08:49 – It was 65.3F (18.5C) when I took Colin out at 0655, with heavy fog. The little dog was again nowhere to be seen, although she did show up later.
Barbara is off to the gym this morning, and then to Blevins to look at refrigerators. I measured the refrigerator bay this morning to make sure that whichever one she chooses will actually fit the space.
One of my readers sent me a link to this article, with the subject line “even leftists are preppers now”. Which is true. You can’t get much proggier than Slate magazine.
But, like nearly all lefties who consider themselves preppers, this author can’t help slamming the prepper mindset. It comes from their delusional worldviews, where the government is always there to help people, 9-1-1 always works, and people never behave badly.
The old saying is that the only thing worse than a reformed whore is a reformed smoker, but I’ll add reformed prog to that list. As they say, a conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged, and if push comes to shove, this author–and a lot of other progs–will quickly realize that humans aren’t the sweet, cuddly creatures that progs seem to believe they are. Our species, regardless of political persuasions, is the single most dangerous animal on the planet.
Formerly, I’d have said that progs would be in deep doo-doo if TSEHTF, but that was because I temporarily forgot that progs are extraordinary hypocrites. They believe that the world owes them a living and is there for their benefit. But now progs, demonstrating that they’re world-class hypocrites, have begun buying gubs. They won’t have any clue how to actually use them, if that becomes necessary, but as they say even blind pigs get acorns. So it seems that we Normals are likely to face a bunch of armed blind pigs if push comes to shove.
have begun buying gubs
What’s a gub? Does Walmart carry them? Amazon doesn’t.
Yes, Walmart carries them, although because of state and federal gub laws you can’t buy them mail-order. If you want a gub, you have to show up in person.
If you want a gub, you have to show up in person
Ah, that explains it. Thanks.
Interesting, Slate publishing a prepped article. I note that they are probably doing it as anti trump-see how bad it’s getting- despite the movement being far older than that. Also speaks tho mindset that she’s willing to accept that things will end up hobbsean but objects to ASSUMING that as your starting point.
Surprisingly balanced given the venue.
Yeah. Actually, I’d probably get along with her in real life. A prepper is a prepper, and all of us are at least somewhat delusional about some things. No one knows everything.
But now progs, demonstrating that they’re world-class hypocrites, have begun buying gubs. They won’t have any clue how to actually use them, if that becomes necessary, but as they say even blind pigs get acorns.
Lots of prog hunters live in the dystopia that is the I-5 corridor between Portland and Seattle. They know how to use their gubs, and, for the most part, are dependent on government checks of some kind to live — not a good combination in a SHTF scenario. Avoid if possible.
With the exception of the flagship store in Sidney, NE, the Lacey, WA Cabelas, just outside the prog-central state capital, is the largest of the chain I’ve seen. Pre-Sandy Hook, I remember the Black Friday flyers for the store featuring $499 Bushmaster deals. To quote the old SNL skit, “Bullets make great stocking stuffers!”
Barbara picked out a refrigerator, which they’ll deliver this afternoon.
When I called Russ at Blevins this morning, I asked which brands they carried. He said Whirlpool. I was surprised they only carry one brand, and said so. He clarified that they actually carry models with Whirlpool, Amana, and Maytag nameplates on them, but they’re all made by Whirlpool.
The one Barbara picked out is black. She hates stainless steel because magnets don’t stick to it. The icemaker was optional, which was fine because I don’t want an icemaker.
The one Barbara picked out is black. She hates stainless steel because magnets don’t stick to it. The icemaker was optional, which was fine because I don’t want an icemaker.
A replacement Whirlpool icemaker is a $300 part when it breaks. Sears initially diagnosed my broken main fan as a problem with the icemaker and wanted $500 total for replacement, probably to teach me a lesson about not buying the extended warranty.
Last night’s “Twin Peaks” screening was interrupted by the sound of water dripping through the AC vent in our guest bath ceiling. We got busy this Summer and failed to have the system serviced. Doh!
Public service: Have your AC system checked annually, especially if you live south of the Manson-Nixon line.
Probably just a clogged drain on the evaporator coil. Easy fix depending on the location of the unit or where the drain exits. Shop vacs work well if you can get to the end of the drain.
Probably just a clogged drain on the evaporator coil. Easy fix depending on the location of the unit or where the drain exits. Shop vacs work well if you can get to the end of the drain.
Our Shop Vac hose got lost in the move. Double Doh!
I poured a bunch of vinegar down the drain line and the water started flowing outside again. We’ll have service out today since the units are 22 year old Trane models, and we already know we are on borrowed time.
I forgot the lessons of having a leaky AC system in Florida. That Trane unit had a botched install and rusted apart in less than a decade.
Whoa whoa whoa! Let’s not overgeneralize now.
Oh, I get it. You were just joking around.
Yes, Walmart carries them
Our Walmarts in Vegas only carry air gubs. I remember the good old days of the gub counter at Walmart. Knowledgeable people worked the gub counter. Real gubs, too.
EDIT: Walmart does carry all kinds of gub ammo, though.
Here in MS / TN Wally World carries a wide range of long gubs. They stopped carrying the EVIL looking gubs a couple of years ago. They have had good sales on Duger 10/22 and I bought a couple to keep aside for grandkids birthday presents.
I haven’t been to the gub counter at WalMart in years, but I assumed they still carried real gubs because they show some of them on their on-line site. Now it’s mostly shotgubs, IIRC.
Our local Academy Sports has all my gub business lately. Wide variety and willing to place orders without the huge markup of a small gub shop.
A replacement Whirlpool icemaker is a $300 part when it breaks.
My fridge is a Kenmore with the freezer on the bottom. So, actually an Amana.
The ice maker stopped working. I seem to recall there was a stripped gear. I bought from Amazon, a “Maytag Ice Maker Icemaker D7824706Q” for $32.40 in August 2012. The whole thing.
I did have to remove the cover to swap the wiring harness because the plug to the fridge was different. Not a problem since.
A good place to start is http://www.searspartsdirect.com/ . If you don’t like their price, google the part number.
Second Paul’s comment,add appliance parts direct . Com. No space s.
BTW pretty much anyone here can skip the emoji movie. omg,

A few jokes for us geriatrics, and a couple for early computer and internet guys but mainly what you would expect……
Thanks Nick. Appliance Parts Direct looks good.
A good place to start is http://www.searspartsdirect.com/ . If you don’t like their price, google the part number.
They show $130 on the icemaker for my refrigerator. The part has a built in CPU and temperature sensors which run up the cost.
A CPU in an icemaker? What on earth for? A temperature sensor makes sense…. to start the “dump ice” cycle.
A CPU in an icemaker? What on earth for?
To connect to the internet to tell you the level of ice anywhere in the world on your smart phone app. It’s nice to know that you have ice when you are 3,000 miles away on vacation.
Or HP was involved and only ice makers from the manufacturer with the correct chip will work. Third party ice makers will disable the entire refrigerator.
For the same reason that the dome light in a car needs a dedicated microcontroller. All it does is turn off the light in steps after you close the door, but it disables the dome light entirely if it fails and it costs $250 to replace.
At least one guy’s new-ish (just out of warranty when it happened, IIRC) car has no dome light because he refuses to spend that much for a functionally useless component. IIRC he tried to wire around the dead controller but couldn’t make it work.
For the same reason that the dome light in a car needs a dedicated microcontroller
I would suspect the dome light is probably connected to the Car Area Network (CAN) where a signal is sent from the main computer to control a function. The device probably has two wires, signal and power. The main computer is what is controlling everything. Power window button sends a request to the computer, the computer sends a command to the window motor controller. Door opens from the inside and an event is sent to the computer and the computer sends a command to unlock the doors and turn on the dome light, courtesy lights, and in my case extend the running boards. Open from the outside and everything is the same except the passenger doors are not unlocked. Basically almost everything is going this way where to eliminate complex wiring harnesses and make the options “intelligent”.
Let’s see what kind of spine the U.S. Army has:
U.S. Army refuses to take Confederate general names off Brooklyn streets
FORT HAMILTON, Brooklyn — The U.S. Army has refused to change the names of Brooklyn streets bearing the names of Confederate generals, despite requests from New York’s representatives in Congress.
If the Army crumbles to PC Libturdian SJW ways, I may have to disown them.
A CPU in an icemaker? What on earth for? A temperature sensor makes sense…. to start the “dump ice” cycle.
The controller runs the ice making cycle. A simple, easily identified temperature sensor might be cheap to fix rather than throwing away the ice maker and getting a new one like Sears/Whirlpool want.
Or HP was involved and only ice makers from the manufacturer with the correct chip will work. Third party ice makers will disable the entire refrigerator.
I don’t think the refrigerator is that smart. Sears would be in a *lot* more trouble if the appliances lasted about as long as an HP consumer grade printer.
“If the Army crumbles to PC Libturdian SJW ways, I may have to disown them.”
1.) Going out of their way to ramping up putting women in all combat roles, regardless of any history or studies or actual experiences with women in the field.
2.) Forcing hetero troops to shower naked with trannies.
3.) Forcing cadets to wear high heels (like women would wear those in combat) and wear breast prostheses to simulate, I dunno, being pregnant women, I guess.
And the usual PC worship of minorities and Affirmative Action and Diversity. So certain classes of troops can get away with all kinds of chit but no one else can. This was going on when I was in over forty years ago and I have trouble imagining it could have gotten any better since.
Amen to this:
It’s Time to Stop Spending Taxpayer Dollars on Elon Musk and Cronyism
Already grossly subsidized, Musk’s SolarCity has become an albatross of waste, fraud, and abuse of tax payer dollars. As legitimate earnings and cash become even scarcer for SolarCity, its entanglement in the Tesla empire suggests that a drastic reckoning not only is imminent, but in fact emboldening Musk to become more outlandish and reckless.
Notably, SolarCity is run by Musk’s cousins, Lyndon and Peter Rive. During his chairmanship at SolarCity, Musk’s family enterprise has taken in billions of taxpayer dollars in subsidies from both the federal and local governments. But the subsidies and sweetheart deals were not enough, as losses and missed projections continued to mount.
Another example of the taxpayer getting it in the shorts. I want my frickin money back!
“Another example of the taxpayer getting it in the shorts.”
Oren Boyle by another name, life imitating art.
Billions of our fake money to prop up this fake billionaire’s fake schemes and plots.
What a country!
Seven more years, seven months, seven weeks…..???
Well, it looks like one of my four Netgear XET1001 85 mpbs ethernet over powerline adapters has failed at the last outlet in the gameroom that I plug my pc into. But I cannot figure out which one. I have swapped the adapters. I have swapped cables.
So, I am going to purchase two sets of the “TP-Link AV2000 Powerline Adapter Kit, 2-Port, Gigabit w/ Power Outlet Pass-through, up to 2000Mbps (TL-PA9020P KIT)”.
Before I purchase, any advice ? I would love to run CAT6 around the house but have so many projects to be done that I cannot start another one. Plus that is a project best done in the January around these parts, even though it was a high of 87 F today.
Has anyone tried the new WD Blue SSD 500 GB drive for $150 ? I have a WD 1 TB Caviar Black at home but I am ready for SSD speed.
Before I purchase, any advice ? I would love to run CAT6 around the house but have so many projects to be done that I cannot start another one. Plus that is a project best done in the January around these parts, even though it was a high of 87 F today.
No experience with the powerline adapters, but I have a pair of Actiontec MoCA ethernet-over-coax adapters running Internet to my home office from the cable modem location. That install is fairly simple provided both rooms are on your house’s coax network.
I am interested in powerline tech, however. Be sure to share.
Has anyone tried the new WD Blue SSD 500 GB drive for $150 ? I have a WD 1 TB Caviar Black at home but I am ready for SSD speed.
All of my SSDs are Crucial m300 units. Their performance has been excellent so far, but the oldest one is just approaching a year.