09:16 – I see that gun sales are, so to speak, booming as the election approaches. I’m not sure why anyone is concerned. I have it on good authority that Clinton has made an absolute promise: “If you like your guns, you can keep your guns.” And we all know how honorable and trustworthy Clinton is.
Then there’s Trump, who apparently will accept the results of the election if he wins. Otherwise, not so much. I am reminded of Andrew Jackson. This could end up being a real mess. I’m relieved that we’re prepared, come what may.
It’s not that I’m expecting widespread violent civil unrest. I’m not, but nor is the probability zero that it will occur. If serious unrest begins in one or a few cities, there’s a reasonably high likelihood that it would spread like wildfire, and that interruptions to food and fuel deliveries would occur. The inner cities are already tinderboxes, and it wouldn’t take much to ignite them. Our political class is literally playing with fire.
We’ve added John Adams on Amazon Prime streaming to our mix. Barbara can take only so many Walking Dead episodes at a time, so we’re now alternating them with Sam Adams and re-watching the 1971 version of Upstairs, Downstairs.
One of Barbara’s friends from Winston is coming up today to spend the afternoon. Colin will be delighted. He thinks everyone that visits us has come to play with him.
I’m easily entertained. When we were filling bottles with rice, I added an oxygen absorber to each. The last of the 3-liter bottles we filled had only about 2 liters of rice in it. Just to see what would happen, I added an oxygen absorber to that one as well.
Ordinarily, the oxygen absorber causes the bottles to dent. In this case, it actually turned the 3-liter bottle square, with four flattish sides.
As I said, I’m easily entertained.
Sam Adams is a beer, John Adams is the TV show. Some Sam Adams might be helpful when watching the Walking Dead. Although I’m partial to Bass Pale Ale.
Yeah, as I said, we’re alternating John Adams episodes with Sam Adams.
Quick prepper pro tip.
Save at least one cap for each container that your pantry and stored food comes in.
IE save a cap from your ketchup bottle, your mayo, etc, even if you don’t save the empty containers. If you drop a stored bottle while cleaning, organizing, or looking for the D*&=N can you KNOW is in there, you can quick pop on the replacement.
I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader how many to save, and where the line between prudence and hoarding is…..
“Barbara can take only so many Walking Dead episodes at a time, so we’re now alternating them with Sam Adams and re-watching the 1971 version of Upstairs, Downstairs.”
Try Poldark. (The 1975-77 version.)
We watched it.
Mr. Nick, you should see if Dr. Bob would add an addendum to his book of Hints, Tips, and Tricks.
How’s the book coming Dr. Bob? Enquiring minds want to know.
There are probably tons of quick tips that wouldn’t fit in a chapter. In the old o-really books, I think they’d be in a pop up, or thought balloon type thingy on the page. Smaller even than a sidebar….
Sidebar example- generator section….
Since prepping is fractal in nature (as is life) there is always a deeper level of detail.
The number one traffic driver for website content (after naked pix) is lists. People love lists. I’d bet ‘tips and tricks’ is a close second. (and for a certain type of person, promises of secret knowledge seem to be irresistible.)
@rbt, it occurs to me that for weasel lawyer reasons, you should probably have a statement somewhere that ‘ideas, comments, etc on this blog can be used in whole or part without acknowledgement or compensation.” I know some other authors are very strict about this because they don’t want someone coming up later and claiming they had the original story idea and gave it to the author. This is tricky because who remembers exactly what led to any particular thought? Months later something can bubble to the surface…
If anything does end up in the book, a blanket acknowledgement like “some of the details, anecdotes, etc came from the blog discussion at xxxx.xxx” would probably be nice too….
(I don’t want to write a book myself, but I like contributing to the discussion…)
Jeez, another week gone and while world events should be kicking everyone’s preps up a notch, I find myself curiously lethargic.
I hit a couple of sales yesterday, and scored a great machinist’s library. This guy had more than a dozen books I grabbed, some of the Gingery pamphlets, Forrest Mimms electronics guides, even a ‘get started in ham radio’ from the 50s’. The older radio books have a good foundation expressed clearly, and written with the assumption that you could understand technical subjects if you try, and with the idea that doing so was part of being a well rounded fellow… he also had a hard copy of “one second after” so maybe I’ll finally read it.
Side note: if you are looking for chemicals that, while not controlled, you might not want on a searchable database (at your grocery store, forex..) estate sales are a good source, esp the ones where the people lived in the same house for 40 years. Those old guys kept a bunch of “the good stuff” around, just in case.
Picked up some pc parts for no money, including a 2 TB western digital hd for $1. That will go in a camera system dvr.
I haven’t mentioned it, but I got some good kitchen stuff over the last few weeks. It’s important to have all the things you need to cook after SHTF, and you might not now… Forex, do you have metal utensils? You don’t want to be using your plastic spatula with your cast iron, it gets too hot when searing. You should have chef knives, metal spoons, spatulas, forks, tongs, etc, in your “outdoor cooking”/camping kitchen so you don’t have to raid your normal kitchen. How about a second set of measuring cups and spoons? Extra can openers? Brass scrubbie for your pots?
So I added to my reference library, did some relationship building with locksmith, gun smith, gun store, and neighbors, bought materials for more garden things, drained the rain barrel (lots of organics in there got nasty), listened to some shortwave, bid on a half dozen SW radios (no purchases), bought stuff to resell, continued selling on ebay, and spent some extra time with the kids.
What did you do this week???
Well, we finally made it up to 3/4 of a ton of bulk dry staples–flour, pasta, rice, sugar, oats, cornmeal, etc.–in our LTS pantry.
This week we decided to prepare for the election. I bought 50 lbs of salt and 50 lbs all purpose flour through Google Express for $17.87 delivered. When we hit Costco today we picked up 40 lbs pinto beans and 40 of Basmadi rice. Basmadi is more expensive than regular rice but it’s the only kind the wife will eat. Bought 40 cans chicken breast and 20 of roast beef. Also a couple more gallons of vinegar and vegetable oil. Amazon delivered 100 oxygen absorbers so we can spend a couple of days repackaging the rice, beans, and flour. Did you know that 50 lbs table salt exactly fills a 5 gallon white bucket? We scored 200 gallons of water storage and an 80 gallon propane tank from yard sales. I am wondering where we will put it all as the garage is full of emergency supply crates and the closets filled with ammunition. Cases of canned goods under all the beds. At some point it must go from preparing to hoarding.
I just early voted for tRump. There were about 100 people ahead of me and that seemed the average amount “in front of”until I left. I saw three tRump t-shirts and one hat. No Cankles gear at all. I found that unusual since the Dumbocrats seem to really push that. Mostly White, then Asian, then Black for the makeup of voters. Hard to tell who was winning.
There was an addon to Firefox that let me download music from Youtube, but they found a way to block it.
Any suggestions on how to do this?
And a Walking Dead reference to Cankles.
The Walking Dead has been hijacked by a prolific street artist to protest Hillary Clinton and the presidential candidate’s entire Democratic Party.
Also try Ripper Street set in London just after the ripper murders also Peaky Blinders set just after WW1
I am wondering where we will put it all as the garage is full of emergency supply crates and the closets filled with ammunition. Cases of canned goods under all the beds. At some point it must go from preparing to hoarding.
Offsite storage. Preferably at your bug out place.
Don’t have a bug out place ? Mine is 110 miles down the coast at my parents house. But your bug out place can be just a very well used travel trailer on a very cheap piece of land that you own.
We actually used our bug out place back in 2008 with hurricane Ike. Was nice to go somewhere where we could turn on the lights and air conditioning. And buy more gasoline.
I just threw a Dumbocratic operative off my property. Some douche in a Cankles shirt came soliciting. I said not interested and slammed the door. He stood there and shouted through the door “that was rude I want to talk.” I opened the door and told him to leave and that he was now trespassing on private property. He continued to argue so I rapidly advanced on him and told him to “get the FUCK off my property”. He then rapidly headed down the driveway saying “I’m calling the police.” I of course encouraged him to do so and called him a pussy. lol! He walked down the street mumbling something. I’m sure the Dumbocrats in NV train them just how far they can go. He’s not the first nor last I’ve thrown out. Last year it was a Dumbocratic guy on crutches who I chest bumped off the yard when he said he was there “legally”. No cops called either. For some reason the Redumblicans never show up.
And a Walking Dead reference to Cankles.
The Walking Dead has been hijacked by a prolific street artist to protest Hillary Clinton and the presidential candidate’s entire Democratic Party.
That is freaking awesome ! And true !
I love Lucille as the divider on the poster.
Would it be rude of me to wear a gun to the door when solicitors come by? It’s legal and I certainly wouldn’t brandish it. Maybe that would encourage these people to leave faster.
Our area is so heavily Republican that local partisan elections are decided in the primaries. I have only seen one Democrat, a state rep whose district boundaries changed and was trying in vain not to get voted out of office.
“How your DVR was hijacked to help epic cyberattack”
“SAN FRANCISCO — Technology experts warned for years that the millions of Internet-connected “smart” devices we use every day are weak, easily hijacked and could be turned against us.”
“The massive siege on Dyn, a New Hampshire-based company that monitors and routes Internet traffic, shows those ominous predictions are now a reality.”
“An unknown attacker intermittently knocked many popular websites offline for hours Friday, from Amazon to Twitter and Netflix to Etsy. How the breach occurred is a cautionary tale of the how the rush to make humdrum devices “smart” while sometimes leaving out crucial security can have major consequences.”
So that is why my DVR is getting slower.
I met one of the writers of the John Adams series for HBO last week at a conference in Austin. She is now the creator/showrunner on “Masters of Sex” (the series about Masters and Johnson) for SHO. She was on a panel on adapting true stories for the screen. (One piece of advice she gave: the deader they are, the easier to write from a legal perspective.)
Also met writers of Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor, Snowden, Motorcycle Diaries, Timeless, and a bunch more.
Well, 51 hours AIS (Ass In Seat) time, 2,800 miles, 145 gallons of gas and I am finally home. My own bed will feel good tonight.
Ah, just sitting here feeling sad about my Aggies (they did not beat the spread) and eating a piece of quiche.
Well, 51 hours AIS (Ass In Seat) time, 2,800 miles, 145 gallons of gas and I am finally home. My own bed will feel good tonight.
Good to hear that you made it back ok. 19.3 mpg in a F-150 crewcab, not bad.
There was an addon to Firefox that let me download music from Youtube, but they found a way to block it.
Youtube-dl still works as of just a few minutes ago. It is a command line toy, but there is a payoff for the extra effort. It even runs on Windows via Python.
Convert to *.mp3 using FFMpeg.
19.3 mpg in a F-150 crewcab
Running 75+- most of the way, even in the 60 MPH zones with one notable exception.
Long drive from Slidell today.
Only place I saw a lot of patrol cars was in LA on that long bridge over the swamp. Speed is 60 and they apparently enforce it heavily. Saw about 10 cars with people pulled over. That creates a mess with the move over law as traffic snarls with everyone getting into the left lane. But what the hell do they care as they are our masters.
Not so many trucks on this return route. I-59 up through MS and AL was easy as traffic was light and trucks were few. Once we got to Chattanooga we skip the interstate and take a less traveled highway. Slower but four lanes and less traffic than I-75. Takes about 15 minutes more because of the small towns but damn happy to get of the I-State.
Have to do it all again in March 2017 as a niece is getting married. Normally would fly but with out the work schedule we can take three days to get to SA and also three, maybe four days to return.
“”Would it be rude of me to wear a gun to the door when solicitors come by?””
A bat (w/o barbed wire, of course) so you can always claim (in court) to have been on the way to hit a few balls for the kids (fun double entendre in that, too)…
“”So that is why my DVR is getting slower.””
I’m pretty sure my DVR runs Linux… so…
So that is why my DVR is getting slower.
Nah. If you have an older TiVo, try a hard drive upgrade.
Does anyone know the specific models of DVR involved in the Dyn attack? I haven’t seen many details in the stories about the outage.
The political robo calls have started in earnest today. They all go to the answering machine. There was one call of note though, from Ivanka Trump. Her voice is extremely soothing and her spiel was clear, simple, to the point, and made sense. I’d give her a 10 on the persuasion index with most of the other calls being 2s and 3s.
The mail box was full of campaign “post cards”.
Our WA State mail-in ballots arrived yesterday. 4 Initiatives to the People, 2 Initiatives to the Legislature, 2 Advisory Votes (this is where the legislature passed something that was supposed to be a vote of the people first, not this back-asswards way), and 1 Proposed Amendment to the State Constitution.
I always take our completed ballots to the County Auditors Office as there is no way I would trust the USPS. BTW, there was a story on the internet that some lazy-ass postal person in VA dumped a dozen tubs of mail in a ditch, with many ballots in the bunch.
“” 2,800 miles, 145 gallons of gas “”
Getting close to that being a year’s worth for me…
Crawl in a hole and forget about it!
“”Does anyone know the specific models of DVR involved in the Dyn attack? I haven’t seen many details in the stories about the outage.””
Probably not my Magnavox / Funai … or the second one, new in box.
Cold dead hands, Charlton…
Seriously, if you can get a signal into it, it records it. Won’t burn to DVD
if it’s “protected content” and that’s getting worse, but at least you can
time-delay a lot of what’s on cable or on antenna.
Lynn – My bug-out place is my business property in OK, only 325 miles away. I’d love to have something closer but preparing to retire in 2 years and move so I am looking for a retirement spot. Will have a lot to move when we go. Being in between is precarious.
Retirement place?
I might be stuck right here, not real real bad, but bad enough.
It’s very hard to find a cheap lot (for minimal RV trailer or worse)
anywhere these days. I’d like to find a campsite that I could start
setting up for a mobile home or better, but ……….
Anybody got any good ideas? ?
I always take our completed ballots to the County Auditors Office as there is no way I would trust the USPS. BTW, there was a story on the internet that some lazy-ass postal person in VA dumped a dozen tubs of mail in a ditch, with many ballots in the bunch.
Now Perkins Coie will find WA State ballots in a ditch, eh?
I wondered how they would do it with vote by mail.
I don’t miss Vantucky.
This is one of the reasons I like the UK Daily Mail. They follow up and report the outcome of the crimes they highlight.
This story got a bit of play in the alt media, and little anywhere else as I remember it, due to the ethnicity of the perpetrators. They were caught when police reviewed video on a cell phone, on an unrelated murder case, in a different state.
and now gonna do some time.
Retirement place?
I might be stuck right here, not real real bad, but bad enough.
It’s very hard to find a cheap lot (for minimal RV trailer or worse)
anywhere these days. I’d like to find a campsite that I could start
setting up for a mobile home or better, but ……….
Anybody got any good ideas? ?
Here is a little “free” advice on the intertubes:
Nick, that case got a *lot* of coverage here, where it happened. Even if the national idiots turn away from the case, the local newspaper / tv stations often stay with it. I’m still not convinced of their guilt, but I didn’t follow the trial. As I said the other day, lots of people come down here in order to behave in a way they wouldn’t dream of doing back home, and it would have been believable to me if they had claimed that the woman was only pretending.
@ Lynn …
Yeah, I’m hip to the Cumberland Plateau…
Even though I’m apparently no longer wanted dead or alive in at least two or three counties up there, it’s difficult in several ways for me to relocate there. Mostly, I guess I’m too poor for what has become a popular area…
@ Lynn …
“”Here is a little “free” advice on the intertubes:
Even in full Grab My Ankles browser mode, that link provides zero information, not unlike most real estate sites…
OK, I looked a little deeper into the Upper Cumberland info…
Same deal as I have seen more locally: lots of hype, little info…
I have wasted a lot of time narrowing down with property tax &
aerial photo info, only to find that several parcels are quite impossible
once the real situation is dug into. Look at it: it sucks!
I guess eventually I’ll find something appropriate, but it’s a major
chore (especially within my price limits). You have to eliminate issues
on-line and then go look, and that is a total waste once you see that it’s
a disaster area or on a cliff or worse…
Thanks for the input. Still looking…
Pulled the stats from the truck as what what I posted earlier was a guess.
51 hours and 56 minutes AIS, 137.4 gallons, 2781 miles thus giving 20.24 MPG on the truck, most at 70 MPH or above.
My Tacoma is a little over 3-years old. I just went over 15,000 miles. The dealer said start bringing it in every 6 months for the free service that came with it (instead of 5K miles).
I saw a Tacoma the other day tricked out like I want. Big “cattle catcher” on the front with a winch and big metal bumper on the rear. I don’t know what I’d do with it, but I’d feel manly during the Barackylpse. Maybe pull some vehicles out of ditches for “favors”.
From the NOT LIKE US department. Two Black fems slug a WHITEY! 61-year old man. I’m 61. They are lucky it wasn’t me because they’d be eating lead for lunch.
Police have arrested two teenage girls who are accused of attacking a 61-year-old man in front of his home in Syracuse, New York.
The skirmish occurred after the man politely asked a group of teenagers, who were sitting on his lawn, to leave.
Cellphone video captures one of the girls punching the man in the face several times before making a run for it.
No mention of their Blackness. Funny they were’t wearing their “niggah ain’t shit” jackets.
Aw, ya beat me to it, MrAtoz. I was even going to use the same “not like us” tag. Gee, what are the odds?
If you read my earlier post, I threw a Dumbocrat operative off my property. But this shows how entitled and arrogant these Black teens felt. He should have clubbed the fuck out of them with the cane. To bad it wasn’t a sword cane.
Well he almost got some licks in with the cane.
Seems like a defensive style that uses a cane might be a good fit for some of us…
for the WTF? file we have this headline, bold added:
“‘Every cent counts when you’re about to be unemployed!’: Twitter goes wild for adorable picture of Joe Biden excitedly picking up two coins from the ground”
WTF? Big eye kitten pix are adorable, little kids being cute are adorable. Multi-millionaire lifetime political parasites are only adorable when dead.
Many Victorian and Edwardian “gentlemen” carried canes specifically as a weapon. There are fighting styles designed around different shapes and weights of walking sticks.
Regardless, the best defense is a good offense. And the most offensive use of a cane is to have a wood shell around a hollow metal core, with a .410 gauge Dragon’s Breath shell ready to fire. Eat flame, bitch!
Or you could be getting butt raped in the Federal pen….
The Florida gun store owners who the feds locked up this last week were originally busted for selling a cane gun.
“Shall not be infringed”– too straightforward for lawyers to understand.
“Shall not be infringed”– too straightforward for lawyers to understand.
BLM lawyers like ObolaLynch, that is.
Thanks GregN…
@nick said: “Seems like a defensive style that uses a cane might be a good fit for some of us…”
My favorite gun dealer stocks self-defense canes and walking sticks, I have bought a couple from him (of course Amazon has them too), so I “carry” at all times. I took a couple of DVD courses offered by Personal Defense Network https://www.personaldefensenetwork.com/. IMHO it is well worth it to join them and get access to quite an extensive library of self defense DVDs. If you sign up for their newsletter you’ll probably be offered a membership “deal” where their membership is less than $10/year.
Don’t have time to watch the video – class starts in just a minute. The problem I imagine:
– I’ll bet the guy was caught by surprise. You don’t expect a couple of teenage girls to attack.
– You can’t defend yourself in a situation like that until *after* they have struck the first blow. Otherwise, claiming self-defense would be really difficult.
If/when the day comes that I need a cane, it will be a single piece of hardwood, not plastic or aluminum or whatever…
I do carry a cane for balance because of my vertigo, but it’s a four-footed model and not suitable as a defensive weapon. Granted, it’s been 40 years since I even sparred, let alone competed, but technically I am still a black belt in Shotokan. I suspect that if I were attacked by two teenage girls, I could disable both within a couple of seconds.
I suspect that if I were attacked by two teenage girls, I could disable both within a couple of seconds
Just like, hold up like, your like, cell phone like, for a like, selfie. Totally disables most teenage girls.
Watch the video.
He gets hit on the chin, she runs, he takes a couple of steps and sweeps with the cane, turns, and loses his balance and ends up on his face in the street.
At that point, someone else might have curb stomped his head, and that would be that.
He made a mistake chasing her. It could have cost his life.
He lets them in WAY too close too.
“f I were attacked by two teenage girls, I could disable both within a couple of seconds”
Maybe, but watch the video.
My guess is not.
Let’s hope we never have to find out.
I haven’t watched the video, but I’d be in condition red if I were approached by one of those girls, let alone two. And someone like that who invades my personal space, i.e., within my arm’s reach, is going to encounter a snap punch to the throat at the very least. That’s assuming that I’m unarmed, which wouldn’t be a good assumption. I also used to compete in combat pistol.
In short, two teenage girls, however mean, is a threat I can deal with decisively, whether I’m armed or not.
I opened the door and told him to leave and that he was now trespassing on private property. He continued to argue so I rapidly advanced on him and told him to “get the F*** off my property”. He then rapidly headed down the driveway saying “I’m calling the police.” I of course encouraged him to do so and called him a pussy. lol! He walked down the street mumbling something.
I thought you lived in a condo now ?
Condo is a “business” property to be my final resting place in the future. Wah!
It’s not as cut and dried as that. It’s the sort of thing that I think we can look forward to in the coming disorder. This is a good example that was caught on tape. Let’s learn something from it.
A crowd shows up. Starts messing around. Nothing you can act on, nothing the cops will do anything about. It’s tense, but just words, and they’re young girls.
Someone who doesn’t look like an immediate threat, on your home ground, strikes and runs.
If you pursue, you’re not defending anymore. If you respond with overwhelming force, you’re gonna fry, if not in a court of law, then in a court of public opinion.
None of us are as fast as we were, nor as aggressive (even SteveF, although he probably works at it more).
EVERYONE, watch the video, think about a better/correct response. This is a no win situation for the guy. BEST response, go back inside.
After falling, her boyfriend stomps you into paste. Now you’re crippled, brain damaged, or dead.
You land a punch or even worse, a shot, and now YOU are the aggressor. Best you can hope for is a sympathetic jury and even then you have to move due to constant low level harassment from her peers. Worst is you fry for murder, or at least do some time for attempted…
No matter what, you spend a lot of money on lawyers.
Her ‘crew’ comes back and jumps you or your wife later.
Her ‘crew’ kills you pets.
Her ‘crew’ torches your house.
It’s not just her, and it’s not just RIGHT NOW. It’s everyone who thinks she’s righteous, and for as long as they remember.
If you try to wing it, you’ll get it wrong, and someone will use the video to make sure you regret it.
added, despite the initial attack, as soon as he pursues he is the aggressor and all the self defense stuff that would help him goes out the window. There may be places where you could argue that he’s justified by attempting to stop someone from fleeing a felony, (and if he’s charged, it’s probably the way to go), but was it felony assault in the first place? In the wrong jurisdiction he’s gonna be charged.
Agreed, Mr. Nick. We all have our bluster. I don’t want to be Jeremiah Johnson and have low life scum haunting me. Inhope the scom get prosecuted. Arogant even being videoed.