10:25 – The effects of the hurricane are mostly gone up here, other than a stiff breeze with strong gusts. The temperature this morning was in the mid-40’s (~ 7C), but the wind chill was down below freezing. I don’t worry too much about wind unless I see cows rolling by in the field behind us.
We filled bottles yesterday of things we’re short of. Six dozen each 15 mL bottles of barium nitrate solution and potassium ferricyanide solution, and four 3,000 mL bottles of bread flour. Those last were some leftover bread flour we’d packaged temporarily in gallon ziplock bags when we ran out of clean PET bottles. I wanted to get them transferred to a better LTS container, and 3-liter bottles fit the bill. Using a cut-off 2-liter bottle as a large wide-mouth funnel made it easy to transfer the flour. It took only about a fifth as long to make the transfer to 3-liter bottles as it would have taken transferring it to narrower-mouth 2-liter bottles. At some point soon, we need to get another 250 pounds of flour, rice, and sugar transferred to PET bottles. We’ll use 2-liter bottles for the latter two, which are free-flowing enough that the 2-liter bottles work fine.
It appears that the gloves have come off in the Trump/Clinton war of words. I suspect Clinton will lose this battle. She’s an incredibly nasty piece of work, but she’s not the street-fighter that Trump is. Clinton releases a pretty innocuous audio tape and claims that Trump is anti-woman. Trump responds by hauling out the big guns, and accuses her husband of being a literal rapist, with testimony to back that from some of the women who accuse Bill of raping them. So Trump is proven to be crude, which all of his supporters already knew. And Clinton is accused of not just enabling but actively assisting her husband in raping multiple women, which all of Clinton’s supporters also already knew. But I suspect Trump hammering on this is going to damage Clinton by making many of her female supporters think again about the role she played in her husband’s despicable and criminal behavior.
With a month until the election, I suspect that things are going to get a lot nastier. A lot. Given the Clintons’ alleged habit of murdering opponents, if I were Trump I’d be hiring a phalanx of steely-eyed security men who were beholden only to me. And I wouldn’t eat or drink anything that had been out of my sight.
If I did a tenth of the stuff that Bill Clinton did, my wife would divorce me. What really concerns me about Hillary is that she so needs Bill for some reason that she hasn’t divorced him. I don’t know whether Bill simply can’t keep his pants up, or he’s doing this stuff to humiliate Hillary, but either way the effect is the same. The least insane thing I can conclude is that Bill is still married to Hillary because she provides cover for his antics and he provides her with God only knows what.
I’m loading up on food, water, ammo, Moxie and pretzels!
Agreed on the increasing nastiness, but some days I wonder if Trump is actively sabotaging himself, with the repeated dumbass comments about womyn. Why not just STFU about stuff like that and talk about how he is specifically gonna fix, say, two or three of our worst problems? Let her bloviate about crap from twenty years ago and keep showing ancient videos of him talking like an asshole. Get off defense and start hammering on the ISSUES and let her chatter herself into complete irrelevance.
If it becomes necessary to take off the gloves a couple more times, then bring on one of the Benghazi survivors to talk about how SecState left good men to die there; get into the Foundation and the connections to the Soros machine; discuss Huma’s Muslim Brotherhood connections; shit, there’s no shortage of stuff on her but make it CURRENT. She’s a clear and present danger to NATIONAL SECURITY, what with the email server and financial chicanery.
While always remembering that he is also a psychopath who supports Big Gummint.
“…Bill is still married to Hillary because she provides cover for his antics and he provides her with God only knows what.”
He provides the SEMBLANCE of what had previously been considered the normal American nukular family. They even arranged to raise Princess Chelsea (Web Hubbell’s natural daughter) to keep up that facade. When they were/are anything BUT normal. And as President, he also developed the vast network of minions and supporters and political and financial contacts they’ve used to amass their huge fortune.
“If I did a tenth of the stuff that Bill Clinton did, my wife would divorce me.”
Mine would cut off my head and put it on a fucking stick on the front lawn. And rightfully so.
“she so needs Bill for some reason”
She is stupid. She has the political sense of a turnip. Bill is the politician, and without him, she’d have never amounted to anything.
I think Scott Adams nails it with his theory of ‘proportionality’.
Now Trump gets to respond with all the crap.
And really, the DEMOCRATS, want to try for the moral high ground on sexual issues? RFK, JFK, T fucking K, Blowjob Clinton? Convicted freaking PEDOPHILES as besties? On crudity? LBJ forced people to have meetings with him while taking a dump!
I think Trump probably can’t go after some of the current issues for the same reason the Klintons can’t- he’s got skeletons too. Lot’s of Saudi money sloshing around in global realestate and in NYC in particular. There may be some things they’re both dirty with, but as many have pointed out, she’s so dirty Mr Clean would have pine scented nightmares about it.
added- several people have pointed out that the Friday release only makes sense as a cover and distraction to the wikileaks Hillarity Podesta emails. Otherwise they’d have used this where it would be better placed in the news cycle. IE, not a weekend with a major hurricane dominating the news.
“…without him, she’d have never amounted to anything.”
She’s a cardboard cutout, a sock puppet, and has been so since high skool. She simply absorbs whatever the current preferred Left zeitgeist is, and parrots it back. When she grew up, she saw what money and power can do, with those stock market manipulations that netted her a nice bag of loot back then, and later, coupled with patently illegal activities, even more giant bags of loot. So she’s another totally hypocritical libturd, who on the one hand is infused with Alinskyism (Trotskyism) and on the other hand a rapacious pseudo-capitalist lust for wealth, at any cost.
Besides all that, she is simply evil. An uber-witch, just in time for Halloween.
“…not a weekend with a major hurricane dominating the news.”
A holiday weekend, too, with many employed Murkan derps making it a nice four-day weekend for themselves, like Mrs. OFD’s employers in Mordor.
“I think Trump probably can’t go after some of the current issues for the same reason the Klintons can’t- he’s got skeletons too.”
He can hammer on the SecState record when appropriate and focus on what HE will do to solve problems. ACT Presidential, at least. Let her rant and rave and rage until she keels over.
“…she’s so dirty Mr Clean would have pine scented nightmares about it.”
I finally bothered to watch the Trump video. Mostly harmless, really just the one really stupid comment. If it weren’t on camera, it’s nothing worse than the bragging of teenage football players in the locker room. Granted, it’s not normally the way grown men talk, so it’s embarrassing, but it’s clearly just talk, nothing of real importance.
I also noticed the behavior of the two guys with the woman on camera. The younger guy (Bush?) pushes for the woman to give them both hugs. Trump accepts a hug politely but distantly. The young guy is the one who does a full body squash on her. Interestingly: I just hunted down the video again, to check that last detail, and the version on CNN now ends after Trump’s hug, but before the young guy’s full-body press. The BBC version shows the hugs at around 2:20, if anyone cares.
I don’t quite understand why this was being filmed. The nearest explanation was “Donald Trump prepares for an appearance on ‘Days of Our Lives’ with actress Arianne Zucker”. Which explains exactly nothing – why were they recording their arrival on a bus? This isn’t exactly exciting stuff. What was it intended for?
Video tape is cheap and you never know when you’ll get something useful? Bigger question is why did they index it and save it, other than for leverage later?
As a former live events guy, with lots of experience mic’ing people, it’s very easy to forget you are wearing a mic. Just because he’s wearing one, doesn’t mean he’s considering his remarks as public.
I’ve heard dozens of people using the bathroom, greeting others off-stage, even having “private” conversations. You generally try not to listen, mostly because it’s banal, but part of your job is making sure the mic works when needed. Hearing the word ‘p*ssy’ would definitely get your attention in sound world though :-0
At my own wedding, we forgot we had a hot mic and used the restroom and chatted before emerging after the ceremony. Thankfully the videographer didn’t use any of that, since he wanted to get paid.
Anyway, the “hot mic” part is a non-issue, or rather a made up issue meant to be more damning than it is.
Good solid intel from Mr. nick here, on arcane audio-visual stuff that most of us have no clue about. Thanks!
Not that I am in any danger of being mic’d up for anything anytime soon, and if I was, the world would get a boxcar load of hate, bigotry, rayciss obscenities, misogyny, misanthropy, violent death threats, nightmarish yammerings about nothing, etc., etc. A walking true psychopath who shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the idea of running for any kind of political office beyond cemetery warden.
Pahtly sunny off and on here today thus fah; foliage is at or near peak in this paht of the world. We still need about a month of heavy steady rains, though. Reports of dry wells around the state and drought conditions here and there. I blame Twelve Years of Reagan-Bush, GlobalClimateChangeWarming, and Donald Trump.
Mine would cut off my head and put it on a fucking stick
Which head? Or both?
“It appears that the gloves have come off in the Trump/Clinton war of words. I suspect Clinton will lose this battle.”
Well, if Trump has been getting coaching from Nigel Farrage – and if he’s been paying attention to it- he ought to be able to crucify her in the next debate. I can more than hold my own in public debate (lots and lots of practice), but I think Nige would give me pause for a second or two.
Did you ever notice all the trash on tRump comes from legit sources and *serious* journalists, while Cankles dirt all has to come from hackers. Who’s hiding their shit, Cankles?
If I did a tenth of the stuff that Bill Clinton did, my wife would divorce me. What really concerns me about Hillary is that she so needs Bill for some reason that she hasn’t divorced him.
Disclaimer: I am not a fan. I voted *against* him twice. I can’t believe I’m typing this, but …
For all of his faults, Bill Clinton is still the brightest political mind of the Boomer generation. He rose from poverty to the Presidency, was reelected, and survived impeachment. Hillary keeps him around because he is the only person in her life who is not a toady, and I have no doubt that behind closed doors he can deliver an objective analysis of any political situation that is beyond brilliant.
Honestly, if Cankles is elected, I believe that on Bill’s advice she will sign at least a partial repeal of Doh-bamacare, specifically the individual mandate, if, in return, the Republicans allow some kind of public coverage for truly catastrophic conditions.
IIRC, the W2s with the employer’s share of health coverage listed as taxable income start rolling around inauguration day. Tax season 2016 will be ugly, and people will demand something be done to get their refunds back — for 75% of the working population, thats probably their only savings plan.
I have my doubts about Trump signing a full repeal. I don’t think the media would let him get away with it whereas with Hillary they will have the opportunity to paint a partial repeal deal as her “Nixon goes to China” moment.
No one much doubts that he is one clever son of a bitch. Between them they’ve long planned and successfully implemented their rise to wealth and power and neither one could give a blind rat’s syphilitic ass for this country or its people. Everything with them is a scam, a scheme, a plot, a connivance. They live to deceive, plunder, and wage violent war against all perceived enemies, foreign and domestic, leaving a very long trail of bodies behind them, including former friends, lovers and associates. Their personal lives and behavior would shock both LBJ and Herman Goering, and show no signs of abating. I believe both of them are evil and harbingers of much worse to come, whether or not they survive beyond the next year or so, which is questionable.
Health insurance and W2’s are down my list of worries below the very real possibility of another world war with her, including the likelihood of nukes being used, the rampant immigrant swarms bound to turn this country eventually into yet another Turd World shit-hole, and their gutting of the Bill of the Rights, particularly the First and Second Amendments.
The sad thing, of course, is that after beating out a dozen other non-entity RINOs and bullshit artists, we’re stuck with a billionaire carny barker and wrestling promoter who might get some decent changes made despite himself, but who is also not likely to kick off more wars. It’s him or the fugly harridan from Hell.
The sad thing, of course, is that after beating out a dozen other non-entity RINOs and bullshit artists, we’re stuck with a billionaire carny barker and wrestling promoter who might get some decent changes made despite himself, but who is also not likely to kick off more wars. It’s him or the fugly harridan from Hell.
Don’t get me wrong — I was *born* Orange County, CA Republican, back when CA was a reliable Republican Presidential vote. No way in a million years would I vote for Cankles.
The W2s will be the immediate concern on Jan. 20 if this is the year that employer-provided healthcare becomes taxable income. Doh-bama engineered that well.
It sucks. I thought the FL Governor’s race in 2010 was a bad choice. I never imagined this happening.
“I never imagined this happening.”
I bet few of us did. It’s insane. But so many things in this country are insane now. Most of it discussed, linked to and documented on this board over the past several years, at least.
The only certainty is that we’re all fucked no matter which psycho gets in.
The W2s will be the immediate concern on Jan. 20 if this is the year that employer-provided healthcare becomes taxable income. Doh-bama engineered that well.
What ? No freaking way. Even the dumbocrats are not that stupid. Or are you talking about the Cadillac health insurance tax ?
“The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010), imposes an annual 40% excise tax on plans with annual premiums exceeding $10,200 for individuals or $27,500 for a family starting in 2018, to be paid by insurers.[4][7] The tax is not imposed on the total cost of the plan, but on the costs exceeding the aforementioned values, which, after 2018, will adjust to inflation annually. These costs include any part of a person’s income allocated to flexible spending accounts, health reimbursement accounts, and health savings accounts, but not expenditures for stand-alone dental, vision, accident, disability, or long-term care insurance coverage.[7][8] The tax is not a deductible business expense and so plan administrators pay income tax on the excise tax, significantly increasing the effect of the 40% tax.[8] The tax is intended to do three things: help finance the PPACA; reduce overall health care costs; and address the unequal tax benefit of excluding employer-based health insurance coverage from taxes.”
Hurricane after action report: NOTHING is ass easy or quick as you think. Getting gas 3 days before the storm is not early enough. Don’t forget the damn oil. Hmmm, might want to store some ether, too. Didn’t need it, this time.
Box fans are needed to sleep in Florida.
Do you have enough extension cords? Especially if you want to put the generator in the backyard.
Flash lights I have, what about lanterns?
Not bad for a dry run.
Thanks be, Mr. Clayton; glad to hear y’all made it OK. And good tips for the rest of us. In military usage, no friggin’ plan survives first contact with the enemy.
Gas, oil, ether. Extension cords, lanterns, wicks, lamp oil, matches, batteries, charger, etc. Up here, blankets, mittens, wool hats, and all of us gotta have wotta.
Any goblin activity in your AO? Looters?
What ? No freaking way. Even the dumbocrats are not that stupid. Or are you talking about the Cadillac health insurance tax ?
The piece I read may have been referring to plans paid by lump sums paid to employees to get coverage.
OTOH, we are all headed towards having “Cadillac” plans or close to it in 2017. My wife’s employer-provided coverage premium increases crossed the line this year, and we just paid $50 co-pay for one of those infamous Mylan Epi pens.
Absolutely beautiful weather here today. Mid 70s into the low 80’s felt refreshingly cool. It reminds me that I need to get the garden plots in.
Dinner tonight was lamb roast, seasoned with rosemary from the garden, the last of the garden carrots, and some brusselsprouts. Nothing much to do with prepping except the garden stuff.
Spent the weekend getting the Halloween decor up. I’ll add the big things in the day or two before Halloween. We usually see about 120 kids, mostly little ones. No actual bussing to our neighborhood, but a few obviously on their 4th or 5th area.
Did a bunch of home maintenance stuff this week, not much time for prepping. Did buy some more bulk. I’ve let some stuff run down and that will be partly remedied this week. Some good sales according to the flyers.
I’ve stepped up my ebay selling and it’s paying off. If I can keep up my new 2 month average it will help a lot, if I can increase it further, all the better.
Sales in the last 2 weekends mostly yielded household items for my use, but I did get a nice, in the box, colman catalytic space heater, a couple useful reference books, and a hard copy of Alas, Babylon- one of the classic PA novels. A couple of thermos bottles for resale, and some small tools rounded it out.
Now that it’s a bit cooler outside, there are TONS of projects waiting. Starting with the garden….
And the appearance of a turnip, both above and below the neck.
Really nice day yesterday. Went outside to cut back some limbs on a cedar tree. Used the chainsaw for a few of the large limbs, manual cutters for the other limbs. Went to restart the chainsaw to cut the limbs into shorter pieces. Would not start, almost out of fuel, strange having just recently filled. Filled the saw again and gas was running out. I am afraid the fuel system gaskets are shot. The saw was purchased in 1988 and probably will not tolerate 10% ethanol fuel.
OK, no problem. Probably time to get rid of the saw anyway. I don’t use one often enough to really justify a gas system. Too many things can go wrong. So I ordered a 14″ EGO battery powered chainsaw. I already have an EGO blower so I will now have two batteries and chargers. This will provide more than enough usage for my occasional trimming needs. No more dealing with fuel and pull starting. Seemed reasonable.
I also ordered an EGO hedge trimmer without the battery. Also on my list is an EGO string trimmer. All use the same batteries. Used Home Depot and will have the items shipped to the house for the same price as the store. Plus the store does not carry the items without batteries.
What is really strange is the pricing of the batteries. A new battery is $169.00 for a 2.5 amp hour battery. For $199.00 you can get the string trimmer, charger and a battery. So when you need a new battery you might as well just purchase an entire new product.
EGO is pretty good stuff for battery powered. 56V stuff, thus lots of power. Charger is intelligent and will charge a battery quickly and has fans to cool the battery. Charge is monitored all the way. If the battery is left in the charger for more than 30 days the charger will discharge the battery to 75% and hold it there until you remove and replace the battery.
If you really want a lot of battery power you can get this monster for the tools.
If you are looking for battery powered power tools such as a mower, trimmer, etc. the EGO system is highly recommended based on my experience. Warranty is really good, five years if I remember correctly.
A rotting turnip, probably radioactive, too. Disgusting creature.
Bad news just down the road:
This guy must have been on something; I’m guessing dusted or those bath salts. Jesus wept.
Keep your wits about you out on the highways and byways, folks; no telling what fucking maniacs are loose and out and about. I’ll try to get more intel on this piece of shit.
I’ve had a few beers but I’m pretty sure I just read about EGO (or something) battery powered tools from Home Depot.
Might need to switch to vodka in Moxie.
Too early to go to bed and it’s still a half hour before the debate.
I just read about EGO (or something) battery powered tools
But they don’t make FLASHLIGHTS. A 56 volt flashlight with a 7.5 Amp Hour battery would be an orgasmic experience.
But they don’t make FLASHLIGHTS. A 56 volt flashlight with a 7.5 Amp Hour battery would be an orgasmic experience.
Lol! Shine that puppy on Cankles and watch her fry.
And the post is back. Moxie and vodka will have to wait for another day.
My battery powered stuff consists of a 3/8″ drill and a “leaf blower”, tho it’s more like “electric broom”. Works well for blowing leaves and dirt off of the deck. Black and Decker. 18v. I bought the leaf blower because it uses the same battery as the drill.
I had to replace a battery. It seems the wall-wart charger zapped it. Found a higher capacity for less money than factory original on eBay. Also found the B&D Rapid Charger. It seems to have a bit of smarts. Then another battery.
[snip] Granted, it’s not normally the way grown men talk, so it’s embarrassing, but it’s clearly just talk, nothing of real importance. [snip]
In my experience, is is the way grown men talk. In private, off the record, amongst themselves. I’m not offended by such talk; I’ve certainly engaged in it. And I know dammed few women of my age or younger who are truly offended by it. In fact, I heard a woman use that word as an epithet towards a man this very evening, when he said he wasn’t going to go to a bar with a group of people. I am offended, however, by people who cover for other people’s actual criminal or anti-social behavior, not just their words.
[snip] For all of his faults, Bill Clinton is still the brightest political mind of the Boomer generation. [snip]
Exactly so. Whether or not it considered a compliment to refer to a person as a sharp & astute politician is left as exercise for the reader. But I’ve always thought he was unconstrained by bedrock political beliefs, while she is, deep down, an ardent Communist, as long as she gets hers first. All pigs are equal, as Mr. Blair said in the middle of the 20th century.
Other power toys…. Ryobi or Toro or some similar brand makes a power head that usually comes with a string trimmer. You (not me) can buy a leaf blower. Pole saw with an 8″ bar. A tiller about the size of a Mantis tiller. I have another attachment but I forget what it is… a brush cutter!
Gas powered. Some are 4 cycle, some 2 cycle. They all crap out after two years. And we do drain the gas and run them dry.
Found an electric power head. This works very well. Put the generator in the lawnmower’s trailer and away you go. Genny needs to be run once in a while anyway.
Bah. I want a megawatt, or at least tens-of-kilowatt, flashlight, the kind of flashlight where the photons are collimated and the thing normally shines for fractions of a second at a time and you really don’t want to look at it from the front when it’s about to shine. I would mount it on top of my car and express my opinions of scumbags who think that driving an SUV means they need have no concern for anyone else on the road.
I have the 18v black and decker tools, only because they were basically free. They are ‘homeowner grade’ and I’m a snob for professional grade. At one time I was a pro, and still feel the need for pro tools.
The B&D 18v pole saw works great for as long as the battery lasts. If you have a couple of batteries your ok. I use mine a couple of times a year. I also use a fiskars manual pole saw/lopper.
Most of my ‘I can reach it from the ground’ trimming is done with a pruning blade on my DeWalt 18v reciprocating saw. Works a treat. Pruning blade is key. Regular blades are for dry wood. I’ve got an electric chainsaw, and a gas one that needs the fuel line fixed…but I haven’t done it because I haven’t needed the saw. I’ve got the parts, but not the time or desire.
“So when you need a new battery you might as well just purchase an entire new product.” — this is generally true for all the brands. I keep my eyes on the ‘recycle bin’ at the various stores (and when we had one at work.) I snagged several batteries for my tools from that bin. Mostly they worked better than my old batteries, and if I really wanted to, I could rebuild, or have them rebuilt by a service. Instead of buying new, I got an adapter to use the new Dewalt LiON batteries in my old tools. If I’m gonna buy new batts, I might as well buy new tech.
I’ve had my B&D leaf blower for five years? I forget. The drill for almost ten years. I like the drill. It isn’t quite as strong but it is easier to use than hauling out the Craftsman 3/8″ electric drill and dragging an extension cord around.
Different tools for different things.
Oh, and I’m all for Mr Steve’s megawatt FLASHLIGHT to use on SUV driving assholes. Esp. the jerks that don’t dim their headlights.
Hillary looks so cute in her sailor outfit !
She does look rather butch.
One of my cars is a minivan. Large, vertical window with no trunk or pickup bed behind it. I’ve been thinking about attaching a large mirror so it normally sits against the roof but can be dropped to hang against the window. Haven’t gotten around to doing it, but give it a lot of thought when some buttmunching imbecile in an F250 is tailgating with his high beams on.
So, you need two megawatt FLASHLIGHTS
Fuck the FLASHLIGHTS; I switched to the debate for a few minutes during a commercial (watching NFL games) and I fantasized about flamethrowers, Molotov cocktails and grenades.
Two out-and-out psychopaths haranguing each other for 90 minutes; I heard a snippet when he was apparently on her case about the emails, and she just laughs and grins and blows it off. He’s also, at least in that segment, not stopping her from getting to him and he’s clearly annoyed and pissed off. The idea, Donny Boy, was to do that to HER. Dumbass billionaire clown.
But fuck it; it’s just a show anyway. I’d rather watch Aaron Rodgers kill Eli Manning and the Giants; and earlier got to watch Tom Brady’s return to active duty; an average performance, only 406 yards and 33-13 over the Browns.
Now the scuttlebutt is that there were two assholes involved in that horrific mess on the interstate up here earlier; the main asshole is in critical condition in the hospital; wife wants them to keep him alive with no pain meds for as long as possible.
Are we not paying enough taxes in the USA already, “List of Hillary Tax Hikes”:
Hold on to your wallet if Illary gets elected. She’s coming for your free speech, your guns, and your wallet.
Running commentary here:
Yeah, flies landing on her face; why not; it’s a death mask. Beelzebub owns her.
Or a pile of rancid shit. A fly knows shit when it smells it.
I’ve got quite a few of the 18v Ryobi tools. When the factory batteries go bad, I take them to a local shop that rebuilds them. He charges a little more than a factory new one, but you wind up with a much more powerful battery. They used to make a chain saw, I don’t know if they still do. But the standard drill, hammer drill, small circular saw, caulk gun, jig saw, entropy machine, and flashlight all are useful items.
lol. Some commenter says BJ Klinton is looking around like someone might pull a gun on him.
“she just laughs and grins and blows it off”
yeah, it’s uncanny. Uncanny.
She gets a weird-ass rictus and her head starts bobbling.
They’ve got her meds tweaked though, no bug eye today. Maybe even a sleepy lid…
It is totally clear from her facial expression and demeanor when she’s in full misdirection and ‘arm wave’ mode, vs when she’s talking about something she knows and believes. No poker face at all, not even trying to refute stuff, just arm wave it.
“Believe me, she has tremendous hate in her heart.”
right on
Trump on judges, wants one like Scalia, wants one that supports 2A.
Hillarrity- Hey I support 2a.. BUT I want all these things that infringe it….
Trump brought up Bengazi but didn’t hammer her on the lies or on the deaths, only alluded to the “3am phone call” and her not taking it.
Oh well, one of these is gonna be president.
Considering that trump just said in public that if he’s president he’ll prosecute her over where the money comes from, he’s a dead man walking. Pity, because whatever else he believes, I do believe that he wants a strong America and loves this country. Her, not so much.
And weirdly, the audience is using disposable film cameras. No cell phones in sight.
Half the people in the crowd have a SS detail following them around.
Slick Willy is Sick willy.
Freaking press is on and on about the tape.
Just another MSM “we’re in the bag for Cankles” dog & pony show. Who gives a shit tRump said pussy. There any number of books quoting Cankles telling people to fuck off. But, but she has a VAGINA so all is forgiven. Cankles will cut off America’s balls when she is President. The final emasculation of men in America. Next up: the all VAGINA Army to defend us. That’s going to work out well. Lurch is already poking Russia in the eye over Syria. Cankles will take us to war. Reset button my ass. Great diplomacy from a mush brained idiot. Can’t wait for her to stroke out.
Yeah, my main thing is war. For some odd reason. I believe that if she gets in, we’ll be in a big hot war again, bigger than the Sandbox capers by far. I also believe she’ll pull out all the stops back here with the Surveillance State and yet still let howling mobs tear apart the cities whenever they feel like it, as in when their basketball team wins or loses, or a black cop shoots a black kid and the MSM won’t mention the cop is black and the kid had a gun. Hell, the kid was just a BABY and he was only goin’ fo some Skittles and purple drank, y’all.
With Trump we’ll mos def have the cities in turmoil and on fire again. BFD, who cares, unless it affects critical infrastructure. But the chances of a big hot war diminish considerably and he’ll leave the Bill of Rights alone and may even beef it up.
““Believe me, she has tremendous hate in her heart.””
It drives her equally with the demonic and narcissistic lust for power and wealth at ANY cost. We can write off her physical behavior to Parkinsons or booze and drugs or whatever, but I believe she’s actually possessed. I also believe Larry knows this and is one reason he’s still around; it’s not so much a matter of her keeping HIM on a leash, but the reverse. What exactly was he staring at in those pics, which are now a regular innernet meme already?
Shortwave is funny. Tuning around tonight, and one station is noisy and low, so I tune a bit further, and the same programming comes in strong. Both transmitters are in TN, both 100kw, only about 100 miles apart. Completely different signals.
‘Course I don’t know what their antennas are like or any terrain in the way, but it’s not due to different propagation due to frequency as they are only 0.030Mhz apart.
Well, at least we know she’s not a lizard person. When that fly landed on her eyebrow, the inner lizard would have lapped it up
Considering that trump just said in public that if he’s president he’ll prosecute her over where the money comes from, he’s a dead man walking. Pity, because whatever else he believes, I do believe that he wants a strong America and loves this country. Her, not so much.
Preach on, brother !
Illary is now complaining that Trump was “crowding” her and looming over her.
“When that fly landed on her eyebrow, the inner lizard would have lapped it up.”
That is also already an innernet meme, apparently. We had Lord of the Flies; she’s Queen of Flies, in league at one level or another with Beelzebub, and he is not the cute and funny character from the movie by a long shot.
“Considering that trump just said in public that if he’s president he’ll prosecute her over where the money comes from, he’s a dead man walking.”
Maybe that’s why Larry was staring bug-eyed; I find it all hard to believe as Larry and his lovely wife Bruno were honored guests at Donald’s wedding, sitting in seats that would normally have been reserved for his deceased parents. And all those pics of both couples hobnobbing and yukking it up with other Cloud People.
I think Ann Barnhardt is right; it is all as phony as pro wrestling. They work these goofy scripts for the public and meanwhile it’s completely fake. The story lines, the alleged bad blood and feuds, the phony injuries, cuts and blood spilled, etc. And the public laps it up; meanwhile Goldman Sachs is finagling some more financial chicanery and the current SecState is trying to whip up a war with the Russians and thousands more immigrants are flying, driving or walking in DAILY here. And the Deutsche Bank is about to blow up over there while Europe is overrun by MILLIONS of immigrants, mostly musloid scum who attack women and children on arrival.
But we’re watching Trump’s blood pressure shoot up and he gets all red and irritated and Cankles is waving her arms around and grinning maniacally as flies land on her face.
I only saw about five minutes but I assume it was another huge bust as the assigned actors keep forgetting their lines and otherwise making a botch of it.
“Illary is now complaining that Trump was “crowding” her and looming over her.”
She’s a fucking troll, only 5’3″ or 5’4″, and the kid next door would loom over her and he’s only seven or eight. RBT and I would loom over Trump. What a laff.
yep, see this:
I saw it as it happened. All he did was move to his spot and stand behind his stool. May not be coincidence if she’s aware enough to know about the camera angles, but that’s probably a huge stretch. I’ve worked with pro’s who aren’t that aware of the cameras.
Also doesn’t mean that the staging wasn’t intentional, just probably not since there’s no telling where she would walk.
The dailymail’s pics look like it’s the camera angles, mostly, but like I said, he can’t help but tower over the fugly little pig.
And I’m guessing it was a picked audience anyway; all just a show, folks, while someone else has their hand in our pockets and someone else again is moving troops into Ukraine and Syria and battleships into the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea and banks are failing again (too big to fail, of course and that’s where our wallets come in, again…) and more thousands just crossed the Rio Grande or flew in from Syria, a hundred of them to settle in Rut-Vegas, VT, what could possibly go wrong? Naturally they’ll fit right in among a 99% white Euro ethnic group in a northern rural state….
No freaking way ! Hannity on Fox News is saying that Illary gave a speech to some South American bankers last year and was promoting open borders to them. Her stated analysis was that the USA could see 600 million immigrants over the next XXX years. I did not catch what the number of XXX years were though.
Eh, off to bed. Partied out on the whole debate thing….
Oh, except for this British douchenozzle:
“Even if he falls, the anger he exploited will burn on: MAX HASTINGS on the horror movie that is Donald Trump’s sleazy attempt to reach the White House
Republicans are rising in revolt against his Stone Age take on women
This presidential candidate is unlikely to survive these video images
Max Hastings’ take on the closing stages of American presidential race
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3829915/MAX-HASTINGS-horror-movie-Donald-Trump.html”
—Written before the debate, with obvious Trump failing obviously. Worth reading if only for the real life lesson in cognitive dissonance. But to save the page clicks, I’ve done you all a service
“But following the revelation of Trump’s misogynist remarks, it [tonight’s debate] merely provided Hillary Clinton with a stage on which to share her opponent’s discomfiture with a nationwide TV audience.”
—or maybe Trump goes on the offensive and wins the debate?
“Yet it is sobering to consider that if that proves so [tape hands Hillarity the election], the US electorate will have rejected Trump not because of his lunatic policies, but merely because of his personal depravity.
—no personal bias here, nope, none.
“Once we stop rejoicing at the man’s eclipse, it’s vital we should think hard about the electoral mood that has carried him so close to power.”
—‘he’s a fool and so are his supporters, BUT…..he did almost win this thing….’
“Among Trump’s declared supporters, 81 per cent say they believe that life in America for people like them is worse than it was 50 years ago.
Statistically, this is nonsense. Like us Europeans, they are richer, healthier, safer, longer-lived than were their parents. But people find it hard to believe as much, amid social changes they deplore.”
—oh yeah, we’re richer, because in 1966 my dad paid a couple hundred bux for a car, having me didn’t result in a crippling hospital bill, and he could buy a house and support his young family on a single income. And the central banks hadn’t stolen 90% of the value of his money thru inflation.
—oh yeah, we’re healthier, because in 1966 there were NO untreatable deadly sexually transmitted diseases, no resurgence of previously eradicated diseases, no new flu coming in from asia every year or central american jungles, no zika.
—oh yeah, we’re safer. Worldwide muslim terrorism anyone? I’ll give him black ghettos burning still. Home invasion robbery? Street gangs? Identity theft, cybercrime? Locking your car and front door? War on drugs?
—oh yeah, it’s not the very real changes, it’s just some social shit we don’t like, ‘cuz we’re hatey racists
“white America and its concerns over the growing influence of Latinos, blacks and Muslims”
—right, we’re concerned about their “influence.” Wake up douche, we’re concerned about their criminality, their lifestyle of violence, misogyny, profligacy, ignorance, intolerance and oh yeah, religious terrorism.
“…no politician of any party could prosper on a declared racist ticket. Trump has proved them wrong.”
— “declared racist ticket” fuch me.
—and then here comes the dissonance:
“…politicians must display a respect, that has hitherto been absent, for citizens’ right to decide…”
“…scarcely surprising that they become nervous of Muslims, when Islamic extremism represents a genuine threat.”
“…it was a scandal that the people who created the 2008 financial crisis are still rich and free, and he is right.”
“… how can workers on stagnant incomes be blamed for their bitterness?
—kinda lacks internal consistency there doesn’t he?
“Americans ask: why should we spend billions defending people who display no gratitude, alongside Nato allies who refuse to pay their share?”
“He made himself the standard-bearer for ‘forgotten America’, the decent white lower middle-class that sees its jobs vanishing at a terrifying rate.”
—what was that a few inches up about being better off?
” he tapped into a national delusion that America is going down the tube, when most foreign visitors remain awed by its achievements.”
—right, ‘cuz “foreign visitors” are so good at understanding the culture, and if they’re lucky, the rotting shambles of Detroit is STILL better than where they came from. “Foreign visitors” are so good at recognizing when freedoms they never had are gone. So good at identifying the rise of big government, oppressive regulation, and the disappearance of the middle class.
— and then 6 more column inches about what Clinton must do to save us from ourselves after she wins the election. I especially love this one “She must strive to wean Americans off the hate that suffuses too many, especially in the southern states, and exemplified by the loathing of Obama.” —you fucking red neck racists.
— love the unbiased love :”Trump shipwreck” “most despicable major party candidate in US history” “Trump’s undoing” “his essential squalor” “But we in Britain, as well as every civilised American, can sleep easier through the coming month, because the nightmare of a Trump presidency is receding, if not yet quite banished.”
—and now I’ll sleep easier knowing I wasted all of our time even CONSIDERING what this hypocritical douche has to say, whoever the limey fuck thinks he is….
“Her stated analysis was that the USA could see 600 million immigrants over the next XXX years.”
Sure. Her dream is the U.S. as a gigantic festering dung heap favela of a billion people, probably, living in repressed squalor, while she and her favored court sycophants live in palatial splendor above it all.
“Worth reading if only for the real life lesson in cognitive dissonance. But to save the page clicks, I’ve done you all a service…”
Fine job, Mr. nick. Good illustration of the elitist, globalist mindset of these assholes. And they’re all on the same page, all the time, while we Normals squabble with each other and take our eyes off the ball constantly.
And someone at ZeroHedge nailed it:
Thanks, Mr. nick; I split a gut reading that; best laugh I’ve had in weeks!
Absolutely nails it.
Illary is now complaining that Trump was “crowding” her and looming over her.”
What a pussy! Hahahah!
And someone at ZeroHedge nailed it:
So the white haired skeleton was Anderson Cooper. I was wondering.
“So the white haired skeleton was Anderson Cooper. I was wondering.”
Hey, have some respect! He’s a proud openly gay media celeb and descendant of….wait for it….slave owners. LOL!