Saturday November 4, 2017

By on November 4th, 2017 in personal

Message from Barbara:

Bob had a follow up appointment with the doctor Friday afternoon. After reviewing his latest chest x-ray and doing a physical evaluation he sent Bob to the ER to be admitted to the Sparta hospital for more tests.
After they did blood work, another chest x-ray and a CT they wanted to do an echo cardiogram.The echo could not be done at Sparta. While the doctor worked on getting him transported to another hospital they started IV drip antibiotics. He stayed in the ER in Sparta until early this morning when they finally had transport available to move him to a hospital in Winston.
I came home last night to take care of the dog since there was nothing I could do sitting in the ER.

Hopefully he will be home soon and back here at his post.

42 Comments and discussion on "Saturday November 4, 2017"

  1. JimL says:

    Best wishes and thoughts for a speedy return.

  2. Greg Norton says:

    Thoughts and prayers are with you both.

    And Colin too.

  3. Al says:

    Hoping for the best for both of you.

  4. Denis says:

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Robert; patience and good spirits for Barbara and Colin.

  5. SteveF says:

    Sheesh. Best wishes for RBT, and still for OFD. And for anyone else going through illness or injury or other travail.

    Could it be … could it be that something about participation here is making people sick? If that’s the case, I nominate Miles_Teg to be next. Aside from questions about whether he deserves it (he does), the person (or entity) causing the sickness and mishaps would have to get all the way out to Australia and then all the way back again before he (or it) could move on to the next. Thank you, Miles_Teg, your sacrifice for our good is appreciated.

  6. Ray Thompson says:

    Holy crap! That went downhill fast. My thoughts are with Bob and Barbara that everything works out, the doctors find the issue and get it resolved.

    Bob says he never leaves the house much so this should be a big adventure.

    could it be that something about participation here is making people sick

    Maybe the Cankles crime machine has read our comments and is putting something in the water.

    Another possibility is that something went awry with RBT’s stored food supply and he got infected by some pathogen that entered his food chain. Or as above, the Cankles crime machine poisoned his food.

  7. SteveF says:

    It could be a spiritual malaise. We’re insufficiently sympathetic to the plight of the oppressed LBGTQQEIEIOs and that shows we’re mentally sick and mind-body similitude causes our bodies to become sick. It’s, like, all sciency n stuff, so it must be true.

  8. Ray Thompson says:

    It’s, like, all sciency n stuff, so it must be true.

    Indeed. I read the very same thing on FaceBook.

  9. DadCooks says:

    Sometimes we need to listen to the experts. The worst patients are doctors and nurses, followed by those who have high IQs.

    Best wishes for Bob and Barbara.

    I hope this is just a bump in the road. Well it actually looks like many of us are experiencing a trip down a road that has been hit by cratering bombs.

  10. CowboySlim says:

    WRT RBT and OFD, I echo all the above!

  11. Ed says:

    All my best wishes for a quick and speedy recovery, and return to home!

  12. Rod Schaffter says:

    Sorry to hear that, Barbara, but hopefully they’ll sort it all out in Winston.
    Best wishes to you both!

  13. Terry Losansky says:

    Speedy recovery to RBT and OFD, and stay strong Barbara. I wish you all well.

    My natural inclination is to offer assistance, but like many here, we are geographically separated. Strange how modern communication has changed our sense of community.

    I will have to refocus my digital support. “Save Miles_Teg!” (With reference to Ferris Beuller)

  14. MrAtoz says:

    Dear Barbara and Bob, my prayers are for you and and Bob’s speedy recovery.

    Please keept us posted here on Bob’s condition. We all admire him, and you, greatly.

  15. Dave says:

    Thanks for the update. Keeping both of you in my thoughts and prayers. Please continue to keep us updated.

  16. jim~ says:

    I know a lot about medicine and have a nice high IQ. I get along fine with doctors because I tell them that at the start, tell them I’m in for a consultation and seek their opionion where my own thinking might be wrong. If they roll their eyes at that, I remind them of Osler’s quote, “The patient will tell you what’s wrong if you listen carefully enough.” If they keep up the white-coat superiority and keep rolling their eyes or start doing the mental flowharts instead of listening, I leave.

    Same with all the tests and investigations. I’d love to have appedicitis in today’s milieu. When I was a kid, ol’ doc Ferris poked McBurneys’s point, took my temp, ran a WBC and when the three correlated wheeled me into the OR.

    Wonder if any of the medical wizards Bob’s been seeing have done a simple sputum culture? Oh wait… that just takes an agar plate and a microscope. Insurance wouldn’t cover it. The paperwork would cost more than the test!


    Best wishes.

  17. medium wave says:

    Best wishes to RBT and BFT, and continued best wishes to OFD.

    It does seem like one’s sixties are the time when one’s mortality begins to manifest itself. 🙁

  18. Jenny says:

    thought my heart was going to figuratively stop there for a moment. Feared Barb’s post was leading up to a darker ending.

    Useless words, but sending wishes for a speedy recovery from not so frigid Alaska.

  19. Vince says:

    Best wishes for Bob, Barbara and Mr OFD.

  20. Nightraker says:

    Best wishes and thoughts for RBT and OFD. Come back home guys!

  21. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Thanks all.

    I’ll be here at least through Monday for a cardiac catheterization. I’ll keep you all posted.

  22. SVJeff says:

    RBT, I’m just across town. If you run across something that none of your locals can get to, feel free to let me know…

  23. lynn says:

    I’ll be here at least through Monday for a cardiac catheterization. I’ll keep you all posted.

    Ah, fun times. The wife and I prayed for you, RBT, and OFD this morning.

    Don’t be surprised when the blood leakage goes from your groin to your knee and takes about a month to fade away. Looks awesome in the mirror too.

  24. Larry McGinn says:

    RBT wrote: I’ll be here at least through Monday for a cardiac catheterization
    Been there done that and had the triple bypass immediately thereafter. That was almost 18 years ago and I am STILL here. YMMV, but you are doing exactly the right thing. Good on you and my very best to you, Barbara, and Colin.

  25. Larry Peters says:

    Hang in there Robert. Thinking of you.

  26. Jim M says:

    Thanks for the update, Barbara. Best wishes to you both, and Colin, too.

  27. medium wave says:

    Could it be … could it be that something about participation here is making people sick?

    Methinks the raccoons are involved in this somehow.

  28. SteveF says:

    Mm-hmm. And methinks that raccoon comment is mighty racist … because everything is racist, you racist.

  29. ech says:

    When I was a kid, ol’ doc Ferris poked McBurneys’s point,

    My grandfather was friends with McBurney in medical school. My dad’s middle name was in honor of him.

  30. lynn says:

    “Hilarious! Restaurant Slammed for Using Photos of Bruce/Caityln Jenner as Restroom Signs”

  31. paul says:

    That’s funny. I’m not in Dallas and I’m not nuts for Cajun food. Watching idiot’s exploding heads /is/ fun. Bruce wants to be a woman? Whatever, he’s 68 and well past menopause.

    I find the banner at the top of the page telling me ” Please disable your Ad Blocker to better interact with this website. ” Uh, no effing way. The whole site looks like clickbait.

  32. paul says:

    The dogs are not happy about the clocks falling back an hour. I set my clocks back this morning. So, yeah! it’s now 6PM and almost pitch dark. Dark enough to need a FLASHLIGHT!!! To the dogs it is still 7PM and they have a “where’s my food dammit” attitude.

    Spring forward is not a problem… supper is early….

  33. nick flandrey says:

    I’ll chime in as well, get yourself well and home!


    I’m home, safe and sound, no antifa @ssholes anywhere to be seen.

  34. Ray Thompson says:

    no antifa @ssholes anywhere to be seen

    Have you checked the sewers?

  35. JimL says:

    Was that supposed to be this weekend? Saturday was beautiful – must have been a nice gathering. Funny I haven’t heard anything about it.

  36. brad says:

    Haven’t heard anything about protests or riots either. Antifizzle?

    @RBT: Scary-sounding stuff – hope it all turns out to be nothing serious.

  37. SteveF says:

    Several explanations are going around for yesterday’s pAntifart, most along the lines of “Antifa can’t come to your little rally today because I’ve grounded him and he’s in his room in the basement. Sincerely, Antifa’s Mother.”

  38. Greg Norton says:

    Several explanations are going around for yesterday’s pAntifart, most along the lines of “Antifa can’t come to your little rally today because I’ve grounded him and he’s in his room in the basement. Sincerely, Antifa’s Mother.”

    When I worked in Downtown Seattle in 2013, the running joke that Spring was that the May Day riots wouldn’t start until after shift change at Starbucks.

    We didn’t see anything in Downtown San Antonio yesterday. Downtown Austin was quiet when we drove by ~ 8PM.

  39. DadCooks says:

    Could it be that the “sugar daddy” who has been funding pAntifart has not been getting “satisfaction” and is no longer dishing out the coin (this is both a statement and a question)

  40. Greg Norton says:

    Could it be that the “sugar daddy” who has been funding pAntifart has not been getting “satisfaction” and is no longer dishing out the coin (this is both a statement and a question)

    You mean Soros? He has bigger problems right now so, yeah, funding AntiFa is probably low on the priority list.

  41. Bill F. says:

    Best wishes from Wisconsin. Get well soon. This is my main visit on the interwebs. Even more so after Chaos Manor is past tense.

  42. DadCooks says:

    “You mean Soros? “

    And Greg wins.

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