10:02 – I know it’s trivial, but I love to watch what oxygen absorbers do to containers. Yesterday afternoon, I added an oxygen absorber to each of the 21 bottles of pinto beans we’d repackaged in 2-liter soda bottles. A couple of hours later, I looked at the bottles, all of which were by then dented in, indicating both a good seal and that the oxygen absorbers were doing their jobs.
Incidentally, if you need oxygen absorbers, buy them from the LDS store. A pack of a hundred 300cc absorbers costs only $12, versus typically twice that or more from commercial resellers. In the original package, they remain good for years. If you have any left over from a pack, store them in the smallest glass jar you can find that has a metal lid. Wide-mouth canning jars work well. If you’re ever in doubt about whether oxygen absorbers are still good, just bend one between your fingers. A good one is soft and flexible; one that’s exhausted hardens and loses flexibility.
More email from Cassie, the newbie prepper I mentioned a couple days ago. They’re rural enough that their nearest Walmart Super Center is an hour’s drive one-way, and the nearest Sam’s or Costco is farther still. So she plans to stock up from Amazon and Walmart on-line for stuff she can’t get at her local supermarket, where she works as a checker. They live in her husband’s parents’ house and her husband has his own plumbing business, so their combined income is solidly middle-class and they have much lower expenses than a typical young married couple.
They’re focusing on food first. They’re on well water, but they have a year-round spring on their property, so Cassie figures they’re in good shape for water. Her husband hunts, and they have a couple of rifles and a couple of shotguns, which they figure is enough for now. They’ll add some more ammunition, first-aid supplies, and so on, but otherwise the concentration will be on food, food, food. Yesterday, Cassie came home from work with two five-pound bags of sugar, two ten-pound bags of flour, several one-pound bags of pasta, a jug of cooking oil, two boxes of iodized salt, several jars of pasta sauce, and two cases of soup. She intends to do the same thing two or three times a week until they’re stocked at a level they’re comfortable with.
Sounds like Cassie and Family are doing quite alright and have their chit together. Husband may wanna get her up to speed on the firearms if she isn’t yet. Which is what I’m trying to do up here, but it’s slow going with wife’s work schedule and other stuff going on.
Overcast and drizzle again; we need a good hard steady and driving rain for about a month.
Contract guys working on wife’s studio windows; I’m heading down to the vets group as I’ve missed the last two meetings due to med appointments for my back. There’s a couple of guys there I worry about. And lots more out there back from the Middle East wars that we all worry about, ’cause they ain’t coming in from the cold, so to speak, and are EXTREMELY angry and bitter.
Discussed on KSFO this morning (http://www.ksfo.com/). This is the most vial outrageous thing I have ever seen. No wonder San Francisco and California is not a safe place for free thinkers. I now must go calm down.
Note, the apparent mooslem name of the author.
Gonna open up a can of Whitelash on they azzez.
” I now must go calm down.”
“Gonna open up a can of Whitelash on they azzez.”
This is a primo example of how the commies have infiltrated and controlled the publik skool system in this country for DECADES. They were just starting this shit when I was in high skool; mandatory readings from “Soul on Ice,” “Manchild in the Promised Land,” “The Autobiography of Malcolm X,” etc., and this in a school that had about seven black kids attending. In a mostly white suburb with a large Jewish minority.
Bear in mind that, like RBT, I was in high skool from 1967-71, and it is MUCH WORSE now and ranges from very subtle to outrageous and blatant, like that linked .pdf.
There is a huge stink being made on college campuses about a “racist” flyer saying that white women shouldn’t date black men. Among other things, the flyer claims that one in sixteen black males is HIV positive and most don’t know it. The flyer certainly isn’t polite, and I don’t approve of the message or its publishers.
But what really concerns me is that their facts might be accurate. The document doesn’t quote a percentage of the white male population that has HIV, but if the black rate of HIV infection is significantly higher, then that is a real problem, most of all for the black community, not just for white women who might date black men.
Heh. I think Cassie emailed me because she’s been reading posts about emails from Jen and Brittany. I was surprised that she didn’t ask me to hook her up with the two of them via email. Actually, it’s more than just the two of them now; there are half a dozen newbie to experienced preppers in their email distribution list now, all of them women and all of them concerned about anonymity. Except Cassie, who wants to post comments here, but is concerned (as Brittany was) that her writing isn’t up to the standard of us old guys. Heh. I told her the same thing I told Brittany, that her writing is just fine, but if she wanted me to I’d be happy to “clean up” her emails to me and post them either on my main page or as comments.
Incidentally, speaking of comments, I noticed a couple of weeks ago that Google appears to have resumed indexing comments, so they’re now searchable on Google rather than just with the search box on my home page.
As one of the younger old guys here, and certainly not the one with the best writing skills I encourage her to join in. If her writing skills leave anything to be desired, the thing to do about that is to write more, not less. I still find my writing skills need improvement, but I think I’m a better writer now than I was then.
Reading that recommendation, I find:
2. What has happened? Let the students speak one at a time. PLEASE VALIDATE STUDENTS FEELINGS. Example: “What you are saying is valid,” or “I hear you,” “I support you, I understand you.” “you are right and this is unjust.” Let them speak, guide the discussion, use a talking piece if necessary
Which begs the question: What happens to the student (33% in CA) whose family voted for Trump? Will they be respected? Will they be understood? Will they be supported?
double plus ungood badspeak
gonna get a rat in the face
These fuckers are never happy until their robot population is at 100%, so presumably this clown and his comrades are working to that end, i.e., that every kid in their classes is on board with their program. Any “outliers” who just won’t get with the program face all kinds of chit, no doubt. Maybe a rat in the face.
So right there we can all see what’s been going on: diversity is as THEY define it; WHITEY cis-hetero Christian males don’t count. Hypocrites.
Let us please not sidestep the fact that a racist and sexist man has become the president of our country
Good way to start the lesson plan. Let’s bias everything from the start. No room for opposing opinions. Such as….
Let us please not sidestep the fact that a vindictive criminal sheman scum has not become the president of our country
So much Whitelash today.
Keep up the good work!
Just finished signing my wife up for Obuttwadcare for the 2017 calendar year. Because my income will be so low I will only be paying $464 a month, $3550 deductible with a $7150 maximum out of pocket. Unless something happens I doubt the deductible will be met. $20 each doctor visit, generic medicine at $18 maximum, everything else is at full cost until the deductible has been met, then 20% until maximum out of pocket. Not really great but most insurance plans are becoming not so great. These figures are really close to what the family plan I had at work for two people. Now it is for one. Sucks but I have no choice.
Now if I had decided to not take SS (myself and the spousal unit) the monthly premiums would have been $31. I debated whether or not to take SS but decided to go ahead and get it while I can. Between the two of us we can start bringing in $3200 a month starting March 1 of 2017. We can live on that and spend our investments to goof off and travel. My goal should be to be penniless by 2032 and live off the government dole, if there is any left.
A web based cartography site, Caltopo recommended by Cool Tools. I haven’t used it yet, but it looks like a great addition to your e-kitbag.
“Will Trump start a trade war against China?”
Tariff wars for all !
And Fort Bend County was the leadoff subject of Rush Limbaugh yesterday, “Police investigating video showing mother berating son for Trump vote at school”:
I cannot even watch the entire video as it is horrible. How can a mother do that to her seven year old child ?
Hat tip to:
Not any way like us.
Well, to extend what Uncle Remus posted, they’re just like us in the same sense that termites are just like us. We’re both eukaryotes, in other words. Although to be honest, I think there’s a good chance that progs are in fact prokaryotes or archaea.
They’re all just pond scum to me, but then again that is a microaggression on real pond scum that can be put to some beneficial use.
If there was any doubt that Obuttwad doesn’t have a clue this should remove all doubt about him:
New crude oil field found in Texas with 20 billion barrels of oil.
We have 200 years of crude oil and 1,000 years of natural gas in the USA. Our children shall never want for energy.
Personal Defense Network regularly sends me free videos in addition to the ones I get with my membership. This one came today and has some good common sense information that I hope helps someone:
Edit: Speaking of oil:
I just bought a tank of regular unleaded at my Shell for $1.74/gal.
I love the USA.
I just bought a tank of regular unleaded at my Shell for $1.74/gal.
Can we end the ethanol experiment now?
@Gregg N said: Can we end the ethanol experiment now?
No,what would Big Farm do without the gooberment subsidies.
BTW, for a moment there I was hoping @lynn had bought a tank, as in tankity tank tank boom boom…
░░░░░░░░( •̪●)░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
░░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃░░░▃░░░░ ▃░░
Amazing what the google can find, a tank in ASCII (unicode) text
No, the first name Fucker can indicate other religions and ethnicities.
Trump isn’t President yet, so Fucker must be talking about that piece of shit Obama. That piece of shit is without a doubt a racist piece of shit. Not sure about the sexist part, but Fucker might have more in-depth, personal knowledge, having been forced to be the bottom in a personal encounter with the piece of shit.
The correct number is closer to 1 in 50, but as you say, that’s still at least 4x the rate for white men. (So far as I can tell. I wasn’t able to find apples-to-apples raw numbers, so I had to make some assumptions in matching up “all white males” to “black men aged 16-50” and such. Probably if I’d spent more time looking I’d have been able to find raw data. Or maybe not; it wouldn’t be the first time that government and other agencies deliberately obscured data to conceal unpalatable truths.)
Meh, she probably falls between the hyperliterate OFD and the hypoliterate Miles_Teg, and both of them are fine. (Well, not so much “fine” as “vaguely tolerable” in the one case. I mean seriously, what is it with him and that wooly kind of love?) She might need to increase her use of profanity if she wants to fit in, but creative use of non-profanity (eg, “That whipsawing hamster has arbitrated me for the last time! I’ve had enough!”) is also acceptable.
“If there was any doubt that Obuttwad doesn’t have a clue this should remove all doubt about him:”
That’s just it: he DOES have a clue and this is just a blatant lie that his voters and followers swallow whole and without question. Cankles has been and is even better than THAT because she’s been lying her entire life. And the derps just eat it, hook, line and sinker. Whatever they say, and whatever the MSM reports them as saying.
Language is becoming more important; read Orwell’s essay “Politics and the English Language” and then read this:
And then if you have some more idle time to spend regarding this language thing and how it’s been used by the commies to foment all kinds of nasty chit about Trump:
In short, he’s bad enough as it is without using scare tactics and accusations of racism and anti-Semitism. And in the end, bad as he is, he’s still the better choice of two very bad choices that we had.
Yeah, I’m regretting selling my ZSU-23/4. Here it is only 6 weeks until Christmas, and I have no idea of what to do for an anti-Santa gun.
Instead of shooting at Santa this year, how about seeing if you can work with him? If you happen to have a lump of coal — say, a cube about 10′ on a side, weighing in at 5-10 tons depending on type — you could ask Good Ol’ Saint Nick to give it to that piece of shit Obama, who’s been a very bad boy for much more than a year. Ballistic delivery to the White House residential wing should make the point nicely.
Profanity: Does “Fornicating Anal Orifice” count?
Not creative enough for OFD, probably, but the rest of the deplorables ought to get some small measure of comfort from it.
More on the They’re Not Like Us front:
And to continue yesterday’s discussion on high school experiences. My older sister graduated from high school here in 1966. Her senior year was the very first one where the county’s high schools were integrated; they didn’t get around to letting the little kids mix until 1971. My sister caused a near riot during that senior year by deigning to stop and give another young woman a ride to school in the midst of a driving rainstorm. The BEDs lost it, accosting & cursing my sister and threatening the other young woman and most of the other blacks on campus.
She might need to increase her use of profanity if she wants to fit in, but creative use of non-profanity
There are always the tried and true fart jokes, my Liege, my King. Phhhttt!
Those prep-interested ladies (Cassie, etc) will have to wade through (too) much political / race rhetoric here in the comments to find anything related to prepping.
I honestly wish there was less of that rhetoric here. But it’s not my blog.
More FLASHLIGHTS, more prepping, less of the other would be my preference.
I’ve noticed that of all the Dumbocrat analysis of “why Cankles lost”, none of it points to the number one cause: Cankles herself. Surely she’s dead politically. How long before the Dumbo’s throw her under the bus. BJ was useless on the stump for her, also. Ms. Hubbell has even less charisma than Ma Barker. Could the Klinton Krime Family be done?
It’s a good thing, Bob. We are west of you, so if you take him out, Cindy Lou Who would not get her toys. I don’t want to see what she will do if that happens.
I’ve never tried to control comments here, unless you count the time 10 or 15 years ago when I accidentally banned Ray.
“Obama On Pace To Increase The Debt By Stunning $2.4 Trillion This Year”
“According to data released by the Treasury Department yesterday, the US national debt has soared by a whopping $294 billion since the start of the 2017 fiscal year, just 45 days ago.”
That’s an annualized increase of 14%.”
Do we have an unknown ELE getting ready to happen ? What is all this money being spent on ?
And the event horizon for the financial apocalypse of the USA grows ever closer.
What is all this money being spent on ?
It’ll take all the money just to print all the new regulations Obuttwad will excrete before he’s gone. 527 new PAGES of regulations this week. We’ll need to buy a forest to keep up.
Baked Cyndi Lu Who. Yum.
Our problem is we don’t have some silly symbol. Suggestions?
……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”…\………. _.·´
“And the event horizon for the financial apocalypse of the USA grows ever closer.”
That is correct, sir. What are we gonna do, keep jacking up the debt to $25 trillion, $30 trillions, etc.? What’s all the money being spent on? Entitlements, mainly, and then of course whole chit-tons of it is simply wasted, and then there is the interest on the debt. I’m not an economist or financial wizard but I can do simple arithmetic and we are not far from some kind of debacle for this house of cards. No idea what the rulers will do, but declaring DEFAULT on that debt is one major possibility.
“Could the Klinton Krime Family be done?”
No. They have many tens of millions, possibly hundreds of millions. We’ll never really know the full extent of their thievery and chicanery worldwide, like sending aid to Haiti, and going all the way back to Larry’s drug-running out of the Arkansas governor’s mansion. And even then Cankles was screaming obscenities at staff and throwing objects at people. My how she’s grown with all that power and wealth!
I still don’t think either one of them is gonna survive much longer on this side of the grass, and good riddance. But then Princess Chelsea comes into the whole shebang and word is that she’s a true chip off the old block and as much of a psycho bitch as the dam who whelped her. So figure on her running for various political offices in safe commie districts and moving on up over time, with many millions to grease the skids.
Nooz from the other Lake Woebegone up here, and I say woebegone because the wotta level is down at least three feet: Two windows done out of the four on wife’s studio; other two will be done tomorrow, and she’s close to ecstatic already, with many plans afoot. Four ground-floor windows and shutters on the house will get done after Xmas and the four remaining upstairs windows and shutters in the spring. I’m pushing hard for at least a storm door on the back before it gets real wintry here, and meanwhile I’ll be replacing hinge screws on both doors with longer ones, and looking into kick plates and better strike plates and locks at a minimum.
See, I’m yakking about prepping.
Then this winter, assuming I can manage it physically, I’ll really be cranking on cellar food and wotta storage and my attic work space finally. I should take before-and-after pics for these projects and dump them on whatever sharing site that can be reached from this blog. I was looking into DropBox alternatives but forgot which one I’d settled on, senility continues to kick in good and hard.
And back from vets group; mostly discussed our various medical ailments and psychological issues and joked around some. We don’t get into politics or religion in this group because peeps get aroused really fast to no good ends. Although the war and vets issues can do that occasionally, too.
One of our brothers went off the deep end down in Essex last night, apparently; 45-year-old Desert Shitstorm vet, thought he was being ambushed by hadjis and lit off 17 rounds at his apartment complex. He was arraigned today and shipped down to the crisis ward we call “Ground East” at the White River Junction VA Med Center afterward.
Wife supposedly cooking up a turkey chili but keeps running out to the studio and staring at the inside and PLANNING more stuff.
“I should take before-and-after pics for these projects and dump them on whatever sharing site”
Post an article here.
Sure, I will, but as we all know, a pic is worth a thousand words, amirite?
You can include images in an article.
Well, Okey-Dokey, then; from within the WP dashboard? Or some other method with which I am heretofore unacquainted?
Doesn’t count… unless it was a Freudian slip.
Tut-tut. You’re not supposed to give children, whether human or who, marijuana.
Should rephrase, lest someone take the opportunity to suggest you have a screw loose.
(Wouldn’t be I. Not because of common human decency or anything like that, but because of pride of workmanship. That one’s too obvious.) (Though it possibly could form the basis of a worthwhile insult. The babies crying about Trump’s victory, loose screws, and becoming unwhinged. Something along those lines.)
Nooz from the other Lake Woebegone up here, and I say woebegone because the wotta level is down at least three feet
Soon you’ll be Lake Mead East.
No. They have many tens of millions, possibly hundreds of millions.
I think the Libturdians are just as sick of them as us Dirt People. If the KKF doesn’t show up in the news, a lot, next year, I predict they’ll fade out like one of Mr. SteveF’s magnificent farts.
Yes. Just go to Posts –> Add New and start typing in the editor box.
Dave, a WP editor can upload media, including pictures, and then stuff them into a post or article. WP setups vary, so I can’t be much more specific, but generally there’ll be an “upload media” link or button.
OK, did that and hit “Publish” and the clickable title ended up at the top right of today’s Daynotes page….instead of in just a regular ol’ senile post by me. That can’t be right, can it?
I thought your head would be bigger.
RBT, I’m coming around to your way of thinking regarding Amazon, the Kindle Fire, and FireOS. I really liked the way my old KF, the original version, worked, but Amazon keeps “upgrading” the OS on my new one, larding it up with more and more crap that I don’t want and can’t get rid of, more snoopware, and ever-more intrusive buystufffromusware.
I’ll keep using this one until it’s worn out (even if I didn’t dislike waste, I’m generally too broke to toss operable stuff) but I think I’m done with Amazon hardware. My next tablet will be from another vendor, without the Amazon garbage.
Unless that’s not really you, but Mr. SteveF.
Dave, Try editing again.
That can’t be a picture of me. It has hair.
I know it’s trivial, but I love to watch what oxygen absorbers do to containers.
Whatever you do, do not buy a top load clothes washer with a glass lid. I lose time while watching it do its thing.
“Dave, Try editing again.”
Trashed it, put it back, and the link at the top right was still there all along anyway. So there I sit, at the top of today’s Daynotes page. Maybe for all time…
…so even when I trash it, that linkable title stays there.
Note for the advanced prepper, this is the kind of thing that turns up in auctions, if you are serious about medical preps….
I’d be surprised to see the lot go for more than $50.
(I’d be a bidder, except it just a bit too far away, and it’s the only lot I’m interested in. Lots of other potential bidders are probably thinking the same thing.)
Yeah, I’m regretting selling my ZSU-23/4. Here it is only 6 weeks until Christmas, and I have no idea of what to do for an anti-Santa gun.
Tried it. Didn’t work.
The ‘linkable title’ (the URL of the post/page that you are writing) is built from the title of the post the first time you save (even save-as-draft). If you want to change the URL afterwards, there’s an ‘edit’ button next to the URL above the editing area. Change the URL to what you want, and save it, then publish. The new URL will then be used.
If there is already an exact match to the URL you enter, a dash character and a number will be appended to the URL.
There’s lots of videos around on how to use the admin area of WP. I like the http://www.wpbeginners.com site; their videos are pretty good.
And posts are displayed on the main page in reverse-date order (newest first). If you want your post to go somewhere else, edit the ‘publish date’ on the right side when editing the post/page.
Rick H:
“” Those prep-interested ladies (Cassie, etc) will have to wade through (too) much political / race rhetoric here in the comments to find anything related to prepping.
I honestly wish there was less of that rhetoric here. But it’s not my blog.
More FLASHLIGHTS, more prepping, less of the other would be my preference. “”
“” I’ve never tried to control comments here, unless you count the time 10 or 15 years ago when I accidentally banned Ray. “”
Not my blog, neither, but I have tired of the political stuff, too.
There are valid reasons for prepping, but politics and such topics are mostly speculation and opinion (not that all that ain’t reasons to be scared and prepared).
Just accept that it’s likely that things could get worse (and fast).
The basics of prepping are practical and separate from the fears (real and imagined) that provoke prepping.
I don’t really expect to get to vote, but I suggest that we and y’all should all agree that there’s a good (bad) chance of bad (bad) stuff coming down, and the food and water and shelter and defense issues are the same, pretty much, for zombies or earthquakes or hurricanes or social unrest or civic disturbance or whatever…
We probably have “election fatigue” by now, which is understandable. And understandable also is how Trump or his “people” are already floating various RINO personalities for Cabinet roles, enough for that orange-is-the-new-black whacko’s teeth to set on edge and smoke steam from above his big fat head. So what deal did the art-of-the-deal genius make with them, the same asswipes who trashed him repeatedly during the campaign and tried to sandbag him? Unless the whole thing was just one long kabuki theater exercise, that is…
Anyway, anything can happen between now and 12/19 and 01/20.
We expect colder weather by Sunday night and a possibility, finally, of frost and snow. So, back to prepping for a long cold snowy winter with no power and potential goblins roaming the AO looking for trouble. All systems go.
Pax vobiscum, fratres.
P.S. Thanks to Rich H. for the WP tips and link to noob info, will check it accordingly so I don’t appear to be the complete fool I usually am, or senile, take yer pick.
One last “political” comment for the day, I was thinking that with Trump, the financial apocalypse was going to be delayed to the 20 year horizon. But with a $300 billion federal deficit already this fiscal year, my thinking is wrong. Looks like the financial apocalypse is just ten years off, if that long.
BTW, I’m not sure if everyone saw “The Survivalist Blog” from Tuesday but he had a nightmare scenario, “What Would YOU do?”
“Black Lives Matter supporters have turned violent. You watch the media coverage for days on the evening news. They are pulling Trump supporters out of their cars and beating them–just for having a Trump sticker on their car. They are burning down buildings. Even worse, they are going into neighborhoods and burning down houses. People are scared. One evening a mob approaches your house. You see the string of burning homes in the distance. You can see they mean business. You pull out your AR, give your wife the shotgun and prepare to defend your home and your family. They approach. You see the molotov cocktails in their hands. You see the torches lit. Others are carrying gasoline. They chant, “Cracker gonna pay.” As they get closer, you prepare to defend your home. Then you notice a woman carrying a baby. She is surrounded by men carrying molotov cocktails, torches and gasoline. Do you open fire? What are you willing to do to defend your country? Do you pause to wonder if authorities (and the media) will villainize you? What about the woman carrying the baby?”
If, as it appears, she has no concern for her baby’s safety, why should I?
She is surrounded by men carrying Molotov cocktails, torches and gasoline. Do you open fire?
In a heartbeat. My life and property is more important than some stupid cretin that puts themselves and their child in harms way.
She is surrounded by men carrying Molotov cocktails, torches and gasoline. Do you open fire?
That’s the kind of thinking that gets soldiers killed all the time.
Turned on the heat last night for the first time this season. Wife was complaining of being cold. Suggested she should spend more time at the stove.
On other notes the Kern High School District board called special session yesterday afternoon and voted to allow staff to carry. One conservative member did not run for re-election and this appears to be an effort to railroad the measure.
“Suggested she should spend more time at the stove. ”
You’ve been married too long to make rookie mistakes like that.
You’ve been married too long to make rookie mistakes like that.
After 26 years of marriage, I’ve learned my lesson. One of my testicles has been canned in a Mason jar for 25 years. She keeps it in the cupboard as a reminder.
She is surrounded by men carrying Molotov cocktails, torches and gasoline. Do you open fire?
No hesitation by me, however I have had serious discussions with my wife and daughter, they are the weak link as would be many women (my daughter more weak than my wife, of course).
Suggested she should spend more time at the stove.
And you survived. Although I hope you and the dog enjoy sharing quarters. If I said that to my wife I would be cooking my own meals for a couple of years after the two months in the hospital, if I survived.
I’d not hesitate in that situation. I might fire one warning shot, although probably not. (Reminds me of an actual police report I once read, “… So I fired three warning shots into his chest.”)
Otherwise, it’d be seven rounds of buckshot as fast as I could cycle the action, drop the shotgun, and start putting .223 or .308 rounds out as fast as I could. That’s assuming I couldn’t get to the control panel for my 0.1-gauge shotguns, which each put 40 pounds of scrap iron downrange at 1,500 ft/s.
Of course, that’s what I’d do if I hadn’t lost all of those firearms in a deep lake.
OFD doesn’t even wanna think about making stove comments like that. But of course, neither one of us ever complains about the cold here anyway. You’re more likely to hear us bitch about the heat in mid-summer when it might get above 85 one or two days. Cold? Fire up the woodstove, or load more wood into it, or put on a friggin’ sweater….
The mob toting Molotovs with a woman holding a baby in the middle; typical cowardly hadji or commie tactic, not to be sucked in by it, sez OFD, who remembers having to keep a close eye on kids and women in SEA hostile fire zones oh so long ago. Depending on proximity of said mob, I’m gonna just open on up with the 5.56 and let the chips fall where they may. Or by the time things get to that stage, maybe I’d have Mrs. OFD run that and I’ll pick off ringleaders, etc., with the .308 and take up the slack. If the woman with the baby makes it outta there OK, swell; if not:
Whatever that was you posted (Lithuanian?) I don’t understand. Google Translate claims it’s Thai, but gives the translation as ““.
The phonetic is:
See aitch eye doey kee, kop!
And it is Thai colloquial, northeast provinces, circa 1970s…
“Sorry about that shit, buddy!”
She is surrounded by men carrying Molotov cocktails, torches and gasoline. Do you open fire?
In a heartbeat. My life and property is more important than some stupid cretin that puts themselves and their child in harms way.
Unfortunately, yes. They are cannibals at this point.
One of the commenters on Creekmore’s board said that the baby is probably a doll.
…a doll packed with C4 or semtex, maybe…or just another bottle of gasoline mixed with soap flakes?
Double-tap street melon shots…
I always panic when I’m attacked by a mob, so I’d probably just sweep from one side to the other cranking out rounds until they’d all fled or fallen and stopped moving. Then I’d go back and fire aimed shots into each one’s head, starting towards the center back of the group of bodies, to make sure they were as dead as I intended them to be.