10:22 – I’ve come down with a cold, and decided to take the day off.
Monday, 28 November 2016
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10:22 – I’ve come down with a cold, and decided to take the day off.
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So you’re really just burning up the bandwidth for Cyber Monday, understand
Feel better soon.
Yeah, feel good real soon. As soon as I feel that chit coming on, I gobble tons of Vitamin C and eat like a pig and drink gallons of fluids and make sure I get at LEAST eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. It seems to put a dent in the oncoming cold symptoms and get rid of it faster. YMMV.
Overcast instead of the sun the weather liars promised. Running errands and doing chores.
eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night
Sleep, in my opinion, is the biggest edge against the cold. I know when I get the symptoms I start the C regime but also restrict myself to the bed as much as possible. I try and sleep as much as possible, staying warm in the process. A couple of days of that and I am usually OK.
My aunt and uncle, abusive assholes, had a different solution. They would put me in a tub of hot water, as in really hot, and keep me there for 30 minutes, gradually getting the water hotter. I was generally to the point of screaming and damn near passing out. No doubt this was dangerous as I am certain it raised my body temperature to dangerous levels. After the bath I was put in a bed with multiple blankets and a heating pad. I was left to sweat heavily the rest of the night soaking the sheets and probably suffering dehydration. Generally killed the cold as the excess heat probably killed the virus and in the process damn near killed the person. They seemed to get great joy out of the process they called “The Treatment”.
Jesus wept. I dunno how you survived childhood back then, Mr. Ray; going into the military during wartime was probably a few steps up and out and much safer. Damn.
So, one suspect dead and another one loose as a Christmas goose on or near the campus right now:
And we can surmise that the police know the ID of the dead suspect but are gonna play cute about releasing that to the public.
Eight stable and one critical, combined machete and gun attack after two pieces of shit bailed from a SUV. Stay tuned, sportsfans….
Speaking of a lacrimonious Jesu:
3pers too.
Unlocked side door, no gun safe, neighbors saw them load in, and membership in a 3per org.
Ya know what, that threeper burglary story smells mighty fishy to me on several levels. It’s like a stereotypical cartoon ginned up by someone looking to connect some dots that ain’t there for the MSM.
Plus one Ohio-related story here on the local affiliates, Drudge and Reuters, and another one in the UK’s Daily Mail. Teena looks like the stereotypical wacked-out uber-Prod fundie and then we have a few fat old guys lazing around in cammies in a shack somewhere.
Jesu Cristo people lock your funking doors!
“Jeffrey Rice broke in through an unlocked side door.”
My brothers and I have continuous difficulty persuading and reminding our spouses and other fems at our houses to do that. Ditto with vehicles. Condition White all the time. Pixels rule.
Italy’s Minister Of Interior: Surrender Your Homes To Migrants Or Face Jail
You’re a cop in the U.S. and you receive your shift’s orders for the evening: remove Joe Blow and his family from their suburban home at gunpoint if necessary and throw them all in jail in favor of musloid scum moving in, free of charge.
Let’s see how that goes over here.
More info on the knife/car attack. Somali refugee. No gun. Libturdians are crying.
The “Surrender Your Homes” thing… What I read the other day, forget where, was let them use your vacation/second home that is sitting vacant, not that they are tossing folks outta their house.
Me? I’m for sabotage. Remove all of the electric outlets and fixtures. Knock out some sheetrock. Gut the bathroom. Remodeling!!!
Or make sure the insurance is paid, remove what is valuable, and torch it. Gas water heater or stove top malfunction. Or a water line breaks and floods the place. Either way you’re screwed.
As for prepping, I have five containers of turkey stock in the freezer. 1.75 cups each. A very good batch this year. When frozen, I’ll vac seal in bags.
“Somali refugee. No gun. Libturdians are crying.”
But some of the vics were shot with guns. One suspect apparently shot by police. Another one still at large?
We need to welcome more millions of musloid refugees with LOVE. And turn Murkans out of their houses for them.
“Me? I’m for sabotage.”
I like the way you think!
LOTSA vay-cay homes up here in Vermont, plus second and third homes for the Cloud People and the next two or three levels down. And LOTS of them currently for sale, too, some for years. But they won’t come a thin dime off their prices.
Prepping today is yard cleanup and a couple of minor projects already underway. And if it rains the rest of this week, I’ll work on the cellar and my attic work space. And online course stuff.
I dunno how you survived childhood back then, Mr. Ray;
It was not easy. Lot of time spent at the neighbors, who knew something was wrong but could do nothing. I finally wrote an 80 page document that detailed the abuse, physical, emotional and sexual. Helped a lot for me to be able to talk about it.
Sadly, in spite of the abuse, I was probably better off with them on a farm where my energies could be channeled, than I would have been living in California with my parents. Parents eventually got divorced and gave me to my aunt and uncle as neither one wanted me around.
With my aunt and uncle I had food, clothing, a place to sleep, responsibilities, and could make some of my own money to keep without the parents taking the money. I learned a lot, was pushed to accomplish tasks. I learned to run heavy machinery, to work with cattle, to work with my hands, to show and sell cattle, to think on my own. Yeh, at times it was tough, really tough, but I made it through.
going into the military during wartime was probably a few steps up and out and much safer
It was. Basic training was a breeze as it was easier than what I had at home. DI’s were not as mean as my uncle as DI’s could not use fists, my uncle could, and did. I saw many young adults struggle through basic training. Without my hardass aunt and uncle I may have had a difficult time.
Me? I’m for sabotage. Remove all of the electric outlets and fixtures. Knock out some sheetrock. Gut the bathroom. Remodeling!!!
Review your squatter law first. It varies from state to state, but squatters have certain rights, and I’m sure refugees would be classified as such.
Well, there you go:
I haven’t read anything on the Somali fukstik having a gun or any other suspect. He was apparently disgruntled that there were not enough Mooslim prayer rooms on campus. We should let more Somalis in because they are so peaceful. Or maybe say FUCK NO!
More Somalis, please! We love them here in Vermont, where several have been arrested over the years they’ve been living in Burlap, for….wait for it….sexual assaults on, and one murder of, white female college students.
And here on a somewhat related note, related in terms of the wonders and wunnerfulness of state socialism, like Bernie and his crowd and all the SJWs and progs wanna put in place here:
Yeah, those exiles in Florida were right all along; the Castro brothers and Che were subhuman commie scum murderers and torturers from the very beginning, while crowds of international and domestic celeb asswipes worshiped and adored them.
We ought to end the embargo immediately and flood the place with Murkan commercialism and other chit that they don’t need. But the main thing is to open up with boxcar-loads and plane-loads of books! And set up their internet island-wide.
Game Over. For commies, that is. And the people ought to get hold of Raul and all his top minions and string them up from lamp posts forthwith.
And here’s a little something to blow away those CyberMonday blues, homies:
Crank it up.
My dad and I went to see “The Accountant” last night at the advice of James Patterson.
Who knew that an autistic forensic accountant for the mob and drug cartels could be a revenge driven Barrett 50 caliber wielding superhero at night ?
4.5 out of 5 stars. Warning, trigger warning.
I was just talking to our next-door neighbor who was admiring wife’s new shed windows, etc., and we got into the gun control discussion briefly, where he opined that nobody needed a “50-caliber” for hunting or defense around here or out in the woods. He also said that there would never be any door-to-door confiscation of guns because it would be suicidal. I mostly agreed with him and did not get into my take-no-prisoners 2A beliefs; wherein if I wanna get a .50 whatever, or a machine gun, I should be able to, legally, and without any hassle. Same gear as what our cops and troops have, eh wot? But why get into all that with a neighbor who obviously owns guns, has gone shooting at the range up the road, and would otherwise be a potential ally here? And we have tentative plans to go shooting together at that range. Slow and steady wins the race, OFD sez.
In other nooz, our bank screwed up last Friday with our account and then clearly screwed up again today, but finally, four days later, wife’s check was credited to our account. And she’d already put another grand into the Princess account and roughly half that into MIL’s account, plus what she needs to get through the next two weeks in NJ and NY. So we’ll be on thin financial ice until next year, looks like. Pah for the course here every Holiday Season.
But we have plenty of firewood, a well still drawing wotta, a roof over our heads, electricity still on, and I’m about to top off the oil tank. Probably enough food for us and the animals for at least a month. Better than nothing and better than most, by fah. Also have defense capability and commo, though none of this is up to the standards I’ve planned for us yet. Wife is taking the online NRA Pistol course, Phase I, and I’m working on antennas and work and storage spaces here.
Small steps, slow and steady…
The Ohio State Shooter was a machete wielding gunman. No, really, it makes sense. Go read the link. Well, ok, it’s not so much “makes sense” as “regrettably commonplace”.
I love how all the Libturdians pile on with GUN CONTROL! Dumbshits one and all. All narrative, no facts, these are the fukstiks who run the country. tRump must get rid of them all.
“Go read the link.”
Same old, same old. Even if you whack somebody with a fucking machete, you’re ipso facto, a fucking gunman. Amazing. Then, right on cue, like the writer says, the other media starts whining about poor scared musloids, afraid they’ll be deported by the big bad bogeyman Trump. Who will have more important chit to worry about than them when he starts off. Like making nice with Russians and Chicoms for now but being really firm with the bastards. Let’s stave off a potential nuke war first, and then we’ll get to the economy, immigrants and so forth.
“tRump must get rid of them all.”
From your Lost Wages lips to his ears.
This gunman will be, among other prep activities, be ordering more ammo anyway, across the board. Esp. 7.62×39 and .308 and 9mm and 10mm. I like Mr. Lynn’s estimates for the proper quantities.
Trump helps he who helps himself. Each of us has a duty to “deal with” one bureaucrat, “activist”, illegal alien, freelance wealth redistributor, politician, or liberal arts faculty member. Per week.
Way I figure it, you can be carrying a ham sandwich and be labeled a gunman, so you might as well carry a firearm. They do make it easier to get your weekly quota. I’m planning on painting a shotgun pink and writing “piece of chalk” on the side, just to muddle things further.
Wondering why the idiot who is pushing the recounts in three states to force the election into the congress isn’t aware that turnabout is much more likely next time a party candidate loses but is in control of the congress? It seems to me to be an obvious tactic for scummy polititians and party’s.
Minnesota Dave, you make a reasonable point, but that’s not why I’m writing this comment.
The reason is this: aaaaargh! Too many Daves!
I demand that all Daves choose different names!
Here are some options:
Huey, Louie, and Screwy.
Buttercup, Blossom, and Bubbles.
Clone-1, Clone-2, Clone-3, and Clone-4.
Ham, Shem, and Japeth (or Japheth, if you prefer that transliteration).
Ham, Ribs, and Bacon.
We appreciate your cooperation.
Call me MrSteve.
Call me MrIshmael.
But we’re the majority!
Call me anything but don’t call me late for dinna!
Ima gon paint bricks yaller an’ call ’em post-it notes.
Paint the word “gun” on the side of the brick, and that way, when it flies thru a window, you can blame the thing instead of the person holding it
Only 8 killed and 62 wounded in Chicago over the weekend. Rahm is slipping. Maybe he was giving Fidel “The Final BJ” that killed him.
“…you can blame the thing instead of the person holding it.”
Which strategy is ONLY used in regard to firearms by libtards, nothing else.
“Maybe he was giving Fidel “The Final BJ” that killed him.”
And MrAtoz wins the innernet today! Rock on, hombre, rock on!
So Rahm isn’t the Godfather, he’s the Knobfather?
Yes, His Dishonor, Emmanuel “BJ” Rahm, Knobfather of Chicongo.
[snip] Buttercup, Blossom, and Bubbles. [snip]
I approve of the Power Puff Girls reference. And the soundtrack CD was actually pretty cool.
I saw The Accountant a few weeks ago. Good flick for the genre. Also saw Dr. Strange, which was very good. Paid for the 3-D and it was good in a few scenes, but was jarring to the wife and I in a few scenes. I’d skip 3D, but YMMV. And stay to the very end of the credits. All the way to the end.
Hmmmmm….”Dr Strange” is playing at the local “city” theater and I’m tempted to go watch it by myself w/3D if they have it. See if it jars me. I’ll check their show times tomorrow after I run some more doltish errands and do some more donkey chores here.
I haven’t been inside a movie theater in YEARS, so it could be interesting just for that. I’m always heeled so if anyone starts chattering on a cell in front of me or in back of me you may read about it in the papers or in the MSM. Oh wait–I’ll leave the firearm at home and bring a machete and still get called a “gunman.”
On third thought, I’ll just bring a yellow-painted brick or two.
How big’s the *clip* on that brick, sir. 10 rounds max. Or is it a single breech loader?
Avoid downtown SF…
OFD wrote:
“And she’d already put another grand into the Princess account and roughly half that into MIL’s account…”
There’s one born every minute…
“The ‘dead sun’: Stunning Nasa video reveals barren solar surface with lowest level of activity since 2011”
“1. Footage from Nasa Solar Dynamics Observatory show nearly spotless sun
2. The space agency says the sun hit its lowest activity level since 2011
3. Sun follows a pendulum-like 11-year cycle of activity, and peaked in 2014
4. While this is not unusual, some say trend could send us into ‘mini ice age'”
Looks like it is time to break out those global cooling articles from the 1970s. You folks (OFD/DH) living within shouting distance of the arctic circle may want to stock up some stuff for when the glaciers start forming. Hopefully Santa might throw some coal in your stockings.
Oh wait, here is an article already, “Stunning new data indicates El Nino drove record highs in global temperatures suggesting rise may not be down to man-made emissions”
“1. Global average temperatures over land have plummeted by more than 1C
2. Comes amid mounting evidence run of record temperatures about to end
3. The fall, revealed by Nasa satellites, has been caused by the end of El Nino”
You think it’s bad here? In college there were four of us who rented a house from a Chinese-American student. Poor Dewayne was the only one who did not fit in. The other three of us were all named Dave. Every time Dewayne answered the phone it was someone asking for Dave. To top it all off, guess what name our Chinese-American Landlord went by? Yes, we all called him Dave.
David was a very popular boy’s name in the fifties. In fith and sixth grade there were four in may class. Back then we all just used first names on papers and if there was more than one of a name the teacher would have you put your last initial after your name. One of my best friends also had K and I used Kr instead.
Junior year in high school we had five in a class of 30-35 in HAP Chemistry ( HAP was advanced – all Daves are smart).
There were three of us at my first full-time IT gig at a factory down in Gardner, MA back in the late 1980s; we were called the “Dave-Team.” Two of us were software engineers and I was the dolt sys admin for PDP-11 and a microVAX.
Most of the traditional male names peaked in the 50’s or 60’s, and have been sliding ever since.
Robert, for example, has been in the top 10 and usually the top five from the 1300’s through the 1980’s, but I don’t think it’s even in the top 20 now. I blame it on progressives.
“I blame it on progressives.”
Wrong again, kemosabe; it was the Twelve Years of Reagan-Bush.
No, blame it on the mooslems (okay, not much different than a progressive but at least the mooslems have no buttercup snowflakes).
Ohio officials and the gooberment still can’t figure a motive for the OSU slasher. They want so bad to find a link to us “deplorables”.
It has all the hallmarks of an ISIS-inspired hit, like that guy in Paris driving the truck, the assortment of knife attacks over the past couple of years, etc. Just lash out with whatever is at hand if you don’t have an arsenal at your disposal like the couple in San Berdoo. It drives the MSM and progs and gummint NUTS that they can’t dump this off on WHITEY and his deplorable buddies. So they’ll lie and obfuscate with phony info and make up chit as they go along. By the end of the week some other event will drive this right off the nooz.
At least we have the UK Daily Mail to question the bonafides of the OSU slasher: