Sunday, 29 November 2015

By on November 29th, 2015 in relocation

11:29 – We’re still busy packing stuff up. We head up to Sparta tomorrow to close on the house, and want to make sure we have everything we need to spend the night at the new house. Then it’s back down here Tuesday morning to do more packing to get ready for the moving truck to arrive Friday morning.

9 Comments and discussion on "Sunday, 29 November 2015"

  1. SteveF says:

    Good luck. Proper preparation mostly trumps luck, but avoiding bad uncontrollable events, at least, is not to be scorned.

    And remember to bring some ibuprofin.

  2. nick says:

    And a camera.


  3. nick says:

    Well, I had a chance to get the discone connected. It’s giving me about a 5db gain over the dual band I had up before, and I’m getting lots better coverage outside of the dual bander’s range, particularly air band, but also 800 and 900. Got the dual bander on one of my mobiles, since it’s not in the truck, might as well use it in the shack.

    Parts of Houston are supposed to go all digital on the first of Jan, so we’ll see what scanning looks like then.

    Saw some neat satellite download stuff while wandering around the net. I’m betting that even after the fall, there will still be weather sats active for a while. Being able to receive that might be useful. Kind of a wish list item, certainly not critical or priority.

    One thing I’m getting a bunch more of is harmonics from broadcast fm and TV stations. I might have to get a broadcast fm trap. Or it might be in the RTL.

    anyway, gotta get some ebay stuff together….


  4. SteveF says:

    Yesterday we discussed horse-humping and worse. (With the worse being Cankles-humping. Ick.) Well, boinking “people” outside of our species has a long pedigree. Proto-humans boinked Denisovans and Neanderthals. Denisovans apparently boinked some as-yet unknown species. No wonder modern humans have sex with horses; we obviously have a racial memory of inter-species sex, but there are no other remaining hominid species except for Michelle Obama, and she’s so repulsive that horses and dead goats look really good by comparison.

  5. lynn says:

    “A few short predictions for the 2016 election”

    1. “The Vice President will be Latino”

    “Both parties want to get the Latino vote. Rubio will be the Republican VP nominee. Not sure which Castro brother will be the Democratic nominee.”

    2. “Trump will form a third party”

    “He is getting bored and realizes he can not win even the Republican Nomination so he will get out of the Republican race claiming that the republican establishment has ganged up on him. He will form a third party with his only objective being to get in the national debates like Ross Perot. He will have a female VP candidate running with him. Not sure who.”

    3. “The Republican Nominee with be Romney”

    “None of the current candidates will a majority in the primaries. Thus, the nomination will go to the convention where Romney will be brokered by the establishment once the delegates are released.”

    4. “The Democratic Nominee will be Clinton”

    “Sanders is not really a challenge. She has the nomination sewed up. She could loose to Romney but with Trump running as a third party candidate, he will not get enough votes.”

    Wow. Cynical.

  6. lynn says:

    “Paris climate change talks: What the different groups attending expect from these crucial meetings”

    If I remember one previous rumormonger from a while back, our betters on Wall Street would love to setup a CO2 cap and trade program in order to trade carbon credits. Of course, they would be paid a small, very small, fee on each transaction. Not more than 15% of the transaction or so.

    Oh wait, if I also remember correctly, our chief global warming leader and internet founder, Al Gore, owns a company that is ready to trade CO2 credits today. What a coincidence!

  7. lynn says:

    We head up to Sparta tomorrow to close on the house, and want to make sure we have everything we need to spend the night at the new house.

    Good luck! Will your realtor take you on a final walk through before the closing? I’m sure that people leaving did not take anything else other than the $2,000 stove. “snark”

  8. Miles_Teg says:

    Lynn wrote:

    “Both parties want to get the Latino vote. Rubio will be the Republican VP nominee. Not sure which Castro brother will be the Democratic nominee.”

    Nah, the Castros are too right wing. How about Hugo Chávez?

    Oh, I forgot he’s dead. I guess that won’t bother the Democrats much.

  9. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    “Good luck! Will your realtor take you on a final walk through before the closing? I’m sure that people leaving did not take anything else other than the $2,000 stove. “snark””

    Oh, yeah. The listing and selling agents are both keeping an eye on the place to make sure the departing owners don’t trash it. We’re meeting our agent there a half hour before the closing to do a quick walk-through.

    I talked to our attorney. I told her that Barbara was still worried that the old owners wouldn’t show up for the closing. She said not to worry, that it was already a done deal because the old owners had already signed everything needed to finalize the transfer.

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