09:04 – It was 63.4F (17.5C) when I took Colin out at 0620, partly cloudy. Barbara is working in the garden this morning.
Later today and tomorrow, we’ll be getting the downstairs LTS food room and the lab/work area organized and inventoried. I really need to figure out what we have and where it is. I swear I could lose a Toyota in the LTS food room.
Colin wasn’t feeling well yesterday. He was–like Clancy on All Creatures, Great and Small–“womiting”. After dinner, I was sitting on the sofa when he climbed on top of me and womited. Yuck. He seems to be feeling better this morning.
73 w/overcast and 88% humidity. Looks like more possible t-storms.
I’m just puttering around with cleaning chores and organizing stuff better.
And waiting to hear of what the situation might be down in Boston this weekend. Lotta monuments and memorials of slavers there. With a clueless libtard Dem mayor and governor.
Later today and tomorrow, we’ll be getting the downstairs LTS food room… organized and inventoried
When RBT mentioned the shelving island setup yesterday, I was reminded to ask… is anyone willing to share pics of how they have their storage area set up, for the benefit of any visual learners out here?
For those of us with other learning modalities, would any of you serious preppers mind choreographing and performing an interpretive dance depiction of your storage areas?
You laugh, but I once worked on a 2 hour dance and song show that was essentially, “The Story of Genesis told thru interpretive dance.” Paid well.
Oh, with the Crucifixion and Death of Christ tacked on to the end.
Keep repeating the lie, although in the DM’s defense, it could simply be from incompetence, or sloppiness on the part of the interns that write for them.
“THOUSANDS of anti-fascist protesters take on a handful of right-wing ‘free speech’ activists at Boston rally after outrage at Charlottesville violence and Trump’s praise for white supremacists “
added– “Boston also outlawed weapons of any kind – including sticks used to hold signs – in the protest area and ordered food vendors out of Boston Common, the nation’s oldest park. ”
One wonders under what authority they did so…
And they don”t see any irony in this —
“Boston’s Democratic mayor, Marty Walsh, and Massachusetts’ Republican governor, Charlie Baker, both warned that extremist unrest wouldn’t be tolerated in this city famed as the cradle of American liberty.”
Added again– I’m not usually interested in any ‘conspiracy theories’ about “false flags” crisis actors, or any of the rest of that, because in the end WHat does it f’ing matter? but is anyone else starting to get a strange feeling about the kid driving the car in Charlottesville? I’m just noticing that in ever case where there has been a genuine/organic attacker, there has been an orgy of background in the press. Where’s this guy’s Facebook? His childhood (only a few years ago) acquaintances? The sickening detailed, loving look at his past? It’s almost like they either know the story isn’t what was portrayed and they’re distancing themselves, OR there isn’t anything to this kid. Feels weird to me.
Word has it now that the driver is actually a lefty activist and thus, yeah, a false flag operator; ditto the “organizer” and “leader” of the “white nationalist” groups and rally. FaceBerg stuff seems to have disappeared or been altered and we still don’t know WHY he drove into the car in front of him. The whole thing is VERY fishy, and we now know for a fact that the local authorities were operating the whole time under false pretenses WRT the rally setup and permits. And then had the cops, after they got tired of standing around, funnel the righties right into or past the commies, thus insuring more violence.
The left and media are pushing the narrative that the righties came all armed up and ready to bash people, which they then did, and the poor little commies all got beat up and hurt, again, while the cops stood by and did nothing.
Looking at various cell phone vids, some of the narrative fails, and it would be nice to have the National Guard video that was taken from a rooftop not far away.
What’s funny this weekend about Boston is that the mayor and governor have now put themselves in the position of the former British commanders of the late 1760s and early 1770s. Nice work, boys!
What it showed didn’t fit the narrative.
I wrote elsewhere:
“The police all over America are aligning themselves with the communists and the rioters and BLM and all the rest.”
Anyone here still counting on the cops to “do the right thing”?
“Anyone here still counting on the cops to “do the right thing”?”
I am, but then I’m in rural NC.
I also question whether “cops” are aligning themselves with BLM, antifa, etc. Police brass in many cases, yes, but I suspect beat cops are pretty disgusted by being forced by orders to stand by and watch.
And yet they follow orders, don’t they?
“Anyone here still counting on the cops to “do the right thing”?”
Not really, except maybe in our rural small-town areas. The city departments are just too political, with the brass answering to politicians and bureaucrats and the PC virus firmly entrenched. The rank-and-file is largely gonna just follow orders and keep their jobs a while longer.
Up here the police chief shows up at Selectboard meetings and answers questions, with the public welcome to attend and there is also a period for public comment. This is all televised on the public access channel and recorded there and in the local nooz rags. We all know him and where he lives, what he drives, etc.
I suppose that the local commies, if any, could get all riled up about the history signage up where the northernmost War Between the States action took place by what is now the city common, in front of the bank that the Confederate raiders robbed. (came down from Canada, killed a citizen minding his own biz on the sidewalk, probably an accident, and then fled back to Canada). Got a chit-ton of loot, too, even by modern standards.
They’d have to pull the sign down at night or something, and risk a passing patrol car, and if they were caught, at night or any other time, they’d get locked up ricky-tick. That’s a tourist attraction, i.e., money for downtown. And someone could splash commie slogans in paint or whatever on the war memorial. The local derps up here would be super pissed off.
Meanwhile, any progress on taking down that Lenin statue in Seattle?
“And yet they follow orders, don’t they?”
Push hasn’t yet come to shove. Sure, cops and troops will generally follow orders, until PCTS.
“And yet they follow orders, don’t they?”
Yup. A bunch of Wehrmacht troops were probably disgusted by what they were ordered to do and yet mostly obeyed; either that or be shot on the spot. Our guys just don’t wanna lose their pay checks and bennies.
They’ll follow orders until the pay checks and bennies disappear.
At which point they’ll stop pretending to be a law-abiding and -enforcing armed gang and become simply another armed gang.
“…and become simply another armed gang.”
That would be my hypothesis as well. Anywhere from 10-50%, depending. Again, more so in the large urban areas. Kinda like that failed state to our south. Indistinguishable from narcotrafficante gangs and other assorted thugs, brigands, and shitbags.
We also have the Katrina mess as an example of that. Most cops scurried home to their families and some became active gangstas.
The hard drive from the DirecTv box is a “Seagate 500 GB Pipeline HD.2”. It seems have good specs. I looked up the date code to find “12302” corresponds to 2012-01-24.
So… a five and a half year old drive that I can buy new for about $35.
Looking at USB cases, Newegg has several to chose for around $20.
Is this drive worth buying a case? I don’t know how many hours are on it but the DVR box looked new when it was installed a year or so ago. We didn’t record much other than new episodes of Homicide Hunter and Big Bang.
[snip] With a clueless libtard Dem mayor and governor. [snip]
Redundancy alert!!
[snip] Most cops scurried home to their families and some became active gangstas. [snip]
I hate to break it to you, but the NOPD has been an active gang since the late 18th century. Violence, petty corruption, major corruption, unjust behavior, they’ve got it all.
Yesterday or day before someone asked about pictures of food storage shelving.
Here are two.
Neither are great pictures. This phone’s camera doesn’t impress me. But hey, unlike the Sony, it’s charged. Also resized from 3264 x 1836 x 2+ Mb to 800×450 and about 100 Kb. It’s a small room, about 12 x 18 feet. I just can’t get far enough away to get a good view…
The shelving is the wire stuff. I have two 4 ft by 18 in by 6 (or so) feet tall units.
Stuff goes in the back and is used from the other side. I need to reset the shelving to make room for the cans of Keystone that are just stacked in gaps. Need to get rid of some stuff. The empty canning jars and a couple of laser disc players can be moved, etc.
The plastic tubs on the right of “front” are pasta. I can pull a tub and see what is there and it stays neat.
In the “back” picture, moving from the sink on the right is the refrigerator. With the fridge door open I have about a foot of clearance to the shelving. Next to the fridge is a 36 inch wide shelf unit for things like pressure cookers, soap, tin foil, and the like. The big white blob on the left side of the picture is an upright freezer.
There are a few boxes of Auguson stuff elsewhere in the room. I really need to get in there and re-organize.
Added: This is my so-called UToteEm. I stash canned goods here and when something is needed in the house, we “go shopping”. Eyeballing it all, and knowing what we actually eat, including what is in the freezers, we have enough for two people for four months or so.
Hit a couple of sales.
got a propane bottle for $10. brings me up to 8? maybe 10?
Got a bucket lid wrench for $1.50. Helps a lot, esp. if you have fingernails or weaker hands.
stopped at home depot for some hardware and plumbing. Nothing was in the correct bin, so I gave up. i’ll hit another store later in the week.
gotta cut the grass, and poison the catty-pillars in the back yard
busy, backson
@Mr. Paul; looks good! Also looks like the same kind of shelving I’m using in the cellar and I gotta assemble more of it on the next rainy day here. I thought the pics came out well. Nice job.
“…the NOPD has been an active gang since the late 18th century. Violence, petty corruption, major corruption, unjust behavior, they’ve got it all.”
Yep, I was aware of that but only mention that recent surge in criminality during a period when regular citizens were deep in the shit and these fuckers took advantage. Several murderers on the department in fairly recent years plus who knows how many dope deals were cut. If I was chief in some other department and a guy from the NOPD came looking for a job, I’d have to waterboard him or her in lieu of a normal interview.
From the Bust in Boston Department:
Couple of dozen rally people versus 10-15k commies, most probably from greater Boston area and bused in or via the MBTA, funded by Soros, et. al. Easy day for BPD. That pretty much describes the condition of my home state these days; born and raised there and in my lifetime it’s become a docile commie plantation. A couple of my brothers would like to GTFO but the spouses won’t move, period. I was lucky to find somebody from north-country NY and VT and get (re)married up here nearly twenty years ago.
Mrs. OFD is now attending an intensive metal-clay jewelry workshop down on the MA/CT line area and will be driving back up tomorrow afternoon. Dropping her rental at the airport and I’ll go pick her up per usual and maybe go to dinner somewhere after. Our standby joint has been taken off our list, due to us being less than impressed by the decline in the food we got served. Wife says they’ve “gone down hill,” so I think I found us someplace else in downtown Burlap. Or we may just come home and get a takeout pizza from Domino’s.
dirty rotten varmints have eaten my watermelons! The ones I was giving ‘just a bit more time’ were apparently ready. 2 inch hole in the side, and everything inside gone! Bastages got 3 big ones. I picked a couple that probably aren’t ready, but I’ll take my chances.
Just confirmed for myself the wisdom of avoiding social media.
bought a hard drive (usb, 500Gb le Cie) at a yard sale for a dollar. looked at it before wiping, and it’s full of pictures. Once again, SO VERY GLAD it isn’t kiddie pron.
It is a pretty young lady and her friends and family, at graduation from college and on vacation. I know if I’d lost a harddrive full of pics I’d want it back, so I googled the name on the college sheepskin… and find someone with same name living in Houston, a couple of blocks from my rent house. Instagram pics confirm its the same (or very similar looking blonde) and lists a company website, contact form gets a phone number, and leaving a voicemail gets a text back from the woman in question. So she gets her drive back on Monday, but it only took me a few minutes to track her down. Which might not be a good thing under other circumstances.
bought a hard drive (usb, 500Gb le Cie) at a yard sale for a dollar. looked at it before wiping, and it’s full of pictures. Once again, SO VERY GLAD it isn’t kiddie pron.
Back when I took Digital Forensics in 2011, the government kept a list of MD5 hashes of kiddie porn images which OSI, NCIS, etc. used to quick scan military PCs for contraband. Dunno if anyone still maintains that list, but I learned about the database from a lecture given by Jesse Kornblum, the real “Tim McGee”, who worked for OSI back in the day.
(Kornblum even looks a bit like Sean Murray.)
Yup. A bunch of Wehrmacht troops were probably disgusted by what they were ordered to do and yet mostly obeyed; either that or be shot on the spot. Our guys just don’t wanna lose their pay checks and bennies.
The big concern is their pension. Google for the deal that has driven Dallas into bankruptcy. They can’t get that in the private sector.
My grandfather told me that during WWII the Scottish regiments would scare the h*ll out of the Wehrmacht regulars by playing the bagpipes late at night. That sound carries a long way. The only reason the German farmboys didn’t turn tail and run as soon as the music started is that the SS would shoot them on the spot.
This guy has put together some of the video from the car crash at the c-ville rally
Lots of good footage of brawling in this one
“bought a hard drive (usb, 500Gb le Cie) at a yard sale for a dollar. looked at it before wiping, and it’s full of pictures”
I once found a camera in the ‘hood that had been dropped by a burglar. With only a few pictures, I was able to find the owner and hand it to him. A shot of him in his retail workplace helped. His last name on the camera helped, I think. Pathetic how little info can tag one. Freaked him out, of course. A cop actually called me and took a few notes…
The first picture on any of my cameras is of my business card. I want the camera back….
Good idea. Thanks for the tip.
Yes, excellent tip; will so inform the wife, who has cards (not me, not yet) and will be taking pics of her work/products real soon now. One of her workshops today was on product photography.
Laugh of the week:
“The first picture on any of my cameras is of my business card.”
I once had a cop call me about a car stereo that had been recovered or something, with my name on it. I had sold or traded it and I suspect that it might have been involved in some drug deal or something, eventually. I told the cop that it was no longer my property. I guess nothing came of it. Makes me want to think about info getting into the wrong hands.
I’m sure there’s a valid trade-off with valuable equipment, of course.
From the Are You A Nazi Department:
I guess I am, and pretty much everybody else here. I will note, though, that I might deserve clemency because my dad and grandpa actually fought genuine Nazis and beat them silly. Eventually.
I just figured out which website is causing the memory runaway in both the 32 bit and the 64 bit versions of FireFox. It is the Weather Underground. My FF was up to 8 GB of ram usage this afternoon before I killed it. And someone else on the Mozilla FF usenet confirmed the runaway memory usage on their pc also.
I restarted FF with the same 4 webpages. I dismissed the wunderground webpage and my memory usage dropped by over 50%, almost 2 GB. I was back down to 1.6 GB of ram from 3.6 GB of ram.
Moral of the story, don’t leave FireFox up with the Weather Underground on it.
FF has been compromised at least as bad as Goolag now. I no longer use it. Moved to Brave. And fastmail.com. Gradually moving off the Tube.
DuckDuckGo and Quant as my search engines.
OFD, you and the old lady have one of these, don’t you?
Bet your cats couldn’t do it…
[snip] pictures of food storage shelving. [snip]
When I was in the restaurant business, those were our dry goods food storage, but we put wheels on them. It’s necessary to have a reasonably smooth floor, but doing so allows you move them out of the way so as to clean, etc. We left them spaced apart so the crew could walk around them, but if you pack them side by side and just pull them out lengthwise for access you can store more goods per cubic foot (or cubic meter, for the rational part of the world).
The first picture on any of my cameras is of my business card. I want the camera back
I don’t. I have insurance to cover the loss. If the camera is recovered and is damaged insurance will not cover the damage. If the camera is completely gone it is covered. I have thousands of $ in photographic gear that my homeowners policy will not cover. Thus I have a rider policy that covers that equipment. Full value as the policy is for stated value in the policy, no depreciation etc. I update the replacement value every six months in the policy by sending the information to my insurance agent. Policy has a maximum amount and as long as I don’t exceed the maximum amount it will pay 100% of the loss.
Pictures are never left on the camera for more than a few hours. As soon as possible all the pictures are copied to a computer, then from the computer to a thumb drive. After that is done will I then process the images.
I like the idea of wheels on the shelf units. I could work in another unit with wheels. My shed has a wood floor and isn’t exactly smooth enough to roll a full shelf unit around. If I had a slab floor I would have wheels.
The units I have have an extra shelf. The grocery store where I worked bought many of the waist high units but used only 2 shelves. Shelf #3 went in the trash compactor. Times 10. Not even into someone’s p/u to take an sell for scrap. I happened by and noticed a couple of extra shelves in a pile of what looked like trash and asked to take them. “Sure, we just throw them away.”
They are not cheap but a year later they were all gone. So much waste in one small HEB. I can’t imagine how it goes in a big store.
If the vendors are paying for the displays, the store doesn’t care…
(wife has relatives who are vendors, all the big stores are shifting more work onto the vendors, particularly when it comes to setting up displays, or product.)
It wasn’t the vendors, it was the store. I was in cash control doing the payouts.
Soon all that kinda work will be done by robots. Pretty much everything in the store, too; can y’all think of anything that absolutely requires filthy humans?