09:54 – We got more flour repackaged yesterday. Today we’ll finish up repackaging rice and oats. The oats will use the last of our 3-liter bottles. The rice will go into 2-liter bottles because rice flows very freely through the narrower mouths of the 2-liter bottles. Any additional fluffy stuff (flour, oats, etc.) we repackage will go into LDS 1-gallon foil/Mylar bags. We’ll continue to use 2-liter bottles for free-flowing stuff like sugar and rice.
When Lori, our USPS carrier, stopped by yesterday to pick up a shipment, I asked how she was doing on repackaging the bulk staples she’d picked up at Sam’s Club last weekend. She’d finished repackaging the sugar and rice, but was waiting for her brother to deliver more 2-liter bottles for the bagged flour. I told her we had plenty of empty 2-liter bottles and that she was welcome to a trash bag or two full of them, but she said she didn’t need them right now. I offered to lend her a flexible silicone funnel with a stem that’s a slip fit for the inside of a 2-liter bottle and makes it much easier to transfer flour. She accepted with thanks. I asked if she was using oxygen absorbers and she said she intended to order some on Amazon. I told her we had plenty and offered her some to use with her repackaged flour and rice. She insisted on paying me for them, although I told her that I bought them in packs of 100 from the LDS on-line store, and they only cost twelve cents each. I then gave her a small Mason jar of the oxygen absorbers and a one-minute tutorial on how to use them.
Barbara and I have been trying different main courses that can be made exclusively with LTS food. Last night, we made a skillet dinner with one pound of ground beef (we actually used frozen, but it would work just as well with the Keystone canned ground beef we keep in stock), one pound of macaroni, one can of green beans, two cups of Augason Farms cheesy broccoli soup in four cups of water, and three tablespoons of onion flakes. It was quick and easy to make, and turned out very well. In fact, we’re having the leftovers for dinner tonight and decided to add it to our main meal rotation. Barbara did suggest dropping the onion from three to two tablespoons, but she’s not a big fan of onion or garlic. These ingredients make sufficient to serve as a main meal for four to six people.
We’re spending some time today and tomorrow on inventorying kits and components. We’re at a comfortable level of finished goods inventory for this time of year, when we’re shipping an average of only one kit per day, but I want to get ready to build a lot more as kit sales ramp up in late November and through December and January.
Clinton and Obama’s wife made a campaign stop in Winston-Salem yesterday, at the Lawrence Joel Veterans’ Memorial Coliseum. The front-page article in the paper this morning said the crowd was estimated at 11,000, with a vast majority being women, but I have my doubts. The photograph they ran with the article showed Clinton and Obama on-stage with maybe a hundred people in the stands. There was a large section of empty seats visible, and a few populated rows of seats with a large curtain blocking off the seating behind them. My guess is that actual attendance was probably a few hundred people. Clinton rallies are notorious for being lightly attended, while Trump rallies are invariably standing room only.
Ah, the “colorful” diversity.
BHO’s husband is a monster compared to hillarrity, and who picked those pant? I’m no fashion plate, but I know to dress to emphasize my good points and minimize the bad… so she must choose them on purpose.
And some technical info. I spent years doing events in spaces like that coliseum.
If there were 11k people there, I’ll eat my feet.
14k capacity for basketball (all the permanent seats basically)
-8k because the upper deck is empty
-6k because the lower deck is mostly empty
There are only THREE pics? Big event like that and only 3 pix make the web? One pic shows a crowd maybe 3 rows deep with nothing but black drape behind them. The other shows a couple of sections of the 10 row pull out seats with 5-10 rows occupied. Again, there is black drape hiding the rest of the empty venue.
If the venue had 11k attendees, the lower sections and floor seating would be full (6.5K ) and half the upper sections would be full as well (half the 8k). THAT AINT what we see.
And it is given that if it were true someone would have posted a long shot of the filled seats.
Added- ok I take it back. I found a feed that has a second or two of the long shot. Most of the lower level is occupied with some sections of the upper, and some people on the floor.
Maybe 6k people, still no way it’s 11k…
ADDED- ok I’ll admit it is bugging me, so I spent way more time on this than I wanted to.
Looking at the whole event tape. There are a few hundred people on the floor, mostly standing, and a few hundred in seat behind the stage.
Fully one third of the upper deck and lower deck is closed off by the staging. That eliminates 5k seats bringing capacity down to 9k with every remaining seat filled.
But they’re NOT filled. The lower, pull out seating is only pulled out on the house right side. It’s not pulled out on house left, nor in the back. Just estimating, but without those seats, cut another 1- 1.5k for 7.5k max.
Then look at the FEW, very few times when you get a “reverse angle” shot from the stage to the back house left area. The upper deck looks almost entirely empty. In fact, almost everything that isn’t in the long shot they use most of the time, from back house left, looks unoccupied. That’s another third of the upper deck or 2.4k seats, which brings the max possible down to 4-5k.
They are using every trick in the book with audience positioning and camera angles to make the crowd look bigger than it is. If there were lines in the parking lot, I’d like to see photos.
And I think attendance was likely to be less than half what was reported, and I don’t have the stomach or time to actually count heads, so that’s my final answer!
To get that “crowd” KIllary was giving away free tacos and hot sauce
Don’t say “taco” and Killary in the same sentence. Yuck.
They sure are docile… they stand in place for half hour while nothing happens in the venue. No one even mills around. Watching it in 2x speed is kind of disturbing for how unnatural it looks.
I wonder how many were actually inflatable dummies from Bill’s collection.
I was looking for signs of CG, and there is an unnatural blurriness to some areas of the long shot, but I put that down to compression artifacts.
They did everything physical that they could.
They have some competent people working for them.
“They have some competent people working for them.”
They probably studied old tapes and diaries of “Dr” Goebbels and his krew except that back then they didn’t have to fake massive crowds at their rallies.
“I wonder how many were actually inflatable dummies from Bill’s collection.”
And RBT wins the innernet today!
That would be his speed; he’s always gone for hookers, drug addicts, and subordinate staffers, all relatively powerless women, and failing that, probably inflatable dolls. From most accounts through the years, he doesn’t have much to rut around with, to the point of deformity. And then we have her and her proclivities. These freakish monstrosities are what we have for leadership in the country now and tens of millions adore them.
Overcast today, breezy, but amazingly we still have a LOT of leaves left on the trees, and while past peak, the foliage is still awesome. And still no frost here on the bay. I blame it on warmingchangeclimateglobal and the Twelve Years of Reagan-Bush and Donald Trump.
I am beginning to think that most businesses should shut down in the month before a presidential election. It is getting dry out there, very dry. People are scared to do anything of lasting significance. My brother the bank president thinks that if Hillary is elected, all is done for. He thinks that she will regulate them into the ground.
We’ve had this discussion here but catching up on Taki today
Yeah, right.
I love the pic of Coffin Cankles on the front of Drudge. “Thank you, sir, may I have another.” Her handlers f’d up on letting that pic happen.
Where does Drudge get all of these awesome photographs from ? Hillary looks a zombie here.
It’s the obamma care pause writ large.
Remember when business all took a breather waiting to see if it passed?
Now we’ve got the obolacare limit to company size ™
Unless you are already well past it, you will limit the number of employees you have to be less than the Ocare activation point.
And workers have the obolacare Limit to hours worked ™ IE. less than thirty. So now most workers get to have TWO part time jobs, just to stay even, BOTH without benefits. In the old days, if you worked 60hrs a week, you got overtime at a minimum.
sure has helped the employers AND the workers, in exactly the way government help usually does…
@MrAtoZ, great minds think alike !
Media bias? What media bias?
” Republican Donald Trump has already questioned whether the election outcome can be trusted, generating a fierce backlash. But the DailyMail.com survey suggests that voter fraud is a genuine problem – and people have served time in prison as a result”
Once again, go to the Daily Mail for truth…. (and celebrity gossip, and girls in bikinis)
BTW, I wonder what the Daily Mail’s readership numbers are like, vs some of the US outlets….
One more I can’t resist
_299 Days: The Stronghold (Volume 4)_ by Glen Tate
Book number four of a ten book financial apocalypse series about the USA set around 2020. I am reading the POD (print on demand) trade paperback version with the largish fonts. I have bought book number five and am reading it now. I have yet to decide about buying books six through ten.
Pierce Point in Washington state is becoming a self maintaining community of about 200 homes. The community has barricaded the only road into it and limited traffic using gate guards. Things are really getting tough in the USA with the collapse of the food and gasoline distribution networks. Gasoline is $100 per gallon and of dubious quality. Loaves of bread are $40 each. Texas and California are in utter chaos with the four million refugees crossing the border in one month during the Mexican civil war. The federal government has nationalized all bank accounts and large food companies.
These books are fairly short but this one was longer, 208 pages in 6×9 trade paperback format. The author’s favorite food must be pancakes as he talks extensively about feeding large groups of people with long term stored pancake mix and syrup.
My rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Amazon rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars (277 reviews)
wow, accidentally watched H’s speech in Iowa hoping for her to address the FBI reopening the investigation….
She’s as cheesy as mozzarella.
How many small towns can you name? A bunch.
How many trite phrases can you fit in? A bunch.
She can barely string phrases together. Her pacing and delivery are all over the place.
Another place name shout out!
Her biggest applause line? Path to citizenship for illegals working and paying taxes. bigger than free college, bigger than anything.
Bah, gonna go to the toy store.
So, uh, what’s the point of “reopening” the Cankles email case again? I don’t get it; the same minion is in charge of the Feebies, and he’s taken $ from the Clinton Crime Family and its “foundation/s,” and his brother does the CCF Foundation taxes for them. Let’s see, what’s that word I’m looking for here…hmmmmm….tough one….oh yeah…”recuse.” Or is that just some lame old English common law parchment that no gives a shit about anymore? And what’s behind the WaPo/NYT/BosGlob Empire pushing the story now, two weeks before the “election?”
Meanwhile the breathless bullshit from the various major polling organizations is annoying; they seem to be within six points of each other all the time with her usually up by a few, so what? We have 1.5 million dead peeps actively on the rolls and no end to the mischief and fraud that is underway and continuing, and as we’ve seen before, it only takes a handful of votes to swing it out here in Derp Land. Which is moot, because she still has the EC in hand:
By over 100 votes.
Hanging chads, anyone? Midnight SCOTUS sessions on a packed Court??
Does anyone think the “election” show has improved at all since a mostly Jewish enclave on Floriduh’s east coast voted em-masse for Patrick J. Buchanan? He had quite a laugh over that, as I recall. Probably the wrong palookas with ties askew and shirtsleeves rolled, smoking ciggies and in a hurry to get down to the local watering hole, took the wrong carton of ballots out the back door.
And when they got down there they found Cankles drunk as a skunk and ready to jump ’em, since Huma wasn’t around then.
No, she’s cheesier than limburger.
I dint git no trigger warning; y’all bein’ mean and nasty to cheese. Dat comparison don’t hunt, y’all. I consider it mos’ unfortunate to hab bin made here. Cheese is good. Cheddar cheese is real good. Grafton Village aged cheddar cheese is outta dis world.
And then to go and line up that fugly piece of ancient dung that makes Medusa look like Helen of Troy and spouts utter commie rubbish every time she opens her gob when it ain’t full of vodka to CHEESE???
Heavens to Murgatroyd!
“”(2) The ability to speak Middle English with the proper accents and vowel sounds has a limited effect on Department of Human Resources algorithms, even when the HR guy knows Chaucer. “”
See Mr. dkreck’s link, above.
“Blame the Weiner!”
“New Emails in Clinton Case Came From Anthony Weiner’s Electronic Devices”
Ok, that is funny.
Yeah that Joe Bob pretty funny guy…
I was thinking about OFD the whole time I read it
Instead I ended up with a degree in English literature and classical studies, primarily Latin. Obviously my college was failing to tell me the truth about the viability of translating Catullus for a living.
(no offense to Dave as his breadth of knowledge is far greater than mine)
My son bought a 28 ft sailboat & trailer for $0.00
He visited a small town drug rehab facility because they had advertised a 2000 model Harley Softail for sale. Turns out they had a LOT of stuff that had been donated they needed to get rid of. After looking it over, Son agreed to take the softtail off their hands for $2000 (he estimates he can get $5 to $7k after cleaning it up). Then he asked if they had a trailer he could pull it home on. The man said “Only that one” pointing to a dark corner that turned out to have a 16 ft trailer with a hard-tail chopper on it. Son looked over the chopper, S&S 124 Evo engine and all top end, name brand parts. He asked “How much for the chopper” – “Well … how about $500 and I throw in the trailer” the man said. OK … a $7k softail, a $1200 trailer, and a bike he can part out for around $4k more. “Sure” he said “I’ll take them both for $2500”. As he was getting the trailer hooked up the man said “Would you want the sailboat too?” Now my son has always wanted to sail the Caribbean but never imagined doing it before retirement. Son went over to the sailboat. It was a fixed keel, 28 ft, fiberglass hull, with large cabin and a small diesel engine. It came with sails and all rigging but needed work AND had obviously had a collision because there was a small, fist sized hole in the hull above the water line. My son is expert in body work including fiberglass so he was sure he could fix it. “How much for the boat?” he asked. “Well, since you are taking the bikes, I’ll throw it in for free with the trailer.” WOW !!! So he came home last weekend with over $10k of motorcycles, a trailer, and sailboat on trailer. His plan it to sell the bikes and parts to repay my company for the $2500 investment and use the extra to pay to fix up the boat over a year or so then take it down to the gulf and try it out. Some people have all the luck.
Don’t get too excited about the FBI reopening KIllary’s case, watch the other hand.
Is… is that a challenge?
“… a limited effect on Department of Human Resources algorithms, even when the HR guy knows Chaucer. “”
1.) I doubt that HR types even know the WORD “algorithms.” But maybe they’re being replaced by computers and robots, who WOULD know it and use them. Come to think of it, isn’t that what the whole deal has been of strewing “keywords” throughout one’s resume?
2.) And I seriously doubt that very many of them know Chaucer or Middle English.
Which brings me down the rabbit hole of fantasizing how I would teach an English lit “survey” course at the high skool or college level these days….
I’d start with carefully selected portions of the Iliad and Odyssey and the Aeneid, and Ovid’s Metamorphoses, perhaps taken from Renaissance English translations by Pope and Dryden and Arthur Golding. Including playing around a bit in classical Greek and Latin. Then we’d hit the Anglo-Saxons and our good buddy Beowulf, maybe with clips from modern/contemporary movies. Some stuff in Old English and then moving into Middle English with minor poets and a big chunk of Chaucer. With a digression into Italian sonnets with Mssrs. Petrarca and Cavalcante and the troubadours.
Thus concludes the first semester. (note: the girls tend to love the poetry/sonnets and the boys like the war stuff, big surprise)
I’d start the second semester by jumping right into Marlowe and De Vere(making no bones about the fact that he’s the actual author), concentrating on maybe two each of the comedies, tragedies and history plays, plus half a dozen of the sonnets. Moving on to Ben Jonson and the Metaphysical poets, with brief forays through anthologies of 16th- and 17th-C prose and poetry. We’d go to see actual plays, of course, and none of this modern setting bullshit, either. If nothing was available “live” locally I’d go to various BBC and other productions on DVDs. Which I have.
The last couple of months of that second semester would be covering, via hopping about, the major 18th-C guys, and their choice of 19th-C poetry and prose to analyze and write about in-depth, with me making no bones again that I don’t find much worth a shit in English lit after, say, the Metaphysicals and Milton, i.e., 1650 or so.
For the 20th-C I’d have them look at Eliot, Pound and Joyce and that would pretty much cover it.
This would all presume, of course, that they have a fundamental grasp of English language, reading, and writing, and can produce a bit of independent thought. I’m not a mad-dog dictator and am willing to go halfway with ESL kids and those who are struggling a bit, but jeezum crow, they gotta be able to read and write English at a decent level.
I’d offer seminars and independent study and tutorials for kids so inclined, too, and probably advanced courses in any of that stuff for upper-level students.
But ya gotta have that PhD and the process is just a joke and has been for thirty years now, plus nobody wants evil WHITEY guys who are also married cis-hetero Christian Catholic war vets. I would have been lucky to pick up various “gypsy professor” gigs out in the middle of nowhere at community colleges scattered all over the landscape and commuting from semester to semester as an “adjunct” and being paid shit and receiving no benefits.
That model is kaput now anyway; it’s all gonna be on the net, so long as the juice stays on, but there is no substitute for meatspace encounters with this material.
Now back to real life. Gotta get that woodstove cooking again…haul in more firewood…
“Military Veteran Bonus Scandal Might Be Much Worse Than Initially Reported”
“The Pentagon and Congress are both promising quick fixes to the scandal surrounding excessive National Guard bonus payments to soldiers. However, the nearly 10,000 California Guard soldiers involved may be just the tip of the iceberg.”
And always screw the vet as much as possible. My son was offered $85K to re-up in the Marine Corps. He even got a man-to-man with a Marine Corps General trying to get him to stay in. My son asked every one up the chain of command, “Are you going to ship me to Afghanistan ?”. The answer was always, “Probably not”. He turned them all down. Six months later they activated and sent the reserve unit in Galveston to Iraq where they got chewed up. I wonder if they are telling those guys to return their reenlistment bonuses ?
Now my son is worried about being called up for Syria by Hillary. I can see her now, waving a hanky and yelling, “send them all, I don’t care about our borders, send them all !”.
As a Regular Army Vet, Coffin Cankles could call me up and send me to Syria. That’s one way to get rid of all us old, WHITEY!, hetero, fukstiks. I’d take prison first, but she’d probably have the firing squad of feminazis warmed up.
Don’t forget: fuck the vet.
I can tell you from personal first-hand experience that there are a shit-ton of cynical, angry and bitter veterans in this country right now, some of them violently angry. And they’re well-trained and many are combat-experienced. Guess who they’re not voting for, assuming they vote at all?
You wanna know something that’s worse than vets with combat experience? Vets who were trained and experienced as insurrectionists, terrorists, counter-terrorists, saboteurs, and revolutionaries.
Anybody we know?
Don’t answer that; we need deniability.
“”willing to go halfway with ESL kids and those who are struggling a bit … “”
I’d figure you’d have to go more than half way with the English as a first language kids.
“Anybody we know?
Don’t answer that; we need deniability”
Does “counter-sniper” count?
“I’d figure you’d have to go more than half way with the English as a first language kids.”
And you’d figure correctly a lot of the time. I had regular Murkan citizen kids who were struggling worse than the ESL students sometimes; you kinda HAVE to be a reader to grok 1,500 years of English lit. If all you have is pixels then you’re SOOL.
Mrs. OFD and I are sicko junkie readers and have been all our lives. Certifiable. Biblioholics. She goes through five or six books a week; I operate differently and have a dozen or more going that I nibble at as the mood strikes. And this doesn’t count magazines, newspapers and the backs of cereal boxes.
Yah, sorta, but mostly I was thinking of the people I stomped around with. The guys who’d gone through the full training and had years’ experience stomping around in hostile or potentially hostile territory. I got partial training, done in a rush because of real-world deadlines, and some time stomping around in hostile territory and learn-by-watching while there.
Don’t get too excited about the FBI reopening KIllary’s case, watch the other hand.
I listened to Rush for a half hour today. He sure was hinting around about something that I never got.
I voted here today. Took me about 30 minutes in the new Assisted Living Center down the road. While I was there, I asked about skilled nursing for my FIL as we are thinking about moving him down here. They do not do SN but she said that there are several other places in the Land of Sugar that do. And some of them are actually good according to her.
And California which passed English only education in 1998 is about to reverse that. The usual suspects
You wanna know something that’s worse than vets with combat experience? Vets who were trained and experienced as insurrectionists, terrorists, counter-terrorists, saboteurs, and revolutionaries.
My former USMC son. He was a insurrectionist, terrorist, saboteur, and a revolutionary in the Iraq village in the Mojave desert for several months. He claims to have “killed” many Marines.
The game manufacturers are training an entire generation to overthrow the corrupt US tyranny. Who ever would have thought they’d be so foresighted and patriotic?
@ofd, start your utube videos… that’s the perfect venue for your class. after you have 5-10 episodes up, start asking viewers to fund your patreon acct. That’s what the cool kids are doing and there seems to be money in it.
Just back for Academy Sports and Outdoor.
5 shelves of 22 in all flavors from subsonic to 1300fps, imports and winchester.
Good supplies of all other .cals too and pricing was normal. Even had spam cans on the shelf.
MANY good items on clearance at steep discounts. I finally got the bracket to put a top rail on my AK (druganov style) for $16. I should have bought one more for a spare too. (down from about $40) Got some $4 radio pouches for the tac vest. They had #10 cans of Mountain House Red beans and Rice for ~$20, or ~$10 off. Discounts of 25% on camo and high tech clothes. Flashlights, knives, axes, machetes, camping gear, every dept had some good stuff on clearance.
I ended up spending $250 which was way more than a couple of boxes of practice should have cost me. I just couldn’t say no.
“@ofd, start your utube videos… that’s the perfect venue for your class. after you have 5-10 episodes up, start asking viewers to fund your patreon acct.”
Worth considering; not sure how to convey written text to video but OTOH, poetry lends itself to that sorta thang very nicely. Dunno if my nasal colonial Maffachufetts accent would be a good fit. Ways around that.
“…my AK (druganov style)…”
You been out shooting that yet? If so, what’s it like for ya? Nice little haul, by the way.
How To Print a Gun at Home: Ronald Bailey Reviews ‘Come and Take It’ at WSJ with a link to the WSJ article at the end.
The book at Amazon
I’m really enjoying your LTS and other aspects of prepping articles. I’ve lived outside the USA for more than 10 years now, seriously considering moving back in the next year or two though. One of my main reasons would be LTS. Americans are spoiled by the cheapness of food in the USA and the broad choices. In most of the world, building up a few shelves of LTS items would be akin to storing shelves of gold bullion for the average person.
Year ago I used to follow the LDS guidance on food storage. We kept a lot of hard winter wheat in 5 gallon food safe containers, placing a small block of dry ice atop the wheat and letting the C02 sublimate, then sealing the containers. I assume the current practice of using oxygen absorbers is a superior way to go?
Checking into the availability of dry ice where we live now (it’s also become like gold), I found that the commercial dry ice manufacturing process is very simple, basically nothing more than capturing and compressing the C02 “frost” that forms when you discharge a C02 fire extinguisher.
Given that the ability to chill or even freeze things temporarily might be useful from time to time in long term survival situations, what are your thoughts on perhaps storing a commercial cylinder or two of C02?
Several ways. Have you on the side of the frame with the full text scrolling up as you read, or else appearing a stanza at a time without movement. (Optionally highlight the words as you read them, or have them fall away like leaves. There are packages to do that, but you have the choice of paying big bucks or putting in a lot of time.) If choice lines or stanzas are chiseled into monuments or anything cool like that (and the image is free for use), put that image up as you read the whole poem. If there are a lot of unusual, archaic, or oddly pronounced words in the poem, you can write them on a whiteboard or post-process them in, and then discuss them after the reading. Probably more ways, which would go down better; that’s just off the top of my head.
If you’re seriously considering this, check around and see what anyone else has done and see what is done well and what is done poorly. Come to think of it, you don’t even need to look for dorky-looking guys in cardigans reading poetry. A lot of music videos have full or partial lyrics scrolling by. (Suggestions that this is necessary because the “singers” are so drugged up as to be unintelligible might have some truth to them.)
There is an open source or openly available package to do church stuff like lyrics and scripture as video overlay text. Can’t remember the name, but I think most of the churches that use video for that use the package….
Teach it like you’d teach a class, only without the interactive part, although people will comment below your video and you can address the comments the next week.
There is a certain amount of annoyance dealing with comments. Each of the people I watch regularly deals with them differently but most get annoyed at least part of the time.
It’s not necessary to get your mug in the shot. I know several people who appear but never show their faces. One guy even wears gloves most of the time. The one time he didn’t, his hands looked normal, without any identifying features. And there is FaliaPhotography- she’s never showed her face but the rest is awfully easy on the eyes. It was a whole bunch of vids before Poroldchap showed his face, and most of the time he avoids it. And he’s got a strange accent, his “u” is downright weird.
The more of your personality that comes thru, the more successful you will be. GIANT potential audience. If a few thousand are interested, that’s pretty cool.
“…How To Print a Gun at Home: Ronald Bailey Reviews ‘Come and Take It’ at WSJ…”
The tech is now at the point that we can 3D print some pretty cool chit in regard to firearms. Ghost Gunner on steroids.
“If you’re seriously considering this, check around and see what anyone else has done and see what is done well and what is done poorly.”
That’s my next step. And then we’ll see. It seems a shame to let the education and piles of books here go to utter waste. And for my personal image, I can currently do either the cardigan-wearing English prof or a Hell’s Angel or a tacticool militia guy.
@dave, haven’t shot the AK in a LONG time. Got mostly steel ammo and that’s verboten on all the ranges I used to frequent. I need to get rid of the Cali compliant stuff and set it up with more modern furniture. I saw one that was very nice with AR style accessories. Since appearance isn’t high on the list of spending money stuff though, it’s been sitting while other more pressing needs were met.
I shot it open iron sights since I couldn’t justify the cost of the bracket. Now I want a chinese red dot for it.
Can anyone comment on using Hot Hands chemical hand warmers as oxygen absorbers?
Have a different appearance in each episode, chosen to complement the week’s poem. This week, a Hell’s Angel snarls “But Iron — Cold Iron — is master of them all.” Next week, a Mr Rogers impersonator — with a beard — will read some Longfellow. The week after, some Emily Dickinson will be read by an Eleanor Roosevelt impersonator. With a beard.
Speaking of the classics, I hit one of my favorite thrift stores today and picked up an illustrated Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner for the kids. Me too, since I can’t remember having read the whole thing. Also an illustrated and reworked Robinson Caruso that would give the PC crowd fits. Hope the kids like the story.
Indoctrination works both ways.
(one of their favorite bedtime books is the Uncle Remus stories from disney, circa ’54. Not gonna find that one in the school library.)
Have a different appearance in each episode, chosen to complement the week’s poem. This week, a Hell’s Angel snarls “But Iron — Cold Iron — is master of them all.” Next week, a Mr Rogers impersonator — with a beard — will read some Longfellow. The week after, some Emily Dickinson will be read by an Eleanor Roosevelt impersonator. With a beard.
Unless you are a professional, it is incredibly hard to read a script (that you have written) and manipulate something on the screen. Or, just good at creating a video. I am neither.
And the dang videos age so quickly ! I built this video back in 2010 using version 10 of our software, it took me two days ! You would not believe how many uhs and duhs were in the first recording. I so need to update it to version 15 since we are so much more Visio like nowadays. And to create other example videos.
Can anyone comment on using Hot Hands chemical hand warmers as oxygen absorbers?
Sounds like a good way to burn your garage / house down. I can testify that chemical hand warmers do not keep your hands or pockets warm when fishing on the Missouri river in Montana when it is 32 F. And the wind is blowing 10 to 30 mph.
nick wrote:
“Got mostly steel ammo and that’s verboten on all the ranges I used to frequent.”
“Can anyone comment on using Hot Hands chemical hand warmers as oxygen absorbers?”
Not personally, being totally ignorant of the concept, but google-fu produced this:
“I saw one that was very nice with AR style accessories.”
Chit-tons of stuff you can fit it with; I’d be happy with a decent sling (Viking Tactics) and a red-dot optic. Certain types of ammo suck in those; check out Hitchcock45 on that stuff; he runs different ammo through these but I forget what sucked and what was OK; suffice to say that the cheap stuff sucks.
I wanted a modern Murkan rifle that shoots AK ammo, so got a Ruger Mini-30 and will be putting a side-folding stock on it, handguard, light, red-dot optic and sling; mostly for vehicle travel. It costs around the same for surplus AKs and my C&R Fed license will get me an SKS, which will probably need some work. FFL in-progress again; so many projects and so little time w/o interruptions.
“Have a different appearance in each episode…”
Outlaw mc scumbag for the Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid, and Beowulf.
English prof for Renaissance poets; long haired English prof for de Vere and Metaphysicals.
Back to regular English prof for the Fireside Poets, neglected now because they’re “trite” and “regional” and non-PC. Southern poets personae non gratae for a long time now.
I’d do maybe half a dozen poems from the “Belle of Amherst,” along with three or four from my ancestor, Anne Bradstreet. Another woman writer I’d love to do would be the Countess of Pembroke, Sir Philip Sidney’s sister. Together they made English sonnets from the Psalms. And he, of course, wrote the Defense of Poesy. Incidentally, we can trace our evil rotten Whitey English ancestry to this guy, so far:
Somebody owes me a castle.
“…Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner…”
My dad read that to me when I was a kid; he thought it was wicked pissah. And I dug Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe, whose “Journal of the Plague Year” I read recently, and I liked Swiss Family Robinson, and then got a kick out of “Kidnapped” and “Treasure Island.” I went on to Dickens and Kipling and then all the Sherlock Holmes stories, along with dime movies at the local state college auditorium.
“…the Uncle Remus stories from disney, circa ’54. Not gonna find that one in the school library.)”
Ya know, I haven’t been inside a library in many years now; I should go do a recon and see what they’ve got and what’s turned up missing since the onslaught of PC.
“Got mostly steel ammo and that’s verboten on all the ranges I used to frequent.”
My range sweeps up the brass casings and sells them by the barrel. No steel casings allowed since they would have to pick those out. Just too labor intensive.
“…I built this video back in 2010 using version 10 of our software, it took me two days ! ”
Nice job, Mr. Lynn; you have a very good speaking voice and the sound quality was very good, too; that TX accent creeps in as you move along, lol. You jump right into the deal there, doncha; I like that. Skip all that intro and b.s. I’ve seen with so many instruction vids.
““Got mostly steel ammo and that’s verboten on all the ranges I used to frequent.”
Different ranges seem to have different reasons; more ricochets, controversial armor-piercing capability (so what?), etc.
Nice job, Mr. Lynn; you have a very good speaking voice and the sound quality was very good, too; that TX accent creeps in as you move along, lol. You jump right into the deal there, doncha; I like that. Skip all that intro and b.s. I’ve seen with so many instruction vids.
Thanks ! And it is very frustrating when you finish the PERFECT video recording and you are at 10 minutes 20 seconds length. Youtube only allows 10 minutes unless you have a deal with them ???. So all the fluff goes right out the window.
““Got mostly steel ammo and that’s verboten on all the ranges I used to frequent.”
Different ranges seem to have different reasons; more ricochets, controversial armor-piercing capability (so what?), etc.
@nick, steel bullets or lead bullets ? Steel casings or brass casings ?
I assumed that you have steel casings.
I’ve never seen non shotgun steel bullets for sale here in Texas. But lots of steel casings, I’ve got about 20 boxes of 44 special with steel casings and lead bullets. I’ve got about 10 boxes of .223 with steel casings also.
[snip] I wonder how many were actually inflatable dummies from Bill’s collection. [snip]
Bill Clinton has no need of inflatable dummies; he’s got actual leftist dummies by the busload willing to service him. Sad.
[snip] No steel casings allowed since they would have to pick those out. [snip]
I would think a decent magnet, like from a cheap speaker, would do that just fine. And since steel is recycle-able, the restriction seem silly.
“Bill Clinton has no need of inflatable dummies; he’s got actual leftist dummies by the busload willing to service him. Sad.”
By the trainload. Amazing. To. This. Day. I remember reading comments from cis-hetero male Murkan citizens back in the day who adored him and hoped to meet him and they were ALSO prepared, like wassername, to don kneepads and blow him. Seriously.
Around that time I began to lose hope for the country. And then Obola was not only elected but fucking RE-elected. WTF. A blessing in some ways, because I think more millions finally woke up during that eight years. The half-black President did not promote “racial healing” and in most ways, exacerbated hatred and racism on both sides. And for his Afrikan-Murkan brothers and sisters he dindu muffin and they’re pissed off. The Clinton Crime Family hasn’t done anything much for the progs and they’re pissed off. The Bush Crime Family dindu muffin for Repubs or “conservatives” and betrayed them at every step.
So why the fuck not have an orange-haired pro-wrestling real estate developer have the job for awhile; could he do any WORSE?? I doubt he’ll be talking about pussy anymore or grabbing women like that other notorious serial rapist and pedophile president. Not when he’s got what he’s got waiting for him back in whatever bedroom they use nowadays.
Hey, was watching some vids…
Steel case = bad because it gets mixed in with the brass. Simple to magnet it, but it’s hard enough to get people to sweep up their brass as it is.
Steel projectile (steel core) = bad because it contaminates the lead (which might get scooped out of a berm) or because the indoor backstop “isn’t rated for it.”
I have a bunch of NATO surplus I bought a long time ago, and I couldn’t shoot it most places I went. I’ve been too busy to really take it out here in TX, although I believe Hot Wells will allow it.
One more thing on the list….
now off to bed.
Before I go, some youtubers don’t speak at all, but that is better suited to short stuff.
Most of the ones I like watching talk alot, but they get in the flow of narrating what they’re doing. Very few go back to add narration later, or have any kind of script.
Narration, like reading aloud, takes practice.
When I did voiceovers and announcing, I needed every word written out, no improv, even if I’d said it many times. I also needed to be strictly focused on the task of speaking. Like I said before, it needs practice and is harder than it might look.
I think the youtube limit is 10 minutes until you either get enough uploads or enough views.
I think Nick is right, it takes lots of practice. I keep thinking of creating my own Youtube channel, but I haven’t done it yet. I think Lynn did a good job in the video.
There are teleprompter apps you can run on a PC.
This is going to sound weird, but I still feel awkward reading aloud. I have no problems with reading mind you. I just have a problem with reading aloud. Not so much a problem as awkwardness. So I don’t think a teleprompter would help me. I think I’m going to be a write it out beforehand, read through it a few times and then wing it Youtuber.
Yeah, she’s well beyond being “done.” She was also the person most responsible for kind of inflating her brother’s warrior-hero reputation. After he died of wounds in the Netherlands, it was months before his body got taken back to England and then his FIL, one Francis Walsingham, spent zillions on a gigantic state funeral. Which took peoples’ minds of the pending execution of Mary, Queen of Scots. See, they were doing that chit back THEN! Ironically, the crypt/grave got destroyed with a bunch of others in the humongous London fire less than a century later.
They were some very serious fummamuckers back then.
Yo, check out this Army vid:
They have two or three “recommendations” for how to deal with this and then they shoot themselves down; they don’t HAVE an answer. This is new historical territory and we’ll see it developing, like it is now in certain countries, before we croak. Our “leaders” would love to see that here; megacities crammed with proles and prolecubes that they can control utterly. Probably with the idea that our megacities won’t be nearly as bad as Lagos, Rio, Mexico City, etc.
I wouldn’t consider myself a public speaker like MrsAtoz, but the Army did train me. I think every Army school I attended from ROTC to Officer Basic to Command and Staff School had classes on speaking. We were trained on developing, writing and presenting various briefings. How to stand, hand gestures, inflection of your voice, active listening for question BDA were all covered. Then you presented to the class and were critiqued. I’ve briefed enlisted and officers in a platoon up to numerous general officer briefings including several Joint Chiefs.
MrsAtoz is a natural. She has several voice CDs where she just sat down in the studio with notes and had an hour done in a couple of takes. I can barely make it through a grocery list without rehearsal. It’s not easy to drop the uh’s and ah’s unless you are trained and practice.
RE: Youtube accounts & upload size.
I don’t recall the exact procedure, but it’s not difficult. It involves verifying your identity so they know who to hunt down with the ASCAP notices. (Not kidding. I get flagged occasionally because of music in the background.)
In any event, once you have a validated account, you can upload as long as you like. Since I upload finish line videos of varying length, it was important enough to me to take the time.