09:00 – It was 42.6F (6C) when I took Colin out at 0645, partly cloudy. Barbara is off to the gym this morning and has a meeting in town after lunch.
Even a 64-year-old guy with an AK-47 can do a lot of damage very quickly, particularly if he’s firing from an elevated position and has a densely-packed crowd of people to fire into. This bastard hosed down a crowd of people attending a country music festival, killing 50+ people and wounding 200+. From partial reports so far, it sounds like he did this in less than a minute of actual shooting.
No word yet on his motivation. All we know right now is his name, his age, and the fact that he was “known to the police”. He may have been a jihadi, a BLM or Antifa activist, or simply a non-political lunatic. Not that it matters to his victims and their families. Had the police not responded quickly and decisively, the body count might have been much, much higher.
This is just one more example of our nation coming apart at the seams. The next time, and there will be a next time, instead of the victims being Deplorables, they might be a group of BLM or Antifa or muslim “protesters”, and instead of a rifle the weapon may be a bomb or bombs, toxic gas, or simply a dump truck driven by a maniac.
As always, the best way to ensure that you and your family survive such an outrage is simply not to be there. Avoid political rallies and protests, sporting events, concerts, amusement parks, and any other venue that draws large crowds.
“Avoid political rallies and protests, sporting events, concerts, amusement parks, and any other venue that draws large crowds.”
But then I fear the bastards have won.
The gun control advocates will be out in full force now, but seeing as the fully automatic weapon this guy used was already illegal it goes to show that “when you make owning a gun a crime then only criminals will own guns.”
“But then I fear the bastards have won.”
Not from my point of view. OTOH, I can’t stand crowds anyway, so avoiding them is no hardship. I haven’t attended an event that drew a large crowd for 40 years or more anyway.
Last night’s massacre in Lost Wages does provide something good this morning, no talk of the NFL or the idiot mayor of San Juan PR.
Again, there will be nothing positive or beneficial to come from this incident. All the fingers will be pointing the wrong way.
“Not from my point of view. OTOH, I can’t stand crowds anyway, so avoiding them is no hardship. I haven’t attended an event that drew a large crowd for 40 years or more anyway.”
Yes, absolutely!
Friday night I was here, in my neighborhood, for a Bluegrass band (capacity: 49 people):
Friday, 10/13, I will be in Borrego Springs for a C&W band:
“Not from my point of view. OTOH, I can’t stand crowds anyway, so avoiding them is no hardship. I haven’t attended an event that drew a large crowd for 40 years or more anyway.”
Yes, absolutely!
Friday night I was here, in my neighborhood, for a Bluegrass band (capacity: 49 people):
Friday, 10/13, I will be in Borrego Springs for a C&W band:
Once is enough Slim.
In other shooting news, the geniuses that posted video of themselves shooting up a (fairly nice area) street in Houston are caught…
“Couple who filmed themselves firing guns out of their car windows in Houston suburb and then posted the videos on Snapchat are charged”
No surprises here: “Cuellar goes by the name ‘Money Mike’ and is a local drug dealer and rapper.
Meanwhile, Tarbutton has threatened a public servant in the past.
In the video, the couple can be seen pumping rounds out of their car window while driving down Memorial Drive in Houston in the early morning hours of Tuesday.”
Coincidentally, last night around 1040 local, I heard distant gunshots north of my house. At least a dozen shots.
My FEMA daily brief doesn’t usually report anything they aren’t actually working, no matter how big, but they did for LV
“Mass Casualty – Las Vegas
Current Situation
• Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) confirmed a
mass-casualty shooting near the Mandalay Bay casino.
• Shooter was located on the 32nd floor of the casino and fired numerous
rounds into a crowd at a nearby music festival
• LVMPD reports the suspect, identified as a local resident, is deceased
and they do not believe there are other shooters involved
• Motive unknown
• Local authorities report up to 50 fatalities and over 200 injuries reported
(number of fatalities/injuries count expected to change)
• I-15 closed in proximity of the scene
• McCarren Airport flights temporary suspended; airport resumed limited
flight activity
• No operations in the area
• No reports of FEMA personnel attending this event (as of 8 a.m.)
• National Watch Center Threat Monitoring Team continue to work with
partners & Region IX Watch will continue to monitor situation
• No requests for FEMA assistance at this time”
Huh, “National Watch Center Threat Monitoring Team”, who knew we had one of those?
The MSM Fake News attacks are starting:
Try and keep your cool if you dare to read this crap.
I know where my loyalties lie. With ME and the Constitution.
Pretty simple.
Puerto Rico continues to improve:
“Current Situation
Life safety and life sustainment efforts in PR and the USVI are ongoing.
Approximately 3 inches of rain has fallen across Puerto Rico since late
Friday; additional rainfall of 1-3 inches possible, with 3-5 inches in localized
areas through today. Flash Flood Watch in effect for PR and the USVI
through this morning.
Health and Medical:
• PR: 64 HHS/DoD hospital assessments complete; 60 hospitals fully
operational; power restored to 9 hospitals
• USNS Comfort departed Norfolk, VA, expected arrival mid-week
• Fuel rotation plan in place to ensure hospitals have continuous power;
721 out of 1100 gas stations are open
• PR: Approx. 12% cell coverage
• USVI: Approx. 29% cell coverage
• PR: All open
• USVI: St. Croix and St. Thomas open for military flights; limited
commercial flights in STT; and inter-island flights between STT and STX
PR: Adequate fuel stocks; 721/1100 gas stations open; 120k gallons of
fuel delivered to critical facilities
USVI: Adequate fuel stocks remain
PR: 5% of power restored; airport and marine terminal restored to
electrical power grid; 17 generators installed and 15 in progress at
priority medical facilities
USVI: 15% of customers on St. Thomas and 10% of customers on St.
Croix restored; including critical facilities such as airports and hospitals;
23 generators installed and 11 in progress; 55 generators available on
PR: Major roads continue to reopen in both directions, including PR-2
USVI: Most routes open with some restrictions on all islands
PR: No critical changes; Rotary assets delivering super sandbags and
concrete reinforcements today
FEMA Response
• NRCC: Level I (24/7); NWC: Steady State
• National IMAT East-2: PR
• FEMA Region II; RRCC: Not Activated (staff deployed); RWC: Steady
• FEMA Region II, III (en route) and X IMATs: Deployed to USVI”
So who is lying?? the media with their ‘looting’ and ‘no help’ stories? or FEMA?
The Libturdians are also out in force on social media promoting gun control, and, more importantly, pushing the shooter is a White Supremacist. Nobody knows anything yet. Don’t let a tragedy go to waste.
Geraldo Rivera is being hated on for challenging the doosh Mayor of San Juan. As it comes out she is a big Cankles lover, Jerry Rivers challenges her on where are all the people dying due to Adolph tRump so we can help them. Crickets. I’m also reading FEMA pre-positioned things in PR. I can’t confirm that.
You just can’t make this up. Cankles weighs in with important comment on the Vegas shooting:
Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.
Yes, using a “silencer” would have resulted in a thousand dead. Talk about pushing a moronic narrative. Plus, it’s the NRA’s fault.
No idea yet on any motives for this horror, but I see the usual suspects are very busy as always with their insane commentaries. I note that when the attackers are musloid scum and criminals we don’t hear much about “gun control,” nor did we hear much about it when the Sanders fanboy shot the Congressman and other people recently. This guy just got himself into the Timothy McVeigh level and will now be used as the poster boy for libturds waving the bloody shirts.
I read the column. Oh MY FUCKING GOD. Same old shit as always, straw man, straw man, vague assertion, straw man, exaggerated claims, bogeyman gonna get ya, straw man, vague assertion, ad hominem, MORE STRAW…. the only thing I didn’t see was ‘do it for the CHILDREN…..
USA today has video taken when the LV attack started. I heard 3 distinct periods of what sounded like full-auto fire of 50ish rounds each.
Well, we certainly can’t count on it, but it would be nice if we knew more about the actual weapon/s used, probably not forthcoming from the “authorities,” esp. if they develop a “narrative” henceforth with the relevant political parties, as with other mass shootings and similar events.
Anyone see anything lately on the guy from Charlottesville? I haven’t; it’s like he was sent to another star system from the Holodeck.
When the regime controls the nooz media, we’re kinda at a loss out here for accuracy, as that same media trumpets the usual assholes nonstop.
Yep, unlike most reporting, this is actually full auto.
WRT the old bag of bones, if the murdering shtibag wanted a silencer, he could have gone on AMAZON and had a pretty good one for under $100.
But if I want one to take the kids shooting, I’m a felon, or I have to wait for a year and spend $100’s if not a thousand…
or if your are a little more DIY and want something guaranteed to get you a butt raping in the pen…
“Anyone see anything lately on the guy from Charlottesville? I haven’t;”
I was just thinking about that yesterday. I’m hoping it means they’ve looked at the actual evidence and realize it was panic followed by justified use of force. That’s what the video looks like to me.
“…panic followed by justified use of force. That’s what the video looks like to me.”
Ditto. But that doesn’t fit the assigned Narrative.
And as much as I loathe and despise a lot of people, there is no way I could sit up on a perch and fire into a crowd of them, unarmed and defenseless. That takes a special kind of evil, regardless if someone just “snapped.”
Also planned. You don’t get drunk, drive to Vegas, haul a pile of weapons and ammo up to the 32d floor, shoot out windows, fire at a large crowd that just happens to be there.
How are you and yours making out in that mess, MrAtoz? Everything OK or is the city locked down?
Yes, premeditated with extreme malice aforethought. What was going on in that fucker’s head? Or soul.
All are OK here. MrsAtoz is in LA and called around midnight since we were all sleeping and I don’t turn on TV news.
Thanks for asking. It’s going to be hectic for a couple of weeks as the authorities sort things out.
Can I please get some recomendations for a car dash camera and some surveilance cameras for the house?
Given that first reports are almost always wrong, this is really not making any sense.
Alleged shooters family says he’s not trained, didn’t have guns, no idea whats going on or why.
Totally out of character with what we think we know about the guy- got hunting and fishing licenses, pilot, nice house…
Was dead when police entered.
Live in girlfriend happens to be gone…
Huge gambling debts? If so what did he use to buy the full auto?
Why this target?
I don’t know, but it’s starting to stink.
@miles, re- cameras… semi-pro look at Specotech.com You can buy them from B&H Photo online and other places. Not gonna be cheap, but cheaper than pro gear and better than ‘system in a box.’ That said, with good camera placement, you can get good results from a name brand ‘system in a box.’ There are a couple of Speco prepackaged systems that will at least give you a couple of different camera styles.
Can’t help with dash cams.
“I don’t know, but it’s starting to stink.”
Agreed. Seemingly solid Murkan Normal, who does the manly outdoor stuff and went to the trouble of getting a pilot’s license.
The alleged weird gambling fixation troubles me, as does the wandering all over the country and the alleged much younger Asian gf casino “professional,” who is allegedly traveling overseas somewhere. Conveniently, as is his convenient death on-site.
I also detect a fish-gone-past-its-sell-by-date odor.
I know where my loyalties lie. With ME and the Constitution.
Pretty simple.
I feel very sad for the people that are hurt but I am not going to give up a single gun. And for Hillary, none of my silencers. I doubt that the redumplicans will pass the hearing protection bill now.
EDIT: And I hope that Lucifer met the gunman at the gates of Hell for some “special time and attention”.
lol! Libturds calling for the “banning of machine gun sales”. Can’t make this stuff up: “ban the sale of automatic weapons.” Libturdians live in a bubble so thick it’s ridiculous.
They’re also climbing atop the pile of dead bodies to call for the banning of all gun sales, so it’s not like they’re obsessed with “machine guns”.
Lack of empathy is all it takes. About 3% of men could do it, if they thought it was needful.
More than 3%, actually. A bunch more could do it by convincing themselves that the crowd they fired into was evil or not really human. How many people are in Antifa? BLM? The New Black Panthers? La Raza? Mosques with radical imams?
The real wonder is that this sort of massacre doesn’t happen more often. It’s probably mostly a testament to the incompetence of those in Antifa etc.
“The real wonder is that this sort of massacre doesn’t happen more often”
This is how I know it’s not serious yet.
It is suspiciously similar to Matt Bracken’s opening scene in Enemies Foreign and Domestic, and by coincidence he was on Infowars discussing someone firing into a crowd the day before (in the context of a false flag.)
Machine gun sales. Like they’ve been selling like hotcakes on street corners and at gun shows. Fucking cretins. Just for that, I’m redoubling my FFL path and going for the gold, yes, the Class III.
Mr. SteveF is correct; it takes the missing empathy gene to cold-bloodedly do such a thing. And it is probably due to mind-boggling incompetence that this hasn’t happened more often, given the big increase with the Hate Index, on multiple sides, too.
Cui bono, as always. In whose interest is it that there are more violent and lethal incidents in the country?
Like Mr. Nick says, we’ll know it’s serious when these things start happening weekly, or daily. Otherwise this latest caper will disappear by the next nooz cycle, like when Rocket Man and tRump say mean things about each other or someone caps Colin Kappasnick or whatever his name is. Not to mention All Hallows Eve coming up and all the snowflakes whining about witch costumes again.
This guy must not have got the memo yet; the whole thing is his fault, plus the Nazis, KKK, white supremacists, etc., etc. gun dealers, gun owners, hunters, etc., etc.
I don’t envy his gig flying out there and meeting with families.
Wow, Paddock Senior is a real piece of work:
Chip off the old block, sleeper-style? On meds? Of his own volition or set in motion? Who knows. We’ll probably never really know.
From the moment the last round was fired, the Narrative took over. Who controls the Narrative?
It’s getting weirder
“Police found between 11 and 15 weapons in Paddock’s hotel room, a law enforcement source told Fox News. The guns found included converted, fully automatic AR-15 style assault rifles with high capacity magazines. ”
WTF? where did this nobody find the contacts to get him full auto? Or to do it himself?
My understanding is it is difficult to do with the AR, intentionally so. I’m pretty sure it’s easy and straightforward with the AK, but report says AR…
In a bit of levity, it seems that the white mayors and governors think a large influx of Puerto Ricans is an emergency! Pretty sure that’s racist
After all, I’m sure they’re fine upstanding American citizens, who could have come any time, just not !100,000 of them please!
BTW, do the math on that…. every flight out of PR for the next couple of months, packed with refugees fleeing to the mainland…. Really?
I’m reading Tom Petty was found unconscious after a massive heart attack. Taken off life support and expected to die shortly.
In a bit of levity, it seems that the white mayors and governors think a large influx of Puerto Ricans is an emergency!
It will upset the plans of the FL RINOs who are already unhappy with the delayed implementation of the “Governor Opie” scheme they’ve been cooking for 20 years. As US citizens, Puerto Ricans can vote 45 days after landing in FL.
Opie (Ag. Commissioner Adam Putnam) is from one of the old citrus growing families with more money than brains, and, as a Congressman, never met an amnesty bill he didn’t like.
FL a “sanctuary state”? Don’t laugh.
Petty has died. Damn!
OTH I can sign on here but when I come back it still shows me signed off. Tried 3 computers, Win 7, Win10 and Chromebook. Tied FF Chrome and even Edge. Same results all around. Must be my user name. But I can sign in.
Now after posting this with manual entry of name and email. It took and shows signed in.
“OTH I can sign on here but when I come back it still shows me signed off. ”
I thought it was just me, and only when I was using the Silk browser on my Fire. Both FF and Vivaldi work normally on my desktop system.
Petty has died. Damn!
Petty has died. Damn The Torpedoes!
FM 107.5 in Houston broke the news a little while ago and has been playing Tom Petty songs since then. I’ve got a radio in my office going constantly for background ….
I had an Army buddy that said he confiscated a well-maintained AK from a house in Iraq and he tore it down and mailed all but the obvious parts (butt, grip, barrel) home to himself a piece at a time. Then when his deployment was over he went and bought a legal AK and swapped out the necessary parts to make it a full auto version. Of course, he could be full of shit too.
Things are not adding up and common sense is nowhere to be found.
Think about these points:
— Who do you think a Country Western crowd consists of?
—- Mostly conservatives and tRump supporters.
— If you are going to shoot a bunch people, who are you going to shoot?
—- Not people with like beliefs.
— If this guy really had all the fully automatic weapons he supposedly had, why was he below the radar?
—- Because he was an “operative”.
— Why is there not an exact count of the weaponry in this guy’s room?
—- Because “they” have not finished staging the room to fit the narrative that “they” want the gullible public to believe.
As I adjust my tin-foil hat, this stinks of a libiturd gooberment assisted setup.
That last post was with FF. This one Chrome – I signed on but now at the comment appears I’m not.
Now after using manual entry on the comment, it took and posted and now looks like I’m signed on in the comments.
Maybe RH can tell us.
It’s pure coincidence that this mass shooting took place just before Congress is to vote on suppressors. And pure coincidence that Hillary Bitch Clinton yapped on the topic of suppressors, when there was no reason to bring them into the discussion.
In Unintended Consequences, John Ross (through his mouthpiece characters) mentions that some kind of big gun “event” took place every time a vote neared on a bill to loosen gun regulations or whenever the FBI or F-Troop were under fire for various misdeeds or their funding was about to be cut. It’s not quite accurate that this happens every time, but often enough that the conspiracy-minded have plenty to go on.
The desert is full of one man fortresses. Some just want privacy to live how they want and others are completely off their rocker. People joke about rural Montana, but the rural desert southwest is probably worse. I can only imagine what a bit of networking can source you. I can also only imagine how many missing persons are buried in shallow graves out there.
Petty has died. Damn!
RIP Charlie T. Wilbury.
I just disabled the cache, which seems to have fixed the problem for me on Silk.
I was at a public event this weekend. I loved their firearms policy sign. They prohibited the open carrying or display of modern firearms. Which reminds me, I don’t own any 18th century firearms. I also don’t have anything modern and concealable.
I would have been fine, then. My carry piece is a Colt 1911, introduced 106 years ago. No way that could be considered “modern”.
M-1911 is over a century old.
EDIT: Right. What RBT said.
AFAIK, your signon info for comments is part of the local cache for the site. So if your local cache is not working (or disabled), then you are not ‘recognized’, so the name/email is not filled in for you.
This could be caused by ad-blocking (maybe), or caching is disabled on your browser for this site.
Site-caching should not be an issue, I think (but not sure). And with the volume of comments here, site-caching is not going to be very effective, since the page content changes with each page load (if a page has new comment content, the cache won’t be used [probably]).
ahem – “adjusting” an AR to fire full auto is reportedly not that hard to do. Trouble is, that particular modification eliminates the “semi” part of semi-automatic.
Not that I know anything about such a thing. I don’t.
Right. Supposedly it can be done with just a file. (Unless I’m mixing it up with making an AK full-auto. One takes just a file, the other takes a file and a drill.) I don’t know how to do it myself, but it’s supposedly quick and easy for someone who knows what to do.
But that gives the weapon the modes “safe” and “full auto”, not semi auto. -shrug- If you’re plan is to mow down a crowd and kill yourself before the police get you, select fire is not needed. (Ditto if your plan is to have a patsy mow down a crowd with weapons you supply and to be killed before he can be captured and interrogated.)
AFAIK, your signon info for comments is part of the local cache for the site.
I have FF set to delete all cookies when closed. Third party cookies are blocked. I have exceptions set for here, FB, and a few other places like Yahoo and my bank.
“Puerto Rico’s new migration to Florida could turn state Democratic”
“Aibonito (Puerto Rico) (AFP) – Hurricane Maria’s devastation in Puerto Rico looks likely to trigger a major wave of migration to Florida, which could push the politically important US state to the Democratic side, analysts said Sunday.”
“Of the five million Puerto Ricans living in the United States mainland according to US Census figures for 2015, one million reside in Florida.”
Hopefully most of them will just keep on going to New York state since NY has already fallen to the blues.
Hat tip to:
Here is what Mandalay Bay did not do:
A while back my SIL and I went here
to hear this band
Upon entry, I was patted down by their security guy and refused entry until my SIL hid my 2 1/8″, two bladed pocket knife in the nearby bushes.
They did not hire this guy!
Maybe his jailbird bank robbing daddy has some interesting friends…..
but, on the AR there is a lack of a pin, and a changed boss in the stamping to prevent installation of the other trigger, right?
a look at the AK and you’ll probably figure out at a glance how to change the way the sear engages.
AK, little piece of something…
AR, at least bubba level home shop.
Or that’s my understanding without actually doing the keyword searches that it would take…..
BTW, LOTTA full auto AKs in the world, not so many ARs, except for the ones the cops lose every year….
Hopefully most of them will just keep on going to New York state since NY has already fallen to the blues.
Nah. Too cold. Plus Orlando has theme park jobs and family members.
Most will eventually go back, but it will be an interesting few years politically in Florida.
Looks like the reports of Tom Petty’s death were premature, “Tom Petty Found Unconscious in Full Cardiac Arrest”
“1:35 PM PT — Sources tell us at 10:30 Monday morning a chaplain was called to Tom’s hospital room. We’re told the family has a “do not resuscitate” order on Tom. The singer is not expected to live through the day, but he’s still clinging to life.”
When my mother in law was in this condition, we removed life support and stopped all fluids. She lived for three more days. It was heart breaking.
I hope Petty gets a new Rickenbacker when he gets to heaven.
Nah. Too cold. Plus Orlando has theme park jobs and family members.
Most will eventually go back, but it will be an interesting few years politically in Florida.
I wonder if they will vote GOP if Trumper offers them Medicare for All ™ ?
I saw the analysis of Bernie’s Medicare for All plan over the weekend. Basically a cost of $32 trillion over ten years.
No step for a stepper !
Do it for the children !
Mary Jane’s Last Dance. Tom Petty was alive, then dead, and now is not-dead.
Just hope he doesn’t encounter a creep in the morgue, like the one portrayed by Tom Petty himself in the video.
This just gets weirder. Multimillionaire, with multiple houses, not the kind of life style of the typical mass gunman.
Wait to see if autopsy results are released. Brain tumor affecting behavior? Family history of psychosis? Found out he got incurable VD from his (suddenly absent) girlfriend?
Plus possibly two planes. This is weird.
His brain! It’s…it’s….WHITE!
I wonder if they will vote GOP if Trumper offers them Medicare for All ™ ?
I saw the analysis of Bernie’s Medicare for All plan over the weekend. Basically a cost of $32 trillion over ten years.
Again, Trumper won’t win if the Dems run Gavin Newsom as I expect.
The 2020 race is a long way off, however. The two big state-wide races in FL in 2018 are being fought *now*, but Las Vegas has the spotlight.
Frankly I wouldn’t bother with changing an AR15 over to full-auto capability; easier with an AK, and I’d consider it with an AR10. But maybe I’ll just buy me some real machine guns this next year anyway.
Get some rough dudes together and take one of them Cambodian-flagged NORK freighters toting thousands of RPGs to Egypt. Then use that to zip back to North Korea and grab some nuke warheads. Then I’m taking over the country here and issuing the correct executive orders until things are straightened out.
Back from Theory class; existentialists this week. Looks like more free-form fun than tedious techniques. The young (30s-40s) honeys in the class adore me. (brother says they’re just cock-teasing an old broken-down mule; if so, I’ll live with it somehow).
Fall Break next week; no classes. I’ll use the time to get completely up-to-date and do some extra research.
Meanwhile working on getting my Primary Care MD to refer me out to chiropractor treatments; and maybe acupuncture. And I gotta get some temp handhold brackets for the stairwells here and the shower.
The fishy stink from Lost Wages continues to waft across the continent….as the usual suspects concoct yet another Narrative, while victims are being treated…or buried.
Pax vobiscum, fratres…
I wonder how he got all those guns and ammo up to his room…
Didn’t someone say that they have strict security at the hotel entry?
The Mandalay Bay was brand new when I visited Lost Wages at the turn of the century. The topmost floors were a separate hotel, the Four Seasons, a hoity toity $$place$$. Saw the Blue Man Group there as I recall.
I had the TV on briefly this morning and the talking heads said there is a mall connected to the lobby / casino and something else too making entry control difficult.
Checking in a few days early apparently gave him time to carry his “tools” in by multiple trips. Mighta used his GF’s ID to avoid the main lobby too. The number of weapons reported seems like overkill to me, but whaddaIknow? AR and AK pattern rifles break down to luggage sized chunks, or mebbee a golf bag. Toting ammo and filling magazines would give him a pastime.
The motivation is certainly a missing piece to the puzzle. Medical bad news? Gambling debts? Patsy in a cinema level conspiracy? Very mysterious. I guess, watch and wait.
old broken-down mule
You know mules are sterile, right ?
Dude, you need a cheap plastic yard chair for the shower.
When seconds count, the police are only…72 minutes away? WTF? There’s just no excuse for a response time like that.
They must’ve had police on duty at the concert. A case like this, you don’t wait. And anyway, why would a SWAT team take an hour to show up?
here is a mall connected to the lobby / casino
I was there about 16 days ago. There is a shopping mall that connects with the Luxor hotel where I was staying. We did enter through the Mandalay Bay front door, through the lobby, on to the connecting shopping mall, then into the Luxor and on to our room. Security would be almost impossible. When we initially went to the Luxor we parked in the back lot, entered through the back, through the casino, then to the front lobby. There are also side entrances to the Luxor and the two adjoining towers. Lots of ways to get in and out without any security.
Most of the security in those hotels involves the casinos. Lots of cameras and overhead viewing areas with catwalks above the ceiling. All the gaming tables are videoed at all times for review in case of cheating. Several security people roaming the casino. The hotel part I saw no video cameras or security people.
I suspect that will change next time there is an event in the open field, if there is ever an event there again. I also suspect the entire field will be turned into a memorial of some kind. Not so prime real estate that has evidence of a couple of failed ventures. Large tall concrete columns that were part of a project that somehow failed to be completed. Beyond that lot are a couple of cheap motels, pawn shop, McDonald’s, and a few other cheap places.
I also expect the Mandalay Bay to be sued big time by the families of anyone killed and by the people that were injured. I fail to see how Mandalay Bay was responsible but as is common in society today the lawyers want someone to be responsible and stuff more money in the lawyer’s pockets while the victims get very little. I am guessing that most of the flights into Las Vegas today and for the next couple of days will be crowded with lawyers.
Reports now are that the shooter used SlideFire stocks on standard semi-auto black rifles, not selective-fire versions.
Initial reports are almost always wrong, and here we see evidence of that.
A suspicious person would wonder if the narrative was being shaped and revised when the public raises questions….
Bump fire makes a lot more sense than full auto, but still, this guy was on a mission. He didn’t flip out, buy a rifle, and climb a clocktower…..
FWIW, I worked for a few months in a hotel and casino in Vegas. If you didn’t see any cameras in the hotel lobby and other areas, it’s not because there were no cameras, it’s because they weren’t obvious. Modern cams are very unobtrusive.
Just about every square inch of public and private space is under surveillance. They have liability reasons as well as all the fraud reasons and safety reasons. Drunk guests, slip and falls, crime, all good reasons to video.
As to security keeping stuff out? Everyone brings in suitcases. Couple of trips in with a rolling bag and you could get everything shorter than a Barrett light 50 in….
I knew there were cameras in the hotel. I just did not see them. In the casino there were obvious cameras and I would guess many not so obvious. Casinos want gamblers to know they are being watched. I can imagine the monitoring room has a lot of people, lots of screens, and sophisticated video equipment. Top of the line stuff that does things we really don’t know such as facial recognition and motion tracking.
Aesop has a good list of the questions that need answers. Nothing about this is making sense short of a movie plot….
“Casinos want gamblers to know they are being watched.”
Casinos want EMPLOYEES to know they are being watched.