09:34 – Emails from Brittany and Jen. Both of them are Trump supporters, as I suspect most preppers are, and both are counting the days until the election, wondering what they’ve left undone.
I told them both pretty much the same thing. First, that I didn’t expect anything very bad to happen immediately following the election, particularly if Clinton wins. Second, that both of them are already reasonably well-prepared for any eventuality, and they’re entitled to rest on their laurels for a bit. They’re both prepared in terms of water, food, basic medical (more than basic, in Jen’s case), minimal power, and basic defense.
I suggested to both of them that they think about where their weaknesses are and take action to shore up those weaknesses. In Jen’s case, there really aren’t any glaring weaknesses. They’re well-supplied, and constantly adding more. Among them, they’re also well-covered in terms of skills, and they have backup to their backups in terms of equipment. Brittany’s family doesn’t have the budget that Jen’s does, but are nonetheless extremely well-prepared. Both families have the huge advantage of being located in small-town/rural areas, with lots of support from family and friends, and far from large cities. I suggested to both that it may be time to ramp down the purchasing a bit and focus instead on learning more skills, including cooking as much as possible from LTS foods to reduce their dependence on fresh/frozen foods.
Our dining out experiences this weekend bear on the current state of the economy. My wife and I thought about going out to eat this weekend at a favorite place of mine on the other side of town. I checked online and found that it had closed. Instead we wound up dining two days later at the last Joe’s Crab Shack in Indianapolis which is on the other side of town. While my daughter was playing on the playground I talked with another dad who said he was surprised that he didn’t have to drive to the Joe’s Crab Shack on the other side of town. I was wondering how he could say that, but on our way home, I found that our favorite pizza place on that side of town had closed, with the only surviving one in Indianapolis being the one closer to us.
Long story short, I live in a red state, and the restaurants that aren’t fast food or all you can eat buffets are dying. I’d imagine things in the blue states are even worse.
We rarely dine out and there ain’t much worth going to up here; sometimes after Mrs. OFD’s returns from wherever, depending on time of day, we eat lunch at a seafood joint on the Burlap lakefront that has been there for decades and the building itself for much longer than that. There are several kinda pricey joints in Burlap which usually seem to purvey that fancy and weird menu stuff with odd combinations that you’re supposed to adore for their newness and creativity, and then there are all the chain restaurants which seem to pack ’em in still.
The problem is called “the minimum wage” and “ObolaNoCare”.
The vanishing restaurants, from two locations to zero, two locations to one and four locations to one are all chains. On a Sunday evening, the one remaining place had lots of empty tables.
This week in prepping:
Did some yard work including some tree trimming. Every hurricane season I trim back our old live oak as much as I can reach from the roof. Generally, I take about 6 ft off. This gets it farther from my roof, and it reduces the mass at the ends of branches, which helps them stay unbroken when the wind blows.
Continued with my ‘great office cleanup.’ This turned out to be a whole week long project, off and on throughout the days. I have been piling stuff in here for at least 4 years. This time, everything except the furniture was removed, and sorted, trashed or organized, and returned. I still have to go thru the book shelves but I’ve made considerable progress. I set up one half of the desk as dedicated electronics repair area, and stacked all my new and old test equipment. There are a couple of things I still need (signal generator, freq. counter) but I’m pretty close to having a comprehensive radio lab.
I organized my radios and scanners a bit, with a desktop equipment rack (4U) and a couple of shelves, as well as tucking the scanners under my monitor stands. I still need to do some cleanup on antennas, and some programming, but they are physically in place now.
I have lots of ebay cr@p stacked in the office, but I’ll be working my way down thru that as I can.
Continuing to sell on ebay and craigslist. Some things I was sure would sell quickly have been sitting, but some others are finally moving. Prices might be a little better… Moved some bigger stuff out of the driveway. Got better than scrap prices for it, and cleared up the junk, so win all the way around.
Estate and yard sales have been super slow. Not buying much of anything for the last few weeks, not even interested in going to most of the listings, but if you don’t go, you don’t see the stuff they haven’t listed, or get the deals. On the plus side, it takes only a couple of minutes to go thru a house full of stuff you don’t buy.
Garden is coming in with dark green leafy veg from last season. The plants stayed tiny and never grew. Finally they are growing. Grape vines are all over the arbor. It looks nice, even if we don’t get grapes
I need to build some more of the fence ‘window boxes’. I’ve got a couple weeks left before I need to plant them, so that’s moving up the list. I also need to decide what to do with 2 beds.
I got some of the cameras installed. (It was finally cool enough to work in the attic for 10 minutes without risking death.) I’m putting ip cams in where there were analog before. I’m reusing cams I scored in an auction last christmas. They have really good night performance, and they were essentially free. The downside is that they need enclosures. Even with some really cheap enclosures (and the smallest I could find) they look much bigger than the little cams available new. For a client, I’d tuck mini dome cams up under the eaves. You can barely notice them. For me, I’m using what I’ve got, and it’s bigger and more noticeable. I’m using iSpy, the open NVR software as the recorder. I’ll build a dedicated box soon, but for now it’s just running on my main machine.
I pulled the trigger on a Western Digital NAS drive, a 4x3TB box was onsale at fry’s for about $200 less than anything comparable. That should do me for a while. Just sitting here without backup while I dithered was not a good thing, so I let price be my decider. It should be Good Enough ™. The old NAS drives will be wiped and used in my NVR box for the security cams.
Cleaning up the office brought home the incredible amount of tech cr@p I’ve managed to collect. I’ve got pounds of memory, dozens of video cards, add in cards for firewire, modems, digitizers, tv tuners, old music players, whole laptops, old pcs, dozens of hard drives/floppies/dvds/jazz/zip/ditto/ and whatever else crossed my path over the last decade or more. Oh, and joysticks, game pads, phones, webcams, and other junk. I am a bit at a loss what to do with some of it. Some actually has value as working gear, but I don’t need to spend my days selling $5 items on ebay. I guess I’ll take it to the goodwill electronic store. At least one of them near here is still refurbing old systems and selling them.
It is a good feeling to get rid of some of this stuff and to have my workspace better organized and clean. Now that I’m moving, I’ve got to keep on a roll.
It’s a bit like prepping- you know you need to do it, but you keep putting it off, and the psychic weight of it gets more and more, until you are overwhelmed and don’t know where to even start. The trick is to JUST START. Once you do get moving, it gets easier, and is self reinforcing, and feels good.
That is true about much of life. Thanks for reminding me as I was sitting here feeling a bit overwhelmed.
Plus there’s always the unexpected, to make a hash of your plans.
Last night, one of the family pets, age 13, started having some sort of serious health issue. We didn’t get a lot of sleep, so we are all pretty worthless today. By the time we got him to the vet this morning, he was behaving normally again (of course).
He officially belongs to younger son, who’s had him since younger son was 6 years old, so there’s a lot of emotions tied up in all this as well.
He officially belongs to younger son, who’s had him since younger son was 6 years old, so there’s a lot of emotions tied up in all this as well.
My daughter’s 15 year old female chihuahua passed away last year. She had her since a pup. We had to take her to the vet at 2am. Her heart was just shot so we euthanized her. I held her while they sedated and injected her. A lot of tears were shed that night.
The daughter got a wiener pup in May and is loving her up.
Long story short, I live in a red state, and the restaurants that aren’t fast food or all you can eat buffets are dying. I’d imagine things in the blue states are even worse.
We lived in SW WA State, laughingly referred to in our house as “Vantucky”, for four years until we escaped in 2014. The dominant pizza chain was the national one headquartered in town that could take EBT cards (food stamps) thanks to their “take and bake” concept exploiting a loophole in the government regulation of the program.
Any other pizza was easily a $30 evening for *take out*, $50+ for “dine in”, and the presence of the other national chains was limited. Local places coasted on regulars and owners’ built in cost advantages of having been around for decades.
In case anyone is wondering — $9.30 minimum wage.
_299 Days: The Preparation (Volume 1)_ by Glen Tate
Book number one in a series of ten books about a financial apocalypse in the USA. I do not know if there will be any more books in the series. I have purchased books number two and three in the series. BTW, the author is writing under a pseudonym as he feels that his real name would expose him to persecution.
I’ve started reading the “299 days” series between Jack Reacher books. The writing is stilted but somewhat ok. One interesting thing that the author has his prepper dude doing is buying a vacuum sealer and stashing non-canned food in it. Non-canned food such as individual paper packets of various flavors of instant oatmeal. Or pancake batter. I find that interesting. And he says if you cannot buy in bulk then buy supplies at the Dollar store as they have good deals.
BTW, the 299 days author is quite the entrepreneur. He writes his books in 200+ page increments and sells them POD (print on demand) on Big River for $10 to $15 each. So if I buy the entire series, it will cost me around $140. And 70% of that goes into his pocket. Other authors would have made the series into 3 or 4 $15 books. Some people call that a ripoff, I call it maximizing your income.
The author lives in very blue state, Washington state, and his writing reflects that. Everything that happens there is on the down low. I am also sympathetic to his writing about having to conceal his prepping from his very progressive wife.
The 299 day author feels that the singularity is quite close. I disagree. I think that we have ten to twenty years before we get to reboot the financial system in the USA. But, I am assuming some linearity in the accumulation of federal debt. I may be dead wrong about that, I hope not.
My rating: 3.6 out of 5 stars
Amazon rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars (657 reviews)
The author lives in very blue state, Washington state, and his writing reflects that. Everything that happens there is on the down low.
The I-5 corridor between Portland and Downtown Seattle, including Olympia where the 299 author lives, is already at dystopia stage in my opinion. It seems like everyone either lives off of a government paycheck or subsists on welfare benefits, and the only private sector growth industry is casinos built on “reservation” land.
That particular dystopian stage sounds an awful lot like the FSA has taken over there.
And from the Week’s Insanity Department:
And the I Agree With Jim Goad Department:
My recommendations:
1.) Tell our wunnerful Israeli friends and the U.S. State Department Annex over there (Likud) that they’re on their own from now on.
2.) Bring almost all the troops home and close almost all the foreign military bases and installations.
3.) Seal off our southern border and start expelling illegal immigrants and musloids.
4.) Ratchet up development of our cyber war and space surveillance capabilities and retain air and sea superiority with our Navy and Air Force.
5.) Meanwhile step up more citizen involvement and training with all the state National Guard organizations while dismantling and eliminating any and all PC nonsense.
I’m not as doom and gloom as some others are. I am currently spending over $800 per year on preparing for the worst case scenario. That scenario is my being dead. Yes, I’m spending over $800 per year on life insurance. If I’m doing that, it doesn’t seem all that strange to spend $800 a year preparing for less dire situations.
3.) Seal off our southern border and start expelling illegal immigrants and musloids.
I forgot to mention that the 299 Days author has a very bloody civil war in Mexico with the cartels taking over the country in 2017 ???. Over the period of three ??? months, four million Mexicans come across the California, Arizona, and Texas borders causing major havoc in those states.
I’m not as doom and gloom as some others are. I am currently spending over $800 per year on preparing for the worst case scenario. That scenario is my being dead. Yes, I’m spending over $800 per year on life insurance. If I’m doing that, it doesn’t seem all that strange to spend $800 a year preparing for less dire situations.
I am woefully spending $1,700 per year on $680K of life insurance. I have had this life insurance since 1990, way before my heart issues. I cannot lower it or increase it since I have had two heart attacks and am 56. The cost will double again when I turn 60.
But, if I suddenly pass away, all of our current debt can be paid off by my spouse or kids with $50K to spare. That is both our home mortgage and our commercial mortgage. No credit card debt, no car debt. And I have LTD (long term disability insurance) through my business at $200 per month.
“But, if I suddenly pass away, all of our current debt can be paid off by my spouse or kids with $50K to spare.”
The gummint will likely find a way to take most or all of your chit after you’re gone. But you won’t care then and there will very little you can do about it. I should, however, get enough of it together so that Mrs. OFD can pay off the house and taxes, I guess.
It just turned 5PM here and VPR is reporting that the Clinton Crime Family campaign will be releasing (some?) of her medical records so as to “put to rest” any of the Deplorables’ speculation and rumor-mongering, concerning the event of yesterday. That miserable Deplorable bastard OFD has just two questions:
1.) What about the LONG series of similar events over the years? Or are we just gonna discuss yesterday’s?
2.) How can we be sure that you guys haven’t doctored (get it?) whatever records or are outright lying to us again?
OFD thinks he’s answered his own questions already.
From the Vote Often and Vote for Hillary Department:
30 days into office?? Hell, it don’t look like she’ll make it to November.
That miserable Deplorable bastard OFD has just two questions:
And Salon is praising Canklesore: “Hillary powers through pneumonia — because that’s what women do”. Two days ago it was allergies and Salon is “shutup your WHITEY! MISOGYNIST alt-right theories”.
lol! Larry Klinton will fill in for Cankles at fund raisers. I bet the Libturdian boners are a poppin. It could be BJ’s third term.
Yeah, allergies last week, pneumonia this week. I’ve become more or less convinced that she has Parkinson’s, and the outcome is not good at all. The MSM will continue the charade a while longer but eventually it will come out; they can’t shut it down totally like they did with Saint JFK and Pharaoh Roosevelt II.
Larry ain’t gonna be around much longer, either; he’s a mess.
Bernie’s too old and probably had it and already got his payoff, and Biden is bipolar and liable to hit the wrong button and light off World War IV. The Evil Half of the Party is gonna be crapping their drawers from now on. Along with the RINOs and Stupid Half bozos who were planning to vote for her instead of Cheeto-Head.
From the Amazing Murkan Derp Department:
LOL! Ya gotta love the cute little twinkie who admonishes Mr. Dice with “I thought this was gonna be fun; now you’re all serious and stuff.” “I’m at the beach!”
There was the one blonde that I could personally educate, however….
A Dumbocratus Libturdian Fantasy, Act I:
January 20th, 2017 – Kankles Klinton is sworn in as the 45th President from her gurney.
January 21st, 2017 – By Presidential Executive Order – Kankles Klinton declares herself the First Female Diabled President of the United States.
February 1st, 2017 – President Kankles Klinton appoints Larry “BJ” Klinton her spokesperson, Chief of Staff and Security Advisor. This is via a signed order presented to the media in absentia.
March 5th, 2017 – Vice President Kaine mysteriously dies in his sleep.
March 6th, 2017 – President Kankles Klinton nominates Huma Abedin as Vice President of the United States. Huma Abedin is unanimously approved by the House of Representatives.
April 1st, 2017 – President Kankles Klinton is rolled out on her gurney after The Press demands to see if she is still alive.
May 20th, 2017 – After four months of speaking for President Kankles Klinton, Larry “BJ” Klinton begins to use first person in all his appearances.
November 9th, 2017 – President Kankles Klinton passes away on her gurney. Her corpse is sealed in Carbonite and enshrined on the Mall.
November 10, 2017 – President Huma Abedin is sworn in as the 46th President of the United States.
November 11th, 2017 – President Huma Abedin nominates Elizabeth Warren as Vice President of the United States. Elizabeth Warren is unanimously approved by the House of Representatives.
November 15th, 2017 – Larry “BJ” Klinton mysteriously passes away in his sleep. His corpse is buried face down in Arlington so Cloud People may pay him proper respect.
December 25h, 2017 – On Christmas, President Huma Abedin launches a preemptive nuclear strike on Israel.
January 1st, 2018 – The Nobel Committee makes an early announcement of the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to President Huma Abedin.
You are evil, MrAtoz. Absolute evil.
But I approve!
Well done, sir!
I’ve forwarded your little fantasy accordingly to the New York Times, Boston Globe, Washington Post, the major tee-vee networks, and San Francisco Examiner, the San Francisco Chronicle, and to the present executive officers of the Muslim Brotherhood.
But personally, I don’t think either Cankles or Larry is gonna last much beyond the end of this year; I could be wrong, though I’ve never been wrong before.
Meanwhile it looks like they’re all gonna keep pushing the pneumonia angle and that she’s recovering and will be back on it forthwith, while Larry fills in for her at the big-money fundraisers out in Kalifornia.
Cue up Fleetwood Mac again, I guess; “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow” and they can all dance on the stage, too.
Right. I’m thinking about tomorrow. More food and water and ammo.
December 25h, 2017 – On Christmas, President Huma Abedin launches a preemptive nuclear strike on Israel.
September 29th, 2017 – On Yom Kippur, President Huma Abedin launches a preemptive nuclear strike on Israel.
Fixed that for you.
Thank you. I thought Christmas was appropriate to stick it to all the WHITEY!, Bible carrying, gun clinging Dirt People.
And more lols!:
Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon “I don’t think Kankles passed out. She was just a little dizzy and needed help into the van.” lol! “I don’t think” doesn’t he know being her spokesman. Plus, all that was missing was that overhead chain with meat hooks to “help” her into the van.
Thank you. I thought Christmas was appropriate to stick it to all the WHITEY!, Bible carrying, gun clinging Dirt People.
I think that Yom Kippur would be much more appropriate for Israel having the audacity to win the Yom Kippur war with help from the Deplorable Dirt people.
The author lives in very blue state, Washington state, and his writing reflects that. Everything that happens there is on the down low.
The I-5 corridor between Portland and Downtown Seattle, including Olympia where the 299 author lives, is already at dystopia stage in my opinion. It seems like everyone either lives off of a government paycheck or subsists on welfare benefits, and the only private sector growth industry is casinos built on “reservation” land.
The 299 Days author noted that he is the only non-governmental employee living on his block.
“MARK CUBAN: Here’s why an objective observer might find Donald Trump’s supporters ‘deplorable'”
Can I say that I find Mark Cuban deplorable here ?
Oh come on, we’re talking about the Dumbocrats here. They’ll launch the weapons on Easter Sunday – April 16th, 2017. All the weapons will pass over Israel and fail to detonate, landing in the Dead Sea, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
Oh come on, we’re talking about the Dumbocrats here. They’ll launch the weapons on Easter Sunday – April 16th, 2017. All the weapons will pass over Israel and fail to detonate, landing in the Dead Sea, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
Sounds like a new chapter for “Left Behind”.
Do y’all seriously imagine you can predict or guess just how weird things are fixin’ to get? Prepping for any sort of bizarre scenario is basic enough: water, food, defense, bug-out, all that… and if it gets too weird then that’s that, of course.
I just cannot figure there’s any option but to try to get ready for anything that might come down. Most likely, I’ll hermit up right here (pretty much as usual) and try to stay in touch with friends and other non-hostiles… but there’s just no option for me for fantasy story speculation.
Beans: check. Bullets: more than enough to get me hammered when real “soldiers” come after me, check. Water: a little lax on that right now, but I have quite a bit stored and good containers for more. Meds and first aid and such: not much I can do once I run out of some supposedly crucial stuff…
What else?
Edit: FLASHLIGHTS! More than I can carry. Check!
Politics is actually quite boring… other than some of those sorta-artificial deadlines coming up.
Which reminds me that I’m short on claymores.
We’re a little short on food, water and toiletries, also meds, mainly for wife but I take two per day now also, for BP and Potassium, lol. I can manage OK w/o either one, though; wife can’t with hers.
“Politics is actually quite boring…”
You’re right, of course; I think some of us here, and we know who we are, are simply having some chuckles and some entertainment, because serious though it all is, they DO put on quite the circus. It gets zanier by the hour now.
Wife asked me: “Do you think Trump will be a better President?” I said it don’t matter; we’re fucked either way.
The troubles we have coming down the road at us are Legion, and it won’t matter which psycho is in the White House.
As I’ve said before, we’re just trying to be prepared up here to comfortably survive a long cold dark winter with no power and possible goblins roaming around the ‘hood looking for easy pickings, though truth be told, we don’t see very much of them during the winter months. However, if things get a bit sportier, I want us to be prepped for that, too. If they get a LOT sportier and we have a major political, social and economic meltdown, then I don’t give a lot for our chances at our ages. We’d hang in as long as we could, and maybe even head out and up to northern Noveau Brunswick and become beach scavengers, but we may not make it.
What’s this obsession with Noveau Brunswick? I figured New Scotland would be more your speed.
From the Department of Hate and Bigotry and Deplorable Xenophobia:
“In short, Trump’s support consists of one-half xenophobes, bigots and racists, and one-half losers we should pity.”
“And she is running on the slogan “Stronger Together.””
“What’s this obsession with Noveau Brunswick? I figured New Scotland would be more your speed.”
You’re right, but MIL’s cottage that she is leaving to us is way up on the northeastern shore of NB, across the Bay de Chaleur from the Gaspe Peninsula. I’ll be flying up there w/wife next month to close it out for the winter and I’ll also be doing as thorough a recon as I can manage. Twelve hours northeast of here via motor vehicle.
From the Department of Naw-No Way!
They wouldn’t go to these lengths. That’s just silly. Tinfoil hat stuff. Silly wabbits.
“”take two per day now also, for BP and Potassium, lol.””
We need to read up on potassium, with its BP regulation issues,
and all that.
Anybody got any advice or bright ideas?
I lick up a little Morton Lite Salt (half KCl) when I have leg cramps…
The 299 Days author noted that he is the only non-governmental employee living on his block.
In Olympia? Yeah, I believe it.
The really scary thing is that most of the residents of the dystopia are well armed and many on the north end of the zone work on whatever is being implemented for FEMA at Joint Base Lewis-McCord.
Western WA is not a place for preppers. You have to go east of the Cascades to be safe if you want to stay in that state.
I think I’d keep headed east until I crossed the Idaho line.
“I lick up a little Morton Lite Salt (half KCl) when I have leg cramps…”
I wonder if that would work for my sciatica; I’m willing to try just about any dam thing.
My BP is borderline, and the primary care doc at the VA said my Potassium was down a bit still, so eat more bananas and potatoes, etc., plus take these pills for a while.
“The really scary thing is that most of the residents of the dystopia are well armed…”
Is it FSA types that are well-armed? Or just ordinary Normals dependent on the gummint?
“I think I’d keep headed east until I crossed the Idaho line…”
Ditto, but odd stuff seems to be happening from time to time in the capital and a couple of other cities. Like they’re run by libtards and SJWs. The Normals are out in the sticks, like up here.
“”“I lick up a little Morton Lite Salt (half KCl) when I have leg cramps…”
I wonder if that would work for my sciatica; I’m willing to try just about any dam thing.
My BP is borderline, and the primary care doc at the VA said my Potassium was down a bit still, so eat more bananas and potatoes, etc., plus take these pills for a while.””
Not sure about K levels. Had a near-panic call from doc’s office when my K tested high.
Be careful.
I had a bout of sciatica. Never did figure out what that was all about.
Sucked, for sure.
The sciatica actually sucks worse than the the damn bottom-of-the-spine pain, which hits me if I’m standing or walking for any length of time beyond ten or fifteen minutes. When I sit down, no pain at all. And I sleep with a friggin’ pillow between my knees, like pregnant woman do sometimes.
So I do 800 units of Ibuprofen three times a day, a few simple leg/back exercises, and sit down a lot. While my big plan for this fall was to be humping a 30-pound ruck over hill and dale up here and then get into x-c skiing and snowshoeing again. Instead I have trouble on stairs and last week took a tumble down my back porch stairs when my leg just went right out from under me. Fuck this. I’m getting rid of this, whatever it takes.
We’re of an age to be garrison troops. Molon labe.
I think I’d keep headed east until I crossed the Idaho line.
We left and didn’t stop until we hit Texas.
“We’re of an age to be garrison troops. Molon labe.”
Yup, fraid so. Work the radios, intel, peel the spuds and cook up the grub. I was hoping I could pop out occasionally for local patrols but not today or this week, looks like. I could handle sitting on the roof with a rifle, though.
From the High Hopes Department:
“The presidential election was over the moment the word “deplorable” made its run out of Hillary Clinton’s unguarded mouth.”
And the latest little accident with her yesterday; you’d think that would be the icing on the falling cake, or the one left out in the rain, when they took so long to bake it and they’ll never have that recipe again.
Then you start thinking about the Electoral College, the MSM, the stuff that’s gonna get done to the voting machines and ballots, and any other corpses that might turn up and you have doubts.
From the Making Cruel Fun of the Poor Woman Department:
“The presidential election was over the moment the word “deplorable” made its run out of Hillary Clinton’s unguarded mouth.”
What’s hilarious is Cankles is all of those things. Do these idiots really think Killary cares about them. Her walls are higher than tRump’s Mexico wall and it keeps out all but Cloud People (who have lots of cash).
Heed not what they say but what they do, kemosabe. There is no hypocrisy like libturd hypocrisy, though some “conservative” Puritan types have come close, usually in regard to sexual improprieties.
And here, from the Department of Alphabets:
Read it and weep.
He says get cracking at the local level and that’s about all we have left, whether for voting or getting together with neighbors and townspeople in meatspace. It may well not be enough, and we may well have to go through a total system reboot and reformat, a time of tribulation, suffering and pain. Either we fix it legally in the next year or two, or we’re gonna down a very hard road for a long time to come.
From the Uncle Remus Early Morning Show:
As usual, chock-full of great info.
Well, we ain’t in “deepest flyover country” but we have agreeable neighbors; it’s affordable, and we can deal with the climate/weather. It’s “good enough.”
Read it and weep.
I noticed at McCarran and Midway, TSA goons patrolling all over the airport. I thought they were just on break at first, but realized they were always in twos and were systemically walking around. How long before they are issued hanguns, shotguns or automatic weapons? The cops can’t be everywhere so why not expand the Federal Police Goon Squad? You could get buttstroked just for looking at them wrong. Of course, no guns allowed at the airport so you are defenseless. I guess you could hide behind your Samsonite. lol!
Nothing to see here, citizen, move along now…nothing to see.
We saw the same thing for a while after 9/11 up here at the Burlap International Airport; also, border farmers report that there was a lot of vehicle and chopper traffic along their AO.
I’m starting to suspect that they’re gearing up for some possible sportiness as we get close to the “election” and then the holidays; we’ve lately seen more chopper activity above this little lakeside village, too. Not like they’re hovering; more like they’re just passing by to and from other places.
And signs on the interstate recently advising motorists of more mil-spec vehicle traffic.
Not to worry, kemosabe; I’m sure that if they arm the TSA, they’ll be certain to have extensive training in those firearms with citizen safety and security being their utmost concern.
@Nick: I feel your pain. I noticed a couple of weeks ago that I have five computer-corpses sitting next to our server. How did five dead computers ever accumulate? I don’t even have any intention of repairing them – it’s more that I need to destroy the HDs, and just haven’t done it yet. Then there’s all the crap stuffed into the attic to deal with “later”. Ouch…
“Do y’all seriously imagine you can predict or guess just how weird things are fixin’ to get?”
Speaking of which: Did y’all enjoy the announcement of Hillary’s death? WTF is up with that – did they actually have misinformation, or were they preparing a video for a contingency, or…WTF???
Of course, the conspiracy theorists are now saying that Hillary is dead, and we’ll be seeing her body double (Teresa Barnwell) in days and weeks to come.
Obuttwad’s one of many legacies:
Even in my little corner of WA State
heavenhell we have a tent cities in all three of the Tri-Cities. Each has its own distinct population/racial makeup. Pasco has two, one for blacks and one for Mexicans. Kennewick and Richland are predominantly white trash.Last time I was in downtown LA, there were numerous tents, boxes, blankets on the corners of bridges and places where begging is conducive.
That must all be part of the racial healing that the Incumbent National Administrator was going to bring to the country. Segregation Redux. Bull Connor and Lester Maddox must be laughing their asses off, wherever they are these days.
Dave Hardy wrote:
I have to complete a CAPCHA to read the article? They’re kidding!
Worked fine for me.
And fine for me also; they have much tighter security down in Oz, evidently.
Then you start thinking about the Electoral College, the MSM, the stuff that’s gonna get done to the voting machines and ballots, and any other corpses that might turn up and you have doubts.
Yes, I have doubts.