11:20 – We’re back to the usual stuff around here. Barbara cut my hair this morning. I was getting a little shaggy. She’s running some errands this morning while I do laundry. This afternoon we’ll work on kit stuff.
I’m debating how best to protect our garden against herbivorous predators. I was thinking last night about different types of fencing when I realized that a better solution overall might be landmines or perhaps sensor-activated claymores. In addition to protecting the vegetables, that would give us an ongoing source of deer and rabbit meat, albeit somewhat pre-shredded.
We’ve been rewatching Deadwood, which continues to set the standard for bad language. I read somewhere that over the entire three seasons Deadwood averaged just under one incidence of “fuck”, “cunt”, “cocksucker”, etc. every minute. I’m surprised it isn’t more than that. Once we finish Deadwood, we’ll at some point start re-watching Rome. That one has much less strong language but much better dresses.
“…landmines or perhaps sensor-activated claymores.”
Always a solution to be seriously considered. Just remember what it says on them claymores. And be sure to record the locations of the mines; they’re very nasty surprises.
“…Deadwood, which continues to set the standard for bad language.”
Indeed. I watched the entire series a couple of years ago and noticed that; kinda hard for me, as I had watched Ian McShane (born in the same town as my maternal grandfather) during the entire “Lovejoy” series. Since then he’s most done evil bastards, I guess; in “Lovejoy” he was just a lovable rogue.
Saw the whole “Rome” series, too, and “The Tudors.” Given that, I’d really rather read the books on those periods. Although I just got a Netflix email that they’ve done Season 3 of “Peaky Blinders,” so I will probably watch that, having seen the first two seasons and liking them.
Gorgeous day again here; back to grunt work in the yahd. The ‘hood has been alive with the sound of chainsaws, including mine, since the storm, which has disappeared totally from the local and regional news media. It was only up for a day and then gone, like it never happened. Meatspace again; the only significant impact was on us here in the village-on-the-bay. Which reminds me; I gotta print out the next month’s town meetings calendar so I can get back to attending them.
“World War III+”
“…at some point start re-watching Rome. That one has much less strong language but much better dresses.”
I hope they make a similar series about Sparta. The wimminz there had even better dresses – especially when they were in a religious parade…
“The Original Cat Lady”
The Brazos River may have just peaked at 53.5 ft, a new record high from the previous high of 50.3 ft. My office building is currently about eight to ten feet above Rabbs Bayou which has back flooded from the Brazos River. Just as I calculated when I bought the office property back in 2012.
I think that the levee by my home has another ten ft on it also. Very good as my home is eight ft lower than my office building.
BTW, we are suppose to get another 2 to 4 inches of rain tomorrow.
Cue the levee song:
Tejas is stealing all of Vegas’ aqua!
Tejas is stealing all of Vegas’ aqua!
Come and get it! Plenty of places to back a truck into the water and grab a load.
The Wolf of Wall Street uses the F word 569 times over the course of a 180 minute movie.
“…uses the F word 569 times over the course of a 180 minute movie.”
i.e., about every 20 seconds. No need for that. I grew up with it via the sports teams, mil-spec and cop stuff, etc., heavily male environments for most of my life and nobody used it that much.
We got the nooz today, oh boy….had wife’s Saab in the shop…needs new fuel pump/sensor, tie rod and ball joint, thanks to previous shop screwing it all up. And not counting us wanting to fix the dent, put in it by Princess, get the CD changer working again and replace the antenna. All that latter stuff happened while Princess had the car, too.
So this blows away other stuff she wanted to do on her studio with new windows, etc. And several other things, none of them prep-related, just standard routine maintenance stuff. But we need a second set of wheels here.
Meanwhile we’re paying for Princess’s flight to Ireland on July 4th and Grandma is paying for her living expenses while she spends the summer there, in the UK and Brittany. At her age I’d done four years active duty in four combat zones and was then working as a small-town cop down in MA. Breaking up biker brawls, responding to car wrecks and DUI offenses, B&E’s, and domestics.
I hope this all pays off somehow in the few-chuh.
uses the F word 569 times over the course of a 180 minute movie.
Well, it can be used as almost any part of speech.
I hope this all pays off somehow in the few-chuh.
Perhaps Princess will croon sweet lullabies and strum the harp while you drool on yourself and defecate in your Depends at age 90.
My father-in-law started wearing Depends at age 80 …
_The Borrowed World: A Novel of Post-Apocalyptic Collapse_ (Volume 1) by Franklin Horton
First in a series of three books about an apocalyptic collapse of the United States. I purchased the trade paperback version which was a very easy read for my old eyes. This is a POD (print on demand) printing.
Basically, the plot of the story is that ISIS sends 100 small teams of operatives to destroy valuable infrastructure in the USA such as refineries, electric grid auto-transformers, bridges, dams, and internet peering points in one night. Life in America immediately transforms for worse as the electrical grids and communication grids die and the various governmental agencies seize the remaining automobile and truck fuel. Food immediately becomes scarce as the stores are cleaned out and there is no fuel for the trucks to resupply them.
And if you were caught away from home when the night of terrorism happened, you are walking when you run out of fuel in your vehicle.
My rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Amazon rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars (502 reviews)
“Perhaps Princess will croon sweet lullabies and strum the harp while you drool on yourself and defecate in your Depends at age 90.”
Naw, she’d just be arguing with me about whatever because that’s what she likes to do best, on any subject. If you note the sun rises in the east, she’ll argue about that. If you say it’s raining (when it’s coming down in buckets) she’ll debate that, too.
In any case, I’m already drooling on myself but when I reach the stage of uncontrollable defecation I wanna be doing it out the side of an Apache chopper over Mordor.
Not that anyone below would notice the diff, I reckon.
“Basically, the plot of the story is that ISIS sends 100 small teams of operatives to destroy valuable infrastructure in the USA…”
Naw, they’ll just attack Mordor or NYC again. But of course it wouldn’t take even that many terrorists to do the job at just a half-dozen sites, enough to cripple the country and force the gummint to declare martial law.
“Basically, the plot of the story is that ISIS sends 100 small teams of operatives to destroy valuable infrastructure in the USA…”
Naw, they’ll just attack Mordor or NYC again. But of course it wouldn’t take even that many terrorists to do the job at just a half-dozen sites, enough to cripple the country and force the gummint to declare martial law.
The first six pages of the book are on the preview. The entire infrastructure trashing is almost in them. Read and see what you think …
I can guarantee you that ISIS, North Korea, and several other bad actors would do this in a New York minute if they figured out how to. The book has them spending a year in preparation.
I don’t disagree; merely note that it wouldn’t take a hundred teams of hadjis to do the gig. The nay-shun here basically lies with its legs spread wide open, and thankfully, I guess we are led to believe, the intel people routinely stop such attacks. But like the old IRA bastards told Thatcher after a failed assassination attempt: “We only have to be lucky once; you have to be lucky all the time.”
“Naw, she’d just be arguing with me about whatever because that’s what she likes to do best, on any subject.”
Quoting myself earlier; update:
Mrs. OFD got her a nice seat on a nice airplane leaving from Ottawa to Dublin on July 4th, costing us $400+ instead of the $2,200-2,700 it would have cost us to fly her from Burlington, VT or a couple of other cities. Wife will drive her to Ottawa, etc.
The response? “Oh I wanna leave from Boston!”
Which would involve a five-hour drive for wife instead of two hours; Boston traffic on July 4th; four times as much money; long-ass TSA lines as Princess does not have pre-check; AND, she doesn’t have a Murkan passport (she has a Kanadian one).
Wife told her: “Take it or leave it.”
As recently as several years ago she woulda caved. Again, my rotten pernicious influence continues to influence here…
But that’s how she is; no matter what you do for her or buy for her, she’ll bitch or want something else. I know this: I wanna live long enough to meet her future husband, firstly, because I pity the fool. Then I wanna live beyond that to see her raise at least one daughter. I’ll hang on as best I can for those events.
Wife told her: “Take it or leave it.”
In other words, Mrs OFD has more balls than her husband…
Even the Norks like Trump…
@miles, IIRC, princess is NOT OFD’s kid…..
Correct, which has made it harder over the twenty years to enforce anything with her, when mommy and grandma undermined it all the time. Now they see the light, somewhat, but kinda too late, eh wot?
Like my brother sez, “Nobody LISTENS to me!”
I know that, but OFD is still allowed to say no.
Not much point in saying “no” when mommy and grandma overrule it with “yes” for two decades. When it’s one on one with me and her, the “no” stands; but once given over to the other two, buh-bye “no.” She also won’t argue with me for very long because she sees it doesn’t work on me and I don’t fall into that trap anymore, and haven’t for years. So why bother talking to me at all when she wants something; she just goes directly to mommy or grandma, most of the time.
Seven more months of college and then that’s it. She’s on her own. And so Mommy says. We’ll see.
You can *still* say no. If the fembots overrule you you can say that at least you tried. Always good to be able to win the postmortem.
That, Miles_Teg, sounds like a firm and definitive assertion from a man who’s never been married.
Okay twice (or more) married Mr SteveF, do you ever say “no” to the wimminz in your life?
Like my brother sez, “Nobody LISTENS to me!”
Get an Amazon Echo, “Finally I am being listened to: got an Amazon Echo”:
You better have a damn good reason to say no and mean it….
“Happy wife, happy life.”
Most women are smart enough to avoid putting you in a position where you will have to say no and mean it, because there are only 2 ways to back that up, with fists or a divorce lawyer. (not that I’m advocating hitting women, but force of muscle or force of law)
“Happy wife, happy life” is bullshit.
‘Course if you got one of those, you’re fucked.