10:29 – Barbara hauled a choose-and-cut Christmas tree home yesterday. We got it in the stand right after she got home, and she’s spending the day decorating it and putting out her other Christmas stuff.
After several warm days, we’re back to seasonal weather. It was 28F (-2C) when I took Colin out this morning. At least there was no wind. There was a heavy frost on the grass.
Overcast here with intermittent rain drizzle and snow flurries. Sunny tomorrow, the weather liars say, and rain showers the rest of the week, which is good, the more the merrier here.
Mrs. OFD is gonna be off to Hackensack, NJ later this afternoon and I’ll be in the middle of my usual Sunday NFL binge, while ALSO studying up on prep stuff during commercials and time-outs, which are LEGION, and making myself a big fat leftover turkey sammich, w/stuffing, kicked-up mayo, cranberry sauce and a side of either potato pancakes I make from the leftover mashed spuds, if I feel ambitious, or simply a handful of Frito’s corn chips.
No Xmas tree here until around December 17-20 and it will stay up until circa January 6, or Epiphany Sunday. Probably a wreath on the front door, and battery-operated candles in all the windows. I’m working my way through the New Testament with Latin-English facing pages and it’s quite interesting. In the Lord’s Prayer the words “…daily bread” become “supersubstantial bread.” Also, reading His beatitudes leaves not much room for wiggling or messing around with His meanings. It’s pretty straightforward throughout.
Sunny and 73F here, with 68%RH. Light breeze.
Scrambled eggs with diced leftover ham for breakfast.
Been eating the turkey and ham for lunch and dinner for 2 days.
Had the ribs I smoked for dinner last night. Successful experiment. Very nice flavor and doneness. Wife has threatened me with cooking the turkey every year now, and suggests using the smoker more often. (Which is fine, but chains me to the back yard while watching it.)
Kids are clamoring for a tree. Maybe. Seems kinda early to me. Household decor is up. Don’t know what I’ll be doing for yard decor this year. Something simple….
“(Which is fine, but chains me to the back yard while watching it.)”
And your point is? I don’t see a problem there. You are in the back yard, enjoying quiet solitude, while you allegedly monitor the smoker. Away from all the noise, visiting guests, any possible nagging and/or demands, etc. You can kick back and read stuff, listen to the radio, smoke a doobie, have a few drinks, surf the net with your spiffy Windows 10 lappy, or any number of edifying and relaxing activities. Have at it, homes!
“Seems kinda early to me.”
For thee and me, also. Today is the First Sunday in Advent, not Xmas Eve. Four weeks to go.
With a little EC interlude on the 19th. As more rumors and agitprop circulate about Soros-funded recounts with DNC participation and Jill Stein in the mix. Fake nooz or the real thang? Who knows? And now they’ve dumped Mittens as a choice for SecState and are allegedly looking to retired General Petraeus? Yeah, OK. Why not just keep Vinegar John in that slot? After all, what difference would it make?
There’s gonna be a great culling–
If this was in the Onion, it would be funny, and no one would have believed it 3 years ago. Now, it’s gonna tie up police resources.
“There’s gonna be a great culling– ”
Jesus wept.
A major snowflake MELTDOWN!
Over a friggin’ post-it note! That’s all it takes, homies! No need to print up a big batch of posters and call in stuff to various organizations, just put up a SINGLE post-it note with “Suck it, pussies” or whatever and they LOSE THEIR FUCKING MINDS!
And now we have “covert” and “overt” micro- and macro- aggressions, too! They just make it up as they go along!
Oh, please excuse all my overt macro-aggressions, I just can’t help myself, being a cis-hetero WHITEY Roman Catholic Christan breeder rayciss fascist. It’s in my DNA, snowflakes!
So snowflakes, here’s another overt macro-aggression: Eat shit and die.
A great culling, indeed; these idiots won’t last a week when the S really HTF. An exercise for the vitally interested would be to ascertain what the diversity officer and president make for annual salaries and bennies at that place. I’m guessing six figures each, just off the top of my cis-hetero Anglo-Saxon-Celtic head.
Meh, it’ll make them happy, so why not? Unless the rearranged furniture makes getting through the house a pain, go ahead and put it up.
re offensive post-its, you don’t know that one was all it took to cause campus-wide panic and a massive police presence. For all we know, a dozen other post-its were seen and ignored. No, I’m afraid that if you want to shut down a college campus, you’ll need either a handful of notes or a piece of chalk.
“…you’ll need either a handful of notes or a piece of chalk.”
Someone in each of the places where 99% of the colleges and universities are should take the initiative accordingly. Investment would be for a little pad of post-it notes, the magic marker or Sharpie to write on them, and a few pieces of chalk. No great imagination needed; just follow the lead of the person who did the original “Suck it, pussies,” or whatever. Chalk outlines call for some creativity, though;
One of Cankles, tripping on a flight of stairs, with little booze bubbles around her head, and a coffin waiting below.
Another one of Fidel in Hell, being jabbed with pitchforks amidst flames and smoke, in his guerrilla fatigues.
Bernie Sanders and his fugly wife counting stacks of money.
Giant mural-sized one of Trump as Warrior-Hero-Knight waving a flag and speech balloon with “You’re Fired!” or “Making America Great Again!”
A big cloud of snowflakes being swept into a trash bin.
List of college administrators and do-nothing positions with accompanying salaries.
And from the Sort of Good News Department:
I can’t wait to see what Trump actually DOES on “Day One.” I’d start with phoning up Prince Vlad and whichever Chicom currently runs China. Then I’d issue already-prepared directives to get us out of the UN, IMF, World Bank, etc. And start vetting SCOTUS candidates. And an order to DOD and the Secretaries to produce a plan within 30 days for downsizing their empire and closing bases and bringing troops home for HOMELAND DEFENSE.
For a major covert macro-aggression I’d send in a team to whack Soros and his top minions and then maybe issue another directive to set up a joint training and maneuver program for our spec ops guys with the Spetznatz and Mossad people.
Over a friggin’ post-it note! That’s all it takes, homies! No need to print up a big batch of posters and call in stuff to various organizations, just put up a SINGLE post-it note with “Suck it, pussies” or whatever and they LOSE THEIR FUCKING MINDS!
I have friends who work at [a state university on the East Coast]. They told me about a quota hire PhD English prof recruited for tenure track who quit the department without notice using a Post-it note left on her monitor.
I guess the Post-it is a big deal in those circles.
I was working on an MA thesis in an English department and then moved on to another university for their PhD track in Medieval Studies, which would have taken me roughly ten years altogether. I was given to understand recently, however, that tenure tracks were going the way of the dodo bird and OpenVMS. Quota hires in my day were focused on womyn, mainly, and a black woman would have been hitting the daily doubles while a disabled black or other minority woman would be the trifecta, and worth three times what a cis-hetero WHITEY male would. This, at supposedly diversity-worshiping and affirmative action universities where being a decorated American veteran counted for shit, if it didn’t actually count against you/me.
And the minority hires I had the misfortune to encounter (because of course distribution requirements) at the second university turned out to be virtually worthless, and spent most of their time pushing their various neo-Marxist agendas. The professors who were actually really good were all old white guys about to retire or die. I had several of them and learned quite a lot real fast. After that, I bailed.
Quitting a job like that by leaving a post-it on a computer monitor is just low-class tacky and rude chit. Typical.
Ima gon buy me a passel of them post-it pads and git to work at our local colleges and universities, just for laughs. Bring along some chalk, too.
a disabled black or other minority woman would be the trifecta
Had one of those when I was working for a contractor in Oak Ridge. She was a black disabled female, worth her weight in gold (and that would have more gold than would fit in a Volvo) to the contractor. She did nothing when she was there (not often and not long), sat on her enormous fat ass as was designed. Pulled down close to $100K. Having her on staff kept the diversity numbers up for the contractor, may have even allowed them to keep the contract. Had her own reserved parking space at the front door.
A major snowflake MELTDOWN!
Oh the sobbing queens. Might be a run on tissues at the local 7-11. May have to cancel all classes for at least a week. Certainly no testing as that would be unfair in their currently weakened emotional state. Maybe a counter campaign of post-it notes would be appropriate “Suck it Dicks”. At least that would rule out gender bias.
Man, I think about the sh!t we put on our dorm room doors when I was a lad, and it would be grounds for expulsion nowadays. Heads would explode. Panties would be twisted. Pants (in both the British and US usages) would be wet.
And the free ranging discussions with actual professors who did work in their field, outside of school, would set hair on fire. “That’s fucking stupid!” would have been said more than once. Hell, my advisor gave me (what turned out to be excellent advice) career guidance based on the observation (to my face) that I was “an asshole.” [The advice was to work on the west coast because talent was more important than personality, and I was a talented asshole.] Should have taken his advice, but I wouldn’t have met my wife. Ended up in LA anyway, eventually, where I learned the wisdom of his words. He’s also the professor who held our studio class on the patio of the local irish pub. Pints during presentations, dinner and drinking after.
I saw the beginning of the snowflake nonsense when I took a TV lighting class at my local community college. The prof was a 30 yr veteran of TV production, still working and teaching, with a no nonsense, this is what it takes to work in the field, approach. That included swearing during work calls, and an insistence on DOING THE WORK. Time and TV wait for no man (or woman, or thing.) He got booted by student reviews that said he was “too hard” and too blunt. The class was then taught by a theatre prof with NO tv experience at all (and there is very little crossover between theatre lighting and TV/film lighting.)
So the snowflakes screwed themselves out of an excellent teacher. Nice.
RE: recounts. Does Dr. Stein realize that if she were to ask for a recount in a state or two that Clinton won narrowly (Minnesota, for example) she might be able to put up a front without blatantly being FOS? Or does she realize just how transparent and Democratic-oriented the current efforts are?
“She did nothing when she was there (not often and not long), sat on her enormous fat ass as was designed.”
My two brothers and I who’ve worked in IT for many years have similar stories, wherein they showed up for quota requirements and then “DINDU MUFFIN” for their time, and in several cases got other people fired for making them “afraid” and “uncomfortable.” And I’ve heard the same from other peeps in IT who were deathly afraid of saying anything or in any way making them “uncomfortable.” Frigging ridiculous, bending over backwards for decades for a 12% minority that returns it with contempt and hate. We didn’t own slaves and they didn’t pick cotton, so where does it end?
“Oh the sobbing queens.”
Not to worry; they were probably issued, besides the tissues, more coloring books and teddy bears in a specially designed “safe space” set up by the university’s “diversity officer” or “wet nurse director” or some such six-figure position. And yes, as Mr. Nick points out, the stuff we got away with in high skool, let alone college, would get us not only suspended or expelled nowadays, but thrown in the slammer by armed and costumed thug employees of Our Nanny the Almighty State. Hell, they cuff elementary skool kids now and take ’em away for chit like that. Down in Maffachufetts they’d bring back the death penalty just for me and a couple of my co-conspirators these days.
“So the snowflakes screwed themselves out of an excellent teacher. Nice.”
Doesn’t matter if it furthers the prog revolution. The ends always justify the means. And the “students” have long since realized they have the upper hand now. Again, when does THIS chit stop?
“Or does she realize just how transparent and Democratic-oriented the current efforts are?”
While it’s unclear just what her actual motives really are, I suspect that she’s playing a game authorized and funded and directed by the Dems and Soros; where it ends up is anyone’s guess at this point. And supposedly EC people are getting routine death threats. Is any of this true? How would we know?
The MSM, Libturdians and Holly Weird are still at it. “tRump is Hitler, tRump is Putin’s stooge, tRump is going to destroy the world…” They never learn. tRump tweeted why don’t the Dumbo’s look into voter fraud in CA, VA… The MSM and online journo turds go berserk with he’s a liar. Unless it’s fraud against Cankles. Yes, there is going to be a culling. A culling of the above mentioned fukstiks.
The picture of Cankles on Drudge is great! I swear her teeth are falsies.
Famous people tend to die in threes, including Libturdians. Casro croaked. Who’s next? Should we start a dead pool? Cankles, Soros, Reid…
I was working on an MA thesis in an English department and then moved on to another university for their PhD track in Medieval Studies, which would have taken me roughly ten years altogether. I was given to understand recently, however, that tenure tracks were going the way of the dodo bird and OpenVMS.
Tenure track is still possible in Engineering and Computer Science from what I’ve seen, but the process is very political. My last program in WA State had one tenured prof and a rotating door for the three remaining slots. The Clinical faculty did the real teaching, and the generally inept new PhDs had TAs (like me) to abuse when they needed to to any real work in research or grading.
I’m familiar with the MLA socialism for hiring English PhDs into permanent faculty positions. You never would have stood a chance — wrong gender, skin color, and sexual orientation.
“The picture of Cankles on Drudge is great! I swear her teeth are falsies.”
For sure, a cheap set at that. It looks like they actually may be some hand-me-downs from Webb Hubbell
For the birther and conspiracy folks, came across this today (poorly produced YouTube, but interesting):
Obama’s Kids Are Adopted
So after seeing the story about “out of control” violence in New Orleans I wondered, “what’s Chicongo getting up to?” Didn’t have to wait long….
This is in an area about 12- 15 miles from where my parents still live. It’s across from a park where my friends and I would go some nights to drink beer and shoot fireworks into the lake. It was a scary area then, and still scary now.
(for our foreign guests, this is Chicago, where black gang members overwhelmingly shoot other black gang members. One of the new stories has the cops asking if the dead man was wearing red – gang colors. In general whites aren’t getting killed in Chicago, except incidentally to other crimes.)
not a whole lot of stuff got done. My root veg are now sprouted about 1/2″ tall, except for the newly planted green onions. Haven’t seen them at all yet. I do have onions coming in from this summer’s planting, and the collards continue to grow.
I organized some medical supplies, and some canned food.
I sold some more stuff on ebay.
Oh, and I practiced smoking a turkey and a ham, not for preservation but for flavor. Preservation is a big, multiday commitment and I’d like to give it a try someday. Not happening soon though.
And that’s about it for the week. Not one for the record books.
“You never would have stood a chance — wrong gender, skin color, and sexual orientation.”
Yes, dumb and slow as I was, it took me a while to realize that, after being a slave, whoops, I mean TA, for those professors who sat on their asses and wrote books and articles for scholarly journals, which I also had to edit and correct for them. While reading and commenting on 100 student papers a week, all on top of doing my own class and thesis work and research. What a racket those people have! They got in during a sort of window during the 70s and 80s and are only now retired or retiring or deceased. And then they pulled the ladder up after themselves.
WRT prepping this past week; not a lot got done by me except an updated to-do list, some reading and research, and doing the cooking and cleaning for T-Day dinner here; I’m being extra careful after my second shot to the spine and operating at about 75-80% so fah. I hope to get a ton of chit done this coming week, though, mostly in the back yard tomorrow and then as the rain kicks in for the rest of the days, I’ll be organizing the cellar and attic work spaces.
Wife got a lot done on her studio; new windows are in and she has tons more light to work by and the stove heats it up very nicely. She’s got most of her stuff organized and filed and all the trash and junk out and her next projects are to put burlap covering on the raw plywood walls and paint it, and install blinds on the windows and do something with the cement floor. I’ve gotta put the kayaks back up outside on their hooks that the contracts pulled out. Her plan is to get down to one week a month on her current gig and segue into the jewelry making part-time into full-time eventually. My plan is to get my attic work space set up and segue into part-time IT chit, maybe, and run more and more firearms-related biz.
So tomorrow is an outside day and running errands, like ordering heating oil, and the dump run, and the rest of the week will be inside on the cellar and attic.
40 years ago I would have liked nothing better than to get a STEM PhD and get a position in a university. Now I couldn’t be bothered. I wish now I’d got an electrical engineering degree, been a wage slave for five years, started my own company and done a little ad hoc lecturing on the side. Oh well…
@Nick: Re being “chained to the smoker”. It may be that you want to be chained to the smoker, to get away from…whatever… The people who come talk to you at the BBQ are different from than the ones cackling in the kitchen. If not, however…
I’ve been using This remote temperature monitor for a couple of years now, especially when I have to smoke something overnight. Works well – good range on the signal, even inside the house. The only weakness: don’t let the sensor get rained on – water can get into the sensor where the cable enters and screw up the readings.
You’re getting soft. That is supposed to be a Saturnalia tree.
Barbara buys it, hauls it home, and decorates it, so she gets to name it. But the holiday is still Saturnalia to me.