09:42 – It was 41.0 (5C) when I took Colin out at 0645, mostly clear. The overnight low was down in the 30’s. Autumn is definitely here.
Colin’s new shock collar arrived yesterday. I plugged it in to charge the transmitter and receiver, went through the procedure to marry them, and then played with it for a while.
It offers the option of four different stimuli: flashing an LED, beeping, vibrating like a cell phone, and finally delivering an electric shock. We decided to set it vibrate mode. After dinner yesterday, we took him out loose. He did his usual walk over to the corner of our property near the road and started sniffing. He ignored Barbara the first time she called him. She waited a moment and called him again. He ignored her again, and I pushed the button to activate the collar. Colin levitated sideways several feet and then came back to us on a dead run.
I just now took him out for his morning constitutional. He ambled down to the corner of the property near the road and started sniffing around. I let him do that for a minute, and then called him. He ignored me and started to walk across the road. I pushed the button, and he turned and came back onto our property on a dead run. I let him sniff his way down our south treeline and around the southwest corner of our property. After he did his business, I called him. He ignored me and kept sniffing around. I called him again, waited a moment for him to respond, and then pressed the button. He came on the dead run, passed me without even stopping to ask for a treat, and ran up to the front door, where he stood and waited to be let in.
I wish I’d had this when he was a puppy. But better late than never. We’ll use the stimulus as little as possible, but we will use it as necessary until he comes reliably when called. They say one can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but that doesn’t really apply to Border Collies. They learn new tricks on their own, regardless of their age.
Progress is being made in PR, and some questions raised…
Yea Texas!
This is in River Oaks, a very wealthy part of Houston.
‘The problem is there is no action they can take,’ said Buzbee. ‘They can ticket it or they can try to tow it, but the truth is unless I decide to move it, it’s not going anywhere.’
(Where does a 600 pound gorilla sit? Anywhere he wants.)
And FireFox updated to FF56. Suddenly youtube works for me again, and I can play videos on DailyMail. So it WAS the FF update to 55 that hosed me.
That’s a pretty big mistake fellas……
And FireFox updated to FF56. Suddenly youtube works for me again, and I can play videos on DailyMail. So it WAS the FF update to 55 that hosed me.
That’s a pretty big mistake fellas……
IIRC, Firefox developers are rewriting the multimedia features in Rust. There will undoubtedly be growing pains along the way.
Where does a 600 pound gorilla sit? Anywhere he wants.
I see the neighbors point since he parked the tank on the road and not in his driveway.
And this is coming from someone who had his life threatened several times in FL in a dispute with the HOA over *sod*. Believe me, I understand how ridiculous the associations can be.
That tank actually is something of a hazard. Have you ever seen a tank that was hit by a car? “Hey, look at this broken glass. Hmm, I guess a car must have hit it… but except for the broken glass, you’d never know.” I later heard that the car’s occupants had actually died in the collision. (This was a tank parked in the median of a road at Aberdeen Proving Ground — part of their tank museum.)
@norman, the same is true (by degrees) of any car parked on the roadway. I’ve often suddenly realized that the car in the distance was not moving, and was in fact parked. This has caused me some consternation on more than one occasion, and some worn spots on my tires.
If it’s not on the roadway, can’t really blame the tank. Every bridge abutment is the same hazard.
I don’t think this guy did it to poke his neighbors in the eye, but it also doesn’t look like he cares much what they think.
(the annual xmas lights that neighborhood puts up are a big distraction and traffic hazard too, but it would be a shame if they stopped.)
Stripped lowers onsale
That’s actually less than an 80% lower used to be. ‘Course these are firearms and an 80% isn’t. Add in the transfer fee and you pay more….
And the religion of piss is at it again:
“Two passengers are killed as attacker shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ slits a woman’s throat with a butcher’s knife and stabs another at Marseille station before soldiers shoot him dead”
“I wish I’d had this when he was a puppy.”
I’d like one for my sister…
Her younger daughter and I have often agreed that her mum should have electrodes implanted in her, and used when she acts bitchy.
Well, got the lawn cut. Had an hour of unexpected lawn mower maintenance first though. ended up removing the carb float bowl and spraying the whole carb with cleaner. There was some crap in the bowl, and I cleaned out the jets. Didn’t have to remove the carb though.
Total work involved one socket, one nut driver, one can carb cleaner, half can of starting fluid (to see if it would run), and a vise grip (for the fuel line.)
Nothing complicated, but the machine would have been out of service until fixed. It would have taken a lot more than 1 hour to get it serviced and cost a lot more too.
Prepper point is that small engine repair isn’t hard, mostly it’s carb issues. Learning to do some basic disassembly and cleaning now is gonna help tremendously later….. and having the fluids and supplies on site helps too.
A few weeks ago I had unexpected lawnmower maintenance. My wife’s idiot friend and her college-age son, who live a few doors down, couldn’t get their mower running for whatever reason. My wife said they could use ours. I got it back in the middle of our driveway, where they’d left it, and it smoked horribly when I started it and the blade was loose and a lot of the plastic engine cover was knocked awry. Oh, and the gas tank was empty, where it had been full the last I’d seen it. Nothing hard to fix, but I was not happy about having to take care of it.
My wife’s idiot friend, by the way, is an even worse driver than my wife, a fact I found difficult to comprehend. Pulling into our driveway one afternoon — clear day, no rain, no slick pavement — she drove right into my wife’s car. Because she didn’t see it. Parked in the driveway. I hadn’t set up bright flashing lights to call attention to the parked car, but I hadn’t thought it would be necessary, what with the car being parked in a driveway. Her son, who presumably was the one who smacked the upper part of the mower into something to knock the cover loose and who ran the mower over branches or rocks or something to knock the blade loose and who presumably tilted the mower on its side to look at the loose blade and simultaneously dump oil into the gas, is perhaps not quite as big an idiot, but I’ve never seen anything to suggest that he has the sense to treat machinery in a way that won’t destroy it.
Dr. Bob, how far down can the shock collar be tightened? Say, the size of a banana?
Asking for a friend.
Your friend probably won’t like one of those collars on his tool.
Re:Shock Collars.
This reminds mo of a fairly liberal friends wife who had exactly two absolute commands drilled into her children, the only ones with corporal punishment.
(1) Come, now, when I call you.
(2) Stay, exactly where you are.
No delays, no questioning, no arguments allowed. They lived in a heavy traffic zone.
For training another type of dog entirely:
“Say, the size of a banana?”
The one I ordered says it’s good for anything from a St. Bernard down to a Cheehooahhooah.
“Spain’s SHAME as 761 people injured as cops fire rubber bullets at Catalonia referendum”
A possible future for the USA as various areas (Kalifornia, I am looking at you), try to break away ?
“They say one can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” Old dogs can learn. As a young teen I successfully took an 11 year old Irish Setter through obedience school and her companion dog degree.
@Lynn: Breakaway.
Yeah, it’s a concern for those of us planning retirement and live here currently in the ‘Golden State’.
There are literally millions of Californians (as compared to Kalifornians) who loathe what they see happening.
The state government has gone full fascist, so what to do – fight the state or just walk away.
Heinlein (through his works) made it pretty clear: When it’s time to leave, leave. No regrets, ever.
That said, I find it hard to leave my home. So hard that I came back when I had a chance. Not California.
” When a place gets crowded enough to required ID’s, social collapse is not far away. It is time to go elsewhere. The best thing about space travel is that it made it possible to go elsewhere.”
California is beyond requiring IDs.
“There are literally millions of Californians (as compared to Kalifornians) who loathe what they see happening.”
In my experience with the Californians who move here to escape the craziness they soon start acting like the idiots they left behind. It’s a terminal disease without a cure, in my opinion and observation.
A possible future for the USA as various areas (Kalifornia, I am looking at you), try to break away ?
Would the rest of the country really care if Kalifornia decided to succede?
Sacramento has to tread lightly when it comes to this idea. The State of Jefferson idea could move from fringe concept to mainstream thought real fast, especially if the current un-elected Governor of OR wins reelection next year.
Gregg – While Kate Brown did become governor by succession, she also quickly faced election last year to finish the term, so she has now been elected. Re-election next year remains to be seen.
Gregg – While Kate Brown did become governor by succession, she also quickly faced election last year to finish the term, so she has now been elected. Re-election next year remains to be seen.
A special election two years into her term? The whole thing still stinks. Kate Brown never would have been elected to that office without riding Kitzhaber’s (sport)coat tails.
I wonder if they will let Kitzhaber wear the sportcoat with the orange jumpsuit.
A shock collar tightened down to banana size? I’m thinking a big snake? Young python? Cobra? How do you work obedience with a reptile? MrAtoz has to tell us WTF.
WRT Kalifornia: if the masses of peeps who are pissed off and who loathe the current regime can’t or won’t rise up and do the right thing, then I guess the other options are to stay and eat it or GTFO. Maffachufetts was heading the same way and I GTFO twenty years ago; siblings can’t or won’t because of spouses and children. So they’re eating it.
Note that I’m still in fucking New York State though I loathe it.
I GTFO of southern Cali 14 years ago, and moved to the great State of Texas. Took me a while to adjust, and things still catch me unaware. It’s like moving to another country where you keep getting tripped up because things LOOK so similar.
There is that ‘carry over’ period where you still love your abusive spouse, and can’t really imagine life without the beatings. After a while, if you get used to the idea you don’t really need a beating, you move on. Leaving Cali is a tiny bit like that.
I do still miss the weather.
@JimL: IDs for everything but voting….
@DadCooks: Sounds like you’ve met my sister…sorry about that.
@OFD: I know, I know.
My brain knows that bad as it is *now*, it will only get worse.
@Nick: I’m laughing a bit. That and those ‘seasons’ things people talk about worry me.
Ah, the seasons. We have five of them here in northern Vermont: the current Autumn, which is gorgeous and too short; Wintah, which can be quite amusing…or not; Mud Season, ditto; Spring, which if you’re paying attention, is also quite gorgeous; and finally, Summah, which runs from July 1 to July 5. Except that this year we had cool weather and rain all summer, followed by actual summer for the first two weeks of Autumn. Now we’re back to normal; temps in the 60s during the day and fotties at night. Peak foliage in another couple of weeks. Busloads of touristas.
WRT moving out of here and getting a ranch house; not gonna happen. This is it. We will make this work however we have to do it. We’re in our mid-60s and plan to go out of here feet-first. Meanwhile we likely have half a dozen funerals coming up in the next few years; MIL and her two sisters are in the 90-year range now as is my own mom, plus one remaining aunt and uncle. After them it’s our turn.
Bidding farewell for the evening on a somewhat positive note; your lowly and feeble northern correspondent has been developing a new appreciation for how physically disabled peeps have to get around, and all the little compromises and tricks we use to get through a normal day. And then I see other vets with missing arms and legs and burn victims and those who are blind and/or deaf, and I’m grateful that I can still move at all above the ground.
Pax vobiscum, fratres, et semper paratus…
The state government has gone full fascist, so what to do – fight the state or just walk away.
An incredible amount of Californians are walking away. In 2015, 66K Californians moved to Texas according to this report.
OFD wrote:
“…developing a new appreciation for how physically disabled peeps have to get around.”
An ex-friend in Canberra, my age, had a fall in a car park a couple of years ago. Shattered some bones in a leg. He was in hospital for a while, and now can no longer ride in the front seat of a car. He’s on crutches for the rest of his life. The doctors didn’t tell him at the time – they seriously considered amputating the affected leg.
Bidding farewell for the evening on a somewhat positive note; your lowly and feeble northern correspondent has been developing a new appreciation for how physically disabled peeps have to get around, and all the little compromises and tricks we use to get through a normal day.
I have given up trying to get my parents to install a ramp to get in their house. They have three 8 inch steps from the driveway to the front door. My dad got a friend to custom make and install aluminum grab bars. The bars are awesome, I use them (dadgum vertigo !). But the minute one of them gets wheelchair bound, they are in trouble. And Mom is falling all over the place.
BTW, ADA access in the USA is so much better than Europe. Try getting on a subway in Londonstan or Paris without climbing stairs. My favorite in Paris was having to go down four flights of stairs to the subway in Paris because the elevator was out of service. Not a big deal for me and my nephews, it was a big deal for my 71 year dad in 2009.
A shock collar tightened down to banana size? I’m thinking a big snake? Young python? Cobra? How do you work obedience with a reptile? MrAtoz has to tell us WTF.
I guess I should leave the c**k jokes to Mr. SteveF.
Shooting in Vegas across from the Mandalay Bay. Two dead at a CW festival. Hope Mr. CowBoy Slim wasn’t there. Check your news sources for details. Shooter is dead via SWAT on top floors of the Bay. No details on ID yet.
I GTFO of southern Cali 14 years ago, and moved to the great State of Texas. Took me a while to adjust, and things still catch me unaware. It’s like moving to another country where you keep getting tripped up because things LOOK so similar.
I grew up in Florida so Texas has not seemed nearly as different as Vantucky (Vancouver, WA) did for four years. I still have no clue why we went to the Northwest thinking it would work.
The Portland metro is another planet. And, if you believe our host’s slow decline theory on where things are headed, venturing to the WA State side of the Columbia is like time travel ~ five years into the future — 37% effective unemployment, 25% of the population on Medicaid, Chinese own the nice houses, and the dominant pizza chain is the one that accepts food stamps.
“”Deadliest Mass Shooting In US History”: At Least 50 Killed, 200 Injured After Shooter Opens Fire At Las Vegas Concert”
Video has FULL AUTO fire, at least 4 mags, sounds like 50rd each.
Not a good night.
Bad news indeed. Lots of talk on the morning news shows talking about banning guns, especially automatic weapons, for everyone. No more sales and those that have the weapons and are registered they will be confiscated or damaged such that they can no longer operate. Liberals of course.
What is also unsettling to me is that I was at that location just two weeks ago. Seeing the news footage showing all the places that I was walking around is unnerving.
Apparently the shooter was in the Mandalay Bay hotel, broke out a window, and just starting shooting into the crowd. That would have been absolutely terrorizing for the people in the crowd, basically not knowing where the shots are coming from and not knowing where to hide.
They have not stated the religious affiliation and ethnic background of the shooter. I suspect that is on purpose. As more news is released I highly suspect we will find that he is a member of the religion (re: cult) of *peace*. His name does not sound like a baboon is muttering the name so he may be a convert.
“so he may be a convert.” with “asian” girlfriend, “indonesian”, if this were EU, that would be code for islamic.
If this guy turns out to be a legal NFA owner, it will be the first time since 1934 that one attacked people with an NFA weapon.
Doesn’t look like a convert–
[snip] Try getting on a subway in Londonstan or Paris without climbing stairs [snip]
Back in the 1980’s, a certain institute of higher learning that I was associated with created a job of Coordinator for Disabled Students (I don’t recall the actual title, but you get the gist). In a breathtaking example of poor planning, their office could not be accessed by wheelchair.
Anytime that a wheelchair bound student needed to meet with the coordinator, the student would first call the on campus student ride service. The ride service would provide a van, transport the student to the building, and park on the sidewalk, where the student and the bureaucrat would hold their meeting. I’m sure the situation eventually got amended but it was good for more than a few laughs and shakes of the head.
“If this guy turns out to be a legal NFA owner, it will be the first time since 1934 that one attacked people with an NFA weapon.”
Actually, not. In 1979, a Class III dealer that I knew went berserk with an automatic weapon from his inventory.
“Mr. CowBoy Slim wasn’t there. ”
Nope, I was at my daughter’s house. Actually, installing C&W, and other, music on our new Sandisk players that can Bluetooth to earbuds and speakers.
Could it be that Colin is developing a hearing problem, which is why he doesn’t react to your voice, but immediately to the vibrations?
No, his hearing is fine. He turns his ears off when he’s sniffing.
It is a well known and demonstrated fact that all animals (especially humans and cats) have extremely selective hearing. We should all recognize that “what makes you think your so special” look we often get.
@Kurt B. – it is good that you mentioned a potential hearing problem. Too often us owners dismiss something as normal when it is a symptom of something starting. Dogs with floppy ears are prone to ear infections and when it becomes chronic hearing loss begins. (My first dog was a Beagle. He always placed well in the Field Trials we entered.)
Working and hunting breed dogs in particular get very focused when “doing their job” and training them to add their owner’s/handler’s voice to their priorities is a challenge. I sure hope @RBT continues to have good results with his training/shock collar.
Sure is nice to discuss something that is not preoccupying way too much of the news.