09:25 – We survived the Great Power Failure of 2016. I got up this morning as usual and took Colin out for his short morning constitutional. When I came back in the house, I noticed that the ceiling fan wasn’t spinning and when I flipped a light switch nothing happened. I tried calling Blue Ridge Electric Co-op but got only a fast busy, so it was apparently widespread. Fortunately, the power came back on about 0743.
Lori, our USPS carrier, is definitely a prepper. Yesterday morning, I asked if she’d had a good weekend. She’d spent two solid days canning, everything from beans and vegetables to spaghetti sauces to beef stew. She was also happy that her brother had brought her a whole bunch of 2-liter soft drink bottles, because she doesn’t buy 2-liter bottles. She intends to wash and dry them and then fill them with bulk staples.
She said she’s already in good shape on stored food, not even counting the 20 or so cattle that she keeps, but intends to keep going. I asked her about water. She doesn’t have any water stored, but she does have a spring on her property. Then she surprised me. She said that if things ever got really bad and we ran short of food that Barbara and I were welcome at her place. I thanked her and said that if we ever needed to take her up on that offer, it’d mean I’d committed an epic prepping fail.
Prepping is pretty common up here in the mountains, I guess because most of us are just a big Basket of Deplorables. Barbara and I noticed when we were looking at homes to buy that many of them had massive amounts of food stored. One place was particularly notable. It had a large basement room filled with closely-spaced shelving that contained probably 10 to 20 person-years worth of cased canned goods and bulk staples. Many of the other homes we looked at had similar stockpiles, if not quite that size.
Mystery woman at 9/11 event with Cankles is identified as her doctor. Who takes their freaking doctor to a 9/11 event? Either she’s really ill or having another lover.
Game over, man, game over.
Let’s hope so. But I wouldn’t count the progs out yet. Or the psychopaths in general.
I wouldn’t count these bastards out yet, either, not by a long shot. One wonders what is going through the minds of the actual ruling junta; what if their anointed national administrator literally falls apart before the “election?” Or for that matter, shortly after it? There are Constitutional considerations but none of this has ever happened before; William Henry Harrison died after a month in office, IIRC, but that’s been it. And of course we had JFK and Roosevelt II in office with major medical issues for years.
It seems like they’d have to then run Kaine, Biden or Sanders, and meanwhile delay the “election” for a while, per Executive Order, of course.
But this is all right-wing Deplorable nonsense and rumor-mongering; she’s fine; she and her minions and paid doctors have said so! While the NYT reports all this as troubling, they blithely and simply assume and state that it’s pneumonia. Whatever the campaign tells them, in other words, and then proceed from there.
Which is how people out here proceed; listen to or read what the campaign and MSM say, accept it at face value, and have opinions and make decisions accordingly. i.e., she had pneumonia but she’s fine now; and: Trump is the epitome of evil in the modern world and could destroy the planet.
Nepotism much:
More than $9 million of Department of State money has been funneled through the Peace Corps to a nonprofit foundation started and run by Secretary of State John Kerry’s daughter, documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation show.
As much as I dislike the Feds and the Washington elite, not too long ago I would have dismissed most of the conspiracy theories as being far fetched and unlikely. Sadly, given recent events such as Roberts abrupt turnaround on Obamacare and the FBI willingness to completely destroy their credibility to allow Hillary to walk, I no longer trust the government. It seems more and more likely to me that someone or some group is pulling the strings and will stop at nothing to make sure that their goal is achieved.
Evidence would suggest that the end goal is a one world government with no borders and a complete redistribution of wealth, but I don’t really understand the motive.
Most of the people that would be involved in this are already rich so I find it hard to believe that money is the motive.
Is it ideological? Do they believe the world will be a better place if they are able to pull this off?
Is it just a large scale chess game that satisfies their lust for power and serves as entertainment for the elite?
I don’t know the answer, but I suspect you would be hard pressed to find another time where leadership worldwide has sold out their people the way the current group has. I only hope that in the end, they pay dearly for this betrayal.
It all started with Alinsky.
One can still probably dismiss a lot of the tinfoil hat conspiracy stuff, but OTOH, way too much of it has been cropping up lately as all too likely.
Mr. Al has some great questions here, too; what, indeed, is the actual motive for the globalist elites to work so hard at this? I submit that Mr. Al has hit it upon it very nicely; multiple motives: MORE wealth, because to them greed is a holy sacrament and too much is never enough; one-world State rule, so as to control whole populations and do with them what they wish, like unto the late Koba the Dread, for example, and our own Northern elites during and after the War for Southern Independence. Plus the elixir and aphrodisiac of total power over other people, both in the aggregate and individually.
As for another historical period where leadership routinely sold out its people, one need look no further than Scotland in the late medieval and early Renaissance eras; what a horror show of duplicity, deceit, and treachery.
I tend to think we may have one last teeny window or opportunity to try to make things right via legitimate political methods and tactics, but it’s fading fast, and after that, I fear we’ll go through hell for quite a while and see the system collapsed before it can be rebuilt. With no guarantees whatsoever that it will be any better, and judging by history, all too likely to be worse.
Didn’t the UPS alarm/s alert you to the power failure?
“It all started with Alinsky.”
If we’re only discussing this country, I’d put it back to the betrayers at the secret proceedings at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Followed by the Lincoln administration. Good call, though; Obola, Emmanuel, Cankles, et. al. run their ops straight from the Alinsky Playbook, derived in turn from good ol’ Marxist-Leninist doctrine. As I’ve been saying for years; the commies won here without firing a shot.
Back a bit further, Lucifer. The serpent in the Garden.
My main desktop is the only desktop we have running here, and I haven’t connected it to a UPS. I just don’t have room in my office area, which is actually in the dining room.
As much as I dislike the Feds and the Washington elite, not too long ago I would have dismissed most of the conspiracy theories
We all used to laugh at the tinfoil hat brigade. Then Snowdon showed us that they weren’t so crazy after all. 9/11 brings to mind the whole Saudi question, followed by the US attacking the wrong countries, destabilizing an entire region and actually funding Al Qaeda in Syria.
Hillary being pre-selected (with Jeb as her token opponent) for a presidency that she is manifestly incapable of handling. Like the Shrub: she was destined to be a puppet. Who are the puppet masters? Does she think that she is one of them?
Personally, I’m beginning to think that we have barely even seen the surface of the slime-pit. Who knows how deep the rot really goes. If Trump can only avoid disaster (like being involved in a fatal accident), we may get a deeper glimpse. I hope he has really, really good security people – completely independent of the Secret Service.
Cui bono?
Off the top of my head, I’d say it was the Wall Street banksters and the 0.01%.
And just looking at the overlap amongst the boards of directors of major corporations gives one a pretty good idea of who’s really running things. I except a very few, such as the Koch brothers, who are really good guys.
There are numerous novels that use the Bilderberg Group as the evil 0.01% trying to take over the world. Nuke ’em from orbit!
The destruction of the american experiment is a goal unto itself.
The truly staggering opportunities for graft and corruption present in the interlocking NGOs, and the money to be made from conflict and exploiting the abundant natural resources of the shithole countries, coupled with the baser appetites satisfied by slavery, torture, murder, rape, and god knows what other depravity, combine to make the .o1% true kings in their own kingdoms.
@al, it’s bad and getting worse. you are starting to see it, we see it, others see it, and it isn’t far fetched any more. They generally announce what they want, but it’s so far out there that most people dismiss it.
When the supreme court redefines what a tax is, and contorts itself to allow something flatly contradicted by law, when ANYONE, even the Director of the FBI can be ‘gotten to’, when they no longer bother to hide what they are doing, IT’S TOO LATE. or at least ‘they’ think so.
Who knows if it’s really too late, but ask yourself this- if this_thing_this_time isn’t the time to start shooting, what WOULD BE?
I think the most likely trigger is an attempted confiscation of guns.
Talking to Lori this morning, she basically said she’d give up her guns when they pried them from her cold, dead fingers. She said if goons kicked down her door, “somebody’s leaving in a body bag.” I smiled when I thought that the only federal employees in this county are USPS, just like Lori. And the city and county cops probably feel pretty much the same way. Gun confiscation ain’t gonna fly up here. Even if a small percentage of the LEO’s up here were inclined to follow orders, I suspect they know very well that attempting to do so would be the most dangerous thing they’d ever done in their lives.
I figure there must be at least a dozen guns in private hands in this country, along with maybe 500 million more that have been lost in various rivers and lakes. Same thing for billions upon billions of rounds of ammo.
When it starts, if it starts, I think it’s likely to center on large cities and other places where there is a large federal presence. I would expect atrocities to occur. The feds probably believe that making an example of the few will lead the many to comply, and some of the many may even do so. But it would take only a tiny percentage of the many to refuse to do so and to resist actively for the federal authorities to be overwhelmed, even if they could convince the army to back them up. Whatever happens, it’s not gonna be pretty.
Dr. Bennet “NFL Concussion” Omalu posits Cankles is being POISONED:
Old and busted: People shouldn’t speculate on diagnoses unless they are a doctor and have examined the subject. New hotness: Doctors can diagnose remotely — and play Sherlock Holmes as well. Late on Sunday night, Dr. Bennet Omalu, who made the connection between NFL football concussions and CTE, went on Twitter to warn Hillary Clinton she might be being poisoned — and that Donald Trump and/or Vladimir Putin was behind it.
lol! We can only hope!
tRump 2016 “Anybody got some castor beans” ™
If HRC is being poisoned, I suspect self administered ethanol poisoning. Although what do I know, I barely drink…
From Sovereign Man’s email today:
(in re: motives and opportunity, brought up earlier by Mr. Al)
“Are They Locked into a Corner?”
“It would seem the financial overlords have painted themselves into a corner… and indeed they have. Unfortunately, there are still force majeure escapes available to them – extreme events, real and/or theatrical, that would justify a complete wipeout of the current financial regime and the installation of a new one.”
“And, it should be said, the overlords have reason to be confident about such scenarios. After all, no matter how wild their demands may be, they get 99.9% compliance. So long as they slap the masses with some high-intensity fear and then make a bunch of promises, the odds are high that they’ll get away with whatever they want.”
“And what would they like? Well, they’ve already told us: They want negative interest rates and a ban on cash. That gives them full manipulative powers and turns all the mundanes into serfs. To really sell this plan, however, they’ll need something appetizing to go with it, and they’ve been hinting about that too: guaranteed basic incomes.”
“Guaranteed basic incomes would be like welfare without the stigma, because everyone would get it, with no exceptions. (With reduced bureaucracies too.)”
They basically want us totally dependent on them and their system and unarmed. So they can do even more of what they’re already doing.
But as RBT points out above, they’re playing a very dangerous game, and if they light it off, it will most likely occur in the major cities. Can they acquire total control before the money runs out and the serfs revolt?
Gun confiscation will quickly turn into being flash banged to death while your house burns down around you. After all, if the terrorist gun clingers weren’t so dangerous, officer safety wouldn’t make us burn them, ‘cuz going home at the end of the shift is the most important thing.
It’ll be a license to kill.
Before too long, officer safety will mandate just using standoff weapons.
We know where THEY live.
Barry Obola Sotero: I believe there has never been a man or woman more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as our president.
I guess the rest of the Presidents were just fukstiks. Including himself.
“We know where THEY live.”
And their families, too. They lethally threaten and kill ours, hey, we invoke Hammurabi.
Besides the ‘eye for eye, tooth for tooth,’ we have this little gem:
“§ 21 – If a man make a breach in a house, they shall put him to death in front of that breach and they shall thrust him therein.”
That means YOU, Officer Safety. We do unto thee what thou doest unto us.
“I guess the rest of the Presidents were just fukstiks. Including himself.”
I saw that quote a while back and found it mildly stunning in its…shall we say…audacity? It can mean one of two things, at least:
1.) He really believes that and he’s just amazingly ignorant or high as a kite on something good.
2.) He knows full well it’s total bullshit but is running it up the pole anyway to see if anyone salutes, and lo and behold, tens of millions DO!
In reality, that dumpy old pile of evil rubbish isn’t even qualified to run a bake sale or a chicken coop. Much less the posts she’s already had and the one she so desperately wants. With any luck at all, and we sorely need it now, she’ll croak or be otherwise incapacitated by November. If not, I don’t give much for her chances one way or the other after that. Or Larry’s; that funny character in the long black cape, scythe and evil grin is just outside their door….or if you prefer classical mythology, this guy:
It seems more and more likely to me that someone or some group is pulling the strings and will stop at nothing to make sure that their goal is achieved.
George Soros is the master puppeteer in my book.
I hope that Trump deports his butt to England where the headsman’s axe is waiting for him. But, that would be cruel and not so unusual.
When it starts, if it starts, I think it’s likely to center on large cities and other places where there is a large federal presence. I would expect atrocities to occur. The feds probably believe that making an example of the few will lead the many to comply, and some of the many may even do so. But it would take only a tiny percentage of the many to refuse to do so and to resist actively for the federal authorities to be overwhelmed, even if they could convince the army to back them up. Whatever happens, it’s not gonna be pretty.
I am reading Ferfal’s book, “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse”:
I did not realize that Argentina went from 5% unemployment to 25% unemployment in just 2 to 3 months. And that they had four presidents in the first full week of 2001. And that the police and soldiers basically went into their barracks and do not come out after the first couple of ambushes.
This is the apocalypse that I see for the USA. A financial apocalypse. I am hoping that it is 10 to 20 years off in the future. The wife does not believe me how bad that it can be.
I am also amazed at the level of thievery going on in the book. I cannot see that it would be any better in the USA. And I am amazed that the Argentian money was good to some extent during the entire crisis.
My family is full of active duty military from Marine grunts to an Army Major. I can’t see any large number of the military even contemplating carrying out a clearly unconstitutional order against the American People. The Guard are even closer to the people and wouldn’t be breaking down doors. Most sheriffs know better. If the elite actually think they have a force that is powerful enough to illegally disarm the public I think they are badly misinformed.
My family is full of active duty military from Marine grunts to an Army Major. I can’t see any large number of the military even contemplating carrying out a clearly unconstitutional order against the American People. The Guard are even closer to the people and wouldn’t be breaking down doors. Most sheriffs know better. If the elite actually think they have a force that is powerful enough to illegally disarm the public I think they are badly misinformed.
Think of the modern day brownshirts, the TSA. Of course, there is only 125,000 of them but that can be remedied.
The latest thinking on the 2A gutting and mass confiscation is that they’re never gonna do the APC-on-the-corner route with SWAT guys caving in our doors. They’ve been slowly and patiently nibbling us to death over DECADES. Just consider their track record since the 1930s, nearly a century now. Even us hardcore gun owners have been lulled and gotten used to it over all this time, like that frog in the pot of water. The Left and anti-gun asswipes have a very long view of the future and are very patient in their methodologies. They’ll attack us on a variety of seemingly mundane and “insignificant” fronts that we won’t pay much attention to until it all adds up to de facto outlawing. But enough of us have caught on to this stuff and have been paying close attention and sound the alarms at the various attempts, as we’ve all seen recently with the ATF’s caper on the ammo.
And yes, they can probably field armies of TSA-loser “brownshirts” and even train some of them, but if they actually try to go out and do physical confiscations they will find they have run into a buzz saw. Sure, they can stand-off fire up a few houses and make an example of people here and there but once they’ve done that, their own goose is cooked. We’ll hunt them down accordingly. And as RBT says, it won’t be pretty.
It would be nice to rip them off before they rip us off again, but chances are real slim, as it would have to be a mass collective effort:
I am also amazed at the level of thievery going on in the book. I cannot see that it would be any better in the USA. And I am amazed that the Argentian money was good to some extent during the entire crisis.
I’m not sure where I heard the quote. Maybe it was Dave Ramsey.
Anyway, paraphrasing badly I’m sure, “Things would have to be *very* bad in the country if a single $100 bill couldn’t buy a loaf of bread. Ben Franklin motivates people.”
The academics demanding an end to cash want the Fed to start with the $100. I guess they’re Ramsey listeners too.
“Last Month of Uncensored Internet ?”
“Congress Can Save the Internet, The White House will end U.S. oversight at month’s end, unless lawmakers step in.”
“President Obama wants this to be the last month of an open, uncensored internet guaranteed by the U.S. government. His plan to end American stewardship would hand new power to authoritarian governments offended by the internet as we know it.”
“Icann’s monopoly over the root zone of domain names earns it hundreds of millions of dollars in annual revenues. Icann should not become an unregulated monopoly. “We have serious concerns about the ability to ensure that Icann would follow its own bylaws” absent oversight, the lawmakers wrote. An unregulated monopoly is more dangerous than a monopoly regulated by the U.S.”
“The Constitution says Congress must approve the sale of government property. The Icann contract is government property worth billions of dollars, yet the Obama administration has ignored the requirement to seek congressional approval. “Absent clear legal certainty, moving forward with the transition could have devastating consequences for internet users,” the legislators write, because litigation would create questions about who has authority to award and manage internet addresses.”
Anyway, paraphrasing badly I’m sure, “Things would have to be *very* bad in the country if a single $100 bill couldn’t buy a loaf of bread. Ben Franklin motivates people.”
Ferfal says the prices of basic goods went up by a factor of 100X over a couple of months. So the price of bread here in the exurb of Houston would be $250.
I wonder if you could buy just a slice of bread ?
BTW, I don’t carry $100 bills anymore, nobody wants to take them. I just carry $20 bills. People distrust those also. I have people checking the plastic strip all the time, especially Chick-Fil-A. My buddy at Chick-Fil-A said that they get bogus bills all the time out here in the Land of Sugar. His boss will fire anyone who takes a bogus $20 without the plastic thread.
The academics demanding an end to cash want the Fed to start with the $100. I guess they’re Ramsey listeners too.
I get nervous anytime academics start pushing anything. They pushed the global warming thing so hard that the politicians now see it as a new tax revenue source.
Why does Ramsey want to get rid of the $100 bill ? I thought he liked the envelope method of spending ?
“Photos: Texas family keeps world’s largest rodent as indoor pet”
Jim Morrison said it best, “People are strange”.
Lynn just go ahead and send those $100 bills this way. I still take them.
Why does Ramsey want to get rid of the $100 bill ? I thought he liked the envelope method of spending ?
He doesn’t want to get rid of the bill. Far from it. I speculated that some economist at the Fed may have developed the concept of the $100 bill being dangerous while listening to Ramsey espouse its virtues. For all of his faults, Ramsey has got to be high on the enemies list of the current group of central bankers.
BTW, I don’t carry $100 bills anymore, nobody wants to take them.
Bring them to Vegas, please.
So let’s see here…today’s run of bad nooz….the bastards can’t wait to get rid of cash so they can monitor every dahn purchase we make anywhere in the world. And the top bastard, at least publicly top, wants to just give the innernet governance away to whomever; really smart, you fucking wacked-out piece of rat shit. But then again, he must have got the OK on that from his handlers.
Then, to top it all off, we have some greedy bastids right here demanding we send them our 100-dollar bills. The nerve.
Is there any GOOD nooz out there? Oh wait–a nice family in Texas has a cute big fat rodent for a pet. My haht just fuckin’ melted looking at them pictures.
Wife baby-sitting great-grandma two nights in a row as the 89-year-old has bad pain/sciatica in HER legs now, quite possibly the result of, or aggravated by, her decision to drive back down here twelve hours this past weekend from northern NB without stopping, alone. A lot like what I’ve got, in my case probably from moving just the wrong way getting outta the car or hauling chit around the house and yard. She has pain on her feet and walking but zero when she sits down and she can drive OK. Just like ol’ OFD.
I am NOT gonna deal with this until I’m 89 and older, assuming I make it that far, which I seriously doubt.
And from the She’s Worked Like a Demon Department:
I just bet she has, Larry. You ol’ yaller houn’ dawg, you.
Here’s some good news:
Ivy League student brought to tears by Trump chalk.
Waaah! Special snowflake.
Wow, all these special snowflakes and cupcakes are in for a truly horrific awakening at some point in the near future. One thing they ought to do, which they probably won’t, is to look at REAL totalitarian regimes in history and see how THOSE places were/are run; they’d definitely have something to cry about then.
Hey, this guy is talking about prison cells as a form of revenge after the counter-revolution for these scum:
Screw that. We need to run firing squads or gallows or guillotines. Treason is a capital crime, ya know. And rape ought to be; that would get us rid of Larry right there. On multiple counts of it.
As punishment, how about “One Night In Cankles”?
I probably beat Mr. SteveF to that. But he can add a fart joke. Ick.
Here’s a link to the Front Sight Dry Fire Handgun manual if you want to add it to your e-kitbag:
Front Sight Dry Fire Handgun
NY State AG opens investigation into tRump Foundation.
Klinton Foundation also in NY…zzzz….zzz….zzzzz.
Last time I was working in Vegas, we got our weekly per diem from the casino cash cage, in $100 bills. When you fanned them it smelled like cocaine….
“Save the Planet, Kill Yourself”
Oh my. Looks like special snowflakes have a place to join.
“NY State AG opens investigation into tRump Foundation.”
They’re all criminals anyway and now they investigate each other and put on a nifty show for us rubes, bumpkins and Deplorables out here. Zzzzzzzzzzz….
“When you fanned them it smelled like cocaine….”
Gee whiz, I have no idea how cocaine smells, myself…
“Oh my. Looks like special snowflakes have a place to join.”
Good riddance. Friggin’ idiots.
Just watched “TransPecos” on moviego.cc; recommended. Very small cast out on the southern border doing Border Patrol stuff, until they run into major malfunctions.
After watching that and several other movies set down there, plus wife’s experience and observations from her jaunts along that area, and my own reading, I’ve come to the conclusion that, having brought most of our troops home finally, we can base a bunch of them on that border, with experienced veteran BP units serving as recon and spec ops alongside the Army and Marines. Don’t need no stinkin’ fence, amigos; just set up a wide-ass minefield and combined air-ground ops and after a while this chit will cease. For more hijinks and fun, send out Seal and Delta units to capture and/or kill cartel execs and accessory gummint officials. On both sides of the border.
From the FBI Sometimes Gets Its Man Department:
Wow. Just….wow. This guy was/is in very DEEP. No wonder he folded.
Next question: Is there ANYONE in the upper levels of the Fed gummint who’s NOT a criminal scumbag piece of shit???
Second question: In what way is our government different from the current Russian government of mobsters and nomenklatura and secret police???
During todays House hearings on Cankles email server, two of the IT derps didn’t even show. Under supeana. Probably floating down the Hudson. The remaining derp pled the 5th. Doesn’t want to get “Fosterized”. Even with immunity they are clamming up.
I guess this is the wrong St Albans??
“West Virginian woman, 39, arrested after ‘putting out lit cigarette in her boyfriend’s EYE’ because he came home too late
Cindy Underwood has been charged with felony malicious wounding
Police said she attacked her boyfriend at their St Albans home on Monday
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3788156/West-Virginian-woman-arrested-allegedly-putting-lit-cigarette-boyfriend-s-eye.html“
So the director of the fbi is a dirty political insider. Time for a beltway high colonic.
“I guess this is the wrong St Albans??”
Yup. St. Albans, WV. I got confused for a second (easily done) as the story was at the UK site and there’s a Saint Albans, England, just north of London, our sister town there. From whom two of the Zombies came, originally. Named after yet another martyred saint.
Here we have three: Saint Albans City, Saint Albans Town, and where I am, Saint Albans Bay. The city is a doughnut hole in the larger encompassing town and we’re on the lakeshore edge of the town, formerly known as Port Washington, a commercial maritime port at one time, handling cargo and passenger traffic between Moh-ree-all and NYC, via the Champlain canal.
That must suck, getting a lit ciggie in the eye. I bet that boy ain’t late no mo. And what a looker, too; she’s got Killary beat, at least.
“Probably floating down the Hudson.”
Or the Potomac. Disappearing or clamming up is a good call when it involves either the Clinton or Obola crime families. Man, this is like the old days with La Cosa Nostra; bodies all over the place and omerta and everything! We need a new series of movies on this chit. Too bad it’s mostly innocents and bystanders and minor players who get whacked all the time and not the major actors.
“So the director of the fbi is a dirty political insider. Time for a beltway high colonic.”
Shocking, ain’t it? We’re making the Russians look like rank amateurs at this game. Everybody’s dirty here, evidently.
So Cankles walks, basically, or more accurately, stumbles, shuffles, waddles, tips over, falls, sags, etc. when she was patently guilty of multiple felonies and Federal security offenses and leaks and lapses, while they grab up enlisted Navy guys and throw years in prison at them for honest mistakes.
They are now at the stage (for some time, actually) where they are giving us a gigantic middle finger daily, if not hourly, and laughing at us. WE’RE deplorables???
But that’s an old Left tactic; accuse your opponents of what it is you’ve been doing.
“I don’t carry $100 bills anymore, nobody wants to take them. I just carry $20 bills. People distrust those also.”
I don’t get it – how do you pay for things? I mean, $20 ain’t that much anymore, it’ll just about buy you a coffee and a cookie at Starbucks.
We’re pretty cash oriented still, and Fr. 100 bills (that’s about $100) are totally normal. If you’re planning on larger purchases, then you are more likely to carry Fr. 200 or (more unusual) Fr. 1000 bills. It’s considered rude to pay with a Fr. 1000 bill, unless your purchase is for at least half of that amount, because a cashier might not have enough change.
I would guess a coffee and a cookie would be just under $10 at the local Starbucks. Most of the stuff we buy in person goes on a debit card. All our grocery and gasoline purchases are debit card. I suspect that most “middle class” Americans use a credit card instead. There are self serve checkouts at Sam’s Club that are card only.
Probably floating down the Hudson
Bzzztttt, wrong. Their bodies will never be found. Cankles and her political machine will make that a certainty.
they grab up enlisted Navy guys and throw years in prison
Indeed. When I was working for Uncle Sam I was told in no uncertain terms that if I violated classified material procedures, whether by accident, unintentional, unfortunate set of circumstances, etc., I was going to be up on charges, found guilty, dishonorably discharged, sent to Leavenworth and get really chewed out.
I’m guessing that will be a much more boring investigation than an investigation of the Clinton Foundation would be. From the Form 990, Trump’s foundation is small, but very efficient. It appears to be in the business of giving money away. As opposed to another foundation that is apparently in the business of providing its founders with lavish perks, employing their friends and doing God only knows what else.
The prepping thing that I haven’t quite figured out yet is how to find friends like Lori. Both of you are obviously far more well prepared than I am, but in a prolonged event you’ll both be better off knowing each other. She may not be stocking antibiotics in case her fish get sick, or you may get to the point where some home canned veggies or fresh beef would be a welcome change from your long term storage food.
Regarding cash:
I used to be as close to 100% cashless as possible. I carried some for emergencies, but never spent it. I used a debit card, or credit cards (paid in full each month) for everything. There were advantages. Most of my spending was either reimbursable business expenses, or tax deductible, so having the paper trail helped. I get cash back on my cards and avoid paying interest by paying in full every month. Having a strong payment history helps when it’s time to get a mortgage or car loan (although some say paying in full each month doesn’t help.)
Since leaving that job, and indeed that lifestyle, I pay for so much more in cash now. I still use the cards as an organizing tool (one card only for business purchases, one card for household items, etc) but as an active participant in the ‘secondary economy’, I pay for tons of stuff with cash. I only carry a couple of hundred dollar bills, one in my clip, one tucked away in the wallet, unless I’m going for something in particular. If I know a sale has radios, I’ll take some extra cash with me.
Running your life on a cash basis has a number of benefits, most especially, you see each transaction as MONEY. When you take bills in and out of your pocket, it feels different than swiping a card, and that can help you control spending. Of course, not using debt has advantages of its own.
I also think of it as a prep. Having cash, carrying cash, and USING cash are all practice for a time when the ATMs and debit card networks are down. Like carrying a gun daily, carrying a pocket full of cash can take some getting used to, esp. if you don’t have much practice.
The trick is to discover like-minded individuals (LMIs), which isn’t too difficult during this election season. It usually starts with an over-the-fence discussion with a neighbor about the political situation, from which it’s easy to segue into a discussion of just how bad things appear to be getting, what with the cop shootings, etc., and from there as to how it might be a good idea to stock up on some emergency supplies.
Some people gave me a hard time a few years back when I made the comment that it wasn’t so much that I had two person-years of food in the pantry (at the time) as I had 24 person-months. That’s because prepping for a serious emergency is a matter of having a group, which almost necessarily comprises your neighborhood. If the SHTF, you and your neighbors are all in it together, along with any close friends or family that take refuge at your place. Everyone there is all-in, by which I mean that the group will all eat together but if it comes to it they’ll also all starve together. It won’t be a matter of “oh, well, Joe’s out of food but we still have plenty left.” It’ll be a matter of sharing what you have with Joe and his family, because they have your back.
That’s why I emphasize so strongly storing lots and lots of bulk foods like flour, oats, sugar, salt, beans, oil, etc. All stuff that’s very, very cheap now but will mean the difference between eating and starving if the SHTF.
As to Lori, we’d share with her if she and her daughter were out of food, and they’d share with us. And not just food, but skills and knowledge, gear, etc. etc.
Yes, my wife and I found that out the hard way. Shortly after we got married, we decided to systematically get rid of all our credit card debt before buying a house. Before we knew it, we had $5K in credit card debt again. So we decided to do the Dave Ramsey thing.
Yes, I just need to do that. I have learned over the years not to discuss politics with some of the people around me because they voted for the idiot in the White House twice. I need to overcome that reluctance and also discuss events, not cause.
One of my wife’s friends is married to a prepper type, and I suppose we should hang out more. But how shall I put this nicely? My desk is messier than Bob’s, and every time I go over to their house I’m tempted to clean.
Well, why not invite them over for dinner and gently open a discussion on prepping? See if the wife supports his activities or merely tolerates them. Ask his advice.
The wife supports her husband’s activities. She encouraged my wife to have a bug out bag independently of my decision to build car emergency kits. My wife’s moderate skepticism of that is why I’m trying to be as low key as possible on prepping.
I need to figure out something along those lines of inviting them over for dinner. Although that is a bit impractical, since they live in Tiny Town, and Smallville is over an hour away without any traffic. I’d be inclined to buy them dinner halfway between here and there, but I don’t think that idea would go over well. Find park halfway between here and there and have a cookout some weekend when he isn’t working overtime.
Update: Maybe he has a spare AR-15 to trade for prepping supplies. No, honey I don’t really want the AR-15, but he wouldn’t just let me give him that stuff.
Getting back to entitled snowflakes:
I bet the snowflake wins, after all it’s UCLA.
Started reading Scorched Earth by Michael Savage, (https://www.amazon.com/Scorched-Earth-Restoring-Country-after-ebook/dp/B01DSTTSZC/)
Does a good job of telling me what I already know. It will help me organize my thoughts to aid my discussion with the real despicable deplorables. It’s too bad that he did not make it an inexpensive paperback and inexpensive Kindle edition. At $13.99/$19.72 it is too expensive for me to give to my uninformed progressive neighbors and relatives.
I don’t get it – how do you pay for things? I mean, $20 ain’t that much anymore, it’ll just about buy you a coffee and a cookie at Starbucks.
I usually carry $300 cash on me. And a MasterCard.
Please don’t tell anyone.
“I need to figure out something along those lines of inviting them over for dinner. Although that is a bit impractical, since they live in Tiny Town, and Smallville is over an hour away without any traffic. ”
Realistically, they’re too far away to be part of your local group, but you might consider them as a site to bug out to if things get hairy in your neighborhood, and vice versa.
“Please don’t tell anyone.”
Hola amigo; ¿cómo estás hoy? ¿Qué tienes en el bolsillo, ¿eh?
That’s down there.
Up here they’d say:
Salut l’ami; comment allez-vous aujourd’hui? Qu’est-ce que vous avez dans votre poche, hein?
Actually they would probably speak the King’s English, because everybody in the universe does. Or should.
Actually they would probably speak the King’s English, because everybody in the universe does. Or should.
As do most hispanics out here. They just pretend it ain’t so as they can ignore you or demand special service.
“As do most hispanics out here. They just pretend it ain’t so as they can ignore you or demand special service.”
Same deal over here on the East Coast, pretty much, for decades. Whereas the Asians I’ve known seem to have a blast learning and using English, esp. our slang. I’ve gotta say that among them, the Japanese have proven to be the funniest, too. Whereas the Indian Subcontinent peeps I’ve been in contact with, mostly during my IT “career,” will learn English, but badly, and you need to really listen to individuals for a while to get what they’re trying to say. Russians also have fun with English and generally have a good sense of humor, though with both them and the Japanese, it tends to be dark humor. Which I love.
Yeah not knocking all hispanics. Many are good guys and many are not.
So, that chick wanted the top bunk? What’s wrong with the bottom one?
(I haven’t slept in a bunk for about 45 years.)
” Many are good guys and many are not.”
Ditto. Like Whitey. Only more of us. Thus more good guys and more bad guys.
She’s entering UCLA with that grammar? Really?
“She’s entering UCLA with that grammar? Really?”
And one of the commenters theorizes that she’ll get a “D” from her English prof. What a joke. NOBODY gets a “D.” Boy, that’s a trigger right there! I’m upset just thinking about it! Where’s my safe space? I’m a special snowflake, too!
I never went to college/university on a full-time basis as an undergraduate, living in dorms and suchlike. I’d had enough of being thrown in with other less-than-human beings during my service time in the various barracks.
They’re the most fun. If I get the impression that a hispanic (or anyone, really) is just pretending not to know English, I’ll say, “Oh, so you don’t understand when I say you’re so ugly that you couldn’t get two dollars for a blowjob even after the ship got into port?” Funny thing, they always understand at least that much English. An oddly specialized vocabulary, especially considering they’re so ugly they couldn’t make a living as a prostitute.
To this day, my dad can’t figure out how Dale Carnegie hasn’t risen from his grave to bitch-slap me.