Friday, 4 March 2016

By on March 4th, 2016 in personal, science kits

09:28 – We’re working in the unfinished basement area today, getting stuff that doesn’t belong there moved out, stuff that does belong there moved in, and everything a bit more organized. We’re in pretty good shape for now on science kits.

16 Comments and discussion on "Friday, 4 March 2016"

  1. nick says:

    This is an interesting idea:

    ” the gradual division of society into the protected — that is, people who make the rules and therefore benefit from them — and the unprotected, who don’t make the rules and end up getting screwed. The latter have finally figured this out and have stopped supporting the former. ”

    The meta aspects are particularly interesting, as Peggy uses language and concepts that show she is firmly in that protected class, and sounds a bit like M. Antoinette herself. She almost gets there but still has the feel of describing color to the blind, or wet to a bedouin (r rather the reverse of that).


  2. nick says:

    And so the march to sharia begins.

    “A German water park that has been the scene of two sex attacks by migrants have announced plans to segregate men and women.

    The plan will involve banning men and teenage boys from using the waterslides at certain times when only women, girls and very young boys will be allowed access.”

    Read more:

    From acknowledgement, to acceptance, to preference, to requirement…….


  3. OFD says:

    “From acknowledgement, to acceptance, to preference, to requirement…….”

    Yes. Just as here in North Murka over the decades, with “civil rights,” “affirmative action,” Diversity, “civil unions,” etc., etc. Next thing you know, we’re the freak show at the local hinterland carnival.

    As was mentioned yesterday, it is indeed amusing so far to watch the Stupid Half of the Party go all-out to dump their leading candidate and chance to beat Cankles. And it really ought to illustrate for us just what they think of us, and also show us that they and Cankles are pretty much on the same page with the corporate fascist oligarchy and the notion of the Murkan Empire running the world. Of course Trump is also down with that, but he hasn’t been playing by the established rules and isn’t particularly beholden to the Stupid Half hierarchy and operators.

    But we’ll see how amusing it is later this year as various chickens come home to roost.

    Overcast and in the twenties during the days and single digits at night, no precip in the offing, apparently, another dismal snow-less winta for the most paht. The ski areas must have been taking a beating; this is not to say we couldn’t have big snow storms every other day into early May, though. But doubtful, I guess. Didn’t get out once for x-c skiing or snowshoeing, major bummer. If we get at least one more decent snowfall I’m gonna head up to the hills and by Jeezum get on them snowshoes with the radio go-bag. I’ll do that anyway, of course, but it would be more fun on the snow.

  4. Lynn says:

    Did anyone else snicker last night when Marco Rubio called Donald Trump “Big Donald” ? And yes, everyone on that stage (including the so-called moderators) were lying.

    We hit 84 F yesterday and will probably be 75 F today with not a cloud in the sky.

  5. nick says:

    Currently 78, with 26%RH and some overcast. Nice day really.

    Carrots fresh from the garden last night, very tasty. 4 slim and stringy asparagus stalks. Maybe they’re not getting enough water. I’ll try increasing that.

    Bought another citrus tree. Costco has a huge selection ATM, for $24 each. Discussed where to put it with my wife. More tree trimming and digging coming up for me.


  6. OFD says:

    “Did anyone else snicker last night when Marco Rubio called Donald Trump “Big Donald” ?”

    Nope. Gave up on regular commercial tee-vee long ago; it rots yer brain and leeches away your time and your life.

    “Who’s manipulating who?”

    Jillette is correct. Us rubes out here are taken for complete and utter fools, and who’s to blame them? We are. We breathlessly stay glued to all these “debates” and phony slap-fests and run the numbers and stats and count delegates and exhort others to do their civic duty, and yet the game never changes. It’s always the court party against the community; always the powerful and wealthy against the rest of us. Yet every election we all go through the same stupid dog-and-pony show anyway. THIS year really will be different; THIS candidate is at LEAST not as bad as that other evil mofo. What a colossal laugh they must have at our expense every four years, taking us for absolute dupes.

  7. Lynn says:

    Nope. Gave up on regular commercial tee-vee long ago; it rots yer brain and leeches away your time and your life.

    Too late. The brain went several years ago. Haven’t won a game of Solitaire Spider in days.

  8. OFD says:

    “Haven’t won a game of Solitaire Spider in days.”

    Ditto for my game of Klondike Solitaire and I get really shitty hands dealt out to me, too.

  9. nick says:

    I had a job where I could play spider for hours every day. I had the perfect game and won on the hardest setting. Figured I’d never do that again and never played another game.


  10. MrAtoz says:

    Nope. Gave up on regular commercial tee-vee long ago; it rots yer brain and leeches away your time and your life.

    One word, Sir. Football.

  11. nick says:

    Good propagation tonight on SW and HF amateur 7mhz

    germany coming in well, and most of the US including Cali. Quirk of the atmosphere, germany coming in much better than Cali, or TN.


  12. nick says:

    Seems to be a lot of contesting activity. If you’ve got an HF rig, and haven’t verified that it works with your antenna, this might be a good weekend to tune around.

    Signals are good enough I hear them on my SW radio. And that’s unusual. Just because your prepper SW radio gets ham freqs and has a beat oscillator for SSB signals, doesn’t mean you’ll be listening to hams on it… The ham bands are very small compared to the rest of the dial and very hard to tune with a SW radio.

    In any case, give it a go tonight, lots of traffic on the air.


    add, just hearing spain and italy, 2 new ones for me

    added, ascension island, 9000+ km and clear as day

  13. Miles_Teg says:

    Swedish stupidity:

    “A huge number – 33,000 last year – were unaccompanied minors. The Somalian accused of the social worker’s murder claimed to be one. They are attracted by Sweden’s fast-tracked asylum decisions and free housing for under-18s, as well as a government promise that those permitted to stay (and the majority are) can later bring in their brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers.”

    I hope they can bring their mullahs too… /sarcasm off

  14. nick says:

    But of course! You wouldn’t want them denied their basic rights to their cultural heritage would you ? HATER! Raycis!!!

  15. OFD says:

    Squarehead dolts; their last period of fame was a thousand years ago and it was really just a bunch of marauding, raping and murdering pirates and brigands. Good riddance to the fuckers. King Alfred the Great showed them the door. One of only two English kings known as Great; the other, lol, ironically, was Cnut the Great, another squarehead (Dane). Now their descendants are paying the price for their centuries of robbery and murther most foul. Let’s continue to be stupid and let in other marauding bands of thieving, raping murderers.

    Recently some Swedish chick ran off with her bf, ’cause he was gonna join up with the ISIS guys; she though this would be fun and went with him. Come to find out, no electricity, no indoor plumbing, wicked BUMMER, man! Begged her mommy to get her back home, so the Swedish gummint had to step in and get the Kuwaitis to rescue her sorry ass. Other dumbass wenches not so lucky; generally just immediately raped and murdered and tossed out with the rubbish.

    Whoops! Now I’m a hater and rayciss, too!

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