09:24 – With less than three weeks to go until the election, I see that some Democrats are now claiming to fear widespread violence committed by Trump supporters if Trump is elected. They apparently believe that there are tens or hundreds of thousands of white supremacists and skinheads and Neo-Nazis and KKK waiting in the wings for Trump to gain power and turn them loose. They’re apparently expecting black people to be hanging from lampposts in every city and town and black churches to be firebombed across the country. Geez. They really believe this. Someone needs to tell them that something like 99.999% of Trump supporters hate those racist assholes as much as anyone else does.
And that’s been true for a long, long time. Thinking back to the 1979 shootout in Greensboro between the Communists and the Neo-Nazis/KKK, I remember thinking I hoped they all shot each other. I think that was the general reaction at the time. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
We certainly won’t be anywhere near Winston or any other large city on or around Election Day, but not out of fear of violence by conservatives. I can’t remember the last time that conservatives engaged in violent civil unrest. Progressives, on the other hand, do so routinely. They’re the ones to watch out for. If violent civil unrest does break out on or around Election Day, it won’t be happening up here in Sparta. No doubt a lot of local residents would be locked and loaded, just in case any scumbags show up here. But that’s not likely to happen even if Trump wins and the big cities burn. We Deplorable Normals up here have had more than enough of this shit, as have Deplorable Normals everywhere. And if any Walking Progressives show up here, we’re prepared to deal with them.
Other than one 50-pound bag of flour, we’ve gotten all our bulk staples repackaged in PET bottles, labeled, and with oxygen absorbers. Now we just need to get them downstairs into the LTS pantry and up on the shelves.
Excellent article from Tyler Durden, who’s always worth reading:
Is he TRYING to get himself assassinated?
“Trump vows to ‘drain the swamp’ in Washington by imposing term limits on Congress and cracking down on lobbying
Donald Trump has pledged to crack down on ‘special interests’ lobbyists
Trump has also promised to try to bring in term limits on Congress
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3850660/Trump-vows-drain-swamp-Washington-imposing-term-limits-Congress-cracking-lobbying.html“
“Wife of Democratic candidate for Governor of Utah is arrested for smoking marijuana to ease the pain of her arthritis
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3849140/Democratic-candidates-wife-strikes-plea-deal-pot-case.html”
UMMMMMM, TWO POUNDS! I don’t know how much old ladies smoke, but back in the day, that much was dealing… intent to distribute. WAY more than one person needs for personal use.
Term limits aren’t needed. You need to get the voters to stop reelecting the bums. Problem is the old “He might be a crook be he’s our crook” mentality.
“I see that some Democrats are now claiming to fear widespread violence committed by Trump supporters if Trump is elected. They apparently believe that there are tens or hundreds of thousands of white supremacists and skinheads and Neo-Nazis and KKK waiting in the wings for Trump to gain power and turn them loose. They’re apparently expecting black people to be hanging from lampposts in every city and town and black churches to be firebombed across the country. Geez. They really believe this.”
This is known as “projection,” and it’s been a major infamous characteristic of the Left for many decades now. And we can all see and hear that it’s them who are engaging in violence against Trump supporters, plus firebombing political offices and throwing rocks through the windows and spraying graffiti on walls.
From the Durden piece (not written by him, incidentally):
“A recently hacked email of John Podesta finds him saying “she (Hillary) has begun to hate everyday Americans”. No doubt the same feelings were voiced by Nicolas Ceaucescu. It turned out the feeling was mutual.”
No kidding. My sense is that she’s ALWAYS hated and loathed and despised ordinary people, i.e., Normals. One can only hope that she meets a similar fate as the late Mr. and Mrs. Ceaucescu, since she refuses to STFU and go away. (saw an old video recently of the end of the Ceaucescus; he became resigned to his fate but boy she put up a fuss and wouldn’t shut up until they blew her away. I can somehow picture the Clintons going out the same way).
With less than three weeks to go until the election, I see that some Democrats are now claiming to fear widespread violence committed by Trump supporters if Trump is elected.
Given that a Democratic operative, in coordination with the HRC campaign, is on tape talking about trying to incite violence or disruptions at Trump events, I think the shoe is on the other foot….
If the Communists and the Klan want to shoot at one another, I’ll happily buy some bullets.
“she (Hillary) has begun to hate everyday Americans”
In the interest of fairness, and I know they don’t offer us the same consideration, in the context of the email it’s more likely that they were talking about the PHRASE “everyday Americans”. They are discussing using it in a speech or response the first time something is brought up.
There’s plenty to hate with this psychotic freak, we don’t need to stretch anything (other than a neck.)
In the interest of sharing the sorts of ‘why the F are they selling that?’ and ‘if you keep your eyes open you can get some good preps’ I hope no one here is going to be bidding against me….
Look at the third detail photo. Stuff might come in handy…
@nick, you must have been a Bloodhound in a past life
KIllary’s hate of everyday people and swinging both ways is nothing new. If y’all recall I have mentioned these characteristics from her high school days.
I’m beginning to think that all the stuff coming out of WikiLeaks is overwhelming the majority of the populace. There is no way that most people are going to read all that stuff and of course the MSM is not going to help. No it’s easier to believe a few lies about Trump than the overwhelming evidence from many directions that more than prove Killary’s high crimes and misdemeanors.
3-weeks from today the real fun begins. We will not have a true victor. No matter what the vote tallies are they will be contested. I am expecting the worst and planning on even worser*.
*Today’s language lesson: http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/203865/is-worser-correct-grammatically
Part serendipity, part tenaciousness. It’s a seller I like- they always have good stuff, and I look at all the listings to be able to spot just this sort of thing.
You don’t get the good stuff if you aren’t there. (even virtually)
Well, now we know that Negan did not kill Rick with Lucille, “Is The Walking Dead going to cut off Rick’s hand? “It could be done””
BTW, when a man with a bloody baseball bat wound with barbed wire is standing over you and your hands are tied, don’t tell him that you are going to kill him. Just sayin’.
BTW2, I still want a Colt Python .357.
“Real Clear Politics Electoral Map”
This is the best electoral map forecast that I have seen and it does not look good.
Better start practicing saying “President Hillary”.
If it’s based on polling, it’s a fucking wank job. There isn’t a poll in the world that is accurate on this election.
Ayup. My gut still tells me that Trump will win easily unless fraud is massive. OTOH, I couldn’t believe voters would be idiotic enough to elect Obama the first time, let alone twice.
Yeah that was a kick in the teeth. All I can think is massive voter fraud, like in CO. But there were lots of people who admitted to voting for him.
In my drive across the state yesterday, I didn’t see one hillarity sign but I saw plenty of trump signs, big ones too.
Didn’t get all the way into austin proper though, I’m sure there would be H signs there.
I wouldn’t bet on it. When Barbara took a road trip up to Cape May, NJ recently, she commented on the fact that they didn’t see a single Clinton sign all the way through NJ and MD, which are about as deep blue as you can get. But they did see lots of Trump signs, which is what makes me think that Trump is going to kick her ass absent massive fraud.
That is equivalent to saying “unless the Earth loses its atmosphere”.
The question is whether they’ll be able to get away with enough fraud to flip the election, or only enough to call into question a Trump victory.
Yeah, well, I keep telling myself that it really doesn’t matter. Things are going to go to hell either way. It’s just that they’ll go to hell faster if Clinton wins. Maybe that’d actually be better. The longer our political class manages to put things off, the worse it’s going to be when the can finally gets to the end of the road.
Meanwhile, I’m sure I’ll be walking around humming. “Meet the new boss. The same as the old boss.”
I’m in the very blue state of Massachusetts. Along my 30 mile back-roads drive between home and work I see 2 Trump yard signs for each Hillary. I am also only seeing about 1/10 the number of yard signs compared to previous elections. Both candidates are so despised that even the party faithful don’t want to advertise their preference.
The lefties in my office never sing Hillary’s praises, only Trump’s faults. They all know she is as corrupt as the day is long but will vote for her because she is from The Party. This being Massachusetts they are used to voting for blatantly corrupt politicians, anyway.
Can you imagine the fems chanting “Vagina, Vagina” if Cankles wins? It could be unbearable. At least we get to say “I told you so…” when more troops blood is shed and treasure spent. Taxes through the roof. With fukstiks like Ryan, how can she lose?
My gut still tells me that Trump will win easily unless fraud is massive.
The fraud is massive. 56 voting precincts in Philadelphia did not have a single vote for Romney. The fraud is Texas with absentee ballots is awesome as many of those people are dead or comatose.
I figure that Trump has got to beat Illary by 5% in order to defeat the fraud. Not gonna happen.
OTOH, I couldn’t believe voters would be idiotic enough to elect Obama the first time, let alone twice.
You and me both. I had someone try to persuade me the other day that Obola is center left. Yeah, in what universe ?
“…unless there is massive fraud…”
IIRC, I posted a link here yesterday to recent absolute proof and chatter from the horses’ mouths that the Evil Half of the Party has engaged in massive election fraud for the past half-century and have kicked it up several notches for this one.
I believe that Trump could win by 20% and the fraud would still find her the winner, and in any case it’s all moot because she has the EC locked up tight.
And no matter which one “wins,” half the voters will be incensed and there will be a real possibility of violence.
Of course, I still think the Prophet, Barack Hussein, many blessings be upon his name, could still just cancel the election or declare it null and void and stay in office until he sees fit to simply turn it over to Biden or either Clinton or both of them. These fuckers just do whatever they want anyway and just what are WE gonna do about it, huh???
“Better start practicing saying “President Hillary”.”
More like “Heil Hillary”. I also predict that she will very rarely appear in public because she will need to rest for 2-weeks between her well staged appearances. In fact, she will really just become a computer generated figure. A lot like Max Headroom.
Max Headroom, The Best Bits Ever!
Max Headroom interview on the David Letterman Show
Everyone knows the ballot was rigged for Kennedy in 1960, especially in Illinois and Texas. Don’t try telling that to a Dumbocrat though.
Continuing whatever chat about our rigged election, I would add that while the Evil Half of the Party has long engaged in fraud, the Stupid Half acquiesced in full knowledge of that, and could pretend to be a separate party of rectitude and probity, while also promulgating the “two-party” myth that has suckered many generations here now.
And here’s a bit of history on it, which one of our Oz correspondents just alluded to:
Kennedy was a prime mover in opening up the floodgates, ostensibly to bring in more Irish to vote for him and his crime family, but we’ve now seen the results. If ONLY it had been millions more Irish!
Fraud? I don’t see any possibility of fraud.
Hahahahaha…..! Pretty funny! What could possibly be wrong with having a Soros-connected firm do our voting machines?? Hahahaha! What a riot!
While we’re laughing, and speaking of riots, here’s some fun alternative ammo for your 12-gauge:
I have even more interesting rounds for my 0.1-gauge shotguns. One can do so much more with a 10-pound throw weight. And, with 24 of them, my broadside is 240 pounds.
Well, if Cankles wins, I’ve decided to leave the country.
Mr. Ray, what’s the best part of Tennessee to live in?
Mr. Ray, what’s the best part of Tennessee to live in?
I am partial to East Tennessee myself but you may have to narrow your gene pool. As for leaving the country you will need to check with Alabama entrance requirements. I have heard that to cross the border into Alabama you need to bust out a tooth and a headlight. If you already have those attributes you are golden.
If you have two or more extra digits, you get to keep your teeth, right? Or is that the Arkansas rule? They’re so hard to keep straight.
(Did you notice how virtuously I avoided wisecracks about the difficulty for Hillary Bitch Clinton’s supporters, or Hillary Butch Clinton herself, in keeping straight? Because I’m all about avoiding the microaggressions. Heck, I didn’t even say anything about Cankles not staying on the straight and narrow because her ass is too fat. Nope, no microaggressions here.)
If you have two or more extra digits, you get to keep your teeth, right?
You have to apply for that exemption. However, if the space between your eyes are really narrow and squint you get an automatic waiver. Arkansas has no rules because they have yet learned to write.
I just read to my wife the above exchange started by @MrAtoz, she is rolling on the floor with laughter. +20,000,000,000,000
Buncha haters. Makin’ fun of certain states of Southerners. I’m not allowed to laugh, having been born and raised in the belly of the beast up here, Maffachufetts. I used to hear occasional deprecations of Southerners from my dad, referring to them as “rebels.” Since I grew up and got eddumacated and read a lotta stuff, I learned that the North was fucking WRONG and we fucked over the South and are still doing it.
“… my broadside is 240 pounds.”
Coincidentally my exact weight at present.
I generally stick with Number Four Buck in my shotguns but sometimes alternate it with slugs. I’d be tempted to play with those Dragons Breath gizmos, though, what a nifty deterrent at night!
Bolo rounds, my good fellow.
The upsides: Slice and dice. Can go through some kinds of body armor. Near misses may become hits.
The downsides: Around $4/round (for 12 ga.) Illegal in many states, and will probably get you arrested on general principles in other states even if they aren’t explicitly illegal.
I use 87-aught ball bearings in the 0.1-gauge guns.
@Ray, are you still coming to Houston on Friday ?
BTW, the traffic in Houston on a Friday can be … interesting. It is fair to say that the outgoing traffic in Fort Bend County starting at 1pm or 2pm could be called a disaster. As you progress further into Houston, it does not matter if you are going out or going in, both ways are usually locked up. Things usually free up around 7pm to 8pm.
What part of Houston are your nephews ??? in ?
“Illegal in many states, and will probably get you arrested on general principles in other states even if they aren’t explicitly illegal.”
Went briefly to a site that sells them and saw this gem:
“Body armor won’t help a suspect with this round, either. The rounds not only penetrated completely through two car doors but also passed through the milk jugs and then one went through two 2×4′s!”
Impressive. Legal in Vermont? Let’s see…:
“Does not prohibit armor-piercing ammunition, although the federal prohibition on certain kinds of armor-piercing ammunition applies.”
I don’t think they can classify bolo rounds as “armor-piercing” per se. What sayeth any legal minds here?
I was listening to Pacific Radio as I drove around today. (It’s like NPR only MOAR!!!11!!!) Democracy Now, a regular program, was going on and on with a parade of call in experts, that “Yes, this election IS rigged,… by the REPUBLICANS!” and they are afraid that the Big D is going to have his ‘rogue’ supporters out intimidating people at the polls, and in open carry states, they might *gasp* have guns! I guess they forgot about the New Black Panther Party, or the Nation of Islam, or the long history of Democratic fraud, so widespread in places like Chicongo that there are JOKES about it. “Vote early, vote often. In Chicago, even the dead can vote…..”
One expert says it goes “all the way back to Jim Crow.”
Guess they forgot what that was about, who was the party of emancipation, and who was the party of the KKK…..
Life’s so much easier when you’re fat drunk and stupid.
No one was surprised when an alderman or a poll worker would die and their house would be full of uncounted ballots. I can remember at least two occasions that happened while I was growing up.
But it’s no way to go through life, son.
@Ray, are you still coming to Houston on Friday ?
@Lynn, that is still the plan. Don’t know when will be leaving in the morning, probably sometime after 9:00 which should get us into Houston about 11:00. I will send you a text when I leave. I will use your office address. Will just stop for a short visit, meet and greet, check out your terrain, then head out.
What part of Houston are your nephews ??? in ?
Wife knows and apparently that is classified information. She has the address.
As you progress further into Houston, it does not matter if you are going out or going in, both ways are usually locked up.
So I have heard from more than one person. We will actually spend the night somewhere south west of Houston at the home of my wife’s father ex-wife. Both of us really liked the lady and she wants us to stop by for the night. So we will do it. We will leave Houston on Saturday and hope for not too big of a mess. Although I have been told that only occurs between 2:30 AM and 3:30 AM on Sunday morning. Otherwise traffic pretty much sucks most of the time. We will just have to deal with it.
We are returning to San Antonio in March of 2017. For that trip we will be using the Northern route both directions. I know what I-10 is like and really have no desire to take that route. Unfortunately it is really the best way to get to Atlanta without significant detours.
When you again have internet access after that, make sure to write up a contact report, informing us of Lynn’s third eye where his left eyebrow should be, his habit of spitting his chewin’ tobacco slobber wherever he happens to be facing, and his in-person confession that he always dreamed of being a Metallica roadie.
Gotta get the tattoos to teeth ratio…
Working throughout the ‘mid-South’ I had my share of labor crews with more tattoos than teeth…
@Ray, are you still coming to Houston on Friday ?
@Lynn, that is still the plan. Don’t know when will be leaving in the morning, probably sometime after 9:00 which should get us into Houston about 11:00. I will send you a text when I leave. I will use your office address. Will just stop for a short visit, meet and greet, check out your terrain, then head out.
You must be planning on flying. San Antonio to Sugar Land is 190 miles. Have you ever met a Texas State Trooper ?
As you progress further into Houston, it does not matter if you are going out or going in, both ways are usually locked up.
So I have heard from more than one person. We will actually spend the night somewhere south west of Houston at the home of my wife’s father ex-wife. Both of us really liked the lady and she wants us to stop by for the night. So we will do it. We will leave Houston on Saturday and hope for not too big of a mess. Although I have been told that only occurs between 2:30 AM and 3:30 AM on Sunday morning. Otherwise traffic pretty much sucks most of the time. We will just have to deal with it.
One thing that I continuously tell people that Houston is eight million people living and working in 6,000 square miles. Nobody believes it until they experience it.
I am way southwest of Houston so hopefully not far from your nephews and to where you are staying.
I remember reading some time ago, if you are on the cover of The Enquirer, they probably have dope on you. They seem to have called a lot of these scandals correctly.
You’re going down, Cankles, you big ole lesbian. Plus, all the “right” people read The Enquirer. You know, fat, skanky, vagina voters.
“… Democracy Now, a regular program, was going on and on with a parade of call in experts, that “Yes, this election IS rigged,… by the REPUBLICANS!””
Yeah, you probably heard the loud, brassy and annoying voice of Amy Goodman at some point; her brother, David Goodman, is married to Sue Minter, one of our candidates for governor here. An annoying Dem who claims uber credit for saving the state after Irene when she was some high state agency nabob in charge of chit like that. Our daughter was friends with their daughter many moons ago and what a foul-mouthed, slutty little bitch she was/is.
“When you again have internet access after that, make sure to write up a contact report,…”
Oh yeah, we need a complete and full report on Mr. Lynn and his environs and ongoing shenanigans down there in SugarLand. Watch out for gators, copperheads, Gila monsters, rattlers, and water moccasins. Also packs of coyotes. In fact, don’t get outta the car; just talk to him through the window, that should give us a general ideer of what he’s really like.
You’re going down, Cankles, you big ole lesbian.
Reading that article, I think that you have the wrong letter of the LGBTQNABC alphabet. She appears to be a B and not just an L. After all, there is her child by her husband and Vince Foster. Who knows how many others ? Ewww!
I told my wife about the article last night whilst we were walking about on our daily two mile trip. I got a lecture about reading things on the internet that I should not be reading. And, if she wanted to know about Hillary, she would read it for herself. So, yours truly ain’t gonna tell her her anything from now on.
“You’re going down, Cankles, you big ole lesbian.”
She swung/swings both ways; whatever furthers her ambitions. But mostly dyke, yeah. Hates men in general. Hates ordinary peeps, i.e. Normals, and frankly seems to hate even peeps in her own entourage and treats subordinates like utter shit. Has done so for half a century, too. Documented in full.
But she’s got the Electoral College, folks. Sewn up. Pop vote means diddly. And they’ll engage full bore in fraud and tampering, methods refined considerably in the last few years. And they’ll blame the Russians and ratchet up the war footing. Stay tuned for the goings-on in Russian; THEY’RE certainly gearing and tooling up for war, including a nukular war.
With us.
“…After all, there is her child by her husband and Vince Foster.”
Nope. Web Hubbell. Look at the numerous comparison photos.
He and Vince were “romantic rivals” for the gorgeous and brilliant Hillary back when.
“…a lecture about reading things on the internet that I should not be reading. And, if she wanted to know about Hillary, she would read it for herself. So, yours truly ain’t gonna tell her her anything from now on.”
I get pretty much the same reaction here; so they’ll continue reading the MSM and the Hillary campaign literature, I guess, and make up their minds that way. Waste of our breath talking anymore.
The news started in on debate prep half an hour ago. I don’t know how they do it…. they are going on and on. And they have yet to have the debate. When I watch a porno I’m done in 10 minutes. Oh, wait, is this what is called “edging”?
Doesn’t matter. I know who I’m voting for.
Hmm. Everyone thinks Man-hatin’ Hillary is a bull dyke, but maybe you’re right. Maybe she likes being the “girl” in private. Instead of butchy Hillary grabbing Huma by the head and telling her to put all six inches of her tongue up in there, it’s Huma in black leather telling Hillary to start at the toes and work her way up and not stop until Huma’s screamed herself unconscious.
Pleasant dreams, everyone! If you can sleep while vomiting.
And Mr Steve wins the Internet today!
“When the apocalypse hits, head south”
“Since all of the world’s nuclear powers are in the Northern Hemisphere, stay south of the equator.”
“World War III could also be the perfect time to see the northern lights in Iceland.”
“And Mr Steve wins the Internet today!”
Ooooooo…..Huma in black leather….oooooo……or maybe a black burkha.
You must be planning on flying. San Antonio to Sugar Land is 190 miles
Maybe a little optimistic. I see why you were questioning my time. I meant to type 1:00, not 11:00. I have made it in three hours before, years ago. But was starting on the far east end of SA and making it to the west end of Houston. I figure I can run 77 on the I-State until traffic. Last trip was 20 years ago so I suspect that based on your statement that I am severely underrating traffic. I am probably in for a major shock.
Pleasant dreams, everyone!
Last trip was 20 years ago so I suspect that based on your statement that I am severely underrating traffic.
Last time I used Apple Maps, the traffic updates were very good. The Twins should have used on the way to UNLV this morning. They already had I15 by The Strip are closed at 6:30am. It took three times as long to get to the Uni. I wonder if AM would have indicated that. Probably with voice overs from Tim Cook on how tRump is a fukstik.
Messed with the van today. The shop manual is not clear to me but I’m used to Chrysler shop manuals. Especially for the 1981 Imperial. Can you say “Hydraulic Support Plate”? Sure you can. Ford manuals are different flow chart wise.
Googled a bit. Lots of noise. Disconnected the battery for 10 minutes. Easier than deciding what fuse to pull. It seems that when power is reconnected everything does a self-check calibration cycle. It seems odd to me that the radio was powered on AM590 at about 1/3 volume when it was off before.
I seem to understand the Ford manual. It’s pretty much a case of pull the trim to remove the control head to ohm and volt various terminals on the wiring harness to each other. And use a wire with a fuse in it to power stuff. And on and on and on. Basically, manually do everything the control head does. I can feel the servo moving the problem flap, I can hear the various other flaps moving. I don’t think the problem is the control head.
It comes down to check your freon level, if that is good, replace the servo.
I don’t think it’s the servo, I can hear and feel it work and it seems fine. I can hear the gaskets squish when it gets to full heat or full cold. No clicking noise to indicate stripped gears.
The van has all of 35,000 miles on it. But it’s a 2004. Built in 2003. Might need a shot of freon after 13 years.
The servo motor is somewhat easy to replace, I don’t have to take the dash apart… it’s just way up on the driver side where you pretty much do it all by feel. Def a chore where removing the front seat might be a good idea. The part runs about $25.
A can of freon is what? $8? Yeah, easier, too.
“Ooooooo…..Huma in black leather….oooooo……or maybe a black burkha.”
This only works if it is a black leather burka.
Don’t forget the whips.
Last time I used Apple Maps, the traffic updates were very good
Garmin in my experience is pretty good at traffic updates. The units get the information from some sub-carrier on an FM band. Generally big cities only and Houston should qualify. Too much traffic and the unit will suggest an alternate.
I’m so behind on GPS tech. I still have my Garmin G III. Yeah! 1999 tech rules!
Yes, I do have a smarty-pants phone. It works very well.
Actually, I prefer paper maps. And road signs.
And get off of my lawn.
@Lynn: Second stop on the Journey is in Alvin which is southeast of Houston. That is where I will be spending the night. Thus I will be able to avoid most of Houston and the interstates. Departing Alvin on Friday will take us over to 146 North just north of Bacliff then up to through Baytown and over to I-10 east, then I-12 east, to Mobile where I catch I-65 north. Looked on Google maps and there are about 15 accidents along the route. Ugh. Maybe Saturday won’t be so bad.
I prefer paper maps
We still use paper maps to figure out where we are and have several state maps (courtesy of welcome centers) in the vehicle. The GPS will get you there but while on the way you have no reference to where you are on the route. Thus referencing maps gives us an idea where the next choke and puke is located along with a spot to get go juice for the chariot.
“I believe in the 2A ……. BUT …… not really.”
Loophole, gunshow, online… blah blah blah
Huh, she said she believes in an individual right.
First time I’ve heard that.
ha, T brought up Chicango, and the pointlessness of their restrictions
Re: Best part of Tennessee?
South east by Knoxville for my money.
I live in south west TN, Memphis, stay away from Memphis.
I can’t believe she didn’t have the questions ahead of time. No way.
She seems doped.
“Actually, I prefer paper maps. And road signs.”
“And get off of my lawn.”
But I will play with my smartypants iPhone 5 tomorrow on the way to MA and on to CT, just for laffs, but I’ll have the maps handy, too.
The only paper maps I use these days are printed from Google Maps if I think I need them. I recon before a long road trip (online). My 20 as a quiche eatin’ pussy aviator was all maps all the time. We used the “Australian Fold” for all our maps.
We did “the one lap of America” with the in laws many years ago. Ugh, more than 20 years ago. Started in Comanche, went to Carlsbad for a wedding, Meteor Crater, north rim of the Grand Canyon, and circled around to the Arches and Sparks, NV (nasty water) into Oregon and a bit of Washington. Redwood trees, of course. Across Idaho. Mount Rushmore. Lots of mom and pop motels and restaurants. Three plus weeks. It was great!
We had the latest maps from every state’s Welcome Center. Our best map overall? A 1965 Esso map of the Interstate Highway System.
T- “She’s been proven to be a liar, in so many different ways, and this is just another lie.”
H- plan to grow the economy- HUGE expansion in gov programs, biggest work program since the depression, feed all the kids, fed education starts in preschool, free college for family making less the $125k, (which I worked on with bernie) , raise the minimum wage, women make less, yap yap yap
No shame, promise the world, give away all the things
NO MENTION of where the money would come from
South east by Knoxville for my money.
That is where I live, in a small town outside of Oak Ridge. Oliver Springs. A little berg that residents that identify with cover a large area that is not heavily populated.
stay away from Memphis
That was my opinion. The view from the interstate was enough. Nashville is OK, but a large city. Knoxville is a smaller city that wants to be bigger and the local politicians think they are the king of the heap. Oak Ridge also suffers from the same “we are great” syndrome but in actual practice is where people from Knoxville go to buy drugs. Several gangs in the OR school system which the city downplays. But go to the school on any lunch day and it becomes obvious there are gangs.
Shhh. The money comes out of us Dirt People’s pockets. Directly into the Klinton Krime Kartel for all these programs. Expect an administrative overhead of 83%
“The only paper maps I use these days are printed from Google Maps…”
Mrs. OFD and I love maps and so we have a chit-load of them here, VT, the rest of Nova Anglia, the Vampire State, Quebec, the Maritimes, etc., etc.
“T- “She’s been proven to be a liar, in so many different ways, and this is just another lie.””
Is this from the “debate” tonight? IIRC, it was supposed to be the third and last one; did Trump score big or did he mainly fold again or what? Moot, anyway. She’s got the EC and the MSM and the current Administrator and Administration. Prince Vlad won’t be happy. And so we’ll escalate. How nice.
When we should be if not friends at least allies with the Russians and the Chicoms and even the Iranians against radical jihad and the musloid hordes. Instead, we seem to be allies with the jihadis in Syria and making enemies of the Russians, Chicoms and Iranians. How fucking stupid is that?
How come we never here about all the Syrian fukstik refugees arriving in China?
No shame, promise the world, give away all the things
NO MENTION of where the money would come from
The money is going to come from YOU ! The middle classes will have tremendous tax increases under Clinton. Maybe under Trump also, I am not sure yet.
Eat the rich ! Yeah, right. There is not enough rich people even if you took 100% of their income. Even if you take all their stuff (and Hillary want to do that too, look at her death tax increases).
The only people who are not going to pay more taxes are the Clinton Crime Family.
“NO MENTION of where the money would come from…”
Between domestic programs and the wars she lights off, she’ll bleed us white, and leave us in poverty and squalor as we’re replaced by the incoming hordes in the tens of millions. She and her cohorts believe they’ll be able to run things and stay on top of the heap forever.
OK, so she gets in; how long will she last, physically/medically? Ditto Larry Klinton. What then? I guess the VP takes over. We know and we’ve seen what just a couple of years as National Administrator does to these guys. They age before our eyes, and she can barely make it up the fucking stairs or down off a curb.
T – “Such a nasty woman.”
“How come we never here about all the Syrian fukstik refugees arriving in China?”
Or ANY of the surrounding musloid countries?
Answer: because they intend to spread the Greater Caliphate and sharia to the West. How else would they accomplish that?
“T – “Such a nasty woman.””
Gee, what a thing to say having invited her and her husband to his wedding and seating them in what would have been his deceased parents’ seats.
H – “We can tax ourselves into prosperity.”
Maybe tRump was referring to her *sexual* abilities.
SHTF I wish I were back in New Zealand.
I’d go back in a heartbeat if I weren’t over 55 and ineligible for permanent residency. Returning to the US was the second worst decision of my life.
The first, sir?
lol! Following the dBate on tWitter: “Final score: Trump wins narrowly on points. Hillary is the next POTUS because she didn’t fall down unconscious.”
Is this from the “debate” tonight? IIRC, it was supposed to be the third and last one; did Trump score big or did he mainly fold again or what? Moot, anyway. She’s got the EC and the MSM and the current Administrator and Administration. Prince Vlad won’t be happy. And so we’ll escalate. How nice.
When we should be if not friends at least allies with the Russians and the Chicoms and even the Iranians against radical jihad and the musloid hordes. Instead, we seem to be allies with the jihadis in Syria and making enemies of the Russians, Chicoms and Iranians. How fucking stupid is that?
Yes, tonight’s debate. Trump was scoring on her just about every minute and all she did was smile her goofy smile. She talked about Trump and women a lot.
Hillary said that she wants a no-fly zone in Syria. Trump asked her what she was going to do about Russian fighter-bombers and she just moved on. Chris Wallace even said that Obola was smart enough not to even try to enforce a no-fly zone with the Russians in the field. Yup, she will have us in WW III / IV / V so quick that your eyes will spin.
“Yup, she will have us in WW III / IV / V so quick that your eyes will spin.”
She may well try, and if so, the pressure on her will be yuuuuuuuugggg. Just doing the daily gig is a chit-ton of pressure nowadays and a fucking war will probably finish her. I hope before she starts pushing buttons.
She’ll have generals and admirals in her face nonstop and world sit-rep stuff every minute while the guy with the briefcases is floating around behind her. And that’s just in Mordor; how will Prince Vlad be acting?
Off to try and catch some z’s in the recliner before rising again in the early AM and doing more last-minute wife-ordered chores in a rush before driving down to MA. Probably in the dark.
I’ll have my smaller Kindle with me and will check in at some point, probably.
Pax vobiscum, fratres.
T- “No one can believe how stupid our leadership is.”
(I’m watching on tape delay, so I can pause and curse the screen.)
T has some verbal tics,
“It’s very sad.”
“You wait and see.”
and he rehashed some stuff word for word from the last debate.
H has picked up one of BHO tics which is weird.
H- “we’re going to ask the wealthy to pay their fair share”
…and if they say NO? Oh yeah, then we send in the strike teams I guess.
Her approach to SS & Medicare running out of money is to increase benefits! Esp for women that are ‘disadvantaged by the current system.’
No one linked this yet, it’s a lessons learned out of OZ:
.’Esp for women that are ‘disadvantaged by the current system.’
That would be single female welfare queens with multiple kids and absolutely no intention of working. “Where my CanklesPhone foo”
“I see that some Democrats are now claiming to fear widespread violence committed by Trump supporters if Trump is elected.”
Pure projection. It’s the Dems who are fomenting the violence now.
The stuff about the nine month baby abortions by Hillary freaked me out. My cousin over in Katy was seven months pregnant and fell in her back yard garden several years ago. She thought nothing of it and went back to pulling weeds. After a couple of days she noticed that the baby was not moving anymore. She went and saw her doctor. He took her to the hospital as her placenta had ripped loose and the baby had died. They gave her the delivery drug (potossin ?) and she delivered a dead baby. They let her hold the baby for an hour before taking her to the morgue. Beautiful little girl. The funeral was rough on all of us (do not do an open casket funeral for a baby !).
My cousin was especially freaked out since she is a NICU nurse. She thought that she should have known better. I told her it was just an unforeseen situation as she did not even fall on her stomach. She actually just sat down kind of hard. And she takes care of five month and above babies all the time in the NICU.
Voter fraud? What voter fraud? When my mother died, I made a point of informing the county office responsible for voter registration. From the way they acted, it was clear that this was unusual – apparently most people don’t bother. And no, they had no automated system in place, where this would happen automatically. Which means that, at least in Albuquerque, zillions of dead people are still registered. Voter fraud made easy.
– – – – –
On the subject of violence: Several German neo-nazi and right-wing groups recently organized a concert here, for 6000 people. They didn’t say in advance who they were, else the permit would probably have been refused.
They had people directing traffic. After the event, they had litter patrols cleaning up the neighborhood. There was zero violence. Even the newscasters remarked on all of this. And yet, the politicians are all in an uproar: “we have to do something, so this doesn’t happen again!”
Meanwhile, the annual leftist march through Bern, with rioters from all over Europe coming to help trash the entire inner city? Oh, the darlings, they mean well…
– – – – –
NO MENTION of where the money would come from
Came across this hilarious article yesterday. It caught my attention, since I once lived in Austin, and escaped just before the huge influx of progs from California. The money quote:
“I’m at the breaking point,” said Gretchen Gardner, an Austin artist who bought a 1930s bungalow in the Bouldin neighborhood just south of downtown in 1991 and has watched her property tax bill soar to $8,500 this year.
“It’s not because I don’t like paying taxes,” said Gardner, who attended both meetings. “I have voted for every park, every library, all the school improvements, for light rail, for anything that will make this city better. But now I can’t afford to live here anymore.”
Cause, meet effect.
Which means that, at least in Albuquerque, zillions of dead people are still registered
One time I voted and surprise, someone had signed on my name indicating I had voted. I had to do a provisional ballot. I suspect the poll worker had someone sign on the wrong line.
Another time I went to vote and noticed the name above mine, basically the same name, different middle initial. I was familiar with the person as I was called several times when that person died. I noticed that the person was still on the role and had voted. Another case of signing on the wrong line? I have my doubts. This was the Gore/Bush election.
It isn’t the conservatives who riot after their sports team loses a big game. It isn’t the conservatives who riot after their sports team wins a big game.
KIllary had notes on notes on her podium and I am sure she had an ear-wig in. Her handlers learned from the first debate and got an ear-wig model that goes deeply in the ear (has to be inserted and removed with a “tool”). All you have to do is watch her as she answers questions. She always starts out obfuscating and gets “that grin/smile” as she waits for instructions. Trump should have walked over to her podium after the final remarks (that were not originally scheduled) and waved her stack of notes.
Trump exhibited too much restraint last night, IMHO.
WRT to nurses knowing better: nurses are great at taking care of others, but when it comes to themselves they are dunderheads. Having a wife who is an RN and nurses being in every generation of my ancestors going back to the days of leeches means I am qualified to make that observation
H. Combs wrote:
“I’d go back in a heartbeat if I weren’t over 55 and ineligible for permanent residency.”
Take a sheep back with you, say she’s accepted your proposal.
Instant permanent residency.
“No one linked this yet, it’s a lessons learned out of OZ:”
No one seemed interested so I stopped posting about it.
Power went off in 10-15 suburbs around me from 920-1050 PM on Wednesday. No explaination.
DadCooks wrote:
“WRT to nurses knowing better: nurses are great at taking care of others, but when it comes to themselves they are dunderheads. ”
A lady I used to know was a Triple Certificate Nurse (i.e. a midwife). She developed obvious signs of breast cancer, but ignored them. Eventually she ended up in hospital getting massive doses of radiation. etc., to try to kill the cancer.
She survived for a while, but is no longer with us.