20:20 – Go fill up your gas tanks now. Colonial Pipeline #1 just blew up near the break from a couple weeks ago. My Trooper has 6 miles on the trip. Barbara’s car was down to half a tank, so she just now headed out to fill her tank.
09:27 – I got my Fire HD7 updated to Fire OS 5.x yesterday. The current version of the Silk browser is still pathetic, but at least it’s better than the 4.x version. I installed Adguard, which seems to work well in blocking ads.
There’s little point to visiting news websites right now. All of them, from MSM to Alt-Right, are focused on the election, and none of them has anything useful to say. Polls, polls, polls, Comey, Comey, Comey, Weiner, Weiner, Weiner, blah, blah, blah. Who gives a shit?
I did see one interesting post by a Tennessee state senator who took a drive through his district and into SE Kentucky to look at the autumn leaves and political signs. He spotted two Clinton signs and 56 Trump signs. Granted, that area, like most of the US, hates Clinton, but even so. I also saw an article about someone dumping a load of cow shit at an Ohio Democrat headquarters. That seems only fair, returning their property to them.
Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your point of view), no one seems to be shooting politicians yet or committing other violent acts. I have noticed that the muslim scum seem to be very quiet lately, which leads me to think they’re Clinton supporters. One or two terrorist bombings/shootings would probably shift a lot of votes to Trump.
I’ve had a lot of emails from people concerning their plans for election day. Most of them, particularly those in small towns and rural areas, plan to treat it as they would any other day. A fair percentage of those who live in larger towns and cities plan to stick pretty close to home next Tuesday and Wednesday. I don’t expect any widespread violence, but I’ve been wrong before. And, sitting where we are and as prepared as we are, that’s easy for me to say. If we lived in an urban/suburban setting, I’d be a lot more concerned. If that’s your situation, you now have a week left to make at least minimal preparations.
ScottAdams made the same observation about terror and H, and the intarwebs had a fit. Specifically, H’s people came after him in a coordinated attack.
I don’t expect much actual violence until AFTER the election, when people get upset at the result or the process. Still, I might throw a bag with a riot gun in the truck, just in case.
One of the things Academy Sports had at 40% off was the one liter size pepper spray. I think that might be a good crowd control/riot escape item to have in the vehicles. If your car gets surrounded, roll down the window and let fly. ‘Course, you need to fly too or you are gonna get swarmed by angry rioters. It might just open the hole you need though. At $15 it is at least another option…
If you’re in a vehicle, just gently nudge people out of your way, say at around 30 MPH. My SUV weighs more than two tons empty, call it 20 to 25 times as much as a person. As long as there’s not a solid wall of rioters, I could probably get through them. I have a good bumper, high ground clearance, and 4WD.
As to the election, I’d expect any civil unrest that occurs to break out on Tuesday evening and get progressively (geddit?) worse into Wednesday and Thursday.
It’s not a good equation. Normals literally hate progressives, and progressives literally hate Normals. We’ve already seen calls from BLM terrorists to murder whites at random. If that actually starts to happen on a large scale, expect to see whites fighting back. When Normals finally realize that the federal government not only isn’t going to help them but is actively aiding the prog terrorists, expect all hell to break loose.
“I have noticed that the muslim scum seem to be very quiet lately, which leads me to think they’re Clinton supporters.
Gee, what a coincidence.
How ’bout this for paranoia: Obola told them all to lay low for now and keep quiet, at least here, and overseas in Europe the nabobs in Brussels did likewise. The only violent musloid activity seems to be in the usual areas, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc., and mostly against each other. Or, more likely, Obola told his own cadre to STFU but the active cells here and the lone wolves all on the same page know enough to keep quiet until 11/8 or thereabouts.
Overcast again; off to various errands and chores; new appointment w/state veterans service officer on 11/10 up here at the Legion post, regarding my disability filing. Get to go through several harrowing incidents/events again with her that I’ve been through before and thought were pretty much well tossed about with my CPT program and therapists last year. Just in time for Armistice Day, lol.
So, what we need to do is take a page from the Democrat playbook and conduct a couple of false flag operations. Scream “Allah ackbar!” and shoot into a crowd before driving away in a stolen car. The next town over, drive a (stolen) low rider through a crowd while yelling “La Raza rules, bitches!”
I hope nothing at all happens. I’ve read enough history to know these things almost never work out well. I sympathize with those who fear Trump as a loose cannon, because I feel the same way. I wish we could get back to the way things used to be, say before Lincoln was elected, but that world is gone forever and there’s no going back. Hell, the time before Clinton was elected is also gone forever.
But if a lot of people start shooting, we’re all going to look back on THESE as the Good Olde Days.
This guy can really throw a punch. And this girl can really take one.
Watch the video for the pre-attack indicators though.
Her- facial grooming
Him- the look around (check for witnesses)
He also draws a breath and gives a little bounce on his feet, but by then he’s swinging….
not like us.
Yah. We’ll see over the coming week, and then over the rest of November.
Several people in the past couple days have been letting their Hillary Freeq Flag fly. This is at work, another parent at my daughter’s dance lesson, and such. They fear, or claim to fear, the vast right-wing conspiracy and its dirty tricks, and some kind of violence is a near certainty. To be clear, they were talking about planned violence like shootings near polling places with large minority populations or mock terrorist acts such as I suggested above. I don’t know if they really fear such a thing or if they were just playing it up to make themselves seem the beleaguered underdogs.
FWIW, the freeqs were all middle-aged women and 30-ish men. The men are all programmers and engineers. No idea what education or career the women have.
Fish antibiotics are frequently discussed here and most recently how the gooberment is going to make obtaining them harder. A post on The Survivalist Blog has a view:
The gooberment’s excuse for additional control is the abuse of antibiotics in farm animals.
This is a glittering generality.
I know many “family farmers” for everything from chickens to goats to cattle (meat and/or milking) and NONE of them use antibiotics prophylactically. When there is a problem that requires an antibiotic it is used carefully and no longer than absolutely necessary.
Where there is a problem is with Big Farm (i.e. corporate farms) where antibiotic use is part of the daily regimen in feed/water and regularly as shots.
So just another example of the bias against the common man.
Watch the other hand.
I actually think the VFD is a good idea. Most resistance to antibiotics develops because of their overuse agriculturally. It’s not so much prophylactic use as it is that frequent administration of antibiotics for some reason allows livestock to grow faster, add more weight, produce more eggs, etc. etc. In my experience, as you say, it’s not small-scale farmers who use antibiotics routinely. It’s factory farms.
Scott Adams has another good blog post today:
Watch the other hand. particularly around Weiner
Hah, Peter Theil just used the “the media take Trump literally, but not seriously, while the voters take Trump seriously but not literally.”
Nice to see some of the memes moving out into the world.
USPS brought me my latest antibiotic order this morning, so I just added 25 to 50 courses of doxycycline and half a dozen courses of levofloxacin to my freezer.
For each of the antibiotics I ordered I printed out the dosing information from drugs.com. It seems reasonably thorough for each use indication. Does anyone have a better recommendation?
Also, can someone point me to a good tutorial on GMRS and PL, CTCSS, DCS, etc? Basically, what all those columns are about when I’m programming my UV-82 with CHIRP. I don’t want to do any broadcasting without fully understanding what I’m doing.
Someone has done most of the work for you. See here for a great starting point:
There’s little point to visiting news websites right now. All of them, from MSM to Alt-Right, are focused on the election, and none of them has anything useful to say. Polls, polls, polls, Comey, Comey, Comey, Weiner, Weiner, Weiner, blah, blah, blah.
It is overwhelming with all of the smoke in the Clinton campaign. Best to vote for Trump.
But if a lot of people start shooting, we’re all going to look back on THESE as the Good Olde Days.
No freaking joke. I do expect some general demonstrations when Trump wins. I hope that people will not burn their neighbors homes down though. And George Soros needs to be arrested and tried for inciting riots across the USA (refer to to the James O’Keefe videos):
RCP poll: tRump +4 HFS! Maybe the corruption is making sense to Boobus!
@JLP, “I don’t want to do any broadcasting without fully understanding what I’m doing.”
as long as this doesn’t turn into an excuse for not doing it
The sentiment is admirable, but I see too many people who never get started because of the completeness thing. (and just because hams tend to pedantic- you never are broadcasting, you are transmitting. Broadcasting has a specific meaning and it is not legal on any of the freqs available to us. It’s the one thing that the FCC routinely enforces with big penalties.)
IMO, the best way to really learn ham and radio topics is to do them, and at some point you just have to dive in.
You need one or two channels programmed to get started–the main or busiest repeater in your town, and the second busiest. Spend some time listening to get a feel for the vibe and protocols people are using. They will generally be friendly and welcoming, and if they aren’t, try another repeater.
Having the GMRS and FRS freqs in your (not type compliant and therefore technically illegal for transmitting) baofang is great but lack should not be an impediment to getting started communicating. (again with the pedantic- use of the marine freqs when not on the water, also bad, also very commonly enforced)
And putting my ham aside, yeah, have all those freq in your radio. All the FEMA interop ones too. And the NOAA weather radio. Just mark the stuff you really shouldn’t be on as no transmit. As previously discussed, no one will know what type of radio you are using unless you tell them, and it is very handy to have the capability all in one place.
There are a couple of good youtubers, if you are asleep or bored in the first 3 minutes, try another. Search for ‘getting started with UV-82’ or ‘programming my UV82’ and in general, stick with the guys with callsigns. The prepper comms guys can come later.
commsprepper has a bunch of posts, guerrillacomm is a pro working in radio and also prolific but a bit more technical, and there are others
You may find you like it as a hobby, and them you can learn more, but first, learn it just enough to communicate, which is the goal of the whole exercise (not learning esoterica bout a specific model of radio). Otherwise, a scanner is a better choice (and is complementary to your radio and recommended.)
(I don’t have that model, but I have the UV-5plus+ and like it. I’ve got a bunch of other radios too. I can try to answer any radio questions, but won’t be able to answer questions about that specific radio, if you get my meaning.)
added- traffic on your local repeaters often varies tremendously with time and day of the week. If you aren’t hearing anyone, listen during commute times. Many repeater operators will link to world wide conference servers over the internet, and there will be organized nets with participants from all over. I regularly listen to a couple of daily nets. For that matter, I’ve always got the scanner in the garage listening to the main coverage repeater in Houston. That is a good way to discover when the most traffic occurs.
No one has a license to br0adcast in the amateur bands. Amateurs only have a license to transmit.
The one book you should get is this one, the ARRL’s study guide for the Technician Exam. I recommend watching these videos by Dave Cassler on YouTube to familiarize yourself with the content of the book. In my opinion, Cassler is the most expert of all the amateur radio people on YouTube. The ARRL has free practice exams you can take. You can even take the exam for free at these places.
Before I took the exams, I knew how to listen to NOAA on my Baofeng UV-82. After I took the exams I had the knowledge to find the one repeater in my area that is potentially a better source of weather information than the canned NOAA FM Broadcast.
ug, the stupid is especially strong on FB.
“I don’t know where all of my old emails are and neither do you, and I DON”T CARE”
I guess he doesn’t care about the influence peddling, pay for play, bullying rape victims, personal enrichment, or other rampant lawlessness and corruption either. Jesua Wept.
And I’ve got a friend still beating the drum for the soft Socialist in Libertarian clothes. He fell for the hydrogen from aluminum home brew free energy for your car thing too. Not savvy, but not stupid enough to believe in Johnson, I thought.
With CHIRP one you set the receive frequency you can usually set the transmit frequency to 0 to disable the ability to transmit on that channel.
And why do we even have a headline like this:
WTF is a supposed ‘news’ organization doing with ANY sort of official relationship with the head of a political party during an election year? These fuckers are so brazen it beggars belief.
Note- why I don’t worry too much about programming radios….
With 100+ channels you will need a booklet to know where you put everything, and most people (unless traveling) will never use more than one or two repeaters. Alpha tags help, but most of the cheap radios don’t support them (IIRC). Even if you tag it, does “W5NBT” help you to know what’s on that channel? For the widely used (and technically illegal) channels like FRS and GMRS, NOAA, and the FEMA channels, alphas make sense. (BUT- several different FRS radio manfs used different channel numbers for the freqs, so you have to confirm anyway.)
Anyway, it doesn’t hurt to have all that stuff already in your radio, but you don’t need it. For noaa, go to 162 and scan up until you hear it. You will probably only hear 1 or2 in your AO anyway, so why clutter up your memories? Same with repeaters for places you rarely go.
Added- and there are surprisingly few hams chatting on repeaters in most places. Lots listening, but almost everywhere outside of Houston and my main repeater, I’m lucky to hear a single conversation when scanning around.
I’ve heard one conversation online, and one ARES meeting. Other than that I’ve mostly heard repeaters automatically announcing their presence.
I am suitably chastised over my misuse of the word “broadcast”. I am now slightly wiser than I was this morning. In fact, every time I read this blog I leave slightly wiser.
Thanks for the advice, Nick. Time to stop dithering and give it a try. With only a couple of watts of power I doubt I can do too much damage before I realize my mistake or someone corrects me.
I voted this morning, less than ten minutes from out of my car to back in. During the primary, my presenting a passport as identification threw them off, so I just used my driver’s license this time. Several of my friends are planning to present their concealed carry permit, which the voter guide says is also okay.
The Supervisor of Election’s site says there are ~118,000 registered voters in the county, and as of 3PM today ~ 30,000 have already voted. The D/R voting ratio looks fairly close to the overall % in the county, but the Others don’t seem to be making much of an appearance yet.
Right now I’m just listening to the shortwave and the scanner off and on when I’m in the office with the main desktop. Haven’t messed with listening to the local repeater and local hams yet; got those radios in go-bags, and need to get outside and play with them this fall.
Appointment time for my shot/s at the VA changed to 09:15 tomorrow so I get an extra hour of sleep, thanks, VA medicos! Wife has to come along so she can drive me back, they say. And she had to do what when I had the MRI and x-rays, because I took relaxant drugs beforehand that made me a bit drowsy/loopy. I sure hope this improves things, ’cause I got a chit-load of stuff to do around here that requires me being on my feet for longer than 20 minutes.
Apropos of nothing much; I was watching the NFL games yesterday from 09:30 to around 23:30 and noticed how freaking fast the pass rushers can get to a QB if they get through the offensive line and the QB ain’t that nimble in the pocket. Some of them have also focused on streaking around behind them and the QB has no idea they’re coming. This made me think of that old chestnut of how fast someone can get to you with a knife or whatever from a pretty good distance before you can draw and fire your gun.
I plan to stay tuned in some sort of midrange phase between Conditions Yellow and Orange when I’m out and about for the next few weeks, at least. I know my VA therapists don’t like me doing it (“hyper-vigilance” a symptom of PTSD) but as I kept telling them, that sort of thing got reinforced by my specialty in the military and then doubled down on when I got and became a street cop back here in The World. It doesn’t just go away ’cause I did CPT and go to meetings almost every week.
Otherwise, things seem pretty quiet here in the Retroville AO, although I have overhead mild disputes between people (between males and females, actually, what a surprise) about Trump vs. Cankles. And there are FAH more Trump signs on lawns and the few bumper stickers out and about up here.
As Mr. DadCooks says, watch their hands.
Gee, what a surprise: trumped up molestation charges didn’t do it, so they up the ante to trumped up rape charges. Of course, no explanation as to why they didn’t file criminal charges at the time. So…perfectly believable.
“This made me think of that old chestnut of how fast someone can get to you with a knife or whatever from a pretty good distance before you can draw and fire your gun.”
21 feet with a holstered weapon, 7 feet with the weapon in your hand.
Now go back and watch some body cam videos. No way the cops can maintain those distances and do anything.
Except when Miles_Teg rhapsodizes about the glories of “that wooly kind of love”. Some thoughts cause brain damage, and he’s full of them.
It’s not a good equation. Normals literally hate progressives, and progressives literally hate Normals.
Yeah, my “it” moment in WA State was at a Christmas party for my wife’s office. I suddenly realized that by supporting my wife’s associate we were also paying for the antics of her prog husband who spent his day running a cocktail recipe “blog” and making trouble on Twitter.
Portland — where 30 year olds go to retire and tweet their man love for Doh-bama.
It’s getting good:
A tease from the article: “There’s a reported file on Weiner’s computer that’s marked, “Life Insurance.” People are suggesting that this is a type of “Dead Man’s Switch,” meaning that if Anthony or Huma ever got in a BAD situation, this would in fact insure their lives.”
And don’t forget tomorrow when Bill’s “love child” has a big announcement to make:
NEW YORK – Danney Williams, the man from Little Rock, Arkansas, who has claimed since the 1990s to be the black illegitimate son of former President Bill Clinton, will hold a press conference Tuesday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to make an announcement his supporters characterize as a “bombshell that will rock Hillary’s campaign.”
I now say “Watch Both Hands”.
I wonder if DNA extracted from a stained blue dress would be good enough for paternity testing.
Gee, what a surprise: trumped up molestation charges didn’t do it, so they up the ante to trumped up rape charges. Of course, no explanation as to why they didn’t file criminal charges at the time. So…perfectly believable.
Are you talking about this ? “Reminder: Donald Trump due in court after Election Day on child rape and racketeering charges”
Looks hokey to me. And if it is true then we get Mike Pence. We could do far worse, such as Hillary. Or Kaine.
It was my intention to educate, not chastize.
“GE’s oil, gas division, Baker Hughes to form $32-billion company”
“General Electric Co. has agreed to merge its oil and gas business with Baker Hughes Inc., creating an equipment, technology, and services provider with $32 billion of combined revenue and operations in more than 120 countries.”
“The “new” Baker Hughes, to have dual headquarters in Houston and London, will be 62.5% owned by GE and 37.5% owned by Baker Hughes shareholders, who will receive a special one-time cash dividend of $17.50/share. The deal is expected to close in mid-2017.”
Wow !
I plan to vote tomorrow. I fully expect the usual BS because my voter card name doesn’t match my d/l or passport card. Uh, /I’m/ not the one that truncated my middle name to a letter.
Anyway, going 4 miles to the courthouse to vote early is a lot easier than 10 miles to the official place.
Go fill up your gas tanks now. Colonial Pipeline #1 just blew up near the break from a couple weeks ago. My Trooper has 6 miles on the trip. Barbara’s car was down to half a tank, so she just now headed out to fill her tank.
Yo, foolz, what Dr. Bob say; git out an’ fill dem tanks, or I send Ludacris after yo honky asses and he tell ya’ll fummamuckers “…move, bitch, git out da way…” etc.
I sure do love a nicely put together hip-hop video, that’s my favorite music, lol.
I just filled both our tanks, well, our RAV4 and the Princess Matrix; she has her mom’s Saab convertible in Moh-ree-all.
“” Colonial Pipeline #1 just blew up near the break from a couple weeks ago. “”
Nothing on Drudge, I note.
Nothing in several web searches. Are you sure it’s new news and not a rehash of Sep 17?
Yo, dat’s a nice fireball!
Are you seeing this, Dr. Bob?? Some peeps here don’t BELIEVE us! WTF, over?
Would not surprise me if the cankles crime machine blew up the pipeline so that there would be gas shortages. Becomes a big news item. Plus some people will not go to vote to conserve their gas supply. Nothing is beyond possible for that crime family, the Arkansas Mafia.
I immediately did a quick Google news search (and it was also down in the US section).
Colonial has shut down both of the pipelines. That’s 100+ million gallons/day.
Running the same queries on the same search engines (and a couple others) now gives a few results from today, though the September explosion is still at the top of the lists.
(Google is not a search engine I normally use. They don’t like the TOR Browser Bundle. Oddly, Google images does work fine with TBB, though it works differently than on normal browsers.)
No no no. The narrative you need to be spreading is that islamorrhoids blew it up to increase American dependence on Mideast oil, or simply as wanton destruction of a culture they hate.
Obviously, IMHO, that pipeline company is incompetent. When they fix this one where will the next weak link be?
ALL of our infrastructure is in abysmal shape, no thanks to the exponential growth of gooberment regulations and rampant corruption from the Board Room to the ditch digger. If gooberment regulations were working we wouldn’t be in this pickle. There is no common sense or pride in a job well done.
And over here on the Left Coast:
I use a lot of blocking on my main PC so Google does not mess with me much.
This session is on Chromebook as guest, so a lot of the crud goes away when I re-start (as far as I can tell).
Like most of our infrastructure, most pipelines are long past their design lives.
If once at a specific spot is an accident, what is twice called?
Then we have the Huma/Weiner email thing, with 650,000 on her laptop that she stated under oath she’d turned over to DOJ. Pics of Cankles glaring at her and her crying; is this more kabuki theater?
Lotsa funny chit going on in the last week before the “election.”
Watch the other hand, as somebody else here says.
In IT nooz, the current list of software getting “high vulnerability” ratings from the CERT peeps: Adobe, Cisco and Oracle.
We need the same kind of ratings from a similar body for our infrastructure, such as pipelines, power plants and lines, dams, bridges, etc.
If we can build smartypants robots for manufacturing and agricultural jobs so those millions of homo sapiens sapiens are outta work, why can’t we have them inspecting all our stuff, too??
In IT nooz, the current list of software getting “high vulnerability” ratings from the CERT peeps: Adobe, Cisco and Oracle.
Helping a student run down a crash in a C++ program this afternoon, I noted that Valgrind wasn’t catching minor buffer overruns like it should. I tested several new-ish Linux distributions and plan to do a little more digging tonight.
In a word: ruh-roh.
Will I have gas in Vegas? I don’t want to walk to bingo!
@jlp, no intent to chastise, it’s a bit like the self defense statement, we shoot to stop the threat, we don’t shoot to kill. Same deal and similar consequences. FCC issues huge penalties for broadcasting and if you don’t pay, they have a special “respect my authority” fine they levy.
The regulatory state has grown so big, you have to pay attention to the newspeak.
“I tested several new-ish Linux distributions and plan to do a little more digging tonight.”
Recently, believe it or not, a number of the “high vulnerability” ratings were for the Linux kernel.
“Will I have gas in Vegas? I don’t want to walk to bingo!”
Hey, I thought that retired Army chopper pilots got to take one home when they finally signed out. Isn’t yours up on the roof out there? Fly to bingo!
Off to try and get some shut-eye in the recliner, maybe for the last time, we hope here. Light a joss stick for the ol’ sarge, if you feel like it.
Pax vobiscum, fratres, and light some more joss sticks for the restless spirits abroad in the land tonight….
Just not next to the Colonial Pipeline. That thing apparently goes up at the drop of a match.
Got the most stealable decor down. Got the little princesses in bed. Had a couple of groups late, after I’d started tearing down. Had one group even though most of the lights were out. Kinda unusual in that previous years had the trick or treaters done by 845 and no one out at 900.
Had lots of little kids, not many olders, and usually accompanying the little ones. Costumes were mostly half-assed, except for the princesses. Lot of bones on black clothing and some facepaint. Hard to say exactly how many we got but seemed like fewer than last year.
And I’m going to the special hell for one little girl’s slutty devil cat suit….
Bring your five gallon buckets down here to south Texas. We’ve got plenty of refineries and gas / diesel.
No Hallowe’en here, although some people do have kids’ parties on the evening.
I’m actually surprised that trick-or-treating still exists. When I last lived in the USA, there were fewer and fewer kids, and basically none after it got dark. Darkness is kind of the point – what’s the fun of trick-or-treating in the daylight?
I used to have lots of fun dressing up to answer the door: a hooded black cloak, and a chain-mail coif reversed – you can see and breath through the chainmail, but the kids just see a gray surface where your face should be. Gave the kids a good scare to go with their candy
Halloween last year was on a Saturday.
My daughter didn’t bother going out trick or treating, largely because none of her friends could make it because it was a school night. (That is, the friends who are ever allowed to go out. Some of them never get to, because their parents are over-the-top christian fundie whackjobs. Some of those don’t get christmas presents, either, because “it’s not about the gifts”, which is true from a religious perspective, but I can tell you that it’s really hard to be a little kid and to see all your neighbors and classmates with their new toys and clothes, and you got nothing.)
Some of them never get to, because their parents are over-the-top christian fundie whackjobs. Some of those don’t get christmas presents, either, because “it’s not about the gifts”
What a great way to raise their kids to hate religion. Also to do stupid things. For example, teen pregnancy rates are higher among kids in highly religious families.
My mother’s family is a pretty good example of this: The families with the biggest messes: divorces, kids with different partners, drug problems, etc. – pretty clearly the families that are the most devoutly religious, or at least, the most demonstratively religious.
I went to church with one of these families during out last visit, just to be polite. Man, it was hard to sit through that service. The preacher crying out over and over for someone, anyone to come forward, repent and convert. It was a small congregation, and except for us I have to assume he knew everybody, so…WTF? Does he do that every Sunday, really?
Which highlights the importance of this election. The Democrats want to switch us to an all wind/solar economy and shut down the Colonial Pipeline permanently. Yes, I understand that a lot of influential people will be trying for that either way. Voting is the easiest way to wave at those influential people with one finger. It may accomplish nothing more than that, but it will accomplish that.
I would hope every one on the east coast who heats with oil has already filled their tank at this point of the heating season, but if they haven’t now would be a good time to top off that tank too. If this outage lasts, then Colonial may wind up switching the other pipeline from every liquid petroleum product but gasoline to every liquid petroleum product including gasoline. Which may adversely affect delivery of heating oil.
Gas prices have already risen $0.10 a gallon starting yesterday afternoon. This is on gas that had already been purchased by the supplier at the lower rate. Price gouging. I fully expect the price to jump a $1.00 a gallon here to about $3.00. We are fortunate that we can get supplies trucked in from Alabama without much difficulty. Problem is the supplier will start charging the same rates they are charging the Northeast.
Update: Just checked this morning, prices up $0.25 a gallon.
After dark, and later at night, the t-o-t’s were primarily hispanic (they’re primarily hispanic at all times, but moreso as the night progresses). The later at night, the less likely mom and dad were fluent in english. As my wife points out (charitably) some people work until later. And some were on their 3rd neighborhood. Having young kids and toddlers up late is a hispanic thing I’ll never understand. Kids need a ton of sleep. If they don’t get it at night, they’ll get it during the day, at school. Seeing kids up at 10pm or later is wrong.
No baked pumpkin seeds this year. I’ve still got some from the last 2 years. No pie either, too much candy.
Today I’ll be getting stuff down and put away, might get out to a customer with some upgrades, might go pick up some auction items. Busy day no matter which tasks I pick.
(so I’ll probably spend it ‘wasting time on the internet with my friends.’)
Oh and one of my wife’s friends sent pictures of the candy haul which included Fat Free KALE bars. Fer pete’s sake.
Fat free Kale bars. that’s just wrong. Even the scientists who make nutrition policy for the government have realized that a low fat diet is probably a bad idea…
If you think kids eat too much candy then leave the porch light off. Giving kids fat free Kale bars is probably a pointless waste of money. Unless of course they’re loaded with sugar to make them taste better than they sound.
I’m pretty sure they taste as bad as they sound.
Or worse…
Actually I think that was a waste of perfectly good manure. After all, cow manure is useful as a fertilizer. I’m not sure the Democrats are good for anything…
“I’m not sure the Democrats are good for anything…”

Tried to feed then to the hogs but they wouldn’t touch them
They do burn real good, just a little hard to get them started
Very light with the TrickerTreaters last night. The usual “bus in” of Hispanics did not occur. What was surprising was the large number of white-face painted goblins and skeletons.
I wonder who Killary’s new cuddle partner is?
Dave wrote:
“The Democrats want to switch us to an all wind/solar economy…”
Welcome to South Australia’s nightmare. We’ve had substantial blackouts due in part to this, several efficient (but unsusidised) coal fired power stations have been shut down recently because they couldn’t compete with heavily subsidised “green” power. Of course, the Labor Party comrades in Queensland, Canberra and Victoria want more “green” power. Idiots.
I wonder who Killary’s new cuddle partner is?
I’m sure it will be battery powered, just like a FLASHLIGHT.
I’m all done simply bashing Dems for whatever; it’s. all. one. Party. Yes, Dems are worth less than manure, etc., etc., but Repubs are even lower that THAT. Know why? Because they BETRAYED us. REPEATEDLY. Over half a century, and guess what? They’re still DOING IT. Repubs are lower than whale shit and ain’t nuttin’ lower than whale shit. Fuck them
Cankles PURPORTS to be an official Democrat, which, like with pirates in those halcyon days of yesteryear, is flying a “flag of convenience.” Jebster, Cruz, Trump, et. al. PURPORT to be official Repubs, etc., you get the idea. As I explained once again to Mrs. OFD during our four hours together in the car today, they tell us anything and promise anything and none of them cares anything about anyone but themselves, first, last and always. And candidates routinely lie about each other; I crabbed about Cankles again, briefly, and I got “So you’re voting for Trump, and he’s abused underage girls.” I said, ”that’s what her campaign and the MSM in her pocket told you, right?? two weeks before the election?? C’MON!” There is just no reasoning involved and she’s not a stupid woman. WTF?? So the long list of Field Marshal Rodham’s felonies and treason count for zip but Trump said “pussy” 20 years ago and Rodham’s campaign told us all he abused underage girls, 14 days before 11/08, so he’s a Nazi from Hell and will get us all killed or sent to concentration camps.
Well, she clearly did not make it over to the town hall to register in time today so that’s one less vote for Cankles, and we can safely count out Princess, and most likely count out MIL, ’cause she’s in Kalifornia now and I doubt she went to the trouble of getting an absentee ballot. Which leaves little ol’ OFD, hahaha.
Well done DH…
They shouldn’t have the vote anyways.
“They shouldn’t have the vote anyways.”
As stated more than once by Ann Coulter herself, a lawyer.
I sent her your email and phone number. Hope you don’t mind. Incidentally, IIRC, she’s six feet tall; is that too much for you? I can tell her to wear flats?
I know all of those words, but that phrase makes no sense.
I approve of that outcome, but the method is moronic. I’d rather see rejection of religion based on logic and evidence, the way I came to it, than on a visceral hatred of the garbage forced on kids by their parents.
What you, Brad, said about fundie-raised kids going wild matches what I’ve seen. In particular, one former coworker, a very devout christian, and his wife, an around-the-bend christian, had some large number of children. Six? Seven? Home-schooled, of course, and raised very strictly. Eldest, a daughter, went off to college. Didn’t make it past the first semester. A partial list of her trials and tribulations includes: emergency room for alcohol poisoning; clinic for VD; alcohol poisoning again; VD again; went off to a live concert 100 miles away from school and had to hitch a ride back wearing nothing but a scrounged T-shirt; tossed out of school for bad grades.
And here’s the kicker: the parents’ reaction to the daughter’s disgrace was to crack down even harder on the other kids. Because there wasn’t enough god and canings already.
For my part, I allowed my sons to have my homemade beer and mead starting at about 13. Not much at a time, but enough and often enough that there was no mystique to drinking. I drove them to parties and dates and told them I’d rather they bring their girlfriends to our house and I’d cover for them, than they have uncomfortable and unpleasant encounters in the backs of cars or laundry rooms at parties or other places of dubious privacy and hygiene. And, mirabile visu, neither son ran wild when he went off to college. All this was over my wife’s objections, but she’s about half a step from being an around-the-bend religious nutcase, so what can you expect?
What you, Brad, said about fundie-raised kids going wild matches what I’ve seen.
We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23, Lynn’s paraphrase).
Sad story there about that young lady. But I can tell you many wonderful stories about kids raised in the church who have not gone wild and are faithful to the Christ. And many sad stories about kids raised in the church who did go wild and have stayed wild.
Raising kids is tough. And so many people are willing to tell parents what they are doing wrong.
All this was over my wife’s objections, but she’s about half a step from being an around-the-bend religious nutcase, so what can you expect?
We all have our reasons for getting married, sir, but yours, must be one hell of a motherfucker.
“We all have our reasons for getting married, sir, but yours, must be one hell of a motherfucker.”
I have noticed and thought this same thing on a number of occasions here.
I’ve seen plenty of fundies fall from grace. Seen moderates leave and come back. Seen fundies stay the course to the end.
It’s a cliche about the preacher’s kids for a reason….
(stood up and renounced my faith during an “alter call” Preacher’s daughter got shipped off to a fundie school pretty quick after that, we’re all probably better off because of it.)
The short and snappy, and expected, answer is “I’m stupid”.
It’s also not as untrue as I might wish.
Dammit, now I’m all depressed.
“Dammit, now I’m all depressed.”
Naw, don’t feel bad; how many times did you do it, i.e., get married?
I did it twice. Color me abysmally stupid.
And I give you: one of my fellow vets in our “combat group,” an ex-Marine: he’s been married six times and divorced six times.
There is no word in the dictionary for him.
There is no word in the dictionary for him.
Self-Abuser? (Hint: I did not look it up.)
Normally that just grows hair on your palms….
Normally that just grows hair on your palms….
Well that explains the razor nicks on my hands and the slight odor of Old Spice.
I use Old Spice, too; have since I was a kid. But I alternate sometimes with Bay Rum, which I’m about to start again as the Old Spice ran out.
Is this a legit prep thang?
as the Old Spice ran out
Sigh, what ever happened to Jade East?
You sir, are not stupid. You are unwise. There is a difference.
To-may-to, to-mah-to. I’m brighter than hell, but that has little applicability to personal life.
In point of fact, my eyes were open regarding (some of) my wife’s shortcomings before the wedding. I agreed to marry her anyway, for the benefit of our kids from our first marriages. What I didn’t expect was the changes over the next few years, making daily life so miserable.
-shrug- She has her complaints about me, some of them even justified. And it’s less than nine more years until the youngest goes off to college.
In point of fact, my eyes were open regarding (some of) my wife’s shortcomings before the wedding. I agreed to marry her anyway, for the benefit of our kids from our first marriages. What I didn’t expect was the changes over the next few years, making daily life so miserable.
And yes, we change over time. Nothing is static. Hopefully, we change for the better. In my case, the wife says that I have gotten somewhat better over the 35 years. Apparently I actually talk through some issues instead of grunting out orders now.
Marriage counseling ? If so, I would advise finding a counselor who does not believe that divorce is a first tier answer.
DH wrote:
” Incidentally, IIRC, she’s six feet tall; is that too much for you?”
I’m 6’1″. And no, I don’t discriminate against short chicks. Nor flat chested chicks like Princess, so send her over too…
They’d both kill you with instant haht attack/stroke as soon as they crossed your threshold at your new digs. If not, I predict 24 hours with either or both of them would kill you EXCLUDING any intimacy whatsoever. They’d drive you so batshit you’d kill yourself.
“Hopefully, we change for the better. In my case, the wife says that I have gotten somewhat better over the 35 years.”
Ditto here, but only 18 years. Her progress is less evident, but what can you do?
Lynn wrote:
” But I can tell you many wonderful stories about kids raised in the church who have not gone wild…”
I know many stories like that too, very strict parents turn out robots or rebels. My parents weren’t strict with us – my father acquiesed my drinking some of his sherry when I was 15 or so, and I never became an alcoholic, nor did I do unspeakable things to the cats, dogs, chickens and sheep in the neighbourhood, unlike our atheist neighbours kids…
sheep in the neighbourhood
Insert New Zealand joke here?
When Miles_Teg talks about New Zealanders doinking sheep, it’s nothing but envy.
We should take pity on the poor guy and send him a bunch of sheep of his own. How difficult can it be to round up a dozen Bernie supporters?
We can round up at least three up here to send him.
Wife just got back from early voting at the Town Hall and voted all Repub EXCEPT for the top of the ticket where she voted “for the lesser of two evils.” I just didn’t bother getting into it, as I’d not more than an hour before, regaled her with the tales from the NYPD, et. al. regarding the rampant corruption and evil associated with that fugly piece of rancid pig shit from Hell.
Now I’ll wait until next Tuesday and cancel out her vote and and then go down the list of gun rights and pro-life supporters, plenty of which in this AO.
OK, I got three Bernie/Cankles sheep up here ready to go? Any other donors?
You let her vote?
She was out doing errands and stopped by the Town Hall and turns out they allow early voting, so registration was included. Bingo. No fears, no worries; my vote will cancel hers out and the surrounding town and adjacent towns are clearly NOT in the Cankles camp. And the peeps who are will invariably be womyn, of course. Boobus Vaginus Americanus.
I’m beginning to like RBT’s idea of not allowing wimminz to vote even more.
I’m beginning to like RBT’s idea of not allowing wimminz to vote even more.
I want to go back to a poll tax. And, only landowners of a certain size can vote.
Our host once suggested that people get votes in proportion to the tax they pay. Pay more tax have a bigger say in elections.