Monday, 13 February 2017

By on February 13th, 2017 in Cassie, personal, prepping

08:13 – It was 30F (-1C) when I took Colin out this morning, with high winds gusting to 60 MPH (96 KPH). As far as I’m concerned, that put the actual wind chill at -30F (-34C). I’ve started leaving a set of lab goggles on the foyer table for just such days. At that temperature and wind speed, I can’t keep my eyes open unless I’m wearing eye protection.

Email over the weekend from Cassie, a relative newbie prepper. When I last heard from her, a month ago, her self-employed husband had just hurt his hand and had to take time off work. Fortunately, he’s fully recovered now and back at work.

Cassie works as a checker at a small local supermarket, where she’s been buying dry staples in quantity regularly. Some of her co-workers noticed and commented on that, and Cassie has become friends with one of them. Because she lacks freezer space and has nowhere to put a standalone freezer, Cassie was considering getting into home pressure canning. She mentioned that to her new friend, who invited her over one day the weekend before last to show her the ropes on home canning.

The supermarket where they both work had a big sale on chicken, so Cassie bought 40 pounds on sale and hauled it over to her new friend’s house, where they pressure-canned it in pint Ball jars. Forty of them, at one pound per jar. Her friend supplied both the canner and the jars, which Cassie will replace with new jars she ordered from Walmart.

Her friend has been canning since she was a little girl and helped her mother and grandmother can. She has two pressure canners, a Presto she bought soon after she got married, and a big All American that her grandmother gave her when she was no longer physically able to can her own stuff. Cassie asked her if the higher price of the All American canner was worth paying. Her friend said she’d been using both for years and that although there were some things she really liked about the All American canner that the cheaper Presto could do everything the more expensive canner could do.

So Cassie ordered the same Presto 23-quart canner we have, along with a gross of pint Ball jars from Walmart. Forty of those go to her friend, which leaves Cassie with 104 canning jars. Her next project is to can a bunch of ground beef, so she’s just waiting for it to go on sale. Her new canner can process 20 pint jars at a time, so she plans to do two or three runs with ground beef to get 40 to 60 jars processed.

For now, Cassie will use the single-use lids that come with the jars, but she owes her friend the 40 Tattler reusable lids they used for her first canning session. Her friend swears by the Tattler lids, which she’s been using for 10 years, so Cassie plans to order a gross of them as well.

She considered buying half-pint jars for her own use, because a pint jar holds about a pound of meat, which is twice what they need for a single meal. But when she saw that half-pint jars sell for only about a buck less per dozen than pint jars, she decided that she didn’t want to spend nearly twice as much on jars to hold the same amount of meat, so she ordered all pint jars except for two dozen quart jars, which she just wanted to have on hand.

* * * * *

54 Comments and discussion on "Monday, 13 February 2017"

  1. nick flandrey says:

    Sounds like Cassie is doing a great job getting started. Hopefully, she’s working on their water storage and treatment at the same time. With food and water, some basic medical supplies, and defensive hardware, she and her family are ahead of 95 or more percent of the blue areas of the US. (I’m betting that the red areas are full of people who are better prepared than average, just because of the normal hazards of living in the country, and a history of self sufficiency.)


  2. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    IIRC, they’re storing only minimal water. They have a well, but they also have a year-round spring on their property. They’re even ruraler than we are. I think Cassie said it’s a 100+ mile round trip to their nearest Walmart Supercenter. From what she’s said, they’re already better-prepared than not just 95% of people in blue areas, but 95% of people who live in red areas as well. They’re actually only two or three hours from us and, like us, they plan to hunker down in place if the S ever HTF. Other than winter storms, they aren’t subject to any routine natural threats.

  3. DadCooks says:

    We have a new label “recessive genetic defects”. This comes from a Black Lives Matter person (actually only 3/5 person).

    Excerpt from
    The article gets worse from here:

    TORONTO – A co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto argued that white people are “recessive genetic defects” and purportedly mused about how the race could be “wiped out,” according to a post on what appears to be her Facebook page.

    Yusra Khogali has faced increased scrutiny over the past year after BLM Toronto gained political influence following their disruption of the Toronto Pride parade and confrontations with Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne.

    On Friday, Toronto Police announced they would not participate in this year’s upcoming parade. This has been a longstanding demand of BLM TO and one that the board of Pride Toronto recently backed in a controversial vote.

    Khogali has a track record of inflammatory, divisive rhetoric.

    Only last week during a protest in front of the US consulate Khogali shouted into a microphone that “Justin Trudeau is a white supremacist terrorist” and urged the crowd to “rise up and fight back.”

    “Look at us, we have the numbers,” she said.

    Still believe a race war is not being fomented and funded by the likes of George Soros and advanced by the useful idiot fascist liberal drones?

  4. nick flandrey says:

    So I’m clicking around on youtube, and I’m random walking thru some prepper videos.

    Jimminy Christmas, why does every hairy faced d!ckhead need a prepper channel?

    If you don’t know what you are talking about, STOP. If you are not an expert, STOP. Unless your shtick is “I’m a noob, follow along as I learn” DO NOT GIVE ADVICE. If you find yourself saying, “I’m not sure, but I think this works this way,” STOP. “I don’t really know much about this but…” STOP.

    I’m watching a guy atm, who’s doing a ‘winter survival kit’ for your car vid. FFS, there are probably a thousand vids on this subject, WHAT DO YOU BRING TO THE SUBJECT?? So far his advice– wear a coat, gloves and hat. Wool blankets are nice. Having some fire is good. Water can freeze, but “having water is a must.” Carry a cell phone.



  5. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Yeah, that’s why I haven’t done a channel, or a dedicated website for that matter. I’d get lost in the noise.

    Speaking of actually useful information, Cassie’s friend taught her something very useful for those who are using Tattler lids. You don’t use them the same as regular lids. If you tighten the bands down as far as you would with a regular lid, there’s a good chance they won’t seal properly. Cassie’s friend showed her the trick. Put the jar on a stone counter or other slippery surface, and tighten the band down just until the jar itself starts to spin under the torque. Since she started doing it that way, she hasn’t had a single failure.

  6. DadCooks says:

    There is also a proliferation of “homesteader” YouTube channels, many claim to be preppers and off-gridders too. Many of these people show a great lack of common sense in addition to obviously not doing any real research. The wheel many of them have reinvented is square, if that good.

    One guy recently dug a well and started using the water before having any sort of testing done or using any precautions when drinking it. After he and the family got sick he had the water tested. It was full of chemicals and all kinds of “buggies”. So he went out and bought a Big Berkey water filter and did an “unboxing” and set-up without reading the instructions. You can guess how well that went.

    And did you know that you can have a “homestead” on a residential lot; with cows, pigs, and chickens.

  7. Dave says:

    And did you know that you can have a “homestead” on a residential lot; with cows, pigs, and chickens.

    We can’t even have chickens here in Smallville. Just east of our subdivision is a cornfield though.

  8. Dave says:

    And did you know that you can have a “homestead” on a residential lot; with cows, pigs, and chickens.

    We can’t even have chickens here in Smallville. Although there is a cornfield just east of our subdivision though.

  9. MrAtoz says:

    Many of these people show a great lack of common sense

    Lack of common sense is the biggest failure I see out there. People drive through flooded areas with big signs “DON’T DRIVE HERE”, dangerous trail “DON’T USE”, throw shit at people with guns, etc. A direct result of the public school system failure of the last forty years. I got a great K-12 education, alas, that is gone thanks to the commies.

    When TSHTF, they are the first to go.

  10. MrAtoz says:

    I think last week was a record for Libturdians, celebuturds, SJW/BLM/Progs for calling President tRump HIIIITTTTLLLLEEEERRR!!!!

    There is going to be a small war where Normals are going to kill the above cretins. The next dooshnozzle who screeches Hitler to me may get a kick right in the baby maker.

  11. OFD says:

    18 here right now, with light blowing snow continuing into Thursday, looks like. Winter wonderland with snow on the trees.

    Back to shoveling and snowblowing; I can manage it in short bursts, taking it nice and slow, no pressure to get the cars out for work or anything normal like that, being semi-retired now.

    And tomorrow is Saint Valentine’s Day, all you romantic buggers out there; don’t forget to be nice to yer spouse, SO, “partner,” etc.

    I was watching an episode of Netflix’s “Frontier,” about the internecine commercial warfare between various groups around Hudson’s Bay in the late 18th-C. At one point just before their reunification, a young loverboy spies his true love up at a second-story window, and unbidden, came to me “But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?” in a kind of snarky way, and I wasn’t sure I’d gotten it right so I looked it up and gee whiz, it’s still accurately there in the old memory banks. I’d long ago taught introductory “Shakespear” at one of those university TA gigs and one of the plays was, of course, Romeo and Juliet.

    Nice to know that the brain has not completely fried.

  12. nick flandrey says:

    Cool, partly overcast, 71F with 83%RH. Smells like a trash fire outside.

    Getting buds on my Meyer lemon. The lime tree is showing some green on one or two branches, so I’m hoping I don’t lose it from the freeze (every leaf dropped and all the thin branches are dry and brittle). Grape vines are starting to leaf. I guess I better read something about pruning grapevines pretty quick! Beets are finally growing. I decided I’ll put my new grapefruit tree in the ground on the side of the house near the other grapefruit and orange trees. I was thinking about trying avocado again, but haven’t seen any trees at the store yet, and I should get the little grapefruit in the ground.

    The local planting chart says it’s time for turnips, irish potatoes, radishes, lettuce, and the dark green leafies… Maybe I’ll put some potatoes in as an experiment, the rest are in, and will be supplemented with another round.

    Found some useful stuff at sales this week. Picked up a couple of CB radios to sell at the hamfest, a marine band, and some antennas. Missed a sale with “prepper” items, mostly blue barrels and a couple of buckets of freezedrieds from the pictures. Family stuff got in the way, but I really wish I’d had a chance to see what was there.

    Did some truck maintenance and paperwork. Need to do more.

    Wife and older girl are going to do a girl scout campout next weekend. She asked me if we have some propane lanterns and a stove. Yup, got that covered. Camping stuff is prepping stuff. They are putting together some bins of stuff. Other than food and table cloths, I think we pulled it all from my stocks.

    Today will be spent getting my new 2 drawer fire safe file cabinet into place in the garage. That will be a task as much has to move to clear a path.

    Auction stuff will fill the rest o the day. And relationship maintenance too…


  13. nick flandrey says:

    well, that’s interesting. I said it smelled like a trash fire outside. Apparently, people call the cops when they smell something, as I got this alert from the Houston Office of Emergency Management:

    “The City of Houston is monitoring strong odor moving across the Houston area. The odor began at the LyondellBasell plant in Channelview and is drifting west across the city, primarily between I-10 and Hwy-59, including downtown. The odor has a sulfur-like smell.

    Air quality monitors do not indicate the presence of hazardous chemicals. “

    Nice to know they have air quality monitors running looking for hazards.


  14. OFD says:

    What? Do I detect sarcasm there?

    You don’t have a need to know, mister. We run the monitors, we decide who knows what and when, and that’s not you. We are deciders and we decide. Now move along, citizen.

  15. CowboySlim says:

    “Cool, partly overcast, 71F with 83%RH. ……

    Getting buds on my Meyer lemon. The lime tree is showing some green on one or two branches,………. ”

    Weather about 70F here with sun and 59F dew point, 30.06inHg.

    Lemons and limes dropping daily with any wind. Navels about picked and Valencias really coming in now.

  16. nick flandrey says:

    Yeah, the funny thing is other neighborhoods have trees full of grapefruits. Masses of them. But I’m just budding…


  17. nick flandrey says:

    This is what it looks like when they REALLY want your ass dead.

    Like fricken’ lasers!


  18. SteveF says:

    don’t forget to be nice to yer spouse, SO, “partner,” etc.

    Fuck that. She’s been a heinous bitch for several weeks. Aside from the damage she did to my car. Oh, that’s right, she didn’t do anything and it was like that when she got in it.

  19. SteveF says:

    Like fricken’ lasers!


    An M60 doesn’t have a high enough firing rate to get quite the laser effect, but shooting a belt of all tracers still looks pretty cool. It’s an expensive way to start a fire, but you can start a fire 500m away from where you are, so that’s something.

  20. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    An MG-42 with the AA bolt does, at 30 – 35 RPS (versus a lousy 10 RPS for the M60).

  21. OFD says:

    “Fuck that. She’s been a heinous bitch for several weeks…”

    I get that for maybe a couple of days, at most; yikes, several weeks. I dunno how you manage it all. Of course mine is gone two weeks a month, so it’s pretty dahn quiet around here during them times; this will change mightily if she gets that local gig this spring/summer. If the air is tense and hostile, I make myself scarce; this will be easier once I get the attic space configured.

    “…shooting a belt of all tracers still looks pretty cool.”

    Been there, done dat. At 1,000 meters. I loved my M60, though it was kind of a bitch to tote around in that heat and humidity, plus a share of the ammo load.

    But that Mexican chopper vid was pretty impressive; you know what they mean when they talk about ‘death from above.’ No chit, amigos. You just hope they got the right house. It would suck if a FUSA chopper meant to take out the wallyhog and her boyfriend’s meth house next door and they hit us by mistake. (not that they have a meth operation, I doubt it; just a hypothetical).

    We got a foot of heavy snow; I did the back steps and porch area, and around the RAV4 and our next-door neighbor had plowed the bottom of the driveway at the street earlier and got the worst mess outta the way; he’s a good guy; loves playing with his machines. Used to head up the security operation at the IBM plantations while I was still there, but he retired last year.

    Tomorrow I’ll do the other car area, plus the front door and a path for the oil deliveries and meter reader. The electric snowblower works pretty well, but it’s still slow going with this much snow and the cord is a PITA. I kept thinking about big-ass gas-powered blowers while I was out there. It’s just that our last couple of winters have been pitiful for snowfall and this one is kind of an anomaly. You hate to spend bucks on a big blower and then only use it once a year. But I’m still thinking about it.

  22. Chad says:

    Who did the cartel guy forget to pay off?

  23. SteveF says:

    I dunno how you manage it all.

    By gritting my teeth and thinking “eight and a half more years”.

    Several people have thought I’ve been lying, exaggerating, or cherry picking the complaints and the stories I share. A few of them have seen our interactions in person, in particular my wife flying off the handle and going into a screaming rage over nothing, and told me “Good grief. You were understating the problem!”

    Eight and a half more years.

  24. Chad says:

    “I don’t know why you got to be angry all the time.”
    – Tim McGraw

  25. lynn says:

    A few of them have seen our interactions in person, in particular my wife flying off the handle and going into a screaming rage over nothing, and told me “Good grief. You were understating the problem!”

    Sounds like the honeymoon is over.

    I got hit by a wild pitch this weekend. The daughter wants to move out to an apartment about 5 or 6 miles away. 30 minutes each way with the traffic. She wants me to pay for the apartment and her living needs. Her estimate, $1,000/month. My estimate, $2,000/month.

    The wife supports this (what is she thinking ?). But the daughter won’t have a car because she cannot drive (she gets dizzy). So I figure that the wife will be over there about 2 or 3 times a DAY. I figure that eventually she will just stay with the daughter to help her out. Kinda like a domestic servant.

    I said no. And muttered a lot of other things under my breath.

  26. Ray Thompson says:

    I said no. And muttered a lot of other things under my breath.

    I figure I am going to facing that with MIL. As she ages she gets more dependent on the wife. Phone calls at least twice a day. MIL is stubborn and does not take advice and that causes problems. She pitched a fit when an electrician replaced a light switch and charged her $30 for the repair. Basically loosing sight of what things really cost. Health is OK but she needs help understanding things. I see a move to back to San Antonio for either my wife or both of us. A better option is to move MIL here but the stubborn old bag will not move, sort of like Granny of Clampett fame.

    Just got a text from a niece. Older brother they think had a stroke. Passed out and when revived speech was slurred badly. Paramedics called and they had him airlifted to the hospital. That generally indicates serious stuff. He is only 11 months older than me. His health is not great. He was terribly overweight, had the stomach surgery, lost some weight but gained it back. Knees are shot with one having been replaced. Diabetic to boot. I don’t expect a good outcome. May have to make a quick trip to California.

  27. lynn says:

    She pitched a fit when an electrician replaced a light switch and charged her $30 for the repair

    Wow, she got a good deal ! Around here they charge $100 just to show up.

    Uh oh, sounds like dementia. Is she compliant or combative ?

    A better option is to move MIL here but the stubborn old bag will not move, sort of like Granny of Clampett fame.

    Have you got a downstairs bedroom for her ?

  28. MrAtoz says:

    I said no. And muttered a lot of other things under my breath.

    Ooo. Two morally superior fems against a WHITEY! former slave owning, racist, capitalist swine (in their minds). Do the right thing, Mr. Lynn. Cough up the money, but make it $3,000 for reparations for being a former slave owner.

  29. Ray Thompson says:

    Uh oh, sounds like dementia. Is she compliant or combative

    Nope, just an opinionated wants it her way hates the son-in-law old bag.

    Have you got a downstairs bedroom for her ?

    Yes, I do. It would be for me. Actually a basement apartment.

    Cough up the money, but make it $3,000 for reparations for being a former slave owner.

    Advice coming from a man who is run over by fembots. He has experience and knows the score having endured most of the issues himself.

  30. OFD says:

    I have a version of that sorta stuff going on here, ever since son and DIL and grandkids moved to Kalifornia. Wife finds every possible chance to go out there and stay for a few days, in between the gigs all over the country. Case in point: she just spent four days with them before reporting to her assignment in Denver. So now she’s gone not just two weeks a month but closer to three, lately.

    And her mom isn’t getting any younger; wife was her only child, too, and growing up, wife did everything with her; trips to Europe, living on a res in eastern Washington for a while, etc., etc. I am so not looking forward to whenever she checks out, and it could still be many years; the women live much longer than the men in that family, and come to think of it, mine, too.

    Why is that, do ya think? Just because we’re built differently? The stress? What?

    “…make it $3,000 for reparations for being a former slave owner…”

    That sorta talk seems to have died down quite a lot for some reason. But yeah, cough up the dough; our daughter seems to expect the same sort of arrangement, and it’s been going on for years, ostensibly for her college education. I somehow was under the apparently mistaken impression that college was done in four years, and often in three, going through the summers. She’s been at it for six years now, and counting. What a racket.

    Wife allegedly told her we’re not paying anymore for her apartment; since she’s not in classes again until September, she has to get a job. And I saw a FaceCrack message thingie where wife was after her about that and she said she was “looking.” I expect we’ll be paying again next month and who knows, maybe longer. But you figure, what, it’s a city of 2 million, and 4 million if you count the whole Metro area, and she speaks French fluently and has been up there for six years, a job should be popping up somewhere, amirite?

    And then my oldest niece had a job after college at Price, Cooper, Waterhouse out in Sodom-on-the-Bay, and when they had her getting coffee for other staff she quit on the spot. Went to some other fly-by-night innernet outfit and wanted her dad to pay for a car (because she didn’t like riding on the BART) and an apartment. After he shelled out $50k/year for both her and her younger sister for four years. $100k/year for four years, pretty close to half a million dollars.

    Meanwhile my next-younger brother, who was dumped after 30 years as a UNIX sys admin and manager, is relegated to getting up at O-Dark-Thirty to shovel snow and get the cars going for the women there, and do all the house stuff, and then cook supper every night while they bitch about the food.

    Where did we go wrong? Help me out here, MrAtoz, or somebody?

  31. lynn says:

    Ooo. Two morally superior fems against a WHITEY! former slave owning, racist, capitalist swine (in their minds). Do the right thing, Mr. Lynn. Cough up the money, but make it $3,000 for reparations for being a former slave owner.

    What ? Are you freaking nuts ? I know that I am headed there. BTW, $2,000/month is well over 20% of my take home pay. Plus I would be paying for food, water, insurance, MEDICINE (our portion of her anti-seizure medicine is $100/month), medical insurance, etc, etc, etc. No wonder I don’t have any cash.

  32. MrAtoz says:

    lol! I set up a college fund for each Twin when they were babies. When they started college, each had a fund worth $50K. I told them, when it’s gone, tough shit. Use it right and get out in 4-5 years, maybe have a little left over. MrsAtoz, of course, has told them they should move to San Antonio to get a MS in BioSciences right after. I’m not paying for it. But, then, I only make $1/yr from the company. It never ends.

  33. lynn says:

    Why is that, do ya think? Just because we’re built differently? The stress? What?

    Because we are men. Although, I am more of a pansy nowadays. The wife reminded me this weekend that I need to finish framing the new back door in the garage that I started two years ago (for her !). I told her I would get on that right away.

  34. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Hey, McLeod! Get offa my ewe!

  35. DadCooks says:

    @OFD said: “The electric snowblower works pretty well, but it’s still slow going with this much snow and the cord is a PITA.

    I have a SnowJoe electric snowblower in addition to my big-ass gas snowblower. I spent the big bucks to buy a 100 ft. heavy-duty-good-to-absolute-zero electrical cord. It is almost 3/4-inch in diameter but stays as flexible as a limp rope in the coldest weather. The first year I tried to make do with a normal extension cord, it was a PITA, spent more time fighting the cord than running the electric snowblower.

  36. lynn says:

    The number one son is telling me that over 1,000 people were rounded up and deported from Houston over the weekend. He thinks that a lot of people are self deporting themselves now, at least they get to decide what to take with them rather than just the clothes on their back.

  37. nick flandrey says:

    No snow blowing here. No scraping ice of the car windows. No frozen seats and steering wheel. No filthy slush splashed on our clothes, or falling in a frozen puddle.

    No aching joints from the cold. No chapped lips. No hats, scarves, mittens, heavy coat, boots, etc.

    Cold is one of the reasons I started heading west, and have been below the frost line since age 20.


  38. SteveF says:

    Why is that, do ya think? Just because we’re built differently? The stress? What?

    Why is it that husbands die so many years before their wives? They want to.

  39. CowboySlim says:

    “I don’t expect a good outcome. May have to make a quick trip to California.”

    @Ray, if you are anywhere me, dinner is on me, Orange County.

  40. CowboySlim says:

    From RBT: “Hey, McLeod! Get offa my ewe!”

    Now, is not ethnic profiling politically incorrect?

    AFAIK, I am either a clan McLeod or McDonald.

  41. lynn says:

    Cough up the money, but make it $3,000 for reparations for being a former slave owner.

    One of my great uncles, Uncle Forrest, was named Nathan Bedford Forrest McGuire. Do I win ?

    Don’t look at the fact that his mother, my great-grandmother, was 10 years older than my great-grandfather as there is a story there. She was the schoolteacher in Pottsboro, Texas in the one room schoolhouse and unmarried. My great-grandfather was a student in her schoolhouse. They got married after he graduated.

    And my other great-grandfather in Pottsboro took over the schoolhouse for the next 20 years.

  42. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    One of my great aunts (IIRC) was a MacCaig, which is a sept of clan MacLeod, so I’m allowed to say that.

  43. OFD says:

    “Why is it that husbands die so many years before their wives? They want to.”

    Haha, I’d forgotten that joke. Up here it’s gonna be a tossup as to who goes first. Ordinarily it would be me, two years older, decrepit and mind gone long ago. But she has a serious medical condition and doesn’t take care of herself real well and is often insomniac, with various other issues. And she wants to go first as she’s already buried one husband.

    And from the Don’t Live Near a Big Dam Department:

    How’d you like to be piling all your chit that you can carry outta yer house into your cah and then go sit in gridlock for a few hours, worrying about a possible 30-foot wall of rushing water coming at you and yours? One minute you’re watching Murka’s Got Talent and the next you’re a 21st-Century gypsy, refugee, vagabond. With maybe no home to go back to. Got insurance?


    Oh my, the temp has rocketed to 23 degrees! And 35 on Wednesday, which I guess will be my day to clean out the back porch—tee shirt weathuh!

  44. SteveF says:

    Everyone is allowed to insult Scots. Scots are predominantly white, European, English-speaking, and of a christian heritage (regardless of individual religious preference), so they’re right about at the bottom of the heap. (White Americans of western European are at the very bottom, of course.)

  45. SteveF says:

    How’d you like to be piling all your chit that you can carry outta yer house into your cah and then go sit in gridlock for a few hours, worrying about a possible 30-foot wall of rushing water coming at you and yours?

    How’d you like to know that the dam’s maintenance needs were identified more than a decade ago, but were never dealt with? How’d you like to know that maintenance money was sunk into high-speed rail and other boondoggles which produced nothing except profit for connected corporations? How’d you like to know that the breaking-off pieces of the aquaducts look like they’re missing the rebar which was essential to their safe operation, strongly suggesting fraud by the connected builders? As your taxes, some of the highest in the nation, were supposedly going for infrastructure maintenance?

    All while you’re stuck in traffic, hoping to get away before the dam fails and you die.

  46. OFD says:

    “How’d you like to know that the dam’s maintenance needs were identified more than a decade ago, but were never dealt with?”

    If I lived in that AO I would dedicate myself to making a list of the principals involved in that chicanery and take action accordingly while the getting is good, so to speak. Not by myself, of course; we need to have cells operating just like the commies, to undertake stuff like this. But why bother; tRump will fix it all and we don’t have to do shit.

    “…so they’re right about at the bottom of the heap. (White Americans of western European are at the very bottom, of course.”

    Near as I can tell, the Irish have been at the bottom of the heap over by the UK for about a thousand years so far.

    Here, it’s the Scots-Irish at the bottom; good for mining, operating stills and serving as cannon fodder.

    Luckily I only have a tiny 1/4 of Irish and Scottish ancestry; my grand good fortune is that my family is way mostly English! Isn’t that great? Oh wait–now we’re shit, too.

  47. Miles_Teg says:

    Sir Thomas Playford, who was premier of South Oz until 1965, left a lot of infrastructure in great condition to future governments, who squandered it. Now we no longer generate enough power for ourselves so we have to import it from Victoria. Later this year the Vics are closing down the Hazelwood coal fired power plant, which produces about 20% of their (and our) power. Well, you know, coal is evil.

    I hope when the power goes off they disconnect the Labor and Greens voters first.

  48. Miles_Teg says:

    When I was about 19 I wanted my father to buy me a new car, and pay the bills for it. He said no.

    Best decision he ever made.

    Lynn, just say no. What happens if she has a fall and can’t reach the phone?

  49. Miles_Teg says:

    “One of my great aunts (IIRC) was a MacCaig, which is a sept of clan MacLeod, so I’m allowed to say that.”

    I’m an Aussie, so I’m allowed to say that about Kiwis, who are all sexual degenerates. No such thing as virgin lamb in NZ (or eastern TN or western NC.)

  50. Miles_Teg says:

    People in California think *differently* to the rest of us.

    An Aussie friend who lives and works in Santa Clara (and is a registered Republican) is slagging Trump every chance she gets. Buying stuff at Nordstrom, etc. (Since when did wimminz need an excuse to go shopping?) She’s eminently sensible most of the time but something about Calif makes people ditzy. I can’t believe that the Cowboy has lasted so long.

  51. OFD says:

    Reading for your morning coffee or tea.

    OFD is off to the Land of Nod…

    Pax vobiscum, fratres…

  52. nick flandrey says:

    Big storm coming here. Lightning starting up. Have to disconnect the antennas….

    hope everything stays up.


    Flashes and rumbling, weird lavender sky.

    Radar of what’s coming. Should be here in about 1/2 hour

  53. Ray Thompson says:

    @Slim: if you are anywhere me, dinner is on me, Orange County.

    Will keep that in mind. Thanks for the offer. Cowboy vittles are always good. Will take a rain check for now. Crisis is mostly passed. They think the issue is a blood infection, not a stroke. Symptoms are similar with blood test needed for confirmation.

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