Sunday, 12 June 2016

By on June 12th, 2016 in personal

09:24 – House cleaning, laundry, and other routine chores today. This afternoon, we’re filling bottles and doing other kit stuff.

97 Comments and discussion on "Sunday, 12 June 2016"

  1. DadCooks says:

    There is no room in the USofA for any mooslems, or any other refugees for that matter.

    This scumbag was on the radar yet nothing was done. Must have been one of Obuttwad’s “dreamers”.

    Once again it is the foreign press that is telling the truth.

  2. Al says:

    The elites believe that diversity is more important than anything else. If a few peons die because their policies have allowed our enemies to invade the country what do they care. They can still go to their cocktail parties and brag about how progressive and forward thinking they are while feeling that they are much better than the riff-raff that inhabits their country.

  3. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Yeah, things’d change fast if that bastard had shot up a DNC fundraiser.

  4. SteveF says:

    This “possible domestic terror attack” is at the top of dot com. Clicking the links under this heading gave me two sites (CNN and some other) which did not mention the shooter’s name and one (NPR) which tentatively gave the name of the shooter but didn’t mention religion, extremism, or immigration status. (Also one, Fox, which wouldn’t let me in because I use TOR Browser Bundle as my browser.)

    The DailyMail article was not linked from the Google news page. Odd, that.

  5. OFD says:

    Not to worry; they’ll come and take my guns away and that will fix everything and this sort of thing will never happen again.

    Now watch them tip-toe all around, over and under the fact that this was yet another musloid piece of subhuman shit terrorist.

    Tricky, though; he walked in and blasted Hispanics and homosexuals. What to do, what to do…??? (a protected and adored species killed peeps from two other protected and adored species)

    Watch for all the flags at half-mast again tomorrow; we do that now for anyone who dies, anywhere, for any reason. Thus trivializing all the people we did that for before, i.e., political figures, soldiers, et. al.

    “We gotta get these guns off the street!” “There are too many guns out there!” Blah, blah, blah. And of course: “My thoughts are with the victims, blah, blah, blah.”

    Hey, how about shutting down immigration here totally, throwing out all the fucking musloid scum, and making armed carry, with training, MANDATORY. With bounties on the heads of terrorists and those politicians and bureaucrats who continue to betray us and put us and our families in mortal danger.

  6. DadCooks says:

    “The DailyMail article was not linked from the Google news page. Odd, that.”

    Not so odd, just SOP for the drones.

    Drudge ( is a usually a place where you will find the real news. However, I find that even he is starting to be a little less open. Drudge is not linking to articles that Michael Savage ( brings up, he may have a sissy looking dog but don’t hold that against him, the dog has heart.

    Maybe we need a little Borg action (“You will be assimilated.”).

  7. OFD says:

    And from the Various Comments Department:

    “Can’t wait to see liberal heads explode trying to deal with one protected minority (Muslims) killing off another of their protected minorities (gays).
    Oh, wait…that’s right. It was the guns fault….”

    I see the musloid murderer, but I repeat myself, was a registered Democrat, too.

  8. DadCooks says:

    Death toll in Orlando now 50+, without having to use his explosive vest, only an AR and a handgun. This guy was not just a random shooter.

    The MSM and Obuttwad/Cankles are going to have a field day using this to take our guns and ammo (BTW, CA is about to lose theirs thanks to Governor Moonbeam).

  9. MrAtoz says:

    Father blaming his son’s “homophobia” for the murders. Right. Not his religion.

    Commenters blaming Trump, Bush, NRA, WHITEY! etc. Fully automatic weapons. Where do these people come from? How stupid can they be?

    Ofukstik will probably increase Syrian Moosloid Scum immigration just in case Trump gets the election. Gotta finish destroying the county on Ofukstik’s watch.

  10. Miles_Teg says:

    OFD wrote:

    “I see the musloid murderer, but I repeat myself, was a registered Democrat, too.”

    Maybe he thought the gay nightclub was holding a Trump fundraiser.

  11. OFD says:

    “Gotta finish destroying the county on Ofukstik’s watch.”

    He’s doing his damndest in his last year, of course, as expected, but their plan is to have Field Marshal Rodham continue the destruction for her eight years. Unless the actual rulers’ plan has changed or will change to put Trumpster in the WH, hard to say at present.

    Oh, and the shooter’s weapon was, of course, an “AR15 assault rifle.”

  12. MrAtoz says:

    “AR15 assault rifle.”

    Which are fully automatic machine guns capable of firing 50,000 round a second from a 1,000,000 round “clip”.

  13. MrAtoz says:

    The “Pig”.

    How appropriate for my above post.

  14. MrAtoz says:

    An article from the Washington Free Beacon on how Google skews searches on Cankles vs Bing:

    “Crime” and “indictment” are not the only terms Google is keeping hidden from searches of Hillary Clinton, a Washington Free Beacon analysis finds.

  15. OFD says:

    “How appropriate for my above post.”

    The foreground guy in the first pic is carrying my Pig with the ammo; the second guy back is carrying more of my ammo plus that nifty M79 grenade launcher, breaks down like a shotgun, one round at a time. You see the black officer firing one at the VC out on the wire in “Apocalypse Now.” OFD rarely wore a helmet, though; only when officers were in the area or any chickenshit lifer maggot NCOs.

    “… how Google skews searches on Cankles vs Bing:”

    They’re totally in the bag for her, as are FaceCrack and the rest of the social and mainstream media. Genuine progs are still pissed about Sanders and the pro agitprop specialists among them may try to foment some violence at the Dem convention, though how they plan to circumvent the Soviet-style security is an interesting question.

    Between Brin, Page, Zuckerberg, Soros, et. al., and their billions, they hope to counter Trumpster’s billions and get her into the WH, where she’ll have putative control over the armed forces and police and then we’ll see what she does with them. She’s a bloodthirsty, nasty psychopath, and very likely gonna be pushing, with neocon (former Trotskyites) support, World War IV. And at the same time she and her minions will be cracking down on “dissent” and “national security” problems here at home and each pushback from the latter will in turn generate more repression and then we’ll be in a very familiar escalating cycle of events leading eventually to our third “war of the cousins” after the first two in the last century, and the three before that.

    Wars of the Cousins, Series One: English Civil War, our War of Independence, and the War Between the States.

    Series Two: The Great War, and the Good War. Coming up: ???

  16. brad says:

    I suppose you’d have to be in the situation, or have experience, to know how you would react. What strikes me about the Orlando case is that he apparently shot more than 100 people. Yet if 3 or 4 guys had rushed him, they’d have been able to take him down. In all those people, was there no small group that could think that way?

    Interestingly, the Wikipedia article has been up for hours.

  17. OFD says:

    “In all those people, was there no small group that could think that way?”

    They were there to have FUN. No idea ever entered their heads that they might have to scramble. In fact, several have mentioned that they heard the shots, understood what was going on, and STILL just stood there, doing nothing. Same deal with accounts of the Paris rock concert audience from the front man for the “Eagles of Death Metal;” several interviews with him on the Tube. He saw people just standing there, frozen, unable to move, and then they were mowed down. One girl was blasted right next to him and he caught shrapnel from her in his face. In a couple of the interviews, this rough-looking rock guy breaks down and cries. And he has been pretty much pro-gun and pro-cop/soldier since; refers to the French responders as the bravest people he’s ever seen in his life.

    Just one guy or gal of sufficient gumption and strength could have knocked that son of a bitch down in Orlando, at least for long enough so that three or four others could pitch in; how many lives and bodies saved then?? But massive panic kicks in, and peeps freeze, they run, they hide under furniture, etc.

    Again, avoid cities, avoid crowds. Period. We’ll see more of this kinda chit as more swarms of musloid scum arrive to join the hordes of them already here, thanks to our beloved dear leaders and a mass populace that pays zero attention and doesn’t give a shit.

    Until the Hurt really kicks in good and hard.

  18. nick says:

    “Despite owning a handgun, she said, the then-21-year-old ‘seemed like a normal human being’ at first.”

    Little things like that opening phrase….

    They’re laying the ground work every day, every opportunity, never forget.


  19. OFD says:

    Much of it is embedded, deliberately, in our language. We need to turn that around, and a good place for noobs to start is the late George Orwell’s essay “Politics and the English Language,” written DECADES ago and still hugely relevant.

    “The 21-year-old owned a handgun, but that was not what was most memorable about him; rather than “normal,” he was ate up by musloid fundamentalism, spent inordinate amounts of time on radical hadji web sites and beat the hell out of his wife for such horrible crimes as not finishing the laundry when he wanted it.”

    Another memorable thing about him is that he had the same dead psycho eyes as the allegedly late Mohammed Atta; as Ann Barnhardt says, these people are already in Hell and utterly consumed with hate.

  20. OFD says:

    And here’s Dear Leader waxing collectivist and phony-caring per usual:

    “President Barack Obama called the shooting an “act of terror” and an “act of hate” targeting a place of “solidarity and empowerment” for gays and lesbians. He urged Americans to decide whether this is the kind of “country we want to be.””

    No, asshole, this is not the kind of country we want to be; how about keeping out your fucking musloid buddies and sending away the ones already here? How about some fucking “solidarity and empowerment” for regular American citizens who’ve been here and actually care about the country? Instead of relentlessly fucking us over.

    And the Maoist online rag Salon’s story repeated the phrase “assault rifle” at least three or four times, and quoted someone at the scene calling it an “automatic rifle.” Now you know they MUST know by now what the actual nomenclature is, yet they keep doing it anyway and calling magazines “clips.”

    This is not a “religion of peace;” it is a political pseudo-military cult of slavery, rape, torture and death straight from Hell and it’s been like that since the beginning and everywhere it’s taken hold. A lot of people in the West need to wake the fuck up and like yesterday.

  21. OFD says:

    From the There Lies Madness Department:

    Communists (still, amazingly), musloid scum, and rampant insanity.

  22. MrAtoz says:

    Ofukstik: “no definitive reason for shooting…” ISIS throws Gays off buildings, kills LBGTXYZ, but “no definitive reason…”

    Medias Matters: “NRA said mean things about “Cait” and LBGTXYZ…” Therefore shooting is NRA’s fault.

    Keep the narrative up, fuggheads. Your time is coming.

  23. Dave says:

    Yet if 3 or 4 guys had rushed him, they’d have been able to take him down.

    Considering the venue, I think 3 or 4 of the gals rushing him would be a better strategy. Oops, is that a microagression?

  24. MrAtoz says:

    Oops, is that a microagression?

    Yes, h8tr! 50 lashes with a wet noodle. A thorough cleansing of Cankles and Huma’s pungent nether regions.

  25. SteveF says:

    Good ol’ Nancy Pelosi weighed in: it’s a tragedy that this happened during LGBT Month. Not a word about it happening during Ramadan.

    (“Good ol'” probably isn’t accurate. “Heinous old” is better.)

  26. MrAtoz says:

    Every libturd LBGTXYZ is on social media calling for more gun laws. Nada on the imprisonment, execution and murder of LBGTXYZ in every Mooslim country in the World. Beyonce et al are probably lining up big concerts for families of rich “kings” in Mooslim countries. Cause $$$$$$$$$$$$$!

  27. Ray Thompson says:

    Just one guy or gal of sufficient gumption and strength could have knocked that son of a bitch down in Orlando

    They were a bunch of gays, limp wrists everyone of them. Probably hands in each other’s panties. Not a spine in any of them.

  28. OFD says:

    One of the pics from the scene had some young woman with blood running down her legs and what is she doing? Screwing around with her cell phone, taking a selfie? Taking another vic’s picture?

    And let’s face it; the only reason Dear Leader came right out and called it as terrorism and hate was because of the target and victims. During previous incidents he danced all around it saying everything but.

    One thing we all need to remember: when the musloids, in the form of ISIL, or A-Q, or Hamas or whatever, say they’re gonna do something and say why they’re doing it, they’re being straight up. Better to take them at their word. (unless they’re in dissembling-to-the-infidel-mode, of course). But if they say they’re gonna hit Florida next or they’re gonna whack some Murkans somewhere, best believe it, sooner or later.

    Avoid cities.

    Avoid crowds.

  29. nick says:

    So, did anyone else notice the interview with the ex wife? They met online, in a week she came here to be married, then divorced. I guess she got her green card, no?


  30. nick says:

    And, I need tech advice. Anyone know why my buffalo LinkStation NAS raid won’t stay up more than about 15 minutes? It will immediately turn back on with the power switch. Caps look ok. Psu is external wall wart.

    Drives run thru a whole “drive check”. It will shut down right in the middle of a song though, so it’s not some idle thing. I have the latest (old) firmware installed.

    My google fu just isn’t up to it today.

    And if it isn’t saveable, anyone know if my raid 5 disks can just be installed in another controller?


  31. ech says:

    They met online, in a week she came here to be married, then divorced. I guess she got her green card, no?

    I got the impression that she was from the US. She talked about her parents coming down and rescuing her.

  32. MrAtoz says:

    And if it isn’t saveable, anyone know if my raid 5 disks can just be installed in another controller?

    I use Drobo Raid boxes (non-NAS) and that won’t work. They have their proprietary raid by default and disks are prepared for that. I think you can change to a standard raid, but I don’t know if the disks are reformatted. If the Drobo dies, you can get it repaired/replaced and I believe the data is preserved. I should probably check on that before I’m in the same situation.

  33. nick says:

    Huh, I thought I read that she was foreign. Can’t find it now in the article, and there are some other minor changes to the article too. I guess it was just internet love at first sight.


  34. OFD says:

    OFD ain’t the only nimrod who’s seen this.

    “The left has been chipping away at our culture for the past one hundred years. Little by little they have infiltrated our institutions and changed the very nature of what it means to be an American. When Barack Obama said we were five days away from fundamentally transforming America, he meant he was here to put the final touches on a process of social change that has turned America from a nation of rugged individualism to one where people beg the government to provide them safety. This is evident by observing what is taking places in our colleges and how Americans are now offended by everything. The kids now begging for safe spaces are our future policy makers, politicians, police officers and soldiers. After a lifetime of anti-gun indoctrination it is unlikely that their positions will change. We can petition our government and stage protests all we want. As long as the left controls education we will lose the country.”

    As for firearms, that genie is long since outta the Murkan bottle. And not only can they not round ’em all up, we’re gonna be rolling our own, not so dependent anymore on S&W, Remington, Ruger, Colt, et. al. It’s also long been possible to make our powder and cast our own bullets.

  35. SteveF says:

    proprietary raid

    There’s your mistake right there.

  36. DadCooks says:

    “we will lose the country”

    It’s already lost. And those that don’t realize it are fooling themselves. To take it back will not be a pretty sight. This is not the time to be passive. Tolerance is not to be tolerated, neither is “diversity” or “fairness”.

  37. OFD says:

    “There’s your mistake right there.”

    And yet another argument for being able to control our own property, whether computers, software, firearms, etc. I am coming to even hate the word now. You buy a machine, you buy the software, you own it. Use it, root it, mod it, destroy it, whatever.

  38. MrAtoz says:

    If you can’t stick your raid disks in another box like Mr. Nick wants, and save your info, what difference, at this time, does it make?* Drobo hasn’t failed me in 5 years running constantly. Had to replace on disk, which was rebuilt overnight. No porn lost.

    *Cankles reference. She provides my IT. Huma is my co-pilot.

  39. OFD says:

    “It’s already lost. And those that don’t realize it are fooling themselves. To take it back will not be a pretty sight.”

    No it won’t; but we gotta start somewhere. Reclaiming the language is a good start. They’ve had their run with it for a hundred years now and done major damage; our turn.

  40. OFD says:

    “No porn lost.”

    Thank goodness! It’d be a horror trying to replace or recreate all those pics and vids of Huma being your co-pilot, you lucky dawg, you!

  41. nick says:

    Lots of people online with the same issue I’m having, but no definitive answer.

    Right now I’m going with “marginal power supply” even thought it tests at voltage, perhaps the amps drop off. Four drives suck some juice.

    It is old. At least 8 years. It had this problem, and has been getting worse for some time. In the beginning it looked like a known software issue, and would go for a long time between shut downs. It’s pretty consistent at ~15 minutes though.

    With good drives, and no drive problems, I think it’s reasonable to expect the f’ing box to keep running.


  42. Dave says:

    I know that our host has said nice things about the Ruger AR-556. I came across a youtube video that I cannot find now by someone who bought two of them and had to send one of them back. So my question is are there higher quality ARS that are still reasonably priced. Where reasonably priced means around $1000 or less?

  43. nick says:

    Smith and Wesson M&P AR15 is usually about $700 and is nicely equipped.

    $600! (My buddy’s store)


  44. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    The plural of anecdote is not data.

  45. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    The Ruger SR-556 is also a good choice, but costs more.

  46. Dave says:

    And, I need tech advice. Anyone know why my buffalo LinkStation NAS raid won’t stay up more than about 15 minutes? It will immediately turn back on with the power switch. Caps look ok. Psu is external wall wart.

    Drives run thru a whole “drive check”. It will shut down right in the middle of a song though, so it’s not some idle thing. I have the latest (old) firmware installed.

    My google fu just isn’t up to it today.

    And if it isn’t saveable, anyone know if my raid 5 disks can just be installed in another controller?

    If you haven’t already tried, I would try unplugging and reseating all the connectors. I’d be the absent minded professor if I had a PhD, so I’d do it one connector at a time so that I don’t inadvertently switch data cables.

    As to swapping the drives, I wouldn’t try it. It might work with the same model drive enclosure, but I’d be wary of trying even that.

  47. DadCooks says:

    Michael Savage has a simple solution/mantra that sums up what is needed: “Borders, Language, Culture” Any real solution has to completely address those points. No compromises.

    Savage does have some extreme views that are open to debate, but his position on “Borders, Language, Culture” is solid IMHO.


  48. Dave says:

    Here is the Youtube video I was talking about.

  49. Rick H says:

    About the RAID drive: What @Dave said.

    Remember that one of Jerry Pournelle’s laws is that 90% of the time, the problem is a cable. Reseating may get rid of some gunk on the cables. And maybe some proper electronics spray cleaner (but be careful; some can melt plastic).

    Stabilant-22? , application note:

  50. nick says:

    Well, I took the whole thing apart. Pretty solid metal frame and only 2 cards, the brains, and a backplane for the drives. Dusted all the sockets, used Deoxit on the edge connector. Put it all back together and it has the same problem.

    So I tried a note I’d seen once before in a list of things to try, and saw again with a fresh set of search results. There is a setting for a hard stop on a raid error. I disabled that, and it’s been running for over an hour.

    I’m confident I can get good backups if it runs for an hour. I no longer trust it though. I really don’t want to spend hundreds on a new NAS box but I don’t see any alternative.

    Anyone wanna recommend a NAS that will run RAID5? I’ll probably want 3TB drives. Recommendations for which drive?


  51. lynn says:

    You might want to stay away from 3 TB drives, they seem problematic:

    BTW, you can get an 8 TB single external drive from WD:

  52. lynn says:

    BTW, I have three WD 4 TB internal greens running, two WD 4 TB internal blacks, four WD 4 TB externals, and three WD 6 TB externals running at the ofice. Various dates. No failures yet. The externals are swapped each week and backed up to once per week.

    I shall be archiving another WD 4 TB external on June 30 and replacing it with a new 6 TB external.

  53. Rick H says:


    If you are so inclined, you could set up your own RAID/NAS box with a Raspberry Pi. I’m sure someone has done it already, and has instructions. (Not me, just thinking out loud.)

    Heck, get a couple-three USB external drive (2-4-8TB), and a Pi that syncs them all as three separate backups. Get a fourth one, and use the 4th one to rotate off-site.

    Since it’s own it’s own Pi, energy costs should be minimal. Some tweaking involved to do that, but there are tons of sources for similar Pi projects. The basic parts (Pi, USB drives, powered USB hub, mini-keyboard, wifi adapter) can be had for about $90-110, as I recall from my Pi media server project. Don’t even need a monitor; you can run headless after the initial setup, using SSH to access.

  54. nick says:

    @rickH, interesting idea, but I’ve got projects stacked as high as the stacks of crap in my garage! I’ve gotta get something I can implement in a couple hours, tops, with minimal skull sweat.

    I could go with 2TB drives, and double what I’ve got. But I’m looking at the 4k video from my phone, and 2 young kids, and thinking too much won’t be enough…..


  55. OFD says:

    “So my question is are there higher quality ARS that are still reasonably priced. Where reasonably priced means around $1000 or less?”

    “Smith and Wesson M&P AR15 is usually about $700 and is nicely equipped.”

    I am very happy with mine as stock, straight from the box. I may swap out the trigger for one with significantly lighter pull but it’s not a priority. Put a good sling on it, learn the iron sights well, maybe spring for a decent optic and Bob’s yer uncle.

    “Remember that one of Jerry Pournelle’s laws is that 90% of the time, the problem is a cable.”

    One of OFD’s laws, too, after many years with pooters at home and at work; sometimes forgot it and then bingo, lo and behold, the damn cable.

    As for home IT projects and storage and NAS boxes and RAID configs, I have a host of them waiting for me in the forthcoming attic work space. I need to get through a bunch of other house and yard stuff and then get back to that in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully I’ll be able to manage a fair amount of kneeling, sitting, standing, etc. by then.

    Temps in the fotties every night here for the past week, not much warmer during the days, and overcast with rain shows, sprinkles and drizzle throughout. The weather liars claim that the sun will be back starting Tuesday and thereafter, and warming up again. It’s been more like late September or late March here.

  56. MrAtoz says:

    Mr. Nick, why not go to Frys and look at all the different raid boxes to get an idea and price them out?

  57. OFD says:

    From the Hard Questions Department:

    Will we follow the examples of the French, Germans and English? Or those of Hungary and Poland?

    Trick question, haha. We’re already following the former examples and will RUE THE DAY. As they are.

  58. OFD says:

    While recovering our language, we also need to recover our genuine history:

    “… a common benefactor who seems to have influenced the way these sites are presented to the public. According to billionaire David Rubenstein, a major donor to both organizations, our “founders’ homes are out of context without slave quarters.”

    Hey, if you pay the piper you get to call the tune, eh? You want it all lefty PC and you have the bucks, you, too, can rewrite history to suit your own ideology. And once again, no choice but to note the surname, since it or others seem to crop up quite a lot in these matters so as not to be any sort of coincidence.

  59. nick says:

    @MrAtoz, yep, visit to fry’s is in the near future. I actually have some work commitments this week, that cut significantly into my normal schedule 🙂

    FWIW, the only cable in the NAS is for the fan. Drives socket directly into a backplane, and that edge connects to the main (only) board. I’m a firm believer in Pournelle’s (other) Law, “It’s almost always the cable.” It stood me in good stead for a couple decades of troubleshooting various kinds of hardware.


  60. nick says:

    This from DiveMedic, the bold should scare the crap out of you.

    My son just contacted me. He and his girlfriend are both working, and are slammed with victims of the attack, as well as the normal influx of patients. For those familiar with triage:

    Triage center was in the parking lot of the Einstein’s Bagels.
    There was some confusion, as police were bypassing the triage center and taking patients directly to the trauma center two blocks away, rather than triaging them and following the mass casualty plan. This placed a strain on the trauma center, until EMS personnel could get a handle on the cops.

    Ballistic vests were issued to EMS and firefighters on the scene.

    20 red tags were sent to Orlando Regional Medical center (level one trauma center)
    2 Red tags to Florida Hospital Orlando
    Yellow and Green tags are going to Florida Hospital East
    Other trauma patients not related to the attack are being diverted to Osceola Regional, one of Central Florida’s two level two trauma centers
    The entire trauma system of central Florida is being tested with this mass casualty event. There are only three trauma centers in Central Florida. ORMC is the only level one, with Osceola Regional Medical Center in Kissimmee and Central Florida Regional Medical Center in Sanford as the two level 2 trauma centers. All three of them are currently slammed with patients.

    100 casualties. 200 would probably have people dying in parking lots.


  61. nick says:

    As the timeline becomes clearer, I want to know what was going on for the missing 4 hours.

    And what the hell made the holes in the concrete block walls?

    Given the timeline, this from Michael Bane:


    “2) You must have some trauma medical training, or at the very least be carrying a basic trauma kit that INCLUDES a tourniquet that you know how to use. There was a 3-hour lag time in the Orlando attack…THREE HOURS!…you can bleed out in 3 minutes. Once again, you must accept that no one is coming to save you, or the person next to you who is bleeding out. It is on you! ”

    I like his show, Best Defense. If it’s not on your local cable, watch it on his website. They run a bad day scenario, and then several alternatives from fight back to run away. It will get you thinking.


  62. OFD says:

    “100 casualties. 200 would probably have people dying in parking lots.”

    I tend to suspect that Gavin MacInnes is probably correct and that we’re being set up with incrementally serious attacks, so as to acclimate us, until the really big ones come. Now picture not just 100 or 200 casualties from one of these events but ten or a hundred times that number; any triage or med centers would be utterly overwhelmed in a matter of minutes and there would be significant die-off. No matter how many of us pack tourniquets and chest seals as EDC and have the training to use them. If I was the mastermind behind these subhuman scum, I’d keep jacking the severity of each event into November, when our big election is due, and then kick off a series of major simultaneous attacks across the country, from election day through Xmas. The gummint would have little choice at that point but to declare martial law and then the real fun would begin.

    Instructive materials abound in how much smaller forces can tie down a massive imperial one, i.e. Ireland and Northern Ireland and Malaysia in modern times, and going back to our own War of Independence with the militia companies in Maffachuffets and Francis Marion further south.

    Faced with this sort of major threat on a national level, I’d expect to see a lot of the current friction and factions disappear for a while, facing a common enemy. But the gummint is liable to screw this up badly, too. While musloids are blowing up shopping malls, the gummint will send SWAT out to grab my guns, make sure I’m totally defenseless, and that will solve all the problems.

  63. Chad says:

    Although I am totally stereotyping homosexuals as being primarily liberal, I guess not a single person in that night club was carrying and even if they were the night club rules probably insisted on no weapons inside. Can you imagine how differently this would have played out if that shooter had walked into a country bar in Texas?

    I love how the MSM is already making this a partisan thing and turning it into Republicans versus Democrats with the same old gun control arguments. Fact of the matter is that this was a terrorist attack on US soil.

  64. OFD says:

    “Fact of the matter is that this was a terrorist attack on US soil.”

    Which fact even Obola admitted straightaway. And I figure only because the two affected and protected groups were attacked by another such, and the first two trumped the third one. As someone else said, it must make the libturds’ heads explode trying to finesse this event. So they go directly to the guns as animate, sentient objects, apparently, and continue to mis-label them and get the nomenclatures wrong deliberately to fan the fear.

    Between the events in Paris and San Bernadino and now this one, it ought to be pretty fucking clear to us all by now that we are at war, and the war does not and should not involve drone attacks on wedding parties in Iraq or Afghanistan or running blitzkrieg tank warfare in the deserts over there.

    Note to generals and admirals: we’re in the year 2016, boyz and grrls, and it’s gonna be Fourth-Generation War; get used to it and deal with it, and quit wasting time bum-rushing homosexuals and women into combat roles and making cadets wear fucking high heels at their chow hall.

  65. brad says:

    Hi Nick: Sorry about the NAS problems. I’m waiting for the shoe to drop here, as well, because our NAS is getting old. That said, and it’s a sample of one, we have a QNAP that has been sitting in the closet, running quietly, for many years. I’d buy another one. Get one with 4 disks, and it does RAID-5.

    The other alternative: There are apparently a few brands now that support ZFS, if you’re interested in an alternative to RAID. ZFS is interesting, in that it is (supposed to be) better at detecting and correcting bit-rot. The potential downfall: it is potentially more sensitive to RAM errors, due to all of the checksum calculations, so ECC-RAM is a good idea. If you’re into a DIY-NAS, this guy has an interesting site about building his own.

    On the hard-drive front: avoid the “shingle” technology. Which limits you (I think) to 4TB drives. Unless you plan on lots of video, 4x4TB ought to be more than enough. Our 4x1TB isn’t more than a quarter full.

    Speaking of which, past time for the next off-site backup. I’ll go start that now…

  66. MrK says:

    My thoughts are with the victims and families because of this tragedy..
    How many more of these horrific acts are needed before people pull their heads out of the sand and realise what the hell is going on.

    I don’t often read Daniel Greenfield’s essays as they are too depressing. (well for me anyway). But his latest written on June 9th ends with the following paragraph..

    “We can inhibit the expansion of Islamic migration. Or it will wash over our societies and destroy them ”

    Take care everyone.

  67. Miles_Teg says:

    nick wrote:


    This website is for U.S. customers only.


  68. Dave says:

    Although I am totally stereotyping homosexuals as being primarily liberal, I guess not a single person in that night club was carrying and even if they were the night club rules probably insisted on no weapons inside. Can you imagine how differently this would have played out if that shooter had walked into a country bar in Texas?

    The problem isn’t night club policy, it’s Florida law that you can’t carry a gun in a bar. I think drinking and guns don’t mix, but I don’t think there’s a reason why people in a bar who aren’t drinking shouldn’t be allowed to carry.

  69. dkreck says:

    On the NAS I would go out and get a basic USB3/SATE/ETH1Gb box and two drives and get it transferred ASAP. Couple of hundred bucks maybe less. Later get the same again. Two separate devices offer much more security than one. Mirrored RAID is usually sufficient. Most non-business users don’t require 100% up time. Place them in two locations, even in the same building, and follow the three rules.

  70. nick says:

    @miles, does that mean you can’t even see it? WTF. Maybe they have regional agreements about pricing, but I don’t see any reason to block you. Try going in thru google….

    @brad, yep, while this one always had quirks, it’s run for 8 years. Good drives, and the quirks were down to the box firmware. I’m gonna look at 4×4 in raid 5. That’s a big capacity jump, and should hold me for a couple years. Still gonna be $5-600 bucks though.

    @chad, even with a CHL it’s illegal to carry into an establishment that makes 51% or more from alcohol sales. That rules out most bars and all liquor stores, even if you aren’t drinking. For all its reputation as wild west, TX has some pretty restrictive gun laws that are only changing recently. That said, yeah, there would be plenty of chances to shoot back.

    I’d like everyone to have the following ready during the upcoming putsch against the second amendment.

    “It’s time for some common sense gun laws” – How about a common sense approach to terrorism and islam, and stop importing more trouble? How about accepting that the cops won’t be there to save you for a LONG time? (Orlando, 3 hours, Houston, 1 1/2 hours.)

    “He was on a watch list and investigated by the FBI, but because the Republicans wouldn’t pass the bill, he could buy a gun.” – How about the ‘innocent until proven guilty in a court of law thing’? The Senate rightfully kept this important protection for EVERYONE in place. He was investigated and CLEARED. The fault is on the FBI, if anyone, and not the Senate.

    “It’s time for sensible gun laws.” – How about it’s time to face the reality that laws don’t prevent crime they only punish it AFTER it happens? And if the existing 50,000 gun laws don’t stop it, what makes you think another one will?

    “Why do you think you need a gun?” – Why do you think you DON”T?

    “you don’t need a gun at x” – Tell that to the San Bernadino, orlando, Oregon, Houston, NYC victims. Oh wait, you can’t because they’re dead. If we knew ahead of time where we NEEDED a gun, we could save the trouble and just not go there.

    “we’ve already got good guys with guns, they’re called cops” – Unless you’re a celebrity or politician, you aren’t gonna have a cop in your pocket, and the court has upheld that cops DO NOT have a duty to protect YOU or any individual. Average response time in good areas is over 3 minutes. This murdering terrorist shot most if not all of his victims in that first 3 minutes (subject to revision), so did the guy in OR.

    Please add to the list.


  71. DadCooks says:

    The event in Orlando may be the tipping point. Take a look at Drudge. Listen to the KSFO Morning Show, streaming on the Internet and free podcasts-catch yourself up.

    Calls into KSFO from people who sure spoke “black” well jumping all over Obuttwad and Cankles for deceiving the American people and selling us out to the mooslem scum. One guy even called for Obuttwad to resign, but Trump beat him too it.

    The scum is starting to rapidly rise to the top. The FBI and DHS are obviously really dirty in this. Obuttwad is the dirtiest.

    If this doesn’t start the revolution I don’t know what will. The Free Press and Free Talk must not falter now.

    Edit: Maybe not, the radical LGBTXYZ folks are talking about this being a hate crime by homophobes rather than a failure of the gooberment to do its job. There is no hope for the lefties. And also that the 2nd Amendment needs to go.

  72. Rolf Grunsky says:

    I had no trouble seeing the page from here (Toronto). I don’t know if I could actually buy it though. The magazine as shown would be illegal in Canada. I believe that clips are restricted to five rounds here. On the other hand, if you’re planning something illegal, I would think that such restrictions would be academic.

  73. nick says:

    “There is no hope for the lefties. And also that the 2nd Amendment needs to go.”

    This is an example of how successful the antis are.

    The more marginal the group, the more they need guns to defend themselves. Blacks, women, minority groups, all should be first in line to buy anything to equalize the forces arrayed against them.

    But they’re not. Instead of adding strength to themselves, they hope to remove strength from the other. They have been convinced that this is an effective strategy. yet all of history shows that almost no one voluntarily gives up strength or power (GWashington being the most famous example)

    It’s awesome for the rulers and the abusers I guess, but it’s sick and twisted.


  74. SteveF says:

    On the other hand, if you’re planning something illegal, I would think that such restrictions would be academic.

    Would you mind getting a metal stamp made with that, then going around and smacking politicians and other thought leaders* upside the head with it?

    * Yes, that was sarcasm.

  75. nick says:

    @rolf, I don’t know about intra-country sales but even to buy it outside TX, the delivery has to happen thru YOUR local federally licensed dealer, under your local laws. That it doesn’t is one of the lies the antis tell about internet gun sales and the “gun show loophole.”


  76. nick says:

    Once you’ve bought the death sentence for murder, what more can they do to you?


  77. nick says:

    These guys always have a selection of very cheap ARs on offer.

    As an example of cheaper, but possibly lower overall quality, than the ‘name’ manufacturers.


  78. OFD says:

    “I believe that clips are restricted to five rounds here.”

    Clips are the en bloc devices used for bolt-action rifles, mainly, like the M1 Garand. They’re different from magazines, which are what’s used in most modern semi-auto rifles and pistols.

    Mr. nick’s common-sense retorts to gun-grabbing asswipes are very good, but these people don’t listen or respond to reason anymore, if they ever did. When confronted with reason they typically blow it off and ignore it, or they start screaming and covering their ears. It’s rapidly coming to the point where the only way they’ll understand is via a butt-stroke to the side of the head.

    “…the radical LGBTXYZ folks are talking about this being a hate crime by homophobes rather than a failure of the gooberment to do its job. There is no hope for the lefties. And also that the 2nd Amendment needs to go.”

    In other words, the very narrative we all predicted; their heads explode at having to choose between three protected groups of grievance whores and pimps so they nimbly bypass all that and blame the guns, the NRA and us nasty cis-hetero fascist dog white males, clinging bitterly to our guns and our religion.

    Add to Mr. nick’s common-sense responses: Brussels and Paris, where gun laws are about as strict as human beings can make them, yet terrorist scum not only got hold of them, they got full-auto versions, plus grenades and explosives. Throw in links to Mr. Hughes’s Tube interviews; he was a stage-center eyewitness to the carnage at that Paris concert hall.

    And keep hammering on the obscenely delayed cop responses to the incidents in this country; three hours for the Orlando atrocity; that is just absolutely insane; how many people bled out, suffered and died during that time? But all the cops went home at the end of their shift, safe and sound. Heroes.

  79. MrAtoz says:

    I love it when libturds bring up the “living” Constitution. They use that to wrangle anything they want for the LBGTXYZ, minority, FSA communities.

    But when it comes the the 2A, “the Founders meant muskets because that is what was used at the time.”

    There is no end to this canard. How stupid are the citizens of the US to fall for this shit. The “muskets” are all over social media with that after Orlando.

    Speaking of Orland. Imagine if this had taken place in Disney World. There would probably be over 100 dead right now. Thankfully, “Mooslim scum are dumb” ™.

  80. OFD says:

    The best caper the libturd commies ran was during the Roe v. Wade stuff; they found a “right to privacy” in the “penumbra” of the Constitution. They just make chit up as they go along and it flies.

    But of course 2A was only meant for that time back then, with periwigged Founders prancing around with muskets who certainly didn’t mean for us to have fully automatic assault rifles, blah, blah, blah.

  81. Rolf Grunsky says:


    I stand (sit) corrected.

    It’s been about 55 years since I held (and fired) a functioning firearm. It was not a happy experience. I was at a boy’s boarding school and we were conscripted into the Cadet Corps. It was not voluntary. Of course part of the training was target shooting. With my customary attitude to authority, if I don’t want to do it then I will do it badly. After putting a few creases in the gym floor, they gave up on me. The rifles appeared to be Boer War vintage 22’s.

    In retrospective it’s a shame. Under other circumstances I think I would have enjoyed target shooting.

    They also kept bugging me to go for officer training. I made sure that I failed at that as well.

    Later on, when I was thinking about university I gave very brief consideration to applying to RMC. However I would have to serve for a minimum of three years after graduation. At the time Canada was involved with peace keeping operations in Cyprus which meant getting shot at from both sides. Didn’t sound like an attractive idea. I also thought that it would take less than three years for them to cashier me.

    I really, really, really hated being in the Cadet Corps.

  82. MrAtoz says:

    Ofukstik doubles down on Orlando:

    President Barack Obama said Monday that there’s no clear evidence that the shooter at an Orlando nightclub was directed to conduct his attack or part of a larger plot.

    The president declared instead in an Oval Office press availability that it appears the shooter was inspired by extremist information disseminated over the internet.

    And he suggested an anti-gay bias, not a terrorist influence, may be the primary reason for the weekend’s bloodshed in Orlando, Florida. 

    The president blamed ‘propaganda and perversions of Islam that you see generated on the Internet’ for the mindset that drove a sympathizer with the ISIS terror army to kill 49 people Saturday night, along with ‘the capacity of that to seep into the minds of troubled individuals or weak individuals.’ 

    ‘I don’t think we yet know the motivation’ of the shooter, the president said, despite a 911 call the mass-murderer placed before opening fire, in which he pledged his loyalty to ISIS.

    Can’t blame the Mooslims, so make shit up.

  83. nick says:

    Someone upthread asked “what if this happened at Disneyworld?”

    “Orlando Gunman Reportedly Scouted Disney World As Potential Target”

    Note that he was specifically looking at their open air shopping and nightclub area. That area has plenty of problems, mainly due to the local criminal scum seeing it as a honey hole of unaware tourists.

    Disney is EXTREMELY motivated to prevent anything like this happening there. I’ve written about it before. They have LOTS of non-obvious security and disaster planning in place.

    I still want to be able to draw and fire if some asshole starts yelling ‘aloha snackbar’ and I’m always looking for unattended bags and unusual behaviour while I’m there. Kinda takes away from that vacation feeling, but that’s what being the dad is about.


  84. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    As OFD has said repeatedly, the real solution is not to be there. Avoid large population centers and any large groups of people.

    What just happened in Florida could never happen in Sparta, and not just because there aren’t any gay bars. A pretty large percentage of people here carry, and even if they don’t have a gun on their persons, they probably have one in the gun racks of their pickups.

    Someone who started shooting up the place around here would almost certainly find himself facing serious return fire almost instantly.

  85. OFD says:

    “As OFD has said repeatedly, the real solution is not to be there. Avoid large population centers and any large groups of people.”

    I know, it must be tedious by now; sorry. But that’s the deal, pretty much. These wackos don’t gravitate to Sparta or Saint Albans Bay, and if they did, they’d be full of holes in record time.

    “Kinda takes away from that vacation feeling, but that’s what being the dad is about.”

    Screw ever going to Disney World or anyplace like it; the time for being able to do that safely was decades ago. No matter how much kidz holler for it. Being the dad is also about saying “NO” but I stand on shaky ground/thin ice here because I’ve had limited success with that for a couple of major reasons. And nevertheless, I’m still the asshole stepdad who said/says “NO.”

  86. nick says:

    It’s my intention to provide my kids with as much of my normal childhood as possible for as long as possible. I’ve written off europe, but not the US yet.

    I have eliminated ‘festivals’ and huge public celebrations and events, partly because of the current situation, partly because it’s like going to work for me. (used to manage them) Someone mentioned they were going to an old skool rap concert/event on Saturday. After he left the room, those of us remaining shook our heads and couldn’t believe anyone would take that risk.

    I guess we all have our own risk level, but I suggest fighting the urge to just hermit up as much as possible. It’s like the risk of hoarding–always present for the prepper.


  87. OFD says:

    Well, like I say, I’m on shaky ground/ice for even mentioning it; trying to recreate my own normal childhood for our kids would have been impossible anyway, but mom and grandma certainly did not stint on it for them.

    And case in point: birthday-girl Princess, age 24, got taken out for lunch last week and then a concert down in Burlap of Bela Fleck and the Flecktones. So right away a crowd, of course, and two other bands before them, we’re now talking four to five hours for this gig. Meanwhile the air is FILLED with pot smoke, clouds of it, and on top of that, some oil or diesel fuel stench from somewhere nearby. Wife left early and came home with nasty junk in her throat and nose anyway. And if some wack job with a gun had decided to light the place up, we woulda had a mess there, too, no one in that crowd likely being armed or trained or motivated to do anything but freeze or run.

    “…fighting the urge to just hermit up as much as possible.”

    Agreed, which is why I keep stressing meatspace activities and getting to know one’s neighbors and local AO communities and ‘hoods. And of course a couple of these incidents took place not in nightclubs or sports stadiums but in work places, where, again, people are defenseless and tend to freeze or hide under a desk.

  88. MrAtoz says:

    Screw ever going to Disney World or anyplace like it;

    MrsAtoz is off to Disney World with a bunch of the kids and grand kids in two weeks. I’m not even going to try to say “no” (I’m a pussy whipped quiche eating aviator who knows his place, like Mr. OFD). The Twins don’t want to go (been there 4-5 times already) nor I so we’ll be holding down the fort watching movies, Preacher, Last Ship, hopefully The Strain, and eating.

  89. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Reminds me of the line from Jericho when Jake Green and Johnston, his dad, are preparing to go out on a dangerous mission.

    Jake: “Did you ask mom?”

    Johnston: “Son, I’m 59 years old. I was mayor of this town since the Carter administration. I’m a retired U. S. Army Ranger and a combat veteran. Of course I asked your mother.”

  90. OFD says:

    Well, evidently moms and dads and kids are willing to take chances that this old fart is no longer willing to take. OTOH, if enemy troops are swanning down outta the skies or rolling into the ‘hood here in their low-riders, I got sumthin’ fo day ass. But to intentionally travel to places of large crowds/cities nowadays is not my bag. YMMV.

    “Of course I asked your mother.”

    Pretty funny, sort of. And of course it’s the same deal here and with my married male siblings; the fems just do whatever they want and go wherever they want. We’ll see how much longer that lasts.

  91. Nick Flandrey says:

    The trick is to only go where the crowds want the same thing you do, in this case a safe, family vacation with the kids.

    Not going where most of the fools are looking to drink and fight. Like bars and festivals.


    Dang old phone…

  92. ech says:

    Maybe not, the radical LGBTXYZ folks are talking about this being a hate crime by homophobes rather than a failure of the gooberment to do its job.

    Well, I know some LGBTQ folks, plus in the family. All are very, very aware that where Islam makes the rules, they die. In horrible ways. Now, the national “leaders” may be toeing the progressive line, but just as working class Democrats aren’t represented by Clinton,, the run of the mill LGBTQ folks just want to live their lives.

  93. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Yep, it’s always a mistake to conflate ordinary people of whatever stripe with the prog activists who claim to represent them.

  94. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    “The trick is to only go where the crowds want the same thing you do, in this case a safe, family vacation with the kids.”

    The 49 gays who were murdered in Florida were minding their own business with a group who wanted the same thing they did. And their murderer had considered Disney instead of the gay bar.

    In my estimation, you’re at much higher risk at Disneyland/world than you would be in a random gay bar. The fucking islamics are looking for impact, and they get that much more by slaughtering average people doing safe family things that anyone can identify with. Contrast that with a gay bar, which appeals to a much, much smaller part of the population. A lot of people probably thought to themselves, “Well, I’d never be in a gay bar.” so the threat is much farther from home. If it had happened at Disney, a sports stadium, or somewhere similar, probably ten times as many people would have been thinking that it might easily have been them and their families.

    Stay away from large groups of people, period. Disney is not a safe place.

  95. OFD says:


    We will see more of this sort of thing; it appears that the musloid terror attacks will be increasing in frequency and intensity and not just in Europe anymore. The bad actors don’t necessarily need any direction from cell commanders abroad; they’re all on the same page and it’s “understood,” much like the communists and the Left in general in the West. Whereas we on the other side are typically all split up into various factions and groups and how-many-angels-can-dance-on-the-head-of-a-pin belief systems, often at each others’ throats and “excommunicating” each other regularly. They all operate as a single organism, pretty much, using the same playbook.

    I understand the impulse to keep acting and behaving and traveling “normally” as both former President Bush and Southwest Airlines have encouraged us to do, i.e., “don’t let the bastards stop us buying and consuming.” But for me, common sense dictates that we avoid crowds and cities now, when at all possible. They are big fat targets for every wacko son-of-a-bitch with some kind of grievance or toxic/lethal beliefs.

  96. Nick Flandrey says:

    Keep in mind Disney had a lot more security than any night club. They get regular intelligence briefings and that assessment. They know the are a target, and take steps. Also he looked at Downtown Disney, which is a collection of nightclubs and stores with no perimeter or access control. Not a theme park. Already taken over by the 12%.

    The terror attack s happen wherever the terrorist is, and are now much harder to predict. I’m less worried about terror attacks than ordinary unrest.

    More later


  97. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Nick, I think you’re making a losing argument. The issue isn’t who the potential targets are or why they are where they are. Terrorists can choose any target they like, and places like theme parks and sports stadia are ideal for their purposes. What could be better for them than a bunch of disarmed holiday makers and their kids?

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