09:50 – Robbie, Lori’s regular substitute, just showed up with the mail. Two boxes for us, one from Amazon and one from Walmart, all kit stuff. The back of Robbie’s vehicle was crammed full of boxes, nearly all Amazon.
Amazon really is taking over US retail, one step at a time. Robbie told me something this morning that I wasn’t aware of. Early every morning, an Amazon truck shows up at our local post office. I figured Amazon used FedEx or UPS to get boxes to local post offices. But, no. If Amazon is running a daily delivery truck to little Sparta, NC, you know they have to be doing the same for nearly all US post offices. Robbie said there were usually 200 or 300 packages on that Amazon truck, and that’s only going to increase as Amazon continues to stamp out their competition. I told Robbie that it wouldn’t surprise me if, a few years from now, Amazon went into direct competition with USPS, UPS, and FedEx by delivering directly to customers. The only difference is that they’ll be delivering only Amazon shipments, although it wouldn’t surprise me to see them go after UPS and FedEx customers, at least at first.
Our friends are supposed to arrive late this morning. They’ll be staying until Monday afternoon, so Colin is about to have a big weekend. More people to boss around and check on in the middle of the night, more food to beg, more of all the stuff he likes to do.
Since we moved up here last December, we’ve established a morning routine for Colin. When Barbara gets up, she gives him breakfast, immediately after which I put him on leash and take him out for his morning constitutional. We stay on our property the whole time. I just mentioned to Barbara the other day that I wanted to get Colin in the habit of going off-leash. The weather is fine right now, but before long we’ll have snow and ice on the ground, and the last thing I need is a 70-pound dog putting it in four-paw drive while I try to hold onto the leash without falling.
So this morning, I took Colin off-leash. Sure enough, he followed the same route we walk every morning. When we finished walking that route, I shouted, “In the house!” and he trotted up to the front door and waited to be let in. Good dog.
10:31 – Ruh-roh. Email from Jessica, who wants to contact Jen and Brittany directly via email. I emailed Brittany and Jen to ask their permission to share their email addresses, and I’m guessing they’ll agree.
I think of prepping as a sex-neutral activity, so I’m not sure why prepper girls apparently want to talk with each other privately, away from prepper guys. I mean, it’s not as if there are any sex-specific prepping issues, activities, or supplies, other than the obvious. Are there?
I’d guess that there are very few females who are comfortable talking frankly in front of a group of males, especially if those males are *cough* loud and opinionated *cough*. It takes practice that a lot of people (both sexes) never get. (one of the advantages of working in the trades when young- they’re ruthless, and you’ll learn to take it and fit in, or realize you don’t and avoid situations like that.)
Which is unfortunate, because both groups benefit from the different perspectives and concerns.
I know this is a virtual version of that, but the thick skin comes with use.
So any females who are lurking, please join the conversation. Your contributions and experiences, and questions or observations are useful and valued. The verbal back and forth is the online version of shoulder bumping, back slapping, and elbowing of male pack behaviour, and can safely be observed from a distance.
(and it’s good practice)
(like it’s nice to hear from Jenny)
They DO love to talk and let’s face it, we’re a bunch of Neanderthal geeks.
Plus there have been traces of misogyny floating around on here for a long time, surprisingly. And I plead guilty to that, too.
No misogyny from me. I hate everyone almost equally. I’m a misanthropist, not a misogynist.
I would never, ever commit even the smallest aggressive act against a woman. Well, once I did punch a woman’s lights out, but she’d just attempted to do the same to me. And I did pull that punch.
I’m a misarthropodist.
Unless they’re baked with butter…..
Amazon is already delivering to homes here in Portland. They have Amazon vans. They also have Amazon Lockers. I use the Lockers for most of my Amazon purchases. I have purchased everything from cat food to toilets from Amazon.
Rick in Portland
Fedex uses contractors with their own vehicles, which can result in some misunderstandings when some scruffy person in a beat up dodge neon is standing on your porch holding your package…
This is one of those incremental things, if you are gonna be walking the route, it costs you very little to deliver the extra package. The costs are the same for the route with 2 packages or 20. I’ve gotten shipments from FEDEX that used the USPS for the ‘last mile’.
Right now, I ship everything under about 4 pounds with USPS priority. The rate breaks even with UPS at somewhere around that, depending on the address. USPS provides a bunch of free shipping boxes in a lot of different sizes too, not just the flat rate boxes. I’ll ship flat rate on small and heavy, or regional rate if it fits in the box. Anything with a dimension over 12-14 inches is probably cheaper UPS, unless it’s light and triggers dimensional weight. If all this sounds like a hassle, it is. Ebay has a shipping tool that shows the choices of USPS and rates, but you have to compare with UPS manually.
Lately a lot of what I ship fits in a small flat rate box, and that’s pretty much the cheapest way to ship anything.
Palletized freight is about $1 per pound anywhere in the US from here. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I try not to ship ground freight, because I have to sit around waiting for the truck to pickup. One big change from a decade ago, with so many small businesses located in homes, freight companies are much more willing to pickup and deliver to residences.
The front page of Drudge has links to the FBI document dump on Cankles. What a cacophony of f”ups, lies, and errors. How could she possibly lose, misplace, can’t fine “13 Blackberry Devices”. *13* State issued devices? What was on them? Who paid for them? WTF, over! This woman is a disgrace. She is mentally ill. Who could possible vote for her after the FBI doc-dump? How could the FBI *not* find this as criminal.
Possess a medical marijuana card in NV, you don’t get to buy a gun or ammo. I guess this applies to all States.
“Possess a medical marijuana card in NV, you don’t get to buy a gun or ammo. I guess this applies to all States.”
That’s rich. But you can be a raving drunk-ass lunatic and go buy guns and ammo any day or night of the week. I oughta know.
“Who could possible vote for her after the FBI doc-dump? How could the FBI *not* find this as criminal.”
1.) She has a vagina, allegedly. And half the country is apparently mentally ill, depends how you define it.
2.) The Feebies are evidently afraid of some other entities from the Deep State doing harm to them or their families, and/or they want to remain in power as the chief LE enforcers for the regime, rivaling the CIA and other spook agencies.
And we saw by that last caper with the Feebie director and the U.S. AG, that certain Cloud People have infinite carte blanche to do whatever they want with no consequences or repercussions from a justice standpoint. But they’ll throw a Navy enlisted guy into the slam for YEARS for doing far less than she got away with.
It’s nice that you’re training Colin to walk off-leash. As long as the dog listens to the owner, I always figure this is better for everyone concerned: the dog has more freedom, and you don’t have to mess with the leash.
– – – – –
GIrls and guys wanna be separate? As Nick writes: I’d guess that there are very few females who are comfortable talking frankly in front of a group of males, especially if those males are *cough* loud and opinionated *cough*. Girls are different from guys…
– – – – –
The FBI documents on Hillary really are a laugh. For example, her suggestion that maybe she had her briefing on “how to handle classified material” in 2012, when she had her blood clot, and that’s why she doesn’t remember it. Someone pointed out: she became Sec. State in 2009, so at latest that’s when she would have had her briefing. And anyway, at her level of access, the briefing are annual. I enjoyed the comment on, I think, Soylent News: maybe she isn’t criminal after all. Maybe she’s just a drooling idiot.
“maybe she isn’t criminal after all. Maybe she’s just a drooling idiot.”
Not mutually exclusive…..
She is a mentally deficient psychopath and an evil war criminal. Given total power, she’d be another Hitler or Stalin or Mao. Which would probably suit her just fine.
Cheeto-Head is more like one of the top-shelf Russian nomenklatura billionaires, and Prince Vlad and he would get along OK but the latter would basically have him for breakfast.
In any case, we’re screwed no matter which one gets in; riots and mayhem and chaos in the cities (oh wait, I’m saying that like it’s a BAD thing…) if Trump wins; and a possible nuclear war with Field Marshal Rodham. The choice is clear, earthlings.
Bee-yoo-tee-full weather day here; sun and blue skies and temps in the high 60s; neighbor kid mowed the lawn in about one-third the time it takes me and I chopped away some brush and weeds from the front and sides of the house. And left the roses and plants with thorns under the windows, natch.
If I can manage it tomorrow, I’ll paint the back steps with a first coat, while some treads and a new railing are enroute, and finish the rear perimeter fence. Maybe paint the back porch. Also gotta assemble some more firewood racks and get them kids back over here to stack it for us. Or at least put a big dent in it again. And install new doorknobs and locks on the studio and bathroom doors. And longer hinge screws on both front and back house doors, while intensively lobbying for entirely new doors and frames and locks. Which should be a little easier now that the new windows are gonna get installed on her studio.
After that, the rest of the windows and shutters, and an electrician and plumber.
While I continue to build up food and water storage.
(like it’s nice to hear from Jenny)
Definitely nice hearing from Jenny. We are really missing hearing from the ladies such as on The Survivalist Blog. M.D. has done a good job of getting commenters on his blog and the ladies show up. I get the impression that M.D. moderates the comments though.
Working on getting my desk/shack/repair station cleaned up and back together.
Part of just buying and stacking stuff meant that I’ve got a bunch of new test equipment for radio and electronics that is just piled around. I’ve also got an office full of stuff, from ebay items waiting to be listed, to items listed waiting to sell, to stuff that needs repair, and just the detritus of spending a lot of time in one room.
Aside from being physically unhealthy to sit in all this dust, it’s mentally unhealthy to be surrounded by all the piles of clutter. Kind of overwhelming. Well today was too freaking hot to do yard work, so I started tearing apart my office. I got my desk cleaned off, by clearing out the floor in front of it (mostly). Now I’ve got to restack the test gear. Big job. I can’t proceed with repairs on the pile of gear that needs fixing until I have a place to work again. I’ve had an arduino project sitting there for at least 3 years maybe longer. It was just under the pile….
better get back to it before I lose my motivation.
I’ve got several RaspberryPI projects, one Arduino and three or four QRP kit radios waiting for me to get set up for them in the attic work space. Plus my half-dozen web cams for perimeter and exterior security. And a good half-dozen firearms projects.
But my priorities have been doing the outside stuff while the weather is still good; when it starts to get tougher out there (and we’d still have to stack and move firewood and clear snow anyway) I’ll get cracking heavier on the attic.
Talked to Mrs. OFD in Ireland earlier; they’re doing a chit-load of horseback riding on the beaches and will be up in the hills riding some more with a group from Monday-Tuesday. Staying nights in cutesy thatched cottages with peat fires, etc.
My idea of outside fun involves the firing range up the road, but also as the weather cools off, much more hiking up in the nearby 6,000-square-acre wildlife refuge, canoeing, and more exploration of surrounding hills and ridges in the AO with some radio experimentation. And this winter if we don’t get enough snow down below here on the lake shore, we’ll head up into the mountains for x-c skiing, snowshoeing and more radio experiments.
And if the lake ice gets thick enough, and I see big-ass trucks parked out on it, I’ll try some radio stuff from out on the bay itself.
nick, if you find yourself running low on ambition, all you need to do is drink a mug of beer.
No, wait, something wrong there…
Ah. If you find yourself running low on ambition, all you need to do is drink a mug of coffee. That’s better.
Mugs of beer are for when you’re running low on patience with humanity’s foibles. If you find yourself seriously contemplating becoming an extinction event, have a beer or twelve until you find yourself mellow enough or unconscious enough that those contemplations are buried. IMPORTANT NOTE: drink your twelve beers fast enough that you skip past “it seemed like a good idea at the time” and go straight to stupor.
I brought the last two cases of the 40 water bottle 0.5L Ozarka cases in the house from the garage last night. So I now have 120 cases of 24 water bottle 0.5 L Ozarkas stored in the garage. I thought that when I bought the two Muscle Racks for the garage that I was buying too much sturdiness. I have now changed my mind at 20 cases per shelf. I do not know what the weight is but, it is a lot and the shelves are bowing just a little bit.
I use the top shelves for storing propane bottles, paper towels, toilet paper, coleman stoves, etc on.
No such thing.
At least, not in the consumer market. Buy the heaviest available. Don’t fiddle around with calculating the likely load and then buying something that’ll hold that with a little margin. There’ll always be something else you want to put on the shelf (or bring up the ladder or park on the concrete pad next to the driveway or …) and there’ll always be manufacturing defects and wear and tear and some knucklehead not comprehending that there is such a thing as a carrying capacity. Nope, just bypass all that and get the heaviest available.
Well, at 12L per case, 20 cases is 240L, which is 240 kilos, which is 528 pounds plus the weight of the bottles and packaging. Maybe 550 pounds? That shouldn’t be enough to make decent steel shelving sag. I think the units we got at Home Depot are rated at 1,000 pounds per shelf.
I saw a couple of shelves buckle earlier today and had to shift some ammo around accordingly, but then one of the neighbor kidz must have gotten in when I wasn’t looking and stole it all. Drat. I hate it when that happens.
Meatspace recruitment continues here; I have exchanged cell phone numbers with one of the local kids who mows our lawn sometimes. He offered to help me assemble the racks and stack more firewood, and he’s a good little source of all kinds of neighborhood intel here, as is the decrepit fat old guy across the street in the same building. Old Fred has lived here for thirty years and used to swim out to Lazy Lady Island, about three miles from the pier. Now he’s overweight and has a bunch of chit wrong with him. And my next-door neighbor with the two stepdaughters has also been good for intel; former head of security for the IBM plantation where I used to work down in Williston and Essex Junction, now owned by Global Foundry, itself owned by some Abu Dhubai conglomerate. He’s retired now but stuck with taking care of WWII vet father-in-law and the two adult stepdaughters, but to give the latter credit recently, I saw both of them working pretty hard on yard stuff, one time each.
This month I start attending town meetings regularly; selectboard, planning board, development board. And the monthly gun club meetings.
Prepper porn.
That looks……. painful.
Daughter up here is similarly “gifted” but is also six feet tall and over 200 pounds. She isn’t shy, either, about bouncing them around. But at least I won’t have to worry about teaching her proper trigger finger placement as she has less than zero interest in firearms and probably thinks I’m totally nuts because I have them.
Oh yeah, we’re giants up this way; both wife and daughter are in Ireland riding horses on the beach. What kind of horses, you ask? Clydesdales, no chit, hombres. Clydesdales. I guess I’d have to have a Belgian or an English Shire Horse.
But I got all I can do to get up and down the friggin’ stairs these days, and can only do the yard stuff for maybe a half-hour or hour at a time before I have to sit down for blessed relief. Fell on my ass the other day going down the back steps; right leg just went right out from under me. Can’t wait for the ice and snow. But fuck that; I’m getting this chit fixed, one way or another.
I see that there’s been a huge dump of a shit-pile of Killary’s files and emails, etc, further proving what a total liar and piece of shit she is, but this will evidently have zero effect on her committed legions of voters. She may have lost a chunk of the Afrikan-Murkan vote, though.
90 days.
Food, water, sanitation and defense.
This presupposes a rather massive event, breakdown and die-off. Could happen, of course. And if it doesn’t, well, we’re still doing nicely to have it, anyway.
Thank you gentlemen
Beautiful fall day here. State Fair with the fam. Wrote our phone number and name on daughters arm in case we became separated. She’s still learning to recite it reliably.
Bypassed the ponies trudging in a circle and found the horses and ponies being led in a big loop for daughter to ride. Great fun. Watched novice riders do a weave combined with barrels, most at a tooth clattering trot. Daughter allowed as she might like to do more riding. Yay!
Ate too much fat and sugar and turkey leg.
Worked on house maintenance chores. Painted window trim on front if house this week. Fiddly detailed task. Felt good to get it done.
I’m seeing more women in IT, but not many. I’m the only woman in my section. I like the men I work with. They treat me as an equal and there are no shenanigans. I don’t have to watch my language or be PC. Everybody pulls there weight and that’s pretty cool. Nice to be surrounded by adults.
We torture electrons to ship our software nowadays. Just about everyone has an internet connection worldwide and they want their software update NOW.
I just wish that I could get the Iranians who running Russian cracked versions of our software to pay me. NIOC, I’ve got my eye on you!
From the Klinton Krime Family Body Count Department:
Well, at 12L per case, 20 cases is 240L, which is 240 kilos, which is 528 pounds plus the weight of the bottles and packaging. Maybe 550 pounds? That shouldn’t be enough to make decent steel shelving sag. I think the units we got at Home Depot are rated at 1,000 pounds per shelf.
The shelves themselves are not sagging. There is a heavy duty chicken wire overlay on each shelf that is sagging a little bit. It is not going anywhere though as the shelf is inherently strong.
buying too much sturdiness
No such thing.
Took the wife and a couple of friends to the Houston Symphony tonight for “The Music of Queen”. The vocalist was very good and did a passable version of Freddie Mercury. We had a good time.
And my Aggies beat UCLA this afternoon. Whoop !
90 days.
Food, water, sanitation and defense.
This presupposes a rather massive event, breakdown and die-off. Could happen, of course. And if it doesn’t, well, we’re still doing nicely to have it, anyway.
If the “system” goes down for 90 days then it wont be back up for years. And years.
The “system” is heavily interconnected. If there is no diesel for the trucks, there will be no deliveries. All of the food will rot in the fields and processing plants. Those stacked up trailers behind Walmart will be empty in less than a week. Refilling them will be problematic.
I’m seeing more women in IT, but not many. I’m the only woman in my section. I like the men I work with. They treat me as an equal and there are no shenanigans. I don’t have to watch my language or be PC. Everybody pulls there weight and that’s pretty cool. Nice to be surrounded by adults.
I worked in an engineering shop where one of my fellow engineers was hitting on our married secretary all the time, unbeknown to the rest of us. We would have stopped that crap had we known. Her husband got us all on her last day when she quit, she brought us a chocolate cake on her last day. Her husband had filled it full of Exlax. I ate a bite, walked around the corner and spit it out. We had the company picnic that night at Six Flags over Texas. All of us were running for the restrooms all night.
hitting on our married secretary
I’ve been working since I got a paper route at 10. I’m on the wrong side of my forties now. Most of my work life has been around men. Not once have I been hit on or harassed in any way shape or form. I don’t have a third eye or tip the scales at ‘thar she blows’.
Most people we are likely to encounter are decent well behaved humans that are respectful of others. It’s a pity about the relative minority that desperately need to have their heads forcefully and painfully detached to be mounted on pikes. Most of our politicians and the FSA come to mind.
“Prepper porn.
Damn, if only she’d lose the shirt and put on a couple of bandoliers…
Dave Hardy wrote:
“Daughter up here is similarly “gifted” but is also six feet tall and over 200 pounds. She isn’t shy, either, about bouncing them around.”
Photos, HD movies appropriately focused, or it didn’t happen.
“I saw a couple of shelves buckle earlier today and had to shift some ammo around accordingly, but then one of the neighbor kidz must have gotten in when I wasn’t looking and stole it all. Drat. I hate it when that happens.”
Dave, I don’t see the point of storing ammo if you lost all your guns in the lake.
Jenny wrote:
Ate too much … turkey leg.”
No such thing as too much turkey leg…
“I don’t have a third eye or tip the scales at ‘thar she blows’.”
Arnie Schwarzenegger was married to a very attractive woman, but couldn’t resist having it off with the maid, who was as ugly as sin, and fathering a child on her. What the hell was he thinking about. Like the motorcycle mechanic who was unfaithful to the rich and beautiful Sandra Bullock. What a dick.
Lynn, did they show “Bycycle Race” and “Fat Bottomed Girls”?
https://jamesrayneau.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/queen-bicycle-race-1978-wembley-stadium.jpg (NSFW)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BytpDmfIO2Q (NSFW)
I thought I was the only person who thought things like that. Or the only one who said them out loud, at any rate. I approve!
Jenny write: Most of my work life has been around men. Not once have I been hit on or harassed in any way shape or form. I don’t have a third eye or tip the scales at ‘thar she blows’. … Most people we are likely to encounter are decent well behaved humans that are respectful of others.
That’s been my observation as well. While I’m not female, my wife is in IT, and I know quite a number of other women in the field. I’ve never heard of any egregious incidents. Mutual interest, in some cases, but not harrassment, also no discrimination. Seems to me, problems are actually pretty rare.
I worked in an engineering shop where one of my fellow engineers was hitting on our married secretary all the time, unbeknown to the rest of us
I worked for a contractor in Oak Ridge in the late 80’s early 90’s for six years running the Navy personnel system around the world. It was using software I had written when I was in the USAF back in the mid 70’s so it was a good match for my background.
Had a boss, Hunter Foreman, that was boinking his secretary Candace Fraker every day. Both were married. Every day he would travel through the computer room acting like he was inspecting. She would take a different route through another hallway. Both would meet in a storage area in the back of the building. There was a cushion from an outdoor furniture set on the floor.
Everyone knew what was going on. So one day we removed some ceiling tiles in an adjacent room to get access to their locked passion pit. Sprinkled itching powder on the pad. Next day they both came back from their little meeting scratching like crazy. She was scratching her butt like her ass was on fire.
Then we jammed solder in the keyhole for their room thus denying them access. The moved to another room that only had a desk. But there was a large gap at the bottom of the door. They acquired a stick that they would put down to hide the gap. Thus when anyone asked where Hunter or Candace were the common reply was “Sticks Down.”
It was really a shame that small video camera were not invented then. We would have acquired video for certain.
I personally thought his and her behavior was wrong on multiple counts. Cheating on spouses is number one. Using work time and facilities to go on their carnal safaris was another. I had no respect for either one of them.
Most of what we order from Amazon ships from the Las Vegas warehouse and tends to arrive damaged inside intact shipping containers (not UPS or USPS fault). I gave up buying books from them completely when one arrived with a coffee cup ring on the title page, and DVDs will be the next to go if they don’t stop sending “new” re-shrinkwrapped used copies with broken studio seals.
We’ll see what happens when the interest rates start ticking back to normal and Amazon’s cash float game gets a lot more expensive. I’m old enough to remember when Sears was the future of retail … then K-Mart … then Wal-Mart … then Target …
@jenny, we first saw the number written on an arm in Disneyworld and thought it was a great idea. The one tweak is to write it on the inside, so it’s not normally visible. That way, scum can’t walk up to them and call them by name.
WRT too much sugar, I HOPE it was in the form of Funnel Cakes! And nothing beats the fair for meat on a stick, in all its forms.
When my older sister started working as a secretary at the Navy base here, there was an older PhD physicist who took quite a shine to her. She was engaged to a local boy who was off in VietNam; he was 25+ years older than her, married, and didn’t want to take no for an answer. Until, that is, my dad put a gun to his head and asked him to consider how easy it is to make a body disappear into the Gulf.
Ray wrote:
“I personally thought his and her behavior was wrong on multiple counts.”
I used to fancy a girl at work in 1983/84. I was 25 and she would have been 27-28 and I’m sure she could hear the clock ticking…
She was always making excuses to come over and chat with me, she had nice boobs and never wore a bra, that I noticed. Well, to cut a long story short nothing happened between us.
30 years later I was reminiscing about that work place with a couple of male former colleagues. One of my pals mentioned a woman (whose name he couldn’t remember) who’d been caught having sex on the premises by a security guard. Instead of being really embarrased like most of us would have been she invited the security guard to join in. I mentioned the name of the girl I’d fancied and my friend exclaimed THAT’S HER! THAT’S HER! Dodged a bullet there…
I know what you mean about dodging bullets like that; I’ve dodged quite a few in my time, thanks be to the FSM, lol. Several were close calls, too.
No danger of that sorta thing now, though. None of them are interested in a decrepit old unemployed bum and I have no wish to further complicate my life any more than it already is.
None of them are interested in a decrepit old unemployed bum
Another reason to get a job. The rest can be cured with lots of money.
Sigh, given the above, I guess that OFD is really out to pasture.
Out to pasture, out to lunch, around the bend, yeah. Whatever. I’ve had it.
Dave, have the cut-and-tuck job, take plenty of girly hormones and presto! You’ll be attractive to half of humanity, at least…
said them out loud, at any rate. I approve!
I usually manage to restrain myself
Mr. Foreman was a piece of work. So was Mrs. Fraker.
Yep, inside arm and beneath a sleeve.
Our phrase is ‘tundra rolls back’
Lynn, did they show “Bycycle Race” and “Fat Bottomed Girls”?
It was a live performance, no video.
But they did perform “Fat Bottomed Girls”. To which, my wife took offense. I explained the song was about groupies which made it worse…
I don’t even want to talk about her opinion on “Tie Your Mother Down”.
Sheesh. Women. I’ll bet she’d be offended by “I got 99 problems but a bitch ain’t one”, too.
I mentioned the insult used here sometimes by one MrAtoz out in Lost Wages, “douchenozzle,” and Mrs. OFD got annoyed. lol. But doesn’t seem as bothered when I say “douchebag.” Go figga. Can NEVER use the c-word, though. No woman I’ve ever known in half a century wanted to hear that.
Can NEVER use the c-word, though. No woman I’ve ever known in half a century wanted to hear that.
But they will use it when they are calling some other woman one. But don’t you dare you pig.
Can NEVER use the c-word, though.
Too close to the “c” word area?
Other areas can be douched, too.
“But they will use it when they are calling some other woman one. But don’t you dare you pig.”
Like another certain word used constantly by another aggrieved victim group; you use it and all hell will break loose, although it’s been hard to keep up over the years with what’s approved and what isn’t with them.
And other words used by a certain OTHER officially approved grievance group but if you do it you’re some kinda ‘phobe.
“Other areas can be douched, too.”
I should point this out to her but on the other hand, domestic tranquility is a thing to be coveted most of the time. One learns this as one ages, one hopes. (of course my new hearing aids come back out when she returns from Ireland on Thursday…)
Oh boy! No more running around in the woods, jungles, mountains and deserts, humping rucks, ammo and antiquated rifles!
Terminator? They’re “just” worried about autonomous weapons.
The current generation of drones still have human control, but have pretty much eliminated human responsibility. Drone operators, sitting safe in the USA while blowing up spots on a screen. However, some of them still have consciences, and realize that their targets are people, and those people have been identified, at best, indirectly.
Be sure that the brass is s are working on fixing this problem. If you could only tell the drone: “shoot the next truck that travels this road”, or “find this IMEI number and send it a Hellfire”, then no one would have to press a button.
As long as the mistakes are far, far away from the press, and anyway not provably attributable to the USA, who cares?