Day: August 24, 2015

Monday, 24 August 2015

07:35 – Stock markets around the world are crashing as they open this morning. European markets had lost a quarter of a trillion dollars in nominal value by lunchtime. Wall Street isn’t likely to be an exception. This looks to be more than just profit-taking.

The morning paper has an article about a new group in Charlotte that’s protesting police shootings. It’s called True Healing Under God and goes by T.H.U.G. I am not making this up.

Barbara goes back to work this morning. Her last day at the firm is in five weeks. I’ll be glad to have her working at home with me.

12:32 – Someone emailed me to ask if I would be willing to send him part of the book that covers getting started. That sounds like a good idea to me, so I’ll throw that open to my other readers. If you’d like a PDF copy of Chapter 1, email me at thompson (at) ttgnet (dot) com with the subject line “book sample”. I’ll send you the PDF that I just sent him.

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