10:26 – It seems that the pushback in Germany has begun. With hordes of moslem scum making the streets unsafe for Germans, particularly women, German men have decided to do something about it. Vigilante groups are forming. One such group already has 8,000+ members on its Facebook page. Their attitude, with which I agree, is that if the authorities aren’t going to do anything to stop the muggings and rapes, they’ll just have to do something about it themselves. Meanwhile, the German government tells its citizens that they’ll just have to get used to higher crime rates, which is to say moslems mugging, raping, and killing them. The government has no right to abdicate its responsibility to protect its citizens and then tell those citizens that they aren’t allowed to protect themselves. I hope the vigilantes nail that treasonous bitch Angela Merkel as well. If she wants to commit suicide, fine. But she’s not entitled to take the rest of the country with her.
Simply put, islam is incompatible with Western Civilization. It is attempting to destroy everything that we value, so it’s only fitting that we eradicate it. Expelling all moslems from the US would be a good start, and they should be expelled regardless of their citizenship status.
11:02 – It’s been a while since my last weekly prepping post, mainly because we’ve been so busy closing on the house, getting stuff moved up here and organized, and so on. As I said last time, we’re in reasonably good shape now, so we’ll be making only incremental improvements in the coming weeks and months. Here’s what I did to prep this week:
- We got all our long-term storage food stacked and organized in the two downstairs bedroom closets. I’d been concerned because I thought I’d somehow lost a couple dozen #10 cans of relatively high-value Augason Farms stuff, things like powdered eggs, butter powder, and cheese blend powder. I’d looked for them up here and on the last trip down to Winston, and couldn’t find them. I finally found them yesterday in the unfinished area of the basement, stacked with cases of kit components. The powdered eggs will go in the upright freezer, along with as many cans of butter and cheese powder as I have room for.
- We’ve started cooking more from long-term storage food, trying out different recipes. This afternoon we’re making a batch of oatmeal cookies from LTS supplies. We couldn’t find our supply of molasses yesterday, so Barbara’s buying another bottle at Lowes this morning on her way back from the gym. (One tablespoon of molasses added to a cup of granulated white sugar yields a cup of brown sugar. Both white sugar and molasses have essentially unlimited shelf lives.)
So, what precisely did you do to prepare this week? Tell me about it in the comments.
As far as I’m concerned, your last paragraph should apply to liberals as well.
I remember somebody mentioning the Kickstarter for the Heirloom Chemistry Set a while back. For some odd reason it just popped into my head again. So, I checked to see if it ever materialized. It seems it did. It has a hefty price tag at around $1100, but I see that it include’s RBT‘s Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments: All Lab, No Lecture. I’m not a chemist or even much of a lab science hobbyist, but the thing is pretty darn tempting.
@RBT, are you moving the what have you done to prep to another day? Get tired of it?
No, I’ve not forgotten it. I’ve just been so damned busy. I’d intended to put another post up later today.
I will disagree with deporting all Muslims. I think we should offer every Muslim who thinks Sharia law is a good idea a one way ticket to someplace where Sharia law is practiced.
I think the US has enough Holocaust Deniers already. I think we should stop anyone who thinks the Holocaust didn’t happen from becoming a citizen or entering the United States.
Wall the whole fucking Middle East off. No one gets in and no one gets out. Horizontally drill to take their oil. Let them go on living in mud huts and killing each other. If they, as a people, had any desire for more liberty and more humane treatment they would have overthrown their oppressors and instilled it centuries ago. Fuck ’em.
Agreed with both RBT and Mr. Al; ship the buggers out and back to their shithole countries ASAP; ditto all the progs and SJWs who have been their apologists and sycophants.
Once the State deliberately abdicates their responsibility to protect us, it’s gloves off, and the State does not then get to tell us we can’t do that.
The other factor here is that the musloids THINK Western Civ is still Christian and we’re all Crusaders, but that is a false impression. We WERE Christian, and very large sectors of the populations still are, but it’s become secularized in the mainstream denominations and churches and cathedrals in Europe and over here go empty or sparsely attended these days.
Personally I don’t think we’ll be able to defeat the buggers in the long term until we recover that Christian cultural hegemony and the chances of that are kinda slim so far. The other thing to remember is that we’ve allowed a lot of rot from within, mainly thanks to the pernicious inroads the international socialists (commies) have made in the West’s cultural institutions since the 1930s. Hard to fight the barbarians climbing over your walls when those walls are being undermined from below by people within your castle.
Close just about all the foreign military installations and put our active-duty troops on our borders and coastlines and airspace and sea lanes. Limit our Guard troops to their own states for emergencies and SHTF scenarios. Chop the Pentagon budgets and the perfumed princes there. Build up local and state militia organizations in conjunction with Guard and Reserve units. Start doing realistic training for LEOs and weeding out the psychopaths and time-serving exam-study hacks.
And start getting serious about defending this country at home from unlimited massive immigration, saboteurs, and treasonous scum at all levels.
If not, let the chips fall where they may; it’s not like the ruling class is gonna do any of this, so laissez les bon temps rouler, mes amis.
I have decided for the short term to focus on two things that will matter whether we have a SHTF event or not. Those two things are the fact that I am fat and out of shape. Both of these things will matter in a SHTF scenario even more than they matter in a non-SHTF scenario. My being fat and out of shape isn’t a major issue yet, but it has gotten to the point where it is obvious that the trend is in the wrong direction, and health problems are on the way if I don’t do something. I’m not completely disregarding prepping activities. I’m putting my primary focus on eating healthier and exercising for the moment.
On the prepping front, since the bearded fat guy left a Pofung UV-82 under the tree and I already have the books, I am studying to take the licensing exams later this month. I am already prepared enough to pass the first test, and close to being able to pass the second test.
As one who can claim a couple of Muslim friends, I can wholeheartedly agree that ALL moslems (remember, the spelling separates the good from the bad). The problem is how do you separate the good from the bad. You cannot ask the sharia law question because it is not only permissible but required that a muslem lie to advance sharia and the caliphate. You would have to do a true vetting, but we seem to be unable to do that in today’s politically correct environment.
The Muslims I know came here from India and Bangladesh. They all had Q Clearances (Top Secret) and told stories how the FBI had gone back to their home country and verified their place of birth, all residences, all relatives, and all contacts. This thorough clearance check usually took at least 2 years and until it was complete they had very limited access and were “watched”.
So these folks should stay? But their children are suspect and there is at least one child that I would flag as suspicious (he did not assimilate). So here is the dilemma, do you just send the children back to the home country and break up the family thereby creating some anti-American sentiment or do you send back the whole family. Sorry, but the whole batch has to go back.
Like it or not, this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and ethics.
Ham sandwich check might be good enough.
Weeded and thinned the gardens. Finally getting some growth on the cabbage/collard greens type plants. Got a couple of tiny tomatoes, and some small sweet peppers. Carrots doing well this time. I’ve already got a couple the size of my pinky finger.
Radio- discovered that LED tape lights are blasting out RF in the HF range. Short term solution is turn them off when listening. SW DX has been poor. I’m working my way thru an old Air Force manual, Radio Receivers, from 1956. It has basic theory and because of it’s age, the tone and amount of detail are exactly what I’m looking for. The focus on tubes is a bit out of date but physics is physics. The simpler times make for simpler instruction. Which fits my simpler brain….
Spouse got a bit motivated. The neighborhood reported that one day last week, around midnight, 2 women were walking up and down our street checking car doors and trying to find something to steal. Someone caught them on video. Spouse told me to step up my game and get some better coverage cameras in place. Specifically she said “I want to be the one that when something like this happens I can hand the cops a file with the video of the crooks. I want video of everyone and every car that goes by.” Since we live on a cul de sac, no one but our neighbors should be driving by anyway. Co-incidentally I got some very expensive and VERY sophisticated surveillance cameras at a surplus auction last week, including thermal imaging. So now I’ve got a new project added to the pile
This incident raises a couple of interesting points. One, the crims are not what one would expect, ie. females working in a team. Two, more people are moving thru our neighborhood than in the past and that bears further consideration. Three, spouses will sometimes surprise you.
Video cams, with onboard analytics (means they can highlight movement, or entry into marked areas, or people, or vehicles) are becoming the tool of choice for perimeter security. The thermal cams I scored are specifically designed for this use. You can have them alarm on movement, high speed movement, vehicles, people, changes in a zone, or many other things. My trade mags have lots of articles appearing about using visible light, IR, or thermal cams for just this thing. Turns out that most conventional perimeter protection has very high false alarm rates. Using a camera lets you quickly see if there was a breach, or just a false alarm, so why not combine them? Many of the features are migrating down into very inexpensive cameras too. Motion detection is very common, and movement in excluded zones or line crossing detection is becoming more common. Cameras ARE high tech, but they leverage your manpower dramatically, and have great uses pre-collapse as well. Using them on your perimeter moves your awareness out further from your protected area.
Related, I’m learning about using ubiquiti Nanos to provide point to point wireless ethernet links, specifically to get video from a remote camera on a rural property back to a central location. They are a very powerful and relatively inexpensive tool.
Lots of real work this month. Busy busy. So prepping will be limited. Between the holidays and work I’ve let our day to day supplies be drawn down. This is really not the time to be less than normally ready. That needs a shopping trip to rectify post haste.
oh, fixed the starter on the truck, and used 5 gallons of storage gas. Gas was a year old, protected by sta-bil, and was fine.
Simply put, islam is incompatible with Western Civilization. It is attempting to destroy everything that we value, so it’s only fitting that we eradicate it. Expelling all moslems from the US would be a good start, and they should be expelled regardless of their citizenship status.
People forget that that the moslims have been a pain in our backside since the formation of the USA. Jefferson used the new US Marine Corps in response to the moslims in Africa pirating USA ships and taking the passengers for ransom.
I gave my former USMC son this book for Christmas, “Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates: The Forgotten War That Changed American History”:
“When Thomas Jefferson became president in 1801, America faced a crisis. The new nation was deeply in debt and needed its economy to grow quickly, but its merchant ships were under attack. Pirates from North Africa’s Barbary coast routinely captured American sailors and held them as slaves, demanding ransom and tribute payments far beyond what the new country could afford.”
“Few today remember these men and other heroes who inspired the Marine Corps hymn: “From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli, we fight our country’s battles in the air, on land and sea.””
BTW, the Marine Corps remembers.
“Like it or not, this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and ethics.”
And not only that, it has been a British Protestant nation, right from the very beginning. With a very large minority of Roman Catholics since the 19th-C. That’s changing now, of course. But the musloids and their cult of slavery and death are totally incompatible with the modern age, with Western Civ, and with our Judeo-Christian cultural heritage. Between the silence and assumed acquiescence of the “non-violent” majority and the danger of their lying, dissembling and being sleepers, they gotta go.
“Co-incidentally I got some very expensive and VERY sophisticated surveillance cameras at a surplus auction last week, including thermal imaging.”
“Related, I’m learning about using ubiquiti Nanos to provide point to point wireless ethernet links, specifically to get video from a remote camera on a rural property back to a central location. They are a very powerful and relatively inexpensive tool.”
Tell us more. I’ve got more solar-powered motion-detector floods to install around the perimeter, and at the instigation of the spouse up here! Looking at using RaspberryPI-enabled webcams and game cameras but researching any new tech that’s out there, esp. affordable night-vision stuff.
Prepping this past week has been scanty, thanks to post-holiday family stuff, not being paid on time, goings-on with the vets group, and too much regular grunt and scut work here at the house. Stacking firewood and building more firewood racks, for example. Putting plastic sheeting up on the screened back porch. And now I gotta pay a bunch of overdue bills and taxes and set up a budget for spouse to approve, get the Princess car fixed up with snow tires, wheel covers and the scheduled maintenance, and clean out the RAV4 and set up the go-bags for it along with the Sirius XM configs. Warmer weather allegedly enroute here so I also hope to get the rear perimeter fencing done finally, along with those motion-detector floods and cameras.
My main home security concern is the front of the house, which has all of maybe ten feet of porch, steps and grass between it and the street, which is the very same street that was here in 1830 when this was the only house on it and had a marsh in back of it. It was horse, cattle and carriage traffic then. It’s been a trial convincing the spouse about beefing up the front door, and likely to be even harder persuading her to similarly beef up the ground floor windows. I may just end up assembling ready-to-go kits for that stuff when things start getting sporty around here.
Also stepping up meatspace relationships with neighbors, townspeople, et. al., at the town hall meetings, parish, Legion post, gun range/club and when I get my ham licenses, the local ham radio club. Ditto with more veterans in the area.
Prepping this week:
After all the talk about syphoning gas out of “newer” vehicles, I bought a manual GasTapper on Amazon and tried it on my 2013 Tacoma. I had gas flowing in 5 minutes. Slow, but I got out a gallon in a container. I considered the 12V boxed “fume proof” model, but decided just more stuff to go wrong. I keep the GasTapper in a 4XL Ziplock.
After getting the gas out, I serviced and fired up the Honda 2K for the first time. It started after 4 pulls. I ran it for an hour, stopped and started it a couple times and then topped it off. I connected a Lasko ceramic heater to it via an extension and let it run till empty in “eco” mode. About 3 hours. I keep the Lasko in the kitchen for my Mom since it gets cold in there during the Vegas *Winter*. lol
“…since it gets cold in there during the Vegas *Winter*. lol”
It must be brutal; I don’t know how y’all stand it.
Temps hitting fotty here today and tomorrow and allegedly fifty on Sunday with wind gusts, rain and thunder.
A chance for ol’ OFD to get outside and work on some stuff again.
About 3 hours. I keep the Lasko in the kitchen for my Mom since it gets cold in there during the Vegas *Winter*.
Yep, that should be enough run time to cover the complete Vegas winter,
I may just end up assembling ready-to-go kits for that stuff when things start getting sporty around here.
So where are you going to bug out to? You are already in a bug out location.
Eh? Las Vegas?
OFD said “I may just end up assembling ready-to-go kits for that stuff when things start getting sporty around here. “.
Sorry. Thought that was MrAtoz
MrAtoz is going to bug out to Leavenworth, Kansas from Las Vegas. I cannot decide if it will be that much better than LV. I’m wondering if there will be a bunch of unpleasant people wandering around Leavenworth after an “event”.
My bug out place is my parents house in Port Lavaca, Texas, 106 miles away from my home in the Land of Sugar. We bugged out to it in September 2008 and did just fine. In fact, there were quite a few other people who bugged out to PL then (hurricane Ike). We rode out the hurricane and then left when we had no electricity for air conditioning.
And not only that, it has been a British Protestant nation, right from the very beginning.
Not really. Pennsylvania and some other areas had so many German settlers that they almost made English and German official languages of the US. Not sure of the religious mix of the Germans. Probably mostly Protestant.
“So where are you going to bug out to? You are already in a bug out location.”
Staying right here; I meant the KITS will be ready-to-go for the windows and front of the house if and when things get real sporty here. Not going anywhere, unless nuke Armageddon, at which point we’ll be heading for the northern Maritimes and Greenland.
“Not really. Pennsylvania and some other areas had so many German settlers that they almost made English and German official languages of the US. Not sure of the religious mix of the Germans. Probably mostly Protestant.”
I’m hip to how many Germans were here and the language thing; that faded quite a bit during and after the Great War and its worse sequel. And yes, the majority were/are Protestants. By British Protestant I meant the Founders and the founding culture, from the Mayflower Compact through the Bill of Rights and finally showing the door to actual Brit presence here in 1814. It is English language, law, and literature, and the continuation of the Cousins’ Wars, with which we still deal today in terms of various consequences. And it was the English Industrial Revolution which came over here around the same time and built this country up from a violent frontier to First Nation and superpower status. We did, however, steal some more Germans from Europe to help us with the rocket and nuke stuff, but unfortunately we also imported the Frankfurt School heresies that have made a mess of our education system here.
See the late Russell Kirk on this country as primarily British Protestant, but no need for anyone to be alarmed because that’s going away now, too, for better and worse.
I never cease to be amazed at how well OFD understands and explains issues. He should write a PA novel…
I cannot decide if it will be that much better than LV.
Well, there is the Federal prison and a State prison in the AO. There is plenty of water, farm land, trees, and of course, our house there. Still a lot better than Vegas. I need some kind of jack system to keep our supplies on, then just back the truck under it and boogie.
In the lol department: Obuttwad said Moochelle would want a gun if they lived out in the country, for protection. I guess she would feel safe taking a midnight stroll in south Chicago. Oh, wait, they’ll both somehow wrangle SS protection for them and their family forever.
I never cease to be amazed at how well OFD understands and explains issues. He should write a PA novel…
I never cease to be amazed at how well OFD understands and explains issues. He should write a Young Adult PA novel…
Fixed that for you. Young Adult apocalyptic novels are selling very well and being made into movies by the droves. “The Hunger Games”, “Maze Runner”, “Divergent”, “The 5th Wave”, “Monument 14”, etc.
“He should write a PA novel…”
He is writing one but very slowly; interruptions galore daily here. Hard to concentrate for long so it’s been coming along in dribs and drabs. Easy, though, to steal things from current events.
“Oh, wait, they’ll both somehow wrangle SS protection for them and their family forever.”
That’s a gimme; they get that anyway, like both Bushmen and Larry Klinton and Jimma. Reduced after a while, but still there, on our dime, when they could easily afford SCADS of security without our dimes and fiat currency dollars. Ah, it’s all just entries in an accounting database anyway, outside of actual metal. Moochelle wouldn’t last five minutes in south Chicago, South Central or South Boston, for that matter. They all know this stuff full well but still lecture us on our guns and seek relentlessly to disarm us. One wonders when and if their agents will be knocking on doors in those aforementioned ‘hoods and confiscating weapons, though.
“He should write a Young Adult PA novel…”
I’m writing something else for young adults and kids, nonfiction. It will be a surprise when (and if) it comes out. I’m stealing the idea from a Brit.
Harry Potter?
Apropos of YA novels: Crayons Down, Kids. It’s Hillary Story Time
These vainglorious picture-book renditions of the life story of an American machine politician give an illuminating glimpse into the mind-set of those who offer themselves as cogs in that machine. Like the Kim family’s posters in North Korea, they are so richly and inadvertently comic that only true believers or the very young and trusting could find them persuasive. Unfortunately, it is the very young for whom these works are intended.
(If the link above won’t allow you to view the entire article, google the headline.)
This weeks’ prep work: replaced the keyswitch on the almost new 7K/9K generator (got it barely used for $400, but the key didn’t work). New switch and keys only cost $9. Started right up (after I remembered to turn on the fuel valve and choke it). Not too noisy, about the same as my 4-stroke lawnmower.
Next on the list: install a manual transfer switch to some of the house circuits. In the meantime, got lots of heavy-duty power cords. Only need to power the fridge and freezer, plus the DirecTV/TV room (gotta keep myself entertained). Power outages here happen about 2-3 times a year, usually due to windstorms (lots of trees next to power lines here in the OlyPen).
Food/water supplies are OK for short term. And, of course, I have lots of FLASHLIGHTS (and batteries, along with two LED lanterns).
“Apropos of YA novels: Crayons Down, Kids. It’s Hillary Story Time”
Hahaha; hey it ain’t kids using the crayons anymore; it’s our nay-shun of infantilized adults with their cutesy wittle coloring books and having bromances with cartoon ponies. We need to burn and die here. It’s just too messed up to fix.
“Harry Potter?”
Nope, it’s nonfiction, having to do with history. Natch. The Brit guy was motivated by the same thing that has pissed me off here. He didn’t think he’d sell diddly and maybe only break even but it went bonkers.
“I have lots of FLASHLIGHTS…”
Thank goodness!!!
We have crazy wind gusts here and steady winds for days at a time, plus blizzards and ice storms and so far in the three-plus years we’ve lived in this house, no power outages, other than for a second or two, maybe a couple of times. Knock on wood, because Sunday we’re expecting wind and rain and thunder and temps in the low fifties. Which reminds me; anyone else here ever see “thundersnow?” Wife and I saw it one time through a blinding sideways blizzard at the airport when I was picking her up last winter; the sky was a violet/pink/yellow color and there was thunder and lightning all at once. Pretty wild. She’s also seen waterspouts, recently, out on the lake here.
Calling Algore…calling Algore…
Yo, somebody here say sumthin’ ’bout disarming the inner-city denizens or Moochelle walking around in south Chicago? Scary, but ol’ OFD and ol’ Fred must be working off the same dam playbook….
Currently thunder and lightning here, at 64 F.
Light smattering of rain, but I expect it will get ugly.
Oh well, I didn’t really need the Christmas decor dried out…
BTW, disconnected all the antennas. I’ve got lightning protection on the big multiband, but I haven’t made it for the others yet… (or bought)
I will def post about the thermal imaging if I can get the cams working. I’ll have to sell some, they will bring good money. This is one of those times when I get sidetracked from the buying and selling for money, by the “This would be perfect for me” impulse. I NEED to keep at least one, right? Even if it would be a multi-thousand dollar sale…. when will I ever get the chance to by homeland security grade thermal imagining for pennies? It’d be a CRIME not to keep some, right???????
Fred’s too soft on mooslems…
“It’d be a CRIME not to keep some, right???????”
Yo, this what I want right here:
No clue on the price, and vague about where to actually buy one. I’m sure it’s way outta my league until I win the lottery.
yep, that is a pretty nice looking scope.
This is very similar to what I got
and the only pricing I can find suggests that Uncle paid between $8500 and 13000 each depending on model, when new.
Regarding thunder snow: Yes have seen/heard it regularly, as recently as last month. When I lived in Illinois and Wisconsin during my first 23 years it happened at least once every Winter.
We have very reliable power here and a pretty good infrastructure. In 35+ years the longest outage was 45-minutes and caused by a squirrel in a substation. This caused a reevaluation of spacing and a complete refit in all substations. The vast majority of our lines are underground. What is above ground has heavier than required poles (as people who have run into them have found out) and spars. Any trees near the lines are kept pruned well away from the lines. The other two cities in the Tri-Cities have a far less reliability rate, a lot more above ground lines, and do not keep up with pruning.
I have lots of FLASHLIGHTS
You always need one more.
it’s our nay-shun of infantilized adults with their cutesy wittle coloring books
My daughter and her spouse have a few of these. They are very intricate designs and a far cry from the kid product. They are colored using art pencils, and seem to be a good way to relax and keep eye-hand coordination developed.
I did have to buy some kid’s coloring books for my mom. Got her a “Hello Kitty” and “Marvel Avengers” ones and some large crayons. It’s for her occupational therapy at her assisted living center.
BTW, had some large hail today at the house, some up to golf ball sized, most about dime size. Fortunately, it was over quickly and had low velocity, so the cars are OK.
but ol’ OFD and ol’ Fred must be working off the same dam playbook….
That was good. I don’t read Fred much, so I picked out his Allahu Akbar! article to read. I’m still laughing. Welcome to the Caliphate.
Actually, despite the chance of barbarian cultist hadjis swarming over the castle walls and commie sons of bitches undermining them beneath us, ya just haveta laugh; how would it work, really, a Caliphate over here? 330 million of us, the third largest country in the world, with half a billion to a billion firearms, millions of veterans (a percentage of them being experienced and trained combat vets, and a smaller but deadlier group being stone hardcore spec ops killers who think it’s fun to whack people all day and night), and a large percentage of the general pop being Anglo-Saxon and Celtic types that are slow to anger but mean as rattlers and stubborn as cornered badgers when pissed off.
Molon labe to this regime and come and get some to the hadjis, I say. Lock and load, amigos!
@Nick, hope you will keep us updated re the cameras. I have recently installed 2. One facing my driveway and the other focused on our entrance/porch area. Running via a windows pc on a separate monitor. (Another reason to have an extra monitor..)
Main reason is that a few years ago I moved my office/man cave/room of junk to the rear of the house. Since then I have felt a lack of awareness of my surroundings, as in what’s happening around the front side of the house. (we are also in a cul-de-sac and traffic is minimal), so I am hoping that this will do the trick.
This is a work in progress kind of project and I will be adding one or two more cameras in the future.
In other grim news, there is a bushfire 122K (75miles) south of Perth. Burning through 75,000ha (153,00 acres) and wiping out a small town (Yarloop). This was the result of a lightning strike during a brief thunderstorm after a day of 42C (107C). Good news is that so far, no loss of life has been reported. Unfortunately in most parts of Oz, this is the bushfire season.
Bushfire. There we are. Countries separated by a common language. Never heard that term. BRUSHfire or wildland fire. Forest fires require trees.
Anyway you call it they can be fast and destructive. Fortunately your population density is much less.
So the gastapper worked to get past the anti-siphon device in your Tahoe? And the verdict is, ‘slow but works?’ I’ve mentioned previously that having a siphon pump to refuel from cans to geni or vehicle is MUCH easier than lifting a can. If this thing works to siphon from vehicles and as a regular pump it would be a good thing (TM) to have.
@MrK, I’ll keep up to date on the cameras. If you are using IP based cams there are some really cheap NVRs (network video recorders) online. They look like an appleTV, and you provide a hard drive. I haven’t tried one (have big NVRs for my clients, and DVR with analog cams at home) but I’m thinking of getting a couple IP cams on one. There are also software NVRs for a spare pc.
never did get the storm last night. Little bit of rain, and the lightning stopped shortly after I pulled my antennas.
Nice sunny day for working outside today. So I better get to work.
Well, I haven’t gotten out yet, but speaking of cameras…
took 2 dlink cameras from a client. They had stopped working, and the customer wondered why and if I could incorporate them into their new system.
dcs-2332L cameras, wifi and wired connections.
One failed because the reset button came off the circuit board, and possibly some other internal issue.
The other, the power supply is sparking and catching on fire internally.
2 for 2 failures, one that could burn your house down.
Not gonna get on my recommended list.
So the gastapper worked to get past the anti-siphon device in your Tahoe?
Yes, Tacoma, actually. You feed in a guide tube down to the anti-syphon, then feed a smaller tube through it and past the device, blow in the tube to listen for bubbles to make sure you are in the gas. Hook up the transfer line and bulb, a couple of pumps, and it flowed. The anti-syphon has a cross beam, I guess. You feel around with the small tube until you push it through. I’ll try the Ford Focus next, maybe the Escalade.
So the German government welcomes foreign criminal scum with open arms, giving them money, homes, food, and support, while using water cannons on their OWN CITIZENS who are exercising their rights to assembly and speech. (Do germans have the right to free speech and assembly? I know there are more limits, but they at least have lip service to the ideas, don’t they?)
Ditto the French and English and Italian governments thus far. Our own rulers have been doing the same with Hispanics swarming across for decades and now they’re in the process of kicking it up a notch with more hadji “refugees,” because America. You know, the Statue of Liberty, how this country was built by our forefather immigrants, etc., etc. Got it?
They’ll bleed us white in taxes to pay for it all and then if we mouth off disrespectfully or in opposition, they’ll roll in with SWAT, freeze our bank accounts and credit cards, foreclose on our houses and turn them over to the scum, etc.
Big difference between here and Europe, though, and we’ve had it spelled out here many times before; 330 million of us with closing on a billion firearms. No matter what that piece of shit in the WH decrees with his “executive orders.” It will be worth LEO lives to enforce any of it and they know it. Send in troops? When half of them are Oathkeeper types and loath to disarm their own families, friends and neighbors? Good luck with that.
I think they’re more likely to use the boiling frog methodology anyway; keep screwing us out of our rights, our money and our guns incrementally, make it look “reasonable,” and peeps don’t even notice it anymore. By the time they do, it’s too late.
Re the demonstration in Cologne: According to the German news, it started as a flashmob, apparently from PEGIDA (an anti-immigration group) and similar folk. Hardly unexpected. There was a somewhat smaller opposing demonstration from left-leaning types.
Of course, it seems like any time there is a demonstration or a large public gathering, hooligans take advantage of it to have their fun. In this case, apparently around 450 neo-Nazi types joined the PEGIDA side and started attacking the police. That’s the point where the police shut it down.