10:37 – The snow came in overnight as expected. They’d forecast 3 to 5 inches overnight. When I took Colin out about 0800, there was about 4″ (10 cm) on the ground. There was no snow falling at that point, but within half an hour it had started to fall pretty heavily. We’re to get another 12+ inches today and maybe another 3 to 5 inches overnight tonight, tapering off Saturday morning. Total accumulation is to be 18 to 24 inches (40 to 60 cm).
I took Colin out off leash because I didn’t want him to pull me over. There’s very little traffic either on our road or route 21, and what traffic there is appears to be locals, all driving about 20 MPH.
I called Bonnie, our next-door neighbor, yesterday to make sure she was ready for the winter storm. She’s nearly 90 years old and lives by herself. She assured me that she was prepared. She mentioned that she has bushels of potatos, piles of canned goods, and large amounts of rice, pinto beans, and so on. As she said, she could eat for a long time from her stored food. She might not like it as well as her regular diet, but she wouldn’t starve. In most places, Bonnie would be considered a prepper. Here, she’s just done what almost everyone does, stock up.
Bonnie called Barbara yesterday afternoon to tell her that she was keeping an eye on me. I’d told her that Barbara was down in Winston and wouldn’t be back until yesterday afternoon. Bonnie had watched me walk out to the mailbox with Colin, and was worried that I’d fall. Barbara told Bonnie that she appreciated Bonnie keeping an eye on me while she was down in Winston, but that I did have my cell phone on me at all times. When she hung up, Barbara said that she loved having nosy neighbors that kept an eye on things.
Vickie, our next-door neighbor on the other side, stopped by here yesterday afternoon to check on us and drop off some banana pudding, which Barbara loves. I told Barbara she was welcome to all of it, and we could just make some more oatmeal cookies or cinnamon crumb cake for me.
I really do like living in Sparta, and I think Barbara does, too. Everyone we’ve met is nice. I plan to get involved in more community stuff over the coming weeks and months. It’s all about networking.
‘She mentioned that she has bushels of potatos…”
I take it that’s a lot. How long do they keep? I wouldn’t have assumed more than two weeks.
Nosy neighbors are particularly handy if you have a teenager. Once when I was a senior in high school, my dad and stepmom went on vacation and left me at home. They came back and found everything as it should be. No wild parties. I’m thinking that maybe I should have smuggled one girl in, but she probably wouldn’t have gotten the nosy neighbor issues, and probably would have invited all her friends over for a party.
There’s good nosy neighbors and bad nosy neighbors. I call the bad ones “busy bodies”.
Unfortunately way too many of our communities are collections of isolated people too caught up in their own meaningless lives that they don’t see the need to assimilate. There I said it, assimilate. It is not just the illegals that will not assimilate but way too many people who had the privilege to be born here. IMHO you cannot teach “American Values” you have to live it and be an example (Churches/Synagogues, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts used to be good training grounds but today they are too hung up on “diversity” (I’m black so I am entitled) and “LGBT rights”). But when people have their heads in their smartphones and on their big screens they don’t recognize the good examples in front of them.
If you can stand it take a look at this issue of the National Review: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/430137/donald-trump-conservative-movement-menace (refresh the page to get rid of the newsletter signup popup)
What I see here are the intolerant religious nutters attacking Trump. They are showing their true stripes which is neither tolerant or righteous.
It should be clear to all that Trump is his own man (yes man, deal with it) and not a Conservative, Republication, or any other label other than a Capitalist and a Businessman which if you understand our Founders is just what they were. Get back to basics.
My preps this week involved me getting a simple shortwave radio (thanks to OFD for the recommendation) and starting to find stations. The spousal unit is intrigued.
Potatoes keep for months if you keep them in a cool, dark place.
“Potatoes keep for months if you keep them in a cool, dark place.”
Google up root cellars; easily adapted to an actual cellar. Carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips, etc. Working on that here, too.
“The spousal unit is intrigued.”
Same here, to a point, but mainly listens to the regional FM stations.
Sun and blue skies today, just a tad warmer, no sign of any precip. Y’all to our south are getting the snow, I reckon. Same deal as last two winters; bitter cold and wind up here with maybe three or four moderate snowfalls, so fah.
Climate change doncha know. And it’s your fault.
“Potatoes keep for months if you keep them in a cool, dark place.”
Google up root cellars; easily adapted to an actual cellar. Carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips, etc. Working on that here, too.
My grandparents in north Texas lived on potatoes for up to six months a year in the early 1900s. So did my father-in-law in upper state New York. Three meals a day using potatoes. Sometimes they enrichened the meal with squirrels or chicken. Deer were way less populous then than they are nowadays.
We take our food diversity for granted nowadays. Food diversity (supermarkets) is a sign of a wealthy society. Pray that we remain wealthy:
“If you want a single concept to judge how successful a modern economy is you could do worse than look at the quality and quantity of supermarkets it supports. These days, some 70 or 80 years after they were first invented in the USA, just about every nation on earth has them, with the possible exception of a few socialist “paradises” and perhaps a couple of utterly undeveloped nations somewhere. Supermarkets are, I would venture to say, one of the most influential inventions of all time and they have radically improved the lot of millions, probably billions, of people because we all shop at supermarkets if we can and we wouldn’t do that if the alternatives made sense. In fact someone has done the sums about just one chain (Wal-Mart):”
“Final Prediction #10: Apple will buy Dish Network”
Do I have to “shelter in place” if it’s 57F and clear blue?
If you can stand it take a look at this issue of the National Review: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/430137/donald-trump-conservative-movement-menace (refresh the page to get rid of the newsletter signup popup)
What I see here are the intolerant religious nutters attacking Trump. They are showing their true stripes which is neither tolerant or righteous.
I am so tired of social conservatives even though I am one. Legislating morality does not work, it only make criminals out of people. We need to save our laws for the criminals who hurt other people.
I just want a fiscal conservative to run things for a while. I am very worried that some day I will wake up and hear that the US dollar is worth nothing.
We are at 52 F with north wind at 20 mph. We are forecast to be back in the 80s in a week or so.
“I am so tired of social conservatives even though I am one. Legislating morality does not work, it only make criminals out of people.”
Well, it’s done in reverse nowadays; morality, or the lack of it, is legislated now against our wishes and interests and beliefs by the usual suspects and their hired shysters and judges and courts. It’s a huge reason why we’re in the mess we’re in today. The lefties, perverts and SJWs won, in other words.
“I am very worried that some day I will wake up and hear that the US dollar is worth nothing.”
It’s been worth nothing for a very long time now; fiat currency, printed up by the trillions in Mordor. All our money is now just ones and zeroes on electronic accounting ledges and in databases worldwide. If the juice cuts out, it will surely be interesting.
“I just want a fiscal conservative to run things for a while.”
If you mean the President, they don’t really “run things” anymore. They’re told what to do and how high to jump. Remember when the CEO of Goldman, Sachs was visiting the WH several times a week for months? The dude had unlimited and regular unquestioned access to the “back door” there and I doubt they discussed golf and hip-hop tunes. Barry was told what to do and what to say and if he did a good job of it, he and the grrls could take unlimited and expensive vacations all over the world at taxpayer expense for the duration. That alone must be in the tens of millions by now, and doesn’t even count all the “official” WH travel.
So Chumpster might be a “fiscal conservative” but I guarantee you that if he wins, or Cruz wins (very unlikely), they’ll do exactly what they’re told.
“The West Broad Home Depot will be re-open Friday at 6 a.m. The manager on duty also said they have a truck coming to restock the ice salt and shovels.”
Yeah, that’s swell, so long as trucks still have gas at the working pumps and can still make it over the highways and bring it from warehouses that are still mostly full for the next day or two…
Things will get a lot sportier if this happens again and the Grid goes down, too…after, say, three or four days…
“Do I have to “shelter in place” if it’s 57F and clear blue?”
Yes. You need to stay home so as to receive more paperwork for your VA-guaranteed loan caper. Also to have your fleet of drones standing by for inspection.
I must admit that I am not sure if Trump is a fiscal conservative or not. I suspect that he is but he really has not said what he is, other than being a wheeler dealer.
He has been focusing on the hot-button issues, like immigration, the hadjis, foreign policy sometimes, and of course “making this country great again…” like they all do. BFD. Besides all that, he’s been great pals with both Klintons for a very long time, despite his current campaign rhetoric, is pro-abortion, and who knows what his real position is on 2A and gun rights; sure, he has at least one gun, and in NYC, too, but I just read one guy’s account in American Handgunner Magazine on getting a license in NYC and it is nightmarish. Chumpster gets one ’cause he can. Like the rest of the rich celebs and politicians.
I don’t trust him as fah as I can throw him. Nor anyone else running for ANY political office anyway; you gotta be a rich psycho to even consider the gig. So you can be even more of a rich psycho once you get in.
I had a nosy neighbour when I was growing up, and it wasn’t fun. She was the neighbourhood gossip, and would ask impertinent questions that were none of her business, then followup questions. It was like being cross-examined in court. You could never know when her face would appear at the window, or know what she’d heard. Whenever I had advance notice of a visit I’d take my stash and bunker down somewhere out of the way.
“Potatoes keep for months if you keep them in a cool, dark place.”
Well, I must be doing something wrong. Mine go green or grow “eyes” or both. Perhaps I’ll try the “cool, dark place” idea.
I had a look at the NR article. What was wrong with it, apart from it being far too verbose?
(And I’m not a Trump fan.)
Okay folks, you get my farming and grocery experience here (BTW, the area of WA I live in produces almost as many potatoes as Idaho):
Most potatoes that you buy in grocery stores these days have been mishandled in any one of a number of ways. Most often shipped to the store with other produce, the worst offenders are onions, bananas, and apples. All emit gases that cause potatoes to start to sprout and mold. Temperature control in the trailers is nonexistent so the potatoes are either too cold or too hot, never just right. Back in the day produce was handled with common sense and not priority given to the cheapest transport.
Another problem is that most potatoes are stored in large airtight sheds that are purged of all oxygen and filled with nitrogen or sometimes CO2. When the sheds are opened and ventilated to remove the potatoes the sudden exposure to oxygen wakes up the potatoes and the want to sprout and/or turn green.
76% of all conventional potatoes are sprayed with chlorpropham, a herbicide that is used to stop the growth of weeds and to inhibit potato sprouting. There are 35 different pesticides and chemicals that the USDA allows on potatoes. And out of these 35: 6 are known or probably carcinogens, 12 are suspected hormone disruptors, 7 are neurotoxins, and 6 are developmental or reproductive toxins.
In other words, grow your own or get from a Framers Market. But watch out, if you see commercial potato boxes in the back you are not getting unadulterated potatoes.
“Whenever I had advance notice of a visit I’d take my stash and bunker down somewhere out of the way.”
Oh my. You had a stash? Of what? OK, I’ll go first: my stash was usually a couple of doobies, maybe a whole or partial “lid” of pot. Sometimes a little piece of hashish, or a couple of hits of acid, most often orange barrel.
“Perhaps I’ll try the “cool, dark place” idea.”
“I had a look at the NR article. What was wrong with it…”
I quit reading NR when 1:) I watched them sack the late Sam Francis and the late Joe Sobran and when they castigated Pat Buchanan on their cover as an “anti-Semite.” and 2.) when I saw firsthand that WFB, Jr. was a midget, and 3.) over the years watching them be co-opted by the neocons and the pro-Israel-no-questions-asked crowd. Good riddance to WFB, too.
“In other words, grow your own or get from a Framers Market.”
Load up on storing root veggies, organic, the ones you grow yourself, farmers market produce, etc. Plenty of tips online for root cellars and tricks for storing various vegetables, like carrots in sand, for example. We’ll be doing that this year and otherwise continuing to grow tomatoes in the raised beds and trying out anything else that might work; blueberries were a bust, Mexican-style peppers likewise. Probably our soil and microclimate, because the latter stuff gets grown right around here in various other gardens successfully. We need to do the soil test thing and then figure out what the next step is, in a very limited space with not a whole lotta sunlight.
Instead of stockpiling taters, I’m gonna play bingo till the cows come home. Send some of that precip to Vegas ya greedy East Coasters. Hahahahhahah!!!!
Well, what did I manage to fit in this week?
I got a propane tank-top heater (like a Mr. Buddy) fired up. Just in time for my wife to take it to a meeting (outdoors at the rec center.) She was duly impressed, and got thru the agenda despite the cold… everyone else had to suck it.
I reconditioned a cast iron dutch oven. I use a wire wheel on an angle grinder. All the rust removed to bare metal, wipe clean, then oil and bake at 450 for a few hours. It looks just like it came from the foundry.
Today I hit a couple of sales. One advertised ‘ham radios’. And they had a couple, and some receivers. Big old tube radios. “Boat anchors” as the aficionados call them. Lots of preppers want an old tube set or two in case of EMP. I think they’d be better off with a modern radio stored properly. Tube sets need a lot of juice. On the other hand, they can be repaired. I might go back tomorrow and see if the prices are better, and if the family knows anything about their working condition.
There were also some medical supplies. Kerlix bandage rolls and sterile gauze pads. They’ll go into some kits. Also a quart of betadine. And best of all, a first aid kit with all sorts of goodies in it. Suture kits, IV kits, and I wonder if injectable lidocaine goes bad…
Some small stuff to sell, some radio books, and some small radio accessories rounded out the haul.
Oh, and some canning jar rings and lids (NIB) and about 25 spacebags. I think I’m gonna try putting some of my food in the spacebags. The stuff in cardboard boxes, and paper pouches in particular, could use a shield from the air. If the bags are big enough, I’ll just vac seal a whole flat. I’ll let you know if it makes a difference.
I’ve got the whole weekend to get on my honey do list, and maybe fit a couple things in for myself.
We’ll see.
All our money is now just ones and zeroes on electronic accounting ledges and in databases worldwide
As are our mortgage and property information. When I paid off my house I did not get any papers from the the lien holder. All they did was register the release of the lien with the county. I really have no proof I own my property other than my tax statement which does not show a lien holder. I called the mortgage holder and asked for a document from them indicating the mortgage paid in full and they had no further interest in the property. They would not as they had registered with the county and that such documents are no longer required.
“Send some of that precip to Vegas ya greedy East Coasters.”
I would, but we ain’t gettin’ nuttin’ up here. Just cold air and wind off the ice. Maybe cool youse off out there in that desert…
“….despite the cold… everyone else had to suck it.”
Brutal. 8F here right now with a nice stiff breeze off the lake ice. We are sucking it. Hahaha…with a toasty warm wood stove and backup oil heat. Of course when SHTF in a major way, we’ll have to pay kids to go chop wood and bring it here. We’ll barter: wife can teach them jewelry-making and I can get them up to speed on firearms and medieval epic poetry.
“It looks just like it came from the foundry.”
I do that or similar all the time here with old cast iron pots and pans, and also scrubbing to brilliance old copperware likewise. Like new. Can’t beat the cast iron for cooking on stovetop, grill or in the oven. We’ve also collected over the years Le Creuset enameled cast iron and in all of the above, the stuff doubles as a helluva weapon to bash someone’s skull in.
“I think they’d be better off with a modern radio stored properly.”
Plus the electrical shock hazard for the noobs not paying attention or learning about it.
Weekend here: tomorrow’s to-do and honey-do lists. Sunday she’s off to MA for her gig down there and I’ll be in front of the tee-vee for the NFL playoff games. Yes, it’s my one remaining vice…lol.
“…such documents are no longer required.”
Yeah, I’ll just bet they’re not. Just as documents have all gone electronic, so can they also be lost, forged or deliberately eliminated. How convenient. Like the voting nowadays.
I especially like how a lot of electronic voting machines come pre-loaded with a fair-to-middlin high number of votes. And every single report I’ve seen, the pre-loaded votes are for the same party. And every single time it’s hand-waved away as test data which inexplicably wasn’t wiped before delivery. And every single time we’re assured it won’t happen again. But it keeps happening again, year after year. And every single year I wonder about the number of pre-loaded votes which were never spotted because the poll inspectors weren’t savvy or diligent enough to find them.
Y’all stole our snow! It’s raining here, right at 0 degrees C, on top of snow. Streets may become exciting, though the sun should show up sometime this afternoon…
Like OFD’s said, we’ve gotten just a tiny bit of snow here in upstate NY. My daughter was complaining about that a while ago, when Texas got a blizzard and there were pictures of cows covered in snow … and we had bare grass and 40F temperatures.
But that’s fine. If it shuts down Leviathan, or Mordor as OFD calls it, for even a bit, I’m perfectly happy for Washington DC to get all our snow. And if half of the inside-the-beltway population dies of cold or starvation, why, a few tears of joy might just run down my cynical cheeks.
Biden says the US is signing up for fun and games in Syria…
News reports that Atlantic City is still open.
Is there any other news in the world?
Overcast with 60% rainfall 54F.
Oh, I forgot that I also picked up a Stanley/Aladdin thermos bottle, like new, in box, and a wide mouth thermos, in a 70s era color scheme. After a wash and test, I’ll try cooking something in the wide mouth, ala RBT… they were $7.50 for the pair….
and ummm, seriously, mmm, theoretically, anyone know if injectable lidocaine turns into anything bad after the expiration date? Not that I’m looking to USE such a thing, just for informational purposes….
“But it keeps happening again, year after year. And every single year I wonder about the number of pre-loaded votes…”
Yet we keep being admonished to do “our civic duty” and get out and vote because we have no right to complain if the Other Guy gets in and fucks us over even worse than the last Other Guy. Go figure. Evidence like this before their eyes and still…
“…if half of the inside-the-beltway population dies of cold or starvation, why, a few tears of joy might just run down my cynical cheeks.”
Tears of joy for you and gusts of raucous laughter for me. Replicate that in Babylon-on-the-Hudson and Sodom-on-the-Bay and I’d be having hysterics.
“…the US is signing up for fun and games in Syria…”
Of course. The shit happening here in this country is so bad, we need some major distractions. War is always ideal for that; show Mr. and Mrs. Boobus Americanus some Hellfires blowing up alleged ISIS bunkers on the Faux Nooz Network and wave some flags around. Bring on a couple of retired generals to ‘splain it all for us.
“News reports that Atlantic City is still open.”
Curious tourista peeps oughta take a good long look at the ‘hoods behind the glitz down there or out in Lost Wages off the Strip. Our future.
@dkreck, remember where the new weasels are based, and what is the center of their world (besides their own navels).
If it happens to them, it matters to the world, if it happens in flyover land (unless it confirms their smug prejudices) it matters to NO ONE.
Oh and here’s a story that has a couple interesting ‘meta’ aspects.
“Police are called to Phoenix high school after shocking photo emerges of girls posing up in letter T-shirts to spell NI**ER”
So much fail. The girls thought it would be funny to repurpose the photo op shirts. The administration never saw it coming. OF COURSE it got shared on social media.
Reading the headline, you’d think the cops were called to deal with the girls.
“Outrage ensued after the photo surfaced online and police arrived at the school to keep the peace ”
“any threats against these young women is going to be taken very seriously…People just need to knock off the threats”
So the real reason the cops were called is that people were threatening violence to teen girls over a PHOTO. Nice of the article to downplay the violent reaction, and emphasize the racial aspects of the girls. Wonder who was threatening them???
If I were writing the headline it would be “Police called to school to protect teens from threats of violence, after picture of stunt gets posted online.”
Also note the rote language of the PC browbeaten- of course this type of thing isn’t tolerated, they made a bad mistake, they’ll be punished, we’re outraged, blah, blah…
In the mean time, it’s possible the girls, like the ones in OK really didn’t understand why they can’t use that word. They hear it in music every day. They hear their classmates use it every day. No one talks openly about WHY things are offensive or racist, while screaming those accusations for any infraction. ‘Cuz that would be raycist.
“I had a look at the NR article. What was wrong with it…
I did not like the self righteous, I am real conservative and he’s not, tone/attitude.
@nick – per my RN Wife and medically educated daughter, regarding the old lidocaine, stored properly it should not decompose. Would recommend that it only be used topically for those Zombie scratches
It’s 0727 01/23/16 and it’s 40F and rising, 99% humidity, steady rain 0.11 inches in the last hour, wind WNW (not usual direction) 2.1 mph “gusts” to 6 mph.
Big-ass (12 hp, 36-inch, dual stage) Toro snowblower serviced, ready, and no where to go. Best investment ever, end of year had it at 1/2 price. Bought 3-years ago after a moderate snow winter (several 6 to 12-inch snowfalls) and now haven’t had more than 4-inches at a time since.
Edit:To be clear, RBT’s point about tossing the lidocaine is not to be taken lightly, definitely don’t inject it, but as a topical when there is not serious bleeding is okay. Example: insect bites, itches, paper cuts, hear that OFD
The girls didn’t even spell out a “racial slur”. Their shirts were “NI**ER”, with the asterisks, so the girls spelled out a censored version of a word which, as nick says, certain people are allowed to use 100 times a day without repercussion.
“and ummm, seriously, mmm, theoretically, anyone know if injectable lidocaine turns into anything bad after the expiration date? Not that I’m looking to USE such a thing, just for informational purposes….”
86 it. A good rule of thumb is to treat the expiration dates on *any* liquid medication as real. That’s why I stock only powders, tablets, and capsules.
BTW, be wary of the USDA Organic label. Big Farm, Big Seed, and Big Agri Chemical are writing the “regulations” for the USDA and the USDA is extracting BIG payments from anyone that wants the “organic” label. The Family Farmer cannot afford the “organic” label these days as well as the corruption of the meaning of organic (certain chemicals and genetic mods done by companies in USDA favor are allowed). The USDA Organic label is nothing more than a marketing scheme on an uniformed populace yearning to be pure. :gag:
My brother was convinced that the snow tires he bought kept the snow away, some years ago. He shelled out big bucks for top-end tires because he was slated for a lot of driving for work… and then winter was a fizzle.
Meanwhile, my daughter and the other girl we take care of (who is from Shanghai, which gets little snow) and another friend from south China are all looking at our sleds and our hill and their snow suits and our absence of snow, and complaining about it. Poor babies.
That’s been the case since the beginning, hasn’t it? “Organic” in the US has always been a scam, in every aspect I’ve looked into. Bogus requirements, very expensive inspections and certifications, corruption top to bottom. A typical government program, in other words.
We get eggs about 8 months a year from an Amish farmer whose chickens are “organic” by ordinary understanding of the word rather than by bogus guidelines. These eggs are much better than the supermarket eggs, and worth the effort. We get “organic” milk from a local dairyman, which is better tasting than supermarket milk. Aside from that, I don’t care a bit about “organic” food.
This last summer the tomato plants were getting hit pretty hard by something on the foliage (not tomato horn worm). I would have left them alone but the wife freaked out. Bought something called Captain Jacks Organic Pest Control. Nicotine based I think. I actually was hoping to find BT. But the real kicker was Capt’ Jack was from Dow Chemical. Didn’t bother me a bit; would have given greenies the vapors.
@RBT and DadCooks,
Thanks for the info. Someone who found a vial in the bottom of a first aid kit might have gotten excited….
Oh well, still a whole bunch of suture kits, which as a reasonable person, I sincerely hope to never need. Esp without the benefit of lidocaine.
@dkreck – not to say everything Big Chemical makes is bad, just be a label reader. I have run across garden chemicals that have big bold print on the front that proclaims their “natural” ingredients. So sure enough they do contain things like nicotine, diatomaceous earth, and bacillus thuringiensis (BT), but the BIG but is they also contain chemicals with unpronounceable names. Today’s consumer wants instant long lasting results so they add the chemicals to give the consumer all that they want.
Yes, I have a well founded/studied bias against all the “Bigs”. So I’ll start a new tag line: “Fuck the Farmer”
WRT organic, on survivalistblog last year someone did a really nice article about the reality of how to raise food if you will starve without it. He advocated GMO seeds and roundup. He was very matter of fact and straightforward, and I think it was one of the better and more real articles MD has posted. But it was met with silence from the commentariat who is very strongly anti-monsanto and GMO. The plain truth is that farmers have been looking to minimize cost, maximize production for thousands of years. If you can still go to the store, you have the luxury of trying other methods. If you and your kids will starve without a successful crop, you better stack the deck in your favor.
BTW the author realized that it wasn’t a long term strategy. But he advocated it as a way to get thru the worst, and survive until you could add in the other longer term methods. I couldn’t find fault with anything he said, and frankly, almost the entire population is currently eating foods produced this way ANYWAY.
Someone else has pointed out repeatedly that all the organic label guarantees is that sh!t has touched your food at some point. If you’re cool with that….
In my area there is a pretty good sized population of German Mennonites, German Baptists, and some “Modern” Amish. They are the most popular vendors at the Farmers Markets around here, unfortunately the Farmers Markets are only open 8-months of the year. Most of these folks however will allow us regular “English” customers to come to their homesteads/farms to buy produce, eggs, milk, and meat (butchered on-site by USDA approved/inspected Mobile Butchers). The prices are high but the quality is outstanding and all the animals are treated humanely.
Well I’m not anti big chem or big farming. That’s in fact where most of my income is derived. After all this is the San Joaquin Valley. BTW the anti-Monsanto crazies are just that. Round-up is a pretty harmless stuff and most of the anti nutters don’t even understand the difference between pesticide and herbicide. Monsanto and Syngenta are merging and the Monsanto name will probably be used much less just because of the nuts.
It’s like Halliburton. Pavlovian response.
Bectel? Bectel? never heard of them, but Halliburton is involved and the devil is walking the earth.
So what is the longterm price outlook for almonds? I heard they are letting the trees die in the drought.
Curious tourista peeps oughta take a good long look at the ‘hoods behind the glitz down there or out in Lost Wages off the Strip. Our future.
Yay! That means whoever is elected will make sure the dice keep rolling Vegas. Screw prepping! The Mighty Trump ™ will probably build more casinos here and we’ll rename The Strip (Las Vegas Blvd) to Trump Avenue. Build a nuke plant to back up the dam for power and truck in aqua from the new Trump Vegas Desalination Plant in Kalifornia. Yay! No more prepping for me!
“Yay! No more prepping for me!”
Outstanding, kemosabe! You’ll be able to look down through your giant picture windows from that high-level condo and enjoy the entertainment! (of course you’ll still be doing VA paperwork…)
When I take over the country I’m ordering USAF to use the greater Lost Wages metropole as a bombing/strafing target for training purposes (I’ll alert the Atoz family in advance, of course) and Atlantic City for naval gunnery practice.
Almond prices are still good and should remain so. Many trees have been removed. Not unusual as they start declining after twenty years. Popularity of varieties change as well. And some have just gotten too pricey to irrigate. There are still huge orchards and thousands of acres remaining. There has been an over abundance of yield recently so knocking out trees for other crops might make sense. Water will be less of a problem this year but keep expecting the government to claim it is(never waste a good disaster). Saw tree spraying going on this last week. Bloom will start very soon and wet weather causes rot.
Buy lot of nuts. Citrus harvest has been strong right now. Cuties and Halos at only $5.99 a bag (sheeeeesh.. good marketing).
Someone else has pointed out repeatedly that all the organic label guarantees is that sh!t has touched your food at some point. If you’re cool with that….
Go watch “The Martian” movie and see how he farms on Mars.
All the almonds trees can die as far as I am concerned. I am allergic to almonds.
All the almonds trees can die as far as I am concerned. I am allergic to almonds.
So I guess the feelings are mutual.
OTH Wasabi/Soy are to die for.
Our only nuts up here are acorns and chestnuts, so fah as I know. I like cashews and soy nuts. And Skippy Creamy peanut buttuh.
Eh? You’re claiming that Bernie’s supporters are either acorns or chestnuts?
Bernie’s supporters are typical clueless SJW and Prog ass-hats, rich libturds, and his co-religionists, often consisting of all of the aforementioned categories in one person. And the usual hordes of moronic dupes who believe that he really can soak the rich and make things nice for the rest of us. And all those who see him as the only possible alternative to the rayciss fascist Chumpster.
For bonafide nut cases, we probably have our share, but nothing like the swarms of caged rats and hamsters in Megalopolis and major cities.