11:38 – We moved into our house one year ago today, and I think Barbara finally has it pretty much the way she wants it.
Frances and Al came up for the day yesterday. Barbara immediately put him to work. She’d had five cubic yards of fill dirt delivered Friday afternoon. She wanted to get the sides of the driveway built up against the concrete pad. Yesterday morning, she unrolled and pinned black landscaping plastic along the edges of the drive, while I came along behind her tossing shovelsful of dirt on top of the plastic to hold it down in the stiff breeze. Frances and Al showed up not long after we’d finished that. Barbara and Al wheel-barrowed and spread the remainder of the pile on the plastic. The amount worked out just right.
Barbara was working on Christmas cards the other day, and I suggested we put Lori on our list. Barbara said we should get her a small gift as well, but then remembered that Kevin, our USPS carrier in Winston, had told us they weren’t allowed to accept gifts. But, as Barbara said, Lori is as much a personal friend as our USPS carrier, so we could give her a personal gift. Lori is a fellow prepper, so I ordered her a Sawyer Mini SP128 water filter. If she doesn’t already have one, she needs one. If she has one, she needs another.
” If she has one, she needs another.”
First rule of preparedness, one is none and two is one.
Rigorous application of that rule means that infinity is none, so you might as well not even bother.
It’s better to make sure that you have none of everything you need first, and only then worry about duplicating items so you have one of each.
Dad’s words of wisdom for today:
Prepping is a journey, not a destination.
A journey begins with a single step, and another and another…
Looks like that only one filter is not enough.. it’s like offering nothing..
“Too bad this veteran wasn’t an illegal immigrant. Maybe then he would have been treated with more care and respect.”
The Federalist Papers are especially good this morning:
But if one is none, then you haven’t started at all. And you never will. It’s like Achilles and the tortoise, but more pointless. Really, there’s no point in trying to do anything. You’ll never get started and even if you do you’ll never get anywhere. Better not to even try, and instead just sit down and watch some TV. Good ol’ TV. It’s never let you down, and it never will.
My USPS carriers tell me that $20, or less, is not illegal.
I do not tip the illegal aliens that trespass on my property in order to litter my entryway.
You could probably tip them with a mallet. A good whack in the shoulder should do it.
So there we have it for today: all we really need is the tee-vee and a mallet. Outstanding.
Here’s some more boffo laffs:
The vehicle carrying Il Commandante Shithead broke down and the enlisted scum had to push it.
Comments very funny, too, as usual.
As that nasty old crazy bastid OFD has been saying for years now:
Exactly. This shit has been going on here since the 1930s and most Murkan derps can only bleat and whine about Obola and maybe Larry Klinton and that’s as much history as they can handle.
Our kids and grandkids and not a few of US have been thoroughly indoctrinated by now. We and they think it’s normal.
Maybe you’ll like to check this guy out, Liviu Cangeopol. He is now an american after migrating from Romania in 1989.
He wrote this article, eye-opening style, and I’ll try to highlights some parts by translating them in english.
In the section “colossal manipulation”, he speaks about “the insulting way” in which MSM manipulated regarding the elections “with the smallest respect for truth and people intelligence.” “Any word from Trump lips was instantaneouly displayed as a crushing proof of his inclinations for fascism, inaptitude, racism, sexism, corruption and stupidity, which will get everybody in the abyss. If by chance, the same aproximative idea was borned from the fine lips of Bill Clinton wife, it was automatically transformed in honey and milk for the crowd ears.”
Regarding our massmedia, he says “in Romania, there isn’t too many competitive political analysts. I was very much surprized to see a lot of gulls from press busying themselves with taking down on Donald Trump without knowing any better. Few understand what happens in the country (RO). How could they think they will be able to see the complex cunnings going on in America, at ten thousand kilometers away and five hundred years ahead of Romania? A little modesty will suit them well, and some shame.”
And in the conclusions Liviu Cangeopol writes “We don’t know how good Trump will be at White House, and if any big deals come from this, but the big tendency of moral decay of american society just got a punch in the face. The end of the world has been postponed. ”
Pretty much in line with what I was reading on this board.
I had the feeling or expectation, that the MSM in US, is far far far better than the one in my country (most owned or founded by crooks that are currently doing time in jail). The fact that the differences are much smaller than I thought is worrying. The harm that can come from ours is smallish and local. But from yours.. it’s basically unlimited – end of the world level.
” the big tendency of moral decay of american society just got a punch in the face. ”
I like this quote and hope it is true. Clinton was a self serving crook who sold influence and access, sometimes to our enemies.
Trump at least professes to love this country, and the success it brought him.
Hillary has never said the same.
True, that. Our MSM has international impact, via the usual channels plus the internet. They did, indeed, just get a big punch in the face.
And the all-too-typical tactic of the Left/MSM was to accuse tRump of the things that their candidate is eminently guilty of, per their standard operating procedure, known as “projection.” “…inclinations for fascism, inaptitude, racism, sexism, corruption and stupidity, which will get everybody in the abyss.”
Of which Hillary Clinton is guilty and tRump hasn’t even had the CHANCE yet to display any of those characteristics. She has, throughout her “career.” Which reminds me of that old Blue Oyster Cult song, “Career of Evil.”
In a truly just society, Hillary and Bill Clinton would be taken out like Mr. and Mrs. Ceaucescu and stood against a wall and shot. Ditto some of their minions and hangers-on, and also the previous Attorney-General.
Mr. and Mrs. C. got dug up, apparently, due to various conspiracy theories:
“All you need to know is that the Democrats’ insane and suicidal jump down the rabbit hole of minoritarian politics is why they lost the election.”
Another week full of boffo laffs, mostly at the expense of the Evil Half of the Party.
More viral hate and bigotry:
Let’s just keep bringing them in, I guess is the strategy. And the article answers the cui bono question, too. Certain people make out like fat rats in a cheese factory per usual. It’s basically a criminal enterprise that goes unchecked and unquestioned in this country.
Then there’s our very own freak show operating out of Mordor, mainly:
These people need to be hunted down and taken out.
It says something about the wasteland of our media that the most timely, fair, and honest news outlet for US news is a UK tabloid, The Daily Mail. They had press assigned to the campaigns, reported on the Clintons, and the sex scandals, covered black lives matter riots, and despite their prejudices are 100 times more fair than the US outlets.
(Daily Mail hates Disney and will go to great lengths to link them to anything bad, and they share the UK and media aversion to guns. They DO however, report on successful defensive gun use fairly.)
Another week full of boffo laffs, mostly at the expense of the Evil Half of the Party.
Ellison. They’ll never get the House back, much less the Senate.
The Democrats will focus on race grievances for four years and then attempt to run Julian Castro (no relation) for President as a second coming of “The Annointed One”.
So I’m going to call this a success:
That is my ‘country ham’ smoked with pecan at the same time as my turkey. I put the dry part of our grocery store ham glaze on it (mostly sugar, brown sugar, dried honey) a couple of times during smoking. Also brined it 24hr prior to smoking. 6-7 hours at 250F indirect heat, and smoke.
Near the crust it does have a sweet ham flavor. The deeper you go, the more like a pork roast it tastes. All delicious all the way thru, and tender.
Not enough smoke to preserve the meat, but a very nice texture and flavor for a very cheap cut of meat.
Someone in Finland is getting started early:
“The head of a city council and two local journalists have been identified as the three women who were killed by a sniper outside a restaurant in a small Finnish town.”
Go ahead, Dem cretins, put Imam Ellison in the DNC Chair spot—friggin’ perfect, you idiot bastard losers.
Daily Mail, RT, and sometimes AZ, but our nooz media sucks rocks and has for a very long time now. They’re now dead to most thinking Murkan derps.
I can think of politicians and “journalists” here who might end up as targets eventually. But they’re of course saying that the Finland caper is random.
Yo, Mr. Nick, that ham looks like it just falls off the bone, no carving needed. Wow. I want some. When I get it here, I slow-cook it in our P-K Grill with wood chips and all that stuff and a nice maple syrup glaze. Once cooked and on my plate, I dump Nance’s Hot Mustard on it and man oh man….side of Duchess Potatoes, peas, and French baguettes and I’m all set for the day and night.
Yeah, If I was a lazy man, I’ve just screwed up
Between the success of the smoked turkey and this smoked ham, my wife says I’ll be doing them at every holiday.
No rest for the wicked.
Here’s another data point for the state of the economy.
I just sold some police equipment to an agency in Colorado. They’re buying used surplus equipment off ebay. Budgets must be tight.
(BTW, I approve of this in general. Even with some DOA and managing the supply chain, this is the frugal way to support older legacy equipment. There is no sense in buying new parts for old outdated systems. BUT it’s shocking, because that’s not the way agency purchase agents think, and it means they’ll be using the old tired systems for a while longer yet – standard def dash cams in this case.)
“I approve of this in general. Even with some DOA and managing the supply chain, this is the frugal way to support older legacy equipment.”
Speaking of electronic equipment, here’s a question that I’ll just throw out:
How can I organize my books on my Kindle Fire machines? You know, by categories, like fiction, nonfiction, and sub-categories, like firearms, radio, etc. ??
Is there even a way to do that? I’ve looked around and done the search things and looked at Calibre, etc., but nothing seems to jump out at me.
Last I read, you had to do it manually in folders thru usb connnection as a drive. Don’t know what that looks like on the device though.
Calibre is supposed to be the best, first for stripping the DRM and then for format conversions.
Buy books directly from Baen.com and they come without DRM and are available in multiple formats.
Plus, Baen authors rock!
“Last I read, you had to do it manually in folders thru usb connnection as a drive.”
Yeah, I’ll try that for laffs, but the stuff I read says that AMZ took out that capability/functionality and a lotta Kindle/Fire users are pissed that AMZ never gave us that function in the first damn place. Who WOULDN’T wanna organize their books?
I see that Baen is mostly a sci-fi and fantasy outfit; not ordinarily my cup of tea. The stuff on my Kindle Fire is literary classics, theology, and prep-related for the most part, with some fiction.
Dave, so far as I know, the built in “Fire” (formerly Kindle Fire) book reading software doesn’t allow for making categories the way the ordinary Kindles do. Others tell me that you can install different book readers on the “Fire” (I continue to put that in sneer quotes because trademarking a commonly-used word is an asshole move) (Oooh — that’s it, henceforth I’ll refer to the “Fire” tablet as the “Asshole Fire”.) but I don’t know any names of good ones. On the plus side, one guy told me his installed book reader handled ePub as well as mobi/azw. Note that Amazon does upgrade the Asshole Fire’s OS from time to time, and the reader may gain the ability to add categories. (Heck, maybe it’s already happened and I never noticed.)
I mostly don’t worry about it. I use an old-style Kindle (purchased from Mr Nick) for most of my reading. I don’t have many books on my Asshole Fire, just a few for the rare occasion that I happen to have the tablet but not the Kindle.
I have a bunch of versions, and I interchange among them with whatever is still charged. I just use the massive list. Sort by author or sort by title. On device, or in cloud. Barely there functionality for sure.
I have tried to read pdfs and google books on it and find it next to impossible if the pdf doesn’t allow reflowing, or worse, if it is pix of each scanned page rather than ocr.
I have another book reader on my kindle to read the ebooks my fav bricks and mortar store sells, but it was awkward and I decided I’d just send them a gift card for the commission they would have earned rather than put up with maintaining two libraries, and 2 readers. Even reading Baen books, in awz or mobi has quirks, like not displaying a cover image in some modes, but displaying it in others. Also they don’t always display at all in some modes.
Easiest is just to d/l everything from Amazon, which is the way they want it.
BTW, anyone want a sony reader? I’ve got a couple sitting here….
What happens when liberal do gooders meet with cold hard reality:
“Teenage Afghan immigrant is arrested in Germany after 19-year-old who worked at refugee centre and was the daughter of a senior EU official was raped and killed while out jogging ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3998478/Teenage-Afghan-immigrant-arrested-Germany-murder-medical-student.html
Yah, I blogged about that rape and murder.
Gotta agree; the recent assault/rape/murder cases in the UK and Germany are just the latest series, and it has been going on in South Africa for quite a long time now; do-gooder SJW and prog types go to these places and get assaulted, raped and murdered. Once you see that sorta thang happening, wouldn’t you have the common sense to stay the hell away from them??
And in good news tonight, another Brexit!
So we’re winning battles out here but the war is fah from ovah. Let’s hope France follows suit and then Germany. I fear Sweden is lost already.
The days of reckoning draw ever nearer:
As regards the Asshole Fires I have, all I wanna do is organize my books on them in my own categories, and AMZ should have provided that function in the first place and for some odd reason unknown to mankind still has not done so.
Another irritant today: I’m trying to sync both of my Asshole Fires and supposedly the AMZ “whisper-whatever” does that, but it’s been ON all along and has not done so. So I have SOME of the same books on both of them but not all of them. Ditto for apps. Why can’t I just sync both devices automatically like we can sync Firefox to different devices?
Words like “tool” and “idiot” come to mind:
We got her on the Evil Half of the Party and the ass-clown Ryan on the Stupid Half, who was just on “60 Minutes” blabbering away about how things are gonna be with tRump, who he talks to on the phone “all the time.”
I see no evidence yet that the rule about inhaling the toxic airs of Mordor is not in force; once they get down there, it’s all over. But we haven’t got through 12/19 yet and 01/20 so it’s early.
WRT sync, if you have multiple devices, you sometimes have to go to you digital content on amazon and manage those functions. You can look at every book you bought, and send it to a registered device.
I used to have just one account, shared with my wife. All our devices synced, in that when I bought a new book, it showed up everywhere. Something changed at some point, and now that isn’t necessarily true. In particular things weren’t showing up on her ipad. That turned out to be something she set when she registered that device.
So go to amazon, anything sent to your primary (first registered) device should automatically go to all your devices. If it doesn’t you can manually send it.
If you used the kindle email account to get something on your device, you might need to manually email it to your other devices too. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.
Change from the top or out in the streets? Police state eventually?
Good explanations of the appointments so far, from a former Reagan insider.
Rigorous application of that rule means that infinity is none, so you might as well not even bother.
We are all going to die within ten years anyway according to SteveF’s most excellent post.
That is the craziest thing that I have ever heard in my life. He is talking about a runaway reaction on the surface of the Earth with the average temperature increasing by 30 F or more. Absolutely barking mad crazy.
The Earth is a four phase system: air (vapor), aqueous liquid (water), ice (frozen water), and hydrates (frozen methane/ethane/etc). To have either of the frozen phases convert to liquids or vapors requires a tremendous amount of energy.
Not gonna happen. What is the driver ? Minute amounts of heat due to solar capture by CO2 and water vapor in the atmosphere ? Give me a break. Vaporization of the hydrates at the bottom of the oceans ? Give me another break, those are immense pressures and oceans do not change temperature easily below the thermal layers. Otherwise there would be no hydrates at the bottom of Gulf of Mexico due to summer heating of the surface layer to over 90 F. And those methane hydrates are six foot thick in places at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.
And even if there was something having a runaway reaction in the atmosphere, there are several limiting factors. The first limit is that vaporization of the oceans will cause the reaction to self limit due to energy absorption. The second limit is that black body radiation will radiate even more heat energy to space.
Building a thermodynamic model of the Earth is enormously complicated. No one has done it to my satisfaction that includes volcanoes, energy transfer from the core through the crust, variability of the sun, etc, etc, etc.
And if it does get 30 F hotter, then I am going to move into OFD’s basement.
Buy books directly from Baen.com and they come without DRM and are available in multiple formats.
They sell for the same on Amazon as on Baen. And are sold without DRM at Amazon.
They used to be a buck or two cheaper direct from Baen… and amazon used to require DRM.. . world changes every day.
What you can get on Baen is the eARC. electronic Advance Reader Copy. That’s the last step before it goes to press, and Baen figured out that some readers were willing to pay extra to get the early copy, warts and all.
“And if it does get 30 F hotter, then I am going to move into OFD’s basement.”
How tall are you? I have to hobble around half bent over down there. This house was built by and lived in by hobbits.
But I’ve got food and wotta down there and I can set up wireless and computers and all that for ya. No bulkhead entrance/exit, though, so you’ll have to climb two flights of stairs to our one small bathroom, also designed by hobbits.
Reading between the lines of that guy’s chatter, the temp worldwide is gonna rise really fast over the next few years to the point that not only all human life, but all life beyond microbes and bacteria will die out, really fast. What temp would cause that? 140 and up? And peeps could still live in caves and cellars, I guess, so maybe 160 and up? 180? What would wipe all life out besides microbes?
What would wipe all life out besides microbes?
Give obuttwadcare a couple more years before you ask that question.
-gasp-! It’s all come clear to me! Anthropogenic Global Warming is going to make the sun become a red giant ahead of schedule, and the earth will be inside the sun and we’re all gonna die!
Curse that Anthropogenic Global
WarmingClimate Change! Is there no mischief it cannot perpetrate!?“Give obuttwadcare a couple more years before you ask that question.”
And Mr Ray shows up here at the end of the day and in ONE FELL STROKE wins the innernet! Congratulations, Mr. Ray!
“Is there no mischief it cannot perpetrate!?”
Ya know, we wouldn’t even have to worry if it hadn’t been created by the Twelve Years of Reagan-Bush!
Well, just finished watching “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon” and it’s going onto the trash/donate to the library thrift shop stack. Pretty movie. Plot is sketchy. Much time spent wondering what the F is going on.
Default mode was in Chinese hopefully w/ sub titles. I went for English dubbed.
Perhaps that matters. Our Chinese language skills are limited to things like “Kung Pao” and “stir fry”, so, we are not going to find out. Or worry if it chicken or cat in the General Wots-his-name dish.
“Juan of the Dead” arrived. I splurged 50¢ extra for the Blue-Ray version. My player defaulted to dubbed in English.
The movie is insane! Will watch again. With the original soundtrack and sub-titles.
Not safe for kids. Because of language. Although if the parents are Marines, WTF.
“And if it does get 30 F hotter, then I am going to move into OFD’s basement.”
How tall are you? I have to hobble around half bent over down there. This house was built by and lived in by hobbits.
But I’ve got food and wotta down there and I can set up wireless and computers and all that for ya. No bulkhead entrance/exit, though, so you’ll have to climb two flights of stairs to our one small bathroom, also designed by hobbits.
6’1″. But it will be cool down there. Too hot upstairs so will need to use a chamber pot. Can dump it out the back door like the olden times.
“Or worry if it chicken or cat in the General Wots-his-name dish.”
The dude who invented General Tsao’s Chicken just croaked at age 98. A tragedy. I rarely eat Chinese or Thai food anymore; it’s generally designed here for Murkan tastes and I just don’t dig it. I ate in-country on the local economies in SEA during my time there, very cheaply, and better food than in the on-base chow halls, except for Midnight Chow.
“The movie is insane! Will watch again. With the original soundtrack and sub-titles.”
I have it on my AMZ wish list for now.
“Not safe for kids. Because of language. Although if the parents are Marines, WTF.”
No kids here anymore so moot, and plus we both cuss a lot. Shoulda heard wife earlier (yesterday, I guess) when she couldn’t find something as she was stuffing junk into a suitcase to rush out the door for the airport. The air turned blue.
“6’1″. But it will be cool down there. Too hot upstairs so will need to use a chamber pot. Can dump it out the back door like the olden times.”
Well, you won’t have to stoop as radically as me down there but you’ll still have to watch it where you can stand up straight and where you can’t. Original 1830 beams down there. So you plan to just pile up the back yard with your product, is that it? Sorry but we have rules here in the village. You’ll have to tote it down to the communal trench and dump it there, and then throw quicklime on it. That’s also where we dump trespassers, goblins, gremlins, zombies, and politicians.
I still haven’t understood why the Italian referendum is seen as another Brexit. Yes, the prime minister was pro-EU, and yes, he staked his career on a “yes” vote. So it was a no vote, so he resigns.
All that means is that the Italian constitution remains unchanged, and someone else will come in as PM. It doesn’t take Italy out of the EU; it doesn’t even say that an EU-skeptic will be the next PM. It’s just the “status quo”.
What am I missing?
“It says something about the wasteland of our media that the most timely, fair, and honest news outlet for US news is a UK tabloid, The Daily Mail.”
Aha.. that’s the reason for the many Daily Mail links around here. It looked dubious for me to see them here, as a “tabloid” in Romania, is really junk press. Also in our media, the references to The Daily Mail were usually where romanians where, in general, undeservely bad portraited (UK full of it) or stuff like that, and got a bad reputation here. More ‘respectable’ articles were taken from other UK sources.
I really don’t followed The Daily Mail, so don’t know much about it, so I just thought: ok, you read it, that’s fine with me.
You have caught the character of the Daily Mail quite well. That is why it is a shame for the US press that an exploitative and sensational tabloid provides better and more honest coverage of US politics and issues than the US press.
Know that it is a tabloid, and adjust mental filters for the sensational, but their coverage is very broad. Also, seems to be written by interns of age 16 with english as a second language and no spelling checker.
Plus, occasionally nice pictures of pretty women in bikinis. (and not the big-ass-ians)
US mainstream media will never report-
-negative articles about the clintons
-negative news about islamic terror
-negative news about immigrants, legal or illegal
-negative news about socialist governments, or places like Argentina, Venesuala, Brasil
-negative news about black on white crime
-negative news about blacks or black culture
-positive news about gun owners or defensive gun use
-positive news about any person outside of a major city (if they are rural culturally)
UK Daily News has covered all of these topics, some extensively.
(one other thing I like- they always follow up with the disposition of a crime. If they have a story of a child rapist, in a year they will have a story of how his trial finished. US MSM seems to have no memory, every story is only what happens today.)
ADDED- perhaps I should say “Rarely” instead of “never” but in general, you won’t see those stories, or you’ll see them with critical details left out.
WRT Kindle Fire
You might find what you are looking for here:
MobileRead.com Forums are the first step to look when you want to know something about your reading device (IMO). The Wikis are good too.
It is like Brexit and US Presidential Election because it is another case of the voters failing to listen to their elitist rulers.
Barbara and I each have a reading Kindle and a Fire. The reading Kindles aren’t set up to access the Internet. The only time I “read” a book on my Fire is when I want an author to get paid for something I got from Kindle Unlimited and read on my regular Kindle. In that case, I just flip through the entire book on my Fire until I get to 100% read. That way, the author gets paid.
thanks for the info on The Daily Mail!
paul wrote:
“Well, just finished watching “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon” and it’s going onto the trash/donate to the library thrift shop stack.”
Oh noes! That’s one of my all time favourite films, especially with the lovely Michelle Yeoh in it.