09:49 – It was 68.8F (20.5C) when I took Colin out at 0715, bright and breezy. More work on science kits today.
We watched series one of Dalziel & Pascoe on Britbox last night. Excellent cast, and at least the early seasons tend to hew pretty closely to Reginald Hill’s books. The resident cutie is the excellent Susannah Corbett as Ellie Pascoe. There are 12 series, totaling 61 episodes. We’ve seen maybe the first dozen, back 15 years ago, and (as Barbara pointed out), we re-watched at least the first few episodes back in 2012.
Colin turned six back in February, and he’s starting to show some signs of being a middle-aged dog. He still loves to run, and pesters us constantly to play outside ball with him, but he doesn’t run for quite as long as he used to. A couple days ago, for the first time ever, he decided he’d played enough and took the ball up to the porch, where he waited at the front door to be let in. Until now, we’ve had to tell him when play time was over, and he’d reluctantly bring the ball up on the porch and wait to be let in.
Lately, I’ve noticed that he sometimes hesitates about jumping up on the bed. It used to be that he could stand on the floor at the side or end of the bed and simply levitate straight up, without so much as a step to get moving forward. He can still do that, but it’s obvious at times that he’s thinking about it, unsure if he can do it.
Last night, Barbara gave him a 50 mg tramadol. He slept well all night, and did jump up and down several times without hesitating. That tells me his rear end was troubling him at least a bit. Of course, the downside to painkillers is that pain is nature’s way of telling you to stop doing whatever causes the pain. Without that feedback, you can injure yourself badly because you don’t realize there’s damage being done.