09:15 – The progressive attacks on Trump continue and accelerate on all fronts, as expected. Their problem is that Trump is not a member of the progressive team, so he has to be stopped at all costs. Ironic, considering that Trump is what would have been considered a moderate-to-liberal Democrat not all that long ago. Right now, the progs are pushing “cooperation”, which of course means convincing Trump to do things their way.
Email overnight from another newbie prepper, who’s concerned that Trump’s election means an increased likelihood of sustained violent civil unrest. I’ll call her Cassie, and she may well be right. Cassie reminds me a lot of Jen and Brittany, when they were just getting started. Cassie and her husband live in a rural area. They’re both in their mid- to late-20’s, and don’t have children or family living locally. She’s from out of the area. He’s an only child and his parents have retired to Florida. Cassie’s main focus at this point is food. They already have a 30-day supply of canned goods and dry staples, and Cassie would like to expand that significantly.
I suggested that Cassie follow the LDS recommendations for LTS food. Not the current ones, which were greatly reduced about 15 years ago, but the ones that the LDS Church revised greatly downward in 2002. The current recommendations provide only about 1,700 or 1,800 cal/day, which is enough to keep someone alive but constantly hungry. So I recommended the following amounts per person-month:
Grains – 30 pounds of pasta, rice, oats, cornmeal, etc. This provides roughly 50,000 calories, or about 1667 cal/day.
Beans – 5 pounds of dry beans. This provides another 8,000+ calories, or about 275 cal/day.
Oil – 2 pounds, or one quart/liter of vegetable oil, a small can of shortening, a jar of peanut butter, etc. This provides another 8,000+ calories, or about 275 cal/day.
Salt – about 12 ounces of iodized salt. No calories, but essential to life.
Multivitamins – 30 capsules, to replace vitamin deficiencies in LTS food, particularly after long storage.
All of this costs very little, and provides about 2,200 cal/day of complete nutrition. Once she’s accumulated as many person-months as she feels comfortable with, I recommended that Cassie begin adding cooking essentials (herbs and spices, bouillon, baking soda, baking powder, yeast, canned and/or dry milk, powdered eggs, butter, and cheese, etc.) as well as meal extenders (things to turn plain grains and beans into tasty meals; canned soups, stews, vegetables, etc.) Finally, I suggested she add as much canned meat as possible, which will be the most expensive part of her acquisitions.
“…Ironic, considering that Trump is what would have been considered a moderate-to-liberal Democrat not all that long ago. ”
That’s right, and today the Kennedy brothers would be considered hardcore wingnut fascists. This guy right here is a continuing problem who should be targeted and dealt with accordingly as an avowed enemy of this country:
And either the unrest and violence in the cities will fade with time and the arrival of colder weather, or not, and we’ll see how the regime deals with it. Or not.
Another gorgeous sunny day with blue skies and temps in the mid-50s here, kinda unusual for this area at this time of year. I blame the decades of fascist wingnut rule and Algore.
I think Cassie is right about what to expect, although perhaps not the details. What concerns me is that the feds have been kicking the can down the road economically/fiscally that they’re getting close to running out of road. If things are going to go even further downhill economically, the progs would like nothing better than for it to happen while Trump and the Republicans are in office.
Here’s fun morning thought:
Now here’s what I don’t get: the Negan meme is showing up more often on the net and I don’t grok the barbed-wire wrapped around the bat; what does that do except make a bigger mess and get tangled in flesh and hair? Yeah, I get it that it’s a form of terrorizing people, but as a quick method of whacking somebody, no. Plus you’re gonna get a mess all over yerself.
Can anyone here help a fragile old handicapped person with this?
But what really, really concerns me is what one person could do if he wanted to wreak havoc on this country. I concluded that I, even at age 63 and in my currently physically and mentally enfeebled state, could take actions that would kill tens to hundreds of millions of US citizens and take down critical infrastructure for months to years.
Give me three months to prepare, accumulating bulk quantities of commonly-available chemicals that aren’t tracked, preparing cultures of pathogens, etc. Then I go on a month-long road trip to visit various unguarded critical infrastructure sites. I take along large amounts of cash to pay for gas, food, lodging, etc. I plant timed explosives and thermite at these sites to take down pipelines, HV transmission towers, etc., all at multiple remote points. I poison/contaminate water supplies, bulk food storage sites, etc. Then I just sit back and watch the results. I don’t tell anyone what I plan to do, I pay cash for everything, etc. etc.
The feds claim to worry the most about lone-wolf terrorists. Make that singular. One smart, determined terrorist can wreak havoc, given the fragility of our infrastructure.
“If things are going to go even further downhill economically, the progs would like nothing better than for it to happen while Trump and the Republicans are in office.”
Good point. So we could expect Soros & Co., along with the usual elements here to accelerate their program of fomenting mass unrest and violence. I just wonder if the colder winter weather might put the kibosh on a lot of this, and be used by them as a period of planning and conspiring for next summer’s fun and games.
What I don’t get is how come we have the military and technical ability to strike targets with drones or whatever and freeze financial assets anywhere in the world, including taxing Murkan citizens who’ve never lived or worked here, but we can’t or won’t freeze this guy’s shit and send a Hellfire up his fossilized ass. As far as I’m concerned, he is an international terrorist who has been the prime mover in causing property damage and loss of life here and is a direct threat to the U.S. government.
“Can anyone here help a fragile old handicapped person with this?”
The writing on TWD gets worse and worse year after year. Barbara and I got up to about series four and bagged it.
“As far as I’m concerned, he is an international terrorist who has been the prime mover in causing property damage and loss of life here and is a direct threat to the U.S. government.”
Of course he is, but he’s also an ally and enabler of the progs, who are the ones making the decisions. As I suggested earlier, Trump should have him killed, perhaps by Mossad.
“One smart, determined terrorist can wreak havoc, given the fragility of our infrastructure.”
Absolutely. I’ve thought about this many times over the past 25 years, when I was seeing the aircraft stacked up by the dozen coming into or going out of the Newark airport as I commuted back and forth to grad skool and English instructor gigs. Just one guy could sit below somewhere and start taking them down, over oil and gas tanks and refineries and several major highway and rail arteries, plus all the communication and power plant infrastructure.
“…even at age 63 and in my currently physically and mentally enfeebled state, could take actions that would kill tens to hundreds of millions of US citizens and take down critical infrastructure for months to years.”
I don’t have your bio-chemical expertise but I bet I could find out enough info either online or otherwise to cobble together some nasty stuff, and I could certainly handle the pyrotechnic stuff. Simply a matter of doing the research and gathering the material for a few months and planning the targets and routes and Bob’s yer uncle!
And as others have pointed out here, Mr. Nick in particular, all it takes is a few phone calls and you can tie up a city’s EMS and other infrastructure for hours if not days at a time. A middle skool kid could do that.
“The writing on TWD gets worse and worse year after year. Barbara and I got up to about series four and bagged it.”
And that’s another thing I don’t grok: what is all this shit about zombies? For years now, zombies this and zombies that. I’m pretty sure we don’t have to worry about that sorta thing so why not make a series like that REALISTIC, like “Jericho” or “Revolution.” There is also an older series (can’t remember the title, maybe “Amerika”?) that can be found on the Toob starring Kris Kristofferson wherein the Soviets have taken over this country and imposed strict totalitarian rule, although peeps seem to move around pretty well over the countryside whenever they want. And another Russian flick with English subtitles called “Chekist,” I think, concerning how the Soviet terror and secret police machine operated.
Why make up crazy shit out of comic book sci-fi and horror when we have actual historical examples to use?
“Ironic, considering that Trump is what would have been considered a moderate-to-liberal Democrat not all that long ago.”
Another irony is that some of today’s progs claim that they would have fit in nicely with the EIsenhower and Nixon era Republicans. One person at Jerry Coyne’s blog said the last Republican he could have voted for was Tricky Dicky.
The feds claim to worry the most about lone-wolf terrorists. Make that singular. One smart, determined terrorist can wreak havoc, given the fragility of our infrastructure.
What probably saves the US is, ironically, the vast swaths of the country that are still highly xenophobic and instantly suspicious of anyone who “ain’t from around these parts”.
It isn’t as common in the South anymore, but, wow, I saw some places driving out west that may as well have a “Keep Out” sign posted at the freeway exit.
There are scads of places around the country “that may as well have a “Keep Out” sign posted at the freeway exit.” Including here in rural New England, and wife has seen a bunch of them in her travels for assignments to some pretty outta-the-way spots. I imagine MrAtoz and MrsAtoz have probably run into them, too. For Vermont, I give you large chunks of the Northeast Kingdom, and near the interstate, the area around and including Williamstown. Plus the forests just north of Bennington, which have seen quite a few people disappear over the decades.
But any lone-wolf attacks are most likely to strike at urban targets, as that is where they can generate the most casualties and publicity and in all too many cases these days, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel, thanks to “gun-free” zones. We should be learning how to deal with this stuff from the Israelis and the Russians but apparently no one can be bothered to deal with it until it hits.
From the Foreign Policy Wish List for the Inauguration Department:
This is all common sense, certainly not rocket science, yet even if Trump tries to implement any of it, he’ll face constant resistance and sabotage from the neocon sons of bitches. At that point, he should go on national tee-vee and lay it out to us all.
MrsAtoz is working with the Yurok Tribe in CA. There are some cranky NA’s, so I’m not going to show for that one. I still worry about a drive by in San Bernardino. High crime rate these days.
Well, it’s beautiful day in Vegas. The Sun is shining, tRump is still alive and the World hasn’t imploded. The Progs need to step up their game. Even the NFL Commissioner is ragging on tRump about domestic abuse. This from crime ridden, spouse abusing NFL. What a joke. Boycott the NFL! Sorry Mr. OFD. Maybe this will help you break one of your “last” sins. lol!
Pepsi CEO: Fuck tRump supporters. We don’t want your business
She should be cashiered immediately by the board or stock holders.
Donna Brazile: Long lines at polling places were a de facto Poll Tax on the poor.
Non-stop excuses from this BLMer. Why is she still at the DNC. The poor can’t stand in line like the rest of us? Bitch, please!
Zombies are a great ersatz foe. On one hand you can say ” hey look, we’re just playing.” And on the other, you can destroy the ravening hordes without remorse our being vilified because you are slaughtering inner city youths.
Donna Brazile: Long lines at polling places were a de facto Poll Tax on the poor.
I’m old enough to remember when Mike Dukakis fired Donna Brazille for starting marital infidelity rumors about Bush 41 in 1988, and I vaguely remember something ugly with Gary Hart in 1984. How does this woman keep finding her way back into the DNC upper ranks?
Affirmative Action.
Looked for details of the Pepsi CEO story. The first page of Google results contained one result from a mainstream outlet (Forbes). The rest were from, lets say “independent” sites.
@miles, I know yahoo isn’t MSM, but there is video….
Thanks. Yahoo counts as MSM, in a way. The “independents” were a reference to the kind of sites OFD usually quotes…
I miss Richard Nixon.
“The writing on TWD gets worse and worse year after year. Barbara and I got up to about series four and bagged it.”
And that’s another thing I don’t grok: what is all this s*** about zombies? For years now, zombies this and zombies that.
TWD is not about the zombies. All the zombies will do is eat you. It is your fellow survivors that you have to watch out for. They will torture you and then toss you to the zombies. Oh wait, some of the survivors will eat you too.
BTW, I am watching several EOTWAWKI shows now: “The Walking Dead”, “Aftermath”, “Z-nation”, “Van Helsing”, and “The Last Man on Earth”. All grade B with occasional slips down to C but entertaining as all get out.
BTW, I am watching several EOTWAWKI shows now: “The Walking Dead”, “Aftermath”, “Z-nation”, “Van Helsing”, and “The Last Man on Earth”. All grade B with occasional slips down to C but entertaining as all get out.
“The Last Ship” is entertaining EOTWAWKI drama at times if you can get past the concept of “Dr. McSteamy” and a Baldwin brother as Navy captains. No zombies, however, but they do manage decent action scenes on a basic cable budget.
I forgot the other EOTWAWKI show that I am watching, “Designated Survivor” with Kiefer Sutherland. Not bad.
I tried “The Last Ship” and “The Strain” and bailed on both. And Dr. McSteamy was a detriment to the show for me.
“Illegals demand Obama issue mass pardons, last-ditch effort to stop Trump deportations”
Ah, here is what I am waiting for. Can Obola do this ?
Obola plans to wreck as much as he can before he actually leaves office. And just wait for all the pardons that roll out near the end.
I’m seeing tRump backing off a bunch of stuff he said he’d do already, but I expected that, and only hope that he will continue to not get us into any more wars, end the wars we’re in now, and leave my guns alone. If that’s all, then I’m good up here.
and a Baldwin brother as Navy captains
FWIW Adam Baldwin (Jayne) is not one of *those* Baldwin brothers. A common mistake.
President Obama warned Tuesday that Americans and people around the world “are going to have to guard against a rise in a crude sort of nationalism, or ethnic identity, or tribalism” taking root amid the populist movements that are gaining currency around the world.
Except if you are BLAAAACK or MOOOOSLIM, then have at it and you are a protected minority. Ofukstik till the end. I wonder how much dough we lost on his latest boondogle to Europe: Greece and fucking *Peru*? What, is he looking for more crimmigrants to fly over?
“Hard Drive Stats for Q3 2016: Less is More”
“In our last report for Q2 2016, we counted 68,813 spinning hard drives in operation. For Q3 2016 we have 67,642 drives, or 1,171 fewer hard drives. Stop, put down that Twitter account, Backblaze is not shrinking. In fact, we’re growing very nicely and are approaching 300 petabytes of data under our management. We have fewer drives because over the last quarter we swapped out more than 3,500 2 terabyte (TB) HGST and WDC hard drives for 2,400 8 TB Seagate drives. So we have fewer drives, but more data. Lots more data! We’ll get into the specifics a little later on, but first, let’s take a look at our Q3 2016 drive stats.”
Back away from the Seagate 4 TB and the WDC 6 TB drives !
Wow, they are putting 10 PB in a single case !
Wow, they are putting 10 PB in a single case !
Incompetent !
Make that 10 PB in a single vault of 20 storage pods. A storage pod is a single case with 60 hard drives.
Dirty Harry Reid on Senate Floor: “hate crimes are up after tRump elected”
Absolutely no proof of that or correlation. CNN just reports it with no challenges. They never learn. Please, Harry, die sooner rather than later.
I got my two new, and two old ‘window boxes’ planted this afternoon, and had the FIL turn over one of the beds and mix in the manure.
Onion, turnip, beets, and radishes.
I need to get the carrots and something else into the back bed.
Collards are doing well in one of the beds.
Still getting limes, waiting for the lemons, and I’ve got the mini grapefruits
Something ate the remaining pepper plants down to the stems, so no more peppers for the year.
Still stackin’.
So if you call the President-Elect a sexual predator, is that actionable ? “Conway: Harry Reid Should Be ‘Very Careful’ With His Attacks on Trump ”
“Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) issued a controversial statement on Friday, calling President-elect Donald Trump “a sexual predator who lost the popular vote and fueled his campaign with bigotry and hate.””
“She added that Reid “should be very careful” about how he characterizes Trump in a legal sense.”
Something ate the remaining pepper plants down to the stems, so no more peppers for the year.
Do you have a dog ? I had a Lab back in the 1980s who ate a rose bush down to the ground.
Hairy Reed is probably just jealous that tRump didn’t feel for his feet under the mens’ room stall and set up an appointment. Plus he’s still a little woozy from the beating he took off that Stairmaster.
Part of Harry “fukstik” Reid’s MO is to say these things on the Senate Floor and claim immunity. Apparently you can lie on the SF and it doesn’t count. Remember Romney’s taxes? Fukstik Reid has even come out and laughed at what he said as a lie, plus “it worked.”
More hate and bigotry for a Tuesday evening’s meditation…
At least two generations lost to this chit. Remarked to wife last night that our generation is the last one to know how to read and enjoy reading and learn from reading.
Love the Devil cartoon in the comments.
[snip] One smart, determined terrorist can wreak havoc, given the fragility of our infrastructure. [snip]
I’ve often wondered how difficult it would be to weapon-ize clostridium botulinum. Maybe spray it from a drone over a large crowd of anti-Trump protesters.
That was a fun read.
I added this comment,
By leaving the union you will ensure that a) other lefty states must as well, which b) will ensure a right wing, no, an overwhelming right wing majority in the rest of the United States, probably in perpetuity.
“Sorry but Texas is turning blue with all of the California and Michigan imports. They may leave their home because of the taxes and obscene regulations but they bring their politics here.”.
And I totally agreed with this comment, “It should also be said that those knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing high school graduates helped elect Obama in 2008 and 2012. Now they’re racist bigots.”
“I mean, when you have freaking Michael Moore defending working-class voters, you really need to rethink your beliefs.”
BTW, that is the same Tom Kratman who wrote about the EU turning into a Caliphate, “Caliphate”:
And Texas secession under a Hildebeast presidency, “A State of Disobedience”:
@pcb_duffer, we were talking about Neal Stephenson here the other day. His novel The Cobweb (writing as Stephen Bury) deals with that exact scenario. He usually does a bunch of research, so it’s a good read that probably has some good background….
Should I blame my Schadenboner on Whitelash? Do I add Whitelash to the long list of things Progs/SJW/BLMers accuse me of? I’m so hurt.
“I’m so hurt.”
I believe the correct current expression is “butt-hurt.” Used to see it constantly on FaceCrack years ago.
I have almost as huge a Shadenboner as that guy who mentioned how he wanted to wash his car with their tears, hahaha. I thought that was great. And of course the ‘lamentations of the women…” Most of the chicks in all them pics and vids are weeping or crying, but you look at the guys and they just look like they’ve been told they have to do high skool over again or that Dad is taking away the iPhone.
C. botulinum isn’t pathogenic, so it’d be tough to weaponize it. We all consume these bacteria by the millions constantly. It’s the toxin that’s deadly.
So if you call the President-Elect a sexual predator, is that actionable ?
If you say it in Congress, it’s not actionable. They have absolute immunity for what they say there.
Oh, and Trump is not yet president-elect, as the Electoral College hasn’t met, voted, and the ballots counted by the House.
Dave Hardy says: 15 November 2016 at 12:11 We should be learning how to deal with this stuff from the Israelis and the Russians but apparently no one can be bothered to deal with it until it hits.
Might be careful what you wish for:
from – http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/israel
In Israel, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law
In Israel, civilian possession of automatic weapons is regulated by law
In Israel, civilian possession of handguns is regulated by law
In Israel, civilian possession of rifles and shotguns is regulated by law
Applicants for a gun owner’s licence in Israel are required to establish a genuine reason to possess a firearm, for example self-defence, hunting and sport
The minimum age for gun ownership in Israel is 27 years, or 21 years if served in the military
An applicant for a firearm licence in Israel must pass a background check which considers health, mental Health and criminal62 5 20 58 records
In Israel, gun owners must re-apply and re-qualify for their firearm licence every three years
Licensed firearm owners in Israel are permitted to possess one firearm per licence
Licensed firearm owners in Israel are permitted to possess a limited quantity of ammunition
In Israel, the maximum penalty for unlawful possession of a firearm74 is 10 years in prison
from – http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/russia
In Russia, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law
In Russia, civilians are not allowed to possess automatic firearms and handguns
In Russia, private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is prohibited
In Russia, civilian possession of rifles and shotguns is regulated by law
In Russia, only licensed gun owners59 60 9 may lawfully acquire, possess or transfer a firearm or ammunition
Applicants for a gun owner’s licence in Russia are required to establish a genuine reason to possess a firearm, for example hunting, target shooting, collection, personal protection, security
The minimum age for gun ownership in Russia is 18 years
An applicant for a firearm licence in Russia must pass a background check which considers criminal, mental health, and medical60 61 9 records
In Russia, an understanding of firearm safety and the law, tested in a theoretical and/or practical training course is required2 for a firearm licence
In Russia, gun owners must re-apply and re-qualify for their firearm licence every five years
In Russia, the maximum penalty for unlawful possession of a firearm70 is eight years in prison and a fine
In Russia, carrying a firearm in plain view in a public place is prohibited, with some exceptions
In Russia, carrying a concealed firearm in a public place is prohibited, with some exceptions
@paul, he meant send in the hit squads….
“Sorry but Texas is turning blue with all of the California and Michigan imports. They may leave their home because of the taxes and obscene regulations but they bring their politics here.”
Driving to campus before the election, I ended up behind a Suburu with Texas plates but UC Irvine and “Hillary” bumper stickers.
As much as I don’t want Texas to be like CA, God help us if our end of Austin turns into Irvine East.
I remember when Irvine used to be the Silicon Valley of Southern California.
MrAtoz wrote:
“Dirty Harry Reid on Senate Floor: “hate crimes are up after tRump elected”
Absolutely no proof of that or correlation. CNN just reports it with no challenges. They never learn. Please, Harry, die sooner rather than later.”
What he meant was ‘hate crimes by progs and their lackeys.’
Seems to me that hit squads are much more effective when the weapons are all under control, isn’t that what folks in this country have been concerned about?
Sure, but we’re different. Too many existing guns to get them all, so do you really want to die trying?
Anyway, I’m pretty sure it was a reference to Mossad tracking down and killing all the Entebe terrorists, and to Russia, WROL, just killing chechnians. In any case, it was about dealing with terrorists, not upright citizens.
Certainly we should be treating terror attacks as warfare and not as a crime. Unless there is conspiracy, with some surviving conspirators to prosecute, treating an attack as a crime is a pointless masturbation for law enforcement. We know who did it, his DNA is all over the side of the building. He can’t be tried or punished. With warfare, after an attack you counter attack. You attack the command structure. You kill them without trial. Don’t fuck about for years building a case. Respond.
@nick said: “Too many existing guns to get them all,…”
IIRC the citizens down under (Australia for you folks in Rio Linda) “willingly” turned in all their guns.
Down under is less than 1/10 the population of the US, and I bet there are still plenty of guns.
I would be *shocked* if everyone turned in every one. And I’m pretty sure I read that there are exceptions to the turn in.
In any case, building guns isn’t hard. In the US it’s even completely legal, for self use.
There are MANY places in the world where the locals make guns by hand from nothing but chunks of metal using hacksaws and files.
A couple of quick youtube searches and it’s pretty clear that in extremis or with sufficient time and motivation, arming up isn’t hard.
I’ll also point out that when things go pear shaped, there are suddenly LOTS more guns around. Outside sources flood in, and there are always ‘mobile resupply pods’ available. The vast majority of cops and soldiers are not super warrior ninjas and are just as vulnerable as anyone else to lead poisoning, fire, honey pots, a sharpened stick, and coercion.
Imagine for a moment that some of the fever dreams come true, and we find UN forces deployed here to do the jobs Americans won’t do, like trying to collect guns from an unwilling populous. These are not crack troops. They will be isolated by culture and language. They will have large stockpiles of weapons somewhere. There are over 700K Gulf war veterans in TX alone. Some assembly needed.
A million veterans in Floriduh. And 40,000 in northern Vermont counties. This is a pretty small town and it has BOTH a Legion post and a VFW post and both of them are very busy all the time with all kinds of stuff. Then we have the gun range and associated club, and the fact that effectively, there ARE NO gun laws here.
And yeah, my previous comments about the Israelis and Russians referred to their success in dealing with terrorists that can’t be gotten to in the usual ways. I consider Soros a terrorist mastermind, like Osama bin Laden and he needs to go. While also freezing/seizing all financial assets (if our gummint can do that with ordinary schmuck citizens living overseas….)
DH, with all of those gun and other freedoms, why is Vermont such a deep blue state ?
At a guess, it’s because VT used to be an almost entirely rural state with very low population. Then a bunch of government employee scum from NYC moved up there to retire, because their NYC pensions stretched a lot farther with the Vermont property values.
I know that Vermont has been the NYC equivalent of Californicated. I don’t know whether it was enough to flip the politics.
I am surprised that Vermont has not changed into a bunch of gun grabbers like the other deep blue states.
I believe that Vermont is blue at the state level and in college tows, but deep red otherwise.
But aren’t all the states that are as blue as Vermont, gun grabbers ?
Something is very strange here. Or maybe the gun grabbers in Vermont are just biding their time.
I have not heard about gun grabbers in NM and NV yet. But I have heard gun grabbers in VA, OR, CA, WA, IL, CO, CT, NY, and NJ.
Mr. SteveF and RBT have it right; this was a mostly rural, agricultural state and it still is, outside the college towns and the Montpeculiar-Burlap Corridor (Chittenden County). It has long had and still does, a very strong hunting and fishing culture as well.
Oh, make no mistake; there are periodic efforts by commie scum here and there to chip away at our gun rights but in all the years that I’ve lived up here, they’ve been soundly defeated. I know they’re biding their time, but I don’t think they’ll ever get the numbers and the votes to do what they want. And every single time one of these bastards tries, I check their biographies and find that they’re originally from out of state, and usually places like the NYC area, NJ, CT, etc.
I’ve told this story before here; when we still living in Montpeculiar (which I hated), the commies waited until the City Manager was out of town on a business trip and tried to use the City Council to fire up an anti-gun ordinance. Word got out wicked fast and when the time came for the meeting that night, the city hall was jam-packed and overflow went out onto Main Street, hundreds of people, many or most of them obviously armed. The cops just stood by and kept an eye on things. Buh-bye stealth ordinance.
Such ordinances have even failed in Burlap itself, the main city and a major college town. And the commies who try usually become the objects of ridicule and jokes.
Otherwise, yeah, it’s a blue state; but we just elected a Repub governor again (Dem Lt. Gov.) and like Maffachufetts, has the highest casualty numbers from our War of Northern Aggression. And still has, as I’ve mentioned, large numbers of veterans outside the cities and college towns.
Mr. SteveF and RBT have it right; this was a mostly rural, agricultural state and it still is, outside the college towns and the Montpeculiar-Burlap Corridor (Chittenden County). It has long had and still does, a very strong hunting and fishing culture as well.
The reason why I am so concerned about this is that this is Texas in 10 years, 20 years max. The immigration to Texas is very liberal. We will vote blue soon.
I think that in 10 years, let alone 20, things will be very different. In the past, I’ve estimated that the probability of a catastrophic event is about 0.03/year. That’s roughly a 34% chance within 10 years, and an 81% chance within 20 years. And my 0.03 estimate does not include financial meltdown.