09:03 – We’re building and shipping science kits today, as usual. Before we get started on that this morning, we’re going to make up another batch of bread dough so we can bake bread this afternoon.
One of the new crops I intend to plant next spring is heirloom tobacco. Not just to smoke, although I’ll try that, but as a companion crop and as a source of organic pesticide. Most bugs hate tobacco and steer well clear of it. They may have only bug-size brains, but even they’re smart enough to realize that nicotine is very bad news for bugs.
I also intend to grow several more culinary herbs, but this year we’ll get them started indoors six months or so before the last spring freeze. Call it somewhere in the Thanksgiving to Christmas time frame. That’ll give them a chance to get well started before it’s time to put them in the ground. We’ll start them in pots so that we can set them out on the deck on nice days and bring them indoors when we have cold nights.
I keep seeing articles in the MSM saying that Trump has no chance. I think they’re whistling past the graveyard. I think Trump has at least as good a chance of winning the election as Clinton does. The main point against Trump is that he speaks his mind, saying things that the MSM finds deeply offensive. So what? A huge number of people in this country find Trump’s statements refreshing. He’s actually saying what they’re thinking. The MSM is also trying to present Trump as a loose cannon who’s likely to start a war. That’s rich, considering that Clinton has never met a war she doesn’t like. At any rate, we may not know what we’ll get if Trump is elected, but that’s acceptable to a lot of people, who know exactly what we’ll get if Clinton is elected. As to the Libertarian candidates, why bother? Neither of them is any more libertarian than Trump or Clinton, which is to say not at all. If we vote in the presidential election, it’ll be for Trump, simply because he’s Not Clinton.
There are at least two good reasons for voting for Trump. He’s not Hillary and the establishment despises him.
Hillary has a record of corruption that exceeds that of just about any modern politician and that takes some doing. The establishment has been selling out the country for their own enrichment for the last thirty years and are terrorized that that might end.
Even if Trump is elected I don’t expect much to change. There’s just too much bureaucracy and entrenched interests to allow anything significant to take place. It would be really fun to watch though.
“” … organic pesticide. Most bugs hate tobacco and steer well clear of it. “”
This makes me at least somewhat concerned since there’s some implication of
honeybees’ problems, which might be due to neonicotinoids, similar to nicotine?
There is no honeybee problem, as far as I can determine. It’s all whacko environmentalists.
There’s nothing worse than a “scientist” with an agendum.
I spoke with a local beekeeper years ago about the honeybee problem (colony collapse disorder) and according to him local bees were doing just fine. The problem was confined to the large companies that transport bees around the country and rent them out for pollination purposes. He wasn’t surprised by that since the bees are stressed by the travel and having to adjust to different environments all the time.
I don’t know enough to judge whether or not he knew what he was talking about, but it sounded reasonable to me.
“” … bees are stressed by the travel and having to adjust to different environments all the time. “”
That does make some sense if it’s so.
WRT honey bees and hive collapse:
A couple of local bee keepers occasionally have coffee with a bunch of us ol’ farts (we are trying to solve all the world’s problem, we’ll need a lot of coffee
). They absolutely detest the nomadic/”gypsy” bees as they firmly believe they spread diseases and parasites that lead to hive collapse. There is some kind of a mite and a mold that is problematic. These did not appear here until nomadic/”gypsy” bees were brought in to keep up with our rapidly increasing acreage of fruit trees and grapes. The local bee keepers ramped up their number of hives so there is a decreasing need for nomadic/”gypsy” bees. Since we have a Southern California climate (we are referred to as Palm Springs North) there is no problem with bees and cold weather.
Palm Springs North? Had many 110+ days this year?
TRump 2016! “The UnClinton Candidate.”
If we vote in the presidential election, it’ll be for Trump, simply because he’s Not Clinton
Another election where you are not voting for someone but are instead voting against someone. I would vote for a moldy slimy rock before I voted for Clinton.
Moldy, slimy rocks are not eligible to run. They’re not citizens; nor are they alive.
Moldy, Slimy Rock Lives Matter!
Moldy, slimy rocks are not eligible to run
Except in Texas in the case of LBJ.
How dare a common Dirt Person compare their case to Cankles! Guilty, off with his head! This poor bastard is going to prison.
Federal prosecutors are rejecting a Navy sailor’s effort to seek leniency by comparing his taking of classified photos on a nuclear submarine to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server authorities say contained highly-classified information.
In a court filing late Monday night, prosecutors asked a federal judge to send Petty Officer First Class Kristian Saucier to prison for more than five years for keeping six cell-phone pictures taken inside classified spaces of the U.S.S. Alexandria in 2009.
I stand corrected.
At least he had the decency (or Tricky Dick or Bobby had the dirt on him) to not run again.
He may become more famous than a medal winner…
From the Not Like Us Department:
Two teenagers are accused of shooting to death a good Samaratan who stopped to help them get a vehicle out of a ditch late Monday in North Charleston, police said.
The Charleston County Coroner’s Office identified the victim as Chadwick Garrett, a 45-year-old North Charleston resident. He died around 11:35 p.m. at the scene near Durant Avenue and North Jimtown Drive.
Deon Antonio Frasier, 17, and Michael Odell Anthony Dupree-Tyler, 19, face murder charges in connection with the shooting.
You can’t even stop to help somebody without “fearing for your life.”
Is this a bro helping a couple of teen bros?
I believe so. Apparently a crook helping some young crooks who ate their own.
So low there is no honor ‘tween thieves. That’s just wrong.
I guess I’m just RAysisss…
Deal w/ it.
It appears the vic had a current job, thus I don’t see where he was a crook himself or even a bro. And the two alleged perps look like your basic stone-death goblins.
@dkreck: “Palm Springs North? Had many 110+ days this year?”
The gooberment data is recorded at the Pasco Airport which is 15 to 20 degrees cooler than most of the surrounding area.
There are many farmers who have weather stations, some broadcast on Weather Underground, and then there are the amatures like me. My weather station records show 10 days above 110 between mid-June and last week (currently 104). My high so far this year is 120.
The MSM is also trying to present Trump as a loose cannon who’s likely to start a war.
I view a confrontation with Russia as less likely with Trump.
If Putin does have Cankles’ emails (I’d be more surprised if he didn’t) the October Surprise 2016 is coming.
What an odd coincidence. Trump’s main strong point is that he speaks his mind, saying things that the MSM finds deeply offensive.
Julian Assange has already promised an October Surprise from Wikileaks.
Ya know, even if it wasn’t her stupid treasonous and careless emails, her servers, her series of gigantic fuck-ups as SecState, etc., just her biography ALONE ought to suffice to push people away from voting for her; it’s a horrific and long-term train wreck of a life, and we have its beginning noted here by a former high school “classmate.” And the rest of it is well documented. Yet there they are….millions of voters…a high percentage of them women, too. For a bitch who viciously went after the series of women assaulted and raped by her scumbag husband. For a bitch who boasted and laughed about getting a child rapist off scot-free. And for a bitch that, contra what is said about cheeto-head in this regard, is all on fire to get us into more useless clusterfuck wars, maybe even World War IV. With a sorry record in that record, too; leaving an American ambassador, staff, and soldiers abandoned to be murdered by a hadji mob, probably with weapons supplied by her State Department and Foundation connections. And the very long trail of corpses left by her and her husband over the decades.
But that’s that old-time lefty tactic of projection; whatever your guy or gal is surely guilty of, simply lie and accuse their opponent of it, loudly and continuously, and it will become accepted as holy writ.
Yet cheeto-head is somehow scarier??? I don’t get it.
@DadCooks – on weather stations: depending on what kind of weather station you have, and if/how it connects to a computer, you can be a WeatherUnderground station also.
My weather station is made by Accurite (it was on sale at Costco last year), and I use a third-party app (because IMHO the Accurite app is junk) running on a desktop that ‘publishes’ to WeatherUnderground. Here’s my weather station link: https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KWAPORTL19 .
Although my station placement outside is not optimal (my backyard is almost non-existent), I do get good temps/rain totals. Wind totals from some directions are not as accurate, because the stations is only about 25 feet from the NE corner of the house. But that’s the best spot I have – putting it on the roof is too high/inconvenient for these old legs. And the placement is at the furtherest corner of my lot.
Sort of interesting to watch the temps/wind from my usual spot with my big windows overlooking the Puget Sound.
I’ve got the same weather station from the same source
Wind speed and direction are not to be believed, due to the placement of the station. The heat is in the sun, so a bit higher than official, but then I’m in the sun too. The rainfall tracks well with my tubular gauge, and I don’t have to empty it.
I never connected mine to the pc, just look at the display. I have filled the internal memory so I don’t get any longterm trend data. I just use it for my daily look at the weather, and for keeping an eye on rainfall total and rate. Works great for that and the display is nice looking, bright, and easy to read.
I like it.
@DadCooks – Well I do recall being up that way over 40 years ago and stopping for gas out there in the middle of Oregon. Summer and hot, hot, hot. Barren flat scrub everywhere. I was standing outside our van talking to the teenage kid filling our tanks (they still do that in Oregon don’t they?) and he says something to me about the heat. I told him it was just as bad where I live (Bakersfield). Then he said, ‘But you have all those palm trees.’ At first I thought he was trying to be funny but then figured he really was just that naive. Afterall some kid growing up there at that time had little more than tv and movies to go by. For that matter it may have been my first exposure to eastern Oregon and I thought the whole state looked like the western coast.
105F predicted for today. I need a tree to sit under.
stopping for gas out there in the middle of Oregon
I grew up in Oregon, went to school in Rogue River. We lived 15 miles from the school up East Evans Creek Road. Long bus ride to school with all the stops on the road to pick up students. Lived there from 1962 until 1969 working on the 140 acre farm with my aunt and uncle raising 140 head of registered black Angus cattle.
I spent a month one summer in the John Day area digging dinosaur bones at a paleontology camp. Hot every day, nothing but empty terrain where the jack rabbits carried their own lunches.
Aunt and uncle moved to Port Townsend after I had left home. They had purchased the place in Beckett Point near Port Townsend while I was still living at home. Never knew about the purchase until about 10 years later. Why they kept it a secret I don’t know.
So I have made many trips to Northwest Washington over the years. Fly into Portland and drive (hang a left at Olympia and a nice drive up 101 along Puget Sound) or Seattle (another nice drive around the south end of Puget Sound through Tacoma and up 16) depending on which is cheaper. Would also sometimes head north out of Seattle to Whidbey Island and take the ferry across to Port Townsend.
Here is a panorama of the view from the back porch of my aunt and uncle’s home in Beckett Point. Wonderful view across Discovery Bay across to Olympic Park. In the winter there was snow on the mountains. Waking up in the morning was like looking at magnificent painting. Be aware the image is large, about 22 meg, so be be patient.
Beckett Point is a privately owned club where each lot is leased from the club, such lease being about 99 years. My aunt and uncle owned two lots which I really wanted to keep. But Beckett Point had to install a sewer system which was going to cost $25,000 for each lot. Expensive system with lots of lift pumps. I could not afford the cost and had to sell the place.
From today’s FEMA briefing email, a quick look at the flooding in Louisiana. This is a good example of why you might need BOB and a bug out plan, even if most scenarios would have you bugging in. Many of these areas have never flooded.
Resources are activating and arriving in the area.
Note :
the lack of cell service and the response time
–got alternate comms? (when I was traveling I had cell phones from ATT and Sprint, and a Skytel National pager, on 9-11, only the pager was still working and allowed me to send emails to friends in Cali to let them know I was ok.
the closure of health facilities and moving of patients
–anyone got family in long term care? know what their evac plan is?
school is starting in the area this week and in the next few
–thought about what this would do to your state run daycare facility?
–how do you work/cleanup/etc with your kids home?
you need some preps in a secondary location.
(I have friends of friends in the affected area, many have lost everything, homes, cars, and all their possessions. When I have reliable info about aid I’ll post something asking for help here.)
One item that might be useful is a glossary of some kind for all the acronyms.
And I second the suggestion to have alternative comms, other than smartypants cell phones, tablets and fablets, that is. Which may become doorstops during SHTF/Grid Down scenarios. Major bumma for Pokemon Go lusers.
“I grew up in Oregon, went to school in Rogue River.”
IIRC, the late Mel Tappan and his wife Nancy lived and worked in that area when he was producing his survival/SHTF books and the articles he wrote for Guns & Ammo magazine, still worth reading, though an update would be needed on the radio gear and firearms. You can still find his book “Survival Guns” at sites like Paladin Press.
We would go for a week without any outside contact or electrical power. Did it several times during the winter when the roads were not in good shape and power lines were down. Had plenty of fuel for the stove, wood for the fireplace, water was gravity feed, lots of stored food.
The closest railroad was 15 miles away as you drive, probably 10 as the crow flies. There was one spot on the ranch, lower field, next to the road, where you could stand and hear the train horn. Move 5 feet either direction and you could no longer hear the horn.
@Rick Hellewell – my weather station is a more than 10-year old Honeywell which hasn’t been made for years. I am surprised that the thermometer and hygrometer have remained accurate (I have a standalone NIST Certified thermometer and hygrometer that I use to check the Honeywells calibration). Yes, I could connect up to Weather Underground but I have been to lazy to do the really simple steps to do it, maybe someday. It’s about time for a system upgrade anyway.
@Dave Hardy: “One item that might be useful is a glossary of some kind for all the acronyms.”
Very good idea and IMHO folks who don’t think we need one probably need it the most.
Both in the Navy and working on the Hanford Reservation there were “official” acronym books, all hard copy and voluminous. You probably would not be surprised how many acronyms are duplicated and how some of those duplicates could cause serious problems. In the nuke submarine service, when giving orders or reporting, acronyms were not allowed, partly because of the Scorpion and Thresher.
BTW, whenever I see SJW I think “single Jewish woman”.
BTW, whenever I see SJW I think “single Jewish woman”.
Haha, reveals where you spent your time…..
I worked at EDS for nearly four years and they were notorious for acronyms; one of the other techs and I were gonna put together a glossary but never found the time to get around to it. It’s like IT documentation; mostly scattered notes and comments in script files because they had/have us running around nonstop all day/night and there’s no effin time and we’re too tired and unmotivated to hassle with it.
Acronyms aren’t so bad. It’s the initialisms that are obnoxious.
Don’t forget my Clinton Unified National…acronymn.
RIP John McLaughlin; watched his show for many, many years.
Dave Hardy wrote:
“I worked at EDS for nearly four years…”
Do you mean Evil Doers in Suits?
SJW – aren’t the two meanings actually the same?
“Do you mean Evil Doers in Suits?”
The top echelons, yeah. They got bought up/assimilated by HP.
“SJW – aren’t the two meanings actually the same?”
All too often. Along with the SJMs, natch. Prominent in Left causes and projects in the Anglo-Murkan West for a very long time and still. No, I’m not a Holocaust Denier or Nazi; anyone can look at the lists of surnames at a host of organizations and related MSM stories.