12:50 – Kit sales are starting to ramp up a bit, so we’re building science-kit subassemblies all this week. Barbara binned and bagged a bunch of chemistry kit small-parts bags this morning. She’s down in the lab area now binning/bagging chemistry kit regulated chemicals bags. Next up will be chemistry kit non-regulated chemicals bags, followed by regulated and non-regulated chemicals bags and small-parts bags for biology and forensics kits. For some of those, we’ll need to fill chemical bottles first, and sometimes make up the chemicals before we have them to fill bottles with.
I also have more of the never-ending administrative tasks to do, most of which are of course government-mandated paperwork. Oh, how I wish that government at all levels would simply disappear.
“The Religion of Peace”
Jihad Report
Last 30 Days
Attacks 147
Killed 1165
Injured 3221
Suicide Blasts 36
Countries 25
Scott Adams says that Islam is a virus and might be curable:
My YTD sales are up 16% over last year. But my over 90 day A/R is growing rapidly. Both in and outside the USA. The bureaucracy to get paid by Greece customers is getting more and more difficult by the year, and I am just talking about the USA IRS (form 8802).
“The Sobering Truth About Houston Texas Employment Numbers”
And stop investing in just your company stock!
“”I just didn’t see it coming,” said John Thompson, 57, who was laid off in February from Oklahoma City-based SandRidge Energy. SandRidge shares, which peaked above $65 in 2008, are now worth 10 cents apiece. “Because of this, I’m not retiring any time soon.””
WRT the statistics provided by @Lynn’s link totally justify that it is time to drop a nuke on the next Hajj.
The mooosloids here should be lined up and given a choice, rat out the 98% who are jihades and go live in an “nice” internment camp until such time as they are re-educated or be dropped without a parachute into a volcano. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know the MSM wants you to believe that only 2% of the mooosloids are bad apples but the truth is just the opposite otherwise the “good ones” would already be turning in the lower than pond scum.
Happy Monday
It seems to me that Muslims denouncing the terrorists are the ones practicing radical Islam. The people blowing themselves up and killing the infidel are following the true religion because they’re just doing what the Koran tells them to.
Two quick points:
1.) Islam is not a religion, let alone peaceful, and those who claim it is one or the other or both are either lying or ahistorically ignorant saps and dunces. And SJW types. But I repeat myself. It is a mass criminal cult, largely focused on theft, rape, slavery and death, as anyone could easily see by its many centuries-long history and current events. I dunno what it takes to get it through so many peoples’ heads.
2.) Yes, a smaller percentage are jihadi thugs, and we grow tired of hearing that, because their long-established M.O. is to stay quiet and keep a low profile and go along with whatever regime is in power in a country or region, and when their numbers start creeping up they become more aggressive and hostile. Once they’ve achieved the tipping point for political purposes, they’ll start pushing hard for sharia, etc., and once in power…well, the evidence, historical and contemporary, speaks for itself.
Trying to run this by our daughter the other day was nearly hopeless; why is that, you ask? Because she saw a video of some poor Sikh guy somewhere who got beat up by white trash scum who mistook him for the stereotypical hadji. It was heartstring-tugging to see him crying, a grown man. Totally stupid, as the Sikhs have long been British and American allies and are good people for the most part and have zero to do with any hadji bullshit. From that, our daughter extrapolates that poor set-upon and peaceful muslims are being violently attacked in droves here in North Murka and it is shameful and terrible and awful. Period. Don’t bother bringing up that last-30-days list posted earlier because in typical SJW fashion, she’ll just blow it off.
Light rain and wind here and overcast. Wife broke a molar and is out getting something for the pain. I’m on household chores and errands, per usual.
The Current Situation–Special Snowflake Edition:
OFD recommends beatings all round, followed by a mandatory re-education course featuring the highlights and lowlights of Marine Corps boot camp. The evenings will be spent absorbing OFD’s recommended reading list, for starters.
I’ve heard that boot camp is now snowflake-compatible. IIRC, DIs aren’t even allowed to raise their voices at recruits any more, let alone swear, let alone use physical discipline. Millions of Marines are probably spinning in their graves at turbine speed.
Plus mandatory sensitivity sessions ’cause females are now allowed in combat roles. How long before physical/all standards are lowered?
In 85 they were not allowed to touch us except in cases of immediate physical danger. Imagine a dropped grenade or someone losing it on the rifle range. I never understood it, but managed to survive.
More than a few recruits met doors, bed frames, socks, etc. from fellow recruits when they didn’t live up to the drills’ high standards. Physical contact was not required.
No lowering of standards. Please. There’s a reason the job calls for an 18-24 year old man, and lowering the standards for any reason cheapens all who have gone before.
Females in combat – phooie. Women are too valuable to allow them to put themselves in harms way. And putting the object of lust in front of that 18-24 year old young man is a great way to turn his attention away from doing his job & staying alive.
My son and his fellow Marines used the old sock full of nickels in boot camp. He said that the message got across loud and clear.
His platoon had to throw a live grenade over the wall at a washing machine. All was going great until his fellow boot bounced his grenade off the wall and back into the throwing pit. My son immediately jumped over the back wall, his DI waited until the last man was out.
I have a lot of respect for Marine Corps DI’s. Their job is to teach and keep recruits alive. Those two goals are not necessarily in sync.
Here’s OFD’s Actual Recommendation:
Do. Not. Sign. Up.
That’s right. Do not fucking enlist.
I repeat that up here to no avail, of course; crickets at the vets group meeting (who think, God forbid, that advocating such a thing somehow invalidates their own service) and three cousins or in-laws who’ve signed up and done multiple deployments in Afghanistan, Iraq, South Korea, etc. Guess what they’re like when they come back?
Yeah. They look and sound and act an AWFUL lot like OFD and his fellow SEA vets did over forty years ago. So now they can suffer through the rest of their lives, too, and also impact FAMILY MEMBERS and friends, yea, unto the generations.
For WHAT???
The Japanese and Germans are now our best buds. And our former Russian allies are the enemy. The Vietnamese are our pals, now, too; isn’t that nice. Forty years from now the Russians will be our buddies and the musloid enemies will have taken over in many areas anyway, because we can’t seem to get it straight who our friends are and who the enemies are. But we’re willing to send our kids overseas to these shitholes to find out.
Stop enlisting for a regime that doesn’t give a blind rat’s syphilitic ass for you or your family. And once you’re no longer carrying a rifle for the fuckers, they’ll care even less.
When Revolutionary Guard or NORK paratroopers are swarming down from the skies above Franklin County, VT, I’ll be the first fummamucker out the door with a rifle. Until then, piss off.
Do. Not. Sign. Up.
Have you ever been able to get an 18 to 25 year to do something? Or, not do something?
They are going to do what they want to do and, God bless them.
“Have you ever been able to get an 18 to 25 year to do something? Or, not do something?”
Good point. I’m a prime example, of course. But I say my little piece and hope to God they might listen to an old bugger who’s been through the shit more than once. I’m also eminently available if they wanna talk to me throughout and after they come back.
There was a time that I would recommend to anyone that they consider a military career particular the Navy Submarine Service as one of the Nuke rates, Electricians Mate, Electronics Technician, or Machinists Mate. Two big events changed my opinion, the reforms that Reagan instituted slowly eroded when he left and the death of Hyman Rickover, the father of Navy Nuclear Power. Rickover was one mean SOB and there was no compromise in His Navy. I had the privilege of having Rickover on my boot (the LA, SSN 688) for many “cruises” as the 688 Class was his crowning achievement and he loved her. Rickover showed more respect to us enlisted than the officers. I am sure Rickover is flipping in his grave as when he passed the politicos totally neutered all the follow-on classes that he conceived.
This could become a long story so I’ll spare you all and stop. But our current military, its equipment, and its preparedness level are at a level NEVER before seen in the history of Our Republic. We are in very big trouble.
There is only one solution and I am with OFD on that one.
I agree with Mr. DadCooks on his note above, and particularly on his admiration for the late Admiral Rickover; my dad was WWII Coast Guard in the north Atlantic against der unterseebooten like the ones, sort of, that DadCooks was on, only they were Kreigsmarine, i.e., Nazis. And my maternal grandpa was U.S. Navy in North Afrika for three years. One of my two uncles was also U.S. Navy on the destroyer U.S.S. Beale, off the coast of Vietnam, a gunner’s mate, who got the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, etc. My parents thought the world of Rickover and had books about him at home; they might have been bummed that I didn’t go in the Navy, as we have certainly been a sea-faring family going back many centuries.
But smartyplants OFD at 17 knew everything there was to know and signed up for Uncle Sam’s Air Force, thinking of high-tech opportunities, G.I. Bill, and assignments in Europe. But the joke was on young OFD, haha.
My dad was a Marine. Lied about his age (wink wink) and joined when he was 16. I now have a couple of pictures of him from a few years after then and he was 5’11” and /maybe/ 140 pounds. Damn, I looked just like him when I was that age. Maybe that’s why he seemed to hate me? Anyway, off to the Pacific and good times on Mount Suribachi helping to raise the flag. Then Korea. Some time doing whatever, recruiting, on Kennedy’s Honor Guard, more recruiting, and we all ended up in Hawaii.
I still have the shirt…. for real. Yeah, I was 6 when we moved to Oceanside. And dad went to ‘Nam. No fucking idea who came back from there but it wasn’t my daddy. Looked like him but mean mean mean. As soon beat me with a belt as look at me.
I can say with authority that a belt buckle in the nuts when one is 11 makes ’em swell up to the size of a softball.
He was fucked up from ‘Nam. Never hit mom. Not much hitting on the sisters, mostly me. I moved out to the dorms for college and other than a christmas break, never stayed in that house again. Moved to Austin, went back to Edinburg to visit maybe 6 times over 30 years.
Anyway, dad said do not join the Marines. Don’t join the Army, that’s cannon fodder. Navy is good. Airforce is best. Ok. Highschool had everyone take the ASVAB (?) test and I scored 95, one other kid that lived in the shop classes scored 96.
So I had an 84 year old lady make a left turn in from of me and I swerved but my Yamaha hit and I flew to land in the gutter with a cracked helmet and a broken leg. Bike is laying there and still running…. Broke the bone where the thigh bone narrows to go into the socket. I could feel everything but couldn’t move anything on that leg, no even a toe wiggle. One 15 inch long scar and 4 nails holding it all together and I can walk.
So. Addled by the wreck. College ain’t working anymore. Got a bar-tending job and really, it’s fun but not a career. Tried to enlist. AF was “try the Navy”. Navy said “try the Army”. So much for that plan.
And I, with a 3 speed bicycle from JC Penny decided to move to Austin. So I did. And the rest is history or whatever….
It’s too late we are doomed:
“And dad went to ‘Nam. No fucking idea who came back from there but it wasn’t my daddy. Looked like him but mean mean mean.”
I’m very sorry about your dad coming back messed up and having that impact you, especially; we call it Secondary PTSD, ’cause you got a dose of it like it’s contagious. ‘Nam and environs was a different kinda war than Korea and WWII and it sucked pretty badly for several major reasons which most peeps here know already. Not making excuses, but guys seemed to come back messed up more often and in new and different ways, and back to a country that didn’t give a rat’s ass, mostly, other than immediate family. Several guys in my group had dads who’d been in the various wars and they also came back messed up and not sparing the rod, so to speak, on the kids. And maybe the wife, too. I got slapped, punched, kicked and thrown into the wall a few times at home and ditto at the (public) schools I went to. Nobody thought twice about it back then and I probably had it coming a few times. Neither my brothers nor I have ever smacked our wives or kids, so there’s that.
Gotta say, Mr. Paul, that miserable and calamitous bone injury may have saved you from far worse, on several levels. Hope all is well down there in the great Lone Star State now.
“It’s too late we are doomed…”
The Empire is doomed; we are not. Break it up; it’s way too big, unwieldy, ungovernable and corrupt to a major fault. We obviously have major portions of the general pop in various regions who’d prefer to live with their own; let’s do it!
The Empire is doomed; we are not. Break it up; it’s way too big, unwieldy, ungovernable and corrupt to a major fault. We obviously have major portions of the general pop in various regions who’d prefer to live with their own; let’s do it!
If it were a clean breakup then I would say lets do it. Texas, OK, Arkansas, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona will break off to form The Energy States Union.
But, the break will not be clean. And a goodly amount of the current population will die in the battles and in the starvation times to follow. And Lord forbid somebody use nukes to try to get their way.
And now for something different. A couple of IR shots of my weiner dog:
Weiner 1
Weiner 2
So I had an 84 year old lady make a left turn in from of me and I swerved but my Yamaha hit and I flew to land in the gutter with a cracked helmet and a broken leg. Bike is laying there and still running…. Broke the bone where the thigh bone narrows to go into the socket. I could feel everything but couldn’t move anything on that leg, no even a toe wiggle. One 15 inch long scar and 4 nails holding it all together and I can walk.
Ah, 80% of motorcycle wrecks are caused by the winner, the car. I quit riding because of my vertigo. But all I ever hit was a telephone pole guy wire at 30 mph. You can still see the wire strands in my right arm scar. The scar across my chest faded many years ago. No broken bones though. I miss bike #3, a 1997 Honda Nighthawk 750, light and fast. Bike #4, a 2003 Honda Valkyrie 1500 was just too big and too hot.
I’ll bet you know when it is going to rain about a week in advance.
I had a 1979 Honda 750F, tuned to increase output. Zero to 60 in 2.8 seconds, at which point I had to shift from first to second gear. About 11 second quarters.
@MrAtoz, do your dogs get up on the couches themselves or do you have pet stairs?
I never never never – well, hardly ever – rode a motorcycle on the street, because of the oblivious (and occasionally malicious) car drivers. Riding off-road was fun, but I like bicycling off-road more.
Mr. Lynn,
Weiner and Cheehooahooah can get on the couches. I have a footstool by the bed for the weiner to jump up on. He sleeps with Mr&MrsAtoz.
Those aren’t dogs, they’re cat treats. No condiments necessary.
I’ve never driven a motorcycle and have had zero interest in doing so. I rode a bicycle well into adulthood and am looking into getting another one now, although I haven’t ridden since the 1980s, I guess. Probably a mountain bike for when SHTF and the Happy Motoring Days are more like the Mad Max future.
“If it were a clean breakup then I would say lets do it. Texas, OK, Arkansas, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona will break off to form The Energy States Union.”
MA, CT, RI, greater NYC w/Long Island, NJ, Delaware, eastern MD and Mordor will be the Democratic Socialist Republic.
Western/north-country NY, western PA, WV, western Maryland something else.
The Left Coast up to Humboldt County another socialist republic, with travel links to Portland and Seattle/Vancouver.
Your call on Nuevo Aztlan.
And the New Congo Republic.
California would be okay if we could get rid of the socialists. Afterall it’s the worlds 8th largest economy. Soon all our energy will be renewable, we’ll have a high speed train and the minimum wage will be $15.
If y’all got rid of the socialists in Kalifornia, the state would be a barren, empty wasteland…
…just kidding. I know full well that there are decent and normal human beings out there, just as there are in Maffachufetts and NJ. Ya gotta ID the bastids and make life untenable for them there; too many good folks have left, for Nevada, Idaho, TX, etc.
Here’s a plaintive cry from Europe:
Good thing it can’t happen here.
I missed the wiener dog races this spring. So much fun to watch the little guys running in the sand.
Mine’s the best of both worlds, half chihuahua, half wiener. (Not actually, but that is exactly what he looks like.)
I listened to about 3 whole minutes of NPR on how fabulous Bernie is today while I was driving. FREE STUFF!!!! MOAR FREE STUFF, WE LIKE FREE STUFF !!! ! !11 1 1
Had to turn it off.
Those cookbooks are a true resource, can’t wait to try some of the recipes.
So here’s something you might not have considered if you are going to hide off grid, and use solar PV…
QST magazine, the monthly ARRL mag has an article about finding and eliminating RFI (RF noise) from a whole house solar system so that the guy’s ham radio listening isn’t wiped out. Seems that the inverters used in PV solar systems are very noisy in the shortwave and HF bands. This guy spent a lot of money tracking down and mitigating the noise.
If you are using PV solar with an inverter, it’s entirely possible that you will be glowing like a beacon in HF, for any tech savvy marauders to find and kill. (grow lights are noisy too.)
I can’t link to the article, it’s in their members only area. Join ARRL, get the mag, it’s got lots of great radio articles, from beginner to advanced, projects, antenna theory and practice, and tons of good ads.
Just one more thing to consider…
you can try the link…
I’ve had a bike licence for nearly 40 years. Haven’t ridden one since 1985. I’m tempted on and off to get one but they’re trouble waiting to happen.
Former co-worker of my wife’s died a year ago, sitting at a light on his way home from work. The girl who hit him, ‘didn’t see him sitting there’ and took him out at speed. Left his little girls fatherless. The same accident with him in an Expedition or Tahoe, either wouldn’t have happened (saw the stopped car) or wouldn’t have resulted in his instant death.
So I let my M endorsement lapse some time ago. One flight thru the air, ending in pain and rehab and a limp, and one slide that went far better than I deserved, and I’ve used the first 2 of my three strikes.
I miss it on the occasional perfect day, and I think enduro style bikes would be perfect BOVs, if I had somewhere to go, but I’m not willing to take the additional risk.
Life’s a risk, but you don’t need to stack on extras.
I haven’t ridden since my first daughter was born. Not that I don’t want to, but I’m not going to risk anything more than I need to while they still need 2 parents. Bicycles are different, as I don’t have to pretend I’m a car & sit in the middle of the silly lane. I can get off the road when things are bad & not worry about killing anyone.
we’ll have a high speed train
From Barstow to Needles?
I haven’t ridden since my first daughter was born.
I haven’t ridden on the road since high school when I was run off the road by a couple of racers, one of which was occupying my lane. A trip into a ditch and the chest sliced open to the bone from the extremely sharp hay hooks I was carrying was enough for me.
Only good place to ride a motorcycle is in the high deserts of California where there are no cars and only jack rabbits to contend with. Always ride with a buddy or three in case of problems.
“QST magazine, the monthly ARRL mag has an article about finding and eliminating RFI (RF noise) from a whole house solar system so that the guy’s ham radio listening isn’t wiped out.”
It was a good article, unfortunately most of us don’t have easy access to spectrum or network analyzers to do the testing he did. There was also an article in the e-newsletter this week asking the FCC to do a better job on stopping unintentional radiators. Cheap ballasts were mentioned.
The SDR dongles can be used as a poor spectrum analyzer, so you could use that for troubleshooting. Maybe. The software processing means they are pretty slow and the noise floor isn’t very good on those so you can only check for strong spurious emissions. A directional antenna can help with chasing them down.
@clayton, if it’s like my LED striplights, it’s easy to confirm with a portable SW radio.
But yes, he did some extra stuff, for sure. Twisting wires, changing the loop topography, that just makes sense. Keeping it out of the mounting frames does too. Getting to the specific values for the ferrites may be beyond most of us, but looping thru ANY ferrite is gonna help. I bet he could have gotten most of it just by trial and error with one panel, one inverter, and one cable set. Simple loops in the cables might have worked too.
As a ham, I dread having one of these systems go in near me. I know I won’t be able to convince a neighbor to do anything about it.
Is there a difference between PWM and MPPT controllers? OTTOMH, I’d guess that the former is much noisier.
Have we reached peak narcissism?
“US mother spends $7,000 on a trip to France so she can marry HERSELF – in a romantic ceremony under the Eiffel Tower
Beautiful Existence, 42, from Seattle, went to Paris to marry herself”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3513571/US-mother-spends-7-000-trip-France-marry-romantic-ceremony-Eiffel-Tower.html
Fellas, this is what a ‘hot mess’ looks like. Stay away, far away.
@RBT, I don’t know, but anything that pulses into a wire is going to be radiating noise. It comes down to what did they do to minimize it? And the answer is probably “nothing.”
Get a few of these systems in a neighborhood, and you’ll crush SW and HF. Ditto for the cheap LEDs and even the expensive ones. The FCC regs don’t mean much to the importers.
we’ll have a high speed train
From Barstow to Needles?
No, new plan is from San Jose to an almond orchard outside of Bakersfield.
They playing around now to try and pretend it won’t cost $150,000,000,000.
Remember, the original bond was for $10B. Right now they are working on Madera to Fresno, about 30 miles. No trains, no stations, no electrification. Just some bridges and tracks.
Just the democrats handing money to unions.
Yesterday’s story was that the governor and labor leaders had reached agreement to raise the minimum wage to $15 by 2022. They are avoiding a ballot initiative for fear it would fail. No voice for the people.
More Californians gonna move to TX looking for work, when the rest of the businesses are forced out, oh joy.
OTOH, those who relocate from California to Texas are the kind of people you want in Texas. It’s self-selection at its best. Now if you could just get all the progs from your blue cities to move to California, everyone in Texas wins.
“Join ARRL, get the mag, it’s got lots of great radio articles, from beginner to advanced, projects, antenna theory and practice, and tons of good ads.”
“Life’s a risk, but you don’t need to stack on extras.”
“Just the democrats handing money to unions.”
Which can’t go on forever. These people are evil because they know what they’re doing and its consequences by now. While the Repubs on the alleged “other side” hand it out to corporations and the military.
“No voice for the people.”
Laugh of the day so far, thanks.
“OTOH, those who relocate from California to Texas are the kind of people you want in Texas. It’s self-selection at its best.”
Not in my experience. When we moved to WA State in 1979 the whole state was still pretty much conservative leaning, Seattle was even tolerable, but the exodus North out of Californication was already well in gear. We used to travel to Seattle about two times a month for the weekend. My Wife, who is from Vallejo CA, started to remark that something was becoming wrong with Seattle. After a couple of years she no longer wanted to go to Seattle because it was full of “them”. “They” have been bleeding over to the East side and Spokane is now lost. Our area is the last to be consumed by the Liberal Ebola Plague, we are not long for the world.
There are very few real people left in California. I type this as I am streaming the KSFO Morning Show from San Franfreako. The two hosts, Brian Sussman and Katie Green, are the only two conservatives left in San Farnfreako. I listen for the conservative banter and calls from other conservatives around the country. The traffic reports are gems with the broken F/BART system and all the crap that falls of cars and trucks (rear axle anyone). A great one is when a car load of illegals breaks down in the middle lane and they all abandon the car and go running down the Interstate.
Since we are all swirling down the toilet bowl we might as well enjoy the ride.
“Since we are all swirling down the toilet bowl we might as well enjoy the ride.”
There’s over 300 million of us here; there’s just gotta be a LOT of regular, normal citizens, but we pretty much only see and hear about the flakes, assholes and criminal scum, because that’s what’s on the media 7×24. Yes, there’s also the evidence of our own eyes and ears as we “move about the country.” It’s bad and getting worse, but we need to link up with like-minded folks in local meatspace as best we can. None of us is gonna make it alone.
Note also that a lot of the craziness happens in and around the CITIES. Avoid them.
Fellas, this is what a ‘hot mess’ looks like. Stay away, far away.
Hey, you can’t go wrong with a mohawk, can you? I wonder what she does down in her “nether” regions.
by the Liberal
EbolaObola PlagueFIFY!
Just the democrats handing money to unions.
I have been hearing about high speed rail in California for the last 20 years. Nothing has appeared. In fact a lot of money has disappeared. A logical choice would be LA to SF. But that would involve a lot of land. Plus every county and city along the route would demand a portion of the fare. That would make the tickets so expensive that it would almost be cheaper to fly or rent a limo.
And then you have the issues of the greenies. Cut down one Joshua tree and you would require a 10 environmental study. Add in all the people that are of “not in my back yard” variety, and any such high speed rail is doomed.
California is like a bowl of cereal. Remove fruits and nuts and all you have left are flakes.
I count the coastal areas and particularly the large cities in Washington and Oregon as part of California.
This reminds me of FSA folks in cities. Here’s what happens:
1. Liberal politicians get elected by promising Free Stuff
2. City & state go down the toilet due to liberal policies.
3. Folks move out because their city sucks.
4. Move to cities / states where things are good.
5. GoTo Step 1.
It poisoned Colorado. Seattle went south (according to Mr. DadCooks) the same way. My own township, which has enjoyed being in the black for all of recorded history has a bunch of SJWs moving in and trying to take over. We’re resisting so far, but there is only so much we can do. Fortunately, most of the residents see what has happened to other townships in the county that went that way, and aren’t buying it.
For now.
“those who relocate from California to Texas are the kind of people you want in Texas”
You would think so, but no… When I lived in Austin, too long ago, it was a nice Texan college town. Now that it’s been taken over by Californian refugees, they’ve brought their politics with them. As refugees do. It’s not their fault that all of those wonderful, touchy-feely ideas bankrupted their state. So they bring the same ideas, and want Texas to try them.
There ought to be an ideology test. For Texas, it would be really simple: If you want to immigrate, you have to own a gun or three, and take them to the range on a semi-regular basis. I reckon that would keep most progs a long, long ways away.
Not that Texas doesn’t have problems, but those are of a different sort. In particular, right-wing religious fruitcakes. They’re mostly harmless, but they do periodically try to stuff evolution or young-earth nonsense into schoolbooks.
“I count the coastal areas and particularly the large cities in Washington and Oregon as part of California.”
Ditto, of course.
Avoid cities and “built-out” coastal areas; they’ve been inundated by hordes of libturds, SJW’s, FSA scum, and they contain the major portion of the country’s population. They won’t last long in a real SHTF situation, but the process will be horrible.
“Now that it’s been taken over by Californian refugees, they’ve brought their politics with them. As refugees do. It’s not their fault that all of those wonderful, touchy-feely ideas bankrupted their state. So they bring the same ideas, and want Texas to try them.”
Same deal here in Vermont over the decades. Move in from Megalopolis and immediately set about replicating the SJW shit-holes they spawned from. We also got a swarm of lawyers up here in state gummint that couldn’t make it on their own anywhere else, usually libturd ass-hats. So we get periodic attacks on 2A and the usual enviro-bats stirring the pot every chance they get, and thanks to non-breeding population, consolidation of the publik skools. There are “right-wingers” and “conservatives” in the state, usually in rural areas and small towns, but they tend to be of the Fox Nooz and neocon variety; the “intellectuals” among them might read National Review or NRO. Very few genuine conservatives who know what’s going on and fewer still traditionalist Latin Rite Catholics.
““those who relocate from California to Texas are the kind of people you want in Texas”
You would think so, but no”
This ^^^in spades.
They aren’t moving for ideological reasons. Like the m-slime in Europe, or the latin variety here, they are looking to keep all their beliefs and practices, while earning money here. They are opportunists. They are willfully ignorant that their old home was sh!tty because of those beliefs and practices, and the people who used to LIVE there. It’s the people, not the magic dirt.
I agree whole-heartedly that our blue city progressives should be encouraged to move to somewhere more in line with their beliefs. Our former mayor can be first in line (she who DEMANDED that churches submit copies of their sermons, so they could be checked for badthink about LGBTQuiltbag nonsense.) Funny how quickly the lefties bring out the bans, boycotts, and ideological purity tests. Almost like the straw men they hold up as conservatives.
@MrAtoz, thanks for catching my error.
See @RBT, even @brad recognizes the useless hoards leaving Californication.
There was a reason that in the early days of this country there were requirements to own property and pass a test in order to vote, and you folks that think it was for discrimination think again. IMHO, voting is a privilege and you need to prove yourself competent. Further, those of us that have worn the uniform of the U.S. Armed Services should get 2 votes.
Looking at the last national election results by COUNTY instead of state will open your eyes. The country is a vast sea of red, with only the big city counties in blue. I wish someone would do the math and see if the population of the blue cities is enough to control elections. It would be nice to know there was no point at all (–no need for comment OFD–) due to MATH instead of cynicism…. If we’re not there yet, I expect we will be soon. And then you will really see some anger from the overwhelming and vast population outside those urban areas.
Further, those of us that have worn the uniform of the U.S. Armed Services should get 2 votes.
I’ll “second” that!
“Funny how quickly the lefties bring out the bans, boycotts, and ideological purity tests. Almost like the straw men they hold up as conservatives.”
This is known as “projection.” Ann Barnhardt had a nice summary of it at her site recently (warning: she’s my kinda right-wing Roman Catholic traditionalist; I love her to death). In other words, accuse your opponents of the very same shit you do.
As Mr. nick sez above, look at the county maps versus the urban ones.
“I’ll “second” that!”
Sorry, boys, I won’t “third” that. I saw too many lunkhead zeroes in the armed forces during my time unfit to tie their goddam boots let alone vote, and I can’t imagine that the situation has improved since then. Not to mention the outright evil sadistic bastards and stone killers. The uniform and/or mil-spec service does not by any means guarantee a warrior-hero who ought to be given special treatment back here. We’re not all heroes, in other words. Unlike the contemporary agitprop and mythology designed to suck in more kids. Stop signing up to kill and be killed for the Empire, boyz and grrls.
True, that. I wasn’t thinking straight.
It may be that the only solution is to start killing progs pretty much randomly. A few million dead progs might discourage the others.
As to allowing only those with military experience to vote, I don’t think so. The military is as infested with progs as any other group. Better simply to make anyone drawing a check from any level of government as an employee or entitlee ineligible to vote.
2012 Presidential electoral map by County:
Sorry, boys, I won’t “third” that.
As to allowing only those with military experience to vote, I don’t think so.
Double hater! Twenty years in says you are wrong.
RBT might need shock therapy to restore the normal functioning of his brain. Who’s got the mother-daughter nude pictures of Hillary and Chelsea?
“Double hater! Twenty years in says you are wrong.”
You or Mr. DadCooks are clearly eligible to vote; but can you honestly say that in twenty years that that’s true of everyone in the armed forces you met/knew?
In any case, even if they gave the citizenship test to the average Murkan citizen who IS eligible to vote, they’d fail it nowadays. And not even Coulter thinks women should be allowed to vote.
RBT is correct also about the numbers of SJW’s among the armed forces now, particularly, as might be imagined, among career officer and NCO types at the higher levels. This is true of most LE organizations now, too.
The fuckin’ commies beat us without firing a shot, mainly. And even though it took them nearly a century.
“Who’s got the mother-daughter nude pictures of Hillary and Chelsea?”
An acceptable substitute would be, say, National Geographic shots of sea lions and walruses basking in the noonday sun.
I think that in order to vote in the USA, you should have paid taxes. And not just sales taxes or fica taxes but income taxes.
You or Mr. DadCooks are clearly eligible to vote; but can you honestly say that in twenty years that that’s true of everyone in the armed forces you met/knew?
How hatefully exclusive of you, Sir! That’s like saying one priest was a pedophile, so all are!
The hate on the board is unbearable. I’m going to my safe space on vox.com to post.
vox.com highlights today:
“The 18 best TV shows airing right now”
“The 14 best comic books right now”
“Prime Minister Trudeau talks politics, fatherhood, and feminism with Vox”
“A researcher explains the sad truth: we know how to stop gun violence. But we don’t do it.”
“”No one told me I was going to be interviewed by a Muslim””
Just reading those filled me with megatons of hate immediately. Where’s MY safe space now?
A Poll tax.
You could always come to Vegas for some quality hookers and blow.
Who’s got the mother-daughter nude pictures of Hillary and Chelsea?
Yes, please.
An acceptable substitute would be, say, National Geographic shots of sea lions and walruses basking in the noonday sun.
Well, then never mind. You just put an image in my head that will be the subject of some nightmares. Not wearing the blue jammies tonight.
Hugo noms due, so if you joined last year to vote against the SJWs, time to nominate for this year.
you shouldhave received an email with a link…
“You could always come to Vegas for some quality hookers and blow.”
Thanks but I’d like to keep my “junk” and my nose.
“Not wearing the blue jammies tonight.”
Another bad image in our heads now, thanks.
“Hugo noms due, so if you joined last year to vote against the SJWs…”
Man, them fuckers is everywhere now, ain’t they. Even among SF fans. I knew there was a reason I gave it up half a century ago. And Real Life is so much more bizarre nowadays. But hey, anyone a fan of the late Thomas M. Disch? I like his “The M.D.” and “The Priest.” And his hate-filled screed concerning modern/contemporary poetry.
“Join ARRL, get the mag, it’s got lots of great radio articles, from beginner to advanced, projects, antenna theory and practice, and tons of good ads.”
Also “The Spectrum Monitor,” the current issue’s cover story is on man-made RF noise and the use of portable antennas.
I used to like “Popular Communications” and “Monitoring Times,” too, but they ceased publication three years ago, sadly, as did Grove Enterprises; I think Bob Grove mighta retired or sumthin.
Twit TV also has a “Ham Nation” show:
And more stuff here:
Wife and I used to watch “The Screensavers” with Leo LaPorte and his crew years ago and they’re mostly still around with “The New Screensavers,” operating out of a studio in lovely Petaluma, CA. They’ve had some interesting guests over the years, including Emmanuel Goldstein (2600), Woz, some infamous hackers, and industry people. Fun to watch in an otherwise bleak landscape of shitty news and horror stories from around the world nowadays.
And you guys wonder why I’m an anarchist. And I wonder why all of you guys aren’t. What we’re constantly complaining about isn’t a case of government-gone-wrong; it’s what happens any time you allow a government to exist, period.
Yet another reason why anyone who supports any restrictions whatsoever on private ownership of any type of weapon is on my better-dead list.
R U the only anarchist here, Bob?
We could go down the theory and history sinkholes..
…has there ever been any region or area of the world where anarchy was in place and stayed successful as such?
How do we organize defense/security? Somebody has to be, and ends up being, the top dawgs, if only by reason of expertise, experience and skillz.
How do we pay for that, and who collects the funds and at what level of “authorized” force?
Least-government-necessary crowd. The Framers got it right, I think, except they didn’t sufficiently restrict the “General Welfare” clause.
Not an anarchist. It’s been tried before and generally ends up the same way a pure democracy does – a reign of terror.
I still think the republic can be saved, but it’s far from a sure thing.
Watch ViceNews feature on Liberia for an example of a world WROL. Watch the part where the ex-“general” laughingly recounts how he got a restaurant shut down for selling human flesh. Note that it was because HE RECOGNIZED THE TASTE.
Civilization, literally living in cities, happens BECAUSE of the rule of law. Living in compounds and tribal villages is what you get without government and ROL. Without the concentration of people and resources, and the ability to choose where to specialize and concentrate your working effort, you don’t get progress and innovation. You get 10000 years of mud huts and starvation. You get warlords and compounds.
the founding fathers recognized the need, but also the need to minimize it as much as possible. Where we’ve gone wrong is by abandoning that ideal, and by no longer shaping individuals who were capable of self-government (on a personal or political level.)
“didn’t sufficiently restrict the “General Welfare” clause.”
They didn’t see the need as they recognized that anything that restricted liberty did NOT advance the general welfare. It’s only when you stop the liberty test that you get the problems with the application of the next phrase, the general welfare.
It’s never been tried. The closest was Ireland from about 500CE to maybe 900 CE. Fictionally, see Heinlein’s The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.
“simply to make anyone drawing a check from any level of government as an employee or entitlee ineligible to vote”
That would make a lot of sense. Anyone who draws a net positive amount from the government – whether as salary, welfare, or whatever – cannot vote. Perhaps government employees would feel more like…employees: other people would be deciding (indirectly) over their salaries. And the moar-free-stuff crowd would be unable to vote for cash from other people’s wallets.
Had a great political discussion with the elder son today. He comes at this stuff from a very different angle that I do, much more socially oriented. Even so, he objects to moar-free-stuff, to immigration without some conditions, etc.. Where we don’t agree, we still have a good discussion. We aren’t quite past the father-son dynamic, maybe we will never be, but it’s getting close to being just two adults solving all the world’s problems. A pleasure…
“It’s never been tried. The closest was”…
That’s the argument the commies always trot out. “If we could really do xyz, you’d see that it would work.”
Since men are not angels, ain’t gonna work.
I tend to think the main problem in this country, which has been true for a very long time, is that the mass of the people and the culture is incapable of sustaining a moral republic of laws. In other words, we could bring back the original Articles of Confederation tomorrow or install whatever other kind of federal republic more or less in line with what the Founders had in mind, and it would still fail, because of the people we have nowadays.
It might work in smaller doses, say a 5,000 pop. town in a rural or semi-rural area, or even that size pop in part of a city, if they’re left alone. But certainly not in the gigantic rotting Leviathan empire we have in Anno Domini MMXVI.
“Since men are not angels, ain’t gonna work.”
That’s pretty much the case, which the Founders recognized, of course. We’re only about 10% angels and saints, 80% average schmucks, and 10% bad angels, i.e., evil homo sapiens sapiens and demons from Hell. In an anarchy, the devils would quickly devour the rest. And they do a dahn good job as it is with any government we set up.
Seriously, watch this video if you think it would work.
Anarchy won’t work, but government does?
Govt works for values of works. Most people here are free to pursue their own goals. Some are not equipped to do so, or are afraid to do so. Most people are free from serious crime. Most live a life that would have made Kings weep with envy and jealousy only a couple of hundred years ago.
That is certainly not true of other places.
And within limits we would find unacceptable, people in other places do just fine, in the majority.
you may argue that they do so despite the govt, not because of it, but the govt provides the framework for a society that allows it. That framework is changing and evolving over time, and it may not be true here in the future, but for the past couple of decades it worked.
I can leave my home without leaving armed retainers behind, and be reasonably certain it will be there, unmolested, when I return.
I can eat in restaurants without fearing poisoning from food produced entirely by strangers, transported and prepared by strangers.
I can send my children to be schooled by and with strangers, and have a reasonable expectation that they will be safe there, will not be kidnapped or exploited, and will learn things (maybe not what I would have taught them given time.)
This is because of the structures put in place and enforced by government.
The government gave us satellites and a space program, the internet, roads and clean water. Private industry took those things and ran with them, contributed to them, but those big communal activities don’t happen without government.
[stepping away from keybrd, have to get groceries and the kids from school]
We’re only about 10% angels and saints, 80% average schmucks, and 10% bad angels, i.e., evil homo sapiens sapiens and demons from Hell
According to the “Lucifer” tv show, Lucifer Morningstar has left Hell and is living in Los Angeles running a bar called Lux. Along with his right hand demon Maze (Mazikeen) who cut his wings off for him. Lucifer complains about “Dad” a lot. A lot.
The government gave us satellites and a space program, the internet, roads and clean water. Private industry took those things and ran with them, contributed to them, but those big communal activities don’t happen without government.
Commonly called infrastructure. BTW, the “government” may collect funds, specify, select a contractor, and pay the contractor(s) to build the infrastructure. But, rarely does the government build infrastructure directly. Almost always indirectly.
I doubt that we would have much infrastructure in the USA without the “government” driving it. Some things just work better performed collectively.
I make no secret of my wish to see the Murkan Empire break up, and the sooner the better. I’d also be interested in seeing if there is any part or region of the country that could/would try anarchy for a while and get it to work for them. Ditto libertarian, or whatever anywhere else the local population wants. What would be funny to watch, of course, is that the heavily populated coasts and mega-cities would opt for some form of democratic socialism, no doubt, and then sink right down the same rat-holes all the others have over the last hundred years. And some cities would go for basic warlord tribalism, which could also be amusing.
For northern rural Nova Anglia and north-country New York, I’d be pushing for the old Town Meeting or Norse “Thing” form of small gummint, with heavy reliance on traditional English common law. But we’d have to either co-opt or kick out the swarms of SJWs, Progs, and lawyers PDQ, of course.
And then face a host of issues regarding agriculture and power generation and self-defense and security.
“Lucifer complains about “Dad” a lot. A lot.”
The Devil is not some tee-vee wasteland-generated happy-go-lucky bar owner telling jokes and being the savoir-faire man-about-town, le boulevardier, etc. And complaining about “Dad” will get him nowhere fast. Oh wait–he’s already Nowhere. He is primarily in the business of effing us up and stealing our souls, which is not very comical or entertaining.
An interesting theological question, however, is: When Judgement Day arrives, will an all-merciful and loving God have mercy on Lucifer, finally?
Exercise: What if every government entity not explicitly defined in the Constitution expired after 25 years? Then had to be re-approved. Or something wherein the bloat that follows Pournelle’s Law gets trimmed.
DoD? DOE (Energy, not education). DoEd? DoT? Is NASA doing something we want to keep doing as a country?
How much of the government we have would survive a vote of confidence? (Assuming we repealed the 17th amendment and the Senate voted on behalf of the states.)
Mercy: Yes. God finds it necessary to do things in his public persona that he finds personally distasteful. He made the rules, and he lives by them, for to do otherwise is to invite chaos.
An area of anarchy attracts “strong men”. Men who cast their eye over the lush green fields and desire it for themselves. They will kill half of the current inhabitants and enslave the rest.
Some minimal sort of governance is necessary, especially a common defense. A small standing army is needful that has the infrastructure setup to enlarge itself rapidly in times of invasion.
Also, there is a need for a common infrastructure for roads, water, sewer, phone, electricity, internet, etc.
Some models for this might be Switzerland, Lithuania, Estonia, ???
Exercise: What if every government entity not explicitly defined in the Constitution expired after 25 years? Then had to be re-approved. Or something wherein the bloat that follows Pournelle’s Law gets trimmed.
The Great State of Texas has the Sunset Law. All agencies in Texas must be reauthorized by the state legislature every 12 or so years. State Universities and Courts are exempt.
“Some models for this might be Switzerland, Lithuania, Estonia, ???”
Sure, but they’re tiny countries, about, what, the size of Vermont? Never work for an overblown rotting empire like this one.
We have Town Meeting here, a Selectboard, and a “town manager.” Plus the usual planning, development and cop oversight committees (the latter a rubber stamp for the local chief, pretty much). Mostly volunteers. OFD is watching and listening and I may sign up for something or other this year. Gotta also get more involved with the range/gun club people and hurry up with the ham licenses so I can also hook up with their monthly meetings and projects in the area. Meatspace.
“Some models for this might be Switzerland, Lithuania, Estonia, ???”
Sure, but they’re tiny countries, about, what, the size of Vermont? Never work for an overblown rotting empire like this one.
Yeah, I know. And they are very homogeneous which is an additional advantage (birds of a feather). Switzerland is the biggest at eight million. That might mean that the USA needs to be split up into 40 to 100 country-states in order to be functional. Good luck with that. Knowing my fellow citizens, there will be one to five ongoing wars with adjoining country-states at any given moment.
I’ve been busy today so I haven’t had a chance to bring this up WRT Cankles:
I tend to believe this article. Hillary has been a two-faced opportunist even back in high school. She was known to prefer girls even back then, but put out when it got her something or got her out of something. To please her dad she was active in the Young Republicans, but behind his back she “played” with the socialist/communist/anti-war leaning crowd. And yes, the word on the street was that she had an abortion back in high school. The girl locker room talk was that she was starting to “show” and then was gone for a few days. When she returned she was her slim trim old bitchy self. I’m only telling the tame stories, let your imagination wander and you will not be far from the truth.
WRT military voting: I’ll be the first to admit that I have a rather skewed view since the Submarine Service is a world unto itself and people who do not pull their weight do not last long. However I know that is not the case today, starting with kid glove handling in Boot Camp (Basic Training) and no longer being able to use the grease gun or torpedo tubes (let your imagination go to work here too).
31°F this morning, frost on the windshields, and now at 1500 PDT it is 71°F, trending higher.
Had a great political discussion with the elder son today. He comes at this stuff from a very different angle that I do, much more socially oriented. Even so, he objects to moar-free-stuff, to immigration without some conditions, etc.. Where we don’t agree, we still have a good discussion. We aren’t quite past the father-son dynamic, maybe we will never be, but it’s getting close to being just two adults solving all the world’s problems. A pleasure…
Good times, good times!
My son is 32 and former US Marine Corps with two all expense paid vacations to Iraq. It took him years to recover from the seven month trip to Iraq-Syria border. He has very unique perspectives on how to solve the world’s problems. Basically, don’t.
All of things you guys mentioned originated as private enterprises: police, fire service, roads, etc., etc. None require government involvement; all are much cheaper and more efficient under private enterprise. Government comes in and provides these services “free”, driving private competition out of the market. We end up with poorer service at a much higher price.
You guys are victims of big-time normalcy bias. As Lysander Spooner said, “that the government does not provide shoes does not mean men go barefoot.” Of course, the government does provide shoes nowadays. I wonder how long it will be before people start thinking of shoes as a natural government monopoly. Hint: there ain’t no such thing.
Basically, don’t.
Yup. Trump mentioned Japan and South Korea might have to pay for us to stay there. We could afford it years ago, but not anymore. lol Now the libturds are calling him a xenophobe, Fortress American, racist, etc. It *is* about time these countries paid for *any* military assistance. Better yet: buh-bye turd world countries. BTW, I surfed through CNN last night. Cooper had on, I think, 8 pundits all calling Trump a douche. Way to go Trump! MSNBC’s Mr. Maddow had on some transgender ACLU turd (three hair porn stash and high octave voice gave it away). The ACLU is filing a lawsuit against NC for sex discrimination. Apparently, the women in NC don’t want some guy in a wig, wearing makeup, coming into public restrooms to take a dump and wash it’s balls in the sink. According to the ACUL that is unconstitutional. The ACLU tranny said discrimination is against the Constitution. WTF, over? If I think I’m a woman, therefore, I *am* a woman.
In regard to the Cankles behavior over the decades, mentioning the abortions and lesbian stuff don’t cut no ice with the typical libturds, Dems or SJW types. Or RINOs for that matter. Why bother, I guess. The only folks who care about that stuff wouldn’t vote for that pig anyway. And it’s NOTHING compared to what she and her great big lovable lug of a husband have done throughout their decades swilling up the money and bennies from the government troughs. Both are sexual deviates, serial adulterers, dope-dealer facilitators, dope-smuggling facilitators, thieves, liars, chiseling con artists and grifters, and war criminals. This is also true for both Bush presidents and their sons/grandsons, going back to Prescott and Samuel.
“It took him years to recover from the seven month trip to Iraq-Syria border.”
I sincerely hope he has recovered; it’s taking many of us much longer than that for previous wars.
“As Lysander Spooner said…”
I been meaning to read his book for a while now; he appears to be the Ur-text. Otherwise my main guys are the anti-Federalists.
“Better yet: buh-bye turd world countries.”
And close out all the other bases and installations and start securing our own country, while we still have one. But the perfumed princes of the Pentagon will never go along with it.
“The ACLU tranny said discrimination is against the Constitution.”
Bullshit. These fuckers dream up more shit that ain’t never been in the Constitution or Bill of Rights and need to be called out on it. Like abortion, for instance. Griswold vs. CT and a “penumbra” right to privacy my ass.
Maybe eventually ordinary citizens will start taking matters into their own hands; simply refuse to obey laws and regulations and ordinances and cops and deputies refuse to enforce them. And when some hairy fat bastid is seen farting up the ladies room and washing his big hairy balls in the sink with little girls a couple of sinks over, maybe the adults will hustle him the hell outta there for a soundly administered beating, tarring and feathering. And then march down to the state house and start lynching the fucking lawyers and judges who make this stuff legal.
Yep, Spooner’s _No Treason_ is quite an undertaking, but as valid now as it was when he wrote it.
Would we really have a space program? Internet? Interstate highways?
No way. Too much squabbling and regional infighting. (I’m not talking about how they are now, but how they started.) Who would have built a nuclear sub? Or an aircraft carrier battle group? As long as the rest of the world is organized, our only defense it to be organized too. You can’t organize libertarians, or anarchists, it’s a canonical joke to even try.
Leave ma bell in charge and we’d be paying 4 times as much for landline service and there would be no cell at all. Or absent ma bell, we’d be where the US was before western electric and the bells, hundreds of local companies, no interchanges, no service.
The FTC is suing Volkswagen for “false advertising” over their “clean diesel” ads. The DoJ already sues/prosecutes any individual they want for racism. Throw in the IRS and what chance does anybody or any business have against Mordor? Game over, man, gave over. When Cankles gets in, the final nail in the coffin arrives.
I agree with Mr. nick to a point in the sense that right now it’s too late to try it, and certainly not for an empire. But I could see giving it a shot in a much smaller geographical entity once the current international monetary/industrial mess collapses and we’re nearly back to the proverbial Square One.
It won’t happen in Mordor or NYC or LA or Houston or Chicago or London but some town or county somewhere might want to experiment with it in East Bumfuck in whatever current state or province. And that’s assuming, a very big assumption, that neighboring political entities and roving gangs of bandits will leave them alone.
I suspect, however, that eventually those persons with the guns, the wealth, or the charisma will climb to the top of the pile and we’ll end up with some kind of State again. The last really extended anarchy probably was in place before the hunter-gatherers became farmers.
“Game over, man, gave over. When Cankles gets in, the final nail in the coffin arrives.”
Naw. And it won’t matter if it’s Cankles or Cruz or Trump in the short AND the long run. The whole mess is coming apart one way or the other eventually, if only by means of the financial house of cards toppling. The last nail in the coffin will be when the regime can no longer pay its soldiers and cops.
You’re begging the question.
Yeah, we’d have all of those things and we’d have had them sooner, better, and cheaper. Government is inherently inefficient and ineffective. Free enterprise is not. You guys were just talking about the rail mess in California. Free enterprise builds roads and rails only where they’ll pay. Government builds whether there’s any need/demand or not. Their goal is opportunities for graft. That and favors they can collect on later, and jobs for union members and other clients.
If we haven’t reached peak narcissism, have we reached peak oligarchy?
“The world’s first BILLION-DOLLAR wedding: Russian oil oligarch’s son, 28, marries dentist bride in the most lavish party possible with a $25,000 gown, JLo and Sting performing and a VERY big cake”
At one point in my career, this was the sort of thing I’d have loved to have worked on. Did in fact work on some that were considered quite the big deal locally. And corporate functions that spared no expense, but they fell out of favor with someone’s gold shower curtain. The resulting fallout took the bread from a lot of union guy’s kid’s mouths… and my own.
“Free enterprise builds roads and rails only where they’ll pay. Government builds whether there’s any need/demand or not. Their goal is opportunities for graft.”
RBT has a point here. Say, Let’s You and Him Fight. (with apologies to Dr. Berne and “Games People Play,” a boffo hit back in the Glorious Sixties).
I gotta find my Spooner book; I’d started it and then got sidetracked by some other crap. He was making pretty good sense, and from Athol, Maffachufetts, no less, a fine little town right off Route 2, a.k.a. The Mohawk Trail, haha.
Athol, named after some English bastard or other back in the day, and the name pronounced differently in MA and another Athol in the Vampire State. There was a family of psycho misfits living there back in the 1980s, like a combination of Dark Shadows and Deliverance, and when new state troopers arrived at the State Police barracks out that way, they’d get sent to whatever calls at this family’s house. And come back with their hair standing on end. Two of the sons once kept a low-IQ pal of theirs chained to the radiator in the living room for a few months and would beat him with car antennas.
When their old man died, the sons propped him up in the back of their pickup truck and drove around town with him.
“…world’s first BILLION-DOLLAR wedding…”
Hahaha. If wife and I ever renew our wedding vows or sumthin, we’ll have a hundred-dollar blowout and the local bagpipes and drums band. We’ll bake the cake ourselves, of course. Wheeeeeeee!
Radio and solar power info:
“Yet another reason why anyone who supports any restrictions whatsoever on private ownership of any type of weapon is on my better-dead list.”
That’d be me I guess.
I don’t think individuals should be allowed to own battleships, aircraft carriers, more than, say, half a dozen B-52s or nuclear weapons.
Libertarianism, I get. Anarchism has never been proven to work anywhere, except, perhaps, medieval Ireland. Not a good example for the 21st Century.
“someone’s gold shower…”
Too much information, nick…
“All of things you guys mentioned originated as private enterprises: police, fire service, roads, etc., etc. None require government involvement; all are much cheaper and more efficient under private enterprise.”
Okay, I suppose that means several competing police forces, judicial systems, and so on. If anarchism rules who gives them the right to intervene if I trespass on your property, assault you, cause you economic loss, etc? Do I get to choose the cops and judges or you?
“Okay, I suppose that means several competing police forces, judicial systems, and so on. If anarchism rules who gives them the right to intervene if I trespass on your property, assault you, cause you economic loss, etc? Do I get to choose the cops and judges or you?”
As I understand it, multiple fire companies and their competition for “your fire” is what led to municipal fire companies in the first place. Some firemen would set fires just so they could put them out, and fights would ensue when multiple fire companies showed up to fight a fire.
I don’t have a problem with private associations. The Chamber of Commerce comes to mind. When they cannot effectively hand it, local government steps in because the people want it to happen – government.
I think that the problem we have now is too much has moved too far up the ladder to be effective anymore. National defense? Surely a matter for the federal government. Fire fighters? Does anyone think the feds could do it better?
I would contend that some things, like Airport security, education, and emergency preparedness have moved too far up the ladder, and should be dismantled at that level and left to the states or other smaller entities. The Gulf Coast states could surely cooperate for hurricanes, and the central plains could cooperate when tornadoes occur. Neither should have any interference from Foggy Bottom.
Least government required implies less government. It also implies the existence of government, for it is surely needed.
Sure, government has gotten too big for its boots, but to abolish it is to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
“Abuse does not abolish use.”
Why not abolish some parts of it? Surely we can dismantle some parts without destroying the institution.
Public service unions would be a good place to start the reform.
Federal fire departments? There are several if you haven’t noticed.
Let’s just start chopping away at Fed, state, county, and city/town government and see how far we can get without it. I’d like to go as far as possible in RBT’s direction, but I can’t picture how total anarchy would work in this time and place and forget doing it empire-wide.
If I might suggest, do the chopping away by chopping the necks of the over-officiating bureaucrats and elected officials. And then feed the corpses to pigs. And then eat the pigs. It’s a more modest proposal than that which went before.
One small improvement, SteveF; instead of us eating the pigs, feed them to the musloids.
You can bypass the middleman.
One wonders how many slaves were consumed by the Arab/musloid slave traders as they moved their merchandise across Africa to western ports during the centuries past, and probably continuing. And the slaves probably wouldn’t have been too shocked by the practice.
If S really does HTF here, and we get to famine stages, I wouldn’t be too shocked to see it going on in the city wastelands and ruins. And we’ll have at least two whole ethnic/racial populations here ready and willing to engage in it.
Why ruin good bacon?
Yeah, I suppose if pigs will eat rattlesnakes, slurping them down like spaghetti, who cares if they also devour politicians. But won’t that kill the pigs?