09:01 – Yesterday was Barbara’s last day of work at the law firm. As of today, she’s working for our own company. Now that she has control of her own time, she’s heading over to the gym this morning. This afternoon she’ll be doing science kit stuff, starting with filling a bunch of chemical bottles.
I called Amazon yesterday about the problems I was having with my Fire HD7. They’re sending out a replacement, which should arrive tomorrow, along with a return label for the old one.
Science kit sales are down. Not a single order so far this month.
I started work yesterday on the heirloom seed vault we’ll offer in the book. So far, we have maybe 2/3 of the final lineup, including high-nutrition and/or flavorful vegetables like beans, beets, carrots, corn, onions, peas, sweet pepper, tomatoes, and turnips. For herbs, we have basil, oregano, parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. We’ll be adding several herbs, including perhaps stevia (a no-calorie sweetener, although it’s hard to grow outside the far south), St. John’s wort (a natural anti-depressant), tobacco, and so on. We’ll also be adding peanuts and sunflowers as sources of oil, and perhaps poppy.
There’s a lot of work to be done. Obtaining suitable seeds is the least of it. We need to dry the seeds to 7% to 8% moisture before packaging them, and I need to write detailed instructions for planting, harvesting, preserving, and seed-saving.
The varieties included will be suitable to grow in temperate climates, including all of the continental US. Hawaii and particularly Alaska have issues all their own, but most or all of the varieties should do acceptably well in those two states as well. We’re also focusing on reliable varieties with reasonable disease resistance, which is to say ones that are easier for inexperienced gardeners to succeed with. The quantities included–at least 100 seeds of each variety, and often several thousand–are intended to be sufficient for a family of four to six people, with allowances made for newbie mistakes, crop failures, reduced germination rates after long storage, and so on.
One of the annoying things about a lot of similar products is that the packaging could almost intentionally be designed to encourage people to put them on the shelf and forget about them rather than actually plant some of the seeds to check viability. You open a #10 can and find a bunch of paper envelopes inside. There goes your seal.
We’ll use a foil-laminate Mylar bag as an outer container, which can be resealed with a hot clothes iron. We’ll use various sizes of plastic vials, tubes, and bottles to contain the individual seeds. We’ll encourage people to open the bag when they receive it and plant at least a few of each type of seed so that they can get some experience growing them. The package can then be resealed with a clothes iron and stuck in the freezer, where it’ll remain useful for many years to come. This is what we ourselves will be depending on if we’re reduced to growing our own food, so you can be sure we’ll be making this kit as reliable a source of food as we possibly can.
Our target price for this kit is $150, shipping included, although it may end up higher than that. We intend to begin shipping the first batch of these kits next month. If any of you regular readers/commenters want to order one or more of these kits, you can do so for $100 per kit if you place your order in the next few days. To do so, go to paypal.com, choose the option to send money, and transfer $100 for each kit you want to orders (at) thehomescientist (dot) com. Make sure to include your mailing address, either street address or PO box.
I am going to make comments about the seed kit, but keep in mind there from someone who hasn’t gone beyond thinking about gardening.
Have you thought about adding radishes to the kit? They grow in cool weather, which is something worth considering if you are trying to feed yourself from the garden. According to Wikipedia, there are lots of bugs that don’t like them, so they make a good companion crop, particularly for tomato and cucumber plants.
Speaking of cucumber plants, I noticed those weren’t on the list. I don’t really like pickles, but I’m sure I’ll have to get over that if the SHTF.
Also, I personally would want to include some of the milder hot peppers like Anaheim, New Mexico and maybe even Poblano.
I was thinking about starting a garden next year and trying to grow salsa, tomato sauce and pickles. Oops, I meant tomato and cucumber with a little onion, bell pepper and mild hot pepper for good measure. With possibly some herbs thrown in.
I was going to quibble about the suggestion of tobacco, but then I remembered one of the the things Jerry Baker adds chewing tobacco juice to something he sprays on plants, so it may be good as a natural pesticide.
Are you going to include in the instructions which are good companions? Which can’t be near each other, etc? Help with layout, any ‘layering’ techniques? (when in china I saw every available bit of dirt being farmed in at least 3 layers, ground, taller plants, supported or canopy plants) and by every bit, that includes freeway median, and onramp spaces.
It’s a pretty big topic, and a Users Guide to the seed vault would probably be a book in it’s own right.
I should be good for a pre-sale, if I can move a few things that are ‘surplus to needs.’ I’d be growing from it, not saving it for later….and the Houston climate should be pretty extreme. Space is limited as detailed elsewhere though.
Yes, I’m considering other plants. I’m currently at ten vegetables/legumes (counting sunflower as a vegetable, for its oil and meal) and ten herbs, counting tobacco and poppy as both an herb and an oil source. I’ll probably end up at a dozen+ of each.
Certainly, the guide will cover companion planting, but as you say it would have to be a full book to cover everything you mention.
if you object to including tobacco on moral grounds, I support your willingness to make decisions based on your beliefs, BUT I’m afraid that in a serious SHTF scenario, and let’s face it, a seed vault is for rebuilding society or living thru a real collapse, beliefs like that are a luxury that will probably effect your survivability…
Everyone needs a firm base to stand on, especially when the world turns upside down, but survivors need flexibility too. Strict vegetarians will not last long. Nor will those unwilling to defend themselves with force, esp deadly force.
Everyone should spend a little time thinking about limits. What they MUST NOT do. What they WILL NOT ALLOW. And then think of the Donner party, or the Andes plane crash, where one of the biggest taboos was broken. It’s part of self defense training to examine some issues like this. Will you kill to defend your home? Will you kill to defend your children? Will you kill to avoid being hurt, raped, or humiliated? Which lines will you not cross? One example is to vow you will never allow an attacker to restrain you, or to move you to a secondary location. Now, how will those things change if the world changes?
Will you kill to defend the only food your family has? Would you eat a family pet? Will you help others at risk to yourself and your family? Would you use all your medical supplies treating a wounded stranger? Would you use all your medical supplies on a hopeless case, just to TRY? What if it is your child?
It is easy to get into very tough questions, and very disturbing scenarios, very quickly. Survival is a serious business and deserves some serious thought.
Maybe today isn’t the day, but someday, think about how many of our cherished beliefs about who we are and what we are capable of doing only make sense when embedded in the current world of abundance and (mostly) rule of law.
I will also mention that Jonathan Sturm has a partially complete online book on organic gardening. He even wrote a dead tree book on organic gardening, but that is out of print and the publisher wasn’t answering mail a decade ago. Someone should persuade him to finish the online book and make it available as a PDF, Kindle or CreateSpace title.
Note: I am looking at organic gardening, not because I object to the use of agricultural chemicals, but because of the lack of availability of said chemicals in a survival situation.
Drop everything, this is the White House’s latest priority:
(I suggest the alley)
Now that we have spent all the time necessary worrying about where the LGBT community can pee, let’s get back to the Middle East:
IMHO, that Russian (and let’s not forget the Chinese aircraft carrier) military buildup is not so much to keep Bashar al-Assad in power, but to prevent Israel from taking care of business with Iran.
I think the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (http://thebulletin.org/) needs to wake up and move the Doomsday Clock to 23:59:59.
Keep your powder dry and watch the prevailing winds.
My argument against tobacco is more a why grow something nobody in my family uses when I could grow something that at least some of us like than a moral objection. Although I do have moral objections as well. My maternal grandfather died of emphysema when I was five years old, and I wouldn’t be surprised if his lifetime of smoking unfiltered cigarettes had something to do with that.
Dave: Note: I am looking at organic gardening, not because I object to the use of agricultural chemicals, but because of the lack of availability of said chemicals in a survival situation.
That is why having chickens is a good idea: food, fertilizer, insect eaters, alarm clock… They also do a good job of keeping the topsoil lose with their scratching. The problem is though that they tend to eat seedings
Regarding tobacco, it has medicinal and antiseptic properties as well as a medium for trade.
You have mentioned that you sell stuff on E-bay. Would you be willing to share your EBay id here or email it to me at dave@ the domain name of my web site?
I’d actually consider the idea of keeping chickens if I didn’t think the home owners association would object. Maybe it is time to sell our house in small town suburbia and move to slightly more rural surroundings?
The three macronutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK). Ammonium nitrate is cheap in 50-pound bags, but you can avoid the need by planting beans and other legumes with an inoculum of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. That’s sustainable, because you can plant beans or whatever with inoculum over your whole field, and those bacteria (a) are persistent and (b) fix much more nitrogen than the current crop requires. The PK part can be largely addressed by keeping a compost heap of grass clippings, fallen leaves, and other plant matter, but it’s not a bad idea to keep a few bags of superphosphate fertilizer as well.
Yes, moving to a less densely-populated area is a good idea if your situation allows.
Just don’t move to the middle of nowhere, which is actually riskier than a small town.
Re: chickens, I KNOW my homeowners association would object, and yet, I hear chickens when I’m in the yard so someone is willing to risk it. This is very new in my 40 yo neighborhood. Lots of other neighborhoods in Houston allow it. My wife has already mentioned that she is interested in chickens. (VERY big step for her) I’m not sure I have room, but something could be swapped around I’m sure. The kids’ play structure could be removed or repurposed, although I’d hate to do it. I’ve got a feeling that if times get too tough, the ‘no chickens’ rule would fall aside. (and the kids would lose the playstructure, something I’m not willing to do in ordinary times.)
@dave, yep tobacco use killed or at least shortened the life of several members of my family too, but it is an awesome trade crop and grows in the south. If coffee bushes or coacao grew here, those would be good crops too. ‘Course if they were easy to grow here, there probably wouldn’t be much demand post SHTF. I don’t see much need to grow mari ja whana (trying to avoid keywords) here for that reason. Lots of ditch weed, and private cultivation going on. I will note that it’s probably a lot less resource or time intensive than setting up to brew alcohol, another time honored trade good.
Interesting side note, from the BBC historical farm series which I continue to watch and find value in. In the Tudor Monastery Farm period, the farms were supposed to provide food and drink for their workers. IIRC, it was 2 pounds of bread, and a gallon of ale /day/each. The water was unsafe, so you drank ale. All day long, every day. Making the ale and bread was a big part of daily life.
also @dave, thanks for giving me the opening to talk about those issues. Some of them came up during my ongoing ‘police awareness’ class this week. The topics were self and home defense, and civilian response to active shooters. The instructor’s main point was that you have to make some decisions ahead of time in order to react properly during the bad time. You have to decide that you will act, that your life is worth defending, that the lives of others are/aren’t worth it, that you will fight instead of waiting to die, etc. The world changes, and sometimes old established ways of thinking are no longer helpful.
I do sell on ebay, and locally on craigslist. It’s a great way to supplement any other income and can become a full replacement for a traditional income. I am not a high volume seller. I sell a weird mix of high value/high tech and low cost stuff (like microscopes and car chargers, industrial PLCs and collectibles.) I have a LOT more stuff piled up than I have listed. I have some small concerns about linking this persona to my other online persona, which has many easily discoverable links to my physical life. Many of the folks on here use (or used) real names, and while I’m not worried about .gov lists, or someone exploiting the info I post in comments here, this is a very public medium. I’m occasionally shocked when I google something and find that one of my comments is in the first page of results (happened last week on another forum.) If .gov ever got serious about confiscating gold guns or food, you can be certain that they would go for the low hanging fruit first. I consider anything easily searchable to be low hanging. There will be plenty of willing stooges looking to dime a neighbor when they get caught out too.
So, that said, is there anything specific you are looking for? Several times I almost posted links to stuff I thought might interest members of the group. Can I offer you a good deal on a nice used colman stove or lantern?
(note on persona- it’s just me with a different name. If anything I’m a little more polite and considerate than I am IRL. Anyone truly dedicated could probably ID me IRL based on previous posts, but I still like a LITTLE deniability.)
My better half has displayed a good bit of humor with regard to my current prepping activities. I think that moving would be pushing her just a bit too far. I saw one property that I liked, but it was at or over the high point of our price range. Although it did have more land and a nice in ground water storage reservoir.
I knew anonymity was completely gone back when I was still using Northern Lights because Google hadn’t been invented yet. If anyone wants to find you, they’ll find you. But you already knew that.
Understood about the real life persona thing. When I posted here I used to give out more information than I do now. From my previous comments, Chuck W. could have figured out exactly where I am. Although I think he is the only one of Bob’s readers who could figure that out.
@Nick when you wrote “2 pounds of bread….. /day/each” my first reaction was “that can’t be right, too much”. So I typed “2 pounds whole wheat bread” into Wolfram/Alpha. Yep, 2 lbs of bread a day is about right calorie wise. It also provides plenty of protein, vitamins and minerals. Supplement that with vegetables and a small amount of meat and the average human could survive. I think modern eating (high calorie density, processed carbs, lots of fat and meat) have skewed my thinking about food amounts.
I’ve been reading here since before the days of RBT changing to Linux. From the Daynotes days when Tom Syroid was posting. (What happened to him?) I have a fair idea of where the folks in the Houston area are living. Not “drive up to the house” close but I could probably figure it out it out. OFD on the other hand …
Me? I’m four miles from the HEB in Burnet. My website has enough info if someone is looking for me. I’m not worried. UPS and FedEx have to be re-trained with every new driver.
That gallon of ale/beer also had a significant amount of grain in it. Not much alcohol, though, which is where the terms small ale and small beer came from. The goals of brewing back then weren’t really to produce alcohol. They were to make the water safe to drink and also to provide nutrition. Medieval small beers were often closer to gruel than to what we’d think of as beer.
You’ve been around here for more than a decade, then. I converted my servers to Linux back in about 1998, and finally went full Linux for all desktops in 2004.
Another priority for the White House:
Fox News talked to a girl who was in the next classroom. One student went to see what was happening and was promptly shot in the stomach and arm. Went back to tell the others. Caller said they then locked the door and turned out the lights to cower as they waited to die.
BTW, this Community College is a gun free zone.
@JLP, It seemed like a lot to me too, but consider that they are working hard, 16 hours a day, it’s probably not even enough. No fat people outside clergy and royals in the old days….
@RBT, yep, not trying for anonymity, just separation. I’ve found that there is a bit of the ‘reputation economy’ that some authors have proposed at work IRL. I find it very helpful to have consistent ‘reputation’ online both for personal and business reasons. I did a deal IRL that had both me and the buyer a bit cautious, until we figured out that we both posted to the same special interest forum. Once we were able to do some quick searches and establish bona fides, we were both confident in the sale, and our safety.
Knowing something about your counterparty’s history and community helps a lot. You can still get burned, but that happens without the net component too. My neighbor hired a builder with an excellent and long history. Unfortunately, this was his last project and he didn’t care if he burned down his reputation. He subsequently cheated, stole, and generally abused everyone involved, then vanished in the night.
On several occasions, I was able to find out much more about a potential buyer’s community and do deals that were not recommended with total anonymous strangers.
Even on craigslist, I sometimes give local buyers my ebay info so they can check my seller rating. There’s no recourse, but it is another way to establish that you are someone good to do business with (assuming your online presence supports that) And especially on craigslist, you want some initial distance from your real life identity. Once you’ve established the buyer’s seriousness, and something of their identity, then you can proceed. As an example of NOT doing this, I sold something yesterday to a woman that has her real and full name as her email address. Once she replied to me, I had her IRL address, streetview of her house, phone number, etc. On the other hand, because she is a neighbor, I offered a money back guarantee, something I don’t usually do on CL.
So I’m hoping that all my activities online as Nick Flandrey build a consistent reputation, that is a positive for me, while my purely personal and merchant persona builds another. One downside to this is if you initially chose unwisely. Many of us from the early days of the internet have built significant history and personas around names that look a bit silly now or we did all of our activity under one name. While that was initially helpful, I think it is a bit of a burden now (sexylady123 I’m thinking of you.)
One of the real difficulties in a post SHTF world will be balancing the need to be known with the need for anonymity. And IFF or Identify Friend of Foe will be very hard. This is more of an issue in other online communities (3per, patriot, etc) than for preppers, but is still an issue.
BTW, @RBT, I’m not sure when I started reading your site at least weekly, then daily, but it was before your “independence day.” I never read comments, because at most sites they are VERY low information vs noise. Once I realized there were some sites with real community and useful comments, I found that one of those was here.
“Not “drive up to the house” close but I could probably figure it out it out. OFD on the other hand …”
I’m very easily found, a trivial exercise. We’re all of us long since “made” and if the Almighty State wants us for whatever reason or no reason at all, they’ll find us and pick us up accordingly. But it’s good to at least make them work for other stuff, and also to make it as hard as possible for ID thieves and criminal scum.
“… they then locked the door and turned out the lights to cower as they waited to die.”
Fuck that. Ride to the sound of the guns, baby! But bring one with ya! Another story going out is that vets were on campus and wanted to leave their classrooms to intervene but staff allegedly wouldn’t let them go. I’d like to see the college staff person who could stop me. Maybe two or three tackles and tight ends from the NFL or a Seal operator. And they’d get hurt, I guarantee it.
This “gun-free zone” shit is for the birds; some other college had some of its imbecile profs walking around with signs and suchlike, I think it was in the Great Lone Star State today, saying how scared they are, allegedly, of allowing guns in their classrooms. How ironic. Maybe if there’d been somebody CCW in Oregon more of those victims would be alive and/or unhurt right now. Cops took at least five minutes to respond.
Fox News has confirmed that the gunman asked people to stand up and state their religion and then they were shot.
Aw fuck, I thought that link was to something old.
This was the subject of my weekly community/cop night this week.
Please see my earlier comments regarding current doctrine for civilians in active shooter situations, and this link, posted previously.
The cop priorities:
Stop the killing.
Stop the dying.
Potential victim:
Get away
Deny attacker access to you and others
Note that they consider defense to be the last option, and only the responsibility of those under attack. If you can get away, and take others away with you, that is first.
Many of us would move to attack the attacker. They won’t enshrine that in doctrine, but they are aware of it.
did he shoot them all regardless or only one sect?
@nick, it was not specified what the right answer was.
Which normally means “Islam” or die.
Nick, I’m looking for a Kindle3 or not much later version. eInk screen is a must, lack of touch screen is preferred. Not currently looking for a Coleman gas lantern or any dead man’s clothes or whatever you buy at estate sales, but I’ll let you know if that changes.
After having a K3 for something over four years with not a scratch on it, I dropped mine a few weeks ago, through sheer clumsiness, onto a tile floor. The screen was damaged but usable. (Yes, there was a protective case, but it flopped open and due to the butter-side-down rule did no good at all.) Then a couple nights ago my backpack split open and the poor old Kindle took a header again and now the screen’s not much good any more. Poor, poor Kindle. I’ve been looking around but replacements are hard to come by and not one of the alleged sellers has replied to my emails. Poor, poor Steve.
So sad about the OR shooting. Libturds are going wild calling for the banning of all guns (except for their body guards, of course). Morons. Think how the outcome would have changed if a couple of CCW were in each room. Obola, Cankles and polit-turds will try to push some kind of gun whatever and fail. Bodies not even cold, blood not dried yet they want to politicize it. I hope Cankles has a stroke over this. Obola, too, as he drops his pants to let Putin put it in again and again.
A chemistry set on Kickstarter. Any comments, Dr. Bob.
There have been a few chemistry sets pop up on Kickstarter. IIRC, one was a functional duplicate of the deluxe Gilbert set from the 60s. A nice wooden case seems to be one of the common features to these sets. The Gilbert was in a metal case. Or at least mine was.
I see where Experian has hacked. You know, the place that keeps your SSN, driver’s license, addresses, accounts, balances and credit scores. Lots of sensitive data. They are going to offer two years of their credit protection if you were a victim. Would you really trust them. The government should fine them, a lot, as in a few dozen billion.
Humans. The Orcs of space.
I’ve been in similar situations, where someone claiming to have authority told me “you can’t go through this door” or whatever. Once was when some security/safety douchenozzle was conducting some kind of bogus drill when I was responding to a real emergency. The only reason he didn’t have tire tracks down his back was that I was on foot. (He pitched a screaming tantrum and managed to track down who had defied his authority, not a difficult task, and filed a report with my manager. She attempted to read me the riot act and I told her again that I’d been responding to a real emergency and did she really want a lawsuit because I was held up by some pipsqueak who thought he had power? The conversation kind of went downhill from there. I was not unhappy to leave that contract.)
I have several kindles that might fit the bill. I’ll look thru the stack later after the kids are in bed.
“was conducting some kind of bogus drill when I was responding to a real emergency. ”
Aren’t you supposed to have some sort of safe word? When our local CERT does mass casualty drills, the word ‘cactus’ is used to let any participants know that you have a real issue to deal with, outside the exercise. And we did in that an older woman felt faint and had to be really treated by EMS. Doesn’t really surprise me that there were issues…
Re: kindle, do you need one with the cellular whispernet built in, or is wifi only, ad supported ok? I like the old ones but they are getting rare.
If you are a ham radio operator you might already know this if not, here’s a cut and paste from the ARRL newsletter, interesting to the group as proof of the seriousness of CME events. MARS is the Military Auxiliary Radio System, and is composed of amateurs who are trained and authorized to work on military frequencies, in a supporting role.
re safewords: hahahaha. No, at this joint, the safety/security group had a strong manager, so they ran roughshod. They made the rules, and things like others’ convenience or productivity or safety were not as important as waving their little peepees and having everyone tell them what an important job they were doing. Disrupting normal operations? We don’t care! It’s for YOUR safety! It’s for the security of THE NATION!!! Several long-timers at that place told me they were shocked that I wasn’t immediately sacked for not bowing at tugging my forelock at their slightest whim.
(I suspect the reason was, I carried the team. I did at least as much productive coding as the other seven put together. If my manager and her boss wanted the product to be done not too much later than promised, she couldn’t get rid of me. I’m a prickly SOB and make no effort to fit in, say the proper shibboleths, or put up with BS from liars, slackers, or bozos. Good thing I’m so good at what I do or I’d have trouble making a living.)
re Kindle, wi-fi is fine. In fact, I don’t have a cell phone account with Verizon or whoever, so the cellular version probably wouldn’t do me any good. Ad-supported version is not a problem; all else being equal I’d rather not have the ad version, but I probably won’t burst into tears over it. (If seeing the ads does make me burst into tears, I’ll make sure my daughter gets it on video and I’ll show her how to put it on YouTube for everyone’s amusement.)
I can be reached at steven dot furlong at gmail dot com to arrange payment and such. I could pay through your ebay account, but it hardly seems fair for them to get a commission when they didn’t do anything. Thanks.
No hops?
I’m charging a D00901 in grey. I’ll check to see that it’s working. I’ve got two, but one seems to have trouble charging (the connector is loose). I’ve got a Kindle Touch D01200 that is nice but has a scratch right in the middle of the screen. It’s not visible when reading, only when looking at an angle. I’ve also got at least one extra paperwhite.
So sad about the OR shooting. Libturds are going wild calling for the banning of all guns (except for their body guards, of course). Morons. Think how the outcome would have changed if a couple of CCW were in each room.
Also, lets bring back crucification for the shooters. Worked for the Romans and Muslims, would still work for us. I would gladly pound the nails in the wrists and ankles of the scumbag who shot my brother-in-law in the back.
Humans. The Orcs of space.
Oh my! That is along the lines of one of my favorite scifi short stories, “With Friends Like These” by Alan Dean Foster. You can read the story at
“Yes, that’s about how the Veen took it. So they decided to cut the Terrans down to where they would no longer be even an indirect threat.”
“Seems they did,” said Alo, gazing up at the gold-flecked Shield sky.
The Professor spared a glance the same way. “Yes, it would seem so.” He stared off in the direction of the commander’s post where a force-lift was depositing a ground car. “But it’s enlightening to keep one other little thing in mind.”
“Which is?” said Alo belligerently.
“There are no more Veen.”
The book is at:
The ending is awesome:
Following, the planet began to move after the Tpin.
On board the cruiser it was very quiet.
“I see,” whispered Rappan idly, “that they are bringing their moon along also.”
“You get accustomed to something like that,” breathed an engineer. “A moon, I mean.”
Ah, that was a good one. Alan Dean Foster sure loves him some winged insect aliens…
And oh my, the guy could write. That is one author who takes Larry Correia’s “Authors get PAID” mantra to heart. Thanks for linking that.
Humans are terrifyingly dangerous to all other life on earth and the solar system, and to each other. But the guy who put that list of stuff together forgot to mention the most terrifying of the terrifying humans, and Mr. RBT and I know full well who they are, don’t we, Mr. RBT?
Which is why it’s so dismaying to see the de-balled captives of the U.K. and former U.K. colonies. And here, as well. WTF?
Mr. RBT says that at some point the most terrifying of the terrifying will have had enough and will finally cut loose; I sure hope and pray he’s right ’cause time is growing short and I sure don’t wanna wait till I really AM too old and sick to get my licks in.
“Bodies not even cold, blood not dried yet they want to politicize it.”
These shameless and obscene pieces of shit wave the bloody flag after every shooting and keep screaming the same old tune about “gun violence” and “gun control,” while ignoring the host of facts that truly illustrate the problems. If I wasn’t a Christian, I’d hope they rot in Hell.
The “authorities” have identified the shooter and gee what a surprise, a 26-year-old loser living at home with Mom and Dad and allegedly on anti-depressants and sleep aids, while posting all kinds of weird-ass shit on his FaceCrack account. Gee, how can they spin this to make him a psycho right-wing rayciss white boy; comb the net for pics of him in front of Confederate or Nazi flags (same thing, ya know!) or his fan emails to other serial killers…?
Some good points made here:
Yes, moving to a less densely-populated area is a good idea if your situation allows.
Just don’t move to the middle of nowhere, which is actually riskier than a small town.
Yup, MZBs in the rural areas are bad news. They can encircle a house and shoot through the walls. Then when the inhabitants stumble out or are dead, they can loot the house at will and then torch it for fun. Need to have someone watch your back at times. Credit, “Lights Out” by David Crawford for bringing that painfully aware to me.
MZBs = Mutant Zombie Bikers
and she quotes FerFal, which is the primary source.
Fails to mention Zimbabwe, but that is an object lesson about what happens to isolated families that have stuff someone wants. Out in the woods no one can hear you scream.
johnny cash has an account of a harrowing attack on his property in cosa rica in one of his books.
The rampant terrorism in Zimbabwe has been enabled and encouraged by the mad-dog piece of shit Mugabe and his minions, targeting white farmers mercilessly, taking their prime farm and ranch land for themselves, and of course, within a few seasons it’s become useless wasteland.
A community in a rural or semi-rural area should be militarily defended by its trained residents working in teams, so when a bunch of MZB’s show up, they get shot to pieces immediately. That’s where intel and commo become hugely important; nighttime sneak attacks suck big-time. And knowing that there are groups of hostile attackers rampaging toward one’s AO is paramount for any kind of decent and active defense-in-place.
I’d have snipers picking them off along their route and then I’d funnel them into a spiffy little ambush, blow ’em all away and string up the corpses along the roadsides on the AO borders.
Of course Mr. SteveF would say I’m too lenient and call me an ol’ softy…
Mr. RBT says that at some point the most terrifying of the terrifying will have had enough and will finally cut loose;
Let’s not forget the Celts. i.e., the Scots and Irish, of which there are not a few in the U. S. of A.
It’s hard to know how you’ll react in the moment, at least for those of us who haven’t seen combat. Still, I would have thought any vet would have gone after the shooter. A team of 2-3 determined people can take out a lone shooter even without guns of their own. Remember the train incident from a few weeks ago.
Still, allowing concealed carry only makes sense. The bad guys are going to ignore the “gun free zone” anyway. At least let the good guys be armed.
Yah, but if you want to score political points you have to strike while the iron’s hot, or at least not cold. I briefly commented on it last night.
There’s some question about whether or not the guy was a “conservative Republican” or if that profile page was a hoax. 4chan is reportedly involved in some of the noise.
He did have a MySpace friend with an “interesting” site. The friend’s site was sanitized late yesterday, so here’s a video someone made to preserve some of the “interesting” parts.
Nick, I’m not too fussy about Kindles. I want eInk so I can use it outside when the daystar is shining, but that’s the only real constraint. Thanks again.
Not too much mention of the Oregon shooters race. I wonder why? Must not be 100% WHITE! Remember how the MSM tried to make Zimmerman 100% WHITE? He’s a conservative Redumblican! Right!
From the photo in this article I am going to profile as Aryan Nation:
“…profile as Aryan Nation…”
Naw. Unless there are SS and skull tatts. He’s a typical loner psychopath on prescription dope living at home with his parents; by 26 I’d done seven years for Uncle in both AF and Army and been working as a street cop on night shifts with some college courses under my belt through the G.I. Bill. Lived on my own since I was 21, after my active-duty discharge, and hadn’t lived at home since I was 17.
These geeks ain’t like us.
Apropos of nothing: Have I missed any news on Mr. Chuck? Any reply from the radio station?
I’ve heard nothing from anyone.
I kind of feel silly asking this, but does anyone remember which automated radio station was the one Chuck talked about? I think I listened once, but I was a little too far from the radio station or a little to close to a station on a nearby frequency.
The link I put here a short while ago was for that radio station and listed him as part of it, with an old picture of him.