09:16 – It was 60.7F (16C) when I took Colin out at 0635, mostly clear and breezy.
That link I posted the other day listed several prepping sites I’d never heard of. It’s always interesting to get a different point of view, so I took a quick look at several of the new-to-me sites. Most of them were nothing special, but I did find one that held my interest enough that I jumped around the site looking at different articles.
That site, More Than Just Surviving, is run by a young married couple, Elise and Thomas Xavier. They’re Millennials–she was born in 1989–and they’ve been preppers the entire five years or so that they’ve been together. She comes by it honestly. Her parents and grandparents were serious preppers, so she’s been immersed in prepping as long as she can remember.
At first, I assumed they were US-based, but then I noticed that one of the pictures she’d posted of their LTS pantry had canned goods from Waitrose. UK then. But not just UK. She’s actually from the Toronto, Canada area, where she and Thomas lived until a couple years ago. He’s originally from the UK.
They decided to do a major relocation. I’d have expected them to move west, out to Alberta or BC. Instead, they moved east, to the UK, where they bought a flat in Bournemouth. Talk about frying pan/fire.
They’ve been prepping for years, but I’d still consider them newbies. For example, in one article she reports on how they lived through a major power failure while they were still living in Canada. Electric power was down for five days and four nights, with outside temperatures well below freezing. At one point, it was 25F inside their house.
They were pretty much unprepared for such an event, which seems an odd thing not to be prepared for, given where they were living. They ended up spending days in their neighbors’ garage, which was equipped with a woodstove. At night, they returned to their sub-freezing home to sleep, which again seems odd.
But I’ve read quite a few of their articles, many of which are interesting. The site is worth a visit.
Here’s yet another cheap prepping item you might want to stock: Epsom Salts, at $5.43 for an 8-pound bag.
In a prepping sense, it’s primarily useful as a gentle saline laxative. That 8-pound bag is about 250 doses, at about two cents per dose.
We keep a lot of this in stock because we use it in large amounts in science kits. But, like a lot of the stuff we stock in quantity for science kits (iodine, potassium iodide, antibiotics, etc. etc.) it’s also a very useful prepping item.
Time to act.
Topping up the bread, eggs, etc. Possibly even meat or cans, depending on availability.
Debating moving the gennie to the back, and having someone temp it in, sitting on a pallet. Will look at that this afternoon.
Will swing by HD an see what the plywood situation is. If available, I’m moving to get my closet reinforced. I’ve been putting it off too long and now will be doing the equivalent of a panic buy.
I’m acting on the assumption that Irma will cross FLA into the gulf, because if I wait, I won’t have the time.
Got much more yard cleanup to do later in the week.
Time to act is NOW.
They decided to do a major relocation. I’d have expected them to move west, out to Alberta or BC. Instead, they moved east, to the UK, where they bought a flat in Bournemouth. Talk about frying pan/fire.
Bournemouth isn’t Londonistan, but I’d be nervous living anywhere on that landmass.
From what I observed living in the Northwest, Vancouver, BC will be more of a trainwreck than Seattle in a SHTF situation. Prepping types in BC will want to be as far away from that metro as possible.
I’m acting on the assumption that Irma will cross FLA into the gulf, because if I wait, I won’t have the time.
Unless they lived in FL at the time, most people don’t recall that Katrina crossed the FL peninsula before slamming New Orleans.
From a hvper link:
Police Shoot Man For Recording Them With Phone, They Feared For Their Lives
My iPhone 7 Plus must look like a bazooka to the cops. And, Kalifornia sucks.
“Bournemouth isn’t Londonistan, but I’d be nervous living anywhere on that landmass.”
You and me both.
Advice to MrAtoz and anyone else: DON’T flash your iPhone 7 at the cops!
Jesus wept.
And the ol’ Sarge says it was a reasonable shoot. Thanks, Sarge!
These cops need to be dumped off the force ASAP, including the ol’ Sarge and it looks like at least one cop could benefit from a weight-loss and PT regimen ASAP.
Obviously the training they get nowadays sucks rocks. But we’ve hammered on this topic before; no improvement anywhere on the horizon and during a SHTF scenario, as with Katrina in Nawlinz, a bunch of them simply run off and go home to their families. Whatever, see ya!
Another hvper link:
Officer shoots Ohio newspaper photographer after confusing his tripod and camera for a gun
Cop probably thought the tripod was on the end of an M60. Shoot first, ask questions later.
If charges of attempted murder are not filed, then we’ll know that the stupid pigs and the stupider prosecutors have declared themselves to be targets of opportunity.
UPDATE: A blog post on the topic, using MrAtoz’s links. Thanks!
I see where Cankles is pasting blame on everyone else. From her book:
“She said that his attacks against her during the primary caused “lasting damage” and paved the way for “(Donald) Trump’s ‘Crooked Hillary’ campaign.””
“Sanders “had to resort to innuendo and impugning my character” because the two Democrats “agreed on so much.””
So now it is Bernie the Bozo’s fault that Cankles lost the election. When will she ever learn that is was her that cost her the election. (I know, stupid question). The ego of that lady continues to astound me. She is complete delusional.
You’re using that word in a non-standard way.
So now it is Bernie the Bozo’s fault that Cankles lost the election. When will she ever learn that is was her that cost her the election. (I know, stupid question). The ego of that lady continues to astound me. She is complete delusional.
What was the response from Bernie?
Crickets are chirping in Burlington this morning. Sanders got a nice new lakefront cabin in return for keeping his mouth shut, and the FBI probe of his wife is still out there should Bernie not remember his place.
Cops shooting random people: On the one hand, this is a lot smaller problem than people think. One stupid story gets blasted all over the internet. Like the “summer of the shark”, in a year when shark attacks were actually low, but the media needs hype, needs a crisis.
On the other hand, any cop who actually does shoot someone for no reason should be prosecuted just the same as anyone else. There ought to be less administrative leave and more jail time. Won’t happen, as along as the police get to investigate themselves. Really, there needs to be a separate citizen’s council, or somesuch, will full authority to investigate and judge public officials.
Topping up the bread, eggs, etc. Possibly even meat or cans, depending on availability.
After the “failure” of using the Auguson dried eggs for scrambled eggs (the dog and I ate them but the wife could not get them down), the wife made pancakes with Bisquick and the dried eggs Saturday morning. The pancakes were good.
So yesterday, I made omelets with 2 parts dried egg, 2 parts water, and 1 part wet soymilk (I am allergic to real milk). I put ham and cheese liberally all over the omelet. And I added salsa liberally, about a 1/2 inch deep, to the omelet. The verdict was ok, not very good. The dog ate her pieces eagerly though. The wife was able to get it down.
The son ate dried eggs frequently in the USMC. Whole platters worth for an entire company of Marines. His advice is to drown them in salsa, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce, Louisiana hot sauce, or just about any strong sauce.
BTW, the wife said that my omelet making skills are still lacking.
My wife and I have come to an agreement on such things: if I do some chore or task and she complains about it, I won’t do it again. If she wants it done, she can do it or pay someone else to do it.
“Agreement” might not be quite right, as she’s not happy about it, but there’s nothing on earth that can make me do something once I’ve dug my heels in, so she doesn’t have a choice in the matter.
Also, lest you think I’m unreasonable about it, if I’ve done some task wrong or there’s a better way to do it, I’m perfectly willing to listen and give another way a try. But if she had a tiring day at work and
thinksfeels that the best way to deal with it is to bitch at me, then she can find another chore permanently added to her list.Uncle Sugar gave us eggs in a tray often, and I’d improve them with a little creamed beef or sausage gravy. Grits gave them texture. It was a rare day that I’d eat the dried eggs on their own. Nutritionally they were good enough, but the other things gave them a more palatable texture and flavor.
Back from our “big” HEB. Somewhat light traffic for the week, lots of fit young mommies, which is normal for the time of day. Not so normal to have their kids with them…
Good stocks of most things. Some things WIPED OUT. NOT A SINGLE EGG in the store. And all the liquid eggs were gone too. Mr Lynn – the HEB liquid eggs, not the EggBeaters, but real whole eggs in a red milk carton freeze well and are a great substitute for fresh.
Green beans in cans were GONE. Must of had a sale…
Other than eggs and green beans most stuff was in stock, and in quantity.
I had no problem using powdered eggs to make omelets, but YMMV. As I’ve said repeatedly, we’re not storing powdered eggs to eat as omelets, we’re storing them as components in other foods, like pancakes, cornbread, etc. They work fine in those other foods, as you noted.
You’re using that word in a non-standard way.
Yeh, my bad. I will remember to use slithering wad of slime in the future. Unless of course you have a better suggestion.
Felonious drunk who should spend the rest of her regrettably-not-short-enough life in SuperMax?
Our corner of WA State has a “very unhealthy air quality” alert. The officials are recommending that everyone wear mask when going outdoors. All the schools have cancelled all outside activities, from recess to sports.
The prevailing winds, at all levels, are bringing the smoke from CA, OR, WA, ID, MT, and BC forest fires right to us. It’s the worse I can remember, we are in a brown fog that is precipitating ash. Visibility is about 150-feet.
It just may be that the “end times” are upon us.
Houston flooded, wildfires burning in the West, a volcano in Iceland getting ready to cut loose, Irma as a Cat 5 headed somewhere. This is an exciting month, even for September.
All the schools have cancelled all outside activities, from recess to sports.
Our schools were suppose to start August 28. They are tentatively suppose to start September 11. If Harvey’s sister comes for a visit, I am fairly sure that they will be pushed back to October. Or 2018.
@dadcooks, good time to check that your vehicle computers will start your car with all that crap in the air. There were reports out of previous fire evacs that modern cars wouldn’t start,presumably to protect the engine from the crap air.
” This is an exciting month, even for September.”
Don’t forget the NOK situation, and our domestic issues too.
@dadcooks, good time to check that your vehicle computers will start your car with all that crap in the air. There were reports out of previous fire evacs that modern cars wouldn’t start,presumably to protect the engine from the crap air.
The EPA has many things to answer for from the people. Putting someone in a dangerous situation because their car will not start is a horribly bad idea. Yet, there are multitudinous things that can cause this to happen, such as a diesel running out of DEF fluid. I do not know if there is an air quality check, I hope not.
check that your vehicle computers will start your car with all that crap in the air
I seriously doubt that is going to be a problem. The vehicles that the firefighters use operate in much worse conditions, using the same engine computers, and they operate just fine.
Emergency vehicles get different programming and may well have override buttons denied to us serfs.
WRT cars starting in heavy smoke:
Good point there @nick and good comment @lynn.
All the cars have started and ran well today. Had to break out the snow-brushes to get the ash off the windows.
Note: Correction courtesy of @RickH, sorry for the brain fart
One of the fires in Oregon is threatening the Lodge at
SnoqualmieMultnomah Falls. It has also jumped the Columbia River Gorge in the area, no small feat, and so is now adding to WA State fire woes.With all of the fires going on right now there is a shortage of qualified fire-fighters. The WA National Guard is holding a 4-day class to train new fire-fighters.
Just a couple of recent stories regarding the fires:
“Emergency vehicles get different programming and may well have override buttons denied to us serfs.”
My Expy is the SVT edition which is only sold to agencies. It has a secondary power bus with a power point for radios behind the second seat, different interior package (the ‘blood package’ according to local upfitters) and some other differences. BIG pushbar on the front too.
Ditto the strange air quality here in the Olympic Penninsula. Brownish sun due to smoke in the upper air; appears to this non-weather dweeb to be mixed in with an upper marine layer. Sort of freaky-looking outside. Did see some ash on the car that is parked in the driveway.
Temps at this moment at my outdoor weather station are 85.8F, with 55% humidity, very slight wind (<4mph). The smoke particles will keep temps about 3-4F cooler.
Fires in Montana threatening Glacier Park lodges; fire near Multnomah Falls (east of Portland on I-84) http://katu.com/news/local/odot-closing-stretch-of-interstate-84-due-to-eagle-creek-fire are threatening the lodge and overlooks there; I-84 is closed due to spot fires along the highway.
This story with map shows all the fires in West US http://www.khq.com/story/36285551/where-is-the-smoke-coming-from-map-shows-74-wildfires-burning-in-western-states . Map is zoomable and has links to individual fires.
Not a day for deep-breathing around here.
Some good maps here of fire and flood activity: http://disasterresponse.maps.arcgis.com/home/index.html .
Doesn’t show the fire jumping the Columbia River. And the Snowqualamie fire that DadCooks references – I believe he means the fire near Multnomah Falls, which is threatening some historic structures along the south side of Columbia River.
Although there is another fire south of Snoqualamie. The map link above is great for seeing fire locations.
Yet, there are multitudinous things that can cause this to happen, such as a diesel running out of DEF fluid.
Typical urea concentration in human urine won’t fool the sensors?
Keep a funnel and a hose in the trunk.
Seriously, though, diesels are probably done in this country if the engines will refuse to run without the DEF.
My Expy is the SVT edition which is only sold to agencies.
I would buy a new one TODAY if I could get it. I want the blood interior and the column shifter (the new shifter is a console rotary knob).
Besides the other issues and sitreps mentioned for September so fah there are the four NATO combat brigades, fully equipped and tooled up, who just got stood up in the Baltics and Poland. Why not poke the Russians in the eye again while we’re at it? And why did those pesky bastards build their country so close to our bases?
Then there is always the ongoing economic and financial chicanery by the State, from your local towns and counties on up to the top dawgs in Mordor and Babylon-on-the-Hudson.
Meanwhile the local market had a sign today in the meat section apologizing for no hamburger because they can’t grind it because their grinder is broken. But they had ground turkey and ground pork…..
And a new thing: I found myself behind one of our local shit-for-brains cretins, wearing his baseball hat tilted way back to increase the look of an idiot, and his little shoebox car had a pipe connected to the exhaust poking up behind the trunk at an angle and periodically spewing clouds of black smoke. I will be asking about this at the town meetings this week and next. As in “Is that fucking legal?”
Meanwhile another day of steady downpour and leaves are turning orange and yellow and red.
@RickH – thanks for catching my brain fart.
Here is recent news regarding the Eagle Creek fire, Multnomah Falls Lodge, and fire jumping the Columbia River.
Another good wildfire map:
And news:
“My Expy is the SVT edition which is only sold to agencies.”
I would buy a new one TODAY if I could get it. I want the blood interior and the column shifter (the new shifter is a console rotary knob).
I saw the SSV F150 this morning on the road to work. Austin PD has a carbon monoxide issue with their Explorers so the vehicles are parked until Ford and the law enforcement vehicle customizing shops can figure out the cause of the problems.
Update on the imbecile kid with the car spewing black smoke today: wife informs me that this is known as “coaling.” And is real popular in the Midwest. Some of our local white underclass with the noisy-as-hell pickup trucks do this, too.
Rain continues. Wish y’all out in the Pacific Northwest could get this, too. Or transfer it from Texas and the Gulf to you. Stay well, we worry about youse, like we have been worrying about our folks in TX and about the coming Irma storm.
A little less excitement this month would be good.
I also think Mr. Nick is really on the ball getting more chit squared away Just In Case. And he’s already on top of things, compared to 99% of the country, no doubt.
Rolling Coal with a diesel is not hard (with the right foot and no electronics). Just dump more fuel in the engine than can burn.
Newer diesels (before DEF) put a stop to that by monitoring the exhaust and restricting the fuel flow so that not-so-much diesel will dump in the motor. THAT is the perfect tune for me.
Newer, DEF equipped vehicles – somebody somewhere will come out with a drop-in replacement chip that will allow you to run DEF-free. If it doesn’t exist already. And it does.
However, the aftermarket performance companies offering the DPF Delete Kits are quick to point out their product is solely for closed-course racing and off-road use and is not street legal in any state.
So I would consider signing a waiver & purchasing such a kit if I were to buy a DEF-equipped diesel. (But Pre-DEF is better, IMHO).
Rain continues. Wish y’all out in the Pacific Northwest could get this, too. Or transfer it from Texas and the Gulf to you. Stay well, we worry about youse, like we have been worrying about our folks in TX and about the coming Irma storm.
I remember rain and 50s starting in the Northwest every year around the time school began. We had two weather seasons in Portland – Generally Cr*ppy and August.
I find “rolling coal” funny. It shows who in the area has the smallest wee-wee.
Time to act.
Topping up the bread, eggs, etc. Possibly even meat or cans, depending on availability.
Debating moving the gennie to the back, and having someone temp it in, sitting on a pallet. Will look at that this afternoon.
I am already back up to 120 cases of bottled water as of Sunday trip to HEB. I also bought dog and cat food for the primary offsite.
I am going to buy 3 more camp cots and pads and put all 4 of them in the primary offsite place. We already had sheets, pillows, and towels in the primary offsite place from the first trip last Monday before we got islanded.
I already put my Coleman stove at the primary offsite with a dozen of the little propane bottles. I need to bring several of the 20 lb propane bottles that I have to the office. I already have the high pressure propane regulator at the office.
If things start looking bad this time, we will be gone in 15 minutes even if I have to carry the women to the truck screaming.
And the Brazos river has dropped 16 ft now from 55.2 ft to 39 ft. If Irma gets here on Saturday then the Brazos river will be around 15 ft. But the river can come up quickly.
What paul said.
Ditto for small women driving huge SUVs very aggressively. Compensating for what you ain’t got, Cupcake?
(I find myself using “Cupcake” a lot lately when I want to annoy someone. I am abashed that it took me so long to discover that about 99% of women are infuriated by it, so long as it’s said in the properly condescending tone. Er, hypothetically. I’m, like, all polite n shit in person.)
(In fact, my default is to be rather polite face-to-face. However, I have a low threshold for rolling over from “polite and helpful” to “eat their livers”.)
Bah. They’re adults, aren’t they? Presumptively able to comprehend the reality of their situation and responsible enough to take appropriate steps? If they can’t manage to stop shrieking and dithering enough to make it from the house to the car in fifteen minutes, well, they’re not exactly a benefit to the species, are they?
This Eugenics Moment was brought to you by Steve. Tune in to this location for more helpful tips.
(Your daughter might get a pass on the whole getting herself to the car in fifteen minutes thing. Friggin parasites have killed more humans than all other causes combined.) (Er, literal parasites, in this instance. I don’t mean politicks or welfare leeches.)
Some of our local white underclass with the noisy-as-hell pickup trucks do this, too
Have a few of those idiots around here. Like to blow smoke after leaving a stop to annoy the cars behind them. However it doesn’t always work. In Oliver Springs the chief drives an unmarked vehicle. He was behind one of those idiots who decided to blow some of that smoke. He was immediately pulled over. When I came back 20 minutes later the truck was on the bed of a tow truck. Don’t if the smoke got him towed or some other issue.
It shows who in the area has the smallest wee-wee
Not certain about the fellow above as I will leave that to someone else to confirm. However, when he was standing on the side of the road with his hat off, no hair, his head did resemble the head of a penis.
Yes, “Cupcake” is great; I’ve used it on males, of course. Maybe I’ll try it on some women; not in my class, though; I’ve gotta live with them basically for almost three years, looks like. Not working full-time out in the work force I don’t get many opportunities anymore to be offensive and mean.
It sounds like Mr. Lynn also has his ducks lined up properly for any more incoming; outstanding, young sir!
Ima gon bring up the rolling coal bullshit at the next couple of town committee meetings and next month when the police chief makes his regular appearance with the Selectboard. Go right to the top, I say. Also bitch to him about the fucking race course in back of us here on a blind curve, gets worse every summer.
Anyone check Frau Kommissar Merkel’s house yet? She could be throwing a party for them:
I hate to be non-PC but I always grin when I see someone “rolling coal”. Maybe I worked too long in construction and the oil patch… There is a guy around here that has a 55 gallon drum in his pickumup truck bed – he rolls some serious coal through that stack. Really offensive – I dig it! Bonus points if you smoke out a Prius.
To put the record straight – all my diesels have clean, EPA approved exhaust – as a mechanical engineer, I see the black smoke as an inefficiency – so it is not something to officially approve of… But still, it is fun to see a big diesel blowing black smoke and making lots of power!
And the Brazos river has dropped 16 ft now from 55.2 ft to 39 ft. If Irma gets here on Saturday then the Brazos river will be around 15 ft. But the river can come up quickly.
Irma isn’t going to Texas. The latest model runs are even starting to predict the possibility of the storm missing Florida.
Thursday is probably the day to pay attention if you live in Florida. Hispanola tears up storms, and the “spaghetti” will start to converge.
Coal rolling is fine with me, as it is a big F U to authority. If you see a pickup with 12 ” pipes you can be pretty sure he’s rolling….
I’ve told the story before about the episode of Ice Road Truckers where the truck computer comes very close to killing the driver by stopping the truck on the ice lake. S/he managed to limp off just barely before the thing stopped altogether for its regen.
Got my first load of plywood and studs. I couldn’t get the whole load in one trip, due to my pickup truck not being a monster, or even full sized. I got asked if I was boarding up windows. Had a nice chat about Irma. Everyone is wishful thinking about this one. Fact is the universe tends toward the perverse, and I’m pretty sure we’re gonna get hammered. Just ‘cuz it ”isn’t fair” to be hit twice doesn’t mean it can’t happen.
Tomorrow I’ve got auction pickups, and Thursday too, which doesn’t leave a lot of time for building out the closet. Easier to do if I have the materials though, and at some point all the ply will sell out if Irma is comin’ right for us. I can get one layer of ply in pretty quickly.
(oh, did get bread and some cans, as well as a big pile of fresh veg at the store.)
“Thursday is probably the day to pay attention if you live in Florida. Hispanola tears up storms, and the “spaghetti” will start to converge.”
TOO LATE to do anything about it. When will the winds arrive? When will the storm surge arrive?? The map is not the terrain.
The US Navy track shows it entering the gulf
This ain’t a construction or oil patch area; it’s a small village on the bay of a lake, mostly wooded and surrounded by farmland. And I’m not “authority” so I don’t need a big F.U. at this point in life. I find them a royal PITA and would as soon machine-gun them off the road.
“Some of our local white underclass with the noisy-as-hell pickup trucks do this, too
Have a few of those idiots around here. ”
YUUUP! Plenty of them here, also. And lots of them with illegal mufflers on their motorcycles. I think that is just what they do after they fill up their surface areas with tattoos.
For those with IQs less than 70, what else can they do to garner attention?
Get off my lawn! I get it…
In re Trump and DACA. The money ‘graph:
“I think Trump has played this well, better than I would have. I would probably have just declared the whole thing illegal, unconstitutional, and dropped it, but the President is more politically astute than I. He has given it six more months on paper, and challenged Congress to do something legal about it. Now, let us reflect on how clever this is. Despite giving it six more months on paper, he has killed it. If you were an illegal “childhood arrival” would you go sign up now and give ICE your address and place of employment? Not with Trump as President. He has put the burden on Congress, many of whose members face tight election battles next year. I want to see one of those Republican Congressmen in a tight battle who comes out for restoring DACA, and that on top of the Obamacare repeal disaster.”
not trying to be an a$$. It was a long day today. If one of my neighbors regularly had loud exhaust / coal I would work to remedy the situation. But – I still grin when I see it out on the road.
I grinned the other day when I saw a sticker on the rear window of a Normal’s pickup truck, a grown-up Normal, and not a dumbass punk cretin: “WORK HARD: MILLIONS ON WELFARE DEPEND ON YOU!”
Easy enough to observe, when half the peeps around here come and go all hours of the day and night, buy groceries, smoke ciggies, yet have no visible means of support. Unless of course they’re all telecommuting from home for Global Foundry or Goolag.
I’m thinking down the road, get the young men and women a quick four- to eight-hour course on the rifles and put them in the front lines here in the AO if things get that bad. Let’s see how tough they are then. And if they can RTFM as well as they can their damn pixels.
[snip] Unless they lived in FL at the time, most people don’t recall that Katrina crossed the FL peninsula before slamming New Orleans. [snip]
Andrew did the same, and strengthened once it got to the warm open waters of the Gulf. Tragically, it wiped out acres of seed stock for the McIlhenny Company’s vitally important product.
‘I find myself using “Cupcake” a lot lately when I want to annoy someone.’
Just stare at their boobs while you’re talking to them. That sometimes works…
DH, can you please introduce me to Princess, so I can annoy her by calling her Cupcake *and* staring at her melons?
CowboySlim, do you need a reason to revitalise your interest in wrestling?
“…acres of seed stock for the McIlhenny Company’s vitally important product.”
Major bummer! Tabasco sauces! We have them plus a few others but tend to prefer Frank’s Hot Sauce. I am bound and determined to get hot peppers growing here, too; I know it can be done because fummamuckers a mile or two inland have done it.
“…can you please introduce me to Princess, so I can annoy her by calling her Cupcake *and* staring at her melons?”
You bet; next time you’re in Moh-ree-all or northern Vermont and she’s around. She doesn’t seem to mind showing them off, apparently oblivious. Bear in mind she’s six feet tall and 44DD and over 200 pounds. Not fat just solid.
“…do you need a reason to revitalise your interest in wrestling?”
If I wasn’t an old crippled loser piece of chit I wouldn’t mind that Charlotte person doing her “moonsault” on me. Be the end of me, but who cares, amirite? That was pretty spectacular, esp. in slow-mo.
Got my first load of plywood and studs. I couldn’t get the whole load in one trip, due to my pickup truck not being a monster, or even full sized. I got asked if I was boarding up windows. Had a nice chat about Irma. Everyone is wishful thinking about this one. Fact is the universe tends toward the perverse, and I’m pretty sure we’re gonna get hammered. Just ‘cuz it ”isn’t fair” to be hit twice doesn’t mean it can’t happen.
What he said.
Irma isn’t going to Texas. The latest model runs are even starting to predict the possibility of the storm missing Florida.
You hope. Me, I spent too much time last week islanded to take anything for granted now. If the river had come over the levee when we got islanded that would have been bad, very bad. I had no idea that I could get islanded in my home. This will not happen again.
Unfortunately, it looks very much like Ms. Merkel will be re-elected for a fourth term. Her only real opponent, Schulz, wouldn’t really have been any better. The major parties managed – as their first priority – to squeeze out the minor parties, and then put up a choice-that-is-no-choice for the voters.
There is talk of imposing term limits on chancellors, after Ms. Merkel finally exits the stage. That’s all well and good, but first the minor parties need to break through. That article about Al Queda fighters sneaking in as asylum seekers – that’s the sort of event and news that will ultimately make a difference.
Complacency seems to the the natural human state. It doesn’t help that the press is always hyping some fake crisis or other, so when a real crisis (like mass illegal immigration) rolls around, people don’t take it anymore seriously than the horror of Madonna moving to Portugal.
There is an article in Ars Technica that once again gives the European weather forecasting models the edge over quite a number of others including NOAA. The article is at https://arstechnica.com/science/2017/09/at-times-during-harvey-the-european-model-outperformed-humans/.
There are a few sites that actually depict the model. One of them is https://www.windy.com/.
The model to use is ECMWF.
For those with IQs less than 70, what else can they do to garner attention?
Become a football (American) lineman.
Roll coal – not me. Well, unless someone is tailgating. And that was in a Deuce. I’ve been a gasser ever since. But the folks I know that do such things are more interested in efficiency and power than in annoying tailgaters. When you’re hauling and paying for fuel, they’re pretty important.
And the thought that MY TRUCK can be shut down because I haven’t kissed enough gaian butt makes me want to disable that crap. If I ever do go back to diesel, I’ll buying old enough to avoid that crap.
Now that’s just insensitive. It’s raaaaacist. It’s a veiled insult to the Business and X Studies programs that most college “scholar-athletes” are babysat through. It’s probably cis-heteronormative, too.
Good work!
I’ve been meaning to put a mirror in my van that would normally rest on the ceiling in back but which I could lower to sit in the back window. Tailgate me? Fine. Eat your own headlights.
Windy shows Irma hitting FLA then running up the coast. That’s a Cat4-5 running up the southeastern coast. While I would rather that happen than have it cross into the Gulf, that is BAD too. No matter what, it will be bad. And Jose is following along.
“I had no idea that I could get islanded in my home.”
Neither did my grandparents in 1938 in Fairhaven, MA.
WRT to Frau Kommissar Merkel being re-elected: voters here elected Shrub twice, Larry Klinton twice and Obummer twice, and almost elected Field Marshal Rodham. And we also let in millions of “Dreamers” and hadji shitbags. We’ve paid the price for that many times, but it doesn’t seem to make much of an impression yet.
I really wonder how much longer it’ll be before White Pride organizations go mainstream. White people have been demonized for decades, and eventually they’re likely to form their own identity group.
But…but…but….that would RAYCISS!!! Just like the KKK!!! And the Nazis!!!!
I wouldn’t hold my breath; three generations of North Murkans have been trained/taught to wallow in guilt for stuff over which they had no control. Yes, there has been genuine racism, but A: we’ve gone to the other extreme to try to totally eradicate it, and B: it works both ways.
And now we have the spectacle of fellow white people screeching at us and lecturing at us and telling us we have a duty to die. Well what about THEM???
You first, hon.
I really wonder how much longer it’ll be before White Pride organizations go mainstream. White people have been demonized for decades, and eventually they’re likely to form their own identity group.
Didn’t we see this back in the 1920s and the 1930s with the rise of the KKK ?