willing to admit) and that it survives off of donations.
I give them $100 every year since they let me advertise my software there:
And I can see that I need to update the entry. Sigh, there is no rest for the wicked.
Sigh, there is no rest for the wicked.
@Lynn: Did you ever fix that subroutine?
We had a calf born last week, a week after Schwartzer died. It’s cute, of course. Solid black with fluffy hair. I think it’s male but I don’t know enough to know if the tuft of fur on the belly is a belly button or a pecker.
Penny couldn’t care less. Missy is very interested. I think she just wants to do Momma Dog things and sniff the calf. Probably calf butt for sure, but that’s dogs for you. Momma Cow is not allowing any butt sniffing by a 105 pound dog from closer than thirty feet.
The longhorn steer is also protective. The whole group is interesting to watch.
Sigh, there is no rest for the wicked.
@Lynn: Did you ever fix that subroutine?
Probably yes but you are going to have to remind me what the problem was. I’ve slept since then.
Wait, I see it:
Yes, my junior programmer (he only has 15 years of programming experience) and I tag teamed it. The subroutine was not getting to the phase fixup code that he had written last year. We fixed that and it worked beautifully. The code was going back to the three phase solver and trying to get a different answer (yup, insane).
@paul, congratulations on the calf and yes that tuft of hair on the belly is a “pecker”. You may see a nub of a scrotum at the back, but may not until the testicles descend in 1 to 2 weeks. Make sure if you have him castrated that both testicles are removed. I am not a fan of banding; it is unreliable, painful (imagine a rubber band around your nuts until they fall off) and often one testicle is missed. With real castration you can make some Rocky Mountain Oysters.
I am not a fan of banding; it is unreliable, painful (imagine a rubber band around your nuts until they fall off) and often one testicle is missed.
Burdizzo. Enough to make a grown man cry when watching. But safe, effective, only hurts for a few minutes (I think from animal’s reaction). No breaking of skin. Testicles just atrophy. I did many of them. Should also work on politician’s brains but how would one know?
I think the last few posts were made in an attempt to make me become a vegan. They failed, although I have renewed my vow to never eat rocky mountain oysters.
I don’t for a minute believe that Steve F. is full of fart jokes. I’m sure he’s full of farts.
Arrived, safe, bedtime
Burdizzo. Enough to make a grown man cry when watching. But safe, effective, only hurts for a few minutes (I think from animal’s reaction). No breaking of skin. Testicles just atrophy. I did many of them. Should also work on politician’s brains but how would one know?
That is why I am a fan of “cutting”, it’s a sure thing.
As a city/farm boy I help my maternal grandfather’s Vet castrate (and vaccinate) hundreds of pigs, cattle, and sheep. As a Vet Tech in training I was also taught how to castrate dogs, cats, ferrets, and guinea pigs.
There are 3 methods of castration*: (1) Elastic band (which is what @Ray actually described), (2) Burdizzo (clamp( method crushes the blood vessels, and (3) Surgical castration.
Yup, does not look like reciprocity is going to happen. But gay marriage is respected across the land. Something is inconsistent here.
One done by legislative processes, the other by the courts.
Yup, does not look like reciprocity is going to happen. But gay marriage is respected across the land. Something is inconsistent here.
One done by legislative processes, the other by the courts.
Inconsistency is not a good sign in a nation.
Elastic band (which is what @Ray actually described)
I was describing the Burdizzo method. We only used the bands on lamb tails. Castration, several dozen each year, was always using the Burdizzo method. It was the method our vet recommended.
We would guide, prod, ram, etc. the young bull into a clamping chute and lock it down. The animal would be jumping around and trying to kick you while you were grabbing the testicles. Once the clamp was applied all such movement immediately ceased. At that point it was necessary to drag the animal out of the chute as walking was suddenly not important.
Can’t say as I blame it. I’ll bet you didn’t even buy it a drink first.