09:35 – It was 65.3F (18.5C) when I took Colin out at 0700, partly cloudy and calm.
More work on kit stuff today. We’re down to one of the FK01A core forensic science kits in stock, so we’ll get another dozen built today. We’re also down to half a dozen of the BK01 biology kits in stock. We need to make up chemical bags for another two or three dozen of those and then get them built.
Joanne and her family picked up the Malamute at 1000 yesterday morning. Yesterday afternoon, Joanne texted Barbara to let her know that the dog had escaped by climbing up to a window that was slightly open and forcing her way out through the screen. At least she’s wearing a harness, so anyone who spots her will know she belongs to someone.
Barbara was of course beating herself up for not doing enough or not doing the right things, but I told her she’d done everything she could and done it right. I half expected the dog to show up here again, and we’ll certainly keep an eye out for her. But Barbara thinks she was lost or abandoned during the US21 100-mile yardsale a couple of weekends ago and is now headed down US21 to find her way home. As Barbara said, she has enough experience with dog rescue to know that all you can do is your best. You can’t save them all.
Robbie, who delivers our mail when Lori is off, told me the other day that those scanners they use to read the barcodes on postage labels are a two-edged sword. USPS also keeps close track of their mail carriers. Robbie said that if he stood there talking to me for 10 or 15 minutes, which he did, that when he got back to the post office the managers would want to know why he was at our place for 10 or 15 minutes.
He said that had happened to him earlier in the week. He was delivering an Ennis route, near his home. He needed to use the bathroom, so he drove to his house to do so. When he got back to the post office, his manager wanted to know why he’d been at his house for several minutes during his route. He told them bluntly exactly what he’d been doing there and asked if that was okay with them.
Sometime over the next few days, I want to get some bulk food repackaged. We have 50-pound sacks each of white flour, white sugar, and white rice sitting in the utility room, and enough clean, dry PET bottles to hold all of them. At 3,000 cal/day, that’s roughly three person-months worth of calories.
Barbara’s going to the supermarket today, and is also stopping at Blevins or Farmer’s Hardware to pick us up another of these platform ladders. We bought one last year, and use it in the garage for getting to stuff on high shelves. We need another in the downstairs lab/work area for the same purpose.
We have a set of four stoneware kitchen canisters that we got from LL Bean not long after we were married. Barbara said the other day that she’d like some new canisters, and sent me a link to this set on Amazon.
They just arrived, and she’s happy with them. We use our current four for flour, sugar, tea, and coffee. I’m going to keep the current set, converting the two large ones to holding white rice and oats, both of which we use quite a bit of. The smaller ones will continue to hold tea (for me) and coffee.
The new set is smaller than the old one. I’d call the largest canister in the new set “medium”. But Barbara’s going to use Papa and Mama Bear in the new set for sugar and flour, Tweenie Bear for tea bags (for her). I’m not sure what she’ll use Baby Bear for. It’s really small.
I’m not sure what she’ll use Baby Bear for. It’s really small
There’s a joke in there somewhere.
Robbie, who delivers our mail when Lori is off, told me the other day that those scanners they use to read the barcodes on postage labels are a two-edged sword. USPS also keeps close track of their mail carriers. Robbie said that if he stood there talking to me for 10 or 15 minutes, which he did, that when he got back to the post office the managers would want to know why he was at our place for 10 or 15 minutes.
God forbid. Gotta make up that $7 billion deficit.
After I went back to work, our box at the corner didn’t get checked as often as our contractor carrier liked, and, one day, after I missed picking up a few days worth of junk mail, I opened the box to find a notice that our address had been filed as abandoned. Resolving this required a trip to the Post Office and a fair bit of paperwork. Grrr. Lesson learned — the mail backlog included my first paycheck from the new company.
“Gotta make up that $7 billion deficit.”
Which they’ll attempt to do on the backs of their carriers who they work like mules (ditto for FedEx and UPS carriers) and time every move they make until they can replace them with autonomous vehicles and robots.
The student loan bill collectors will attempt to make up their deficits or whatever by coming after nickel-and-dime loans a quarter-century after they were made. Overdue library books, traffic fines, and all the nickles and dimes they can squeeze out of us out here and still just a drop in the ocean of the national debt. Kicking that can down the road….
No dissenting speech allowed. No opposing opinions. Nothing controversial. Unless it’s from the Left’s wannabe stormtroopers.
Dump Google ASAP, would be my recommendation.
If y’all will indulge me in one more anti-Mitch-Landrieu rant:
I think but can’t verify that the person who heads up the NO Monumental Task Committee, which vigorously opposed removal of New Orleans’ Confederate monuments, is both a lawyer and a very disillusioned former Mitch Landrieu supporter.
With an organization already in place whose members would dearly love to see Mitch twisting in the wind, there’s a good possibility that his last days in office will be pure hell. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.
And as an extra added bonus, between taking down the Confederate monuments and the current flooding debacle, any grander political ambitions Mitch may have had are almost certainly toast.
As the younger generation says: Sweet!
Louisiana is where I learned the stone cold truth of the aphorism “Never bitch about nepotism, you don’t know whose nephew you’re bitching to…”
In LA if someone has a street named after their family, you can be sure you’re talking to someone’s nephew…
The official FEMA line on LA
Louisiana is where I learned the stone cold truth of the aphorism “Never bitch about nepotism, you don’t know whose nephew you’re bitching to…”
The same used to be true of Tampa. Most of the old families have sold out to brogrammer types or SpecOps contractors/flag officers. Dunno if that is for the better.
At least curb side pickup is no longer a parking lot at TPA. Airport cops *never* issued tickets in the old days because it seemed like everybody was a cousin of Mayor Greco.
“Microsoft announces Windows 10 Pro for Workstations”
“Windows 10 Pro for Workstations is a high-end edition of Windows 10 Pro, comes with unique support for server grade PC hardware and is designed to meet demanding needs of mission critical and compute intensive workloads.”
Huh ?
Maybe they cut all those stupid apps?
Or not, since those stupid apps ARE the os as far as I can tell.
FWIW, as a non-professional outsider, I’d say that any os that ships with ‘apps’ and is based on a touch screen PHONE user interface, isn’t a server OS, no matter what some marketer might say. A server OS should be as bare bones as possible, only loading stuff the admin OKs first.
ADDED- ok not a server os, but finally lifted the artificial limits on cores and memory, and supports high end processors?????? WTF? I guess those were limited because the OS was free and they didn’t want to gut their high end business…
Question for the hive mind…
I’m tired of paying vonage for my two lines.
Looking to replace it.
Need 2 lines, and it must have free standing hardware, nothing that is tied to a pc.
Need to be able to port existing numbers to it.
Any real world recco? anything less than $67/month is good, would prefer to avoid provider “Triple play” solutions.
A couple of years ago, M$ was telling sys admins and wannabes that they’d better learn the CLI if they planned to do big-boy server admin, esp. PowerShell. Sorta like Linux and UNIX and VMS. No more goofing around with GUI windows and checking off boxes. Which eats up a bunch of system real estate and presents multiple “attack vectors.”
Now that I’ve learned that we can do TurboTax completely online and it doesn’t have to be installed on the hard drive, and that wife is as fed up with iTunes as I am and we’re not big on the music end of it anyway, it’s now only until I finish the current tax returns and this machine goes back to Linux. So long as a Linux distro can see the phones as additional devices or file systems, we’re good, simply for transferring pics and vids, and if not, we can dump ’em to our home cloud server. Kinda humbling that I had no idea TT was available online and that 3/4 of the users do it that way. Damn.
We used PhonePower for years and were very satisfied. IIRC, it was less than $10/month, particularly if you paid a year at a time. Porting your number(s) won’t be a problem.
Actually, when we moved in December 2015, one of the things that got overlooked was returning the PhonePower TA, so they billed us $100 for it. I still have it around if you’re interested. Let me know.
Note that what they call a second line is included in the base package, but that’s NOT a second number. It just means two people can be talking on different lines at the same time.
I’ve read good stuff about https://www.ooma.com/telo/
This uses Google Voice. They have a 2 line version also.
I just use my cell phone.
And now for something completely similar:
What would be the best pay-as-you-go plan for somebody who doesn’t use the phone much, other than for actual calls and checking emails and using a phone based on the AOSP?
Question for the hive mind…
Research ooma.com as you look, Mr. Nick. I’m spoiled with the lifetime Premier buyin (free Premiere service for life of equipment), but they have two number options, home and biz versions, etc. The basic “Telo” unit is $199, so you are stuck with that hardware cost. The basic plan is just $3.99 or sumpin’ in taxes.
Oh, yeah, we just switch to Grasshopper.com since Sprint is going out of the toll free business. I set it up and ported our toll free in 30 minutes. With all of our traveling, we need a mobile solution. So far, Grasshopper works great. Basic plan for $25/mo includes three extensions, so two peeps in TX get calls, and I get called for AR/AP.
One of my concerns is providing ‘pick it up and dial’ service at home for the kids to call 911. Both of our cell phones have different unlock features, and the emergency dialing isn’t obvious. Plus, I need a ‘public record’ phone number for my business filings (that I don’t have a phone connected to) and a local number for outgoing calls. My cell is still Cali…
vonage was cheap in the beginning, but got gradually more costly. Now my gateway seems to have died, and that
forces-is an opportunity for- me to re-look at other services.n
What would be the best pay-as-you-go plan for somebody who doesn’t use the phone much, other than for actual calls and checking emails and using a phone based on the AOSP?
I a $30/mo. T-Mobile pre-paid plan. 100 minutes of voice with unlimited text and LTE data up to a GB count that I never reach. The SIM rotates between my iPhone 5, Moto E4, and, occasionally, to test the connection, an Amazon Fire Phone.
In case I need extra voice, I keep an extra $10 balance in the account. I haven’t touched that buffer in years.
Any real world recco? anything less than $67/month is good, would prefer to avoid provider “Triple play” solutions.
I’m old school phone company so I always have one copper line. The only provider I wouldn’t trust for copper service is Frontier in the legacy GTE territories.
I don’t know about the other services, but PhonePower was just like using a regular home phone line. If you needed 911, you just picked up the handset and dialed 911.
Find out the mayor’s home phone number.
DDED- ok not a server os, but finally lifted the artificial limits on cores and memory, and supports high end processors??????
Looks like a small group server O/S. Another blog says the list price is $499.
One of my concerns is providing ‘pick it up and dial’ service at home for the kids to call 911. Both of our cell phones have different unlock features, and the emergency dialing isn’t obvious. Plus, I need a ‘public record’ phone number for my business filings (that I don’t have a phone connected to) and a local number for outgoing calls. My cell is still Cali…
I have a VOIP phone at the house for a backup phone to our cell phones. The VOIP box was $40 or so when I bought it four years ago at Walmart. The monthly cost is $12 with all taxes.
I would not have anything based in Cali. They will probably try to tax you and yours down to the fifteenth generation.
“Windows 10 Pro for Workstations is a high-end edition of Windows 10 Pro, comes with unique support for server grade PC hardware and is designed to meet demanding needs of mission critical and compute intensive workloads.”
Huh ?
They add a few bells and whistles in the form of a new file system and a promise of faster file sharing. I’m guessing the simultaneous TCP connection limit is raised above the standard Win 10 Pro. Maybe they’ll toss in a SSTP server (okay, wishful thinking on my part).
I’m old school phone company so I always have one copper line. The only provider I wouldn’t trust for copper service is Frontier in the legacy GTE territories.
AT&T is reputedly pulling the copper wire out of our neighborhood in the next 12 months. They are in the process of pulling fiber to all the 4,000+ homes. They finished the fiber to the individual neighborhoods earlier this year. We have AT&T 28mpbs DSL at the house for $65/month so I am very interested in what is going on here.
I wonder if they can use the copper wire as a pull line for the fiber cable ?
If you decide to look at the Ooma service, check their business/office offering. It has a lot more features than the telo unit that’s designed for home use. (See my posts on the double-secret probation thread a few weeks back…)
For cheap cell phone, we switched our 3 mobile numbers/iPhones from Sprint to ting (run by the old tucows folks) back when they were strictly a Sprint MVNO. Our ~$120/mo bill is now $35/mo total for all 3 lines. They still offer referral credits – “Refer a friend to Ting by offering $25 off a device or $25 in Ting credit.” If anyone would like to take advantage of a free month or two to check it out, let me know.
Lynn, check the AT&T Gigapower site and see if your area is listed as in process. IIRC, their rate was $70/mo for internet only starting at just under 1GB/sec
I just looked at the gigapower site, and tried to find out if it’s available on my block. F’ing ATT immediately channeled me into some other of their offerings, DirectTV plus internet. NOT WHAT I WAS ASKING ABOUT ATT.
Never a simple yes no answer with ATT. AND a bunch of similarly named services and bundles with no clear way to tell them apart.
Man I hate them.
I KNOW they pulled fiber to my neighborhood too. I watched them do it.
“…$30/mo. T-Mobile pre-paid plan. 100 minutes of voice with unlimited text and LTE data up to a GB count that I never reach. The SIM rotates between my iPhone 5, Moto E4, and, occasionally, to test the connection, an Amazon Fire Phone.”
THAT’S what I’m looking for; I came up with the same plan when I did my due diligence research earlier today. I wanna use it on a wicked secure AOSP phone but be able to swap that SIM out for others if necessary. Great minds think alike, etc…..
Sunny w/blue skies and very windy again today. Can’t get much done out in the yard; it’s THAT windy. Stuff blowing all over the place; wind keeps changing directions.
mss. earlier from CowboySlim, who is lounging about at approximately 6,000 feet in the mountains of southeastern Kalifornia; I sent him a pic of our view of the lake; if there was better detail he’d see the whitecaps and surf crashing ashore.
10 minutes outside and my head is spinning. 105 and 47% in my driveway….
just under 100 in the shade, no wind to speak of.
Craigslist flake flaked….
good thing I wasn’t waiting around for him or anything…..
10 minutes outside and my head is spinning. 105 and 47% in my driveway….
Dude, you need to get a new thermometer. It is 96 F and 51% at my house.
“in my driveway…. ”
my weatherstation is close to the roof, in full sun, next to the driveway…..
I’ve got other thermometers scattered around, so I average the fence, the patio in shade, and next to the kitchen window in shade. Higher than 96 in the shade….
Checked the weatherunderground site and the stations in my neighborhood are in good agreement. It’s bloody hot.
I hope you have a bunch of #10 cans of cold air in storage.
Now THAT’S funny!
I’ll send a few of them cans down to Mr. Nick; I feel bad for him. I couldn’t stand that shit anymore; wife and I are among the few old farts who don’t dig the heat and don’t mind bitter cold. Must be the DNA or whatever one is accustomed to; I dealt with awful heat in TX and SEA but that was 45 years ago. Been back here in Nova Anglia since, except for my 3-point-five-year sentence served in Nova Caesarea. Wife is just back from there and can’t see how people live like that.
Princess expected anytime from now until the wee hours; can’t give us a window of time, natch, per SOP. Staying overnight apparently with a gig somewhere in the AO, and then driving her mom to the airport to grab a rental car tomorrow so wife can drive to her gig in Hahtfud, CT. Wife will top that off next weekend with a metal clay jewelry seminar, so she’s gonna be gone for another eight days.
I grabbed a couple of things at the supermarket up the road earlier, came out to the parking lot and while pulling my car key out of my pocket, also dragged out my house keys which fell to the ground. I can’t stoop to pick them up, and as there was oncoming traffic, I kicked them to the curb and sat down to pick them up. Then I couldn’t get up from there, either. A nice-looking young lady asked me if I was alright, probably thinking I was having a haht attack or stroke and I said I was OK but just needed a hand getting up, which she did for me. This is pathetic. Can’t see the primary care doc for another month, so I gotta be careful where I stoop, sit and kneel; if I have something to hold onto, I can manage, so I guess I gotta get a cane now. Damn.
Probably lucky some little kids didn’t come by and kick my ass and take my wallet and break my glasses.
OOMA questions…
since their site is fluffy, and short on technical details, and their online chat is offline.
I need 2 discrete phone numbers, ported to the new service (their tool says my numbers are port-able). I need to be able to forward one of those numbers to my cell if no answer (ie no answer forward). Both numbers connect to POTS lines in the house to be distributed to regular analog phones.
That’s pretty much it. The add on home security stuff for Telo might be interesting to play with, but it’s not a feature for me.
I can’t find any info about the second line in OOMA home premier or business. The business features (very pbx like) are mostly overkill, and they never define what exactly a “user” is, just that each additional is $20/mo. Is the second number another “user?”
Oh, btw, things are getting sportier in NC @ Unite the Right Rally….
Now a police chopper has crashed, (possibly accidental) car ramming has killed one and injured 19, there are lots of fights and name calling.
“things are getting sportier in NC”
VA, actually. It’s about 225 miles / 3.5 hours from us.
Basically commies versus a hodge-podge of neo-Nazis, “white nationalists,” and “militia” elements, looks like, with cops playing games and standing off/down until blood got splattered all over the landscape. No info yet on the driver of that car; could be anybody, including a staged operation designed to blame the other party.
Still, nowhere near the violence level of the 1960s rioting here in FUSA or the commies-versus-brownshirts in Germany between the world wars.
Anti-Trump druggie, unless new info comes out.
Much to the disappointment of the LATimes, I’m sure, which within minutes of the car attack had painted a picture of the
Hitler-wannabe-Naziswhite nationalists having sent one of their own to kill the peaceful antifa protestors.THAT’S what I’m looking for; I came up with the same plan when I did my due diligence research earlier today. I wanna use it on a wicked secure AOSP phone but be able to swap that SIM out for others if necessary.
The SIM will come with adapters to go between the three different size reader slots.
Service in rural areas with T-Mobile can be spotty, but the plan will only cost one month’s worth of service plus the SIM to see if it works for you on the road to Moh-ree-ahl. My phones and my kids’ phones are on the $30/mo. plan.
If T-Mobile doesn’t work out, I’ve used AT&T via the $45/mo. StraightTalk plan.
I wonder if they can use the copper wire as a pull line for the fiber cable ?
Nah. They have some kind of tunneling device that runs a fiber conduit underground without messing with trenches. The copper stayed in place in my neighborhood when they ran Gigafiber.
My copper line is POTS. We have TimeWarner/Spectrum for Internet. I’m on a special “do not call” list for Uverse/Gigafiber since I’m an ex-employee who knows where the figurative Uverse bodies are buried.
The last time I had DSL was in the Issaquah Heights outside Seattle. Service was great there because the lines were laid in the 90s with the idea that the land would be the Microsoft 2.0 campus if the anti-trust case had gone through.
I need to be able to forward one of those numbers to my cell if no answer (ie no answer forward).
As far as I know, this isn’t an option. You *can* have the number(s) simultaneously ring on your cell phone and pick it up from there (press 1 option). You can have the vm sent to your email, also.
Ah, right, VA… with a different spelling for the city.
I notice that all the media are condemning the violence as if it were one sided, all from the right. Takes two to tango and all that, and the video I was watching earlier certainly had both sides involved.
Watch the vid of the car crash, and the guy shooting immediately shouts “That nazi just crashed into people!!11!!!” Bet that sound bite gets around, no matter who the driver ends up being.
Also watch for them to blame the cops’ deaths on the rally organizers, who, unless they shot the chopper down, can’t be blamed. Aircraft CRASH, especially the ones flying close to the ground.
Almost all helicopter crashes involve pilot error of some type. We’ll have to wait and see what the investigation says.
“…and the guy shooting immediately shout…”
If one listens carefully, one can hear amazingly calm reports/directives from personnel on the scene as the crash occurred as though it was a fucking movie set. The commies always have the equivalent of NCO training cadres moving the drones around at these things. And some of them evidently have actually had mil-spec training of some kind or other.
“Almost all helicopter crashes involve pilot error of some type.”
No, dude; this was ground fire from Nazi-skinhead-KKK-militia.
Note also that the majority of the stills and vids show antifa casualties bleeding like stuck pigs on the one hand, and on the other hand, the Nuremberg rally stuff with the torches and parades and what appear to be brownshirt uniforms. Probably a slick trick with the lighting. Lotta Nazis marching, thousands of them, and then sending cars crashing into peaceful demonstrators and shooting down police helicopters.
Like one of my brothers just said; shitloads of nooz coverage for this but the musloid attack in the gay nightclub in Orlando and the BLM sniper taking out cops in Dallas got short shrift and are now long forgotten. Meanwhile their people can get on television and bray about murdering the National Administrator but Google will demonetize and cancel channels that don’t parrot the approved Maoist lines.
I don’t know how much more weird things will get before we actually end up in the early civil war stages here; a big sprawling country with 330 million people of a lot of different ethnicities, races, political and religious beliefs. And the Clinton Archipelago occupies the East and Left Coasts with the vast “flyover” country in between and a vast majority of “red” counties. Population was almost exactly split in half several years ago but I tend to think the commies, progs and SJWs and their tools and dumbkopfen believers have the majority now, though not by much.
Whereas we have the firepower and training and experience by orders of magnitude. And probably roughly half of the armed forces and half of the law enforcement and security people.
A nice-looking young lady asked me if I was alright, probably thinking I was having a haht attack or stroke and I said I was OK but just needed a hand getting up, which she did for me. This is pathetic.
Spent my entire life taking public transit. When there’s no seating at the bus stop or the bench is full, I’m not above sitting on the curb, parking lot bumpers, or even the ground during long waits. A couple of years back, after parking my tuchis on the low wall surrounding the adjacent parking lot, I had to decline a 20-ish woman’s offer of her spot on the bus bench.
I feel your pain.
Kill em all and let God sort em out!
Same thing happened to me yesterday. Seated myself on the edge of the porch, 8″ or so above the driveway, and had to have Barbara help me stand up.
We’re the alt-RESISTANCE! And we got a lot of gubs!
Except we lost them all in the lake/river/ocean.
Are you sure it wasn’t brought down by either Anthropogenic Global Warming (which is REAL!!!) or a legacy of slavery and racism?
As for the rally being declared illegal (because City Hall revoked the permit, and to hell with what the federal judge said about “equal rights”, “first amendment”, and “no grounds”) and violent (oddly, it was violent even before it began), I’ve been saying two things for a couple weeks now:
Soap box: failed, in large part because non-liberal voices are shouted down or attacked or denied permission to speak on campus or in government-owned venues
Ballot box: failing, between election fraud (overwhelmingly committed on behalf of candidates with (D) after their name) and liberals refusing to accept results and bureaucrats undermining the results
Next up: bullet box
“Seated myself on the edge of the porch, 8″ or so above the driveway, and had to have Barbara help me stand up.”
It’s every day for me now; my spine seems to have taken a vacation and won’t deign to give orders to my knees and joints down there. Unless I’m standing or walking. If I’m too low to the ground, Mr. Spine takes a powder and can’t be bothered.
So a visit to Rite-Aid tomorrow for a cane. Exciting.
Same thing happened to me yesterday. Seated myself on the edge of the porch, 8″ or so above the driveway, and had to have Barbara help me stand up.
I can still stand up unassisted while seated directly on the ground, albeit not as quickly or with as much style as I could in my “yoot”, and I just turned seventy.
You guys are pathetic!
ADDED: Altho’ once on my feet, I can barely walk half a block before I have to stop for a rest, so there is that.
“Next up: bullet box”
More peeps on both sides are coming around to this now.
Bear in mind that the commies work very long-term strategies; they’ll work on getting the State to hammer on us Normals and gub owners as much as they can, false flag attacks, media agitprop, etc. The cadres know full well that their drones aren’t trained or experienced so they’ll buy time and hope our forces get whittled down by factional fighting/disputes, government repression, etc., until they can build up their own to a level roughly equivalent. This will take years, so in the meantime they’re probing and evaluating what seems to work and what doesn’t. They now know that enemy forces will come out in force and attack them almost immediately while the cops mainly stand down and watch for a while. They also know they will get vastly favorable media coverage instantly, always appearing as the poor defenseless victims.
Further note: no word yet on the motor vehicle operator/perp. I think we can assume that if he is actually a Nazi-skinhead-KKK-militia-terrorist, we’d have his ID and life history splattered all over the media by now. The cops and politicians and media are having lots of heavy meetings right now down there and in Mordor and Manhattan figuring how to spin this caper and they have all weekend to mess with it and hope a bigger story will hit by tomorrow or early Monday, like maybe a nuke war with Pyongyang.
“So a visit to Rite-Aid tomorrow for a cane”
Look at the four-footed models like I use. The downside is that it stands on its own, and I have a tendency to walk away and forget it. One time I found it standing in Kim’s backyard, down the block.
“You guys are pathetic!”
No kidding. How tall are you, may I ask? RBT and I are 6’4″–plus and have lots of spinal real estate and muscle and joint tissue for things to go haywire. And he played hardcore tennis in his yoot and I did track and football in mine. Plus toting various types of gubs and gear for Uncle, also in my yoot.
“Look at the four-footed models like I use. The downside is that it stands on its own, and I have a tendency to walk away and forget it.”
Roger that; I’ll see what they have. I just need something I can pull myself up with.
No kidding. How tall are you, may I ask?
5’7″. (I used to be taller.)
I have both vascular and neurological issues with my feet. And I should probably also mention that I recently bought a cane but have yet to make much use of it.
See? It takes us tall buggers more time and effort to uncoil from ground level nowadays; also more chit seems to go wrong with our necks, backs, knees, etc. Have no idea if there is a scientific/medical basis but hey, I can sling it as well as anybody.
I had hoped taking a bunch of weight off would help; maybe it did, and things would be even worse if I hadn’t, lol. From 275 to about 235. Docs will tell me to lose another 30 probably.
Just gotta get through another month of this before seeing my PCP, who I hope will have some better marching orders.
I was curious if anyone had any pepper spray thoughts? I remember reading a discussion about it, perhaps it was here?
To the point:
A (female) friend who works alone was considering buying “wasp spray” for self defense, but I’d read somewhere that it was a bad idea for self defense. Not as effective and, I think, missing the fig leaf of official approval to provide cover from the sprayed persons lawsuits if actually used.
There was also a discussion of mist vs. gel, with something in between being best?
Guys you are falling off a cliff. Just thinking about how quickly things have progressed for you in the last 6 months. You need to start doing something. Yoga, tai chi, simple stretching, something. There are chair and water versions of all these too.
And, you know, cut back on the really damaging stuff like mowing the lawn and stacking firewood, at least until you get some improvement from your exercising and stretching.
I feel for you.
I did manage to get a couple of things done today. Small, but progress on a couple of projects.
I got some more stuff scrapped out. The yard was closed just before I got there, so taking it in will have to wait until monday.
I finished putting a portable gennie back together and ran it for a few minutes. I’ll list that for sale, probably tomorrow am. Not trying to get alot for it, but it would be nice to get a couple hundred net.
Did some scrubbing on the inside of my stainless steel water barrels. They’ve been soaking with high concentration of orange cleaner. It takes a while to get all the olive oil out of the seams along the bottom, but this time, I’ve got good emulsification. I scrubbed the joint and walls and will let them sit in the sun, soaking, for a while longer.
Got some more stuff listed on ebay, need to clean some optics and ship them on monday.
Ordered the iodine tablets. They’ve been sitting in my amazon cart for a while, and I finally pulled the trigger. Since I’ve been meaning to buy them anyway, I’m not panicking……
Still got a “feels like” over 100f at the moment.
Didn’t hit any sales today. Picked up an old style (spouted) gas can at the thrift store. Just the spout would cost more, and it’s still flexible.
Did some work on my “egg beater” style antenna for 440Mhz. It will be dedicated to satellite receiving. I am using a perforated pizza pan for the ground plane, and a fiberglas rake handle for the mast. It will mount in a cast aluminum flag holder off the soffit of my attic. That’s pretty much how I have the dual band and the discone mounted and it works well and is cheap. (antenna was used, about $10, rake $10, pizza pan $4, first 25ft cable with N connectors, $5 at habitat- no idea why habitat had it, and the flag holder was $5 at a yard sale.)
so small progress on small projects.
No kidding. How tall are you, may I ask? RBT and I are 6’4″
I’m 5’10”. I did P90X3 MMX today. 30 minutes of punching, kicking, burpees, pushups, etc. At 62, I wonder why my back and joints feel fine. Back to Insanity on Monday. If I don’t post next week, check the obits. My nephew is visiting from Laredo. He’s been a cop there for 10 years. He wouldn’t do Insanity with me. Pussy. He has been shot, knived twice, numerous fights with Mexican Mafia, so I’ll give him a break. He’s offering to sell me his FN PS90. Not wanting it though. The cops there have an annual raffle and give away a Barrett .50.
I managed to not strangle my wife today. I’m not sure that counts as an accomplishment, but I should at least get an attaboy. She’s getting stressed because her vacation is coming up and there are a million things to take care of and she vents pressure by yelling at me. Bah. Eight more years.
My daughter’s finished up the first-year Latin course I’ve been teaching her. It’s been a bit tricky because I never “learned” Latin, just picked up enough to mostly read quotes and short passages of Latin text. We’ve started review of the vocab and hitting her with sentences to translate either direction so she’ll be able to pass the pre-test the teacher will give her when school starts; it would be a real nuisance if we went through all this effort to learn the first year’s material and the teacher thinks she didn’t learn it well enough and sticks her in with the fourth graders.
Today I had her get a bunch of stuffed animals and cardboard boxes (“school”, “house”, “forest”, “table”) and told her a sentence of “stage directions” in Latin which she had to parse and translate, then carry out the directions, then tell me what happened in Latin. eg, I’d say “The wolf attacks the queen. The queen yells and fights the wolf. The queen will eat the wolf.” and then she’d tell me “The queen ate the wolf”, shuffling the word order and otherwise experimenting with what we’re both saying. Tomorrow more of the same and I’ll see about sticking some adjectives in to make the sentences a bit more complex.
Other than that, not much done. I was busy most of the day but have about squat to show for it.
Carried some ceremonial rocks into the UPS store for shipment the other day. Sometin’ went spung in my right buttock/ hip and ever since, somebody with a blow torch has been following me around and spraying my right shin whenever I take a notion to walk around. Sit and the fire goes away. Dug out a cane left over from caretaker days, but it doesn’t kill the flames.
Had the same thing a couple years back that went away after about a week. Visited a doc then for cat scan and blood work. His advice was take 2 Tylenol and call… You know the story.
Oh, I’m 150, 5’11”.
Before I forget, intel on the latest antifa versus whomever capers down in Virginia:
“… somebody with a blow torch has been following me around and spraying my right shin whenever I take a notion to walk around.”
Hey, I know that dude! He sprays me from the right shin to the left side of my foot. Bastid.
“I’m 5’10”. I did P90X3 MMX today. 30 minutes of punching, kicking, burpees, pushups, etc. At 62, I wonder why my back and joints feel fine.”
“You need to start doing something. Yoga, tai chi, simple stretching, something.”
Roger that; lost 40 pounds; doing stretching; trying to walk more; and taking a pile of vitamin supplements.
“I managed to not strangle my wife today.”
“My daughter’s finished up the first-year Latin course I’ve been teaching her.”
Attaboy! and Attagirl! Outstanding!
A nice-looking young lady asked me if I was alright, probably thinking I was having a haht attack or stroke and I said I was OK but just needed a hand getting up, which she did for me.
I’m trying to envision a “nice looking young lady”, maybe 130 lbs, helping up an old 240 lb grunt.
Did you try rolling over on your hands and knees to get up ? That is how my FIL got up the last year when he fell and he was still able to walk.
I gotta be careful where I stoop, sit and kneel; if I have something to hold onto, I can manage, so I guess I gotta get a cane now.
I’m not using my cane for the time being, want me to send you mine ? It is one of those $15 specials at Walgreens. EDIT: Oh wait, the daughter uses it now.
BTW, if you feel that you need a cane, you need a cane NOW. If anything, to protect yourself from that kid who is going to steal your wallet and break your glasses. EDIT: And kick your ass.
“Seated myself on the edge of the porch, 8″ or so above the driveway, and had to have Barbara help me stand up.”
I probably couldn’t get that far down in the first place.
“Hey, I know that dude! He sprays me from the right shin to the left side of my foot. Bastid.
Exactly. And not a scorch mark on the pants, either! Coffee helps. Normally, I won’t have any after 1500 since I’d rather not see Rosy Dawn without a little shuteye, wouldn’t want to scare her. But Blowtorch Dude does some goldbricking when I’m caff’d up…
“…and she vents pressure by yelling at me.”
Let me introduce you to my sister. She’s been yelling at me for 55 years or so.
I can’t believe no one here has hit this yet–
“Fifteen Moroccan teens were treated for rabies after having sex with a local donkey.
According to local officials the number contracting rabies could be much higher.
Morocco World News reported:
The sexually frustrated children and teenagers stayed at the Mechraa Belksiri Hospital for one week to receive rabies vaccinations after the animal transmitted the disease to them..
…Local authorities have been alerted and search for find anyone else who has “approached” and “admired” the animal closely, in order to limit the risk of rabies spreading……………..”
Ah, the cultural vibrance, the sweetness of cultural equivalence… we gotta get us sum o that.
““Fifteen Moroccan teens were treated for rabies after having sex with a local donkey.
According to local officials the number contracting rabies could be much higher.”
Now there’s a party. I won’t be able to unimagine THAT for awhile. [shudder]
Guys you are falling off a cliff. Just thinking about how quickly things have progressed for you in the last 6 months. You need to start doing something. Yoga, tai chi, simple stretching, something. There are chair and water versions of all these too.
About a year ago, my right hip started giving me severe shooting pains. After a couple of weeks, went and saw the GP doc. First item, stop sitting on the wallet with my right ass, moved wallet to front pocket. Next item, stop sitting so long (30 minutes max). Third item, do shower yoga. While taking shower (daily), rotate right full leg clockwise ten times, then rotate counter-clockwise ten times. Rinse and repeat with left full leg. The right hip no longer has severe shooting pains. I’m having trouble with the only sitting for 30 minutes thang though.
6’1″, 245 lbs. I’ve dropped 30 lbs over the last 15 years, need to drop 30 lbs more.
How do you tell wife that she needs to drop 50 lbs ? The chemotherapy burned out her thyroid 12 years ago. I blame the thyroid replacement for her weight gain since then. And stress over the sick daughter.
How do you tell wife that she needs to drop 50 lbs ?
I did just that. Now I have one testicle and no allowance.
It’s not a high carb diet? I’m no relationship genius but as far as I can tell, there ISN”T any way to tell ANY female she needs to lose 50 pounds.
Read somewhere that without trying, americans put on 5 pounds per year. I did it in 3 weeks that culminated in my recent vacation. Back on atkins for a couple of weeks for me.
My leg and foot pain is directly related to my shoes, sitting with the front edge of the chair pressing on the bottom of my thigh just behind the knee, and lack of vitamin B 12.
Not minding those things will exacerbate the issue tremendously. Stretching and not overexerting myself help but those are the triggers I’ve identified in the last year.
BTW, I’ve had a full rabies series and it HURTS. Takes a while too, and every day it HURTS.
I had no idea you could get it from raping animals. Now I know.
“I’m trying to envision a “nice looking young lady”, maybe 130 lbs, helping up an old 240 lb grunt.” Yeah, she was obviously surprised at how big I was and how she had to suddenly take a much firmer grip and stance to do the gig. But it worked, as I just need a little boost, as much for balance as for knees that disobey orders from the spine. Or don’t get any orders from it. She was cute as the dickens, too, and very friendly. Praise the Lord for sturdy young women! “Did you try rolling over on your hands and knees to get up?” I’ve tried that a couple of times; doesn’t work. I gotta have something to grab onto for leverage. I have, however, crawled on my hands and knees for a few yards to get something to grab. “Coffee helps.”
Do tell. I don’t drink any for years and years at a time. Gabapentin did the trick but I gotta take it three times a day. First time makes me a little drowsy, too.
“Ah, the cultural vibrance, the sweetness of cultural equivalence… we gotta get us sum o that.” Diversity is our vibrancy, children. Did no one have a thought for the poor donkey being raped by half-human baboons? Where is PETA when you need them??? “First item, stop sitting on the wallet with my right ass, moved wallet to front pocket. Next item, stop sitting so long.” Check. Check. Will work on shower stretches; I kinda do that already and find if I lean backwards from the waist a few times, that helps; also if lift my right leg at a right angle to my body a few times, instant relief. “How do you tell wife that she needs to drop 50 lbs?”
Let me know when we have the correct answer. Mine should drop about 20–25; she’s 5’10”. And all the extra weight is around the middle.
“… as far as I can tell, there ISN”T any way to tell ANY female she needs to lose 50 pounds.” Roger that. “…my shoes, sitting with the front edge of the chair pressing on the bottom of my thigh just behind the knee, and lack of vitamin B 12.” Ditched my old shoes and got three new pairs. Underside front of the old desk had been squeezing the tops of my thighs for over five years, probably more like eight, and I’d long since ceased to notice it. Got a new desk. And taking a handful of vitamin supplements. Hard to avoid doing grunt work around the house as one sees it piling up; wife pitches in with gardening and laundry but I traditionally have the heavier manly man tasks and it takes me three times as long now to do them. Much was started and not finished this past eighteen months.
The editing went bonkers here just now, also the demand to include my name and email, for some reason.
Off to bed, perchance to dream…
Nick wrote:
“I had no idea you could get it from raping animals. Now I know.”
You didn’t ask the resident expert? Steve could have told you.
Lynn wrote:
“First item, stop sitting on the wallet with my right ass, moved wallet to front pocket”
I’ve done that for 20 years or so, mainly to make it harder for pickpockets.
Lottery drawing last night. I did not win anything. Let me explain my luck.
Bought my ticket, five sets of numbers with six numbers each. No duplicates on any numbers. Thus I had 30 unique numbers.
They have the drawing. Not one of my 30 unique numbers was drawn. Bummer.
Ditto, and yes it does. I’m just lucky that I got the new, five-shot series rather than the old, 17-shot series. On the other hand, I also got shots as local painkillers, antibiotics, tetanus, and I’m not sure what else. I was pretty groggy there by the time I finally left the emergency room, probably six hours later. Drove myself home for a couple hours’ sleep. And then went to work, because I needed the money and I’m just that tough.
I was in elementary school or possibly 7th grade. That would have been early to mid 70s. I’m pretty sure it took 2 weeks to get all the shots. Ass, hips, thighs, shoulders, big muscles is what I remember.
WRT: the Ooma second line…
When we were considering switching over, I contacted them multiple times via phone and chat. All my questions were answered to my satisfaction and my buyer’s hesitancy lowered substantially. While I didn’t get in on the freebie that MrAtoz got, I have the home telo at our house and office both. We ported AT&T landlines over to both and, in about 2 years, other than a couple of times the interweb was down, I may have had to reboot each machine once or twice. Considering each location is about $4.75/mo, it has been a huge financial win for us.
I do know that we have a number assigned to the telo that’s different from the ported number. I can get calls on either but I don’t know what it would take to get a discrete number – if it’s even possible. That’s my reason for my mention above of the support calls I made to them. One thing I’ve been considering but have yet to check – can I have two telos at one location, so that I can give my eBay stuff a dedicated line?
I’m pretty sure it took 2 weeks to get all the shots
Got a boatload of shots when I entered the USAF. All in the arm if I remember correctly using those high pressure injection guns. Where if you move during the injection your arm will receive a nasty slice requiring stitches. Most of those injections were quite painful as were the aftermath. I think all the shots were completed in a couple of weeks.
Next big injection series was when I went overseas. I got three hours notice to be on a plane. Had to go to the clinic to get all my overseas shots. I think there was four or five of them, arm and buttocks. Two weeks after I arrived I got a couple of booster.
Miserable trip over. I had my wisdom teeth removed three days before and still had stitches in mouth from that event and still some swelling. Had to get the stitches removed a couple of days after I arrived and got a couple of injections after that was done, antibiotics I think.
The most painful shots I remember was the polio shots. A series of three with some interval between the injections. I was young at the time as the vaccine had just been developed. The subsequent boosters over the years were on sugar cubs.
I got a series of shots at Boston Army Base when I reported with a bunch of other loser cretins for active duty. May have gotten some other shots later during my time with Uncle but I’ve forgotten. After the shots we took the oath of enlistment and were handed, IIRC, Gideon Bibles, or maybe just the New Testament. Then on to Logan Airport for the commercial jet ride to San Antonio, with real live stewardesses; remember them? Young and cute?
We raided the galley of all those miniature liquor bottles and slugged ’em down; arrived in TX half in the bag and then had to get on the blue bus for Lackland, where, at 23:00 at night we were shown an agitprop flick about the Gateway to the Air Force. As it was a weekend, no haircuts till Monday, at which time we came outta there like cue-balls and eight-balls. The mean-ass Georgian Korean War vet DI told me: “Now ya look like a fuckin’ human BEING!” (I’d had long hair, of course, and that, along with being from Massachusetts were two big strikes against me right away.).
Basic sucked; air police school was fun, though. Except for having to watch for venomous snakes out at the Army base where we had various types of weapons and SUT. I saw a coral snake out there about three feet in front of me once.
I got to spend even more time out at that place during my two AZR combat training courses, the second a repeat of the first, after coming back from SEA deployments, so the instructors made me their assistant and I was excused from most of the shit. Having had very recent experience, I was treated very well by all parties.
It’s not a high carb diet? I’m no relationship genius but as far as I can tell, there ISN”T any way to tell ANY female she needs to lose 50 pounds.
Read somewhere that without trying, americans put on 5 pounds per year. I did it in 3 weeks that culminated in my recent vacation. Back on atkins for a couple of weeks for me.
We did the South Beach Diet in 2004. I dropped from 272 lbs to 232, I’ve put a few lbs back on since then. The wife dropped from 160 lbs to 140. She had previously lost most of the weight she gained carrying three babies to term.
Then she got a breast cancer diagnosis on Christmas Eve day of 2004. She had a skin saving mastectomy and reconstruction in the same 12 hour surgery using transferred belly skin, belly fat, arteries, and veins. The surgeon added extra belly fat since his previous surgeries had 20+% of the breast reconstruction die off due to blood starvation. He tried a new procedure of microsurgery on the wife and she had zero reconstruction die off to his great surprise. So, she went into surgery a 34C and came out a 36DD. They also had to cut the muscles vertically across her rib cage due to a lymph node tumor which caused her rib cage to permanently expand.
Then she took 16 chemo sessions over the next six months. That got rid of any micro tumors but killed her thyroid. Also took her waist length hair. Probably left two lbs of chromium in her liver (5% of people using Adriamycin get liver cancer).
So after the chemo, the wife had a DD cup and a C cup. The surgeon offered to do a breast reduction on the DD. He told her what was involved which is a fairly major surgery. She said no more major surgeries. So he offered to balance her C with a silicone implant which she took (a minor surgery).
So, after all this, the DD breasts required her to jump from a size 10 dress to a size 14 dress (I had no idea). So with the larger dresses and the thyroid medicine (which makes her hungry all the time), she does not care about her figure as much. And has gained 60 lbs since then. I am very concerned about her health as her mother was shooting insulin for the last four ? years of her life and died of her 8th heart attack at age 58. The wife is 59 and does have good heart health. The wife’s older sister, age 62, has been a diabetic since she was 30 and hit 250+ lbs.
Cut the carbs. Easy to say, hard to do. But I’m good with no sodas or sweet tea or Gatorade. French Fries are hard. Same for a loaded baked potato. And…. pasta.
Or snacking at work on a bag o’ Doritos. If you eat just 3 or 4 at a time you’ll go through a 10 or 12 oz bag a shift.
But I dropped 20 pounds in a few months and hell, have you priced Levi 501s lately? I didn’t have to buy new clothes.
Very hard to cut carbs, but that’s what I do. Lost 8# the last three weeks. Trying for about 8 more, get me to 195#. Want to look a little less fat when I walk my daughter down the aisle in Oct. Make my cardiologist happy too.
Dropped the 501s several years ago when the changed the cut. Too long in the crotch. Lee black jeans now. Much better price as well.