09:36 – It was 66.3F (13.5C) and partly cloudy when I took Colin out at 0700. Barbara is due back from Winston around lunchtime, so I need to spend some time de-wrecking the house.
Chris and Tamara Moser stopped over yesterday afternoon. They’re two of the four extra-class hams in the county, and also two of the four county residents who are qualified as Volunteer Examiners that can administer ham license tests.
Chris sent out email yesterday morning asking if anyone had a current copy of the ARRL exam book that they’d be willing to lend to one of the students in the Tech Exam class that commences early next month. I told him he was welcome to borrow mine.
We stood around talking when they got here, and they mentioned that there was a problem with holding the exam. There have to be three VE’s present at any exam, and Chris and Tamara are related to two of the people who’ll be taking the exam. That disqualifies them from being VE’s for that particular exam session.
I told them that the only reason I’d even tried taking the Extra exam when I passed my Tech and General licence exams was so that the county would have one more person qualified to be a VE.
They pointed out that I could still become a VE, but with only a General license that meant I’d only qualify to supervise exams for would-be Tech licensees. Of course, that’s exactly what the upcoming exam is for, so I’m going to go ahead and apply for VE credentials. I’ll probably pick up my Extra-class license at some point, which would qualify me to be a VE for all three license classes.
Email from Cassie yesterday, with the subject line “NEVER AGAIN”. Back in February, with the help of a friend who’s an experienced canner, Cassie had pressure canned 40 pints of chicken that she’d bought on sale. Cassie hadn’t stocked up on canning jars yet, so they used 40 pint jars and Tattler reusable lids supplied by her friend.
For dinner Friday, Cassie pulled a pint jar of canned chicken off her deep pantry shelf. They’d left the bands on the jars when they finished pressure-canning them. When Cassie unscrewed the band, the lid was loose as well. She didn’t have to pry it up, it just separated freely from the jar. Either that jar had never sealed, or it had lost its seal sometime during the seven months or so it had been sitting on the pantry shelf. The meat didn’t stink, but Cassie rightly treated that jar as a rattlesnake.
Obviously, that brought dinner to a crashing halt. Cassie said she almost literally vomited when she realized that they’d eaten several jars of that chicken over the preceding months, and that any one of those jars could have killed them. They ordered take-out for dinner, and while they waited for it to arrive Cassie pulled all the remaining jars of chicken off the shelf and removed the rings. Of the two dozen or so jars remaining, one had completely lost its seal, and she considered two or three more questionable. They decided to pitch all of the remaining jars of chicken, which was the right decision.
She immediately called her friend that had helped her can those jars to give her a heads-up. The friend was mortified, of course. She’d been canning meat with Tattler lids for a decade or more, and this was the first time there’d been any problem.
Cassie pulled the other hundred or so jars of meat she’d canned. Ground beef, beef chunks, pork, and sausage. She’d done those with the single-use metal lids supplied originally with the Ball jars, and every single one of them still had a good seal. Cassie concluded, and I agree, that the problem was the Tattler lids.
She did some additional research and came across this web page, which was originally posted five years ago and has been updated since. Study this page and the links before you even think about using Tattler lids.
Tattler lids are not USDA-approved for pressure canning. The Tattler website weasels around that lack of approval by stating that they use USDA-approved food-grade plastics in their lids, which is not the same as the lids themselves being approved. And the National Center for Home Food Preservation at UGA, which is the authoritative sources on all things related to pressure-canning, specifically recommends against using “reusable” canning lids.
The obvious temptation, particularly for preppers, is to buy a supply of Tattler lids as a long-term reusable solution in a grid-down scenario. The Tattler lids cost four or five times as much as a standard single-use Ball or Kerr metal lid, but can supposedly be reused over and over. I’d actually considered buying a supply of them for just that reason. But my conclusion after reading those pages is that not only can the Tattler lids not be trusted for re-use, they can’t even be trusted for single use. I intend to order a supply of name-brand, US-made Ball and/or Kerr metal single-use lids for just that reason. In bulk, you can find them for 18 or 20 cents each, which is a small price to pay for a reliable and safe seal.
I told Cassie that although I think she should discard all of the remaining canned chicken and the Tattler lids, she needn’t discard the jars themselves or the bands. Just stick them in the dishwasher on its longest cycle with sanitize turned on, and they should be fine. And, oh by the way, you’re not supposed to leave the bands on the jars after they seal. If nothing else, leaving the bands screwed down can give the impression that a jar has a good seal when it fact it’s a false seal. Cassie experienced that with a couple of the Tattler lids. It’s unlikely to happen with the metal lids, but it’s not worth taking the chance.
Cassie had originally bought half a gross of the Tattler lids from Amazon, at roughly a buck apiece. She gave 40 of those to her friend to replace the ones her friend had provided for their first canning session, so she had 32 unused Tattler lids. She’s been using the metal lids provided with the jars ever since, so the rest of what she’s canned is okay. She’s well beyond the Amazon return window, so she’s going to trash the unused lids and eat the cost. She’s pissed, and I don’t blame her. She’s not pissed at her friend or herself or Amazon. She’s pissed at Tattler. Rightly so, in my opinion.
I was actually kind of surprised that this experience didn’t turn her off completely to canning, but it hasn’t. She’s convinced that canning is safe, assuming she uses the right materials and procedures, and that it’s a cost-effective way to store food. In fact, the next time there’s a big sale on chicken, she plans to buy a bunch and can it up.
I almost didn’t mention this, but I decided it was worth noting. Jaime at Guildbrook Farms also pressure cans bulk meats, and she re-uses the METAL lids. According to all the authorities, that’s an unsafe practice, but I told Cassie if she wants to do that I’d suggest opening a sealed jar very, very carefully to avoid damaging the lid and then wash and sterilize that used lid and stick it on the shelf. In an SHTF situation, she could re-use those lids once she couldn’t get new ones, but in the interim I suggested she use new lids every time.
Wow, what a saga and what a big basket of suck….
PRACTICE! Use your skills. Doing IS different.
She probably saved her life because she is actually doing the things and learning. What if she’d just left the jars for later?
Woke up from a PA dream this morning. Not the best way to start the day.
I just ordered another gross of wide-mouth Ball lids from Walmart. I’d actually just ordered them from Amazon at $24.76 for six dozen ($0.344/each), but then thought to check Walmart. They had packs of a dozen for $2.84/pack ($0.237/each). I found one vendor selling them for about $0.20/each with free shipping, but I’d have had to order 1,664 of them, which was more than I’ll ever need. I didn’t want 1,600+ lids sitting on the shelf aging.
More email from Cassie. Her friend stopped over this morning and insisted on paying Cassie back for everything she’d spent on that first project, including the meat and the leftover Tattler lids. Cassie told her NFW, that it was a learning experience and that what happened was not the friend’s fault. So they’re still friends, and they’re both getting rid of all their Tattler lids and shifting back to single-use Ball lids.
Now her friend has 100+ jars of her own full of meat with Tattler lids. Talk about a big basket of suck.
ISTR that you’d bought a bunch of Tattler lids at one point. Are you going to add them to your eBay inventory?
If I bought any, they were very cheap. I’d have to look on the ‘canning stuff’ shelf. I’ve just been stacking that stuff when I see it super cheap.
The only canning I’ve done is pickles in the fridge, and they were really tasty. Don’t eat many pickles though.
Yeah, I still have a to-do item that I need to attend a canning class at the local ag extension.
One of the curses of being a scientist is that I’m more prone than average to knowing what I don’t know. For example, I get emails all the time from people who think it must be safe to home-can bacon or butter because both are commercially available. These people don’t understand that there’s a world of difference between a $500 home canning setup processing a dozen JARS at a time and a multi-million dollar commercial cannery that’s run under the supervision of industrial engineers and is processing thousands or tens of thousands of CANS at a time.
Those are things that were preserved with alternate means, specifically ‘potting’ and ‘salting’. IIRC the bacon (bellys,not sliced) was smoked and then packed in salt in barrels. Butter was packed in casks. Other meats were sealed inside liquid fat, which then solidified around it to keep the air out.
And some things, like cheese and salami, were simply allowed to rot in a particular way.
But that’s just my view from 10k feet, based mostly on novels….
Yes, that’s the way it was done historically, but you can actually buy canned butter and bacon on Amazon. IIRC, it’s produced mostly in Australia and New Zealand.
The canned butter I used to be able to buy at the asian grocery is no longer in stock, and it’s not available on amazon either. I will just sub peanut oil in any recipe, and I’m trying the powdered version on my next amazon order.
I remember eating canned bacon on camping trips as a kid, very salty. There is much discussion about it online, we all LUV us some bacon, but it’s a luxury good.
I keep 5-10 boxes of shelf stable bacon in the pantry, which will last for a year or more. Not gonna be a long term storage item.
Since we have a feral hog problem here, that’s my kinda sorta long term plan…..
I think porkers are a distant second in this county, behind cattle. But there are 2.5 times as many cows as people in this county, with sheep a distant third place. IOW, we have no shortage of four-footed meat. And that’s not counting the chickens that so many people keep.
“Since we have a feral hog problem here, that’s my kinda sorta long term plan…”
I am given to understand that it’s a going concern with lots of guys in helicopters running AR rifles and more fun than a barrel of monkeys. Calling ColAtoz….
I also see possibilities combining those hunts with cowboy action shooting, from horseback.
Sunny w/blue skies and high 80s today and all week, just like last week; the weather we shoulda had in July. No one’s complaining, except me; it’s too dahn hot!
Sportsball this afternoon for one game while I read Adlerian theory during time-outs and commercials. Scintillating! After that, some cleanup ops and reorganizing the office setup here. It’s gotten kinda flaky lately.
“Hi, I’m a sportsball star! I make $1.5 million a year! Ima gon just kneel down here now while they play that jingo war tune that someone told me glorifies racism and bigotry. ’cause I’m one ignorant multimillionaire.”
On the one hand, who gives a shit? If these capers had been ignored, they probably woulda disappeared. But the media went haywire with it and if there was a thing guaranteed to rub Flyover Country Murkans the wrong way, this would do it. So the NFL had themselves an epic FAIL again just as they might have been making progress with stuff like the concussion protocols. Buh-bye, multimillionaire morons.
Cable tee-vee here goes away in January. We have Roku and Netflix and streaming and all that but wife almost never watches anything and if I do, it’s usually on a computer. We mainly read and listen to radios when we’re both home.
And the NY Times covers prepping…
Yeah, another article ridiculing prepping and preppers. Fuck them.
We’ll see who’s roasting over gasoline fires when the big one comes……
Yes, but in the meantime, making fun of normals makes them feel all superior and everything.
Years ago, but the canned bacon I was familiar with came from Denmark, I still see small hams on the shelf, and I think butter is available from there. WRT canning lids; I have used new from the box lids that were probably 20 years old or more without problems following the regular directions.
As fah as I’m concerned, NYC and Mordor are still hugely prime targets for musloid attacks, to be avoided if at all possible. Lotta pseudo-educated peeps in the Clinton Archipelago get their rocks off making fun of Normals and regular folks who live in “Flyover Country.”
But as has been said, we’re maybe a generation or two away from the peeps in FC being able to subsist very well on their own; one possible major consideration is all those fossil energy companies moving away from the Gulf and further into the Midwest interior. Plus all the very smart home-schooled children in rural areas growing up to be very smart adult citizens.
I am given to understand that it’s a going concern with lots of guys in helicopters running AR rifles and more fun than a barrel of monkeys. Calling ColAtoz….
A minigun with tracers would be fun.
And I read plenty of Patriot players kneeled for the Anthem. I haven’t watched pro ball since I went in the Army circa 1979 (lol! I got called a “fag” many times for avoiding Super Bowl parties and volunteering for ash and trash missions). I feel sorry for youse addicted to the National Felon League.
I’m getting off the addiction, MrAtoz, this coming January. I’ve had enough but won’t go cold-turkey for this one like I did the others. That could be deleterious to my health.
Yup, a bunch of Pats took a knee, the rest linked arms, and Kraft bitched about tRump’s dumbass Twatter spew. Someone needs to take that phone away from him. But maybe that distracts from some really smart and tough caper he’s running with the generals and Bannon-by-phone.
And I haven’t been to any parties of any sort for decades.
Would the Tattler lids work with the vac attachment that comes with the FoodSaver? Good enough for rice and pasta… Dry stuff.
“But as has been said, we’re maybe a generation or two away from the peeps in FC being able to subsist very well on their own;”
I don’t think that’d be a problem around here or in most rural areas. If all the government subsidies, jobs, etc. disappeared overnight, we’d still produce plenty of food, firewood, etc. Doctors and dentists would do the best they could. Welders would still weld and carpenters would still carpent. Life would be tougher, and we’d all quickly learn what a huge percentage of what we formerly thought important had in fact been trivial.
Some of the words of the national anthem are white supremacist.
Someone, please make this stupidity stop!
“Officials in Puerto Rico have described conditions there as ‘apocalyptic’ in the wake of Hurricane Maria, with widespread destruction and looting and electricity and cell phone service cut off for much of the island.”
My internet connection is wonky. Last Thursday 9/14, afternoon it crashed. 3 pm. It came back up and went dead at 5pm. Very slow on Friday and Saturday but mostly working. Sunday and Monday, more of the same. I called Tuesday and they are supposed to be here tomorrow. Monday afternoon, 9/25. At&t has issues… Cell coverage has become useless. You have to go outside, on the correct side of the house to make a call. It’s not the blackberry going bad. One of the kids came over yesterday and his iPhone didn’t work in the house. Verizon is fine, I have 2/3 bars of 4g-LTE in the house…. Under a metal roof.
The mystery here is how the hell is the kindle getting mail? It randomly connects to download. Does not finish syncing. My PC and roku are dead to the internet. My lan is fine.
I have a plan. Instead of trying to root this phone, I’ll buy a used not locked to Straight Talk phone and move my sim card. Then I can tether when needed. Email and web on a 5″ screen socks or something. Auto correct knows better than this peon about stuff that ducks. (Will not sype sucks.)
I have a 24″ monitor for a reason.
“The Week’s Most Aggressive, Obsessive, and Oppressive Headlines…”
The mystery here is how the hell is the kindle getting mail? It randomly connects to download. Does not finish syncing. My PC and roku are dead to the internet. My lan is fine.
If you bought a Kindle with “Whispernet”, the device has its own cellular modem to connect with AT&T using 3G IIRC. The system is designed to be more reliable than fast.
I have a plan. Instead of trying to root this phone, I’ll buy a used not locked to Straight Talk phone and move my sim card. Then I can tether when needed. Email and web on a 5″ screen socks or something. Auto correct knows better than this peon about stuff that ducks. (Will not sype sucks.)
Best Buy put the Moto G4 Play on “clearance” for $141 this week. Buy one, reflash with LineageOS, and use the phone to tether via USB. The G4 Play is spec-ed to work with all of the major carriers pre-paid LTE SIM cards, but I would be wary about Sprint since their LTE band is unique in this country.
The caveat is that reflashing with LineageOS voids the phone warranty.
If I have whispernet it is a fluke. I have a $45 Fire. I bought the six pack.
I’ll study up on the moto when I have something more usable than a cell phone.
You gotta laugh at how dumb Progs are. NASCAR owners state they will fire any driver or crew kneel for the NA. Progs screech racyisss cracker mofos. And my favorite, they aren’t supporting the 1A if they fire the drivers, etc. I didn’t know the 1A prevents you from being fired. Progs should look up consequences in the dictionary.
Can anybody explain why NFL players are linking arms during the NA for solidarity? For what? ‘Cause President tRump is a rayciss, all WHITEY!s are rayciss, slavery, reparations, BLACK POWER!, WTF, over? Not only am I not supporting these fukstiks, any of them begging for $$ for the destruction in the Caribe can kiss my ass.
If the boss says “no kneeling during the anthem” and you do, you’re fired. I don’t see much difference than being told I can’t have a beer at lunch.
Anyone remember why Krapturnip was kneeling anyway?
I don’t and I bet not one in 10 of the other players do either.
“If you bought a Kindle with “Whispernet”, the device has its own cellular modem”
which is why I still usually bring one of my old ones with me when traveling. MUCH easier to d/l new material without having to log in to wifi… and works pretty much everywhere.
You can web browse on it if need be, but only on pretty plain vanilla sites.
Supposedly K-man was kneeling to protest the hurricane of white cops just blowing away black children at random or for the fun of it all over the country every minute of every day, a modern hollow-cause. Then once the MSM got hold of it, it went viral and now we have multiple spectacles of millionaire morons kneeling, holding hands, linking arms, while billionaire owners squawk about how mean Adolph tRump is. A real circus now.
I’m weaning myself off it and will be done by the playoffs. No more cable tee-vee here.
In other nooz:
Two big reasons this little caper will be buried by the MSM. 1) Perp is black as coal and from Sudan 2) Shooting was stopped by a CC permit holder. Who was nearly murdered himself.
Mentioned to wife on the phone a little while ago that the TX and FL hurricane damage seems to have disappeared from MSM coverage in this past week and we still don’t know where all the peeps who lost everything ended up. Are they in FEMA camps? Hospitals? College dorms? Sportsball stadiums? Dead? WTF, over?
And I guess our 57th state, Puerto Rico, is at Apocalypse today but will probably disappear from coverage even faster. Wife thinks it’s either the nooz cycle or, and I can’t believe she said this, “…the authorities may have ulterior motives in not letting us know what’s happened to those people…”
I of course put out a seizure-for-psychiatric-crisis-order on her down there in Syracuse immediately.
Probable future headline: FANS TAKE HIKE
Fans mos def are taking a hike. I saw shots of various stadiums today that were half-empty. And tee-vee cable-cutting is on a huge roll now; those companies are gonna be as dead as dead-tree newspapers and most airlines soon.
A question for the RPOE: What would be an acceptable response by the target(s) of the NFL “protests”, i.e., what could be done, short of self-immolation by the USA’s white population, to make the players cease their sophomoric antics?
What the (bleep) do they want?
If I have whispernet it is a fluke. I have a $45 Fire. I bought the six pack.
I’ll study up on the moto when I have something more usable than a cell phone.
Best Buy and Motorola both have high “clearance” prices on the G4 Play because they know that LineageOS isn’t 100% on the successor phones in the price range, the Moto E4 and G5 Plus.
Mail is still a fairly low bandwidth application. The average commercial web site drags in a ton of JavaScript in addition to the graphics, and, if I had to guess, the fixed wireless hardware was designed for most web traffic to be unencrypted and, thus, compressible.
I was a beta site for ATT fixed wireless many years ago. I think I got high speed inet, and 4 phone lines… The guy came and held a receiver up on a stick on different parts of the house to try to get a connection to their tower. Finally found one, but it was straight across the landing pattern at San Diego international airport. Every time a plane flew through the signal, my phone would click. Eventually gave it up as a lost cause.
Tried to get ISDN lines but didn’t have a switch that could be provisioned.
Ended up on cable iirc…
“What the (bleep) do they want?”
If they were honest? White men in chains and white women in a family way….
What do the players want? They’re fucking millionaires. It’s just mass virtue-signaling, nothing more. Dumbass fummamuckers.
And it meanwhile keeps everyone blathering and bloviating and not paying attention to things that really matter.
And as far as I’m concerned, most of the white “men” and white women in the Clinton Archipelago who subscribe to that line of thought/ideology are up for grabs and good riddance.
From The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same Department:
Progs and virtue-signaling a century ago. Got us two world wars and a major depression and we’ve been at war ever since with a national security state in charge and criminals robbing us blind and tanking the economy repeatedly. Hamilton and Lincoln were the beta versions; now we’re at the full version.
RIP Wendell Macy Hardy, U.S. Army, World War I. 1894-1973.
Border Collie heaven… Sheep hell…
I was a beta site for ATT fixed wireless many years ago. I think I got high speed inet, and 4 phone lines… The guy came and held a receiver up on a stick on different parts of the house to try to get a connection to their tower. Finally found one, but it was straight across the landing pattern at San Diego international airport. Every time a plane flew through the signal, my phone would click. Eventually gave it up as a lost cause.
RF is voodoo. I never believed fixed wireless was anything more than a show for the politicians. God forbid the communications company spend money on actually running … communications lines!
Back in Vantucky, our house sat above Portland Airport on a line of sight between the Coast Guard Commander’s house across the street and the CG air station at PDX. I had to give up my tube monitor because every time the Commander fired up her communications gear, my PC display would go crazy. Voodoo, I tell ya.
According to one of the talking heads on TV tonight, it’s an NFL *rule* that the players must be on the field during the national anthem; hence, those teams that stayed in their locker rooms would be subject to a fine. The TH’s speculated that the owners would be unlikely to assess the fines.
If the owners tolerate this insubordination they can kiss their control of their multi-million dollar investments bye-bye. If they do fine the teams, then they’re probably looking at at least a strike and a major loss of income for all involved.
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of people–the owners and the players.
Well, as might be predicted, one very large Steelers guy stood for the anthem:
The dude is 6’9″ and 320. YOU tell him to kneel or sit down or whatever. Good luck.
Oh goody-goody-gumdrops:
Our instructor for Theory has posted several PowerPoint and Word docs on the college portal for us; read them, downloaded and saved them. Plus the midterm exam questions, super-duper!
I’ll be sliding on down early tomorrow to get my student ID, parking sticker and health insurance info, and then spend a couple of hours at the library doing recon, and ditto with whatever chow hall for supper. Wheeeeeeeeee!
And it’s a gorgeous drive along Routes 104 and 15 through the Lamoille River valley. Picture-postcard Vermont.
Only sorta fly in the ointment is the Monday night class runs until 20:45 and I don’t get home until 21:30-22:00. Fall semester not so bad but next semester during a snowy winter could be interesting.
This week is Adlerian Theory, with more work on case histories, and the next three all-day Saturday labs will focus on a lot more hands-on use of counseling tools and role-playing exercises.
One thing I can see as a use during a SHTF scenario; intel gathering from various people including interrogations of prisoners.
What a weekend ! I took my uncle, my son, my Dad, and self to see our beloved Aggies whoop the Arkansas Razorbacks Saturday morning in Jerry’s World with 70,000 new friends. Dad supplied the awesome tickets on the first row of the second deck and I supplied the transport. I did not have much faith but my Aggies ended up winning the game 50-43 in overtime.
As we were celebrating the game results in the stands, I suddenly found myself in a very strange place. There were people all around me. All of the people had some strange writing on their forehead. I later found out that there was 144,000 of us standing there in a slow moving line. There was all kinds of people with me in line, men, women, and children. I talked with several of the people in line with me and they were from all over the earth. Kinda looked like walking through the mall in Fort Bend County.
Anyway, we finally moved up to a bunch of guys writing stuff in books. One of them motioned me over and said “You are ******** Lynn ****** from Arlington, Texas, right ?”. I said, “No, I am ******** Lynn ****** from Sugar Land, Texas”. The dude says, “you are kidding, right ?”. I said, “No, not kidding. And, where in the world am I ? I was attending an Aggie football game in Arlington, Texas.” The guy then yells “Peter, help !”.
All of sudden this door next to the guy’s desk opens. I had not even noticed a door there. This other guy steps through the door who looks like a weightlifter. He is not that big but has big shoulders and muscles. He looked like he had worked hard in life before he got this supervisory job. The new guy says to me, “I am Peter. Please wait a minute.”. Peter then said to the guy with the book, “What is wrong ?”. The book guy explains the situation to him.
Peter then yells “Larry !”. And another door shows up, opens, and another guy steps through it. The new guy says, “Hi Peter !”. Peter says, “Did you collect ******** Lynn ****** from Arlington, Texas ?”. Larry says, “I sure did, he is standing right there” and points at me. Peter says, “This is ******** Lynn ****** from Sugar Land, Texas. He was attending a football game in Arlington, Texas.”
Larry then turns white and says “Uh, oops !”. Peter says to Larry, “Fix it !”. And then Peter says to me, “Do not tell anyone about this !”. I start to protest right as Larry sticks his right forefinger in the middle of my forehead. I am suddenly back in my seat in Jerry’s World as Jerry Jones is on the field handing the Southwest Classic trophy to Coach Kevin Sumlin. I shake my head and decided that I just had a really weird daydream about that guy who predicted the end of the world on Saturday.
Two big reasons this little caper will be buried by the MSM. 1) Perp is black as coal and from Sudan 2) Shooting was stopped by a CC permit holder. Who was nearly murdered himself.
We now have three sheriff’s deputies and officers in our church for all services. This world is getting more crazy by the moment.
I’m getting off the addiction, MrAtoz, this coming January. I’ve had enough but won’t go cold-turkey for this one like I did the others. That could be deleterious to my health.
Monday night’s Cowboys game might be interesting. Jerry Jones has reputedly said that any player or coach kneeling during the anthem will be fired.
“I shake my head and decided that I just had a really weird daydream about that guy who predicted the end of the world on Saturday.”
ROFL! I hate when that happens.
Oh, hell no! I have standards.