09:20 – Barbara and I have started rewatching The Walking Dead. We’d started watching this back in 2011 and got through only the first season. I liked it, but Barbara was turned off by all the gore.
Netflix now has seasons one through six available streaming, and I convinced Barbara to give it another try. She says she can tolerate one episode at a time, and as long as we interleave it with more peaceful stuff she’ll even watch two episodes in an evening. She just doesn’t want to binge-watch it.
I told her the other night she shouldn’t let the gore upset her because the Walkers weren’t human. I suggested she think of them as progressives or politicians or Obama/Clinton supporters, with whom after all they do have a lot in common. They’re slow, stupid, ugly parasites, who feast on (mostly) middle-class whites. Good people kill them on sight by shooting, stabbing, or bludgeoning them. What’s not to like?
The series is full of people doing smart things, dumb things, vindictive things, kind things, generous things, stingy things, brave things, craven things, and so on. Sometimes the same person doing all of those. In other words, people behaving like real people. This series is very popular amongst preppers. Not because the characters were well-prepared for the zombie apocalype, but because they weren’t. Instead, they have to deal with it, improvising as necessary and often paying the price for their lack of preparation.
Interesting comment yesterday:
ayjblog says:
17 October 2016 at 12:11Reading I just realized that my grandfather was a prepper, awesome, storing canned milk flour and so on. in the sixties and here
well, he survided Spanish Civil war, Franco concentration camp, and was born in a little village in Spain, maybe is genetic
Nearly ALL of our grandparents were preppers, as were all of their ancestors. The concept of NOT prepping is relatively recent, and if a catastrophe does occur a lot of people will pay the price for not being prepared.
Up until about 1950, everyone prepped from necessity. City dwellers just as much as rural people. Pretty much everyone had a deep pantry, simply because most food was still grown locally, and winter was still something that anyone with any sense prepared for. Power generation and manufacturing were also still largely local, which made communities tremendously more self-sufficient than they are today. People ate mostly what was in season, because not much was shipped long distances. My parents’ generation, born about 1915 to 1930, were less self-sufficient than their parents had been, but they could still get along with only local resources if they needed to. My generation became less self-sufficient than our parents, but that was offset to some extent by the fact that we grew up with the constant threat of nuclear war. We did shelter drills and hid under our desks at school and watched our parents build and stock fallout shelters. Barbara actually spent one night while she was in elementary school sleeping in the bomb shelter and eating survival crackers. I find it hard to believe that anyone our age can NOT be a prepper, given this kind of background.
It’s all down to Normalcy Bias. People think, subconsciously and even consciously, “It hasn’t happened in my lifetime, so it can’t happen.” The problem with that is that it HAS happened in their lifetimes. Not a year goes by that a catastrophe doesn’t happen somewhere. Catastrophes are ongoing this moment all over the world, from Haiti to the Middle East to Africa to Asia. It’s the height of arrogance to think it can’t happen here. Anyone who understands anything about history knows that just before every catastrophe the average person was thinking that it couldn’t happen there. Until it did.
My 91-year old Mom loves The Walking Dead. She can’t wait for the new season to start next week.
Normalcy Bias is writ large up here with the womyn and also with the womyn spouses down in MA among my siblings. They all think we’re crazy. So this, of course, is a challenge for us, which we’ve discussed here on and off. My tactic is to prep for the obvious, which she’s on-board with; winter weather and local goblins. But it’s been slow going due mainly to finances and the kid still in college. And I sneak a bunch of stuff in here and it’s in places she never visits; she really has no idea how many firearms I might have. (hint: a lot more than she might think). I get the impression this is common among a lotta gun owners. Maybe we’re all sick bastards.
Eventually, though, she’ll go down to the cellar for something and see a bunch of assembled shelves loaded with food and water storage and might flip out a little bit.
Sunny w/blue skies again but the winds are back. The weather.gov site is actually warning us of hazardous wind conditions that might cause power outages. And it is WARM; 68 now and might hit 80! Ridiculous for this time of year here. High 60s rest of the week, dropping to high 40s by Friday. Which is closer to normal.
Off to run a couple of errands and then back here to do whatever I can manage.
Y’all gun nuts, especially you OFD. No one needs more than about half a dozen guns, unless they’re spares or really cheap…
“Eventually, though, she’ll go down to the cellar for something and see a bunch of assembled shelves loaded with food and water storage and might flip out a little bit.”
What’s she afraid of? Tell her you spotted a rat down there snarling at you. Or a black snake. Or a clown.
“Y’all gun nuts, especially you OFD. No one needs more than about half a dozen guns…”
I agree, if you’re talking about how many guns you need to actually have on your person at any one time. Actually, half a dozen is generous. I generally carry only one or two, very occasionally three, depending on what I’m doing.
Incidentally, if you want to sound Southern, in that context you should’ve used “y’all’re”. Or, if you want to sound Pittsburghese, “yunzes’re”.
“I agree, if you’re talking about how many guns you need to actually have on your person at any one time.”
Yeah, large as I am, half a dozen on my person is kinda overdoing it. Usually just two. Of course when SHTF, that’ll jump to three, maybe four.
“What’s she afraid of? Tell her you spotted a rat down there snarling at you. Or a black snake. Or a clown.”
She’s not afraid, just doesn’t have much occasion to go down there. I like those suggestions, though; the snake should do it. If there’s a clown, she’d expect it to be a dead clown, me having shot it, of course. No clown reports here in northern New England so far, not sure why not, except it’s a good way to get your ass beat or shot.
Yeah, I wanted to sound Southern.
I was thinking of the total number of guns I’d own, not carry (two would usually be enough for that.)
Colt Combat Commander
XDM .40 (hi Lynn)
a revolver of some kind or other
A couple of shotguns
I don’t really see why you’d want ot need more, except perhaps for redundancy.
As a bare minimum, I’d want to have:
o one .22 autoloading rifle (first choice, Marlin Model 60, 2nd Ruger 10/22)
o one .22 autoloading pistol (first choice, Ruger 22/45)
o one .17 air rifle
o one tactical pump-action shotgun (870/500/88 class) with spare hunting barrel
o one defensive pistol (Colt CC in .45ACP)
o one defensive squirrel rifle (AR-15 pattern in 5.56/.223)
o one serious defensive rifle (HK41/M1A/AR10 in 7.62/.308)
o one scope bolt-action rifle (to reach out and touch someone) in .308 or .270
Ideally, I’d also like several crew-served MGs and a tank.
For future guns, I’m thinking multiples of a caliber. I already have two 9mm in case one breaks. Two or three of each caliber should do fine. Does that put me over the limit, heh?
Voter obfuscation plan so far:
Mother is not going to vote.
Twin #1, D#4 in misspeaks, not going to vote.
Twin #2, D#5, is now non partisan and rethinking the vagina vote.
MrsAtoz is traveling but still talking the vagina vote.
I’m trying to get them to look at the Wikileaks posts to see what a two-faced lying fukstik Cankles turns out to be. Talk about pandering to Boobus Americanus.
Didn’t they take away Aussange’s internet access so he couldn’t release the Tsar Bomba that was going to obliterate Clinton?
Our Office LAN backup has just hit 3 TB (as the hard drives manufacturers rate TB). I freshly formatted the backup drive on the CRM file server last Thursday. We have less than 1 TB left of free space on it after a full backup over the weekend (took 3 days to refill the back hard drive).
I’ve been buying 6 TB external drives for over a year now. The three internal backup drives are all 4 TB. Looks like I will need to replace them in a year or so. I would prefer 8 TB over 6 TB though even though they are $100 more.
6 TB:
8 TB:
“Didn’t they take away Aussange’s internet access so he couldn’t release the Tsar Bomba that was going to obliterate Clinton?”
Just saw some potentially funny chit going down with the Assange crew, funny as in strange. Two of his staff have gone “silent” whatever that means and peeps are wondering where he is and what’s going on. Some sort of alleged “insurance” file just got dumped, too, with LOADS of incriminating chit.
Congrats to MrAtoz on his voter obfuscation project, looks like almost a 100% success, unless certain fems are pulling a project on HIM! Keep working on the missus, as I will be doing here. Princess almost certainly won’t bother coming down here to register, let alone vote. And MIL will, because she just follows the tee-vee and MSM crap about Trump, along with the rest of the Irish-Murkan Dem cousins and clans down in Burlap and north-country Vampire State.
MrAtoz – RE: multiples of a caliber.
Since you already have 9mm handguns let me recommend you look at carbines in 9mm. You may even find one that will interchange magazines with your existing handguns.
I standardized on .40 S&W when I found a pair of nice S&W former Canadian Mounties pistols at a show years ago. I picked up a carbine in .40 too. Also have rifles & pistols in .22LR. Saves on the number of calibers I have to bulk order ammo for.
Thanks, Mr. Harold. Great idea!
If MrAtoz has certain Glocks in 9mm, then several manufacturers make 9mm carbines that will accept their magazines. I believe there are other combinations of 9mm handguns and carbines out there but haven’t looked into them lately.
It’s a nifty concept; but I’m outta luck for now on that score; no one makes a carbine that will accept G40 mags however you can build a G40 into a 10mm carbine. And my CZ P09 is apparently the ugly duckling among a sea of Glocks and I was lucky to find a holster for it that will also accept the Streamlight laser/light combo. In fact the holster had to be more or less special-ordered. Ditto for the G40.
Our Office LAN backup has just hit 3 TB (as the hard drives manufacturers rate TB). I freshly formatted the backup drive on the CRM file server last Thursday. We have less than 1 TB left of free space on it after a full backup over the weekend (took 3 days to refill the back hard drive).
At Death Star Telephone, we started having problems with SourceSafe as soon as the department revision control repository pushed into the 1 TB range. Hopefully you are on something modern for RCS.
At Death Star Telephone, we started having problems with SourceSafe as soon as the department revision control repository pushed into the 1 TB range. Hopefully you are on something modern for RCS.
We use ACT! 2012 for our CRM (customer relationship manager) software. The internal database is around 1.4 GB and growing at 30 to 50 MB a month. All of the archived documents in the CRM are stored outside the database thankfully as that is another 740 MB.
We use the free version of CVSNT for our source code repository on our source code file server. One of these days I want to move us to a Subversion repository.
BTW, our software development sandbox is pushing 20 GB. But I put EVERYTHING into the repository including benchmark files, etc, etc, etc.
Barbara and I have started rewatching The Walking Dead. We’d started watching this back in 2011 and got through only the first season. I liked it, but Barbara was turned off by all the gore.
I’ve been watching TWD and FTWD (Fear The Walking Dead) since they first came on. TWD starts about a month after everything goes bad. FTWD starts about a week before everything goes bad in Los Angeles. Never get on a bus offered by the authorities to take you somewhere “safe”.
I am surprised that the viewership is big as it is (14+ ??? million each week) and I am hearing that 30 to 40% of the viewership is female. There is no way that my wife would watch. The final show of the sixth season had 18 million viewers !!! Both shows start out a little innocuous and get progressively darker and darker. “Walking Dead Ratings Close the Season as the #1 Show on TV”
I’ve been watching TTD (The Talking Dead) for the last year or so. The first feature that they have is a “In Memorium” in which they show videos of the Walkers and the Humans who were killed in that episode. Creepy but I love it.
Y’all gun nuts, especially you OFD. No one needs more than about half a dozen guns, unless they’re spares or really cheap…
^half a dozen^one hundred
Fixed that for you. And yes, I know people with 100 guns.
Is “FTWD” any better than “TWD” and is it on Netflix or anything? I’ve seen two or three episodes of “TWD” but don’t wanna go back and start it from the beginning. I got a kick out of the Negan character. We’ll have some guys like that in the Real New World Order.
We use the free version of CVSNT for our source code repository on our source code file server. One of these days I want to move us to a Subversion repository.
I run both Git and Subversion at home, depending on the project and collaborators (if any). Out of reflex, the cool kids will tell you to use Git, but I learned to use that program the hard way, trashing the repository of a small company in Seattle where I had already experienced trouble fitting in with their team. I’ve never seen an end user lacking admin rights put Subversion into an irreparable state.
Is “FTWD” any better than “TWD” and is it on Netflix or anything? I’ve seen two or three episodes of “TWD” but don’t wanna go back and start it from the beginning. I got a kick out of the Negan character. We’ll have some guys like that in the Real New World Order.
TWD is way better than FTWD. But FTWD will hold you until TWD gets back on.
Don’t binge watch TWD or FTWD. Way, way, too creepy. And I have no idea about Netflix.
Negan scares the crap out of me. But I don’t like personality cults. You know, the kind of the people promoting Hillary right now.
Does anyone know why college grads are for Hillary ?
The LA Times poll says that the poor and college graduates are for Hillary. I understnd that the poor are for Mrs. Santa Claus but why the educated ? Or is this a poll of psychology degrees ?
You mean Vaginus Americanus.
Yep. Never mind if they don’t and never will use any of the features that git has over subversion. And, yah, I’ve seen a number of trashed git repositories, but no trashed svn repositories which weren’t the result of failing storage media.
Yep. Never mind if they don’t and never will use any of the features that git has over subversion. And, yah, I’ve seen a number of trashed git repositories, but no trashed svn repositories which weren’t the result of failing storage media.
In the right hands, I will concede that Git has better branching and collaboration features. Beyond a certain team/project size, however, I think it only works for the kind of benevolent (and sometimes not so benevolent) dictatorship hierarchy development model that is the Linux Kernel.
“…but I learned to use that program the hard way, trashing the repository of a small company in Seattle where I had already experienced trouble fitting in with their team.”
lol, nicely played, Mr. Greg; I don’t mean to laugh at you; we’ve all been there at one time or place or another. I was a noob at EDS long ago and in the data center pulled the wrong switch on a VAX cluster very early one morning and caused a network hiccup for nationwide client businesses. Boy was my face red!
“Negan scares the crap out of me. But I don’t like personality cults. You know, the kind of the people promoting Hillary right now.”
He don’t faze me none; I’d assassinate that fucker in record time. Or do a suicide-bomber thing. Yeah, we’ve had some major personality cults in human history, and none so evil as in modern times. I don’t see Killary as any kind of personality cult, though; she’s just an evil tool that may or may not suit the purposes of the current ruling junta, themselves evil. JFK was sort of a personality cult, as was Pharaoh Roosevelt II, and before him, of course, The Great Eliminator.
“Or is this a poll of psychology degrees ?”
Because the college grads nowadays are idiots? Or maybe because they’re just too young, inexperienced and historically illiterate. They’re not aware, and choose not to be aware, of her and her husband’s long history of criminality and scumbaggery.
“Negan scares the crap out of me. But I don’t like personality cults. You know, the kind of the people promoting Hillary right now.”
He don’t faze me none; I’d assassinate that f***** in record time. Or do a suicide-bomber thing. Yeah, we’ve had some major personality cults in human history, and none so evil as in modern times. I don’t see Killary as any kind of personality cult, though; she’s just an evil tool that may or may not suit the purposes of the current ruling junta, themselves evil. JFK was sort of a personality cult, as was Pharaoh Roosevelt II, and before him, of course, The Great Eliminator.
“We are all Negan” is downright creepy. It implies faith, control, and ownership.
If you read the comic, you know who Negan kills in this season. The TV show might change that do to popularity. It’s not Daryl in the *comics* since that character doesn’t exist, so it could be Daryl, but like I said, popularity. Ricks hand is chopped off in the comic, too. And the kid gets shot through the eye (lives), not the chest. Rick’s wife and baby get blown away by a shotgun in the comics. Carl’s not involved.
It’s Glen in the comics
The correct versions/acceptable versions are
“All y’all are crazy” or ” All y’all’re crazy” or for extra credit “All y’all are crazier than a [insert colorful phrase here- like ‘box full a coon dogs’]”
I wouldn’t normally pass along contests, although I enter at least 2 every month, but Cheaper than Dirt is giving away Ammo for a Year.
Well some cretin stole my GPS from my truck. Spousal unit went down last night get something and left the vehicle unlocked. The jerk was really stupid as he pulled the GPS unit power cord apart rather than unplugging from the power socket. Got the base and the unit but no power cord. I have this fear that since he found something last night will come back tonight looking for some more stuff. He will find a locked truck and may try to break a window. Asshole, hope his dick rots off. Maybe I should hide in the bushes with a loaded crossbow, silent and hurts real bad and is not traceable. An arrow to the crotch would be fitting.
I don’t get that much into these tee-vee series and comics and characters and plots; if they entertain me in some way, swell. If not, buh-bye. I don’t analyze them; they’re sorta fun or not. It’s a break or rest from the chit-loads of non-fiction and serious fiction I read, being a hyper-literate asshole. A Negan type would have to really have something over peeps up here to get away with what he does or he’d be a goner in no time, and I suspect that’s true of other large areas of Flyover Country. He’d make out well in the cities, though.
I entered that contest, Mr. Nick; won’t be doing it every day, though. Just got their catalog in the mail the other day and IIRC I’ve ordered stuff from them before. No complaints.
Now watching the “Glitch” series on Netflix; we’ll see how it goes; kinda interesting so fah.
The series they had that I still enthusiastically recommend is “Peaky Blinders.”
“Well some cretin stole my GPS from my truck…”
Sorry to hear that, Mr. Ray; shit, your trip really sucks so far, man. I sure hope it gets better FAST. And ya know, locked or not, the fuckers will smash the glass; the way this asshole did it is a good sign of that, probably a junkie of some type. We’ve had our cars broken into up here TWICE in the last fifteen years. The first time mine was locked but they got stuff I shouldn’t have left in it; wife’s was unlocked and they got nothing, even though her wallet and money and cards were on the seat……under a pile of rubbish, so they didn’t even bother looking under that. How ironic, eh? Second time was here in the village about a month ago; fucking local teenage ratfuckers, who also cracked my windshield, costing us $300 out of the deductible. They got nothing.
“…hide in the bushes with a loaded crossbow, silent and hurts real bad and is not traceable.”
Well, you posted that here so I guess you can rule it out now, eh? Or is that your clever ruse to use another method? Either way you’ve exhibited a vicious revenge streak here and will be a prime suspect now. Shit, if the guy comes back, trips on something and bumps his head, that’ll be YOUR fault. You need to escort him to the vehicle, let him pick out the stuff he wants and make sure he gets away OK.
The ironic part is no one will buy it without the power cord. The cords are $20 or more on ebay. If the cops recover it, and they can get it to power on, they will look at the “go home” function and see if they can track you down. Not a ton of hope but a bit. If you replace it, get one with lifetime map subscriptions. Otherwise they’re only good for a couple years anyway.
Same thing happened here to my wife’s car. 1030 pm in well lit driveway, doors unlocked, left the cord. We both chirp the alarms before bed now….
And no insurance or replacement from the premium credit card company without signs of forced entry. so much for they theft replacement they tout as a bennie on the premium card.
get one with lifetime map subscriptions
The unit that was stolen had lifetime maps. New one does also. Have GPS in the truck but the Garmin is better and maps are up to date. Updated maps for the truck cost almost as much as the GPS I just purchased.
no one will buy it without the power cord
Indeed. End of the power cord was ripped, not cut, while the rest of the cord was still in the power socket. Must have been a real idiot. Wish Garmin would allow you to block units by serial number. When you do a map update on a unit that is stolen a small piece of firmware gets downloaded and bricks the device, permanently unless returned to Garmin.
Not a ton of hope but a bit
Zero hope. Cops won’t even show up for something that is worth less than $100.
Ah, well our HOA pays for a full time Constable patrol, so they came, did the report, etc. Course we never got the unit back.
It does help to document the crime trends in the area. But maybe they want to avoid that….
document the crime trends in the area
That would be racist because the area is largely Hispanic. Got to keep the crime statistics balanced you know so that whitey has the same crime rate as every other race. The way to do that is to ignore crimes for certain classes of individuals.
When I lived in SA someone stole the front license plate off my vehicle. Never noticed until the police showed up at the house because my vehicle had been involved in a robbery. Well, at least a vehicle with my plate number. I showed the police the vehicle and they noticed the missing plate. I also was somewhere else when the robbery occurred and could verify that location. What they do is steal the front plate, attach to the back of another vehicle and do the robbery.
My neighbor when I lived here went to the movies. Came out and his truck was gone. Police came and said the truck was probably over the border by now, or at least the parts. Might as well kiss it goodbye. Cretins would watch people go into the theater and then know they have at least two hours to do the deed.
In my opinion San Antonio sucks and is a cesspool of criminal scum.
Sorry about the theft, Mr. Ray. Maybe an open door saved you a smashed window. That would have been a pain in the butt. I’ve used my phone for years now for nav. Google Maps rocks and Apple Maps is getting pretty good. The only real problem I’ve had is the trip from SEATAC to Bridgeport and other cities in the area. Coverage is spotty through the National Forest area.
Boy, just one micro-aggression after another here tonight. Where was my trigger warning? I need to get to a safe space…yeah…this neighborhood. B&E’s by local teenage riff-raff whose parents either don’t know or don’t care that their little goblins-in-training are out all fucking night. An’ yo, day white.
Avoid cities and crowds and events. Document crime trends? Good luck with that; they deliberately lie on the stats, as Mr. Nick mentioned, and they were doing that thirty and forty years ago, too, which I know from personal work experience as a crime stats officer for a while.
When I lived in Woostah, MA during the 80s goblins would come down from the mostly Hispanic housing projects at the north end of the city to other ‘hoods and steal cars. Good luck getting them back in one piece, too. Mine was stolen from in front of my house and I got it back with the dash torn up, a partial red paint job over the original olive green, and small pointed-toe footprints on the inside of the windshield where the little shit braced himself to pull at the dashboard and get the cheap-ass radio out.
And the ‘hood where I walked a foot beat was a “Crime Impact Area” and now it’s got about a hundred different nationalities, ethnic groups and languages going on. The “gorgeous mosaic” of General Dinkins; the result of worshiping the Diversity Goddess and opening the floodgates.
“”Spousal unit went down last night get something and left the vehicle unlocked.””
Had a GF once, eons ago, who insisted that anybody who needed something bad enough to steal was welcome to it. She deliberately left my vehicle unlocked to “prove” that nobody would take anything.
I suspect y’all can guess how that relationship sorted out…
Same GF could drive a manual transmission, to her credit, but her daddy had hammered into her to park in low gear…
One gear works as well as another for parking safety.
I have always parked in which ever gear I was likely to use next, so I nearly rammed the rear of her vehicle which was parked in front of mine.
This was an old simple truck with a bench seat. In order for her to prove how important she was, she had to move my truck at some point, and she had to move the seat up… resulting in a solid half-hour’s work re-stashing the tools and stuff carefully stowed behind the seat, so I could move the seat back to its normal position for me.
Not as bad as the on-going SAAB story, Mr. OFD, but I bet you can relate.
I’ve used my phone for years now for nav. Google Maps rocks and Apple Maps is getting pretty good
I agree on the Google maps. But that requires a good data plan. I am a cheap asshole and have the smallest plan I can get and refuse to pay for any overages. May change if I can get a larger data plan.
Maybe an open door saved you a smashed window
Yep. Had a side window smashed on my Avalon many moons ago at a football game just so they could get my wife’s purse. All they found was $1.73 in change. Missed the $20.00 bill in a hidden pocket. Credit cards were blocked before they could be used. The purse was found three years later on the roof of a building. The $20 was still there along with all the credit cards and drivers license.
But the replacement window cost me $500 (special glass from Toyota plus installation. I also had to have the key codes removed from the system, a new key made and then my key along with the replacement reprogrammed for another couple hundred dollars. Then I had to change out all the locks on the house. All told it cost me about $1,000 so the little bastard could get less than $2.00. Three other cars in the lot busted into and they lost substantially more.
The whole zombie thing (and some of the vampire stuff, Buffy) is a metaphor or parable for life with masses of mindlessly hostile people around, plus more than a few major bad guys with heavy evil intent, of course. Treat it as fantasy or catharsis… or training for when it gets even worse!
“” cost me about $1,000 so the little bastard could get less than $2.00 “”
Ah, but at least your repairs brought you peace of mind.
RBT and OFD can probably relate to this…
Some time back, I considered a GPS (back when stand-alone was pretty much the only option) but then I realized I never go far, and never go anywhere that I don’t know the route anyway. Same deal with phone data, more recently.
Indeed, Mr. Spook, I can relate across the board with your current posts. I feel bad for Mr. Ray; doing a solid for family and getting screwed over repeatedly over a long-haul trip away from home. I sure hope the home stretch turns out a helluva lot bettah.
Try to make it before the nukes start flying, though….
Jesus wept. Our satellites can presumably see all this chit. And we know that Killary and the neocons jazz themselves over hot wars and people dying miserably. This next one could be a real humdinger. Over what, exactly? Which musloid runs Syria? An alleged Russian hacking of the DNC files?? Shit.
And, long, but useful for its demolition of our incestuous gummint and MSM assholes; Hanson is a classical scholar who owns a ranch in Kalifornia that is regularly overrun and trashed by the peeps who “come here out of love.”
A counter-commie agitprop operation, under assault by the usual commie suspects:
More proof of criminal destruction of our alleged federal republic. For half a century.
“”I feel bad for Mr. Ray; doing a solid for family and getting screwed over repeatedly over a long-haul trip away from home. I sure hope the home stretch turns out a helluva lot bettah.””
Me, too. I fret for anybody on a road trip. Hoping for the best!
Mr. Ray, get back to Anderson County and just stay there for a while!
I considered offering a coffee break along your route, but I guess I’m plenty annoying enough from a distance…
The last sentence kinda cracks me up.
“”Spook, I can relate across the board with your current posts.””
Most of that was ancient history, still haunting of course.
I’m pretty much the solo non-traveling hermit lately…
I don’t think I’m missing anything.
The crimes the Klinton Krime Kartel have gotten away with are staggering. They cannot die too soon.
“I’m pretty much the solo non-traveling hermit lately…
I don’t think I’m missing anything.”
I’m a semi-solo-non-traveling hermit; wife is gone two to three weeks out of every four to keep this operation afloat, and my measly monthly financial contribution nowadays equals a day’s pay for her. My furthest forays are the weekly vets group meeting down in Burlap and I’m in and out just for that. And the “city” of 6k up the road. Of course 30 hours from now I’ll be on a road trip myself, down into eastern MA and then across central MA to the CT/MA state line near the Congomond region, where CT sticks up into MA due to some long-ago state line kerfuffle. So I’ll be re-arranging my go-bags somewhat and making sure I have what I need.
Here’s a good rundown of the possibilities next month; I really suspect Barack Hussein Soetero is gonna pull a fast one; it seems like things are gearing up for that and we’re being sort of prepared for it. If you’re him and it looks like we’re gonna be teetering into a nukular war if Killary gets elected, what would you do? When you also don’t want Trump in there.
“Our models are pointing to 2032 as the meltdown in the political system. This will be 52 years from 1980, with prior targets being 1928, 1876, 1824, and 1772. The current target of 2016 equates to 1964 and JFK’s assassination, 1912 and the defeat of the Progressive Party (Socialism), and 1860 with the Civil War. Each have been watershed events politically. It appears 2016 will live up to its target. Civil Unrest will rise significantly by rigging this year’s election.”
I’ll say one thing; I wish I had my FFL right now and owned a gun store.
tRump calling for term limits on Congress. Gotta love that.
Mrs. OFD and MrsAtoz are like Traveling Matt from Fraggle Rock. Always on the go. Coast to coast every month. LA, Chicago, Charlotte, NYC there ain’t a shithole MrsAtoz hasn’t hit this year. She’s off to San Bernardino Monday for a week. Hopefully her hotel won’t burn this time. The murder rate is turning it into Little Chi-town.
Maps.Me and OsmAnd will let you use GPS with on board maps from the Open Street Map Project. I used both when I was in Victoria and they worked well. I was even able to use them in the aircraft on the flight back. I was using them on a Nexus 7 tablet.
I don’t know how well the OSM maps compare to Google, but I’ve found the maps for Toronto and Victoria to be good. Best of all, no data connection required. I told my doctor about them and he said he was able to use the programs in Houston with out any problems.
Back in the 1980’s a college buddy bought a SuperKool Mustang just after graduation. Twice, someone broke out a window in order to steal the T-tops. Cost of the T-tops was more or less the same as his deductible; insurance company wound up paying for the window.
WRT guns,
No one mentioned a pocket pistol. I consider a small concealable pistol critical. Either as a backup gun, or for just walking to the mailbox in a pocket, or for non-permissive environments, you need a small gun.
WRT travel, I spent almost 20 years traveling for work. Partly in event management, and then in field service/install/construction mgmt, and consulting. It’s grueling, it’s alienating, it’s potentially dangerous, and it flat out sucks. Find you joy where you can. Don’t lose your connection to loved ones. Nothing lasts forever. Take the money and run.
I think of my Colt CC as a pocket gun.
Back in the 1980’s a college buddy bought a SuperKool Mustang just after graduation. Twice, someone broke out a window in order to steal the T-tops. Cost of the T-tops was more or less the same as his deductible; insurance company wound up paying for the window.
We had a Datsun 280ZX in the 80’s and had the same thing happen. The dealer charged $1800 for new tops, but as I reacall I was out a $300 deductible. Two days later I noticed the tops had a couple of small scratches exactly like the stolen ones. I had hand washed that car enough to know. Turned it over to the insurance company as it was certainly fraud. No idea what became of it. Good ole Walley always billed himself as the Sheriff of Datsun Country and was a member of the real sheriff’s mounted posse so I’m guessing his company got a pass and at worst just paid the insurance company back.
Have been told the area that I am staying in SA is tops for vehicles thefts. Does not matter if you have the intelligent keys. Apparently they show up with a recovery tow (repossession) vehicle, snatch the back of the vehicle, and are gone in 30 seconds or less. A little more difficult to do from the front. For a front wheel drive vehicle they snatch from the front.
Making certain I park under one of the lights in the hotel parking lot in such a way as to not afford easy access to the back of the vehicle.
I suspect in my case it was just a quick grab. Trying all the door handles, found one unlocked, grabbed the GPS and yanked thus tearing the power cable. They also looked in the center console as the tray was sitting in the seat. They missed some stuff tucked away under the rear seat. Not enough time I guess. Now everything is in the hotel room.
New GPS is operational.
@Ray, sorry that no you fell into the “no good turn goes unpunished” paradigm.
These discussions above reflect why I believe even petty thievery to be a capital crime and all justice needs to be swift and before sundown. Sorry folks, I profile and would be very effective on a “sweep team” that goes through the known scum bag territories. Yes, they do “token” sweeps but they really do no good, the sweeps need to be total, 100%.
When I was in the Navy, during new construction at the Newport News VA Shipyard on the Los Angeles SSN 688, my car got broken into 3 times in one week. I learned my lesson after break-in #3 and bought an old beater Toyota truck. Break-in problem solved.
BTW, a couple weeks ago you guys provided some good advice on a carry gun for my wife. We have been to my gun store and range 3-times since. Did I mention my wife has a hard time making a decision. My gun dealer is very patient, thank goodness. Must be getting close as she is now looking for a good “carry” purse (my gun dealer has some that she likes). Classes coming up next month.