09:34 – We have a bunch of science kit stuff to get done this weekend, along with several tasks around the house. I need to replace the mechanism in the foyer toilet, so we’re heading over to Blevins sometime today to pick up a replacement flapper assembly, along with a pack or two of water sediment filters for our whole-house filter and another pack of Rid-X septic tank treatment. I also want to stop at the Dr. Grabow factory store, which is just down the road from us, and look at their pipes.
We went out to run some local errands yesterday. The first stop was the Blue Ridge Electric Co-op, where we talked to a nice young woman about getting propane installed. I told her we were thinking about fueling three appliances with propane: a cooktop in the kitchen, a radiant heater for upstairs, and eventually our generator. She said she’d have their installer call us to set up an appointment to give us a quote on running lines and so on. The smallest tank they carry is 120 gallons, which they fill to 100 gallons. The next size up is 250 gallons, which they fill to 200 gallons. I’m inclined to go for the latter. Anything much larger becomes a major hassle because it has to be buried. The deal is that there’s an annual tank rental fee, but they waive it if you use at least one tank’s worth per year. If we’re running only a cooktop, even the 120 gallon tank would easily be a year’s worth, so we’d probably end up paying tank rental on the larger tank.
Especially since we may not have the space heater installed. Compared to the electric heat pump, propane is very costly. We pay about ten cents per kWh of electricity to drive our heat pump. To heat with propane, it would have to sell for about $0.72 per gallon. It’s three times that much, so it makes sense for us to use propane only for the cooktop and perhaps the generator and just pay the tank rental if we don’t use enough propane to have the rental fee waived.
Propane yields about 91,600 BTU/gallon, versus roughly 135,000 BTU/gallon for fuel oild. But a gallon of propane weighs only about 4.2 pounds, versus about 8.2 pounds for fuel oil. In other words, for equal heat yield, propane would have to sell for just over half as much per gallon as fuel oil. But propane actually sells for more per gallon than fuel oil, so it’s a very expensive source of heat. For that reason, I’d prefer to have a big fuel oil tank installed, but fuel oil doesn’t burn nearly as cleanly as propane and you can’t run a cooktop with it. So we’ll probably end up with propane.
I just read an interesting article a couple weeks ago about the reliability of our electric power grid, or lack thereof. The powers that be define a major power outage as one that affects 20,000 or more homes. A dozen or so years ago, the US as a whole experienced less than one such outage per week, something like 45 major outages in 2004. Since then, the frequency has increased every year. In 2015, the US as a whole experienced nearly one major outage per DAY. That is not a good trend line. Our electric power infrastructure is obviously being degraded every year.
Our next stop was Southern States, which is basically a hardware/seed/feed store that caters to farmers. We just wanted to look the place over. While we were there, we met some of the staff. One of them introduced himself as Jerry Edwards. I asked him if he was the Jerry Edwards who used to live on Macedonia Church Road. He said he was, and I introduced myself and Barbara as the people who’d bought the house he used to own. I took the opportunity to ask him about details on the well (it was already there when they built the house), the location of the septic tank and drain field, and so on. He seemed like a nice enough guy.
Our final stops were the two dollar stores in town. Neither Barbara nor I found them at all impressive. They’re basically a combination of a small supermarket and a chain drugstore. Their prices weren’t all that good, either. But I wanted to check them out because, at age 63, I’d never been inside one before. That’s another thing I can check off my list, and now I know that there’s no point to going into one again.
@RBT: “That’s another thing I can check off my list,…”
You need to get a better bucket list
Nah, I’ve got a good one as is, and I’ve completed most of it. Including walking down a ghetto street at oh-dark-thirty. (There were quite a few punks out and about, but none of them approached me. I wonder why. I guess I was intimidating back then.)
“(There were quite a few punks out and about, but none of them approached me…)
It always used to amaze me back in the day when I was an urban street cop doing combined motor and foot patrols on the graveyard shift to see all kinds of peeps be-bopping around the ‘hoods at O-Dark-Thirty. So I’d be in Condition Orange all the time and I really got annoyed if I saw anyone running and seeing people just sitting in parked cars for a long time. What was kinda funny is that a lot of the time they pretended they didn’t see me, and I was pretty hard to miss.
We had a couple of minor t-storms and downpours roll through last night but it’s again in the mid-80s and sunny with blue skies and big puffy cumulus clouds. Mrs. OFD arrived in San Antonio and is driving to Kerrville, TX today.
I’ve got to get out weed-whacking and mowing again later and doing some house cleaning stuff. Also gotta bone up on some IT concepts for next week’s due-diligence interview. They seem to be network-focused common to both Linux and Windows. Whatevuh. Good stuff to know anyway for the home network config here, which is in need of an overhaul.
I watched “Jack Reacher” last night. Borrowed it off the ‘net. Not a bad action flick. I like it when the bad guys get their asses kicked real good without 10 minute fight scenes. I’m looking forward to the sequel in Oct.
I went to the theater and watched the new Star Trek. If you like Star Trek you’ll like it. It was kind of lack luster though.
The Twins and I finished out S01 of “Preacher” on AMC. Based on the comic book. What a hoot! Some Angels get in a fight with another uber Angel. When an Angel dies, they reincarnate, but the body remains. They were fighting in a cheap motel and the bodies were literally piling up. I couldn’t stop laughing. You might like it.
As a libertarian, I agree with this cartoon: http://image.oregonlive.com/home/olive-media/width960/img/oregonian/photo/2016/08/03/editorial-cartoons-of-the-week-19c384acb2f9499a.jpg
Almost any other Republican candidate could probably have easily beaten Hilary. Instead, we are likely to get at least four more years of what we have. It’s enough to drive a teetotaler to drink.
Rick in Portland
“Almost any other Republican candidate could probably have easily beaten Hilary.”
“….we are likely to get at least four more years of what we have.”
Eight more years. FIFY. If the country even lasts that long.
We’re going to get a lot more than four years. During the next four years the SCOTUS will be making major changes. Cankles will wreck havoc for much longer if she wins. Not that the cheeto head will be much better.
There are some good deals at the Dollar Store – medical stuff (bandaids, neosporine, etc), pens (there is never a pen when you need one) and other simple office supplies. Party supplies are cheap, too.
And reading glasses and sunglasses. Yeah, they are cheaply made, but only a dollar – so I buy a few extra, and don’t worry about losing a pair of $xx+ sunglasses.
Don’t buy food there, although I will pick up a six-pack of candy bars.
“Not that the cheeto head will be much better.”
lol. The cheeto-head wrestling promoter. Frankly I don’t know which psychopath would be worse at this point. Either way the shit’s gonna get real. I just don’t know how to stand another eight years of the Klinton Krime family without drinking heavily and ingesting 1k mg per day of lysergic acid dipthalymide.
“… (there is never a pen when you need one)…”
We scarf up the freebies from our bank branches when we go there to do stuff.
“…And reading glasses…”
Wife gets them there or at the chain drugstore when filling her prescription. And she goes through them fast, too.
Clouding up again, maybe another t-storm on the way. If so I hope it drenches the landscape for a few hours, at least. You start checking daily if not hourly on rain forecasts when you’ve got a garden going and the lake is already down three feet this summer. I blame Global Warming Climate Change and the Twelve Years of Reagan-Bush. Also Mr. SteveF, ’cause he’s been messing around with Sol Invictus.
In my view, Bernie is the biggest turd in the election punch bowl. His whole platform turned into a POS. I don’t understand why he still has supporters. His endorsed Cankles and the Klinton Krime Family. He’s no better than them.
The bottom of the “U.S. Government Official Mail” letter which came with my U.S. Passport Card says:
“The U.S. passport card is not valid for air travel.”
Though you’d like to know. I guess they mean international. They should spell it out.
“I don’t understand why he still has supporters. His endorsed Cankles and the Klinton Krime Family. He’s no better than them.”
As I have tried to explain up here to no avail thus far. They simply blindly refuse to listen or countenance ANY deviation from their assumed normality bias. And he says to his supporters that his biggest accomplishment was pushing the Dem half of the Party further to the Left. Great, that’s a good little commie, Bernie, thanks a lot. Like they weren’t already mostly there. To the extent that not only were there no Murkan flags at their convention at first, but there was actually a hammer-and-sickle one out in that crowd. Truth-in-advertising.
We’re looking at a steadily warming civil war in this country, with the next stage heading toward the level of those street battles between commies and fascists in German cities and towns between the world wars. Only jacked up on high-tech steroids. With cell phones, internet, and flash mobs. We got Hitler and the Nazis out of that previous era, another world war, and the Long March, ending in success in the West.
“I guess they mean international. They should spell it out.”
Then what’s the point of having the card, asks the very obtuse OFD? I guess we’d find out at the airport, having brought just the card, and then some TSA drone would inform us accordingly.
Oh wait….IIRC, Mr. Ray said that you gotta turn over your passport in some countries but you should keep the card with you?
Every place I’ve looked, including State Dept, says you can use the PC for domestic air travel. The TSA fukstiks are too stupid to realize it is a valid ID and proof of citizenship. It should even be on their “picture list” of valid ID. Lots of people, including Mr. Ray, are denied because the TSA are stupid fukstiks of immense and extreme proportions. My next domestic flight get the PC whipped out.
“… because the TSA are stupid fukstiks of immense and extreme proportions.”
Ya know, I’ve only been on the one commercial aircraft trip in the past 21 years when we went down to NJ last summer and from just that ONE round-trip flight in and outta Newark, I could immediately see the truth of your characterization. What a gigantic PITA, and we were in the wife’s TSA “pre-check” line through which she normally breezes with nary a glitch. The crowding and hold-up at the final checkpoint before boarding was so bad that it almost came to fisticuffs when, first, a small tribe of Afrikans was shoveled through ahead of us, and then a yuppie family likewise, all claiming they were late. Hey, tough shit, assholes! But no, they got to slide right on through. All during this hour-long ordeal there was apparently no A-C and zero ventilation in the tunnel-like structure where we were imprisoned; central NJ in July gets kinda warm.
I’ll ask wife later if she has one of those cards; I know she and Princess have the passports. I should get one; the office is downtown and I already have passport pics. Maybe next week when the check that came today via FedEx Overnight arrived at 11:55, so I couldn’t get to the bank to deposit it, is cleared. I don’t wanna do the deposit via the bank app on my smartypants phone with such a large amount, though, so Monday, and then it will supposedly be credited on Tuesday morning, but we can’t even count on that these days.
No t-storm today so fah. And no wind, either. I wanted to run the burn pit all friggin’ week but it was too windy and now that it’s not (every weekend) I can’t call for the permit at the town offices. Monday we’ll be back to the wind again, most likely.
I watched “Jack Reacher” last night. Borrowed it off the ‘net. Not a bad action flick. I like it when the bad guys get their asses kicked real good without 10 minute fight scenes. I’m looking forward to the sequel in Oct.
Has Tom Cruise ever made a bad movie ?
Almost any other Republican candidate could probably have easily beaten Hilary. Instead, we are likely to get at least four more years of what we have. It’s enough to drive a teetotaler to drink.
The establishment was standing behind the Jebber (Bush). He would have folded four weeks before the election. Like Romney did.
” He would have folded four weeks before the election. Like Romney did.”
And when they fold, it’s intentional, i.e., the plan all along. The RINOs have long since been suborned by the neocons in their half of the Party and the corresponding commies in the other half. Everything is always a bag job, nothing ever on the level. If their lips are moving, they’re lying, the whole fucking lot of criminal parasites who pretend to lead the country. We can count on one hand the decent and honest guys in the Fed gummint over the past forty years.
“Has Tom Cruise ever made a bad movie ?”
The Twins and I finished out S01 of “Preacher” on AMC. Based on the comic book. What a hoot! Some Angels get in a fight with another uber Angel. When an Angel dies, they reincarnate, but the body remains. They were fighting in a cheap motel and the bodies were literally piling up. I couldn’t stop laughing. You might like it.
The kid that ate the shotgun is freaking me out. In fact, the whole series freaks me out. And the angels are freaks too.
I like the show.
Real angels watching it must be annoyed.
Hey kidz, from the Religion of Pieces Department, once again:
Gee I bet Belgium has some pretty strict gun laws.
Cue libturd mantra: “We gotta get these guns off the street….”
lol. Sure, take ’em all, and then we can have our civil war anyway just like the Tutsis and Hutus, with machetes and knives and suchlike. Very edgy.
Aloha Snackbar!
lol! He’s called Arse Face in the comic. Did you see the finale? Crazy.
Cruise has had some stinkers, but flicks like Top Gun and A Few Good Men make up for it. Remember Legend? Yeah, no one does?
Cruiser stinkers:
“Far and Away”
“Rock of Ages”
the “Mission Impossible” sequel
“Losing It”
Etc. But yeah, more winners than losers. He’s just so…so….short. And a Scientologist. How does an otherwise bright and capable actor fall for shit like that?
Ho ho ho…
This creature versus the cheeto-head wrestling promoter.
We are so fucked.
” He would have folded four weeks before the election. Like Romney did.”
And when they fold, it’s intentional, i.e., the plan all along.
No cow poop, Sherlock.
“Has Tom Cruise ever made a bad movie ?”
I’m still waiting for the name of that movie.
Remember Legend? Yeah, no one does?
I’ll give you that one.
Cruiser stinkers:
“Far and Away”
“Rock of Ages”
the “Mission Impossible” sequel
“Losing It”
Etc. But yeah, more winners than losers. He’s just so…so….short. And a Scientologist. How does an otherwise bright and capable actor fall for s*** like that?
Nope, nope, maybe, nope, never seen it.
My Dad is incensed that Cruise is playing Jack Reacher who is 6’5″ in the book. But we already have plans to see the sequel.
“My Dad is incensed that Cruise is playing Jack Reacher who is 6’5″ in the book. But we already have plans to see the sequel.”
We thought that was both ridiculous and funny.
Also kinda funny that a character like Reacher in real life would have been locked up somewhere along the way of his various non-gray-man travels.
Just watched the first season of “The Last Kingdom” on Netflix, about Rex Alfredus Magnus and his defeat of the “Danes.” Fairly accurate historically, and mythically:
“Ya burnt the fuckin’ scones, ya bloody wanker!”
But of course they have to get the swashbuckling bodice-ripping stuff in there to entertain the bumpkins. And the women all look like gorgeous models, just like real life in sodden, cold miserable medieval Wessex.
From the World War IV Department:
Our dear leaders are trying just as hard as they can to kick it off. This will enable them to put the country on a permanent world war footing and kick out martial law here and few will bitch about it, ’cause we gotta all stick together against the enemy, amirite? This week it’s Oceania….next week? Stay tuned.
The One-Minute Hate starts at 18:00 as always. Be there.
From the If I Was Thirty Years Younger Department:
The Appalachian Redoubt is allegedly in the WV area, but that’s also pretty close to the underground bunker complexes that the Feds have built for themselves.
Guess we’ll take our chances in northern Vermont.
Re “Preacher” …
“96 Tears”
Uh… Search “96 Tears” (? & Mysterions) on YouTube and
the next link is “The Letter” (Box Tops), then “We Gotta Get
Out of This Place (Animals) [with ‘Nam graphics!] and then
“Bad Moon Rising” (CCR) [with ‘Nam graphics!] …
And… next YouTube link is “Gimme Shelter” [more ‘Nam
graphics!] …
I am reminded of a story I heard about a survivor of the
‘Nam history that was Mel Gibson movie “We Were Soldiers”
and the guy went to some sort of tribute dinner with other guys
from that battle… and the morons doing the event started
playing helicopter noises & such.
Good brave men were crying under tables…
Hard drive in main system failed overnight, so it’ll be some time before I post today.
“Good brave men were crying under tables…”
Very sensitive of the organizers.
You can’t run teenagers through extensive CQB for days, weeks, months, years and not expect them to be effed up after that. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t be human.
“Hard drive in main system failed overnight…”
We gotta get with the program and just go with smartypants phones and tablets for all our stuff; all the kids are doing it. Running Winblows 10, of course, or if you got the scratch, Apple stuff.
Another sunny and hot blue skies day. Still on the yard and house work. And boning up for the due-diligence interview later this week.
Al Gore was right! Global Warming is ruining everything!
“For that reason, I’d prefer to have a big fuel oil tank installed, but fuel oil doesn’t burn nearly as cleanly as propane and you can’t run a cooktop with it. So we’ll probably end up with propane.”
While fuel oil is certainly not as clean as propane, I remeber as a kid filling up a small fuel oil tank in the back yard (yes I am that old) and bringing it into the kitchen to dump into the fill tank for the range. Don’t remember when we switched over to gas but we did use fuel oil for the cooktop for many years. Might be worth investigating how it worked.
Keep on Canklin’
Holy Mother of the Great Swamp Beast! I just vomited in ma’ mut’.
James Woods: What’s the Vegas line on #JulianAssange actually staying alive until the election?
Response: @RealJamesWoods @PAMsLOvE you could have a photo of Hillary shooting JFK from the grassy knoll and it wouldn’t make the evening news
Response: Beware of Arkancide
WRT cooking with fuel oil, I came across this interesting web page:
“Al Gore was right! Global Warming is ruining everything!”
Plus the Twelve Years of Reagan-Bush, doncha know.
“Keep on Canklin’”
A ripoff of the “Keep on Truckin'” motif originated by one Robert Crumb back in the SF underground comics daze.
“…you could have a photo of Hillary shooting JFK from the grassy knoll and it wouldn’t make the evening news…”
I’ll go a step further: you could have video of Field Marshal Rodham pounding the nails into Christ’s hands and feet and there would be cheering and hammer-and-sickle flags.
Yes, I’m very cynical this AM, having just read some more of Ann Barnhardt’s stuff. As I’ve said before, we have half the country outraged at the depredations and chicanery of our ruling elites and the other half is outraged at our outrage. This will not end well, and it’s not even a function, usually, of red states versus blue states. We’re all mixed in together in mostly purple states, sorta like, oh, I dunno….the old Yugoslavia???
So take little ol’ me up here in northern Vermont; on the one hand we’ve got salt-of-the-earth farmers, hunters, fishermen, factory workers, firefighters, even cops and sheriffs’ deputies. OTOH we have living among and around us a goodly number of SJWs and progs, many of whom gravitate to academic, media and government positions and sinecures and certainly feel free to lecture and preach at us and attempt to circumvent and overturn established traditions and laws. These latter are going to continue to receive federal support and agitation to do more, i.e., keep pushing and pushing. This causes more anger, resentment and bitterness, of course; the question being when will the shooting start? Probably not this year, maybe not next, but it’s coming.
And this is semi-rural, small-town Vermont. Extrapolate from this what it will be like in a big metro statistical area, like Boston, NYC, Mordor, Lost Angels, Houston, or Chicago. November voting machines get hacked in swing states; the EBT cards stop loading; ATMs stop working; terror attacks increasing in number and violence from Black Friday on; and then they cut the lights. People will BEG on their knees for law and order and security/stability. Whatever it takes. Get those supermarkets and gas pumps open again and turn the fucking pixels back on!
Or we just get slowly nibbled to death like now by incremental attacks and chipping away at our rights and liberties and cultural traditions. Like the frog in the pot of slowly boiling water.
Of course not. It would be an obvious fake. Hillary wouldn’t get her hands dirty by shooting JFK herself. No, she’d get dirty in another way. She’d have killed JFK through sexual exhaustion.
What was that about throwing up a little in your mouth? If I can’t bring someone to a full vomit, I consider it a day wasted.
“She’d have killed JFK through sexual exhaustion.”
Saint Jack didn’t go for fugly old windbags; he liked ’em young and slim and pretty and had a trainload of ’em apparently, despite being a junkie with a bad back. There’s a photo out there of the young Larry Klinton shaking hands with him, looking up adoringly, “I wanna be just like you, dad, I wanna be like you…”
“If I can’t bring someone to a full vomit, I consider it a day wasted.”
Mrs. OFD vomited into her hands on the plane ride from Chicago to San Antonio, in first-class no less. She’d had soup-and-salad at the United Club at O’Hare and then something else on the plane and then whammo! Said it was very embarrassing. I blame the damn greens and lettuce stuff she’s always gobbling, told her that chit is bad for ya, doesn’t get washed thoroughly, etc. at these restaurants and salad bars. I also blame Global Climate Warming Change and the Twelve Years of Reagan-Bush, natch.
In 1963 Hillary Rodham was 16 (assuming that she hasn’t lied about her date of birth, as she’s lied about everything else). Don’t know about JFK, but that would be just about the target age of some members of the Kennedy family.
You were doing it wrong. The trick is to walk like you’re scared but trying not to show it, or like you’re lost and trying to get out of the area without being noticed. Then you have the right to kill the freelance income redistributors who will inevitably approach you.
Heh. Different time, I was walking down the street with two of my friends at about 0200 in a bad area of Pittsburgh, when a black punk with a knife jumped out and told us to give it up. All three of us drew our .45 Autos, one of us spun around to cover our backs, and the black guy took off running just as the other friend and I lined up to double-tap him. We didn’t shoot because he had his back to us and was running away, but I often thought we should have shot him anyway and saved someone else from getting mugged.
“In 1963 Hillary Rodham was 16 (assuming that she hasn’t lied about her date of birth, as she’s lied about everything else).”
OK, so she wasn’t technically a frumpy fugly old hag then, just a frumpy fugly young cow, who by most accounts, was mos def NOT that interested in boyz anyway, so the chances of her and Saint Jack doin’ the horizontal bop would be slim to none.
“The trick is to walk like you’re scared but trying not to show it, or like you’re lost and trying to get out of the area without being noticed.”
Good one, lol! Me, with the rimless bifocals and English prof tweed sport coat, bow tie, and hush puppies, carrying a briefcase…oh what frabjous joy!
“…but I often thought we should have shot him anyway and saved someone else from getting mugged.”
Better to think he saw the error of his ways and went on to become an upstanding citizen and patriot and served in the Marines somewhere and got a Silver Star and then came home and got married-with-chillunz and a PhD degree in Physics.
Cankles would pull a gangbang with the Kennedys to get the White House. Gross, I know.
Yes, likely.
That reasoning, actually, is the main reason I stopped killing muggers. I’d started out killing only those who posed a deadly threat to me; the other muggers I’d just bounce off a building or maybe break an arm. After a while I killed those who threatened deadly harm, such as your knife guy or if three guys were together. While they didn’t pose much threat to me, they’d just turn around and mug someone else who was less able to take care of himself. Or herself. Sometime later I found I’d lowered the “deadly harm” bar farther than I was comfortable with. Unlike the typical politician or preacher, I’m not so sure of my rectitude that I can blithely go along and do anything without qualm, comfortable in the certainty that I’d never do anything wrong.
That’s the major reason. The minor reason is that I have a child dependent on me. History suggests that muggers pose no real threat to me. Logic suggests that it just takes one moment of clumsiness or inattentiveness or plain bad luck, and my little girl would miss her daddy. (Unless she was playing Minecraft, in which case she probably wouldn’t even notice. Little brat.)
But can she build a 128 high tower? Or put a door in lava? (why would you WANT an door in lava I asked my young one…)
“Bernie is the biggest turd in the election punch bowl. His whole platform turned into a POS. I don’t understand why he still has supporters.”
Because some people feel sorry for the woman in this video. The hilarious line in the video is when she says, with a perfectly straight face, “somebody needs to be held accountable”.
“when they fold, it’s intentional, i.e., the plan all along.”
Of course it is. They meet over a glass of wine, and decide whose turn it is to be president. Seriously, in some form, I do believe that happens. Somebody forgot to tell Trump, which is the best (and possibly only) reason to vote for him.
I just read Tom Kratman’s “A State of Disobedience”. The author put it up as a Baen free book” in honor of the current election. He says it’s not his best book, and he’s right. But it’s not bad. If you forgive a bit of exaggeration, the President in the book could be Hillary.
I’d feed her kids. She can root, hog, or die. Don’t pop ’em out if you’re not even going to try to feed ’em.
Don’t know. In practice, probably not because we don’t let her spend that much time playing it. The problem is that she’ll sneakily play Minecraft when she’s supposed to be reading a story in Chinese or drilling arithmetic or something, and then her mother will catch her, and then there’ll be yelling, and then her mother will take the iPad away, and then there will be more yelling. And that’s what I’ll come home to. -sigh-
I knew better than to watch that video. But I did, and now I’m all pissed off.
Hey, you wanna know a fun mental trick you can play? If you consider some group of primates to be subhuman, then killing them is not genocide.
I just dunno what we do about a person like that. Do we let them all starve to death? If possible I’d want to round up the various fathers and make them work and pay for the support but that’s undoubtedly a long lost cause. Clearly she doesn’t see that she has ANY responsibility for anything and someone else should take care of it all for her.
And let’s not assume that it’s only underclass peeps of color who think this way, though I doubt anyone here does; way too many middle-class white people operate like this, too. We can see examples of it around us every day even here in this village by the lake.
The State has made a vast dependent underclass of mostly black, Hispanic, Native American and white people, very few Asians, it seems. What happens when the money runs out? As it will.
Minecraft is pretty amazing. I’ve never played it myself, but both of my kids did in their early teens. The one created worlds and played adventure games. The other constructed digital displays and implemented addition, subtraction and multiplication circuits (using redstone, if that rings a bell). Both learned a hell of a lot, ranging from simple patience for large projects to (obviously) digital logic.
In short: Minecraft is an incredibly open and easy to use toolkit. I think it is fair to say that Minecraft has made a positive contribution to the self-education of a generation. Notch deserves his millions.
Pitifully, and deeply distressing to me, we did not have such as Minecraft in my ancient youth; I had to make do with games of checkers and Risk, from which I learned craftiness, patience and a certain amount of cheating. Then, according to my parents, I always had my “nose in a damn book.” It was a miserable and deprived life, perhaps even a depraved life at times, if truth be told, but I seek reparations. The suffering was immense and I feel it should be worth a few million to have lost out on what might have changed my life for the better.
The under 10 set loves minecraft. They talk about it to each other all the time. I’ve never looked at it.
WRT the video, well, she’s expressing how she really feels. She’s been taught that she’s not responsible or accountable, and she internalized it. As far as making the fathers pay, 10 of the kids have the same father (which shows an uncharacteristic faithfulness on her part), and there’s no way he can afford 10 kids. When making Norplant available to welfare recipients at no cost was suggested, the usual group of grievance mongers and race baiting reverends called it ‘genocide.’
Margret Sanger hasn’t been able to do enough, despite the 22MILLION babies so far, and when someone points it out, no one believes it.
“‘The whole idea was to exterminate blacks’: NFL star says Planned Parenthood was created by racist woman who wanted to kill African Americans
NFL star says ‘whole idea’ of Planned Parenthood is to ‘exterminate blacks’
Benjamin Watson made the remarks in an interview with a pro-life group
He justified the comment by suggesting Margaret Sanger was racist
Sanger founded what would become Planned Parenthood in October 1916
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3727617/NFL-player-Benjamin-Watson-says-Planned-Parenthood-created-exterminate-blacks.html”
Note the rebuttal is some unattributed quotes. Her quotes are available if anyone cares…
In Olympic news, you might have missed this
“Gold Medal Shooter Looking To Make History In Rio Blows Holes In California’s Gun Laws
In a little dose of irony,America’s first gold medal of the Rio Olympics came from a shooting event. Turns out that Southerners “clinging to their guns” is good for something. Ginny Thrasher, NCAA champion shooter for the West Virginia Mountaineers and a Virginia native, won gold in the 10-meter air rifle event Saturday morning. ”
The linked article is focused on an upcoming shooter and not the one who already won gold. Bob Costas in his medal roundup last night, completely failed to mention where we won our only gold, but DID mention the sports for all the other 4 medals.
Duplicitous fukeers.
Eugenics was big back in them days; and it wasn’t just blacks that they wanted to thin out, but also “mental defectives” and the “less than human.” Also Native Americans and poor whites. So it wasn’t exclusively rayciss. Not a big leap for the Nazis in the 1930s, then. Or the Imperial Japanese.
“Bob Costas in his medal roundup last night, completely failed to mention where we won our only gold, but DID mention the sports for all the other 4 medals.”
Naturally. Fuck him.
I like to stir the shit and cause hard feelings (I know, unbelievable, right?) by pointing out the intellectual and moral failings of those opposed to eugenics. What is wrong with you, that you don’t want to improve the species? Do you think we’re perfect the way we are? Don’t you want your great-grandchildren to have every advantage possible? This usually leads to a “but, but, yes, but” response.
I’ve also pointed out that Communists and progressives in general believe in improving mankind, and evidence suggests that they do so by mass killings of those they deem unworthy. Eugenics, in a word. This argument hasn’t gotten much traction, probably because it assumes a degree of historical knowledge which has been pretty well stomped out by the progressive public school system.
“…probably because it assumes a degree of historical knowledge which has been pretty well stomped out by the progressive public school system.”
We’re probably the last generation-and-a-half that still has it. And even then it’s pretty random. What’s funny, though, is that when the progs started “interrogating” historical and literary texts in order to excoriate mostly dead white males and their works, i.e., almost everything that’s worth a shit in the modern world, they thus opened the door for some of the rest of us to interrogate even more historical and literary texts and NOT to their advantage.
So we discover, that yes, huge surprise, some of the Founders owned SLAVES, and that Hitler was a bad man. But looky here, it seems that Stalin and Mao made him look like a piker, an amateur, and BLACK people also owned slaves and served in the Confederate army.
It’s all wide open now; thanks, progs!
Cankles was first and foremost a big tease in high school (BTW, she had cankles back then). She was constantly working angles to get her way or an advantage. She did put out on a regular basis (one, two, and three-ways) and was known to work her wiles with teachers, just enough to be able to “blackmail” them, but not so far as to cause a serious/official “sex with a minor” investigation.
As I have said before, she had one persona at home and when with mommy and daddy. But her real life was that of a free willing, free love, fully inhaling, hairy pits, rose colored granny glasses (the style later worn by John Lennon), hippie.
Oh man what a hottie!
However did you control yerself, Mr. DadCooks???
I’d’ve been all over that. Of course, depending on how old she was in that picture, I was somewhere between not born yet and a toddler, so my judgment shouldn’t be trusted.
Though it would have been funnier if I was an infant, saw her, and started screaming and flailing at the hideous monster.
“However did you control yerself, Mr. DadCooks???”
Easy, I was the boy toy of the cheerleading captain, rough job but somebody had to do it.
“…depending on how old she was in that picture…”
Since @OFD found that picture he may know, but I would venture about 1968, probably when she was at college. Note her stumpy fingers and wrinkly hands, not very stimulating
You think she looks 21-ish there? I’d have thought younger. Though my calibration may have been thrown off by all of the “real 18 year old virgins” headlines above the pictures of 30-ish women.
Did y’all see the pics recently of peeps having to help her up a flight of stairs? She ain’t long for the rodeo, is my estimation. Overweight, way outta shape, decades of alcohol and drug abuse, who knows what for “sexual” encounters with who knows what partners, dating back to high skool, according to our Official HRC Historian, the former boy toy for the cheerleaders, what a rotten job! Bastard! They wouldn’t pee on me if I was on fire back then.
Yep, saw it. Commented on it, tangentially.
“… former boy toy for the cheerleaders…”
Our sports teams were not very good, but our Musical Department was. So the cheerleaders chose to go with the “winners”. Bus trips were quite fun :big grin:
BTW, we could “letter” in Marching Band because of the skill required for our half-time shows. I know that will make you jocks out there cringe, but we really had to work for that letter whereas the athletic jocks just had to survive a Varsity season.
Hah, I lettered in wrestling entirely on byes. I did my part for the team and filled spots we’d otherwise have forfeited. Never won a match. Got my ass kicked.
“…whereas the athletic jocks just had to survive a Varsity season.”
A lot of us, yes, more than you’d think. Sucks running around with sore ribs and waiting to get hammered again by some giant fat slob running at full speed. And the gear we had back then is nothing like what they use now for protection. Track was fun, though; even though it was a team, a lot of the events were obviously individual events, like the high jump, pole vault, shot put, etc. I ran the 440, 600 and 880 and did the high jump just before and during the initial introduction of the Fosbury Flop. The cross bars were friggin’ steel in them days, and it hurt to hit it going up, hurt to hit it coming down and hurt when it bounced and came down on us after the jump. I could hit a little over six feet usually but that’s nothing now. I also liked the long jump; that was a blast.
“Commented on it, tangentially.”
I hadn’t noticed that guy with the injector pen before. Cool. So she gets a jolt every time she wigs out, is a known drunk, a fucking psychopath, and we want her within six feet of the atomic football or whatever they use now and dealing with slick operators like Prince Vlad, who so far has been playing our top leaders for the utter fools they are.
Why can’t one of them suit guys be escorting her by himself up some flight of stairs somewhere with no one else around and just give her a good shove? A lot of us would cheerfully kick in for his luxurious retirement, I reckon.