10:44 – Friday the 13th falls on the 14th this month…
I see that NTSB has concluded that the recent small plane crash in Connecticut was an intentional act, carried out by a musloid jihadi who was attempting to destroy a facility owned by a defense contractor. Any reasonable person might wonder why these scum are even allowed into the US, let alone allowed access to planes. Not to worry, though. That asshole Obama is importing lots more of these scum, and if Clinton is elected you can be sure that she’ll be importing more by the hundreds of thousands. Eventually, such incidents will become so commonplace that no one will even notice unless they’re directly affected. Or so it would appear that the progressives intend.
Email from Jen, who’s anticipating a Trump victory and violent civil unrest to follow. Like us, Jen and her family are pretty well prepared for whatever may happen. But, also like us, Jen intends to devote some attention over the next 3.5 weeks to getting even better prepared before the election. She wants to have sufficient food on hand to be able to help friends and neighbors if it comes to that, so she and David and the rest of her family are planning to add a lot of bulk staples by buying a dozen or more additional 50-pound bags of flour, rice, beans, sugar, and so on, along with several more large containers of cooking oil. She says they may not have time to get it all repackaged immediately, but it’ll be fine just sitting in the original bags on the tables in the basement. They’re also planning another trial run over the Thanksgiving holiday.
I hope Jen is right about a Trump victory. I can’t imagine there would be much left of the country after 4 to 8 years of Hillary.
Here’s an interesting e-mail from Wikileaks.
Just two days before Antonin Scalia was found dead. Probably nothing but I would put nothing past these people.
This is Obummer…
That is the Obola NWO. Cuba is an example. Rule by edict. The Hell with Congress and the Dirt People. If tRump is elected, I wonder if he will have the balls to cancel out all this nonsense.
Cankles on The Ellen Show:
tRump stalked me during the debate
Is that the *pussy* you want confronting Putin at the G20? “That big meany stalked me and I pissed my Depends.”
More Wikileaks email proving Cankles started the birther movement in 2008. Wake up Boobus!
I have my doubts about what Trump would do. Seeing what Obama has gotten away with by way of EO, why shouldn’t he try to do the same?
I’d appreciate it if he didn’t though. His first EO ought to be to cancel all those things that ought to go through congress. His second should be to order the CBO to pay for the White House cleaning. As should all subsequent EOs.
@OFD/DH/Whoever you are: “Outsourced IT workers ask Feinstein for help, get form letter in return”
“Senator responds to University of California IT employees whose jobs are going to India”
The letter writer is lucky that Feinstein did not have him tied to the whipping post. A nod to Gregg Allman.
Someone used to caution to never ask for power or authority that you didn’t want your enemy to also have, because eventually they would.
Every use of EO expands the use for the next president too.
The shortsightedness on display over the last couple of decades has been astounding.
Sorry, I’ve got to disagree with @Jen. I think that millions of women are going to see Trump as someone who groped them in the past and will not vote for him. Although, my wife changed her mind and is going to vote for Trump “even if he is a serial groper”.
I hope that the Dumbocrats paid these women well who are claiming that they were groped by Trump. Looks like several of their stories have issues. Trump is very familiar with the court system and may sue them all for slander.
Killary election = slowly but more rapidly boiling pot of oil/napalm mix. Eventually the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back will come into play.
Trump election = that same pot boiling over almost immediately, but in and around the major cities, primarily in the southern half of the country. Bearing in mind that Chicago and Detroit are always a simmering, seething mess. Watch for professional commie agitators whipping the mobs into frenzies; pay attention to any videos and look for the white sons of bitches be-bopping around the edges and in the backgrounds. 1960s Riots Redux.
“That asshole Obama is importing lots more of these scum, and if Clinton is elected you can be sure that she’ll be importing more by the hundreds of thousands. Eventually, such incidents will become so commonplace that no one will even notice unless they’re directly affected. Or so it would appear that the progressives intend.”
There it is.
But if the police and armed forces prove themselves unable or unwilling to deal with it, we can expect lots of armed Normals to start doing the gig and they won’t always get the right bastards. Human nature being what it is, and following the Low Hanging Fruit Theory of Law Enforcement, it’s easier to roust a musloid family out of their house and set it on fire and maybe string up the males, than it is to methodically go after the armed and trained and experienced musloid “soldiers” who are undoubtedly rolling on in with everybody else.
““Outsourced IT workers ask Feinstein for help, get form letter in return””
Yeah, I’m familiar with all of this. It’s been going on a long time; we’re supposed to train our replacements and smile engagingly while doing so, even if they can’t speak English. If we don’t, they’ll shit-can us immediately and then make sure we can’t collect unemployment bennies or any accrued pay, vay-cay or sick time. This is what was done at IBM when I and a few hundred others were laid off; I have recently been told that the people still there are NOT HAPPY campers.
“The shortsightedness on display over the last couple of decades has been astounding.”
I was gonna say it’s the American Way of doing things; forget the past entirely, don’t worry about the future and focus on the present, always. But they’re like that in Europe, too. The EO stuff works the same way as the SCOTUS stuff, only faster, much faster.
“Looks like several of their stories have issues. Trump is very familiar with the court system and may sue them all for slander.”
They’ve had many months to come up with all these alleged incidents and it’s only NOW, four weeks before the election that they do??? Smells to high heaven. And desperation. If women can’t or refuse to see this for what it is, then I have zero sympathy for them. Killary’s depredations ALONE, and just in the last five years, forgetting entirely what Larry has done over the course of his rotten evil life, ought to thoroughly and conclusively TRUMP any reservations women have about voting for him in preference to her. If that is not the case, then I really don’t know what to say; it’s simply willful self-destruction not only for them but for everyone else, too.
“2016 Sucked”
I am tempted. November and December are not looking too good either at this point.
I prefer that lady all over the ‘net with the t-shirt “tRump can grab my” and a big arrow pointing at her crotch. For MrsAtoz, of course. But, I am a quiche eatin’ pussy aviator. lol!
Even if EVERY allegation is true, SO WHAT? We’re supposed to be picking the leader of the free world, not a pope.
Putin has how many secret mistresses?
The italian and french guys were both married to hotties, with a bit on the side, and not their first wives.
JFK gets near sainthood and he was GANGBANGING starlets with his brother, which we know conclusively. The likelihood that he wasn’t banging everything else he could get his dick into is ZERO.
XY clinton has been raping and abusing women his whole life, and women overwhelmingly voted for him.
In other words, what does an unwanted kiss during a greeting (seems to be the most common complaint) or a 30yo allegation (which ‘assault’ ended or we’d be hearing about how she was raped at 30,000 feet) have to do with anyone’s ability to lead the country?
The reality is that, like Reagan’s age (which was thought to be a negative), having a sexually active alpha male in the white house is likely to get us more respect from other world leaders than the sexless mom-jeans-wearing-pussy who has been there for the last 7 years.
And if anyone wonders, even if it were all true, I’m not “shocked” and neither is anyone else who has ever left their parents’ basement. Listen to the feminist left, this and MUCH worse, happens to every woman, everywhere, every day, world without end. How then can it be “shocking?” Either it is so rare that it truly is shocking that a powerful, rich man, on his home territory might push the envelop of propriety (which is what a kiss on the lips instead of on the cheek during a greeting is), or it is somewhere between there and the constant assault the feminist ‘rape culture’ fanatics say. Either way, it isn’t shocking. It might be maddening, or saddening, or even disgusting, but it ain’t shocking.
“Nuclear war ‘IMMINENT’ as Russia tells citizens to find out where the closest bunkers are”
Um, what the crap is going on ?
My son, the conspiracy theorist, says that Russia is selling crude oil to China in rubles and bypassing the USA banking system. He says Obola has been given instructions by Wall Street to force Russia and China to use dollars and the USA banking system to transfer those dollars.
BTW, where is the nearest Fallout Shelter ?
Start digging, Mr. Lynn. Nevada is like most of Texas, you have to blast to make a good basement/shelter.
Q: What do you call males who have never made unwanted sexual advances on women?
A: Homosexual
The question is not did Trump make unwanted advances, it should be did he take no for an answer? Bill Clinton is accused of not doing so repeatedly.
I was going to say Dead. Or Neutered. I’ve knows a few homosexuals that have made passes at women. For cover, if nothing else.
WRT oil/rubles/ banking — YES It passed without much fanfare except in the alt media, but rus and chine did in fact do that deal. And when the US used the international banking clearing system to punish rus, they did set up an alternative clearing system.
At the time, this was noted as “a bad thing” for the US domination of the world.
That’s why I read zeroHedge.
oil deals
They may not get the timing right, very few do, but they are paying attention to the right things, and reporting them.
reminder that behind every artificial measure of value stands a unit of energy…
Ever been around a drunk group of women when they start talking about sex? They are no better than male “locker room talk.”
Trump hasn’t said anything that most every other adult male on the planet hasn’t also said. The shocked and appalled act being put on by prog/lib women is just that – an act. They have heard it all before from their fathers, brothers, sons, and so forth and probably participated in it themselves for their own amusement. They’re taking a behavioral norm and make it sound like a sex crime to manipulate voters. If most Americans, including women, can’t see that. Then maybe we deserve to have HRC run the country into the ground. Maybe then we can hit the reset switch.
I am amazed at all the righteous religious nutter leaders (my nephew among them, my Sister’s Son) who have this holier than thou attitude that words are as bad as actions. And that “they” are pure as the wind driven snow and have the right to judge, as if they are God. All the while they say nothing about the Democrans/Republicats who have fornicated in word and deed. If you ask me (yeah I know you didn’t), this pile of righteous religious nutter leaders pus is a very great danger as they imply that they are untouchable and are preaching the word of God. If they were true leaders they would leading the charge to get off this crap and back to the real issues of an administration and candidate that are traitors, criminals, and liars.
Call me utterly fed up by now with the constant focus on things sexual, for the last half-century in general and the past few months, in particular. And I’m just talking about the “campaign,” not the trannies in bathrooms, fat old hairy males whipping out their ball sacks in front of teenage girls in there, the endless whining and screeching from the homosexual pride parades and circuses, and the otherwise relentless and ongoing assault of sex, sex, sex 7×24 in Western culture, especially this one.
One standard once again for the Clinton Crime Family and previous Dems, and quite another for Trump and the imbecile Repub crime families, at least in the MSM and among Dem agitprop specialists.
OK, I get it: Larry Klinton can be a serial adulterer, rapist and pedophile his entire life, assaulting subordinate women at will, and his wife can savagely go after his victims if she perceives them to be a threat to her wealth and power and ambitions for even more wealth and power.
While Trump can grab some woman’s knee or kiss them or talk locker room rubbish with some other imbecile twenty years ago and he’s now the Devil Incarnate.
I suppose if I want the usual non- or hostile response, I can run this by Mrs. OFD: how do those two scenarios even at any stretch of the imagination logically compare?
And I see I x-posted with Mr. Chad and Mr. DadCooks, with both of whom I agree, of course. Mr. Chad mentions groups of womyn and their chat-fests:
Many moons ago I had my eyes and ears opened in startling fashion when I was dumped onto the second shift at a factory as a machine operator/material handler with about two-dozen women, ranging from recent high skool grads to late middle-age. After a few nights they got used to having me around and I overhead conversations about them and their activities and their husbands and boyfriends that would make your hair stand on end. Raw language was the least of it. I’m sure some of that was them putting on a little show for me, but wow, what a revelation for the otherwise sheltered ‘Nam vet. (I’d spent my entire life mostly around male authority figures and other boys and men to that point, and continuing….)
Hey that’s cool, I can get myself out of moderation…
@dave, that was my point, no one is asking how these (supposed) incidents ended. The woman in first class, for example, is not raising his illegitimate child, so sometime shortly after “he put his hand up my skirt” she did or said something that caused the incident to end. [added, she fled] Since she’s quoted elsewhere IIRC as saying it would have been ok if he’d stayed above the waist, perhaps he had some reason to expect she wasn’t entirely opposed to his advance.
the rest, one “thought” he touched her butt, based on a dirty look, a couple got kissed, once. The most serious of the others was the one alone with him in a room and was again, kissed, before it ended.
The beauty pageant stuff, well, if your claim to fame is your body and physical appearance, it’s a bit hypocritical to complain when someone looks. Is it a bit pervy? Maybe, or maybe with his schedule that really was the only time he had. And I have been backstage at catwalk fashion events, and if you love women, you REALLY don’t want to see those girls naked, or hear them talking. There is nothing at all sexy or titillating about it. Bony, bruised, pale and I could have gone my whole life without hearing one tell the other that “if you get really hungry, you can eat wet toilet paper.”
Oh oh oh oh oh oh NOW the evil letch has been accused of calling one of the Fat-ass-ians a ‘little piglet’. He called her fat! What a meany. I’m going to ignore him on the playground.
Fer fukc’s sake. It’s come to this? The little sister of the woman famous for BEING IN A SEX TAPE, which no one would even care about except for who her DADDY was, from a family that is mostly also famous for being famous, and for sharing pix of themselves half dressed, and for having big asses, who is on a TV show because of those pix and that ass, gets called out and it’s national news.
I’m inclined to believe it is in fact the end days.
As I keep saying, I’m too old for this shit.
And as a comparison, and because, yes I like looking at pretty girls/women/females, contrast the Hollyweird/entertainment society, with Trump:
16 yo and clearly NOT the first time she’s dressed that way…
Well, see, making comments at or about beauty contests, kissing women or touching them inappropriately, talking rubbish with other idiot males, etc., is all FAR worse than what Larry Klinton and his lovely wife Bruno did to all those women over DECADES, apparently.
So it doesn’t MATTER how these episodes ended with Trump. They’re still WORSE than anything the vast rightwing conspiracy has said about the Clintons, probably just made up, of course.
As for the actual beauty contests and their contestants: I have never really got the supposed attraction and “beauty” of these women; they’re so thin as to be criminal, wickedly anorexic, and I never got the attraction of little girls in contests dressed like Times Square hookers. To my mind both of these sorts of events seem to be illustrative of a particular subset of very odd sexual attractions and practices, the latter bordering on some variation of pedophilia. I guess for the adult contestants it’s a lot of money, maybe, but to starve yourself like that? I used to feel sorry and want to take them out for a cheeseburger and fries but it would probably kill them.
So now we’re at the other extreme and we’re supposed to be adoring of huge fat women. All over the tee-vee sitcoms, movies and airline seats. No thanks.
Can’t we just have a happy medium??? Ya know, enjoy the rice and sprouts but every once in a while dig into a Whopper, a Fribble and a banana split sundae??
“As I keep saying, I’m too old for this shit.”
Crabby old man, what a downer.
You’re only a month or two older than me and I feel the same way; shit, how did this happen???
Let’s step out on the porch now, sit in our rockers with some lemonade and a game of cribbage…
RBT question.
If one buys the antibiotics for fish, as mentioned a couple of weeks ago, how could I test them?
Third world products are notorious for quality control issues – a pack of Amoxicillin 500mg might be really 250mg, 100mg, or 0 mg. I’d feel stupid if it turned out I was just storing chalk dust in the fridge for years….
Yeah, I’m familiar with all of this. It’s been going on a long time; we’re supposed to train our replacements and smile engagingly while doing so, even if they can’t speak English.
My CS grad program is 95% Indian. I accept the language issue, but what surprises me is that we have to run the majority through remedial programming classes just to get them up to “Hello World” level.
I had one in a class with me last year who couldn’t understand the difference in output of a text editor vs. Microsoft Word. I am *not* kidding.
Bony, bruised, pale and I could have gone my whole life without hearing one tell the other that “if you get really hungry, you can eat wet toilet paper.”
Dude, you could have kept that to yourself. I didn’t need to know that either.
The short answer is that you can’t test them. You have to trust the vendor. Speaking for myself, I’ll buy antibiotics that are manufactured in the English-speaking first world or northwestern Europe. Indian companies are also generally trustworthy, as are Thai ones. I wouldn’t buy anything Chinese on a bet.
My CS grad program is 95% Indian. I accept the language issue, but what surprises me is that we have to run the majority through remedial programming classes just to get them up to “Hello World” level.
I had one in a class with me last year who couldn’t understand the difference in output of a text editor vs. Microsoft Word. I am *not* kidding.
Wow. I wonder if anyone of them could pass IBM assembly language programming as their first programming class ? I made a B without trying. Of course, I was taking 21 hours at TAMU that semester and needed a gimme course.
While everybody is distracted by the tRump squirrel:
Justice Department decides to pass on prosecuting EPA officials over Gold King spill
As the article says, no one is every prosecuted in the Ofukstik empire.
Re; indian drug manf.
My experience with them is 14 years out of date, but back then they were notorious for poor quality and counterfeiting.
I used to regularly buy medicine in Mexico, some manf in the US, some by the Mexican branch of internationally known manf. One time I took the farmacia advice and bought the indian version. US Customs and Border Patrol WOULD NOT let me in with the indian drugs due to the quality issues. I went back, exchanged them for Schering Plough, and re-entered with no further issues.
I’m not buying indian manf. since then.
“Dude, you could have kept that to yourself. I didn’t need to know that either.”
But that’s the kind of thing that gives the anecdote the “ring of truth.” Totally true, btw.
Also, by the time these ‘girls’ get to any adult level they have developed an almost magical talent to get naked without showing anything. I worked on a vegas show with a Playboy centerfold, who changed clothes in the green room, in front of half a dozen people, and no one, including me (and I was looking), saw a single naughty bit. Yes you see boobs. So what? Again, it’s about the opposite of titillating in that circumstance. Unless you’re 15 naked boobs, somewhere in the room, are just not that interesting. You can’t touch them, stare at them, see them up close, they might as well be naked elbows.
added- I was gonna link the picture of one of the beauty contestant accusers, fully covered in a swim suit, and yet you can clearly see she’s had a ‘brazillian wax’, but it’s already off the page. Completely covered in red fabric, but except for the color, revealing of every detail.
Cankles: “I’m not going to add a penny to the national debt”
Lordy Fricken’ B Gordy! Lie right to our gobs!
Here’s this week’s quick summary of stuff from the Forward Observer email just now:
” Bottom Line Up Front: As progressives are already trumpeting the defeat of Donald Trump at the polls next month, many of them fail to realize that it’s leaving millions of Americans angry once again that a progressive is leading the nation. (Remember that even if Trump loses, he’s still expected to garner the support of around 40% of voters; a sizeable chunk of America, many of whom are ideologically committed to Trump’s stance on the establishment and current government.) And if the Republican Party fails to rebuild itself and earn back the trust of party members in the wake of a Trump defeat, it’s going to leave millions without effective political representation through which to channel that anger. I don’t know if that’s an intended or unintended consequence, but it could be the reality within a couple months to years.
In previous EXSUMs, I’ve talked about why some members of the Movement for Black Lives have resorted to violence: they feel ignored and marginalized, and are disillusioned that the political process is the venue for problem solving. Feeling that there are no other options, they commit violence as a last resort to make known what they perceive as their unheard frustrations.
Alt-Right thought leader Stefan Molyneux recently stated that ‘democrats have nothing [of substance] to offer poor Americans, so they sell the American Dream to foreigners.’ And as the Democrat Party continues to elevate the immigrant (especially those here illegally) above hard-working, tax-paying, law-abiding Americans, and focus on providing the American Dream to immigrants at the expense of the American Dream of citizens, I believe that many current and former Republicans are going to arrive at some of the same conclusions as Black Lives Matter. The Obama administration has done all it can to marginalize the concerns of this section of America. We’re angry at the direction of our nation, and we’re a heavily politicized base looking for answers.
I do believe that this nation is heading towards a domestic conflict. If a Clinton administration is able to push through amnesty and turn certain states blue, especially Texas, then George W. Bush may be the last Republican president we’ll ever see. And when governments marginalize the concerns of a well-established and angry population, especially a population so rich with the tradition of resistance to tyranny, those governments rightly earn themselves civil unrest. That’s exactly how civil wars begin. Once conservatives realize that there’s no room in the political process to save their nation, then we’re going to see this idea of regime change picking up steam. And that’s exactly why, based on our current trajectory, I believe we could see a domestic conflict within the next five to ten years.”
So that’s the election in about three weeks and civil war in five to ten years, when I’ll be 68-73, not a great age for humping a ruck, rifle and ammo across a hostile landscape again.
I’ll be home cookin’ the grub, monitoring commo, and teaching the young’uns medieval epic poetry in the original languages. And brainwashing them to become traditionalist Latin Rite Roman Catholic gun nuts.
Cankles: “I’m not going to add a penny to the national debt”
Lordy Fricken’ B Gordy! Lie right to our gobs!
Nah. That is because Illary is going to tax us into prosperity.
“”“As I keep saying, I’m too old for this shit.”
Crabby old man, what a downer.
You’re only a month or two older than me and I feel the same way; shit, how did this happen???
Let’s step out on the porch now, sit in our rockers with some lemonade and a game of cribbage… “”
Hope you young guys will save me a seat.
I’m not sure those words have appeared in that order ever in the history of the world.
So that’s the election in about three weeks and civil war in five to ten years, when I’ll be 68-73, not a great age for humping a ruck, rifle and ammo across a hostile landscape again.
I’ll be home cookin’ the grub, monitoring commo, and teaching the young’uns medieval epic poetry in the original languages. And brainwashing them to become traditionalist Latin Rite Roman Catholic gun nuts.
I see that you are clinging to your God and your guns again.
I doubt that there will be much action, if any, in your area. Most of the action will be around DC and around the Mason-Dixon line. If the action splits the country into 7 to 11 nations such as the following, all bets are off:
RBT, a question about poisons. (Not to worry; this is generalities, nothing specific.)
Once again someone brought up binary poisons as the perfect assassination method. I’m rather less convinced, for several reasons:
First, what little I know of unary poisons (to coin a term) says that they’re difficult to get to work for real. Different people have different susceptibility, the scratch wasn’t deep enough, whatever. Employing a binary poison would be at least twice as difficult, and probably four times or more.
Second, what I know of pharmaceuticals is that they often have unpredictable side effects when used together, and the side effects vary from person to person. I don’t know how well this translates to binary poisons, because the intent on the one hand is to stop the target’s metabolism and on the other hand is to keep it from stopping, but it suggests difficulty.
Third, I’d think I’d have heard something about unsolved murders where the cops couldn’t pin it on anyone because, golly gee, we just can’t narrow down when the guy got the first component which lingered and then ate this other perfectly ordinary substance which triggered an inevitable reaction and killed him dead. OK, sure, I’m exaggerating, but I’d think there’d be at least whispers.
So, the next time some coworker or know-it-all at one of my wife’s parties goes on about binary poisons, without being able to provide a single detail, can I just peg him as an ignoramus? (I mean, I do already, but some confirmation would be nice.) Thanks.
Wow. I wonder if anyone of them could pass IBM assembly language programming as their first programming class ? I made a B without trying. Of course, I was taking 21 hours at TAMU that semester and needed a gimme course.
Oh, God, no. The story I’ve been told is that most of the grad students majored in Electronics in the mother country, but when I recently helped the department conduct interviews for Digital Logic lab TA positions, none of the candidates could competently discuss a simple resistor circuit I drew on the whiteboard.
“…none of the candidates could competently discuss a simple resistor circuit I drew on the whiteboard.”
It’s all good, Mr. Greg, not to worry; we’ll simply train them all FROM SCRATCH and then babysit them through their first couple of years of actually working. I understand Mr. SteveF has agreed to sit in and monitor this project. After they’re all set, we can then be disposed of. If we’re good do-bees we’ll be allowed to collect unemployment bennies.
And we’ll train the incoming swarms of musloids to take over security and law enforcement and judicial roles. Bienvenu sharia, mes amis.
“I see that you are clinging to your God and your guns again.”
You betcha. God, guns and guts made US great!
“I doubt that there will be much action, if any, in your area. Most of the action will be around DC and around the Mason-Dixon line.”
Agreed. DC, NYC, and below the M-D Line; to include the sabotaging and hammering that the great Lone Star State is gonna take. They fully intend to make it a blue state and nip in the bud any nasty seccesh chatter and preps. I would not care to be in or near any major CONUS or Canadian city or even in their burbs over the next few years.
And we have a very bright waxing gibbous moon tonight rising over the haunted castle town hall across the street:
“”I doubt that there will be much action, if any, in your area. Most of the action will be around DC and around the Mason-Dixon line. If the action splits the country into 7 to 11 nations such as the following, all bets are off:
I’m two or three counties away from one of those hypothetical borders.
I should be OK, right? (Insert Alfred E. Neuman quote here.)
From the link:
“Yankeedom: Founded by Puritans, Yankeedom prizes education and participation in politics and government. Citizens of the Northeastern states and industrial Midwest are more comfortable with government regulation and value the common good over the individual.”
Yes, founded by Separatists, Pilgrims and Puritans, with plenty of dissent and turmoil over the first century, including vicious warfare with the regional Native Americans followed by the witchcraft hysteria. My ancestor came over on the Mayflower (John Howland) and the family later mostly became Quakers into the 17th-C. My paternal grandfather was raised in a foster Quaker family on a farm outside New Bedford, where I was born in Anno Domini MCMLIII.
Education was prized to the extent that they would go to whatever lengths to also educate women and former slaves. Government was town meeting, which gets unwieldy past a hundred or so people, but still exists up here in northern New England.
The problem became that they confused “good government” with ‘gee, if it’s good, we should have more of it,’ and ‘let’s extend that to everyone else in society whether they like it or not for their own good’ and then on to expanding it worldwide, based on a Calvinist worldview. Which we still labor under in Anno Domini MMXVI.
So-called Yankees have essentially conquered most of the industrialized world by now and we are not the better for it, at least not since the end of the Industrial Revolution, which culminated in the beta version machine war Between the States and then the Great War and the merely Good War.
“I should be OK, right?”
We’re 75 miles south of Moh-ree-all and 30 miles north of a fighter-interceptor base.
What, me worry?
“”I doubt that there will be much action, if any, in your area. Most of the action will be around DC and around the Mason-Dixon line. If the action splits the country into 7 to 11 nations such as the following, all bets are off:
I’m two or three counties away from one of those hypothetical borders.
I should be OK, right? (Insert Alfred E. Neuman quote here.)
I am more worried about Russian ICBMs in the next couple of weeks than anything else.
Where is the Union of Concerned Scientists when Obola is going crazy ? Aren’t they the guys who were continuously saying that Ronaldus Magnus was going to cause a nuclear war with the Soviet Union ?
“Nobel secretary regrets Obama peace prize”
A quick summary of how we got to where we are now:
Some of the things are stuff I’ve harped about on here, ad infinitum and no doubt ad nauseum. The Long March, for instance. Successful! Our kids are now commies! And our grandkids! Wheeeeeeee!
“I am more worried about Russian ICBMs in the next couple of weeks than anything else.”
It’s gonna be yet another stupid proxy war over in Syria, not here and not in Mother Russia. They’re not stupid or crazy enough to use nukes; Killary is, though.
I have lived in what that author calls Appalachia and in what he calls the Deep South, and I really can’t tell a lot of difference, overall, in those cultures on a regional basis. Yep, plenty of differences in neighborhoods and so on, within a city or county, but those are more drastic than the differences between, say, Memphis and Raleigh and Atlanta and Jacksonville and West Palm Beach. Differences between the “ghetto” and the “middle class” areas in those towns are the drastic differences, not the geography.
(Guess I don’t know about how rich folks live.)
And, to clarify, I don’t mean “ghetto” to actually imply any racial or ethnic context.
It’s all about culture… or lack thereof…
Not that “middle class” suburban “culture” is particularly uplifting…
However, I would advise staying on I-40 back and forth as I-10 is freaking horrible in Texas and Louisiana
Don’t have much choice. Have to make a stop in Houston then in Atlanta. I-10 is the best way back. I-40 was really bad from Memphis to Texarkana. More trucks than cars, trucks camping in the left lane, trucks trying to pass another truck with a speed difference of 0.05 MPH, two lanes each direction. Sucked.
Got into Texas on I-30 and road was much improved, fewer trucks, good pavement, and 75 MPH, although that is what I tried to run when I could.
MIL’s husband passing was not unexpected and was a good think. He had been in assisted living for a year and hospice for about a month. Went down really fast. Unable to talk about three days before he passed. Went to sleep and never woke up. MIL found him in the morning, cold. Had to wait two hours for a “professional” to official say he was dead.
We left as soon as we could thinking funeral would be on Saturday. Nope, have to wait until Thursday. Damn I had forgotten how hot San Antonio remains even in the fall.
SA has really sprawled since I was here last. Traffic everywhere, lots of it. Stretch of I-35 between Universal City and New Braunfels used to be quite a bit of open space. Now it is just continuous shops and buildings. Back in the late 70’s I biked from Universal City to New Braunfels on the access road (Lynn knows what those are) without problems. Today I would not even attempt such a feat because of traffic.
The interchange to get off I-35 to Pat Booker Road leading to Randolph AFB and my old neighborhood in Live Oak used to be a simple off ramp and on ramp, is now a massive interchange with multiple exit lanes going different directions and lots of vehicles.
It all makes me glad I left the place years ago to a small community in TN.
Anyway, I am stuck here until Friday when I will head back. Will try and stop at Mr. Lynn’s as our first destination, then on to nephews somewhere in Houston, then on to FIL’s ex-wife house for the night. Than fight that mess on the way to New Orleans and up to Atlanta. Will spend the night somewhere along the way, perhaps in Atlanta.
And I am in a really bad mood, pissed off about the whole trip, the expense, the time, the driving. But I am looking forward to breakfast tacos at Taco Cabana in the morning.
RBT and Nick F – thanks for the info, about what I thought.
@ Ray Thompson:
I considered suggesting a coffee stop with me, quite close to your route, but I’ll spare you that extra complication.
Still raise a mug to you, thank you for sharing your input/output, and wish you and yourn the best in your stressful times.
Uh, you do have the laser weapon for 18-wheelers that are in your way… and especially for tailgaters?
Speaking of breakups, these 3 maps are interesting:
And it shows how irrelevant the countries of europe should be for us. It’s also the answer to the euro question of why americans don’t know or care about european countries. They’re Phoenix.
Wishing better times and some good to come out of that trip, Mr. Ray. Stay safe and you’ll be back home before ya know it.
“Speaking of breakups, these 3 maps are interesting…”
Yeah, those are pretty cool maps; I used to have a series of paperback map books with similar breakdowns according to economic activity, military size and activity, educated populations, etc., etc., but they’ve disappeared long since. I can’t remember the exact titles but the covers were very colorful and showed some of the most dramatic visualizations.
I think some of us care about Europe because we originally came from there and in particular northwestern Europe and specifically the UK and Ireland in our case here. Some of also care to the extent that as they go, in some instances, so do we, as with the musloid invasions and the attitude of the governments and the ruling commie junta in Brussels. Ours happens to be in Mordor and Babylon-on-the-Hudson.
Mrs. OFD just called from Kalifornia; all is well and she is doing the grandma thing with the three kids and giving DIL a break for a couple of days before superstar biz intel operator dad comes home tomorrow from XXXX. Suffice to say, and I can’t say any more than this, the kid has been doing awesome stuff very recently and is being “groomed” for higher levels. He’s basically a spy. Now that I think of it, this could also affect my candidacy for the Fed job. Yikes.
But que sera, sera, amirite? Fuck it; whatever happens. I can manage OK without working again as an IT drone for some huge organization. We need the money, and I’m doing due diligence. If I gotta slave again in a prolecube farm or data center for a while, so be it; if not, that’s cool, too. We’ll manage.
I just meant that it’s always the euro complaint that Americans don’t know about european countries. My response always is “you are tiny, smaller than a state, and I care about ~20 of my own. Don’t really need to know about yours.”
‘Course, I care about europe in general, esp as a leading indicator…
“” I can manage OK without working again as an IT drone for some huge organization. We need the money, and I’m doing due diligence. If I gotta slave again in a prolecube farm or data center for a while, so be it; if not, that’s cool, too. We’ll manage.””
I have accepted, I guess fairly well, what has turned out to be the end of a sorta-supposedly-professional career, years ago, and I went on with jobs that got me by…
and I have stash-based incomes now, not much, but I’m OK. Give it up, try to invest and make investments grow and provide dividends (that’s stock market talk, but it also works in other areas of investments). Screw the conventional employment bullshit, Brother OFD, and get on with your life.
And get Mrs. OFD off the “Road” asap since that’s gonna be the worst scary place to be for the duration!
Check out the front page of Drudge. Game over, man, game over.
It’s all good, Mr. Greg, not to worry; we’ll simply train them all FROM SCRATCH and then babysit them through their first couple of years of actually working.
I don’t think most of them are trainable. Nothing racist in that thought — honestly, I think we see their spoiled rich kids over here.
“‘Course, I care about europe in general, esp as a leading indicator…”
Indeed. And some of us are kinda sad, though it’s been 400 years, that things are so fucked up in the UK and to a lesser extent, Ireland.
“Screw the conventional employment bullshit, Brother OFD, and get on with your life.
And get Mrs. OFD off the “Road” asap since that’s gonna be the worst scary place to be for the duration!”
It seems to be happening, slowly, anyway. We just have a mortgage and a kid in her senior year of college still. Mrs. OFD is getting the burnout thing and we’d both like her to be off the road. Her asshole employers (long story) have in effect restricted her to the Northeast quadrant unless no one else is available elsewhere, thus the recent Denver trip this past week.
She wants to be working on her jewelry stuff and making some dough outta that (thus the new multiple window installation pending on the shed/studio) and I wanna be more involved with firearms and building community networks.
We’re in the transitional phase, and I hope we have at least this next year to get rolling well on it all.
“”Check out the front page of Drudge. Game over, man, game over.””
Uh, could you be more specific?
“…I think we see their spoiled rich kids over here.”
When I was still on Facecrack it was funny to see them doing selfies all the time and complimenting each other on how great they looked, usually in sunlit areas in front of the multiple elephant head pictures and suchlike and very colorful.
A lot of them seem to have utterly taken over IT recruiting, and I have also met more than a few who are extremely adept and competent with IT stuff other than programming.
“Check out the front page of Drudge. Game over, man, game over.”
Shit. I hope Drudge is just doing some National Enquirer stuff with that. Shit. Shit. Shit. If they’re screwing around with DecCon that is not a good sign. WTF is WRONG with these fucking people?
Drudge is bullshit?
Has he really done anything useful since Monica?
Sure not anything like useful duck ‘n’ cover info…
Hoping for incremental improvements, at least, Mr. OFD.
The Daily Star. Wheeeee….
We’re heading for Apocalypse in fifteen minutes and the Star reports this, which I had no idea was going on; what a country:
“”We’re heading for Apocalypse in fifteen minutes and the Star reports this, which I had no idea was going on; what a country:””
Uh… That country seems to be UK. Got a US source of valid news??
CIA Prepping for Possible Cyber Strike Against Russia
If this is all true and not just another bullshit red-meat thing to distract us from something else, then my feelz is that we poke them in their cyber networks and away we go! They’ll poke us back and soon everybody else with the capability will be doing it around the world.
They seem like they’re building another Tonkin Gulf thing, for those of us old enough to remember THAT little caper.
And I’m not sure I buy the claim that it was the Russians as a state entity that allegedly hacked election stuff here.
Tonkin is always the dubious provoke / excuse thing, for
people older than OFD…
Cyber is a bit (get it?) more complex than ocean doings, but
still too complex for ordinary citizens to know what’s real.
The nuclear option is a cable cutting war. We both have subs and seal teams to chop the undersea cables. Drop the links between the continents and you destroy a lot of the usefulness of the internet, without killing domestic access.
An no, the internet will not just ‘route around the damage.’ Look at a cable map and there are a few critical ones. Not a lot of redundancy into many places.
We’ve been seeing it ramp up, believe it if it happens.
Oh, ain’t no way to cut them big wires!
Nobody can hold they breath that long…
“…people older than OFD…”
What, there’s like, three of them on here, maybe?
“We both have subs and seal teams to chop the undersea cables.”
This just in: Mr. DadCooks has been recalled to active service and will be bringing a Seal Team out somewhere on a nukular sub. I wonder if it’s connected in some way…
Seriously, cutting them undersea cables would certainly cause some excitement without actually killing anyone….I think.
Well, I hope we all wake up tomorrow with the Grid and innernet still up and a sunny day with blue skies…
I’ll settle for mostly cloudy and the usual rural power blinks.
“”“…people older than OFD…”
What, there’s like, three of them on here, maybe?””
I’ve been quiet with personal info, but with OFD’s public disclosures,
yeah, I’m older than he is.
Probably wiser, too, but that’s hard to prove; open mind on that.
Probably better educated… BS in a real science, English and Math minors.
Of course what’s a “better” education? I’m hip to what might be valid as
education… except that Psychology and Sociology and Education are pretty
useless majors, though some who got such a BA possibly got some good real
world education in the process, if they picked up the other useful courses…
Uh-oh… I might have killed OFD.
Sorry, I was just trying to get a rise out of him!
“…Uh-oh… I might have killed OFD.”
Nope. Was looking at some other stuff and watching a Netflix movie on a Russian town full of and run by Siberian criminal gangs, exiled there during the Koba the Dread years. Interesting at first and then boring.
I don’t fret much over my English Lit BA; I always loved to read, loved books, still do, and learned some neat stuff, like how to read and understand poetry. Which we’ve had among us homo sapiens sapiens for a very, very long time. Fragments from Sumer, Assyria, Egypt, etc.
Mr. Spook sounds like he most certainly could be wiser than me, if at least in one regard; he got off the job train earlier and moved on. I’ll be doing that most likely very soon; this may well be my last hurrah messing around with that shit. Mrs. OFD is worried and wants med insurance bennies, mostly, and we need the income for this last year of Princess in college.
I’d just as soon get going full speed ahead with the firearms and community network building. Make whatever money I can.
“”Mr. Spook sounds like he most certainly could be wiser than me, if at least in one regard; he got off the job train earlier and moved on.””
Yep. Yep! Yep.
Retirement is recommended, if you can pull it off.
Tough to set it up if you’re beyond age 50, say.
I rant at younger friends (and even casual acquaintances)
a lot about this. Better to be poor than to have a boss, mostly.
“”I don’t fret much over my English Lit BA; I always loved to read, loved books, still do, and learned some neat stuff, like how to read and understand poetry.””
Yeah… Pathetic that basic grammar skills are now not even optional, much less literature and such. I have lost a lot of the literature knowledge (or did I just fake it anyway?) and I have gotten quite sloppy on grammar…
“Better to be poor than to have a boss, mostly.”
Agreed. When I look back over 45 years, I can count the good bosses on one hand, at most. And some real stinkers.
“…Pathetic that basic grammar skills are now not even optional…”
I had English grammar hammered into me in 9th-grade English by the late Mr. Jack Donovan. It’s now second- or third-nature to me and has been since. Ditto spelling; if I’m not sure, and lately I’ve had some goofy mental blocks on how to spell some words, why, amazingly, I LOOK IT UP.
Literature? Serious literature? Very, very few people read it anymore, at least not for pleasure. I recognize I’m a sick puppy in this regard, but what can you do? If you’ve been bitten by this bug at an early age, you’re screwed forever.
Right now I’m re-reading the late George Garrett’s Elizabethan trilogy, “Death of the Fox,” “The Succession,” and “Enter’d From the Sun.” Highly recommended if you’d enjoy immersing yourself in Tudor and early Jacobean England for a while. And I’m going through the late Ezra Pound’s translations and poetry, which is always a gas.
Gee whiz, it’s 01:33 here; I gotta go sleep in the recliner downstairs! Whooopeeee!
Pax vobiscum, fratres….
@OFD said: “This just in: Mr. DadCooks has been recalled to active service and will be bringing a Seal Team out somewhere on a nukular sub. I wonder if it’s connected in some way…”
Could be
And yes, we practiced that, both with Seals and a “special tool” and with an ROV (remotely operated “vehicle”) that could operate the “special tool” at >10,000 feet (none of that fathom stuff).
Battery fully charged, air in the banks, no shit in the tanks, all ahead flank, heading that-a-way…
Yes, @Dad is up late (for me), getting ready to head off to the airport to pick up my “Princess” after her 10-days in London. Now the world can go-to-hell…
Hmm. Geopolitical manoeuvrings. What is really happening in Russia?
Dave Hardy wrote:
“Shit. I hope Drudge is just doing some National Enquirer stuff with that…”
I’m not worried. I figure it’ll be limited to the northern hemisphere.
Australia is not self-sufficient. If the northern hemisphere goes up in conflagration or goes down in collapse, at best you’ll miss the initial hit.
SA has really sprawled since I was here last. Traffic everywhere, lots of it. Stretch of I-35 between Universal City and New Braunfels used to be quite a bit of open space. Now it is just continuous shops and buildings. Back in the late 70’s I biked from Universal City to New Braunfels on the access road (Lynn knows what those are) without problems. Today I would not even attempt such a feat because of traffic.
The interchange to get off I-35 to Pat Booker Road leading to Randolph AFB and my old neighborhood in Live Oak used to be a simple off ramp and on ramp, is now a massive interchange with multiple exit lanes going different directions and lots of vehicles.
Welcome back to Texas ! The traffic is breathtaking.
And most of our unceasing immigrants are liberals. Texas will be blue in 8 to 12 years. Why can’t people leave their liberal leanings at home ?
And yes, we practiced that, both with Seals and a “special tool” and with an ROV (remotely operated “vehicle”) that could operate the “special tool” at >10,000 feet (none of that fathom stuff).
I enjoyed reading “Blind Man’s Bluff: The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage” a decade ago. I wondered at the time how much of it was true.
@lynn – there is a newer edition of that book: https://www.amazon.com/Blind-Mans-Bluff-Submarine-Espionage/dp/1610393589/ref=dp_ob_title_bk
I have ordered the new version, but I can assure you that the original edition is not a bunch of tall tales. Thanks for reminding me about it.