09:54 – Barbara is off to the gym. This afternoon, she’s volunteering at the Friends of the Library bookstore, and tomorrow evening she’s volunteering at the annual library Quiz Bowl. Yesterday, her new friend JoAnne from the historical society stopped by with her husband, Jeff, and their son, Colin, who’s 15. They have roots in Sparta and have owned a vacation home here for 15 years, but they’re just now in the process of moving here from New Jersey to live full-time. Jeff is 55 and just retired as manager of a waste water treatment plant after a 33-year career in water treatment.
After numerous email questions to me and Jen’s husband, David (a veterinarian), Brittany has decided what antibiotics to order for her, her husband, and their two young children. I suggested and David concurred (in his role as a layman) that Brittany and her husband should read the detailed data sheets for each antibiotic on drugs.com before deciding. Brittany also asked my advice on where to order, expecting that I’d know who offered the best prices and quality. I suggested aquabiotics.net as an inexpensive source of good-quality antibiotics.
After careful consideration, mainly because of the side effects in children, Brittany decided to order two 50-packs of these ($30 total), which is five courses of doxycycline. She also decided to order two 50-packs of these ($30 total), which is five to seven courses of SMZ/TMP, five 50-packs of these ($67.50 total) or a total of 100 grams, which is 2.5 courses at 4,000 mg/day for ten days, or ten courses at 2,000 mg/day for five days of metronidazole, and one 24-pack of these ($32 total), which they’ll use in combination with ordinary 500-mg amoxicillin capsules they already had to provide three courses of amoxicillin/clavulanate. They decided to pass on the ciprofloxacin entirely, and instead buy two 30-packs of these ($42 total), which is four to six courses of levofloxacin. Levofloxacin is a more expensive later-generation fluoroquinolone, similar to ciprofloxacin but with fewer resistance issues.
The idea of self-prescribing antibiotics scares the hell out of Brittany, which is good. It scares the hell out of me, too, even more so because I know a fair amount about them and their side effects. But Brittany intends to store these medications in the freezer against a truly catastrophic emergency, using them only as an absolute last resort. She looks at this purchase as a one-time outlay of $200+ on insurance.
Brittany’s first job in high school was working at a local pharmacy. As she said, most people who walk into a pharmacy and see hundreds or thousands of large bottles of drugs on the shelves behind the counter probably just assume that means the pharmacy keeps enough drugs on hand to fill prescriptions for weeks or months on end. She knows the truth is different. Most pharmacies get daily or more frequent deliveries of drugs, and what they have on hand of any particular drug at any given time may be a one-week supply, or less. If the transportation chain breaks down for any reason, a community may have at best a week’s or ten days’ supply of most critical drugs. That’s counting everything: pharmacies, hospitals, emergency-care clinics, doctors’ offices, veterinarians’ offices, everything. As Brittany said, a doctor without access to drugs is severely hampered in what he can do. But if the patient can provide his own drugs based on the doctor’s recommendation, there’s a much better chance of a good outcome.
To elaborate on what you said about pharmacy inventories. They keep a wide variety of drugs in inventory in a wide variety of dosages, but don’t very much of a particular drug/dosage on hand.
Yep, and if TSHTF, that’s going to be a major problem. That’s why I actually keep a pretty large quantity of antibiotics on hand, for example, 50 courses each of SMZ/TMP, doxycycline/tetracyclines, and erythromycin, two dozen metronidazole, a dozen amoxiclav, etc. etc.
I don’t even play a doctor on TV, but I want to have the tools to let a real doctor (or RN, vet, etc.) function. A lot of things can be improvised, but drugs aren’t one of those. Also, in the event I don’t have a professional available, I’d tend to wait until an infection became obviously serious before I administered antibiotics. At that point, I’d hit them with a heavy loading dose of doxycycline or SMZ/TMP, depending on what I thought it was, wait 8 to 12 hours for a noticeable improvement, and if no such improvement occurred, start co-dosing with two or three other antibiotics.
I’m fully aware of how much I know, but I’m also fully aware of how little I know.
I’m not watching The Walking Dead (saving it up), but the season premiere is all over the toons. It follows the comic somewhat well. I won’t ruin it for you. Gory!
I’m not watching The Walking Dead (saving it up), but the season premiere is all over the toons. It follows the comic somewhat well. I won’t ruin it for you. Gory!
Gory is a horrible understatement for season 7 episode 1. In the zombie apocalypse, the problem is not the zombies. It is your fellow survivors. Without the rule of law, certain people feel no constraints on their behavior whatsoever.
I didn’t think they would follow the comic book that closely. I only saw screen shots of the deaths and they were pretty accurate. The comic book was more graphic, but the pages are B/W so the gore content is a little less.
Well, Project Veritas’ latest video shows Cankles involvement in election rigging and how she lied about knowing people involved.
MSM: Zzz Zzzz crickets
Election Officials: Zzz Zzz crickets
Do you need to know anything else Boobus? Your new ruler, Cankles I, will reward you with more taxes, spending and wars.
OFD is still not caught up on the reading here, but here’s some good nooz anyway!
Buh-bye, muthafucka! And incidentally, there’s no capitalist-manufactured A-C in Hell!
Yeah, it’s things like this that make me regret that as an atheist I can’t hope that he’ll rot in hell.
I didn’t think they would follow the comic book that closely. I only saw screen shots of the deaths and they were pretty accurate. The comic book was more graphic, but the pages are B/W so the gore content is a little less.
It was bad enough to watch the killings. It was worse hearing the thwack, thwack, thwack of Lucille.
It was bad enough to watch the killings. It was worse hearing the thwack, thwack, thwack of Lucille.
I wonder what the foley guys really used to make the sound of the bat hitting flesh.
My wife is the fan who watches the show regularly while I am a casual viewer. Of course that didn’t stop my wife from sending *me* into the Walking Dead attraction at Universal to get pictures while she waited outside.
(BTW — It didn’t work. Universal policy inside the attraction is “No pictures/video allowed”, and the scariest thing in the Walking Dead are the guards tasked with protecting the IP. Typical private security — far creepier than the actual performers. )
Hayden? He deserves a short trip to the outer reaches of Purgatory compared with the execrable Jane Fonda.
Hayden? He deserves a short trip to the outer reaches of Purgatory compared with the execrable Jane Fonda.
Hayden is minor league compared to the mischief perpetrated by Bill Ayers, one of the 60s radicals puppeteers behind Doh-bama during the community organizer’s rise to power.
@Greg Norton said: “I wonder what the foley guys really used to make the sound of the bat hitting flesh.”
Depending on the body part, watermelons and pig carcasses. There was a Myth Busters episode about sound effects. I also remember this from my high school theater days in the 60s. I doubt that it would be PC to have a pig carcass backstage these days.
“Hayden is minor league compared to the mischief perpetrated by Bill Ayers, one of the 60s radicals puppeteers behind Doh-bama during the community organizer’s rise to power.”
Yep, and Jeffrey Carl Jones, with whom I’ve mentioned I had a long-standing run-in in 1975-75. I almost shot the SOB. Should have.
There might be some useful information regarding antibiotics in this report:
It’s a major stretch to call amoxicillin/clavulanate “narrow-spectrum”.
I doubt that it would be PC to have a pig carcass backstage these days.
Yeh, there is only one Hildabeast to go around.
That’s why, when you get the chance, you should give them hell on earth. I favor crucifixion because the message is understood throughout the western world, but history provides a wide range of inspiration.
Have a raffle. $10 buys your theatre group the chance to have a real* live** Hildebeest to beat for your audience’s pleasure. She’s not only for sound effects! She can be put in front of the curtain and beaten as performance art! Don’t miss your chance, buy your ticket today!
* To the extent that sack of shit has ever been real.
** To the extent that a corpse animated only by an intensive drug regimen can be considered alive.
“Hayden is minor league compared to the mischief perpetrated by Bill Ayers, one of the 60s radicals puppeteers behind Doh-bama during the community organizer’s rise to power.”
“** To the extent that a corpse animated only by an intensive drug regimen can be considered alive.”
And here’s my take on a situation expressed by my younger brother today in email, i.e., the fems all support Cankles and it’s really annoying:
“Oh yeah, the fems are ALL for Cankles no matter what her truly obscene
and awful decades of history have been; they just don’t care. Because
Trump said “pussy” 20 years ago and he’s mean to womyn. Because the MSM
and the Cankles campaign have said so, and they don’t ever look at any
alternative nooz sources and don’t wanna hear it anyway. So, in
essence, Trump saying a bad word 20 years ago in private with another
guy, whose conversation had been surreptitiously recorded, and for which
he has since apologized and groveled for, is WORSE by orders of
magnitude, evidently, than the Cankles history of chiseling from
Arkansas, NY and U.S. taxpayers, outright theft, stock market
manipulations, investments in South African diamond mines during
apartheid, the outright massive global theft in the Clinton Foundation,
constant lying about everything, enabling her husband in his ongoing
serial adultery, rape, pedophilia and drug abuse and dealing, her
obvious alcoholism, leaving American soldiers to die at Benghazi,
instigating offensive relations and a war footing with Russia,
collapsing regimes and causing subsequent chaos and mass violence in
Tunisia, Libya and Syria, and outright TREASON. “Pussy” beats all of
that. Amazing. “Well, if you were a woman you’d understand.” Yeah,
Well, when it all falls apart under the various Dem and commie regimes,
I’ll mos def be saying “I told ya so.”
BoobusVaginus Americanus will be voting their vaginas in droves. Probably not as great a percentage as Blackus Americanus voted their skin color in 2008 and 2012, but possibly enough to make stealing the election unnecessary. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’ve found very few women saying anything bad about the hag, or at least not without qualifying any mild criticism with a variation on “but at least she’s not Trump”.Sounds like sexist bullshit to me, too.
Re: sound effects. Wouldn’t the various production houses in Hollywood have libraries of sounds ready to go? Take the carcass of a large dog, put an array of microphones around the head, and swing away – sound of wooden baseball bat meeting cranium. Same with chainsaw into flesh, etc.
@pcb_duffer said: ” Wouldn’t the various production houses in Hollywood have libraries of sounds ready to go?”
Actually they have for years, my high school did have a record and tape library of sound effects, which I am sure is all digital these days. The only reason we did some things the old fashion way was to understand the history of sound effects and for fun
I will never forget the effect in my high school auditorium (we had a full Broadway style fly stage and orchestra pit, as big as anything in Chicago) when we played the 1812 Overture and used shotgun blanks fired into 55-gallon drums to simulate the canon fire at the end. Eardrum splitting and smoke billowing out from backstage. We did it once a year at our final concert and always received a standing O. We also did an outdoor summer concert series in the park and did the 1812 Overture then too, but used real canons that the National Guard fired for us, plus all the local churches rang their bells, quite an effort/marvel of synchronization.
Re: sound effects. Wouldn’t the various production houses in Hollywood have libraries of sounds ready to go? Take the carcass of a large dog, put an array of microphones around the head, and swing away – sound of wooden baseball bat meeting cranium. Same with chainsaw into flesh, etc.
Foley artists are unionized. “Walking Dead” is filmed in Georgia, and post probably takes place at Universal in CA.
I had to laugh when my in-laws reported special sections of I-75 tagged with “do not mow” signs for “The Walking Dead” location shooting. I said, “They should try WA State. $9.35+ min. wage means that the highway medians in some areas haven’t been mowed in years.”
What are you talking about? All the top minds have told us that an increase in the minimum wage will have almost no impact on employment. Are you a top mind? Have you sat in a tenured academic position for years? Are you a politician or bureaucrat who’s never had to meet payroll? No? Well then maybe you should shut up and let your betters speak.
“They should try WA State. $9.35+ min. wage means that the highway medians in some areas haven’t been mowed in years.”
The first time I read that, I interpreted it as $9.35/hr + $7.25/hr = $16.60/hr for mowing medians.
It is not just the labor cost, have you priced diesel tractors lately ? They all have catalytic converters with DEF fluid injection/tanks and soot collecters/burners. Along with expensive computer controls and piezoelectric ultra high pressure diesel injectors, etc. So a 35 hp small diesel tractor is $40K. Plus you need a cab and air conditioning, stereo, etc.
Take the carcass of a large
dogcat, put an array of microphones around the head, and swing awayFIFY
I was gonna say Cankles head, but it’s already mush.
“…the highway medians in some areas haven’t been mowed in years.””
Not a day goes by up here when I’m be-bopping on the interstate or on the state highways and roads that I don’t think about that and how it would look a few years after SHTF, as in the tee-vee flicks “Jericho” and “Revolution.” Some miles of these roads would be akin to driving in dark green tunnels in the warm weather; and if they weren’t plowed in the winter, impassable, except by snowmobile or those gigantic rigs the ski resorts use. And those of us wearing x-c skis and/or snowshoes. Boy, I’d like to be in good enough shape to be wearing winter duds, and toting a ruck, rifle, pistol and ammo on snowshoes for a few miles in a snowy winter. Dunno if it’s too late, but I’ll give it a shot, haha, once I get my back situation fixed somehow.
“Maybe I’m wrong, but I’ve found very few women saying anything bad about the hag, or at least not without qualifying any mild criticism with a variation on “but at least she’s not Trump”.”
Ditto. And I watched “60 Minutes” last night between NFL games and they went to Ohio and talked to a small handful of peeps who were all twisted up inside on what they’d do on 11/8, etc., blah, blah, blah, except for half a dozen evil white males who were dead set on voting for Trump. But the hottie woman Repub operative just can’t do it, and she’ll undoubtedly vote for Cankles. The killer thing that the Dems managed to swing was that old tape of him saying a bad word, and then, what, three weeks before the election we have a sudden lineup of aggrieved womyn with all sorts of claims that he did and said this and that. With that blow, he lost the few women left who might have voted for him anyway. False as it is.
This, of course, is also likely to piss off even more evil white men, who will now quit voting Dem and vote for Trump. But will it be enough to offset the fembat vote? Doubtful. Plus she has the EC.
So I’m prepping, as usual, for a tough winter with no power and local goblins roaming around the AO. Plus, a Cankles/Kaine White House. Or another three, six or more months of the Prophet, Barack Hussein Soetero, having postponed or canceled the election for “national security” reasons. Either way, there will be shitstorms in the major cities and continued pressuring cyber-attacks on our Grid from state and non-state actors. Along with lone-wolf musloid and nutjob shootings and bombings.
The general pop will continue in an increasing state of fear and trembling and look to the Almighty State to protect them, whatever it takes.
Being born in an islamorrhoid turdpile is a disability. If boys and girls are born in about the same numbers, and older men have several wives, simple arithmetic suggests that there won’t be many women for the young men. The society (for lack of a better word) has the choice of killing off a lot of their young men, exporting a lot of their young men, importing a lot of women, or accepting that their society will blow up from the pressure.
Being born in an islamorrhoid turdpile is a disability.
Odooshnozzle to the rescue! Let’s import millions more young Syrian Mooslim fukstiks! Yay, we saved their “society”.\!
“…the choice of killing off a lot of their young men, exporting a lot of their young men, importing a lot of women…”
So they “chose” the first two, mainly. They’re in constant warfare among themselves and meanwhile they’re shipping millions of young males to the West. Who, upon arrival, look to assault and rape Western women, many of whom support allowing the invasion swarms, supposedly for humanitarian reasons and out of sheer ignorance, apparently, and willful ignorance at that, for fear of being labeled rayciss.
Bracken has predicted that in a couple of generations we’ll have an even fiercer set of Huns to worry about, the male children of musloids and Germans.
The first time I read that, I interpreted it as $9.35/hr + $7.25/hr = $16.60/hr for mowing medians.
Sorry. Base WA minimum wage was $9.35/hr when we left in 2014. The inflation indexing in the WA State law may have raised it since then so I added the ‘+’.
A ballot measure is up for November which will raise the minimum to $13.50/hr statewide, and Seattle already went to $15/hr IIRC.
Regardless, WA State is not a “right to work” state so I’m guessing mowing highway medians would be a $100k/year unionized (SEIU?) government gig once you added benefits and a retirement plan.
And well worth it! Once you add the multiplier effect, that $100k becomes at least $250k in the economy. And don’t forget, “The state works because we do!” — the motto of state employee unions everywhere.
Shit, I’m moving to Washington State; fuck hanging around this loser state and being an unemployed bum!
I could get by on $100k/year and live in the westun paht of the state; could they grok my accent, ya think?
Yep, and Jeffrey Carl Jones, with whom I’ve mentioned I had a long-standing run-in in 1975-75. I almost shot the SOB. Should have.
Wow. He was still “underground” back then.
It seems like the more money the family had, the more radicalized the offspring became in the 60s. Ayers father ran Con Ed at one point IIRC. Various Jones bios indicate that his father was a Disney exec.
Yeah, he was. I wrote about it here:
@OFD said: “Shit, I’m moving to Washington State; fuck hanging around this loser state and being an unemployed bum!”
/chamber of commerce hat ON/ Come on over @Dave Hardy, you would be a prime addition to WA State. I would recommend my Southeast corner though. Would seem like the backwoods compared to where you are now, but it is just a reasonable drive to go anywhere do anything you want. One token major snowfall a year. Our airport, while small, can get you anywhere in the world with usually only one transfer at Seattle WA, Portland OR, or Minneapolis MN. Because we have a lot of gooberment work still going on here we have to have an effective airport. We have an AMTRAK station too, if you swing that way (there is a bus station close by to it). We have an Amazon Customer Service Center that could possibly use your IT services or you could just answer phones and read scripts. /chamber of commerce hat OFF/
SteveF: Re “I’ve found very few women saying anything bad about the hag”
You should hear my wife. She viscerally hates Cankles and doesn’t want ANY woman as President. She says “I’m a woman, I have been around women for 60 years. Women react emotionally, men use more reason. Women are hateful and vindictive, especially to other women. And our cycle makes us functionality insane some days of the month. I’d NEVER vote for a female President”
Good to hear it, H. Combs. I’ve talked to a few women who say about the same, but they’re outnumbered 10:1 or more by the vag voters. -shrug- In
15 daysa months and a half, hundreds of recounts and thousands of boxes of ballots found in closets, and a dozen court cases, we’ll know how it turned out.(BTW, how did you manage to have a comment time, 21:24, later than the clock time on my computer? My computer gets its time hack from the internet servers. -gasp-! Are you come from the future to lend us your wisdom? It’s the only possible explanation!)
My time is currently 21:35 EDT.
Here ya go Mr. Lynn and Mr. Nick. Cankles keeps poking the Bear, guess what happens:
Russia reveals chilling first images of super-nuke ‘Satan 2’ which has ‘power to devastate area size of Texas’
-shrug- I’ve seen it before, that the “real, true” time taken from “the one true truth” servers varies between systems. I’ve never had side-by-side screen showing different “real, true” times but others claim to have done so. Hardly a problem for us ordinary users. One would hope that international banks and other orgs which rely on millisecond synch have more precise “real, true” time hacks.
It’s also possible that I simply misread the clock widget on my computer. I wouldn’t think so — the screen is about a foot from my face, and I’m nearsighted but not that nearsighted — but it can’t be ruled out. Or my computer spazzed, or I’m a time traveler from the past, come to share with you tales of the long-gone days before pervasive surveillance.
That would be enough to nail Washington DC, NYC, and Boston in one shot. Let ’er rip!
Oh, sure, I’d be nailed in the same blast, but that comes under acceptable losses.
Oh dear, you mean we’d lose Mordor, Babylon and Beantown?? How sad. Wouldn’t the Capital District be OK? Or is that too close to Babylon?
“Would seem like the backwoods compared to where you are now…”
Maybe so, but the backwoods are pretty close to here and this is only a village inside a small town.
“She says “I’m a woman, I have been around women for 60 years. Women react emotionally, men use more reason. Women are hateful and vindictive, especially to other women. And our cycle makes us functionality insane some days of the month. I’d NEVER vote for a female President””
Holy crap! Outstanding! What does she think of Ann Coulter, who says pretty much the same thing? I have to dump in my own corollary for menz:
“I’m a man. I’ve been around men for 63 years. Men occasionally use reason but are mostly stupid, loudmouth, arrogant pigs. Men are violent and among their numbers have the most murderers and war criminals and can be notoriously treacherous, even unto their own families and countries. Our testosterone makes us aggressive and violent sons of bitches, which only decreases, partially, with age, when we grow even more stupid, loudmouthed and arrogant, and also are unable to care for ourselves and in the end, are mostly crying and wetting our diapers again. I’d of course vote for a man for President because women are vindictive and hateful.”
And hey it’s only been a day, and see here, roving gangs of black youths, out for a bit o the ole ultraviolence….
“Joe Lauletta wrote on Facebook on Saturday that that his daughter Christina Lauletta was a victim of one of the groups.
His post, in which he claims she was held down and kicked and stomped until every part of her body was bruised, has been shared 4,000 times.
He wrote: ‘I find out that her and her 2 male friends where badly beaten by a group of 30-40 black teenagers on their way home from the Temple football game.”
“In another incident, police said a 15-year-old boy punched a police horse twice in the face as mounted officers were trying to break up a crowd at a street corner.
Authorities have charged him with assaulting a police service animal, Philly.com reported.
In all, 50 juveniles were taken into custody.”
Punched a HORSE!
F me.
Punched a HORSE!
Reminds one of Blazing Saddles.
Shit, there are some horses that if you punch them in the face will turn you into a pancake real fast. Police horses are trained for unruly crowd control scenarios and that one just took it, I guess. Try that shit with some of our farm animals up here, and I’m sure Mr. Ray has stories.
“…by a group of 30-40 black teenagers…”
Always in a mob and only attack when they greatly outnumber the victim/s, and preferably the victims are women, girls, old people, handicapped people, etc.
“…out for a bit o the ole ultraviolence….”
Alright, show of hands, who else caught Mr. nick’s literary and movie reference??
Had a productive weekend. Set up my new (refurbished) Champion dual fuel 7kw generator. Tried to start it on propane, nothing. Switched to gasoline, fired right up. Let it warm up, then stopped It and switched back to propane, NOTHING. Grrrr. Finally read the manual (RTFM), there was a single step I had omitted. Turning on the propane lever !!! After that, worked like a charm. I ran some cords and ran both chest freezers and the fridge with no noticeable change in engine sound. Output still read a steady 249 volts. Now to fill my 80 gallon tank and I will feel much better prepared for what lies ahead.
SteveF – I used to live in the future. Living in New Zealand we were first across the date line so my Monday was Americans Sunday. My email tag line was “Living tomorrow today so you don’t have to”. Wishing we had never left.
When will the Austrians rise up? Or any other Europeans? Or the Brits? Is this just going to go on and on and get worse by the day, if not the hour? I sincerely hope and pray that as it builds momentum HERE, too, we rise up. We have a history of rising up, but I fear that it may take a lot, too much, to get it going again.
By what twisted and obscene logic do these evil government cretins find this acceptable and to be encouraged?
Moral relativism. “Once you stop believing in God, you’ll believe anything.”
And they’ve all been basted in guilt, guilt that they’re not poor, guilt that they’re not brown, guilt that they’re not deviants… Progressives and sociallists must first be convinced of their own guilt, their own lack of a right to exist on their own merit. Then they will give up anything to be absolved by the state.
And with that cheery thought, I’m for bed…
Here ya go Mr. Lynn and Mr. Nick. Cankles keeps poking the Bear, guess what happens:
Russia reveals chilling first images of super-nuke ‘Satan 2’ which has ‘power to devastate area size of Texas’
If Cankles gets elected, Russia is going to EMP the USA from Maine to Hawaii with those 16 MIRVs. That would make a perfect device at 250,000 ft altitude. Just put the device in a capsule and drop on every 10 degrees.
“”“…out for a bit o the ole ultraviolence….”
Alright, show of hands, who else caught Mr. nick’s literary and movie reference??””
“A Clockwork Orange” of course, though I can’t even claim to know it well.
Watch, and wait, wakefully. Tool up, gear up, and just watch and listen for a while.
The so-called “alt-right” is not the answer and is not gonna help us.
Full disclosure, lol: I’m to the right of Pat Buchanan and a traditionalist Roman Catholic gun nut. But I’m gonna need to get along with peeps a bit to my left and a bit to my right. (using the old left-right lingo, which is nearly dead and buried anyway).
Yes my droogs, I got the reference. A great book and not a bad movie.
Had an unpleasant morning trying to help with a slow-moving medical emergency. Came home and washed slightly bloody clothing and took a shower.
Lesson learned: I guess you should have a big diesel ambulance ready, and two strong professional EMTs who have a magical gurney thing with an electric motor for getting a heavy uncooperative guy down some stairs!
““A Clockwork Orange” of course, though I can’t even claim to know it well.”
Bravo, Mr. Spook! By the late Anthony Burgess. A slice of our present and future. And bravo, Mr. Rolf!
“I guess you should have a big diesel ambulance ready, and two strong professional EMTs who have a magical gurney thing with an electric motor for getting a heavy uncooperative guy down some stairs!”
Naw, roll up a fire department ladder truck, push the bugger out the window and winch him down the ladder; strap him in and off to the ER! No fuss, no muss.
“Russia is going to EMP the USA from Maine to Hawaii with those 16 MIRVs. That would make a perfect device at 250,000 ft altitude.”
Hey, no problemo, amigo: Faraday cages, beans, bacon and bullets. And the lack of pixels will drive most of the country bat-shit crazy in about a day or so anyway. We can pick them off from the comfort of our book-lined studies, as we read the Classics by candle-light…
There it is. In one word. And it’s spread like a virus throughout the West. James Burnham’s book title of long ago: “The Suicide of the West.” Recommended. I took his quiz thirty years ago and qualified as “Reactionary.” Then there’s Pascal Bruckner’s “The Tyranny of Guilt: An Essay on Western Masochism.”
And Jean Raspail’s “The Camp of the Saints,” and Ilana Mercer’s “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa.”
Buchanan has been married to the Murkan political/party system for his entire life, so I’ve had to look elsewhere to get other perspectives that we certainly don’t have here yet.
And with THOSE cheery thoughts and nasty, evil book recommendations, this evil white man is gonna toddle on down the stairs and nod off in the recliner next to the woodstove, and dream of the country beyond SHTF.
Pax vobiscum, fratres
The fems here threatening to vote Cankles haven’t early voted yet. I just sit at my desk smiling. In good news, lol!, MrsAtoz spilled a large iced tea on her laptop and killed it. Why good? Apple announces it’s new laptops this week. Perfect chance for more obfuscation! “Honey we should look at those new laptops. You’ll need one for upcoming work when they come out in a week or two.” Right around the end of early voting.
“”Watch, and wait, wakefully. Tool up, gear up, and just watch and listen for a while.””
Generally the best approach, I reckon.
Just caught up with “The Walking Dead” and the overall concept of some sort of overlord ruining lives (bad enough already) just for his/her own power trip is extremely depressing and distressing.
The fems here threatening to vote Cankles haven’t early voted yet.
Five daughters ? Plus the wife, six votes for Illary ?
Just caught up with “The Walking Dead” and the overall concept of some sort of overlord ruining lives (bad enough already) just for his/her own power trip is extremely depressing and distressing.
I’ve been trying to figure out who the strong man to rise to the top in the USA might be ? We are actually in the situation where we could get one such as Putin. Put in Illary, she goes down, and Congress eats Kaine. Enter strong man from the right.
“”I’ve been trying to figure out who the strong man to rise to the top in the USA might be ? “”
Kinda what I was questioning and dreading… if only on state and local levels.
None of that stuff about the improved SS-18 is really new, it’s just a beat up. And the Russians know what will happen to them if they launch their missiles – old or new.
They think they know. As soon as what they think and what we think no longer aligns, watchout.
Just ask Ukraine.
WRT punching a police horse:
This police horse got sweet revenge on the bitch:
Vote Early and Vote Often
What has been done to the European people is in progress here as well, thanks to the usual suspects:
Note that Texas is at the top of the list in the graph.
“This police horse got sweet revenge on the bitch:”
The cop controls the horse and worked it so it would dump the idiot on her ass. They routinely do that in rowdy crowd situations. All it takes is a twitch of the rump, really, and they can really clock you.
@OFD said: “The cop controls the horse and worked it so it would dump the idiot on her ass. They routinely do that in rowdy crowd situations. All it takes is a twitch of the rump, really, and they can really clock you.”
Yes, a well trained team.
WRT your YouTube link: thanks for raising my blood pressure. Now I am going to find a purring cat before I pop a vein.
Vote Early and Vote Often
Lynn wrote:
“If Cankles gets elected, Russia is going to EMP the USA from Maine to Hawaii with those 16 MIRVs.”
MIRVs can’t be spread over more than a few hundred km, as far as I’m aware.
Plus the Russkies know what would be coming back at them from Minot, Malmstrom and Warren. Not to mention Ohio class subs on patrol.
I was in the AF’s NORAD divisions for a while stateside and served a short sentence in central Maine in the dead of winter, which I won’t forget for a long time; we had a saying: “Why not Minot?” Those sites were considered kinda harsh duty for us security police drones. Esp. in winter. From Maine I went back to TX for combat training and then ‘Nam; quite a shocking contrast, I kid U not.
“If Cankles gets elected, Russia is going to EMP the USA from Maine to Hawaii with those 16 MIRVs.”
MIRVs can’t be spread over more than a few hundred km, as far as I’m aware.
Sorry, I was not explicit as usual. I pictured a cosmonaut (or two) throwing the MIRVs out the capsule door while rotating around the USA.
He won’t be doing it from atop a new SS-18.
@Miles_Teg said: “Not to mention Ohio class subs on patrol.”
All of our current Fast Attacks (the few remaining Los Angeles Class and all the Virginia Class) have vertical launch tubes in addition to torpedo tubes. These can launch Tomahawk and Harpoon cruise missiles with single and multiple nuclear warheads. The Fast Attacks can get in very close to launch so there is virtually no response time to defend against their missiles. You can look at pictures and deduce how many launch tubes you may see, I cannot tell you. I also cannot tell you how many missiles are carried. The vertical launch tubes are a one shot deal, but the torpedo room carries A LOT of missiles to reload the tubes. This would be our first strike. The Boomers will finish the glassification. It’ll be over in an hour.
Meanwhile the Air Force and Army will still be looking for their launch keys and codes
Oh dear! Interservice rivalry from DadCooks????????
I didn’t know Tomahawks and Harpoons could carry multiple warheads. Some of the Russky ICBM silos are a long way from the coast, not so? Plus they have a few reasonably good SLBM boats. Can you find them when you need to?
The Army did away with the Nike and “Long John” ages ago. No nukes, except for those nuclear hand grenades. Pull pin, throw two miles.
The Army did away with the Nike and “Long John” ages ago. No nukes, except for those nuclear hand grenades. Pull pin, throw two miles.
“20. If you’re not willing to shell your own position, you’re not willing to win.”
“Maxim #61: Don’t bring big grenades into small rooms”
@Miles_Teg said: “I didn’t know Tomahawks and Harpoons could carry multiple warheads.”
Remember, multiple is 2 or more. How much more I am not at liberty to say. These warheads are also “relatively small” and not designed to take out missile silos, but most of the Russian ICBMs are on mobile platforms.
“Can you find them when you need to?”
Not as well as we used to thanks to Obuttwad reducing our readiness to 25% or less in all areas, that includes our satellite surveillance (practically no one left to interpret the “pictures”). We used to have 100% shadowing of all Russian naval vessels (by surface and/or fast attack), no more, that is why Putin is being so bold about moving his fleet.
I’ve always said that the contemporary primary defense of North Murka is our Navy, and specifically the sub forces. Hats off!
I’m also pretty sure that regardless of all the cuts, we still have the capability to obliterate the home territories of ANY attackers within hours if not minutes. Any attacker hitting us with a nuke or EMP might as well make a good act of contrition and give up the ghost.
A Clockwork Orange is one of my favorite films. Saw the X rated version while in high school with a friend. We got an adult to buy the tickets and the ticket taker at the Galleria 3 was about 800 with poor eyesight.
That and the book for me; Burgess also knew a thing or two about Tudor England.
I can’t think of any Kubrick films I liked. (I’ve mentioned this not too long ago, possibly here.*) Saw a few minutes of Orange, rolled my eyes, and found something more productive to do with my time.
The book A Clockwork Orange is on my to-read list. Currently at about #8000. I’ve resigned myself to not getting to everything I want to read. Not unless I actually am immortal, as the prophecies suggest.
* On top of my usual burnoutitude, my wife got a work call at 0100 today. She connected in to the servers and worked for an hour or so, then went back to sleep. Me, I don’t go back to sleep once awoken. I’m running on fumes here. Coffee fumes. Mmm, coffee…
I can sleep like the dead on a tank or standing up against a wall. Through rocket and mortar attacks. It is allegedly a trait of psychopaths, but I’m not running for office so that can’t be right, amirite? Wife can hear a leaf drop in the woods a mile away and wake up and not be able to get back to sleep.
I thought “The Shining” was pretty good. “Your money’s no good here, Mr. Torrance.”