08:31 – It was 64.4F (18C) when I took Colin out around 0615 this morning, overcast and drizzling.
After a miserable May, science kit sales are kicking into high gear this month. It may be just a blip, but my guess is that things are just speeding up a month or so earlier this year than usual. As of this morning, with June about 14% gone, we’re at 55% of revenues for all of June 2016, and we’ve already matched revenues for all of last month.
I hope this keeps up, but the downside is that we’re quickly drawing down our finished goods inventory of kits. We’re in reasonably good shape on our flagship biology and chemistry kits, but we’re getting low on forensics kits and are completely out of the smaller basic chemistry kits, for which I have an outstanding order that came in overnight. So we need to get another batch of those made up immediately and start building stock on the others.
I have the amateur radio license exam coming up in a couple of weeks, and I haven’t yet done much to prepare for it. I’m taking the Technician Class exam, which is all I really care about, but as long as I’m taking that I decided I might as well take the General Class exam as well.
I’ve flipped through the ARRL General Class exam manual, and it all seems pretty straightforward. I read through the review questions and answers, which are all published. Both tests are 35 multiple-guess questions from a pool of something over 400 questions. Correct answers on 26 of the 35 questions is sufficient to pass the exam. I also have the ARRL Technician Class exam manual on order, due to arrive tomorrow.
I’ll just brute-force the exams, memorizing the answers to all 900 or so questions. Old-school hams consider that “cheating”, but of course it’s perfectly acceptable. And I start with a big advantage, having held a general class licence, albeit 40+ years ago. I don’t expect to have much problem. I’ll just spend the couple evenings before the test going through the questions and answers.
Just be sure you can do Ohms law calcs, power calcs (P=IE), and you should be fine.
Oh, and def take the general when you pass the tech.
And make sure you have a grip on the difference between RMS voltage, instantaneous voltage, and how that relates to sine waves. (may be more important for AE, but there are several questions that are easy to answer if you know 1.77 and the other square roots involved in sine waves, IIRC)
got plumbers digging up the front yard today. Hope the rain holds off. Got swim meet for kids tonight, hope the rain holds off. Got stuff to dry off and ship. Hope the rain holds off……..
Yeah, I’ve had a handle on all that stuff for 40+ years. And you forgot to mention deciBels.
Actually, I thought about taking all three exams at one time, but I decided just to get Tech and General. The only thing Extra would buy me is qualifying to be a VE for general/extra exams, and there are already enough Extra-class VE’s around here.
Good luck with your sewer line. We had to have ours in Winston dug up and replaced maybe 15 or 20 years ago. IIRC, it cost $900 total.
58 and showers through tomorrow; allegedly sunny and 70 on Wednesday, so I can get a bunch of stuff done outside then, hopefully.
“Hope the rain holds off……..”
A forlorn hope here already. Dump run, then working inside today, and then the Selectboard meeting at 6:30 across the street.
If I were you, I would consider the Extra license. I think you said there isn’t an ARES or RACES chapter in Sparta. If you want to start one of either, I think it would be a good idea to have your Extra class license. Not required by any means, it would just seem a little strange to lead a group with Extra class licensees when you only have a General license. I know you don’t really want to start an ARES or RACES group, but if I were you, I would want there to be one in Sparta. The only way it may happen in Sparta is if you take the steps to do it…
About the only thing I can see other than that and the VE thing, is you get a few extra frequencies on HF. Since you have no plan to talk, that’s not much incentive.
IMO, everyone should get the general, and set up for data (email) on HF as a means to stay in contact with tribe or LMI when local internet links are shaky. ‘course that is a much bigger investment, but if your plans DO include post SHTF contacts with those more than 3-40 miles away, you will want HF, and that means at least the General class.
If you intend to get involved with disaster response on a local or regional level with radio, particularly as a way to get training, and access to your local first responders (meatspace baby) you’ll want the General, and maybe the Extra. The extra gives you a ton of cred, and you pretty much have to actually know the material to be successful.
If you find you love radio, Extra is the way to go. If you just want to communicate, get the General, and get practicing.
Full Sail is a trade school for the entertainment industry.
I’m not interested in RACES, which is basically working for the Feds. ARES, yes. In fact, I brought up ARES the first time I talked to the guy who’s doing the ham classes. He said there was one ham locally, a county commissioner IIRC, who was interested in getting an ARES group going locally. I told him I’d be very interested in doing what I could to help that group get going.
ARES would be mostly 2-meter and 70-cm, with perhaps some 1.25-meter thrown in, and maybe some 6-meter stuff. That’s fine with me, as the only ham bands I ever plan to transmit on are 2-meter and 70-cm.
As to it being weird for a GC to lead a group that includes Extras, that won’t be a problem. I don’t intend to lead anything, and even if I did no one would think twice about having a GC or even a TC leading such a group. Things are very informal here in tiny Sparta. The ham club has no formal organization, no officers, and no rules. There are hams who aren’t “members” of it, and “members” of it who aren’t hams. As with most things up here, when something needs to be done people just do it without worrying about who’s in charge or whatever.
“if your plans DO include post SHTF contacts with those more than 3-40 miles away, you will want HF”
As you know, if the S truly HTF, all rules are off. In an emergency, anyone can transmit on any frequency with any radio at any power level, using any type of modulation.
I suspect if the SHTF, the primary comm for intermediate distances would become 27 MHz CB. A lot of people up here have those, at home, in their vehicles, and HTs. Driving around, you’ll see a lot of CB antennas mounted high on home chimneys and so forth, and a lot of cars and pickups with quarter-wave CB antennas. It’s still largely LOS, of course, but LOS can be a long, long way if you’re sitting on top of a mountain, as we are.
“London Attacker Known to Police, Allegedly Appeared on TV Jihad Show, Linked to Anjem Choudary”
Funny, I don’t ever remember watching the “Meet Your Local Jihadi” documentary on the BBC. I’ve watched many movies, a few Dr. Who episodes, and many Star Trek episodes, but never a documentary on jihadists in Great Britain.
Are these people nuts ? Why are the known jihadists not in the Tower ?
We will not let hate win.
We will continue to welcome struggling and suffering immigrants.
This is not the true Islam.
We will not let hate win.
We will…etc., etc., etc.
The late James Burnham wrote “The Suicide of the West” a million years ago but apparently only three or four people read it, including me. Back then.
I was one of the other two or three.
@nick and @ech, this is a good day to go adventuring around Houston in interesting areas and see what is flooded. Just don’t drive into the water !
My swimming pool has flooded three times in the last week. Looks like it will happen again today.
And both of the ponds at the office are overflowing. The front pond has expanded from a half acre to three or four acres (this is by design). Note to self, should I ever build anything on the front five acres, build up at least three ft.
BC, this is why we don’t have dinosaurs anymore
“Drone Problems”
For the wannabe aviators amongst us. You know who you are.
I see they’re another site that has started asking people to disable ad blockers. NFW.
“As you know, if the S truly HTF, all rules are off. In an emergency, anyone can transmit on any frequency with any radio at any power level, using any type of modulation.”
Yes, but. There are a LOT, possibly MOST of the scenarios that could be called SHTF that don’t result in a world WROL. Further, without practice, you (not necessarily RBT) are unlikely to be effective at any power level or modulation. No one sane would suggest that someone could pull an AR-15 that they’ve never shot and rarely handled out of the safe and be effective with it vs someone who goes to the range, or even practices loading and unloading.
I don’t understand the general reluctance among preppers (not all but a significant number) to use and practice with radios, when they’ll gladly spend a couple hundred bucks at the range shooting. It’s like an extreme case of ‘buy it and put it on the shelf for later’ prepping.
Even FRS radios need a bit of practice and orientation. What are their practical limits, why can’t I hear my team (Privacy code turned on), what does that beep mean every time I transmit, which channel are we supposed to be on? How do I change that?
It’s not rocket science, but it’s not necessarily obvious or straightforward either. I’ve got FRS radios that most people can’t even figure out how to turn on! (press and hold button, not a good design)
“I see they’re another site that has started asking people to disable ad blockers. NFW.”
Yep, I’ll just stop using the site. Like most people who are savvy enough to have installed an ad blocker in the first place.
And HTF do these sites (and all the ‘please take my survey/please get my newsletter’ sites) avoid my popup blocker? Seems like 70% of sites manage to pop up a beg despite my supposed blocker.
@lynn, full plate today.
plumbers in the yard, craigslist sale (just done), shipping, kids home from school, swim meet this evening to get ready for (and our pool is flooded so we’ll be the home team at our opponent’s pool). They’ve called for popup shelters and ground tarps, so they must have mud but not standing water. Westchester. Nice grounds, pricy area.
AND, missed my shopping day last week. REALLY don’t want to do my grocery shopping with the little ones in tow.
WRT to home rooftop solar panels:
The fraud is being exposed. Yes, the article reforming the “Easy-qualify PACE program”. However, if the installations were not a hoax, why would reform be needed?
Homeowners taking out mortgages to finance $50,000 worth of solar panels? Saving money on electricity? When, 20 years from now when loans are paid off?
What they should need to qualify: Homeowner FICO score > 800; and IQ > 150!
I haven’t crashed my pro drones. Yet. I’ve beat my Parrot to death (insert Mr. SteveF joke).
“It’s not rocket science, but it’s not necessarily obvious or straightforward either. I’ve got FRS radios that most people can’t even figure out how to turn on! (press and hold button, not a good design) n”
WRT to the in or out of the domain of rocket science, I’ll be the judge of that. Yes, FRS radios were neither installed on the rockets nor did we use them to communicate with our coworkers at CCAFS or VAFB.
“I’ve got FRS radios that most people can’t even figure out how to turn on! (press and hold button, not a good design)”
IM(NOT SO)HO, the design purpose is to prevent accidental turn-ons. My handheld GPS devices have such. Also, my GPS device with SOS transmission capability via Iridium satellites also has such on the SOS button, requires a slide of the switch prior to switch depression. Check the bottom most control:
YUUUP, my Jeep has to have foot on the brake and transmission lever in PARK prior to key twist.
Outside of that……….
Latest advice on dealing with musloid terrorism:
Good luck with your sewer line. We had to have ours in Winston dug up and replaced maybe 15 or 20 years ago. IIRC, it cost $900 total.
I thought @nick was getting a new water supply line ?
I helped my brother-in-law replace a collapsed clay sewer line 20 years ago with a pvc sewer line. It was a crappy job to do on Christmas day. We sent the women and kids to the inlaws house as they kept on running sinks and the flushing the toilet.
Yep, 1 inch pex supply line. The 40yo sewer line is likely next….. not looking forward to that.
They’ve dug the trench, put in the pipe, and made the connections (I think, haven’t looked but the sounds are right.) I’ve asked them to put a steel tracer in the trench too. I don’t know if it will be detectable thru 12-14″ of dirt and roots, but better than nothing.
The supply comes in from the street in front, the sewer goes out to the easement at the back of the yard. Don’t know how deep the sewer line is, but I’ve been told it’s deep. No interest in replacing that line.
Funny thing is I could do all this work if I had to. I’ve got or could buy the tools, fittings, and pex. But man o man, I’ve got better things to do with my life than dig 40ft of trench thru clay and tree roots. 2 guys and 5 hours so far…
You could rent a trained mole or Bugs Bunny.
The cold civil war ratchets up:
The Niceties Lose to the Necessities
Kipling saw it all long ago:
“We sent the women and kids to the inlaws house as they kept on running sinks and the flushing the toilet.”
3rd rule of plumbing: Shut off the water supply AND flush all of the toilets before working on sewage lines.
“The cold civil war ratchets up…”
There it is. Thanks to criminal PC negligence and encouragement, it’s now gotten to the point that the UK and European countries are unable to cope in law enforcement fashion with the musloid terrorist threat or protect their own attack vectors, except, of course, their top-level political echelons. This will mean, of course, street fighting, and house-to-house stuff in the cities, and the Brits and Euros have long since been disarmed, except for throwing chairs and ramming the buggers with their cars, while the enemy has, surprise, surprise, AK-47s and explosives anytime he wants.
If we’re smart about it, no enemies to the Right:
What to do, O what to do???
You’re be-bopping along in some city ‘hood, visiting museums, art galleries, a rock concert, or a hockey game…whatever. Suddenly you see some guy in a car or a truck deliberately running people over and some other guys running around slicing and stabbing people at random. They’re getting closer.
Yeah, get real, Carry 7×24 no matter where you are. The local laws and ordinances and businesses forbid it? Fuck them. Do what you have to do to survive. This shit is gonna get a lot sportier in coming months.
That latter article is why I gave up training for Shotokan matches 40+ years ago and started studying QuickKill instead.
I did the martial arts and hand-to-hand and police wrestling stuff many years ago but I’m not about to screw around with any of that now at 63 going on 64 with a sore back and legs. A swarthy fellow rushing at me with a big knife, or three or four of them, and I’m simply gonna light their asses up immediately. I see somebody mowing peeps down with a car or a truck close by and I’m getting behind something solid ricky-tick. And lighting their asses up, too, if I can.
Otherwise we’re probably good if we avoid cities, crowds, “events,” rock concert halls and gay night clubs. This does not constitute any kind of hardship for me, and if I had young kids who wanted to go to those places, tough shit, not doing it. Does that really suck, that we can’t just blithely be-bop around like we did in the 1950s-1980s? Sure, but we let it get like this, we let it happen.
“Google Has Allegedly Killed Its Andromeda Project”
“A long-rumored Google project that would combine Android and Chrome OS into a single platform has allegedly been scrapped. What does this mean for the future?”
I am not sure myself. The comments are interesting as this is about trying to merge tablets and desktops into a single environment.
Not my desktops.
And from the Another Vote for Probable CONUS Civil War II Deparment:
“Mr. Putin does not have to lift a finger to detonate the groaning garbage barge of US domestic affairs. It’s already ignited and is faring toward a very peculiar species of civil war. You can be sure that the NeoCon / DemProg axis is determined to get rid of Trump at all costs. Impeachment requires some sort of high crime or misdeamenor. So far, going on a year, they haven’t come up with any evidence that the Golden Golem of Greatness acted as a Russian agent in some fashion, and that itself has got to be a little suspicious, considering the thousands of clerks in the spinning mills of those legendary seventeen Intel outfits the government runs.”
“U.S. Rep. Clay Higgins on controversial Facebook post: ‘I call things the way I see them'”
“”Hunt them, identity them, and kill them. Kill them all. For the sake of all that is good and righteous. Kill them all,” Higgins writes in the post, which appears on one of his two verified Facebook pages.”
Wow. And so it begins in Congress.
Hat tip to:
Periodic checkup at my dermatologist today. Main hallway rest rooms, men’s and women’s, relabeled as Non Gender. Well, I made it home accident free.
Before I go next time, I’ll buy and put on adult diaper….then I’ll be worry free.
Well, stop peeing in it!
If I buy solar panels, it will be with cash, and it will be because the cash is earning 0.5% in the bank.
I’ve done that. Not fun. Probably dug deeper than you need — it gets cold up here, recall.
Why not use a power trencher? It’ll do the work of ten men, literally (and I mean literally-literally, not the figuratively-literally beloved of pretentious retards all over the nation), and should be able to handle the clay for as deep as you’d need. The trenchers I’ve been able to find to rent go down only about four feet, which isn’t good enough for plumbing up here. Very annoying.
CowboySlim, one may hope that the sign maker was merely imprecise, and that users of the restrooms won’t be made gender neutral.
A sign that says or shows “Men” means that only men are allowed therefore if the sign actually said “Non Gender” then nobody should be going in…
Hey! You’re being insensitive to castratos! And to the guy who peed on an electric fence!
Britain is lost …
“Turn to this video captured during the attack, and you’ll see, or rather hear, what I’m talking about. You’ll see police barge into a pub near London Bridge, shouting at customers to get on the ground. http://vlt.tc/2vhp At the 37 second mark, you’ll hear a man, in the midst of an attack and likely believing his life was in danger, shout “F–king Muslim c–ts!” The man making the video replies, “Shut up mate, you f–king idiot. It’s not Muslims.” He later took to Twitter to follow up. http://vlt.tc/2vj8 “It’s me saying it isn’t the Muslims in that video because it bloody well isn’t. Stop grouping people based on a cult. They aren’t Islamic. It’s f–king lazy and downright racist to label all Islam alongside these scumbags.” So again, keep in mind that as this video is being filmed, people are being stabbed and attacked. The police are running to try and stop them. And in the middle of this attack, this young Brit’s priority is to say “not all Muslims” to those huddled on the floor. A nation of juveniles yelling “that’s racist” on their phones in the midst of a terror attack does not exactly indicate the persistence of the toughened spines that beat the Boche.” https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/266738/
Heh. Another day, another pawning of the Progs by President tRump. Is it possible he could destroy the Dumbocrats all by himself? I hope he stops funding the UN doofi, also. That would finish off most of the Prog douches.
OK, here is the evidence. All the tRump haters were on Betsy DeVos as she had no prior experience in education. Well, the Obamanoids were all into “critical thinking” which I saw as a fraud and hoax all along. Well, check this:
Outside of that, our public education system is all based politically correct lies as those bureaucrats and politicians in charge cannot tell the truth: They cannot bring the impaired up to the middle class performance level.
Or, “Race to the Top” and “No Child Left Behind” are complete frauds and failures.
Hawaii now has so many people with solar panels on their roofs that the electric company is telling people if the put solar panels up, they need a battery bank too.
Hawaii now has so many people with solar panels on their roofs that the electric company is telling people if the put solar panels up, they need a battery bank too.
Why ? Is the Hawaiian power generation is now peaking at night time ?
I wonder how you control how much to use now and how much to store in the batteries ? Or are these people totally off the grid ?
Jeezum Crow, guys, thanks for all the moron and cretin updates from around the world. We’re all fucking DOOMED!
I leave the pixels here for two lousy hours for the Selectboard meeting across the street and stupidity takes over the planet. Shit, I can’t watch these people ALL the time; howzabout somebody else pickin’ up the slack???
Anyways, or any roads, as the northern Brits say, two hours, with the police chief giving us the scoop on their stuff; more traffic and drug enforcement; etc., and I was actually favorably impressed. Seems like a regular guy with a sense of humor and one of the wet libtard selectmen asked him about a Confederate flag he saw on one of the streets here in town. “Is that indicative of any kind of undercurrent of extremism in the town?” The chief told him basically that was bullshit: “We don’t outlaw Nazi flags in this country so we’re certainly not gonna outlaw those.” And no, he didn’t think there was any such undercurrents, at which I chuckled inwardly, due to the maniacal and homicidal views I hold myself. Not to mention being to the right of Patrick J. Buchanan and a fan of Ann Barnhardt.
Same guy wanted to send a letter of thanks to our governor for staying in the Paris Climate Agreement piece of bogus bullshit, “like the states of Washington, Oregon, blah, blah, blah, and he wanted to motion accordingly. Another guy said “I’m not gonna second that motion; I agree with the President.” And a third guy said “Send a letter on your own behalf, not anyone else’s.” End of that shit.
Got a chit-ton of more intel concerning other stuff going on or about to go on, and it got pretty heated at several points between several members concerning parking down here in the Bay, and the master sidewalk plan for the town. What a gas. I had all I could do not to laugh, and the recording secretary, a solidly built chick about six feet to my right front, made no secret of smirking at this stuff and shaking her head. I caught her eyeballing me several times, too. Damn.
Off to the local IRS office down in Burlap tomorrow to discuss the latest threats they’ve just made against us, should be fun.
Wednesday I have all day, hopefully sunny, to work on chit outside. Then Ember Days mass that night down in Burlap. Thursday the vets group followed by Thursday in Pentecost mass.
Friday I have an appointment down in White River Junction, having done a pile of paperwork, to interview with a guy concerning my filing for vocational rehabilitation and getting them to pay for my gunsmith training.
Busy week for the old bastard, but nowhere near as busy as some here do routinely, and I’m looking at you, Mr. Nick, and Mr. RBT, and others. Hats off!
Assuming your weather will be similar to ours, you can just cast that hope right out of your head.
Fine. I have a chit-ton of chit to do inside here anyway. And the outside is still likely to remain sopping wet and buggy.
I also need to cast the image of that previously mentioned solidly built chick right outta my head.
CowboySlim wrote:
“Main hallway rest rooms, men’s and women’s, relabeled as Non Gender. Well, I made it home accident free.”
Do NOT use the ATR!
CowboySlim wrote:
“OK, here is the evidence. All the tRump haters were on Betsy DeVos as she had no prior experience in education.”
Why does the US, or Oz, even need a federal department of Ed?
This musloid was out on bail, when he summonsed a hooker, killed a maintenance man, injured three cops. The cops shot him dead, so I guess he’ll behave himself now. ISIS has claimed responsibility. Thanks to the prog state government in Victoria almost anyone gets bail.
“Why does the US, or Oz, even need a federal department of Ed?”
I guess this is a rhetorical question. We sure as hell don’t. And neither do y’all. Look at what they’ve wrought in our respective countries since they came about.
“This musloid was out on bail…”
Damn, at least he got arrested. We don’t arrest them here, nor do the Brits. They’re allowed to do whatever they want, apparently, and even stay on watch lists and get investigated but that’s it. The two assholes in Boston were known and the Russians even warned us about them. Crickets. And then BOOM! Scumbags in San Berdoo and Orlando and Manchester likewise.
I also need to cast the image of that previously mentioned solidly built chick right outta my head.
I guess she’s not built like Gal Gadot. I’m going to try and see Wonder Woman tomorrow. Pray for me.
“I guess she’s not built like Gal Gadot.”
You would guess correctly. She’s a solid woman’s woman, not obese but not an anorexic stick, either. Looks to be a riot in the sack. Gotta expunge that image from my brain immediately somehow…maybe a Starrett’s machine arithmetic manual on my Kindle…or counting the 9mm ammo I have on hand…
“I’m going to try and see Wonder Woman tomorrow. Pray for me.”
Bring your dauber. Haha, I had no idea what that was until I saw a scene from “Better Call Saul” set in a nursing home during a bingo game.
From the Christian View of Defense As the Nation Burns Department:
We don’t wanna be sitting around with our thumbs up our asses like the Germans, French and British.
[snip] The man making the video replies, “Shut up mate, you f–king idiot. It’s not Muslims.” [snip]
As William Machester’s Last Lion would say, were he not so busy spinning in his grave, that it wasn’t all Germans, either. Of course, the Nazis did their very best to eliminate (literally) the opposition. Britain certainly needs a leader to stand up and say “We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” I don’t think May is it.
[snip] Why does the US, or Oz, even need a federal department of Ed? [snip]
The 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States would seem to explicitly prohibit such a thing. Alas, that particular revision was unofficially thrown out the window during the reign of FDR. And for Miles, Eugen, and any others who might not be familiar with the US Constitution, here’s a link to the actual text, hosted by the Cato Institute.
“Gal Gadot”
She’s extra extra EXTRA cute!
Gotta expunge that image from my brain immediately somehow…
Perhaps you could borrow Cankles’ “Bleach Bit”. Or, just look at some pics of Cankles.
Gotta expunge that image from my brain immediately somehow…
Try to think outside the box, Dave!
Dunno if SteveF likes his sheep hairy or bald…
Don’t forget that Gal Gadot did her time in the IDF, and is proud of it. She was a combat instructor. She was in law school in Israel when she was “discovered” and started modeling. She’s been in the Fast and Furious movies where she did some of her own stunts. She’s married and has two kids. About 3 years ago, she sent his out on Instagram:
That is commendable; be it far from me to point out again, that like ours, her country is far from being as pure as the driven snow WRT many issues.
And I’ll say again I’m really tired of our State Department serving as the Murkan branch of Israel’s Likud Party. And them spying on us pretty much continuously since just after The Good War.
I’m not as anti-Israel as you are. My attitude is that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And I extend that to the US Normals versus the progs. I don’t see any purpose, for example, in us libertarians fighting with conservatives of whatever stripe, including the so-called Alt-Right. We’re 90% to 99% the same, and all of us are 0% like the progs. So let’s unite on the supposed right and go to war with the progs and their supporters. After we win that one, we can go back to squabbling amongst ourselves.
OK, I’ll let it slide for now.
My previous (and only other) wife is Jewish (agnostic, last I knew) and one of her cousins was an IDF general and another cousin is Bibi.
So what the hell; let’s kick some ass and take some names.
After that, they can bugger off.
And we’ll also bugger off.
I’ll confess, I have a general license, and I need to practice using the radio so that in an emergency you can properly use the radio. It needs to be a habit to pause momentarily between keying the mic and when you start talking. It also needs to be a habit to release the mic when you are done talking. You don’t need to know what to do, you need practice at doing it.